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Q1 Reflections:

Complete the following table summarizing the activities you have completed this
quimester. Tick which category each activity contained. One activity may involve
more than one category or indeed all three (CAS). For guidance on reflections go to
CAS blog, introduction, reflections.

CAS Experiences

Soccer lessons
Community Service project
Guitar lessons


of total

---- 4

Total hours this

Why did you choose these experiences this quimester?


I wanted to play the guitar since I always had an interest in playing it but
also expressing my feelings throughout it.
I wanted to play soccer since I wanted to play the sport better but also be
a good leader and do a really interesting physical activities.

How did these experiences reflect your personal ideas and values?
Because they can express my ideas and values since I have personal
values in helping the homeless and also elderly people.
I also had ideas that I could be a a good leader and soccer player but also
a good guitar player and a good vocalist.

In what ways were you challenged to think differently about yourself or others?
I was challenged and the CSP made me think different about the situation
that homeless people are in but also the good situation that I am currently
in, and every activity in the CSP made me reflect about this.

Do you think you have experienced a balance of each strand of CAS (creativity,
activity, service) or do you need to focus more on one next quimester?
Yes, I have reached a balance in each stand of the CAS program.

Describe using specific examples some feelings that you had during your CAS
When I was with an elderly and he told me a story about his life and I felt
so deep into it.
When I was playing soccer and I felt so good because I was getting better
but also because I played very good in that match.

Describe using specific examples a few challenges you faced?

When Manuel was choosing the team players and I was challenged with all
my partners. But in the end I was chosen.

How did you feel about the challenges you faced?

I mainly felt stressed because I thought that I was not going to be chosen.

What happened to prompt the feelings you described in the previous question?
Choosing me as a lead player.

What choices might have resulted in different feelings and outcomes?

If Manuel didnt choose me I wouldve felt sad and with lower expectations.

How will you proceed next quimester? Which activities will you continue with? Why?
Which will you not continue with? Why? Are there any areas of growth you wish to
focus on next quimester?
Same as in this Quimester, focused, with a good enthusiasm but mainly with a good
Same activites, because I already started them and I want to achieve my goals.
Playing harder songs in the guitar, being the team capitain.

Continue on another page if needed.

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