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Lesson Eighteen: Constant Surface Speed G96

Constant Surface Speed G96

Constant surface speed is a great feature. It makes programming spindle speed easy (in
sfm), it improves workpiece finish, and it maximizes tool life.
Eliminating spindle dead time when using constant surface speed
For as good a feature as constant surface speed is, it can be a real cycle time waster if no
concern is given to its use and programming. Many programmers are taught in basic
courses to format their turning center programs in a manner something like this.
O0001 (Example for constant surface speed)
N005 T0101 (Index turret to rough face and turn tool)
N010 G96 S600 M03 (Start spindle at 600 sfm)
N015 G00 X1.35 Z0.005 M08 (Rapid to approach position, turn on coolant)
N020 G01 X-0.06 F0.012 (Rough face)
N025 G00 Z0.1 (Rapid away)
N030 X1.25 (Rapid to roughing approach position)
N035 G71 P040 Q075 U0.04 W0.005 F0.012 (Rough turn part)
N040 G00 X0.44 (Rapid to finish pass definition first position)
N045G01 Z0 (Come flush with face)
N050 X0.5 Z-0.03 (Chamfer end)
N055 Z-0.5 (Turn first diameter)
N060 X0.69 (Come up second face)
N065 X0.75 Z-0.53 (Form chamfer)
N070 Z-1.0 (Turn second diameter)
N075 X125 (Come up to stock diameter)
N080 X8.0 Z5.0 (Rapid to tool change position)
N085 M01 (Optional stop)
N090 T0202 (Index to finish face and turn tool)
N095 G96 S700 M03 (Start spindle at 700 sfm)
N100 G00 X0.6 Z0 M08 (Rapid up to first face)
N105 G01 X-0.06 F0.005 (Finish face)
N110 G00 Z0.1 (Rapid away)
N115 X1.25 (Rapid to beginning of finish turn)
N120 G70 P040 Q075 F0.005 (Finish turn)
N125 G00 X8.0 Z5.0 (Rapid to tool change position)
N130 M30 (End of program)
While this programs format is quite easy for a beginning programmer to understand (one
speed specification per tool), it is not very efficient - especially when it comes to spindle
activation. No turning center spindle can, of course, change speed instantaneously.
Notice that the programmer has chosen an 8.0 diameter as the tool change position. In
line N010, when the spindle is activated, it will come on at 287 rpm (3.82 times 600 sfm
divided by 8.0 diameter). Even with todays fast machines, this will take at least a
In line N015 the machine will move up to position (about 5.0 inches or so). During this
motion, the spindle will accelerate up to 1,697 rpm (3.82 times 600 sfm divided by 1.35

Lesson Eighteen: Constant Surface Speed G96

diameter). Depending upon your machines spindle response time, it is quite likely that
the motion will occur before the spindle finishes accelerating. If the machine has a rapid
rate of 1,200 ipm, the approach motion will take less than one second. It is likely that the
spindle acceleration time will be well over four seconds (though spindle accel/decel
response times vary dramatically from one machine to another).
In line N080, the spindle will slow to 287 rpm, taking another 3-5 seconds. And the same
time consuming techniques are used in lines N095, N100, and N125. Notice that this
programmer even waits for the M30 to turn the spindle off. Again, while this format is
very easy to program and understand, it is quite wasteful. The second version of this
program is much more efficient.
O0001 (Example for constant surface speed)
N005 T0101 (Index turret to rough face and turn tool)
N010 G96 G00 X1.35 Z0.005 S600 M03 (Start spindle at 600 sfm and rapid to
approach position)
N015 M08 (Turn on coolant)
N020 G01 X-0.06 F0.012 (Rough face)
N025 G00 Z0.1 (Rapid away)
N030 X1.25 (Rapid to roughing approach position)
N035 G71 P040 Q075 U0.04 W0.005 F0.012 (Rough turn part)
N040 G00 X0.44 (Rapid to finish pass definition first position)
N045G01 Z0 (Come flush with face)
N050 X0.5 Z-0.03 (Chamfer end)
N055 Z-0.5 (Turn first diameter)
N060 X0.69 (Come up second face)
N065 X0.75 Z-0.53 (Form chamfer)
N070 Z-1.0 (Turn second diameter)
N075 X125 (Come up to stock diameter)
N080 G97 S4456 X8.0 Z5.0 (Rapid to tool change position)
N085 M01 (Optional stop)
N090 T0202 (Index to finish face and turn tool)
N095 G97 G00 X0.6 Z0 S4456 M03 (Start spindle at 700 sfm and rapid up to
N100 G96 S700 M08 (Turn on coolant)
N105 G01 X-0.06 F0.005 (Finish face)
N110 G00 Z0.1 (Rapid away)
N115 X1.25 (Rapid to beginning of finish turn)
N120 G70 P040 Q075 F0.005 (Finish turn)
N125 G00 X8.0 Z5.0 M05 (Rapid to tool change position, turn off spindle)
N130 M30 (End of program)
This time in line N010, the spindle is started during the approach, making the movement
internal to the spindle acceleration. In line N080, the rpm mode (G97) is temporarily
selected to keep the spindle from slowing during the machines movement to the tool
change position. Note that instead of slowing down, it is actually going to speed up to
4,456 rpm, the speed needed for the next tool (3.82 times 700 sfm divided by 0.6

Lesson Eighteen: Constant Surface Speed G96

diameter). And in line N125, the spindle is being stopped during the retract motion (the
motion will be internal to the spindle stopping).
While this program is much more efficient than the first attempt, it is still not as good as
it could be. Note that there will still be some dead time during the enormous speed
changes in lines N010, N080, and N125. Unfortunately, you almost have to be
monitoring the cycle at the machine to further improve this cycle. Here is the third and
final version of this program after fine tuning was done to virtually eliminate the effects
of spindle accel/decel on cycle time.
O0001 (Example for constant surface speed)
N005 G97 S1400 T0101 M03 (Index turret to rough face and turn tool)
N010 G00 X1.35 Z0.005 S1600 M03 (Start spindle at 600 sfm and rapid to
approach position)
N015 G96 S600 M08 (Turn on coolant)
N020 G01 X-0.06 F0.012 (Rough face)
N025 G00 Z0.1 (Rapid away)
N030 X1.25 (Rapid to roughing approach position)
N035 G71 P040 Q075 U0.04 W0.005 F0.012 (Rough turn part)
N040 G00 X0.44 (Rapid to finish pass definition first position)
N045G01 Z0 (Come flush with face)
N050 X0.5 Z-0.03 (Chamfer end)
N055 Z-0.5 (Turn first diameter)
N060 X0.69 (Come up second face)
N065 X0.75 Z-0.53 (Form chamfer)
N070 Z-1.0 (Turn second diameter)
N075 X125 (Come up to stock diameter)
N080 G97 S2400 X8.0 Z5.0 (Rapid to tool change position)
N085 M01 (Optional stop)
N090 T0202 S4100 (Index to finish face and turn tool)
N095 G97 G00 X0.6 Z0 S4456 M03 (Start spindle at 700 sfm and rapid up to
N100 G96 S700 M08 (Turn on coolant)
N105 G01 X-0.06 F0.005 (Finish face)
N110 G00 Z0.1 (Rapid away)
N115 X1.25 (Rapid to beginning of finish turn)
N120 G70 P040 Q075 F0.005 (Finish turn)
N125 G00 X8.0 Z5.0 M05 (Rapid to tool change position, turn off spindle)
N130 M30 (End of program)
Notice that in line N005 (the turret index), we begin the spindle acceleration. Depending
upon your turret index time, you may be able to bury the effect of speed changes during
turret indexes. In our case, the turret indexes just slightly faster than the spindle can
accelerate to its required speed. So in line N010, as the machine moves into position, we
accelerate the spindle the rest of the way. Notice that even the coolant on function (in
line N015) is hiding some of the spindle acceleration time. The same technique is used
during tool changing. During the retract movement in line N080, the turret index in line

Lesson Eighteen: Constant Surface Speed G96

N090, and the approach in line N085, the costly effect of spindle acceleration on cycle
time is eliminated!
As stated, you almost have to be monitoring your cycle before you can take full
advantage of this technique. You can use lot sizes to help you judge the wisdom of
applying this technique. If you have small lots (under 20 parts) with relatively short
cycle times, you may want to continue programming as shown in the very first example
(its easiest and can be programmed the fastest). If you have higher quantities, the second
technique will shorten cycle time and will not add too much to programming time. If
your quantities are very high, youll want to use the last method and do whatever it takes
to get every last second out of your cycle.
Note that there are two more detrimental effects of allowing your turning centers spindle
to change speeds so often that have nothing to do with cycle time. First, excessive
spindle speed changes can be harmful to your machines spindle drive system, meaning
you can reduce normal wear and tear by applying these techniques. Second, spindle
speed changes require electricity (to decelerate as well as to accelerate). You can save
electricity by using this technique.

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