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Music with Me

Rebecca Hollerbach
Anne Arundel County Public Library
Description: Experience the joy of music, dancing, rhythm and song with your child. This class features an
introduction to musical concepts as well as an opportunity to play and explore real instruments in a safe and
inclusive environment. Taught by an experienced early childhood music instructor. Fridays January 15, January
29, February 12, and February 26 at 10 am for children ages 18 months to 5 years.
Fulfilling a need: Diverse musical experiences encourage the development of verbal, social, and
communication skills in children. These are necessary tools a child needs to be successful at the elementary
school level and beyond. Unfortunately, many children are not afforded the opportunity to participate in music
classes prior to elementary school and thus miss out on valuable learning experiences. Offering early childhood
music classes at the library would be a great way to culturally enrich the lives of all children in our
communities- especially those that may not be afforded these opportunities otherwise.
Potential community partners include Anne Arundel County Public Schools, area performance groups such as
the Londontowne Symphony, local music stores such as Music and Arts, local music instructors such as
Kinderflute, Kindermusic etc.
Steps necessary for set up
Publicity in the community
Gather materials1. Boomwackers sorted by color
2. Cd player and cds
3. Special instrument
4. Music stand
5. Parachute
6. Childrens percussion instruments
7. Beach ball.
8. Book display (topical childrens books or books that can be sung, as well as classical music and folk song cds)
Evaluating success will be similar to other library programs; If we are continuing to hear positive feedback
from customers and attendance is high, the program will be deemed successful!
AACPLs mission is to Educate, Enrich, and Inspire the citizens of Anne Arundel County and such is the aim
of the Music with Me program. The participants of the program will learn new things about music, be enriched
I presented the first sessions of this program in April and held an additional session this fall. We will be
presenting our third sessions in January and February of 2016. Since then, there have been similar music
programs held at other branches in the county and I have been in discussions with my supervisor about
presenting a training for other librarians about incorporating music into their early literacy programs or how to
start a similar program at their branch.

December 10, 2015
Contact: Rebecca Hollerbach (410) 222-1925 or
Anne Arundel County Public Library- Deale Branch
Arundel County Public Library is thrilled to announce a very special program series at the Deale Community
Library called Music with Me. Beginning on January 15th, and continuing every other Friday for four sessions,
children between 18 months and five years old and their caregivers will have the opportunity to explore
instruments, world music, rhythm, melody, cultural songs, and more!
Exposing children to music and song early in life has
been proven to have an immense benefit on brain
development and language acquisition. In addition to this,
music classes provide a natural environment for the
development of social skills as children learn to listen to
themselves and collaborate with others. Listening to and
playing music also teaches mathematical concepts such as
patterns, counting, sequencing and problem solving.
Unfortunately, these opportunities for growth are not
easily accessible to all populations.
The Music with Me program is specifically geared
toward strengthening participants oral language and
listening skills through music play. The class is taught by an experienced early childhood music instructor and
together we will be learning cultural songs, dancing, and introducing basic musical terminology.
Participants will also have the opportunity to play and experiment with a special orchestral instrument each
Music with Me will be held on Fridays January 15, January 29, February 12 and February 26 at 10 am at the
Deale Community Library for children ages 18 months through 5 years with a parent or caregiver. Further
information will be posted prior to the event on the librarys website and social media platforms. The event
information will also be printed in our quarterly publication, Happenings and advertised with print materials in
the branches.

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