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Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach April 3, 2010 19 Nisan 5770

Rabbi Frand on the Omer

The Key To Number one: What does the this Korban should be
Artscroll, 504 Understanding the word 'omer' mean? Omer brought specifically then?
Hertz, 362 Significance of the was just a measure. It was The Medrash elaborates
Omer the amount of grain that on the great merit and
Artscroll, 892 they had to bring. Is it not significance of the Omer
Hertz,695 In this week's parsha we strange that the Korban Offering: In its merit
find the mitzvah of the should be called by the Avraham received the
Haftorah Offering of the Omer. name omer? That is, in land of Canaan; in its
Artscroll, 1224
Hertz, 1015 The Torah says that on effect, like calling it the merit the Jews were
the 16th of Nissan, on "Quart Offering" or the "Liter saved in the days of
the second day of Offering." Other offerings Gideon; in its merit they
Pesach, the Jewish are called names: Pesach, were saved in the days of
Times people were obligated to Todah (Thanksgiving), Chizkiyahu; in its merit
Candle lighting 7:02 pm
bring an Omer offering. Shelamim (Peace), Shtei they were saved in the
The bringing of the HaLechem (Two Loaves). days of Haman; in its
Mincha 7:05 pm Omer offering permitted They have descriptive merit they were saved in
Hashkama 8:00 am all types of new wheat names. Omer is a measure. the days of Yechezkel.
crops (Chadash) to be Why should that be the The Medrash goes on
Youth 8:30 am
eaten. name of the Korban? and on an on about how
Main Minyan 8:45 am this Omer offering saved
Then the Torah gives us Number two: What is so the day.
Beit Midrash 9:00 am
an added command: crucial about this offering,
Gemorah Shiur 5:55 pm "And you shall count that we tie our entire What is so meaningful
Mincha 6:55 pm
unto yourselves from counting between Pesach about this Korban
the morrow after this and Shavuos to this HaOmer?
Shabbat Ends 8:11 pm sabbath, from the day of Offering: The first day of the
Sunday, April 4 7:30/8:30 am your bringing the omer Omer, the second day of The Be'er Yosef says
of the waving, seven the Omer, etc.? that the key to
Monday, Tuesday sabbaths shall it understanding the Omer
See Pesach Schedule
be" [Vayikra 23:15]. Number three: Why was the is the following Medrash:
on page 2
omer brought on the 16th "G-d said to Moshe 'In
Wed., Fri. 6:45/7:45 am There are many day of Nissan? This is not the wilderness I provided
Thurs 6:35/7:45 am difficulties that we find in one of the special days of a daily Omer of manna
connection with the Pesach -- it is neither here for every Jew. As
Mincha, Wed-Fri 7:10 pm
Omer offering. nor there. What happened payment, let the Jews
Latest times for on the 16th of Nissan that now bring for Me an
Shema/Shmoneh Esrei

April 3 9:47/10:50 am
Seudah Shlishit
April 10 9:40/10:45 am is sponsored by
Hindi & Ben Lunzer
Next Shabbat– Shmini
in memory of her father
Candle lighting 7:09 pm Isser Mermelstein, z”l.
Mincha 7:10 pm
26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Shabbat Chol Hamoed

were saved so many times. If we learn the lesson of

Omer offering every year on the 16th of Nissan.'" livelihood -- that it is only G-d who gives us the ability
This Medrash is telling us that the purpose of the to make a living -- this is indeed a lesson that can
Korban Omer is to remind us of the Omer we that cause us to merit the acquisition of the Land and all
we all received in the wilderness. That is why it is the other salvations enumerated by the Medrash.
called by the name Omer -- to remind us of the
famous Omer of the manna.

As we mentioned many times, the manna that we

received in the wilderness is our reminder that it is
G-d who provides us with bread from Heaven. Just
as in the wilderness we clearly saw, without a
shadow of a doubt, that it was G-d who gives us
our livelihood, so too in all generations we must
remember that as much as we work and as
successful as we think we may be, it is G-d that
gives us bread from Heaven. That is the lesson of
the manna.

That is what the Omer Offering is all about. When

we are harvesting our new wheat crop and we
might tend to think that "my might and the power
of my hand, brought me all this wealth" we are
commanded to bring a Korban HaOmer to
remember the manna.

That is why the omer is brought on the 16th on

Nissan. We have it by tradition that the manna PESACH VII
stopped falling on Adar 7 (the day of Moshe's Sunday night, April 4th
death) and they had left over in the vessels until
Candle lighting 7:04 pm
the 16 of Nissan. On the day they ran out of
manna they had to bring the Omer Offering. Mincha 7:10 pm
That too is why we count Sefirah for 7 complete Monday, April 5th
weeks and tie it to the Omer Offering. If we Hashkama 8:00 am
brought an Omer Offering only one day of the Main Shul 9:00 am
year, perhaps the crucial lesson that it teaches us Beit Midrash 9:15 am
would be lost. The Halacha therefore requires that Mincha 7:10 pm
we review this lesson 49 times, over and over,
until it becomes second nature. PESACH VIII
Monday night, April 5th
That is why the Medrash goes on and on and Candle lighting after 8:05 pm
mentions how in the merit of the Omer the Jews Tuesday, April 6th
Hashkama 8:00 am
Great Neck Synagogue Main Shul 9:00 am
Shabbat Activities Program
Beit Midrash 9:15 am
Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Yizkor is part of this service
Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Mincha 7:10 pm
Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Yom Tov ends 8:14 pm
Michael Bleicher, Rabbinic Intern
Zeev Kron, Cantor
Your Chometz can be eaten after 8:45 pm
Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus
Mark Twersky, Executive Director
Howard Silberstein, President
Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board
Saturday, April 10, 2010, 9:15 P.M.


● Candle lighting ceremony for Holocaust survivors, their children and grandchildren
● Four Seasons Lodge – award winning documentary
• Questions and answers with Esther Geizhals, a survivor featured in the film

This program is sponsored by the generosity of the families of

Ada & Mitch Benerofe, Susan & Michael Castle and Carol & Jeff Kaufman

Great Neck Synagogue Annual Family Luncheon In Memory of Sharon Sokol Heisler z"l
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Guest Speaker:
Mort Klein
President of the Zionist Organization of America
Lessons of the Holocaust Applied to Today's Arab War Against Israel

Beautiful Catered Buffet Lunch by Prestige Caterers

$55 per person
$20 per child*(10 years and under)
(No charge for children under 4)

For reservations please call or e-mail

Mark Twersky
(516) 487-6100
Email :

Reservations: # of people attending____________
Seating Requests:

Amount enclosed_________________________

For more information please call:

Debbie Hollander (516) 829-2013

* We are planning a special luncheon for children to take place at the same time in the Youth Center.
Sunday, April 11, the Annual Rabbinic Dialogue between Rabbi Mazal Tov to Lauren & Seth Silberstein on the birth of a
Polakoff, Rabbi Stecker of Temple Israel and Rabbi’s Feldman of baby girl. Mazal Tov to grandparents Florin & Howard
Beth El, will be held at Great Neck Synagogue. See flyer for details.
Sunday, June 6th, will be the semi annual Blood Drive.
June 9th and 10th a Defensive Driving Course will be held. Mazal Tov to Sharon & Eddie Mazur on the engagement of
Reservations are necessary. Price will be $12 for anyone over 50 and their son Adam to Elyssa Stein, daughter of Dr. Michael &
$15 for all others. Janet Stein of Stamford, Ct.
UPCOMING SISTERHOOD EVENTS The nominating committee for Great Neck Synagogue has been
April 8, Meeting of Combined Sisterhoods at 10:00 am at Temple announced. If you would like to speak to them about any candidates that
Emanuel. you feel would benefit the Synagogue, please feel free to contact them:
April 14th, Sisterhood meeting at GNS at 8:00 pm Michael Leventhal, chairperson, Isaac Greszes, Janet Lenchner,
April 28, Sisterhood presents an evening with American Friends of Natan Hamerman, Harvey Brenner, Jolanta Rosenstein and Susan
Magen David Adom at the home of Rita & Lewis Gordonson,85 Sheena.
Emerson Drive, 7:30 pm. For information contact Rita Gordonson
466-4578 or Carol Buckmann 487-7095. PASSOVER READINGS FOR KIDS
May 4, 58th Annual Combined Sisterhoods of Great Neck Spring Looking for new Passover readings for your Seder for your kids or grand-
Luncheon and Boutique at Temple Emanuel from 10am to 2 pm, children? Check out free readings for children (ages 3-6, and ages 7-11),
featuring Mentalist David Blatt. No cost to Sisterhood Members on the American Jewish World Service website ( ;
but sponsorship of $36 is encouraged. click on the readings for children and families) They were written and
May 12th, Sisterhood Gold Buying Event from 11am to 5pm. Turn illustrated by our own member, Nechama Liss-Levinson)
your valuables into cash by selling your gold, sterling silver, watches,
flatware, diamonds, U.S. coins and paper money. Get paid on the
spot. The Sisterhood will receive a percentage of all sales. For further
The monthly Intermediate Minyan will meet April 10, May 8th and June
information, please contact Cindy Hodkin, preferably by
19th. The Minyan includes explanation of the tefilot and the Torah
e-mail at
reading through interactive discussion during the service, communal
singing, with a class following the service. If you want more information,
SHUL CLASSES a reminder and to be put on our list please send your email address to
All daily classes will resume at their regularly scheduled times after
GYMNASTICS FOR KIDS To sponsor a Kiddush, Seudah Shlishit, Sunday Breakfast, Youth
Great Neck Synagogue will be offering Sunday morning gymnastics Event, Bima Flowers or a leaf on the Tree of Life in honor or in memory
classes taught by a popular gymnastics teacher for ages 7 and un- of a loved one, please call Mark Twersky in the Synagogue office
der. The first class will be from 8:30 am - 9:20 am and will be for 487-6100 or email
ages 3-5. The second class will be from 9:30 am-10:20 am and will
be for ages 5-7. Classes will be held in the Braun Youth Center on YOM HASHOAH
April 11th and 25th, May 2nd, 9th and 16th. The 5 class package is Saturday, April 10, 2010 ,9:15 pm Great Neck Synagogue will be
$75 per child. showing FOUR SEASONS LODGE, an award winning documentary that
For more information contact follows the lives of holocaust survivors each summer at their beloved
bungalow colony as they celebrate their survival. A survivor featured in
NEW TORAH TEFILAH AND TOGETHERNESS ON TUESDAYS the movie will be on hand to answer questions after the screening.
Please join us at 11 am, Amit Yagoubi is giving a class based on a
book Orchos Tzadikim. At 12:15 pm we have a lunch and learn
program with a video broadcast from Shira Smiles (about 12:45). Saturday, 19 Nisan
To sponsor a class, please contact the Shul office. The cost will be as Paul Brody for Marion Brown
follows: $10 Amit Yagoubi, $15 Lunch and Learn. Hindi Lunzer for Isidore Mermelstein
Y Sunday, 20 Nisan
Mitchell Benerofe for Shirley Benerofe
A Ebrahim Gabbaizadeh for Binaho ben Yehuda Gabbaizadeh
H Monday, 21 Nisan
Mel Fox for Celia Fox Blumenfeld
R Hadassah Wachstock for Abraham Kessler
Z Tuesday, 22 Nisan
Bonnie Diamond for Abraham Brandeis
GNS FAMILY LUNCHEON E Harold Domnitch for Julius Domnitch
Save the date for the Annual GNS Family Luncheon in Richard Reiser for Sidney Reiser
memory of Sharon Sokol Heisler, z”l I Wednesday, 23 Nisan
Saturday, April 17th, following services.
Mort Klein, President of the ZOA
T Helen Ishofsky for Rabbi Shimon Hershkowitz
Brenda Rosmarin for Bernard Metzger
will be the featured speaker. Jacob Toledano for Ester Toledano
“Lessons of the Holocaust
Edward Wydra for Jack Wydra
Applied to Today’s Arab War Against Israel” .
Thursday, 24 Nisan
Price will be $55 per person for a gala buffet lunch.
$20 per child*(10 years and under) Rochelle Dicker for Dorothy Stiskin
(No charge for children under 4) Iraj Kashani for David Kashani
Joan Katz for Anne Rezak
For reservations please call or e-mail Friday, 25 Nisan
Mark Twersky Scott Danoff for Stuart Danoff
(516) 487-6100 Susan Mindick for Rubin Korn
Email : Ezra Sheena for Nissim Sheena
Please make reservations ASAP. David Werber for Joseph Drezner
For more details see the GNS website. Martin Werber for Martin Drezner
* We are planning a special luncheon for children to take
place at the same time in the Youth Center.

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