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A research study
The objective of this rare article is to reveal for the first time in modern history of Vedic Astrology the
following :
What is the basis/formula for VMD planets getting certain number of years allotted to them, such as
Ketu 7 years, Venus 20 years etc?
What is the logic/rationale for the VMD to operate in a particular manner (sequence) starting from
Mercury Mahadasa and ending with Ketu Mahadasa?

Rahu (18 years), Mars (7 years), Saturn (19 years) and Jupiter (16 years) make a total of 60 yearsone
half of Vimshottari Dasa. You will notice that these planets are in the outer zone of the Earth. Similarly,
the other group headed by Ketu (7 years), Venus (20 years), Sun (6 years), Moon (10 years) and
Mercury (17 years) make a total of 60 yearsthe other half of Vimshottari Dasa, which are in the inner
zone of Earth. The two groups together make the 120 years of Vimshottari Dasa. From the fastest Graha
to the slowest graha is the flow of the Atman, and so is the natural flow of the VMD.

Those who know and practise the Vedic astrology know very well that Vimshottari Dasa adds upto a total of 120
years. But what has kept all of them perplexed for thousands of years since the time of great Sage Parashara is the
reason/formula, as to why the 9 planets in the Vimshottari Maha Dasa (henceforth VMD) have been allotted 120
years. Also, why the VMD starts with Mercury Mahadasa and ends with Ketu Mahadasa. Also astrologers have always
questioned why in VMD Rahu is allotted 18 years but its opposite end, Ketu, is allotted only 7 years. Why Saturnthe
slowest planet has got 19 years allotted to it, but Mercury, the smallest and fastest planet has been given 17
years? There has been no real and valid answer on this available in modern times with anyone, except a few evolved
Jyotishis, who are actually Sadhakas than mere fortune-teller.
It is to be carefully noted that the key to Vimshottari Dasa may not be known to many modern day astrologers but
evolved Sages, seers and Jyotishis (astrologers who can truly see the future) have kept these formulae of VMD well
documented in their works that were handed down, only to their most sincere and devoted disciples. Such works are
either in the possession of astrological families, like ours, or are available in papyrus leaves, palm leaves and in
hand-made clay tablets, that are found in royal estate libraries of erstwhile kings and Maharajas, and not in any
modern library indexed with computer systems.
The revelation of VMD code which I am revealing in this article have been taken from my maternal great
grandfather, late Surendranath Jyotir Bachaspati jis personal note diary, wherein he had written down in
cryptic manner the formula of VMD. This diary was given to me by my family in 1997. It was only in some archaic
formula the code was written in Bengali, which he never explained to anyone during his life time, though he
revealed it to many people, many of whom were astrologers from South India, who came to meet him regularly. This
dairy is our family possession and I have spent over one decade trying to understand the meaning of the VMD
I have worked and re-worked the cryptic formula from that diary and arrived at the final formula with the help of my
own Sadhana, into which I was initiated in February 2008 by my Guru ji late P.V.K. Punneswara Rao ji of Hyderabad. I
am revealing the formula for the first time in the modern history of astrology through this article now,
which I have been able to solve after my initiation in 2008, because it is not for me to hold it anymore to my bosom,
but it should now go into the world for the betterment of humanity and for the progress and solution of untold
mysteries of astrology.
Understanding Lord Brahmas One Day
To understand the secret code behind VMD, it is very necessary to first understand what is Lord Brahmas 1 day of
existence and what it transpires for our Yuga (eon), which is Kali Yuga. Those of us who have read Vishnu Purana, 1st
Khanda-3rd Adhaya will easily recall that:
1 Human Year of 360 days = 1 Day for Gods/Devata
It has been mentioned in the same Adhaya of Vishnu Purana that Devatas Ayu (Gods lifespan) is 12000 Deva Varsh.
This means:
12000 Deva Varsh = 12000 X 360 human days = 4320000 human years = 1 Maha Yuga
Lord Brahmas 1 day = 1000 Maha Yugas = 1 Kalpa
It is mentioned in Vishnu Purana that every Maha Yugas consists of 10 Charanas (or sections), therefore we get:
12000 Deva Varsh = 12000 X 360 human days = 4320000 human years = 1 Maha Yuga = 10 Charans This simply
means that:
1 Charan of Lord Brahma = 1200 Deva Varsh = 432000 Human/Solar Years
My maternal great grandfather s notes stopped here. It is from here that I carried forward with Gods illumination
and blessings.
Now, we all know that 1 Maha Yuga is made up of 4 Yugas in the name of Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali, which
are descending layers of degradation in purity of human existence and religiousness. Also, in the first Yuga i.e. Satya
Yuga, all the 4 Tattwas were operative and all people were religious and pious. Gods and human beings co-inhabited
the Earth. So, this Yuga got full 4 Charans of Lord Brahma allocated.
This gave the total value of Satya Yuga as:
4 Charans X 1200 Deva Varsh = 4800 Deva Vash = 1728000 Human / Solar Years
Similarly, in Treta Yuga, human beings became degraded in their religiousness. Only 3 Tattwas operated during
this Yuga. Nonetheless, people could directly connect to God and God was easily available at the call and request of
the human beings. But Lord Brahma reduced the Charan allocation to 3. Therefore, the total value of Treta Yuga
3 Charans X 1200 Deva Varsh = 3600 Deva Varsh = 1296000 Human/Solar Years

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