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Term End Examination - November 2013


: ECE202

Class NBR

: 1638


- Transmission Lines and Fields

Slot: F2


Three Hours
(Use smithchart wherever necessary)
Answer ALL Questions


A lossless transmission line of length 100m has an inductance of 28 H and a capacitance


of 20 nF. Find i) propagation velocity, ii) phase constant at a frequency of 100 kHz and
iii) characteristic impedance of a line.

A distortionless transmission line has the following parameters: characteristic


impedance = 50 , attenuation = 0.02 m-1 , phase velocity = 0.6 times the velocity of light.
Determine R, L, G, C and wavelength at 0.1 GHz.

The terminating load of a UHF transmission line with characteristic impedance of 50


operating at 300 MHz is 50 +j50. Calculate VSWR, reflection coefficient and return loss.

A 50 lossless transmission line of electrical length 0.2 is terminated with a complex


load impedance of 35-j25 . Find the reflection coefficient at the load as well as at the
input of the line.

What is dispersion? Prove that in a distortionless line, attenuation constant and phase


velocity are independent of frequency.


Prove that a short circuited transmission line is equivalent to a series resonant circuit and


derive the input impedance and quality factor of the circuit.


Determine the design parameters of a quarter wavelength microstrip resonator operating at


3 GHz. The circuit is realized on an alumina substrate of thickness 1mm and relative
permittivity of 9.6.

Explain various electromagnetic noise sources that causes interference to the signal
propagating through the transmission line.

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A load impedance 40-j20 is connected to lossless line of length 0.3 and characteristic


impedance of 50. Using smith chart determine

i) Standing wave ratio on the line
ii) Reflection co-efficient at the load
iii) Load admittance
iv) Input Impedance and input reflection coefficient
v) Distance from the load to the first voltage minimum
vi) Distance from the load to the first voltage maximum

The double stub method is used to match a load admittance of 100-j200 Siemens to a


lossless transmission line of characteristic admittance of 200 Siemens. Double stub tuners
are spaced by quarter wavelength apart to match the load to the line. Find the required
length of the short circuited shunt stub.

A single stub tuner is to match a lossless line of 400 to a load of 400 j800 . The


frequency is 3 GHz.
a) Find the distances from the load to the short circuited shunt stub
b) Determine the length of the short circuited shunt stubs.

A rectangular waveguide has dimension of 3.5 cm x 2 cm and operates at 10 GHz.


Determine the possible TE and TM modes that can propagate through the waveguide.

An electromagnetic wave with TE11 mode propagates through a hollow rectangular

metallic waveguide of dimension 4cm x 2cm. If 10 GHz signal frequency is applied to the
waveguide, determine a) cutoff frequency, b) cutoff wavelength, c) guide wavelength,
d) phase velocity, e) group velocity and f) wave impedance.

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