رسالة الضمانات إلى الحوار 11 اكتوبر 2015

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United Nations Support Mission In Libya

Ref: UNSMIL/OSRSG/2015/179
11 October 2015
Honorable Members of the Libyan Political Dialogue,
In line with the spirit of reconciliation and tolerance that prevailed throughout the
dialogue process, and in order to contribute to turning the page on divisions with all its negative
impact, and to consolidate the atmosphere of trust required for the implementation of the
political agreement, promote full cooperation and coordination between institutions and
authorities that emanate from the Libyan Political Agreement, and to ensure security, stability
and national reconciliation, I would like to indicate that, as per the text of Article 11 of the
Additional Provisions of the Libyan Political Agreement, institutions that emanate from this
Agreement must work towards ensuring that all former Libyan officials shall not be held
accountable or prosecuted only because they carried out their functional duties and managed the
affairs of authorities that were entrusted to them, and which they were tasked under their
chairmanship, management as well as supervision; and that this shall be achieved in a manner
that does not contradict with the Libyan legislation in force.
In addition, reference is made to the contents of Article 62 of the Libyan Political
Agreement, which stipulate that the Presidency Council of the Council of Ministers shall form a
committee to consider laws and decisions issued by relevant entities from August 2014, which
resulted in legal, financial and administrative commitments for the Libyan State; also, Article 14
of the Additional Provisions of the same agreement, which stipulates that all decisions and laws
that contradict the Agreement or its annexes, shall be cancelled, since this will allow future
review of all decisions or laws that were issued by any of the former Libyan authority and the
cancellation of any of them that contradicts the Libyan Political Agreement.
I also take this opportunity to reiterate the United Nations and international community
readiness and determination to continue their support to the Libyan Political Dialogue and its
Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Bernardino Leon Gross

Special Representative of the Secretary-General and
Head United Nations Support Mission to Libya


United Nations Support Mission In Libya

UNSMIL/OSRSG/2015/179 :
11/ 2015


4 2014


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