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Sports Outreach Institute
“...if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is
contributing to the needs of others, let him give
generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently;
if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”
Romans 12:8

As you read though the pages of “Come Let

Us Share Our Story” we at Sports Outreach
Institute pray that you will see an amazing
chain of events that you can set in motion
when you donate a “gift,” a “share’” or
make a “donation” to one or more of
these ministries:

• You may become the sponsor of an

international sports team, committed
to serving others.
• You may provide transportation for
a trained sports minister or evangelist
enabling them to serve many in destitute
• You may provide a child with a meal
for a day, week, month or year.
• You may provide a scholarship that
helps to provide vocational and educational
training for a child who might otherwise not
have that opportunity.
• You may help provide the only change of clothes,
blanket or shoes that they own.
Sports Outreach Institute, Inc. takes sports
programs of all kinds into needy areas of the world,
seeking to bring the hope and encouragement of
Biblical truths to people who are desperate. SOI Christmas for the Poorest of the Poor 4
works in orphanages, schools, prisons, facilities
for the physically handicapped and with a wide
variety of churches. Northern Uganda 6

We provide a traumatized children’s program to

educate lay workers in crisis counseling to help Feeding Program 8
young people victimized by war, torture and
abuse. Additionally, we offer leadership training
in sports ministry. In our newest program, we Rwanda 10
are developing a model that can be used world-
wide to help children living in the streets. It
includes a feeding program, sports program, Good News Football Club 12
vocational training, community service and
spiritual guidance.
Uganda 14

Kenya 16
Sportsbridge 18
MAIL the enclosed order form with a check or
credit card information to:
Sports Outreach Institute Mexico 19
P.O. Box 119
Monroe, Virginia 24574

CALL (434) 528-2516

FAX the enclosed order form with credit card

information to (434) 528-2517


for the poorest of the poor

Christmas Parties for the Children of Africa

Many of these children had never had any party in their lives until we initiated
this special event during Christmas 2004. These parties are held at slum
churches, feeding centers, the Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped,
the Mildmay Center for Aids Children, and the Hope Africa Center. A delicious
meal is prepared for them including: chicken, potatoes, beans, rice, cassava (a
vegetable), matoke, sodas, milk and a Christmas cake. Each child receives gifts
including a toy, a sweet and a blanket along with a Bible or Bible storybook.
Much singing and celebration takes place and the Christmas story is shared. Last
year over 3,500 children attended in Kampala alone.
Gift of a Christmas Celebration for one child: $20
Kid’s Kits
Consists of clothing (dresses for
girls, pants and shirts for boys)
undergarments, shoes, socks,
a blanket, sweets, toothbrush,
toothpaste, a toy and a Bible or Bible
storybook depending upon the age of
the child.
Gift of a Kid’s Kit: $20

Family Packs
Food that will feed a family of eight
for a full month. The pack consists
of a 50-60 lbs of bananas which is
made into matoke, a staple for the
Ugandan and Rwandan people, rice,
beans, flour, sugar, powdered milk,
22 lbs. of meat, first aid supplies,
personal hygiene items, a Bible and
some sweets.
Gift of a Family Pack: $25

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:11
Ministry in
Northern Uganda
Jan Egeland, the U.N.’s Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, said
that the chaos in Northern Uganda is the world’s “largest neglected humanitarian
emergency. Where else in the world have there been 20,000 kidnapped children?
Where else in the world have 90% of the population in large districts been displaced?
The tragedy here is that it’s not an adult war, this is a children’s war, these kids are
12, 13, 14 years old and it’s despicable, beyond comprehension.”

While much of the world walked away, Sports Outreach walked in with open arms.

Vocational Training Program

Gardening is a therapeutic tool that helps adults and A gift of a computer will allow us to introduce keyboarding
children overcome trauma related to abduction, torture, and computer training to equip individuals who desire
loss of loved ones and fear. Plants are harvested and used to move from agrarian-based jobs into a more urban
to make a local favorite type of ‘pancake’ and cakes to populated areas. This will also allow our staff computer
sell. access for various tasks.
Gift of Three Casaba Plants: $10 Gift of a Computer:
p $500
Share of a Computer: $15

A brick oven will allow youths to prepare and sell enough A gift of one or two goats will assist in the physical,
cakes to support a feeding program for hundreds of emotional and financial recovery of several traumatized
other traumatized children. youth and families.
Gift of a Brick Oven: $300 Gift of a Goat: $100
Share of a Brick Oven: $30 Share of a Goat: $10

I don’t know how many times I have walked to Gulu Town to sleep
at night. I come with my brother and friends. I am so happy that
I can stop at the Kirombe Center and get porridge before I go to
Noah’s Ark to sleep. The Sports Outreach people, Aloysius, Julius
and George – they come with me to share songs, Bible lesson and
Scripture. I remember the scripture when I get scared at night and it
helps me. One day I hope to sleep in my village where I can stay warm
by the fire but for now the center is like home for me. It is good that
I get food and hear about Jesus, yes, it is good. ~Ruth
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou
art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23

W hen I was a child I was taken by Kony to be in his army. He killed my parents and took us children. While I was
with Kony my two brothers and three sisters were killed. After a time I fled from the LRA and came back to
Gulu – but I have no family or friends left. I live here with others who have experienced many bad things. The people
in Gulu do not welcome us. But Aloysius came here and he told me about Jesus and how Sports Outreach wants to
help me. I am now a Christian. SOI has given to me goats so that I can earn funds. I pray that one day God will give
me a wife and family. ~George

Transportation Needs

Gift of a Bicycle:
y $60 Gift of a Mini-bus: $20,000
Share of a Bicycle: $10 Share of a Mini-bus: $100
Kirombe Community Center
Melody Lanek, a local businessman, in an act of great generosity, has given SOI staff member Aloysius Kyazze
permission to use a piece of property for SOI and the Kirombe Community Center. Programs at the center
• Evening Bible study and fellowship for adults two nights a week.
• Feeding, prayer and Bible study for a large number of the ‘night commuters.’
• Vocational training in baking, brick-making, gardening and agriculture.
• Emergency food and relief for local families.
• Training and equipping pastors, volunteer leaders, Timothys, local ministry leaders, workers, military personnel,
medical personnel and volunteers in working with traumatized children and adults.
Gift of Feedingg Program
g for Night
g Commuters for one month: $500
Share of Feeding Program for Night Commuters for one month: $20
Gift of Art, Drama, and Music Supplies
pp for a year’s
y program:
p g $1,000
Share of Art, Drama, and Music Supplies for a year’s program: $10
Cover expenses for a “Timothy” which is a fully Gift of a Timothyy for one year:
y $480
trained and equipped volunteer sports ministry Share of a Timothy for one year: $40
leader and traumatized counselor.
The Feeding Program
The Feeding Program is an integral part of the humanitarian outreach
of Sports Outreach Institute. We currently feed thousands of children
daily in Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya. In addition we provide feeding
assistance for individuals and families with special needs in each of
these poverty- stricken nations. Your gift of a share in the Feeding
Program will not only convey to many each day that ‘Jesus loves you
and cares about you, and so do I!’ it will also provide the only food
many of these children will have each day.

H ello, my name is Madeline. I am

a single mother with HIV/AIDS,
and I live in Nairobi, Kenya. Franklin
Shelimba and his friends, Mathias and
Arthur, visit my home to help clean,
care for my children and bring us food.
If not for them, my children and I might
starve. They also tell us about Jesus and
his love for us. Thank you for sending
them to help us.
H ello, my name is Simon and I live in
the Kibuli slum of Kampala, Uganda.
A little over a year ago members of the
Good News Football Club found me
sleeping on the street. Out of their own
pockets they rented a space for me and
four other street children to live. They
also provided us with clothes and food.
I now help with the Feeding Program in
the Kibuli slum. I am one of the cooks.
It gives me great joy to be able to help
provide a daily meal for so many of the
other children who live here. I know
that many would have nothing to eat if
not for my friends on the Good News

Gift of opertating
p g The Feeding
g Program
g for one year:
y $12,000
Share of operating The Feeding Program for one year: $12

“...but those who were hungry hunger no more.” I Samuel 2:5

Ministry in Rwanda
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7
With your gift you can become an active partner in what the Archbishop of Rwanda calls “the
most effective, efficient, and reliable ministry in our country, Sports Outreach!” We were one of
the first ministry teams invited into Rwanda following the genocide of 1994. Efforts in the areas
of reconciliation, evangelism, sports ministry, training, feeding programs, AIDS education and
discipleship are all bearing fruit in this picturesque land. We will soon bring on our first full-time
coordinator for the nation of Rwanda. He will be headquartered in the capital city, Kigali. Your
gifts and prayers will help heal a land devastated by the genocide of over a million people just a
decade ago.

The new coordinator will benefit greatly

from your gift of a mini-bus to travel Help support an annual conference to be
throughout the country equipping and held in Kigali, Rwanda to train and equip
training others for sports ministry and new individuals and ministers in Sports
evangelism. Outreach. As this ministry continues to
Gift of a Mini-Bus: $20,000 grow and reach into new areas of the
Share of a Mini-Bus: $100 countryside more leaders and Timothys
will be needed. Your gift will help carry
Support for full-time staff position, the Gospel and programs of Sports
office equipment, etc. Help support Sam Outreach into new villages, communities
Mugisha as he takes on the challenge of and regions.
coordinating ministry efforts for the nation Gift of Annual Conference: $3,500,
of Rwanda. Share of Annual Conference: $35
Gift of Staff Member Support:
pp $10,000
Share of Staff Member Support: $50
y name is Jackie and I live in Kigali, Rwanda. During the 1994 genocide,
my parents, grandparents, uncles and many neighbors were killed inside
the church. My sisters and I were able to run into the bush and hide.
Several people took care of us during the genocide horror. After that
time, we came to live at the Hope Home. It was very nice but we feared that one day
we would be separated and sent to different families to live. God sent Pastor Amooti
to the Hope Home and he and Pastor Sam, who works with Sports Outreach, paid
for our school and found us a home in the Signpost Village. We are young, yes, but
now we have our own home, our family is together, we are in school and we are
learning a trade. In two years I will go to university and study to be a teacher. I still
have bad dreams of that time in 1994 but I now know that Jesus loves me and that
Pastor Amooti and Sports Outreach will help keep my family together, Thank You!
Good News
Football Club
The Good News Football Club consists of 16 spiritually mature young men.
Each has undergone intensive training in evangelism, discipleship and leadership
principles. They have also trained as a soccer team because of their responsibilities
is to go into every town and village to play soccer matches, share the “good
news” and perform community service.

The current Good News Football Club lives and ministers in Kampala, the capital
of Uganda.

There is a tremendous need for additional Good News Football Teams to be

trained, equipped and funded for full-time work in Kabale, Uganda, Kigali,
Rwanda, and Nairobi, Kenya.

Gift of sponsoring
p g the Good News Team for one year:
y $50,000
Share of Sponsiring The Good News Team for one year: $100

“Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15
The principal duty of the Good News F.C. is to conduct organized programs of
outreach for street children. This program consists of the following elements:
• Leagues, tournaments and a variety of sports activities
• An educational and vocational training program
• A feeding program
• Community service projects
• Special tuition grants

You, your organization or someone you select could be a Good News Football
Club sponsor! Imagine, being the sponsor or share holder in a team of 32 highly
trained, equipped and motivated Christian evangelist and athletes!

T hank you SOI for sending the Good News Team to the Byazze slum. We didn’t believe
there was anyone who cared if we live or die. The Good News guys bring food, sports
and the Word of God to our community. Many have gotten saved – including us! Our
parents were Muslim and taught us to fear Christians – yet we and other Muslims saw
the love of Jesus in the way the Good News Club treated and cared for us. Thank you
for caring enough to send them to us. ~ Ismael and Sara
Ministry in Uganda
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you.” Mark 16:15

The Kampala School for Physically Various Vocational Training Programs are
Handicapped is a boarding school with offered in Kampala and Gulu, Uganda.
90 pupils between the ages of 7 and 18. These programs are designed to equip and
The school works primarily with children train young people in job skills. Your gift
suffering from cerebral palsy, muscular of a piece of equipment or a share in that
dystrophy, spina bifida, and polio. In gift will assist many in their efforts to break
addition to academic preparation, the the vicious cycle of extreme poverty.
children are provided with vocational The ministry team in Kampala is in
training in tailoring, gardening, tie-dying immediate need of funds to build a brick-
and screen printing, cooking, keyboarding making kiln or oven. The current kiln is
and poultry keeping. The school provides showing signs of heavy use and needs
spiritual training, sports and educational to be replaced. Brick-making is a high-
tours. The Good News Football Club demand job in Uganda, especially in
helps lead a daily chapel service as well as cities like Kampala. Each graduate of this
provide assistance with music, sports and program can help pull an entire family out
recreation. Your support of the vocational of a life of poverty. We would also like
education program of Kampala School for to purchase at least one more new brick-
the Physically Handicapped will go a long making machine so that we can increase
way to helping a disabled child realize his the number of youth in this particular
dream and potential. vocational tract.

Gift of a Vocational Training

g Program:
g $500
Share of a Vocational Training Program: $100
Gift of a Brick Making
g Kiln or Oven: $600
Share of Brick Making Kiln or Oven: $30

Gift of a Brick Making

g Machine: $500
Share of a Brick Making Machine: $20

hank you Moses and Sports Outreach Ministry for
teaching me pottery and brick-making. Thanks
also for telling me about Jesus and his love. I
now have the ability to earn an income that will
provide food and shelter for my mother, brothers and
sisters, and grandmother. I get much joy from making
the pottery and bricks. My boss feels that I have a good
future. God bless you. ~Betty
Ministry in Kenya
The ministry in Nairobi, Kenya continues to flourish under Franklin Shelimba’s leadership. Over 4
million people live in the squalor of three slums that surround the capital of Kenya which Franklin
oversees. We have a daily ministry in each of these slums which includes: feeding program, sports
ministry, outreach to heads of households suffering from HIV/AIDS, building relationships with
local churches and training and equipping new volunteers and Timothys. Franklin, a former star
player on one of Kenya’s premier soccer teams, is moving Sports Outreach Ministry Kenya boldly
into areas where many fear to tread. Your gifts can accomplish great things in Kenya!

Without the gift of a bicycle our Timothys,

incredible young leaders who have been trained
and equipped in sports ministry and evangelism,
have to rely on expensive public transportation Sponsor a Timothy to assist in the ministry!
to visit ministry sites. Your gift will greatly Your gift will cover the expenses for a highly-
enhance their ability to serve the Lord in these trained evangelist sports minister. Often
difficult situations. a Timothy makes the decision to move
Gift of a Bicycle:
y $60 into training for a staff position or train
Share of a Bicycle: $10 to become a member of an organization
such as our own Good News Football
Ministry to HIV/AIDS victims who are heads
Club. These people provide efficient and
of households includes food, discipleship and
regular visits to clean homes, bathe victims and important help for the leadership team.
spend time in prayer with those suffering with
Gift of a Timothyy for one year:
y $480
this disease and spend time ministering to their
families. Share of a Timothy for one year: $40
Gift of a year’s
y Support
pp for a Family:
y $480
Share of a year’s Support for a Family: $20
y name is Arthur and I live in the Kiberi slum of Nairobi, Kenya. My father left
us when I was very young. In my place there is much hunger and violence and
many sad people. Many people are afraid to come here. That is why I was so
amazed when people from Sports Outreach in USA visited here. I remember
the first day Coach Frank came to our place to bring sports, food and the story of Jesus.
He and his friends are good to me, they coach my football team, give food to my family
and show me the way to live. I get so happy every time they come. People say they are
making Kiberi a better place. Coach said, ‘No, we do not make Kiberi better, Jesus makes
Kiberi better. I do not know who is right – I just know that I now have love for Jesus and
that Coach Frank and his friends are helping me become a better person.

“...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least

of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40
Essentially, Sportsbridge is a way of bridging the gap between what Americans have in
abundance and what developing countries desperately need.

Colleges, universities, youth programs and individuals are invited to send surplus, used
or outdated equipment to the struggling teams and sports programs SOI has targeted
in a partnership that links them together and makes everyone a winner!

Lending a hand that changes lives…that’s Sportsbridge…giving kids a sporting


All the goods that are collected are stored in a container, which is shipped to Africa with
up to $250,000 worth of donated sports, school, medical, or office equipment.

Gift of a Container: $2,200

Share of a Container: $30

Gift of Shipping
pp g a Container: $11,000
Share of Shipping a Container: $100

hank you so much for sending clothes and equipment to the Remand House. We
are forced to live here because our parents left us to live on the streets of Kampala.
The Good News Team came to share about Jesus and left gifts from the people
in the USA. These are good things because they help make us feel better, keep
us warm at night and provide things for us
to play sports with. This is one of the best
things that has ever happened to us here
in the Remand Home. It is also very good
when we are told about Jesus and His love
for us. Thank you to all the nice people
who gave these things. ~Michel
Ministry in Mexico
“...Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 25:40

hank you for sending a
team to Ometepec to
teach me to swim and tell
me and my sister about
Jesus. Pastor Tim and his wife bring
me to Bible School in the morning
and take me swimming after lunch.
Mrs. Kim tells us stories about Jesus
while Mr. Steve and Mrs. Bonnie
teach me how to swim. It’s lots of
fun! ~ Miguel

Tim Wood is the Sports Outreach Director headquartered in Ometepec,

Mexico. The multi-faceted program in Mexico includes:
• Sports leagues and programs. Tim coaches two soccer teams and Luis
Monje, his assistant, runs a program to reach men and boys.
• A Christian school that specializes in teaching the Bible and English.
• Training and equipping volunteers and pastors in sports ministry and
• Supervising the construction of a Christian Camp located in a banana
grove beside the Pacific Ocean.
Gift of entire Construction cost of New Camp:
p $32,000
Share of Construction cost of New Camp: $30
Gift of a Mini-bus: $23,000
Share of a Mini-bus: $30
“Give generously
to him and do so
without a grudging
heart; then because
of this the LORD
your God will bless
you in all your work
and in everything
you put your
hand to.”
Deuteronomy 15:10
Sports Outreach Institute
2700 Langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24501

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