Sbi 3013: Simulation of Technologies

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Lecturers name:
Dr Azmi Bin Ibrahim


Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over
time. The of act simulating something first requires that a model be developed. This model
represents the key characteristics or behaviours or functions of the selected physical or
abstract system or process.
Simulation is used in many contexts such as simulation of technology for
optimization, safety engineering, testing, training, education and video games. Simulation is
also used with scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into
their functioning. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects to alternative
conditions and courses of action.
The interaction between the different network entities is defined by various
communication protocols. Network simulation software simulates behaviour of network on a
protocol level. Network Protocol Simulation can be used to develop test scenarios,
understand the network behaviour against certain protocol messages, compliance of new
protocol stack implementation, Protocol Stack Testing. These simulators are based on
telecommunications protocol architecture specifications developed by international standards

What is Simulation?
A discrete event simulation is a computer model that mimics the operation of a real or
proposed system or it can be defined also as a model of a set of problems that can be used to
teach someone how to do something, or the process of making such a model.
Simulation is time based, and takes into account all the resources and constraints
involved, as well as the way these things interact with each other. There are many scenarios
that can be simulated. As a general rule systems that involve a process flow with events can
be simulated.
Simulation software is based on the process of modelling a real phenomenon. It is a
program that allows the user to observe an operation through simulation without actually
performing that operation. Simulation software is used widely to design equipment so that the
final product will be as close to design specs as possible without expensive in process
modification. Simulation software with real time response is often used in gaming and it also
has important industrial applications.
Advanced computer programs can simulate power system behaviour, weather
conditions, electronics circuits, chemical reactions, mechatronics, heat pumps, feedback
control systems, atomic reactions even complex biological processes. In theory, any
phenomena that can be reduced to mathematical data and equations can be simulated on a
computer. Simulation can be difficult because most natural phenomena are subject to an
almost infinite number of influences. One of the tricks to develop useful simulation to
determine which are the most important factors that affect the goals of the simulation.
Furthermore it is to imitate processes to see how they behave under different
conditions, simulations are also used to test new theories. After creating a theory, the theorist
can codify the relationships in the form of a computer program. If the program then behaves
in the same way as the real process, there is a good chance that the proposed relationships are
General simulation
General simulation divide into two categories which are discrete event and continuous
simulation. Discrete event simulations are used to model statistical events. By properly
correlating arrival probabilities with observed behaviour, a model can determine optimal.
Continuous stimulators are used to model a wide variety of physical phenomena like ballistic

trajectories, human respiration, electric motor response, radio frequency data communication
and steam turbine power generation. Simulations are used in initial system design to optimize
component selection and controller gains.

Computer simulation
Computer simulation has become a useful part of modelling many natural systems in
physics, chemistry, biology and human systems in economics and social science as well as in
engineering to gain insight into the operation of those systems. A good example of the
usefulness of using computers to stimulate can be found in the field of network traffic
simulation. In such simulations, the model behaviour will change each simulation according
to the set of initial parameters assumed for the environment.
The formal modelling systems has been via a mathematical model, which attempts to
find analytical solutions enabling the prediction of the behaviour of the systems from a set of
parameters and initial conditions. Computer simulation, the common feature they all share is
the attempt to generate a sample of representative scenarios for a model in which a complete
enumeration of all possible states would be prohibitive or impossible.

Simulation technologies in higher education

Simulation is extensively used for educational purposes. There are two major factors
contributing to the proliferation of simulation technologies on our campuses. First is the
increasing availability of quality simulation resources, available via the internet or through
new devices and systems. Inexpensive, commodity based products such as computers,
sensors, haptic devices, immersive virtual reality displays, and so forth, together with
increasing network bandwidth are helping to make sophisticated simulation technologies
affordable and far more accessible. Second is the growing focus on outcomes in education
and the push not simply to transfer knowledge or have students pass courses but to teach and
assess broader competencies more rigorously. Simulation technologies are proving to be
valuable tools for effective competency-based education.
Advances in computer, visualization, and haptic technologies are fostering the rapid
growth in the use of computer based simulation for training and education. Driven by the
needs of the health related disciplines for safe learning environments, computer-based
simulators are now being integrated into the curricula of medical, nursing, dental and other
health professional education. Screen based case simulations were one of the earliest forms of
computer simulation technology. They have a proven track record in both education and
assessment and are now an integral part of the national medical licensing exam.


As we know, Le Chtelier's principle states that if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by

changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium shifts to counteract the change to
reestablish an equilibrium. If a chemical reaction is at equilibrium and experiences a change
in pressure, temperature, or concentration of products or reactants, the equilibrium shifts in
the opposite direction to offset the change.
The same concept applies here, the initial concentration of I2 was set as 0, and the initial
concept of HI was also set into 0. Next, talking about H2 concentration, it was initially set at
0. The rate of combination was been observed to be at the initial level. The same applies to
the rate of decomposition, it was also been observed to be at the intial level. As back to the
concept of Le Chtelier's principle, this can be said as a dynamic reaction which now as a
result, the concentration before and after are same. Looking back to the graph, both
concentration has a equal rate. We can say that at 2400, they attain the equilibrium state.
For example, by considering this reaction
H(g) + I2(g) -- HI(g)
Ka= (HI)
The reaction that consumes iodine gas is the forward reaction. Increasing the concentration of
I2 will increase the rate of this reaction, decrease the concentration of hydrogen, and increase
the concentration of hydrogen iodide. The equilibrium will shift right. Which now in this
case, after 1200 seconds,there is some increase in the concentration of hydrogen iodide while
there is a decrease in a concentration of Iodine.

Refering back to Le Chtelier's principle states that if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by

changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium shifts to counteract the change to
reestablish an equilibrium. If a chemical reaction is at equilibrium and experiences a change
in pressure, temperature, or concentration of products or reactants, the equilibrium shifts in
the opposite direction to offset the change.
In this graph, we can see the interception point where the both concentration intercept. This is
because based on the principle, reaction of the concentration are attaining their dynamic
equilibrium. Referring back to the graph, the intial concentration of H2 is 0.3 while the
concentration of I2 is 0,5 and the initial concentration of HI is 0.5. This can be said as the
reaction for combination.
This is because the rate of combination shows changes at the initial. It also can be seen there
is no level of changes in the rate of decomposition As the time goes, the rate of the reaction
turns back to a equal rate od before and after.
For example, by considering this reaction

H(g) + I2(g) -- HI(g)

Ka= (HI)
This is a complete forward reaction. This is because, this reaction that consumes iodine gas
which the concentration decreases starts 3 seconds. Thus, there will be decrease in
concentration of hydrogen, and increase the concentration of hydrogen iodide. The
equilibrium will shift right. the reaction that consumes iodine ion is the one toward the left the formation of hydrogen iodide molecules. Every hydrogen iodide molecule formed uses up
a hydrogen ion, which decreases the concentration of hydrogen ions in the newly established
equilibrium and increases the concentration of hydrogen iodide molecules. We calculated the
concentrations in the new equilibrium and found that the hydrogen ion concentration. The
equilibrium had shifted to absorb the effect of the stress caused by the decrease in the
concentration of iodine ions.

This is the third graph which obeys the Le Chtelier's principle, Le Chtelier's principle states
that if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of
equilibrium shifts to counteract the change to reestablish an equilibrium. If a chemical
reaction is at equilibrium and experiences a change in pressure, temperature, or concentration
of products or reactants, the equilibrium shifts in the opposite direction to offset the change.
This is a proper dynamic equilibrium.
For example, by considering this reaction

H(g) + I2(g) -- HI(g)

Ka= (HI)

This is a complete forward reaction. This is because, this reaction that consumes iodine gas
which the concentration decreases starts 3 seconds. Thus, there will be decrease in
concentration of hydrogen, and increase the concentration of hydrogen iodide. The
equilibrium will shift right. the reaction that consumes iodine ion is the one toward the left the formation of hydrogen iodide molecules. Every hydrogen iodide molecule formed uses up
a hydrogen ion, which decreases the concentration of hydrogen ions in the newly established
equilibrium and increases the concentration of hydrogen iodide molecules. We calculated the
concentrations in the new equilibrium and found that the hydrogen ion concentration. The
equilibrium had shifted to absorb the effect of the stress caused by the increase in the
concentration of Iodine molecules.
Referring back to the graph, the initial value of the concentration of H2 was started at 0.5
while the initial I2 started at 0.5. In contrast, slight changes of the concentration of HI which
it was started at 1.0. This experiment shows the both rate which the rate of decomposition and
the rate of combination. The level of combination was moved to the right while the level of
decomposition was taken to the maximum level. Thus, we can see that the level of
decomposition acts much more greater compared to the level of combination.

In this graph, there is no interception points in the both level. The HI concentration shows a
slight increase while the concentration of I2 shows a slight decrease. At 5.00 seconds, the rate
turns constant until 24.00 seconds. Thus, this experiment had turned to have a constant rate
which as the pricple of Le Chtelier's says, dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the
conditions, the position of equilibrium shifts to counteract the change to reestablish an
equilibrium. Thus, there had been no disturbance counteract after the 5.00 seconds

Simulation is a powerful and important tool because it provides a way in which alternative
design, plans can be evaluated without having to experiment on a real systems which may be
prohibiting cost, time consuming and it is simple impractical to do.

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