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1.) what are the types of NOTAMS?

explain each

A NOTAM is an abbreviation for a Notice to Airmen. NOTAMs are issued by

the FAA for many different reasons, but mostly to inform pilots of changes
to airports, airways and local procedures that affect the safety of flight.
There are many types of NOTAMs, including international, domestic,
military and civilian. They can be mandatory or advisory in nature.Private
pilots and commercial pilots in the United States should concern
themselves with the following NOTAM types:

NOTAM(D): NOTAMs that are distributed to an area beyond that of

the local airport area are considered NOTAM(D) (think 'D' for
Distant). These are distributed beyond the area of the flight service
station and are divided into two groups, (U) NOTAMs and (O)
NOTAMs. (U) NOTAMs are those that come from an unofficial source
and aren't verified by theairport manager. (O) NOTAMs are notices
to airmen that don't meet the standards of a typical NOTAM but can
be beneficial to pilots.
NOTAM(L): The NOTAM(L) category doesn't exist any longer for
civilian pilots. This type of NOTAM is still used in the military. A
NOTAM(L) is a voice NOTAM, confined to the local airport area, and
is typically broadcast over the radio or telephone. NOTAM(L)s that
were used before have been reclassified as NOTAM(D)s.
GPS NOTAMs: GPS NOTAMs are issued for areas of service problems
or outages.
FDC NOTAMs Flight Data Center NOTAMs are mandatory and require
compliance. These include instrument approach procedure and
airway changes or safety hazards involved with either. Temporary
Flight Restrictions (TFRs) are considered FDC NOTAMs. TFRs are
issued for necessary and immediate airspace closures, such as the
airspace around the White House or the temporary closure of
airspace around live events such as the Olympics.
Center Area NOTAMs: A Center Area NOTAM is actually an FDC
NOTAM issued for a large area. It's distributed by the Air Route

Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) and covers multiple airports. Airway

restrictions, laser activity and TFRs are examples of Center Area
Class I NOTAMs: Standard NOTAMs released via telecommunication.
Class II NOTAMs or Published NOTAMs: Published NOTAMS are not
distributed via telecommunication. Instead, they are published in a
Notice to Airmen Publication (NTAP), updated every 28 days.
International NOTAMs: International NOTAMs are distributed to more
than one country. International NOTAMS are published in ICAO
format and stored in the International section of the NTAP.
International NOTAMS aren't offered in a regular flight service
briefing; they must be specifically requested by the pilot.
Domestic NOTAMs: Include NOTAMS from the United States and
sometimes Canada, and are completed in FAA format instead of
There is also a distinction between civil and military NOTAMs.
Military NOTAMs include safety concerns specific to military airfield
and military operations that aren't otherwise covered under the civil
NOTAM system.

2.) What is OROCA? explain

The OROCA or Off Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude provides 1000 feet obstacle
clearance in non-mountainous areas and 2000 feet clearance in mountainous areas.
However, the 2012 FAA Instrument Procedures Handbook states (excerpt below) in a
another sentence that OROCAs do not provide acceptable terrain clearance. My
question: Why state that OROCAs provide 1000/2000 terrain clearance in one
sentence yet in the next sentence terrain clearance is not acceptable? How do you
plan safely? "OROCAs depicted on en route charts do not provide the pilot with an
acceptable altitude for terrain and obstruction clearance for the purposes of offroute, random RNAV direct flights in either controlled or uncontrolled airspace."

3.) Example of STARS and SID's

1.) what are the types of NOTAMS? explain each
A Notice To Airmen or NOTAM is a notice containing information (not known sufficiently in
advance to publicize by other means) concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any
component (facility, service, or procedure of , or hazard in the National Airspace System) the
timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations.












CLASS I NOTAMS (ICAO): NOTAMs distributed by means of telecommunication.


than telecommunications. In the United States these NOTAMs are published in the Notices To
Airmen Publication (NTAP) which is issued every 28 days.
INTERNATIONAL NOTAMS: Any NOTAM intended for distribution to more than one country
would be considered an international NOTAM. However, a FSS does not have access to all
international NOTAMs. For our purposes I will limit the definition to international NOTAMs that
we at a FSS have access to. This would include NOTAMs stored in ICAO format in the United
States NOTAM System (USNS) or published in the International NOTAMs section of the NTAP.
The USNS stores international NOTAMS separately from domestic NOTAMs, but only for
selected locations both inside and outside the United States. These NOTAMs are not included
in a standard weather briefing unless specifically requested.
DOMESTIC NOTAMS: NOTAMs that are primarily distributed within the United States although
they may also be available in Canada. Domestic NOTAMs stored in the USNS are coded in a
domestic format rather than an ICAO format.
CIVIL NOTAMS: Any NOTAM that is part of the civil NOTAM system which includes any
NOTAM this is not part of the military NOTAM system.
MILITARY NOTAMS: Any NOTAM that is part of the military NOTAM system which primarily
includes NOTAMs on military airports and military airspace.
FDC NOTAMS: Flight Data Center NOTAMS are NOTAMs that are regulatory in nature such as
changes to an instrument approach procedure or airway. Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs)
are also issued as FDC NOTAMs.
CENTER AREA NOTAMS: An FDC NOTAM issued for a condition that is not limited to one
airport, therefore it is filed under the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) that controls the
airspace involved. TFRs, airway changes and laser light activity are examples of this type of
NOTAM. This becomes very important to know when looking for NOTAMs on your own. For
example you must retrieve ZAN FDC NOTAMs for flights in Alaska because ZAN is the code for
Anchorage ARTCC which is the controlling Center for all of Alaska.
NOTAM (D): A NOTAM given (in addition to local dissemination) distant dissemination beyond
the area of responsibility of the Flight Service Station. This type of NOTAM now includes (U)
NOTAMs and (O) NOTAMs. (U) NOTAMs are unverified NOTAMs which are those that are
received from a source other than airport management and have not yet been confirmed by

management personnel. This is allowed only at those airports where airport management has
authorized it by Letter of Agreement. (O) NOTAMs are other aeronautical information which
does not meet NOTAM criteria but may be beneficial to aircraft operations.
NOTAM (L): A NOTAM given local dissemination by voice and other means, such as
telautograph and telephone, to satisfy local user requirements. This type of NOTAM is now
used only in the military NOTAM system. All NOTAMs previously considered NOTAM (L)s in the
civil NOTAM system are now considered NOTAM (D)s.

2.) What is OROCA? explain

An off-route altitude which provides obstruction clearance with a 1,000-foot buffer
in nonmountainous terrain areas and a 2,000-foot buffer in designated mountainous
areas within the United States. This altitude may not provide signal coverage from
ground-based navigational aids, air traffic control radar, or communications

3.) Example of STARS and SID's



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