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Interpretation of Results

An amplifier is used to increase the amplitude of a

signal waveform, without changing other parameters of
the waveform such as frequency or wave shape. They are
one of the most commonly used circuits in electronics
and perform a variety of functions in a great many
electronic systems. Adding the term (small-signal) to an
amplifier just simply means that it is an amplifier
designed to handle small ac signals, like those weak ac
voltages coming out from a microphone or an antenna.
There are three kind of circuit arrangements that can be





For the first part of the experiment, we have
common-base as our circuit arrangement. Table 1-1a
shows the DC voltages of the common-base amplifier. The
value of the voltage supply or VA is 14.94 V, VC is 7.68 V,
VB is 1.101 V, and VE is 0.489 V. By inspection, it can be
noticed that the voltage reading of collector is greater
than of the emitter. This simply indicates that it is a
common-base amplifier because in this arrangement, the
input terminal is the emitter and the output terminal is

the collector. Since it is an amplifier, the output should

have a greater value compared to the input. Data
gathered in Table 1-1b, the input and the output voltage
were 108


and 6.44 Vpk-to-pk, respectively. Dividing

the input voltage to the output will give us the voltage

gain with a value of 59.63. Looking at the Graph 1-1,
green wave being the input signal and orange wave being
the output signal, it can be observed that the sinusoidal
waveforms are in-phase with each other and the input




to a
larger output signal.
Graph 1-1







arrangement for the second part. The voltages in Table 11a is just the same with the data in Table 1-2a. Since the
dc circuit of common-base and common-emitter are
somehow similar, that is why it resulted to an equal data
gathered. However, there is a difference in the input and
output voltage of a common-emitter amplifier. As you can
see in Table 1-2b, the input voltage is 100 m V pk-to-pk and
the output voltage is 980 mV pk-to-pk. Solving the voltage
gain for the input and output voltages will give us a value
of 9.8. It appeared to have a different kind of result to the

common-base amplifier because the input terminal of a

common-emitter is the base. In Graph 1-2, a phase shift
occurred since the waveforms are out-of-phase. The input
signal did amplify but not that much compared to the

mon-base amplifier.
Graph 1-2

Lastly, the configuration that we used is a commoncollector amplifier. Table 1-3a contains the voltage of the
supply, VC, VB, and VE, which are 14.95 V, 14.93 V, 7.81 V,
and 6.65 V respectively. For a common-collector amplifier,
its input terminal is the base and the collector is the
output terminal. Looking at Table 1-3b, it has the same
reading for the voltage input and output, which means
that the voltage gain of this kind of amplifier is equal to 1.
In Graph 1-3, it can be noticed that only one sinusoidal
waveform is graphed. This is because a common-collector
amplifier does not function to amplify, instead it is only
used as a buffer. Thus, the input and output signal has
the same waveform.

Graph 1-3

We learned the different connections for commonbase, for common-emitter, and for commoncollector.
For common-base, the input terminal is the
emitter and the output terminal is the collector.
With regards to the common-emitter, its input
terminal is the base and the collector is its output
For common-collector, the base is the input
terminal and the emitter is the output terminal.
The common-base amplifier has the best voltage
amplification because it has the largest voltage
gain among them all.
By reaching the expected voltage reading and
voltage gain, this simply means that we were able
to know where to measure the input and output
signals in various circuit configuration of a smallsignal amplifier.
Moreover, by looking at the three graphs that we
had for the three amplifiers, we can differentiate
and see the unique characteristics that these
amplifiers produce.

For the common-base, the waveforms are inphase with each other.
For the common-emitter, there exist a phase shift,
meaning, the waveforms are out-of-phase.
Lastly, for the common-collector, the graph of the
input and output signal is just the same since no
amplification occurred.

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