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Quick Guide TL-QG-004 TopconLink

Transferring from TopconLink to AutoCAD

Viewing the data in TopconLink
From TopconLink 5.04 onwards, there is now the option to save an existing TopconLink database file or a downloaded
TopSurv file directly to AutoCAD DXF or DWG format. Having started up TopconLink, either open up your existing
database file, or as shown here, prepare to download a file from a Windows CE field controller.

From the File menu, select Import from Device

and select Mobile Device.

Note you will need to have Microsoft ActiveSync installed, running and connected to your device. If this is not the case,
carry this out now

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Quick Guide TL-QG-004 TopconLink

answering no to set up a partnership and accepting the standard screen.

Back in TopconLink, on the left hand side, navigate through to where your TSV job file is located and select the download
path on the right hand side:

N.B. TopSurv jobs on the controller are stored as *.TSV files and their equivalent desktop database files (having gone
through the downloading and conversion process in TopconLink and ActiveSync) have the extension *.TLSV. The TSV files
can not be read directly on the PC, and similarly, TLSV files can not be read directly on the device.

Once you have found and selected your TSV file on the device and chosen where to send the file to, click on the button
marked >> to start the process. You will notice that the main TopconLink screen now has a progress bar in the right hand
side of its status bar to inform you how the download conversion is doing.

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Quick Guide TL-QG-004 TopconLink

Once the file has downloaded, you will see the data appearing in a new window behind the Import from Device dialog.
Unless you need to download more files, you can now close the importing dialog to view the data as laid out in TopconLink.
TopconLink 5.* introduces a new view, enabling you to see all of your data graphically, this is known as the Cad View and
if it isnt automatically activated, you can select it from TopconLinks View menu.

Within TopconLinks Cad View, your can alter line styles and colours to suit better if needs be (TopconLink will use the
code settings created within the original TSV job.
The final stage is to save the database in appropriate AutoCAD format. From the File menu, select Save As

and from the resulting dialog, make sure that the Advanced Options tick box is checked

and Metres are selected for the Linear Unit and that the Orthometric Height tick box is checked.
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Quick Guide TL-QG-004 TopconLink

From the Format Name drop down, drill down and select either DWG or DXF files from beneath the GIS Files section.

Enter an appropriate file name and file location and press Save.

The file is now ready to open up in AutoCAD.

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Quick Guide TL-QG-004 TopconLink

Viewing the file in AutoCAD

Fire up AutoCAD and locate and open your newly saved file

If you have used strings when logging the data in the field, these will be displayed as expected.

You can now select the drawing elements make any changes, query properties, etc.

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