Quick Smart English NT S Biate B1-B2

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KEN WILSON and PRC) Think the oppure eel the same way. 1 think you're wrong. You're right. + Thave a diferent opinion about it ean soe your point of view. | + Tenn see what you're saying, but» nam nena Ways of talking about past habits + used to ‘+ The children used to have apes of bread inthe morning 2 woul They would send the children with fod for the workers, Shad ‘+ Thoy had no supper. (pst simple tense) + etten/usually +” The children often usually st» on the way to the fields. eee + Um, let me soe + Lot me think + Br whats the word? |= What ean Tsay? 2 You know + Tmem 2 wat + Well actually, it was. +t shows a sturiy officer (monitoring CCTV imaes) + Ys: picture of people valkng along a train plat) ‘There are ope walking along ‘+ What’ the man inthe picture Hes watching some TV screens doing? less fhe stoking vein + Can you aay more about the picture?) + Yer The man looks snxious/ supicous ‘Gan you deseribe this + Whats happening i OnE Ee] War of spciatng + Tes diol to say (nha wll nppen {Thin government wl starting for alternative enory sources {Tee pestle (Ghd the wold wl bcome more poacefl 2 Herhupe img nore wil el ware, ¢) Wemuht/ ay sop ny eee el {ell sauce vey ec pee eee 1 Weneed to find sostive energy source i ese te ol ou 1 opel fl a —— OO] Future time expressions “+ inthenext tn years Oil will come very expensive in the next van years. + in (20) years’ time ‘In 20 years time we may be fihting wars about ol soon. wil may Soon the price of oi will go up/'The price may go up soon. {semetine Gin the future) Sametime inthe next 20 years alar power wil be possible, + same day (soon) ‘Seme day we may run our carson hydrogen. 2 sooner or later Sonmer ot later the oi wil ran out. + in/ hy (2020) Tin! by 2020, Peak Oil wil be ast. ‘Ways of persuading “Ways of encourasg /dscouraging + You mast take the opportunity. ‘You can do it yt). 2 Dont give up to casi Youve daing (quite really) well + Ifyou fil, you can take the exam again ‘+ Bverything willbe fine /You'l be fine. + Ifyoudon't go, woll be vory angry. + Its casio than you think 2 teyou didn't go) you would foo! bad 2 Tyo do your revision, youl pass. + You don't noed to (do that) Don’ do that ‘Was of giving examples + Lets gout, For example, we could sea film. pT ike to go atop university, suchas 5 Forinstame, weoold ee Str Wars. Canbnge f Mogive you nm example ket costs £5.) An inlligent person ke you should understand SEE Cohesive word and expressions sed in formal discussion and writing Ways of adding information: + also ‘furthermore + what's more im addition Ways of contracting! but Thowever bonthrother hand + nevertheless? Ways of expressing effect: so Sasaresult + consequently therefore ways of expressing smitarty: + similarly + in chu sume way Ways of ordering points: firstly secondly» thirdly lastly Ways of concuding: ‘finally ineonclusion + to conclude Ae renga Intermediate B1-B2 Ken Wilson and Mary Tomalin Contributor: Chery Ptteret Constant: Rosemary Harts Desist eto: Ana Kut Designer: Jon Anastasio esearch an persion: Veena Hola, Papa Navabpour iustrators Cede right, Mark Dutta Glossary: ary Rigby ocorigs: Jn Green, Tim Woot student's bool 159M: 978-4-905248-714 ‘Ao valtable: SE Intermediate Workbook, EN 978-1 905248-728 ‘uci CO Listening + Un 0, ON 5781905248247 ‘uo CO 2 Renin, SON 978190524870 Teachers Gude, ON 978-1.905248-8-3 ther boks inthe QS Series: Sima English 42 (CEFR 2, 125) GE Pre Intermediate (CEFR A281) SE Advanced (CEFR B2-C1) Produced and published by: Brookemead Erlth Lanquge Tesching, Lendon and San Francisca wmndeakemeat coh ‘rts res No part of hs publeaton mayb reat, Fer wren prmsion te cpp lors trois oe tp: Da os cey ag mist: Patti Ree ry my mde: ae bate: © econ Ut pt no ey D/O: Dur aera age aA Pos apt ‘at nea tay tanto Ay eaisen ee Uy Pe Sdn Cm. Ut oC Biv Potten hap eet ebony Shp, 2-0 Fema. OP oa Ro tnt pot reap pcp, ae Weal Pelton A ny fh ate a ot ere rn, pk Wane Se Hates, mst, Pig tern olny sr To Oy ‘ert sso 09s etl Deen ans gen sens po Ce ner 5; Sok Conon aU 2 od ey ean ele ran hes eo Sian abr tm NEL Pet Kn or {rey st bea ian thay ops pee ts, oan seyret Pete any Unk: ebay PA Md "emits >015y gy St sre oem eel td A ETERS Cots, stro nck te Toc; uo estos ess, pt UTES ecm, AUNT Pt, Up a maker: peat Ay, lange my, ra tr aay pers or ‘Bieta Unt 1 pte is. Bo ker ernie trop phon ony oat ca To kage sy Warp tat ne Bc. acumen ott aon SEL Hal Petopape) Pras War Gps 29S eine Steaphan Seen 9-year, te Cs, 20, le eed Pt Sauce Us hts ces sre Darainoltine Wi Set Read 2: 2c ara emp ited "tps nan bonnian et, pO Capi ran pr 204 Unk pa ASOLO CUR pout T ws CLEC, U1 AP er Po tock Ie Am RA ratich ea rope eet ae on Wd he yA, Se: ati Sis ‘este up sate gu Ct ee ACA ron pmy ati aoa wh emis car MEU 6s am PME Sa amy one Mat pry nay any Plt, ng mae S70 Wi An BH a ee aon ey ate Pani es 1 prs Scapa penne rp Ay 7 4 a, [Mere p27 TX Roa ge ge Cat Meh Vee, ead fermion ams sine etal ef iD en py 29 A Is ese, Cece ser be OE, ‘Peary Ut tian pm NS et Pen erty pew C0, tena Pte Moy 50S tpn arty US) Ea Red: © Bema, PTE 92 Te [tebe em With eis he erie og Pa DS EC Unt Tle fight, Birely Fame and fortune Animal passons EE ie youre Natthed Ot crisis ARIA AA AR Subject National and Tort produce and roaucts rade 7 Relationships vitae an Gy te Grate? Pubic res pastand present Grade 8 Nationa ‘ronmental rade 8 carly rremones rade Technooay rade? lott ‘Svronmentat isis Grade? Love ana romance Personal ‘ales and Geade 8 The 86 ueston Ae iova stopper? le the internet 8 goad place faimeet poopie? Is tpe oecer Inthe city De anima have fetings? How wel do ‘weremember ings searity Important thn privacy? What wil we cdo when the ‘rans out? on ye stop Functions, Language Banks (0 Aavartages and Gendvantages 1 Aekng for and giving ‘eves and pesto: 2 Akin fr and ing ‘pion 2 Filing puss 4 comparing an ‘ontasing 5 Asking fr earcation sgintime for nought 8 xpressing fecings fn emotions 19 Wye of agreeing and deagecing 10 Tang about pst abit 11 Heston filers 12 Asking abt and ‘escrbing pictures 13 speculating 14 Future time cexpresions 17 Cohesive words Grammar should: prevent sete eee he to shoul, ugh to, ‘ould, you'd better compararnes woth rmciiers may might Relative tases ‘ett sie woul, tied to, ast perfect Present ond ast sine en oes, ‘ero and first neitonas Tay . Reding st Qorw | @ corte Dstoppira in QD supermarets or tp cel shops? ‘O reiationshins, QUO sate dg Srge donoes Ours OO satanic Chen Silonen [az forged” i © pisses wd tna foe la famous os Meals ‘Garman, Erste othe doo O saiat ar ne F Serr ott apne ana elephants Omens ° happy fe, by ant fet. Beton, orto, UA” en O Underwater @)O' sun deve Srinmins Oren we) teach Feat Ot ‘Whe io un aaiatenave | it ney sores Oca caer : determi with a Listening Q004, tek B04 var ID inowirash © slo st Elon Project. Orwee — D veud ferent persona leanpals fr ence Quick Smart English Intermediate Speaking What do you d about eel ESHTRSVER Beesct powing your eee YOUR TOPIC: Nake ts of products you use and here they come frm, ‘vice ad suggestions about dating CONTROVERSY! Best ways of meting Mr oF Neen CONVERSATION: How do people meet thereat partners rear ere you wont het Ie COUIROVERSY: Argument between a refugee and Someone vo seins isigation YOUR Tote: Why rave to anther county? ‘vantages 2nd disadrantages of fame and fortune EROYEST Con Tans op rhe om Ft FTERACTIE TAK: How des the mesa manage the news “our dees abut whether animals have emotions CoTROvERSY Do animal sents come before Ssentiiereseare CONVERSATION: Ae people more important than snimais! Cou lite of slavery realy be happy? CONTROVERSY Tela try « whper and pass INTERACTIVE THK: king abot Benga Servant The benefits of electra ec TonrsovErs Pee, pits ond crdnary Dope debate vagy EDIRERSATION Dsctsion about surveilance ‘eur opinion about te future of oi Coneovenst Wil technology finda sluion {otha energy criss "TUR TOPIC: Fesenting your ideas for ternative cneay Describing people's characters Continuing the story ing each othe hough ex ColrMbVERD are af tet etate the eed for an Kings of further eoyeation TOUR TOPIC: Studying abroad wy and where? ars manfactiring sp wast OVERS Canjourefse Oke vane? weting conten survey on dt a wring repens over Send an emai ome, describing ‘ior yu ve Devise and answer 2 quatonate to find out people's ‘eas sbost Ferma eter to ctr newspaper Description of. things Sr eon Creative wating ‘eetd were atthed aril for ‘ovronmentat magazine ig ermal Teter ane Forpal eter a iestionto8 ‘bread dail for Imagoine about INTERACTIVE TASK Do you Rave the rat to ln peace and war sedetence? ou Poges (orien and Language Integrated ears) Ecoouics ‘The BRC economies (re isi, ira svcHOLOGYE Profesor Solomon Ac’: Confermty Experiment uuay ceoeare: ‘Wor’ ages cts; Pah and facto migration Feotoay: How faba oe and bah meat afect| threoteed species wees asroR® The Save rade acres the sian Desa ysis Communication waves; wavelets; digital Sd snaogue sims ews: Fyerocerbors, polation, eenhouse sires race sTuoies: ol ofthe Unied ations unt Tle a a « q = « a a « qd = 1 must have one oF thane Globesity ities of Peas Call of the wild Extended feeding? Fantas orig ‘Think bi Tow away key Star ‘Alone in space extended reading 3 ‘Glossary 4A The Tnity GESE Gra SSC TET Subject Sexe ond sondads Grades Habis ana bbeessone Grade Desien Grade? Navan Grade Pallution and recycting Grate Dreams and righinares. cates ‘The word of wore Grades ime and punishment rade Risk ard Soventre hecined Boren rade 8 events aed aovevement The BG question or much enouahe Pia fatert th ‘shunting ve we alone Inspace? Fncions, Language Banks 18 Expressing wits ond 19 Checking that you Understand wat someone sia 20 Evaluating options 21 Asking for extra {elonation snd aking fren eas 22 Paraphrasing Bi pressing abstract ‘dens 24 pressing kes and ‘seiees coo ae Sra Grammar er patterns biter mish bd hepe ata fern Sen et Soe Present Perec Future simpie pave Reported speech Passives with nodal can eseen, sould be reat) ete +n Inve Thi sna, baru of” sroulacould ‘present De) Reading ue Qoo2rm 16. O08 ves 68 Drevioniy 9° Pantano down tothe ol Simp ite in Wales Qrouston, tat capital of Anerica | O) Onarga HO seyiatenn 10) Stun |e for 34 of a pas min peop @ ceri oer So: fon ls he o -_ sug tt | eee Deck exrac Ursula K Le Guin's | 4 rd te ome ie of How student | Senet Ip of re sees’ |. deat pean Te tia 3 — tr ee ‘Aron Ralston have focu off hs arm tosmven iter Operate es Hench. | aS : f D vee wito the de for subject seas scaed. However, the functors and grammar in each Unit nciude tems from ater nity Grades, 0 must refer to Tany's specications wer tontysalege.caut fr complete ntarmation Sr the functions nd parma requted Tot each Grade. , Quick Smart Eng! = ae jate = : Listening speaking ea, t Oco1.rax (er range : ws Speaiesagy oq O ote © the soe ie aig Eula end sg TUDES ie |rinang © EGY Gent ne mxinworax Sauce Sidhe ain em re waa es CONVERSATION: What makes people poor, or a thot oe pot at pope top 2 Wear seam enucaro TORBAY Ag iron pele to eat aeritenent Yori sees of feo dt mare feratinos” ese cbt OUR TORE! Ste ard cept on pope’ cata hb st tyeinabuldng bots hm ight iprtonreur sc pS le asoigats paces” pr fo'eor_ The sand he prj the be vant et Beat cyan degen fern FRTERACIVE SK Foren ant oden tre {hen Sema on sontecure Somes deze erenhay Wetean acide CoSTTUTONAL Lit CGRTROVESY Foran ost nung wis ionganeis SBN Masta sina aoa estomArnendment he rg fo CONVERSATION: Ret o bear arms i US and teoraeme ‘shooting tragedy a colombine High School Presenting your ideas an reeycing waking 2 sevmay ‘eur own dens abou tay wing We 9 fim UTRATURE: GeirRONERS:Boyou peter fot movies or review Ay Srey a gee 18 ee we she hed seem CSWERSATON: which sores would make god Match become te ft © fim Samer sty” Franenstela Vint dayne wih Oke Wenge BNE Teoh clge ay onsen | Cong ope EDUIROVERS ncn ech ote foc joe Fete remall emp OURTORC: Present Joules oa Sbjct ma omected wth we Eevekds) atades 0 drag probims Diary of Han RTs: onraovnsr Batog te Tes sys rian ote Urea Becton IiteRsctve YAS Huntress wich ae fare Sine gt mnt portent ost dead paleo emanate ng |p cme htRoveRse Energon) sees s met of the Andes vers ‘hiwainthe Sears of setae INTERACTIVE 145% Dscuion about dingerais domes Shean He be you shink tat UFOs ae re Itc fora UFO ASTRONOMY: CorRONERY, Mave we Been vied by ales, Magne sare anc the Cuteee conn eesu em Spost of ta oui TOP: Do gross ext? ‘Success and falure; optimism and pessimism News report BD tens 1 Tie BIG question: NRE YOU A ‘GOOD SHOPPER? id food and drink shops ~ more than 40% of the total 2 PREVIEW Words: ‘A Wier in your neighbourhood an you buy the items in the photographs? ata hypermarket? in a supermarket? in small loca shops? ata Tarmers’ market? Which ofthe items in the photos are: 41 manufactured products? ee 2 agricultural produce? © atch the category with the example. Category Example 1 farm crops @) beet 2 dairy produce (b) coat 3 teatles (6) cheese 4 manufactured products = (6) tuna 5 minerals (e) clothes 6 meat A, sowvenss 7 timber (@) as 8 fen (b) furniture 9 tourism (i) wheat Language: Read the sentences and answer the questions, + Everyone wears global brands, "© Global brands are worn by everyone. ‘Local farmers produce all our ood ‘A. bo the frst two sentences have the same meaning? B_ What iste subject ofeach sentence? ‘C Rowrte the third sentence witnovt changing the ‘meaning. Begin: Al cur food © Because ofthe childron and my job, Inevor Ihave much time. © Due to global warming, it won't be long before sasuagoes are gave ler () sting pon National and local produce and products Subject: Function: Advantages and disadvantages ‘Grammar: shout; present simple pave; because of, de to Over the past decade, Britain has lost nearly 30,000 independent © Hfyou want to know exactly what's in your food, then you should buy local produce, © Ifyou want cheap, delicious food, try the weekly farmer's market. Which words give advice or say that something i good idea? Does due to mean the same as because off @ sxwons.o«wr Meas: The ftiowing sentences ae fem the reading text onthe opposite page. Read them and answer the ‘questions. © The advantage is Chat) it sells everything and ite cheap. ‘© Supermarkot food often travels long distances and that is very bad for the environment. ‘© Its disadvantage (that) some ofthe local shops have closed c 'A- ina kind of shop des the ist sentence refer ta? ‘What kind of things can you buy there? BAe the statements inthe second sentence true? so, why? Are local shoos closing in your neighbourhood? 30, why 3 READING © 2 Scan texts 1-5 quickly. Complete the gaps with the typeof shop each person stalking about (a) hypermarket (0) supermarket () local shops = a Baer See mus Answer the question using one ofthe words or Dhrases in bold inthe texts 1 What is a handbag an example off 2. How ean you shop without leaving home? 3. What do we call someane who makes fashionable, expensive clothes! 4 What phrase can we use when we don't care about someting? 55 What do we call frit and vegetables produced Complete the sentences: 1S wm cheaply n the hypermarket, 2 Samantha helps the environment when she BUYS nn 3 Glorglo thinks mangoes wil soon grow in his region because of 4 Helena sells mugs and vases because they vv lal Sater eral =e eos eae ae Think global, act ane ceomectae an fbuy souvent of he on Ne J roduc ering lecly “eho the BL poten exes and leather goods Te fn i mous for ei we sla le of murs vases ad pts A Ja Shooter uy mos tings be The dsthanage the cost thee Scr ne see th ai a You wom deco al pode, ye ‘weekly farmers’ market ~ it's oat 1 Undertin the sentences in tents 15 that refer te advantages ane disadvantages 2. Why do some ofthe people prefer to use local shops and markets? 3 Why do others prefer to go to supermarkets or hypermarket? 4 TALK ABOUT IT |A. Workin groups. Talk sbout how and where you buy things. Use Language Bank 0 to help you explain the advantages and dsadvantage to each other 1B Work in pars. Imagine that a friend has just moved te your neighbourhood. Talk about where to shop. Some people are angty about supermarkets and hypermavkets. Can ys expain why? ‘A.ett cours come herein sumer nd global, act local @ 5 ustenn @ ‘A What are the ebjects inthe photos 1-6 made out of? ‘Chace from these materia (a) newspaper (b las bottles (a) textes fe) cartyres Now make sentences: ©" Example: I think the (hat) is made out of Goewspapen) ' You wl hear Ruth and Neil Thomson talk about their exhibition ealled "kNOwtrash”. The exhibition has our pars. Listen and complete the gaps with numbers 14 (a) Part nn glves advice about reeling (b) Pare aon shows things that come out of the sound (Part. shows that in nature there sno wast. (4) In PAF wns ll the products are made out of recycled materials Complete the sentences with one o two words. 1 The handbag with the Brazil flag on it s made 08 OF eon 2 Ruth and Wel Say, "There's 10 enna If YOU nn FO," 3 Nell says that in nature, nnn recycled 4 When we manufacture things, we use a lot of 5 Inthe West, We mnie 8 Nt of things and do not ecyce them. (Ruth says that a drinks can i 7 InPart 3, Nel shows a Brazilian handbag, a 1 Bs and Some 18 The recycled objects in Part 3 are made by PPLE nm 1 Nit says tha if you want to hep the environment, you should. 10 He says that another advantage ie that you can make: {rom reveling _Wiite sentences using the preset simple passive tense, Put the verb into the correct orm. 1 The toy eroplane / make out of / drinks cans 2. innature / nothing / waste 3. In the West, products / use J stort time 4 Alot of rubbish / throw away Work n small aroups. Which of te items below are thrown away in your neighbourhood? Which are recycied? How do you feel about recycling? Explain why waste food drinks cars plastic bags Gas boltles old clothes car bres Paper newspaper plastbotes furniture The Ben Pjec so ciemental hone pests Englnd Wer in pais, Stent As family have a garden and row ther own vegetatles. Student B lives in an apartment with no garcen. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of growing your own vegetables. rorrars Ce ‘ 7 - PORTFOLIO WRITING ae aE Tes eeateaieleoane ae any : cee cae namae open ee eetmemeee |. rere Ree ‘ae: ESSE Ciledtas Taek © «conomes intngtisn Think global, act ‘A Before you read the text, answer these questions. 1 What s the difference between a developed and a developing country? 2 Which countries’ economies have grown a lt in recent years? The BRIC economies The world economy ichanging rapidly. Four developing cous, Eazil, Russia India and China, which together are calla he BRIC economies, are fring expecially ast is edict that by 2050 Ghia’ economy may 2 bigger than Japan's or even ‘America’s and the BRIC countries wll have 40% of the wor’ population. Experts say that he BRIC economies willbe bigar than the eccnomies of today’ sx lanes developed nations, USA Japan, Germany, Brain, France and aly Uniorunately, | rapid economic growth causes lot of polation. aim ims — Wel eamputes Read the text and answer the questions 1 Which countries are known a the BRIC economies? 2 Which country may have the wortas largest economy by 20507 toxay? C Look at the map showing the BRIC countries. Match ‘the pictures with countries and use the verbs nthe | box below to make passive sentences. ‘Example: Coffee is grown in Brasil. 31 Which sc countries have the biggest economies (ay eefeee bs (totter x (@paiatin Choose one ofthe caregries and prepare a te: mint presentation about it. Say where tems come ‘rom and where people can buy ther. 10 Your answer: ARE YOU A ‘GOOD’ SHOPPER? Having read this unit, what do you think? Discuss these ‘questions withthe rest ofthe clas. Here are some suggestions to help you withthe answers. | MMMM vce a gor acres, yas opr che 2 produce +in 42 find + in aera pigiaees Sinn tein lars ions te © A-go'shoper tres to help the environment 7 export «from 8. ‘ational, regional, loco As. class, combine your work to make bigger Uists . by categories (e.g textiles, manufactured goods) and the places they come from. create + in ‘N- Weck in pats, Make a st of about four products org 'ypes of price from one of these categories when he she shops, B Inwhat wavs are you a ood” shooper? © Tehink Tam a good shopper: Al ou food is pov locally. ‘Tm not really a goo? shopper. The disadvantage ig that i takes to0 much time, How else do you try to help the environment? Hf you don't, explain why nat © Teon' use many plastic bags. And I often buy reeyeled paper Beeauso of my job I travel alt. I don't caro iit ‘ansespolltion TEC Grammar: should, cught to, could, yous better 1 “The BIG question: tS THE INTERNET A GOOD PLACE TO MEET PEOPLE? Nearly quarter of Japanese high schoo! students regularly visit ontine dating PR websites. 2) ~PREWIEW Worts: ‘A Wich of these places are inthe photos? 1 a pop music festival 2 a.crowded club 3 aprivate party 4. an art galery 5 anintemet cafe 6 a college brary Which ofthe places in are good for meeting new people? Discus the difference fm meaning between the foliowing words: 1 a relationship 3. aromance 2a frcnatip 4 ate What do you know about the folowing? 1 alin dating webtes 2. Online personal ads (advertisements) 3. Why online dating iso popular 4 The dangers of meeting people online Language: peas these sentences and then answer the questions. © People are telling their friends they should try it ‘© Your first mostings ought to be in public places. ‘© You could moet ins coffee shop ot @ shopping centre ‘© Iryou are already in a velationship, you'd Detter tell the new person before you meet. [A Wich ofthese sentences gve advice? B_ Which of there sentences make a suggestion? Which ofthe phrases in Bold uses the sninitive with tot Do should and cught to have the same meaning? E What isthe long fom of you'd better! ‘you iad better” 2 you would better aS 8 BD sewonsooxwwirs eas: The towing sentences re sina to fentences nthe reading tent onthe oposite pag. Read thm tad ever he quero Saree etoe tee Sieese cea eee nthe plone at Busy chy pores the US find it hard to set poop. F 1h Wer coud yo aem theft sentence By ta god ident tak on he phone a ot feceretree seta Doyeu ark tts ard to meet people nthe Chat yor eserencet ° Mr and Ms 3 READING O Ga) Women seeking men 1A. Scan ech ofthe tents uch n wich ox (203 Wee's that 1 merous ld tobe arcu en at ena? tee en? pecan ow ean etelg et sins tes ante ret ee 3 dopeople dsb endo paso hey are lang mat eee GRR RSS arr nan ae ——- Lane Davis a school teacher, sil Aid’ havea pares "Thor ze no ig money. Ie thought hat the US mare! for online personal ads willie to more tan SON lion 5 fel thre ey i sharing theron fife gtr and ‘Mr Rights in his iy” she says. $0 she desided to ty internet dating. © ‘Afr dates with abou tn ferent men, Lene met Kenry Hooper. Europe, though more heal-food store manage from the slowly.” The internet Suburbs. Thnee weeks later they dating markt inte UK = ecided wo got marie fe key to grow 10 ‘Davis and Hooper ol uns, According to research, 21% of US ineree “Users ave” surfed personal website and 135i have posted an aivertsement Buy city © feople ind it hard to mest people, i online dating has become an Stcoplable way to finda panes A researcher sy "People te tli thee riends they shoud ey it~ the ‘ord setting around.” ‘Single people are happy © pay sp to $30. month to join internet, Services that help then seach for the ight relationship. AS a rsa, = online dating is wow one of the ee yeas © B Read Text 1 carefully. 11 Mate the worde in bold inthe text with these phrases: (a) wil probably (by places (e) looked at (4) more and more people are lemming about it (e) a study of the facts cells us that 2 Wer isa ist of answers. What are the questions? {ay Ten (b) 21% (€) 590. (4) $600 milion © Read the online personal advertisements in Texts 2a, Bb and 2c. Which person: 1 sounds the mort amusing? 2. sounds the mest romantic? 3) wants to meet someone who has sting feeing? Dead Toxt 3. Which piece of advice is most {important in your opinion? Explain why by 2007. "The stme ‘hing is happening in ism in the nest four ‘Men seeking women (Cray for you: hve pled cts oof es ai, and A ‘hee plete that ks ike mein the Natal At Gly. (OK, maybe the things ren’ rs! Tm looking er eta HATE hot wrath TLOVE: cool ight oat wit special person ‘nang Home 1 loving mate - ‘Trying online dating for the first time? Here's some advice. + oep your detiy secret, ernest svt youre Ifyou ar ley a relionhip, you'd bere el he new person tefore you meet! + Youshoul find ats ch 8 you can about the ter person before sou agtee to mt, Donte ina har to meet. + Your fst esting ht to be in public ples. Fr example, you could meet na coffee shop. oa shopping cone ee 4 TALK ABOUT IT Use Language Bank 1 to help you [Ay Wr i pas. Take ut 1 Sh for and give advice about things you shoud or shouldn't do when you meet someone through online dating 'B share any stories you rave heard about internet ‘ating. Don't talk absut your own experiences, oF about anyone else inthe clas. If you talk about the ‘experiences of someone yu know, don't say thelr Feal name. Or you could make up @ story about ‘meeting tienes oni 2 g00d sense of hunour @ 5 ustenm ae ‘Work in pts, Deserve your deal pret Mere ae same words and phrases thal you racine (physically) ft soodooking Sensiuve intelligent” hardworking LUsten tothe conversation and answer the questions, 1 What i Michelle's problem? 2 Can you describe three problems that Michele says single men have? Lusten again. The folowing sentences are sightly CSiferont fom what tha 0 people sad. How are they Aiferent Bo the new sentences change the meaning? 41 Do you have a picture of Mr Right? 2. In fact, think he sounds rather nice. 3. But the realy nice guys are all married 5 “They get light in their eyes. Or if they're relly attractive, you can be sure ‘they’ ging ut with someone already D_ Workin pars, Act outa conversation in which a ‘and aves advice and sugestons to Michelle about how to meet mare people. Use Language Bank 1 to help you. Stare tke this Michelle: ® How can T mest more people? Friend: * think you ought to join a club (Or how about taking up a sport? "That's a good way to meet people Work in small groups, Discuss ths question: Do you think Michele fs being fir to men? Say why not Erample: * I think ite Michelle who has the problom. She sounds horrible! FF Wrk in smal groups. Discus the following ‘Questions. Use Language Bank 2 to help you give your opinion 1m your country, do many people lve together before they get married? I this good thing in your opinion? 2 Do you and your frends stil think tf mportant tw get married? 3 Do You thik people should mary eater or ater? {Give reasons for your opision 4 What is your opinion of arranged marriages? 6 CONTROVERSY Work in pairs. Stent A wants to find a new partner, Student B gies him a her advice about internet dating. ‘Act eu your conversation for the clas. the same ideas considerate 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING irk in groups of four or five to prepare a survey on students ting habit ake up a questionnaie of about ten questions. Each ‘member of the aroup aks four or five other people to ‘ansior the questionnae, When you have thelr anewers, ‘write a factual report onthe survey, using the outline below (170 - 200 werd) Intaduton westons ated asked Resa: To ot of firey tha hay meet people: Conclusion: Ttiyelear fromthe wurvey that ‘moie people a ‘The Conformity Experiment |In 1958 American psychologist (..) Solomon Asch invented ‘an experiment (..) to test people's desire to conform (.) (Groups of students were shown two cards simlar to the ones tn this page. The students’ task was to say which of the three Tines on Card 2(A, Bor C) matched the line on Card 1 ‘In the frst trial (..), everyone hose the correct line, A. ‘+ In the second tral, ngain everyone chose corectly ** Bofore the third tral, Profascor Asch tld eight ofthe nine students, whom he called hie confederates ..), to choose the wrong lino. The subject (.), who waa the only Student who wns natn confederat, didn't know this, ‘Asch held more trials with many different subjects, In every trial, he told the eonfederates to choose the inormwet Tines ‘© The subjects could either say what they saw, or conform — to the group's opinion and choose the incorrect ine. © The results (..) wore astonishing. 76 percent of the subjects agreed with the incorrer opinion ofthe ‘majority (.)in at least one trial. Overall, the subjects eonformed to the incorrect majority in 35 por eat ofthe trials = ‘Read the text quickly. rite the numberof the Do you want to be famous? © No. Ifyou are famous, you have no privat life. Bethe price of fame to high for ‘© Noite worth it for all the © Tar not sure I would like tw be recognised in public Can you be a public figure and femain real? © Yos, I think its possible to be rich and real Undertine the names ofthe animal n both the photos and the FACT box. Name ten animals that you think are NOT very Intelligent “Tee words describe feelings or emotions ‘Gan you think of words which mean the apposite? (Gan you think of ve more words for emotions? Joy eFef love pleasure Year 1 Wen have you ft reat joy, grt or far? What’ the diference between liking someone and loving someone? 3 Which ofthe folowing tings gives you most pleasure (a) good fod (0) a goed movie (cla great werk of art (d) god friends (e) something ese! "Subject: Environmental concerns Function: Expressing feelings and emotions Grammar: Relative clauses ‘The BIG question: DO ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS? Language: read these sntences and then answer the questions. {© Sho fmnd a yong himpanzae that hea starved to death after ita mother died. ‘+ Thre are so many other kinds of food which ‘© Hos an environmeatalist who regularly observes whales, ‘© The scientists that interviewed had studied himpanzoes for many veers [A Can you rewrite cach of the sentences above as Example: ® Sho found a young chimpanzee, Thad starved ta death afer its nother died 1B Which of the word in bold refer to things and hich refer to people? (€Which of the word in bold are the subject of the ‘verb which fellows iin the sentence? Wich of ce words in bold are the object ofthe verb ch fllows? Which of the words h bold can you omit? BF sewoocox wr Weas: The fotowing sentences are frm the reading texts onthe opposite pags Read them and answer the ‘questions below. After mating, the two whales stay by side, stroking each other with their Mippers Female sea lions ex loudly when killer whales eat their pps. Elephants try to revive family members who are dead ar dying, and stand quietly beside them for many dave ‘A. Why do you thnk the whales behave fn this way? 8 What emotion are the female sea ons feeling hen they cry ous? CInwhat waye does the behaviour ofthe animale deseribed in the tvee sentences above remind you of human behaviour ' ' 3 READING =O 1A Yuare going to read three texts about animals ad ther Feetngs, Three sentences have been removed from the teats. Choose fom the sentences (A)(D) the one which fis each gap (1-3). There is ‘one extra sentence which you do not need to use (A) The hunt is an important part of local culture, which dates bck 400 years. (6) There ae animals who show no emotions a all. (c) She says that he died of grief. (0) Are they in lover 1 Swimming of the cost of tina female ght le choc nce ‘ales who are follwing her ‘ter mating the to whales ay nde tide sling Coch ther with he pecs Se ally ol ogee en ‘mbrace. The whats the depart lipperstouc ng and swim slowly diving and together until they disappear from sight (). isjustan example ofa mating stratezy Dut you cat prove that theyre feling anything says neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux, author of The Emotion Brain 2 ery yx pon Bares frp and il tp to 30000 Gelphine AL Tal tn” Conra Tipe ey fore the dolphins tonsa whee ihe ue = ‘tense ith roe) teu al eal an wh fea renee rea thins dat te pce sould Bibogit Bernd Wisig isa Slentist who regularly observes the amorous right shales “Argentina. Asa scienist should probably say tha this event ut maybe they behave that ‘way because they're the sight” whales foreach other” Most ‘Sentsts don’t agree wth him, “Whales behave asf they're in Love, 3 Animal fel pleasure ~ that’s certain! Cats purr, doge wag their tal even piso ge extnd when ther owners fome into the room. University of Colorado biologist Mare Beko Says "Animals at play ae symbols ofthe Joy ‘of life But grief is also common in the ‘wid partly lowe the death oF ‘mate panet of even clos companion. Female se hone ey loudly when Killer ‘whales eat thelr pups’ Jane” Goodall Foun young chimpanase who starved to death afer his mother ded. 0) cing, _»| Kenyon bilagit Joyce Pooe works with Asean leas Se says hat hey fr {o revive famly members who are dead cording, and stand quetly beside ther foemany days. They semetinas reach out and toch he bay ve thr rake: Soe ays thal the Bevo of those armas = shoves thit “they experience deep tcnollons and uslerstand about death” ‘many olpn meat for food in the ol days but now there ae 9 many ther things that we can cat These ast intelligent, creates he sd "They now shat is happening and you can see tat they fel fear How ist pestle to kil animals that ery Bnd close thei eyes at the falng Stop, fs truo that we needed moment they ae killed?” Read Text 1 and answer these questions 1) Who chooses the mate the mae or the female right whale? 2 Do they spe ny time together after 3. Can Wwe prove that whales have emotions? (Read Text Zand deci f the follwing sentences are true (T) or fale). uF 1 The dolphins are killed in the open sea 2 taunt ht wants to stp hing dip. | 3 The dolphins are completely avare of what) 's happening to them, Read Tet 3 ull and find words for: 1 Great sess : 2 Te die becatze of mot eating 3 Partofanelepharts body = Use Language Bank 8 to help you answer question B. ‘A Doyeu think that annals have emotion, tke humans? Do they feet sadess of tone? 3 How do you fet after reading the tents on this page? Try and expan your tet. © Do you think that annals play fr fn, the humans? Ordo they play bacause this ste way they earn? ! > Dassions @ 5 ustenn [A Before you listen to a ratio debate a about animal righ, look atthe phot. 1 Do you agree with vivsetion? 2 Do you think animale ike chimpanaes should have the sae rights as humans? B You are going to hear a radio debate between an animal rights activist and a medical research cont. Before you len, check the meaning of the follwing words and expressions. embarrassment recognise. IBFROAT _ sophisticated be save from extinction “This ce i Being used ots for in dscres nasty. mieror cruel resemble endangered = Before you listen, which person do you tink wil have the following opinions? Check your answers ater Ustening The epinion Dr Carta Robinson "Tony Cavell tadcamnen nena) ara se) 1 Arimals have many ofthe same feelings that we do 2. Toos are very important. They often save endangered animale from extinction. 3 Human ves are more important than animal ives 4's not right to do experiments on primates that ave such close relation of humans. — 8 D After listening, reply to each ofthe opinions expresse in C withthe opposite pnt of view. E In the debate yu listened to, what ae the arguments for and aginst the following 41 The rights of animale such a pigs and rabbits? 9 2. The rights of primates? 3 Keeping animals in zoos? a 6 CONTROVERSY Group A are animal rights activists. Group 8 are medicat esearch scientists. Debate the rights and wrongs of ls ‘experiments on tive animals sf phrases ( ssenorscanos son unerg 8 7 “PORTFOLIO WRITING ‘tea formal etter to @ newspaper, or a minister in your government (120150 words). Explain why yu think we experiments ” End ‘rrr © | © «coweyin Enguisn 1 Read the text below quickly. ite the numberof the definitions (1-8) inthe brackets next to the corect werd inthe tet. "1 The way in whieh plant, animale and people ae related to each other and thei environment. Likely to be harmed, endangered or destroyed. ‘Wen people or animals ty tebe more sucestl than each other Something that a country, a person, or animal can Use. ‘When someone or something continves to lve oF exist, especialy after a dangers station The ecology of a particular area. When all the trees in an area are ct down or destroyed. oy emi Usd ‘Themore weleam aout primates, down the rainforest Timber ‘the more we wals ow sma they companies als cause ‘eto human beings Tiss cspeily ue of gorilla hich shore SB of thet DNA (with Jnumans. But sedi, their survival serous los of habla -)for the environmen? One answer tourism, ()letheestened (.) jonas. Hunters who il he gorls Faregn tourists pay mare than $3 Gora ae an important partof for bush mest aranother tre. _mullon och yea 0 oe tre fais the rainforest ecosystem (..Jofthe How can welulance the eclogy of of rotted gorilasin Ugaals “ Ruwerzori Mouninits of East Aca. the ruinrats, where human binge Nana Paks However i tours [Butasthehaman population nthe ane gorilsazein competion) goto closet the gol they can areainreases farmers arecuting ‘ive them human diseases deforestation (—) leaving Salle and smaller reat of ‘vies, The rest ea forresoures(.) within the same B ead the text again. How do the following help or tveaten the survival ofthe geilas? 8 Asubstance that carries genetic information in a cel | | ‘famers 2 timber companies Shunters 4 toursts— Sratlona parks 6 dleases 8 CONVERSATIO 10 Your answer: DO ANIMALS ‘A Discuss in pais for about three minutes. Use AVE FEELINGS? | phrases inthis unt and Language Banke 9 to | express agreement or cagreement 1 Which groups are more Important, the gorlas or people wha need farms and meat? 2 Do yeu fet is important to try and save the srl? Expa win 3. Gan we balance the needs of both people and ‘apes within the same environment? plan your Feetings about people hunting gor for bush meat. Example answers: ‘© Think its horrible. es really oad that hunters kill primates. Te-upsets me that people are so poor 1 dont fol upset at al. goila i nly an animal Its terrible what we are daing to primates which are similar to human beings Having read this unit, what do you think Discuss ‘these questions withthe rest of the cass, Here are Some suggestions to help you with the answers. Do animate have feng ike humans? ‘Some animals do, far example, chimpanzees, * Tdon' believe tha: animals have real felings. B_ How do you feel abait animals? love enimals snl ete the ion of viv © The idea of bush meat makes me feel very upset. © ve novor really boenintorosted in animals, €_Dayou think we sheuld do mare to protect animals? + Yor, now that we know that animals have emotions, I think wo should Yer, but humans should always come bofore animal Function: Describing past habits 3 ‘Grammar: use te; pas perfect 1 The BIG question: HOW WELL DO WE REMEMBER THINGS? ‘Memories are not stored in our brains like books on shelves. When we remember something, we re-make the memory from many words, images and experiences kept in different parts of our brains. 2 PREVIEW Words: A What is the difference in meaning between the ‘yores in groups a) and by? by memory recollection imagination reminger 2. Which word isthe edd one out in each Ist? Complete these sentences with ene ofthe words from the lists above. 1 Hove this song It . me of my holiday Spin 2 Ihave absolutely no. of meeting him before, 3 can't.» what it was tke t bea slave. 4 She doesnt. anything about wat happened lace mane tos ate nat an nee he eins Do you remember anhing Fam your ey hgh 0, vat? 2 What co you remember about your fst schoo? 3. Ave your mas recent memeris the tongst (Or are others svonger? JS Language:Aead the sentences and answer the questions.) ‘Wo used to wander from plantation to plantation, ‘© When she spoke like that, he would get away as ‘quickly as possible, eas: The ftiwing sentences are from the reading [AT Do the sentences refer to something that text on the opposite page, Read them and answer happened ence or many tines! (eee 2 Do the sentences refer to things that sti ere + Tere was one wenden bowl fr itaen 31 Do used fo and would mean the same thing? children * Bebrewesuctothe fein ne hadenten nearly * Ifthe wf ad no cidren in a year or, she al the food vas oo 81 Which of te wo events in he sentence takes * “MY ier owne a piantation abou two mes 8 place fist? rom ours = se es We Une oF hed + a ‘A Where do you think the children lived? ne B Can you imagine a acety where the second event could happen? 3 READING A Yeu are going to read an extract fom an autobiography ofa slave, with a short introduction. Four sentences have been removed fram the text. Choose fom the Sentences (A}(E) the one which fits each gp (1 ‘There is one extra sentence which you donot nee (A) OF couse, | folowed, and beore we got to the fel, we hod eaten near al the fond {@) Eventually, Annie moved ta Boson, where she wrote her ie story (c) The younger chitren went to schoo instead of werking in the Fees. (0) Iremember that whenever my mistress spoke ike tha, he would whip his horse and gt away as quick as possible (€) There was no marriage ceremony - he couple Jumped over stck and they were marred Si ong wife hod no chikeen within as» Anne Burton ws bom toa sve woman inthe 1850s year oro, she was sld-On tna lemtaton in Albom. Ann's mater ten New Yea there was any and run ava, bt she reumed for her chien yeas debt om the plantation, the | terete CW en theses ere eed. ext haves were sold Decause (1). Three in 1909 ecole» 16 eles were en 2 Hap Life Tiss an erect fom the bok. see eee “The memory of my happy cartes cdood days on -MY mistress often told that Amicon the plantation, vith te whe and Beck vay fr ore sce companions. ten wth me, We vedo wande fom sot te mils From oun He was white many plantain planition ot knowing oc caring what» 8 Utepooh Eneland. Lonly sow him a donen tines, 2 ee ee ee ‘hen Iwas about four year ol Tsim ons om mera = 2 distance Whenever ny mites a hi aig by The slaves that were not marred used to seve the She would ake me bythe hand and tn after him foo om the great house, and about haps eleven Sn acai, Stop there | sy! Don't you want to see they woul end the ole hen with fr tthe” and speak co you daring eh? See what sgh = ‘workers inthe fils. (2). -When the workers and beutifl daughter she ya perfect plete of retuned home, they would complain, and we would ourself sneer pak t hin, and cannot be whipped. We chien had no suppet and only Yemember that he ever ntced me in any wey ltd food in the morning, There war one wooden becepted that Iwas hi cil. |e ren chen an te ah ero 3. Somtines there was bred out Bow, {Smetines greens orbanes Doge and dickestehon TALK ABOUT IT ul Use Language tank 100 netp you discus: if asa man and woman wise to many pty, A Wy you ti Ani urtan called er bake no | went enged Saty nigh) HPvhe ‘Realecton of happy et Ws er We ely savpyt Me to ee © maine memories the these ard describe them n ‘your own words We would be whipaed. We children had nn supper. Families were often separated 3 Did the eileen have enough to eat? ow would you felf you were a slave tke Annie? 4 Why were slaves sold? ‘int ele do you know about slaves in America and 5 Did the author’ father vst her? their tives? {allning questions “ihat does the author mean by the word mistress? 2. What happened en te chon tok fod to nt the workers in the Nels @) tet 3 eam (@) score 4 grade {@) 0 revision 5 diploma (6) undergraduate (Cork in pars. Answer these questions. 1 Are you a fulltime or parttime student? 2. Where are you studying? School, college, Lniversity, or anguage school? 3. What subjects) are you studying? 4 Do yu intend to continue your studs? fo, vere and what wl you st? Language ead these sentences and then answer the ‘questions. oP Trparents were more realistic, young people wow he much happies © If we donot roform the countrys college entrance system, these tragedies will contin © IF were you, I wouldnt worry about 1A Which of these sentences refer to 2 situation that may happen? What tenses are used? BB Wich ofthese sentences refer to an imaginary situation? What tenges are used? Do these sentences Fefer tothe past! iat phrase is ued to give advice? zg sez wonoocunr eas: he fotowing sentenos are similar to sentences In the reaing text oppose. Read the sentences and answer the questions 8A 19-year high school student was so upset fbout er exatn test lta that she Killed herself ‘©The gil hed just taken the SAT. Test. ‘© Thoexam more or lee decides the level of ‘allege theta person can attend, ‘A. ity do you think the high Scho student killed erst 1B What is your reaction to the fst two sentences? What I your reaction tothe last statement Are there exams in your county that are extremely important How do you fel abou: exams? Do yu find them ‘rest! 3 READING §=6§.O 1 You are going to read an article about exam stes. Four removed fram the text. Chose from the sentences (() the oe which fs tach gan (1-1. There is one estra sentence which yu do not need to use, (a) It would also mean that parents would spend more money on private ‘education (8) It would aiso mean that parents weuldn't have to spend so much money ‘on private education. (€) Lee had told her friend that she was woried that sh calloge because ofa low test sore (0) 9 Kamen, North Cholla Province, anather student {aking the fst pat of the college entrance exam, (€) They fete that tir parents and teachers expected things from them that they cau nat achieve. Student’s exam stress Seoul, Kares ‘A. 193arold high schoo seer kiled herself by mpg from the 25th for ofan partment bling in Seou afer becoming stressed bout her scares ina est The student hose amy name was Le, adjust ken the Korea SA, the ealage enance gram. Apparert she had called + toa fiend about her fears ust before her deat) Unfortunately Lees not the rst student kl herself because of eam pressure (2) Its belived that she alo killed herself beeaute she ft se had done very badly inthe tex. Tree other students commited ele lat month because they feared they woul fall “The college entrance exam more or lets decides the level of college that person can attend which is why sudenss B 1 Read the article careful. In the second Daragraph find words that mean: (a) sadly (6) tokill yourself (e) to be afraid 2 Inparograph 4 find words that mean (a) reason (b) bad foryou (c) change © Read the second paragraph again Are these Statements true (7) oF false (FI? 1) Four students have killed themselves in recent ment. 2 The latest student to kl herself had just] taken the first part of the SAT exam, 3 The student from Worth Chola province ["] had done badly in the fist pat of the test. ue D_ ead the rest ofthe atce, Answer the questions In your vm words. 1 Wy do students worry about their S.A test score? 2 Wy does Professor Han Sun-h think that these youne people committed suicide? 3 What do many teachers feet about the exam? sentences have Boon eam he would not be able to goto fae died the day befor, shortly after {et so anwlour about The 9pe of college a student attends then decides the positon in society ha a person « «an reich These young people seem to hive had strong feeling of fire. (3). parents were more east, Young people would be much happier sid Han Sun-h, professor of psychiatry at Seon Chun Hyang Univers. Korean eae and pci think thatthe case of ll thse deaths isthe caleg enrancesstemand isa serous and growing problem The fc that society judges people by ter university dplona cxates intense competion among stents. This is very unhealthy sid Song Won, {pokesman for he Korea Teschars and Education Workere Union if we donot reform he county’ college entrance _system these tragedies wl continue? He si hat the college ewrance exam was esr, students would not eed to do so much prparaton forthe test (4) 4 TALK ABOUTIT Student A:_You are preparing for an exam. If you fal, you val ot get university place this yer ‘ou ate thinking f not taking the exam, Exlain your fears to Student B, Star ke this eT don take the exam, Lcan' fal. Student 8 Listen to your rend, Student. Persuade and encourage hirer to take the exam, lie eis # IFT were you, ra Bi you had an important exam in our days time ‘and had done very lite revision, bow would you Feet? What wouts you do? What advice would you give on how to prevent ‘exam sre? Example ‘Ifyou goto bed early the night before the @5 ustun O ‘8 Work in pairs. Check the meaning ofthe words in bold and answer the questions. 1 How much revision did you do before your ast 2 Have you ever retaken an exam? 2 Would you Uke tobe Bitingual? Explain why/ vy nt. 4 Would you ver see a counselor if you felt 5 Do you think you woud feet homesick i you studied abreaat {6 Are there good job opportunities in your country for graduates? Listen toa conversation between thre foreign students who are studying at atop American university Luft, Yana and Emo have just finshed thelr end-of-year exams. Answer these questions. 1 What & Lurt's problems 1 What isthe reaction of Yana and Emiko? Usten again, Answer these questions. 11 What do Yana and Evo say about the advantages of studying n America? Does Yana have friends who are American? How does Emiko fel about her time in America? What suggestion does Emiko make? How do you think each af the students feels at the end of the conversation? Why? A 3 4 5 Wr in smal groups. Discus this queston: Would you lke to study abroad? Say why/Wwhy not. E Work in groups of thee. Each person plays one of the cols Inthe Istening passage Students & B: Play the parts of Emiko and Yana, Ty to persuade Lut to stay at university. Use Language Bank 15 to help you. Student C: Play ‘he part of Luft. A the endy say your friends have persuaded yeu to remain at university. 6 CONTROVERSY ‘Student has jst passed is or her exams but does nat ‘want to go to university. Students B and C are stent AS parents. One of you spports A ad the other does’. @ SEE ROLE CARDS FORUNIT 8 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING White a formal letter to a college in America enquiring about ESOL courses (120-150 words) ‘he coge 19 ft ad Sere ncn Sener erat aeersin rt 1 Check the meaning ofthese words and phrases They are alli the text betow ‘communication academic!) scentite publish research nts journals talent nro peers B Ifyou took a course In English for Academic Purposes (EAP), what would you study? ‘Why study EAP? “English has become the language of scientific and ‘acalomie communication allover the World English is particularly important for scientific research. As far ‘back as 196, about 80% of scientific journals were published in English. Today, the igure ismuch higher + Scientists publish in English because they want their ‘ork tobe read by their poers allover the world. ‘Asaresult, every year American universities enol ‘over half a million overseas students to study thelr subjects in English tsa business worth almost $13 billion a year tothe USA, Ameriea depends on foreign {alent for research in science and engineering, with ‘over half ofall graduate students coming from abroad. “Many US universities also provide courses in English {or Atadomie Purposes (RAP), which inolude eubjocte = ‘sch as academic reading and writing, critical thinking, ‘study skis and research, ‘But now American universities are worried that, after September 1,200 and the iraq war, foreign students do not want to study in the USA. Many prefer 2» {ogo to Australia or Britain, Also, many Buropean, ‘Midale Eastern and Asian universities now uso English fs the language of instruction in scientific subjects. Exam nrel ead the text, Was your answer to 8 above D Read the text again and answer these 1 Why isso much sctentitic esearch published n Engl 2 Why do somany overseas students study at Englchapeating universities? 3. Why do overseas students need courses inearr YOUR TOPIC Werk in small graups. Two of you prepare three-minute talon a topic that has some. ‘oanection wth his unit. Example Studying abroad Discuss your topics and make @ list of your main pets Begin by intraducing the talk During your tl, try to sve some fevamples of what you mean dale your Usteners twa or tree questions about the top “The other te listen carefully, They ask questions and ak for examples where relevant. See Language Bank 16 for ways of asking for and giving examples. Your answer: WHY ARE STUDENTS SO STRESSED? Having rea this unit, what do you think? Discuss these questions withthe rest ofthe class. Here are same suggestions to help you ‘ith the aneers Wy do studerts gt so stressed? ‘They get stzeesed because of pressure from their parent, Because they know how important Would you fel homesick f you went abroad to stud? If so, what would you do about 7 ‘Yes, Tm sure Tl really miss my fiends Ta write long emails to my fami What would you doi you felt very stressed before an important exam? Td eoe a counsellor, Tr take a lotof exercise Give peace a chance Grammar: Cohesive devices 1 ‘The BIG question: CAN WE STOP WARS? Woras: ‘A Werk arups. Which of these things are used by the army, the ar force or the navy? Some of them are used by more than one armed service. alreratt carvers tanks helicopters missiles Look at the photographs on these two pages and answer the questions 1 Who uses smal arms (gus tke the AK rile? 2 Which countries ser fom land mines? 3. Why do you think there ae so many civilian time in warst 4 What do you know about other weapens not Usted above? Language: reas the sentences, then answer the questions about the words and phrases in bold ‘© Furthermore, there are now ten tims many AK-(7s in the world as M6s, ‘+ However, Kalashnikoy takes no responsibility for the victims of his invention Consequently, it was liko a genio out of the bottle, © On the other hand, sometimes it s out of control ‘© Meanwhile, the weapon is still produeed in the same factory ‘A. Wileh of the words n bold indicate an addtional ‘ea or argument? Which of them indicat that a contrasting ides is following? (2 answers) {© Which of them indicate a result? D_ ihich ene incicates that something else is happening at the same time? D sevonscocunr ‘There is one gun for every 12 people in the world. 90% of people Killed by ‘small arms are civilians. 800 people are killed by land mines every month. AKT if US Rays carer eas: The fotiowing sentences are trom the reading text on the opposite page. Read them and answer the auestons, © Mildail Kalashnilov ia very proud of his inyontion (the AK-47 asseult rif) © Designing a weapon is like a woman having a child The fact that people die because of an AK-A7 is not because of te designer, but because of politics. ‘A Do you think the imentr of a gun should be proud of 1B What do you think ef the comparison between designing a weapon and having a chil? € Do you think the designer ofa weapon can blame titan fr the effets of the weapon? 3 READING © [A. Before you read the tet, tll other students anything you know about ‘NiknatKalashikoy and/or his invention, the AK-47 rifle co Give neace al Ro eC On Child of a Russian peasant family. He invented the Kalashnikov automatic rifle, the most successful small Coca ees "| SLEEP SOUNDLY’ In 1947, the Avtomatni Kalasnikova (Kalisritov ‘Antomatc) wor a Soviet competion fr asubachie gon forthe Red Army Fils Yer, me tha 10D milion ‘ns and many mins of dead Tater, it remus the ‘word's most sucesfl ling maine. Even so he © “mentor Mii Keanu i ory rod of hi reson. “You ses designing a weapon i ike a worus hang a chil.” he ays Fox months se caries et baby and Chink abou ic desjaner des much the sae ing ith 2 weapon eikes moth always prod Its aspecil fesing as if you were given aspect avant” Kaloo guns probably caused most of the 300,000 annual combat deaths in the wars and ‘onic ofthe 1990s. Tey were the primary weapon in almost all the 40-plus wars of that decade. Furthermore, tere ate no en ies as many AK-7s in the weld 36 M6, their American nv. The Soviet ovement also gave many of them away to fend [Foverments and revollonty fighter. Scan the text and say what the follwing dates land numbers refer to 1919 A947 FOO MUIR 300,000 4o-ptus Read the text more carefully and explain the phrases Inbold using your own wort, Answer these questions about words and expressions from te tot. 41 Does this mean he sleeps wel or makes alot of rae when he sleep? 2 Does tis mean that the guns were free or that they were throw away? © Tsleep soundly fe The Soviet government gave ‘many of them away The positive 3) oes this mean there are outweighs ‘more good things about the negative or more bod hinge? However, Kalasnikov takes no responsibility for» the vistms of is ivention, "I made itt protect the ‘motherland. And then they spread the weapon so¥nd the wari, Ie was noe my choice. Consequently. was like a gene out of the hottie andthegan to wall on ‘sown and in iections I ido want” * Ben 5, “the pone outweighs the nope” he fost, "because many soumiries use it to. defend themsches. On the ade Ean, sometimes ti ou of ctrl Terrorist also want simple and reliable ams. Nevertces I sleep sonny The fact that people dic =» becase of am AK-4 snot because of the designer, but because of pits” Meanie, the weypyn is sil proced in the same factory in lzevsk which is now a touat traction, In local hoe, n American tours wears an 5 *AKCAT World Destruction Tour” Tshirt The lit of places visited on the four incinde Chechy ‘Afghanistan, the Gaza Sip, the Congo, et. In one of the townls gun shops, Lil, aged 12, and her fend stand an sare atthe AK-7s om esp “If ou fist © ‘ime here” she sys "We st waned 0 65." 4 TALK ABOUT IT ‘Workin paso smal groups. Use Language Bank 17. Start with one of the questions below and take turns [A Would you the toisit the AK-A7 factory in lane le feonly terrorists who ute Kalashnhov weapons? Should the factory i ahewsk continue to produce the AK-A7? a you think we could stop war by stopping the manufacture of smal arms? ace a chance @5 ustewm O ‘A You are going to hear part ofa radio Deogramme called Peace News. Before you lst, answer these questions. 1 What do you know about the. Gaze Seip? Hsomeene sa peace activ, what do you think they dor Use your detonary to find the correct Setinitions of these words, volunteer cvian target tohave an effect immoral lava bale te occupation (of terior) conte. ‘injury regi incident 2. After reading this ist of words and expressions, what kind of information do you expect to hear about? How do you think the words and expressions willbe used? Listen tothe radio programme. Were your Predictions about the programme right? Give your reactions to the stories inthe programme. 1 Why was Rachet Corl run over by a bulldozer? 2 How would you describe what Tom Huda wos oing when he was shot? 3 What do you think ofthe actions ofthe feel pilots? 4 Was the demonstration in London special in any way? Work in groups of four Debate the following statement You have aright not to fight in « war itis immoral. ‘wo students defend this statement and two oppose Support your partners arguments jo r aot of ; oni ‘ Paxple demonstrating against wer in Rome ; h 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING : Wirite an article for a peace magazine. Describe in your |” ‘own words any ofthe vents mentioned nis unt Py (170200 were, ' a he following Example: : 1 Ashort, clear, |-* A moral war? ; teresting headline ' F Aninterestng | * “He was tho troduction seventonth cla. | 1 3 Two or three, | Tn my opinion, a 5 parograos vith county has the ' Your opinions and Fichtto defend ; the eon for itsltin anyway, | them, erause 4 Banples taupe | ® For instance, year opin land mines defend 5) Arguments for the © On the other hand, other ie peace isalways | || ¢ : eter than © A concaion =n contusion, | ibceerinare your © Peace stuns im Enguisn 1 Before you read the tot: 1 Share with other students anything you know about the following. __ The United Nations (UN) ‘The Nobel Peace Prizo = The Cold War ‘The Bosnian War in the 1990s 2. Try topredit which countries provide the most LUN peacekeepers. 2 Then scan the text to fnd out which countries really do, KEEPING THE PEACE Hf you see soldiers wearing sky-blue helmets in a nlict zone, they are peacekeepers from the United Nations. UN peacekeeping operations were the idea ff Canadian Forelgn Ninister Lester Pearson, who Won the Nobel Peace rie fr his work. . ‘The fist UN peacekeeping mision was in 1948, ater the fist Arab-Israeli cont. Since then, there hye been more than 50 operations. Since the end Of the Cold War, the number of UN peacekeeping operations has increased dramatically In 2003, there | Were fifteen, involving 37,000 personae. ‘Nealy 130 countries have contributed personnel to UN peacekeeping operations. Since 2000, the main contributor have been Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Ghana. Other important contributors are | the Scandinavian countries, plus Finland, Canada, Fi}, eland, Italy and Australia. Recently Eastern European countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic also became involved. ‘The mid-1990s saw two of the UN's greatest» failures. The genocide In Rwanda in 1995 occurred espite warnings of the dangers. About ha milion Deople died. similary, i Bosna, UN peacekeepers Were unable to protect civilians. Wore than 7,000, Martin were killed at Srebrenica. | 1 Read the text and find the followin 1 Where was the fst UN peacekeeping mission? 2 Whose idea were UN peacekeeping operations? 3 Name two places wheve the UN falled {© Vic of these opinions do you agree or csagree ith Say why 1 UN peacekeepers should go ta more places were there Is conte. 2 The UN camat stop all wars. ALUN sir comfirtacitin Cogo ‘9 INTERACTIVE TASK Work in groups of four, Pir A and Pair B. Make a ist of points to cuss on this top: "Do you have a right to Killin self-defence? Iso, under what circumstances? Pair A: Take tas Co discuss the question, Pair B: Take turns to make comments and try to take control ofthe decusson, for example: Student A: * If someme attacks you, I think you havea right to dofond yourself ‘Ofcourse you do, but do you have» right till your attacker? [think you hawe a right to kill i your atiacker has # gn. However, ithe doosn', thats a diferent matter Sce Language Bank 17 for cohesive words. Student 8: Student Cs * student B: © 10 Your answer: CAN WE STOP WARS? Having read this uni, what do you think? Discuss these questions withthe rest of te class. Here are some suggestion to hep you A Wve some wars necessary? * Yes. Iris importan: to stop genocide or ‘© No Tes possible to solve all probleme by nnogotiations, What can ordinary pople do to stop wars? © We can vote for poiticians who support ‘+ Nothing. Ordinary people have no power Sou the UN do more? ‘© Yes. More people trust the UN, {© No, UN soldiers’ lives are in danger <_ SET 1 ‘The BIG question: HOW MUCH 2 PREVIEW Words: ‘A ‘Which of these are lunures and which are necesties? hotaays computer clothes video camera television shoes B Look at photos 1 and 2: 41 What kind of food isin the photo and who eats 2 What I & luxury food for your 3 Where do people have problems getting drinking water? © Look at photos 3 and 4 1 Is acara luxury oF necessiy? 2 Is the car inthe photos luxury car? 3 Ibayacht a inure 4 Would you tthe to own a yach ike thi? 1 Number these items inorder of importance in your life. In groups, campate your answers mp3 player (iPod) hil microwave oven ‘washing machine dihvasher mile phone 2 What can you buy with a milion dollars? 53 What can you buy with 82a ay? Language: peat these sentences and answer the questions, ‘© He is hoping to start a business. Thope one of them offers me a pce, I wish they wouldn't fight all the time, wish Thad a TV in my room, Tish we hada’t moved, Which sentence refers to: something tht you think may happen? situation that are Impossible or untikely? the present? the past? the future? fan activity in the present that someone i choosing todo? Subject: Society and tving standard Function: Expressing wishes and hopes Grammar: Vero patterns after wish and Fope S ENOUGH? ‘Thore are over 9.5 million US dollar millionaires in the world. Meanwhile, ‘over 2.8 billion people live on less than two dollars a day. B= leas: The ftiowing sentences ae fom the reading text on the opposite page. Read them and answer the questions. © They took lusury holidays and their nillion-pound 3ouse contained all the gadgets that money could busy: © Ally friends got iPods for Christmas, Dut mum said we cowldn' afford one! [ moan, theyre only « couple of Ihundred pounés! 2 Does the fait inthe frst sentence sound like a happy fai? Say wy why not. What ls your rea:ton to the second sentence? 3 READING = [A Scan the test and answer these question. 1 Does dowrshifting mean making things smaller? 2 How does the fail fel about downshifing? 1 Rupert and Enna Wood thd ive in London per wkd ata tanker nd mea was Sosa avgen + ‘Between thm hey cerned over EIS 000 «yea, ‘hei for cen sree all a apensive priate ‘choot Tey ook ux elias and (heli ped once coin all he dts that moe Soa ay Bt Rupert and Ema wee aay ‘tose and spent ery ile ime with eck te {Me clidren. A yea ago te deided te downs They» nv hi jobs and moved olay village on ‘he west coast of Wis Rupes hoping fo at business sta foul visor, mn looks afer the hone ‘work pattie ne dager soo, ware the den sre tapi be Wels language 2 weot to Llaystd 1 iterview them. Tei house ‘hs the same mime of roms the vies hose a Condon ut cost them a quarter of te pice. When | vd thefts from walk on the ‘Sach Ein prepared ch and Rupert took me tos ‘he gen, nbc enormous, nd ee 3 panoranie view ‘ofthe nearby lle Wie we ste it the garden, oe oF their chlden, 12-year-old Paul, cme ot fed the chs" do ely ike thi jo” be sad. “T wish hey would igh he time” Read part 1 and answer these questions 41 Why did Rupert and Emma decide to downshite 2 What were thelr ves tke before they moved? 5 what as cnangea since they moved? Road part 2 and complete the sentences. 1 The new NoUse 5 2. inthe garden, you can see 3. Paul is unhappy because ead part 3 and say wh 1 is hoping to get a dog 2 wishes she had a TV in her room, 2 hopes to leave as 200 a8 posible. I must have one of he ed iy or fo Lond county cag ae 1 asked them ofl me how thee i seemed very happy “Te got lots of nw frends schoo an Tm hoping et 3 do Apurt fom his problea wih the duck, Pauls so © Inppy in Tlaneystd, “can ride my bike wo the beach iin thats SO cool” be sald However Melis, who 15, and Joel, 17, ae having problems adjusting to thir now if Melisa kes the Foe btn happy abet ote thiags. "Ally fends {in London oe Pods fr Christmas, bt mum said we ruled onc! esa" oenn, tayo {supe of hundred pound” Anything ese? *"Yes, wish Thad a TV in room Joel snot hapy a all. 1 wish we hada’ moved ‘Thee’ nothing to do he said miss London, an the kideround here "He dd finish the somtenc, but | got the meaning "This is my last year in scbool, thank Goa ve applied to thre universe n London. pe fone ther fers me a place fave to tay and Speak Welsh go eras” 4 TALKABOUTIT Use Language Bank 16 to Help you answer the questions. Worn rou. as anyone in the las moved from another place sn the ast few yeas? there anything you mis? State your feelings tke tis: wish there was more to doin this town. What consumer gadget, like an Pod, do you wish you had? What thigs do you hepe fo have Inthe ext year, 5 yeas, 10 years? Rupert and Emma decided that time fs more valuable than money. What Is your opinion? one of those! @5 usteun © ‘A You ae gong to listen to two ratio Feports on the garbage economy. What connection does ths have to the photograph? B Before you listen, match the ‘words fo ther definitions. (a) scavenging (©) rubbish (Br) ump (e) gabage (Amey (a) one-room shack (6) foul smelt (1) used syringes () toxic fumes (h) rotting meat 1 place where people take “nwa things 2 bad but small rouse 3. very bad smell 4. searching through rubbish for useful things 5. food that has gone bad 6 things that have been thrown aay, 7 plastic tube and needte used fer injections 8 poisoneus gas © With a partner discuss how you think these words and expression fit into reports about the garbage economy, _Usten to the complete programme and answer 1 Wich counties are the reporters in? 2. How far are the dumps from the nearest big 3. Are both cities the capitals oftheir How many people work atthe ist dump? 5. What kinds of things do the scavengers collect? 6 Are the scavengers organised in any way? 7 How much money do the scavengers make? 8 What are the scavengers hoping fr? 9. Why is scavenging dangerour? Aiferences between the sles ofthe two reports, a 6 CONTROVERSY Get into groups of four and debate the subject Poverty isthe most important problem in the world, 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING Yeu have received an email from someone of your age ois coming to live near you. He oF she comes frm a ‘country where things are very cheap an Is worried about how much basic thing wl coe, Write an emai (120 150 words) saying haw much the following things cos rent or the coat of somewhere to ive entertainment —clubs, cinemas, bars 1 local transport — bus, metro, tram ‘© clothes - jeans, tshirts, shireblouses "up of eafee in sea food andl other necessities ee Child poverty in Britain In the UK 2.5 milion chien ae Ivig in poverty In 1983, 14% of all UK househles lacked tee or more eseontal ems, because people count afer them. A quarter of the Brsh population was living n poverty atthe end of the twonth contry. + Eseantl tome mean items that more than 60% of aople bole they shouldbe abe to afr. These incude washing machines ad televisions. Mobile phones are not seen as esse toms. Since 2008 average incomes have falen by 8%. 0 ‘Naw about 18 millon people ve in poverty, though ha of them are working, But On very foe ay. Child poverty is increasing, with 27% of chile ving in poverty in 2012. They miss auton ‘oye and after-school ate, ad they Ive fe 106 ‘Sk yoars loss than rch chen. OOF OEE 1 Sean the text and answer these questions, 1 What's the defniton of ems that are a necessity? Give examples. 2 Do the following expressions mean more or Less the same thing? cant afford + do without © miss outon * lack Bead thelist of items onthe graph below left) and put them in your own order, stating with most essential (number 1) and ending withthe least essentat (number 16) In pais, alsa foursminate discussion on ane ofthese topes: 1X Student A chooses a photo from this unt: * What docs this picture show? 1 How do you fel about it? Student 8 looks atthe photo and reacts to it ‘It shows that some ponple don't even have water. ‘fel shocked by the photo of the scavengers Use Language Bank 12 to help ask about and describe pictures. 3 People in Britain think that 9 washing machine is @ necessity What do you think people whe lve on less than $22 day think about that? Explain their point of People are often poor because they have other problems. ‘They don’t speak the ln language well, for example Wat do you tink causes poverty? Use Language Bank 19 0 check that you understand each other correctly 10 Your answer; HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? Having read this unit, what do you think? Discuss these ‘questions withthe rest ofthe class. Here are some ‘seston to atp you 1b" How much is enouth for you versonally? © Thope to own my home. * Twith Thad enough rioney to have two holidays a year Does money make you happy? Yes, ofcourse! Ifyou don't have money, life ia very dificult. When we say someene rch, what do we mean? [think we mean someone who las a lot of luxuries, ‘Someone who daeent need to work "Sbjct: Habits and abesons Grammar: thoegh, even thoush, although, inspite of, despite 1 ‘The BIG question: ARE PEOPLE GETTING BIGGER? (QM) more than a quarter of the people in the world (1.2 billion) are overweight. OF these, 300 million are obe: ‘A Which of the words and pictures above fits these detinitons? 1 Heavier than you shouldbe for good helt, 2 Heavier than you want tobe for comfor. Look at the photos and cscuss these question. 1 Do these photographs shaw orcinary people? 2. What diferences can you imagine between the Utestyes ofthese people? © Do you agree (A) oresagree (0)? aD 1 Mseasy to avoid getting overweight.) 2. I's very easy tobe obsessed with food. 3. Isa bad idea for young peope to goon) adie. 4 Slimmer people are healthier than heavier [—] peeple. 5 You can get fat even if you don’t eat too [] Language: Read these sentences and anawer the questions, © Although Houston resents agree the Statistics are true, they don’ ike being described inthis way. ‘© Dallas also hs plenty of funk food though, including 105 doughnut shops. © Even though Houston folk can't do anything about the poor air quality, they could turn off the TV and get ou to the parks. In Houston, people don't do enough exerci ‘and sport, in spite ofthe fact that the city’s Sports facilities are exellent, ‘A Do the words in bold mean more or less the same thing? 'B_ Which ofthe words or phrases in bold isthe most formal Which word or ras most emphatic? D Rewrite the Secon sentence using the word but E_ Rewrite the lst two sentences as two separate sentences each, using however, leas: he fliowing sentences are from the reading text onthe opposite page, Read them and answer the ‘questions below Unless we start worrying about how fat we arg, we will have «realy serious problem, particulary for our healtheare services. © Fie US cities .. dent have to deal with sultry summers and areie winters (© Hlouston is fat, buts i every other city: We are fat society [A How could people's weight have an effect on healtheare services 8 How do summer ane winter affect people who want to keep ft? (C_Do you think te las sentence describes your soctery! 3 READING s @ Use the title and the photographs to predict the contents ofthe article. Before you read the whole article, decide on the more tkely mening ofthese sentences. ‘We dont plan to piek on any particular city 1 (a) We don't intend to exticee one particuar pace. {b) We don't pan to vst a particular city. Fit US cities tend tobe out west 2. (a) Fit people often live incites in the west of the USA (©) Fit people often move to cities inthe west of the USA Colorado's climate and mountains attract people ‘who eae about their health 3° (a) When people move to Colorado, they begin to cate about thelr health (by People wh care about thelr health move ‘0 Colorado because of the environment. Houston, We Have sna, not again! Houston has boon narod the atest yin te USA orth sacond yearn a ow ty Men's Fess magazine. “Rthcigh Houston residents agree the saci a tee, Boy dere beng caserbed nis way "Aces « tae ft. To chooso one iss” says John Foret, an besty expert a Baylor Colege of Medicine n Houston. "Yos,Housten fat but so is ovry other cy. Weare fat soit” In a, Gt of Arrcans are overweight. Sand about 27% a hem are ebese ~ 20 pounds or more> (about 13.5 js) above a healthy weigh. "he dont plan fo psc on any paul fy” says torment dry Kev "But he et, oss we Sat woming abot how a we ae, wo wit have areal ‘Setous prelon, parla fer our alee saris FRUS cas tnd tobe cut west and dort havea dal wth sulty summers and artiowinos, ar the essen oo tin ina is mportary, te Magszne says. ‘ames Hil, an obeaty researcher at tho Univesity cof Colorado, says Colorado's ‘clmete. end” natural Read the article carefully and answer these questions. Use your own words in your answers, 4 What i the rection of Huston residents to the statistics? 2 According to the article, why do cities get to the top ofthe fat chart 3 What are the differences inthe habits of people in fit ities and fat cies? Gia In Howton ioe a Big Problem ty Nar Beth esouress, ncuding the mountains, tract people 3 ‘io care about thee haath an Hes Rabi 1s a uur that values tha nga" he say "The mageane vee posbleroasons othe statistics, In Houston. paople wach Too much TV ard dono ‘rough exerose and sport In spoof the fact a the ‘ys cts ar ciclo “Even though Houston oh {ado anyhing stout th poor ar aly, hey cout ‘ofthe TV and got ut ote phe ears we (Chicago hes the worst elms ofthe SO cites in tho uray. Summers are hot an hum wnt nas neti = ‘0 das of teow rosaingtmperatures.Dalashas out times more restaurants per pereon than Now Yor, and ‘sme of thom ave among he bast nthe county. also haa. plenty of junk food, though, including 105 ‘Sughnut shops = "The ely whose resins take the rst oxrcis is Clerado Springs. and poole ere dont watch much Weiter Ge ft 4 TALK ABOUT IT Look at Language Bank 20 for ways of evaluating options 1X» What could at city residents do to gett Suggest a least ve options Examples: They could goto the parks. They onal go joing Which options ae the best, n your opinion? Explain why. BD | a... @s5 useun © ‘A Look at the st of fod items. Which of them are fattening? “apples biscuits chocolate bars ‘ream cheese breakfast ceveal ce cream salad B Check the meaning ofthe words in bold below. Then work in pairs and clscuss the questions, 1 Have you ever gone on a diet? Is, did you lose weight? o you put on weight easy, or can you eat what you lhe? Do you eat regular meas of do you mise meals and eat snacks? Do you want to be slimmer, or as you are now? Do you ever feel fant with hunger? What do you do about i? Listen to Elaine's audio dary, Answer the questions | 1 Why does Elaine decide to det? 2. What do we Lear about her collessve Craig? | 3 IsElanes det success 4 Atthe end of Elaine's dary, what does she decide about the det? 5. Is laine obsessed with det? tr 5; [estes H Elaine finds she has put on 2 four hos on Workin small sroups, Discus these questions 1 Do you think Elaine eas well or healthily? Say why / why not 2 Why do you think she has probleme wth her weight? 3. What advice would you ave her about her relationship with rai? 6 CONTROVERSY 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING Work in groups of three. Student A Work in small groups. Write an advertising brochure for @ new Fitness Club ‘Sona diet, takes lot of exercise in Houston, Texas. Include deta f facies, opening times and prices, and § worried about being fat. (170-200 wore). Students B and € are his o her Barents, who are worried that A ee oe aes Fator-Fit ting and exercising too much and Ge Feel en afore and After pots of someane who works ot Favor fit Your choice for life! ‘Join now — gets 50% reduction in price ‘Ta: o7as a98177 sonifatconfitnesscom & serccccussson nen © searH eveaTion in Engtisn The future | weston England Ory 4 af boy and ST ol os ges 1) a is fat Etrper Abou | lle ween fr 2 out a woot omar 22% aman Sane fritora ‘rd 28% ol woman ae obese re Chichood obesity, like aout obey, 's caused by an Imbalance between + calorienin and calories out in sey other words, what suney a8 7 pe toys and ot you eat and how ee {you use energy to es se barn i ofall ver the word, there i evidence that We a are lsing the oe 2ouetceen battle to get tis pa simple equation fight. The problem 1 ‘Developing countless: Th poor fs particularly ‘er unger and manon ae He affecting children. Radetontl ‘ey poole ‘oe mes eben e 1 out ‘Check the meaning of these words. Discuss what you krow about them already. 1 globesity: a new word combining slabe and obesity 2. calorie: a unit for measuring how much enersy you get from food. 31 malnutrtion: an illness caused by not eating enough food, or not eating food with enough calories. Bend the text and answer these questions. 1 Is obesity resticted to particular pars of the wore 2 Explain what fs meant by an Imbalance between ‘olories in and calories. out 3. How ist posible that there {s malnutrition and obesity Inthe same country? 8 youR TOPIC ‘A. Conducta survey of the det and exercise habits of your class or your friends and family. 1 bo you eat Breakfast inthe moring? 2 How much fruit o you eat a day? | What kindof exere do you do? 4 Have you made any changes in your eating or exercise habits recently? Work in pats. Student A prepares and gives a four mite tlk about the survey and its results, Make notes about what you want to ay, Introduce your subec ke this © We conducted a survey . Be prepared to ask and answer question. Student B asks relevant questions. If Student A says something you don't understand, ask for claiiation, using Language Bank 5. 10 Your answer: ARE PEOPLE GETTING ER? Having read this unit, what do you think? Discuss these questions wit te rest ofthe cass. Here are some ‘sagestons to help you. dre there ar 3 ft of big people in your country? Yes. think lt of people in my country eat a ot No. People in my country are faiely healthy. Is there alt of fast fod avaliable in your country? Yeo, there are more and more fst fod restaurants No, we don't have many fastfood restaurants, No, we like food cooked in the traditional was. Do people tn your county take enough exercise? ‘You, we take alot of exercise No, we don't take enough exercise 1 The BIG question: WHERE WILL WE ALL LIVE? 2) “PREVIEW Words: At Lookat the photos. What type of buildings do they show? (a) high-rise accommodation (b) office buiaing (e) shopping centre (4) sports stadium (e) leisure/entertainment centre () useum/art gallery 1 Wy 5 the bullaing in Prague called Ginger ond Fred? 2. Think of names forthe other two bung. 1 What are the most important ceteris for architects to think about when designing Dulaings? Chane fom this st (2) accessibitity (transport tins) (©) green areas (ars, trees) (eV Beauty (a) use of space (e) location ¢) satety 2 Talk about the buildings nthe pictures using the centri above. 3A they soad or bad designs for balangs? Why? Language: ed these sentences and answer the Two astonishing projects that have been shown (on TV) are buildings that may be built in Japan, © TFit goos ahead, it will be builtin the sea, in ‘oly Bas. © ‘The skyscrapers will be linked by a series of hollow tubes. ‘A. Vinat do the verb forms in bold have in common? Why are these sentences NOT written with active verbs For example: Buildings that someone may buildin Japan Wich ofthe sentences reads well with an active verb? & Already half of the world’s population lives in cities. By 2030, five billion people will live in cities. | Function: Eicting further information “Grammar: Present perfect passive, future simple passive Sit cet erg ‘de Men designed The Ginger and Fe ag Pre wsdl by coy ‘he Sney Ops Hos degre ‘Dani srt ton eas: The foiowing sentences ae from the reading text on the opposite page. Read them and sneer the quetion below. * One of the most amazing projects ia Sky City, 116 kilometre-high building * Its possible that some residents would never leave it ‘© The pyramid willbe built by spider robots, and power will be provided by waves and wind ‘A What f unusual about these project? How would yeu fee about never leaving the bulcing where you tive? {© Would you be happy ving n a pyrami bit by Spider robots? For you, what would be the best and worst things about these buildings? ee —“‘“‘“S™S [A-scan te two articles and find out which (of SkyCity [Sof Pyramid City [Pl 1 would house more people? 2 would be taller” 53 would be built n the sea? ‘here a programme on the Discovery TV Channel Caled Extreme Engineering, which takes an image ick at new devetopments in design. Two astontang [jects that have been shown on the programms are Baldings that may be constructed in Japan. 4.6 KM-HIGH SKY CITY With lees enc lass avlale bulking apace, Janen le consiseing some. cramatic ways to" provide. new s:commodaton ets population. One of te most amazing ‘jects ie Sky Ciy, 8.8 lomete-ngh Dalang. it gece snead,& wi be ult in te ‘ra, in Toy Ba. wil b the biggest buling fn art, move Wan tice as high 82 any fxetng butane. ‘Sky Gly wou have 560 floors, cositing of “steal, concrete anc gies sactons, ech 40 ‘oor high, on on top ofthe eta. The vertical ‘hy woul house moe than 25,000 poor and [rovido offces, shop, schcls anderen pss {eranoter 105000, Assonmedton, work and Ieee faites would all be In tne same ulin, 20 tis posse thal some resents ‘woutzroverlaate There only ane role, None ows fx sure can be bu Read Part 1 carefully and write question fr these answers, for example © Qe How high will Sy City bo? © A: Sky City willbe 1.6 kilometres high, 1 Oe eee 2c inthe 26a, in Tago Bay. 2 & — ‘A Twice 0 high a ony exiting bulling. $2 meee ‘A 35,00 people 44 : é {A No, there wl sso be shops and oties, Cities of the a LIVING IN A PYRAMID free Pyraié Cty ie an oven mee Fias abicus poet fo soe Tehyos Feusng pebe e weud aa be suaied in Tage Ba A 1000- tae tal pyramid, tive mes © high than 8 Great Pym of Gain yp Rweus contain Se sme pyramid each on the Soscf he Gea orga, Tits ball the pyramid wl consstota sees of skyscrapers Suspend rom the ise ofthe stuctre The pyramid 0 Will be 80 toreye high, with parklan n-between the Skyscraper Three quarts oa mon peopel ne thee ‘The skyserapers wal be Inked by a sre of Hollow tubes ‘containing & highspeed wenepot sytan. Pat of the ‘natuetie including mere tan 150 leometres of unna, ‘ill bo bul by sper robel, ard power wil be provided by ‘aves ana wind ‘Armajr problem i that Japan fs susted on the seme ino ean ara of votcari acy whch sete _woure the Pace Ocean. Praline vista =| artquskos, tsunamis ard urcerweter volcanic eustons. ‘The designers of Pyramid ly ae ootain that til be ult and made safe fom sathquakes, but probably not for nother 10 ese! C_Read Part 2 carefully and decide f these statements are tre (7) or flee) ue 1 Pyramid City willbe the same height) 25 the Great Pyramid of Egypt, 2 There will be smaller pyramids inside the pyramid, 3 Three quarters ofa million people wi live there, 4 Pyramid Cty wi have to withstand tsunamis. _ Read the whole text again and iscuss these words: 1 How does the werd futuristic make you fel? Excited? Scared? 2 Overcrowding what & the fest thing that this word makes you think of Danger? 3 What image do yau have of spider robots? How big are they? How do they work? 4 TALK ABOUT IT Wich of these ideas do you feet happy with? Evaluate ‘the options that are sugested, 1 We have to find accemmodation forthe populations in our cities. Projects like Sky City © It would be madness to construct buildings like Pyramid City ‘¢- Sky City il be a safe place in an earthquake. ot Of the future @s5 ustenm < ‘A You are going to hear a discusson About a posse aia unr the flan Ocean efoe you User, Se Eee T1385 0 Torsatlantie Tunnels de 4 a magnet is (3) the ability tore into the ar without support 2 Tevtation WS fn encosed space which has no ie 3 avecuum {©) a pee ofmetal ht strat oterplces of meta 4 thesurface {6} a hey object copped tothe bottom ofthe water to sop a ost moving 5 asec & {e) the top ofa boa ofwater (or example ak, the 3) & an anchors = {0 a smal port of something arger 8_Now match these verbs with thelr correct dentin. 1 tobendis | (@) to beak along a ne, bt not completly | 2 to creckis. {0} tobe pushed slonl by the movement of air or water | [3 socom’ {to move something so that i sno longer straight | 4 tori (6) to harm something (for example a car an acide) | Listen tothe discussion and answer these questions 1 What are the two main differences between a magnetically levitated tain and & normal tran? 2 In which country or countries are there working Naplev trains? 3 What could the top speed ofthese new trains be? 4 What happens when & normal train reaches avery high speed? 5. What could cause damage to an underwater Maglev tan? 6G CONTROVERSY 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING Workin thet cdscuss the idea Have you ever played a computer game lke SimCity"? Work In groups to design your idea city. Make a st ofthe things your city transatlantic tunnel. Team A needs. Then write a report (170-200 words) describing your proposed thinks it isa waste of money. design. Use photos from the internet, if you cn —— ee dangerous. Team C thinks the |'* Accommodation “Higher apariments A pyramid tunnel san excelent ides. ‘© Ofies, factories ta ES = ieee Team 8 thins it may be | What my city needs Type of bulcing ‘What it looks tke l Bloctricts, water ‘Transport © 46516 mn Engtisn A Before you read the article, lscuss these questions. 1 The design ofthe Bauhaus building was considered revelutinary in 1925, How would you describe it now? 2 Do you think architectre and design are important art? er The Babs Sol beg 1919 1 Wel Get ‘he Basin Desa Gomory ys aching luce at adds ooo he 20th >) est. 1933 a ws focal ro dose by the Nis wh | covshaud i 100 compote, a x01 Geuanencrh My of amiss ad recess ead 0 he USA, The Baulos mowers nas fue bya acc tg MMR mics Vater rote Hse eco i crcl subj Ie econ a ence, Fo he P| firs, sens were ined by bor ans ad ‘alspropl, sucks umn wakes. They also ened sar scence, nd develop «new se of aco sign sig cas, laps ad ieapons was ‘rsd 10 De assem anil 4 pai ae scalps. Many fous amis wen associ wil he ‘Brutus, foe pape Pal Ki, Wasi Kain ane onge Grose 1s wal eles Luh Mis vs ee Role wed Lalo Moly Nagy, lo stared «Ne Baths in Chow i 997, Bead the article and discuss these questions. 10 Your answer: WHERE 1 What were the aims of the Bauhaus movernent sad 2 How successfull do you think the movement was? ‘WILL WE ALL LIVE? 3 Why (in your mn words) was the Bauhaus closed in 19332 4 Wy do you think so many Bauhaus artists went to America? Having reed this unit, discuss these (questions withthe rest of the clas. Here are some suggestions to help you: © INTERACTIVE TASK ‘Could yu imagine living in Sky ity? Workin pars. Use Language Bank 21 to help you ect further ideas ¢ No. It's too high and too crowded. and information from your partner. {© Yea! Imagine the’ view B Would tbe dangerous to travel in Student A: ‘Student B: the tranatlantietunne? Choose a controversial remark Take control ofthe conversation | Yos, Imagine what would happen about modern desan as a by asking question and mating | if tarmrate attacked Conversation starter. Choose one your own controversial femaris. | © No. It would be safe and people that you cancontinve speaking Here are some suagestions wank toxvel alee about. Here are some Ideas Do modern designers forget about "© ‘Modern architecture isso * think it grat! Why do people? wel! you think that? © Yes. They only want to put more ‘© ‘oday, the design of things * Really. I ttally people in smaller space. like mobile phones is more disagree with you on that | * No. Thay make everything important than their function. subject. In fact Deautiful and functional 1 The BIG question: \S HUNTING Sport tng porns Words: ‘A Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1) What animals are being hunted inthe photos? Who are the hunters? 2 Which wil creatures are hunted fo spare ($) and which are hunted for food (F? Choose ‘rom tis it bears TSE) wolves elepiits cs Why are these another wid animals hunted? because they ave dangeraur because there are too many of them for sport, because peope are crue. for their for another reason Now discuss these question: 's hunting a national custom in your country? Wat wil animals ae usualy hunted? Why do people o hunting? ‘ce tere any organisations which are against huneig! 55 What is your personal opinion about hunting and people who hunt? seals foxes LL ASPORT A TRADITION OR CRUELTY? Rich tourists take hunting trips to kill tons: in Tanzania, elephants in Botswana and bears in Russia. Function: Reporting the conversation of ‘others; paraphrasing Grammar: Reported speech Language: rene these sentences and answer the eos Tho! tng fr You told me it would be interesting and you were right! © Thoy said that all the guides spoke Rngish © Ttold the guides that they should change the information in the brochure, ‘©The guide told him to stop, "© Tho guide told Curly that he had put all our lives in danger, ‘A. These sentences are ll examples of reported Speech. In each cae, what did the person actually say? 1B What isthe ciference between using say and tell as the reporting vert? (What rates of repeted speech can you work out fom these sentences? QD se wonsooe vn y ia98: The following sentences are frm the reading text on the opposite page. Read them and answer the questions © Auunique opportunity to shoot a huge brown, bear, the dream of every real sportsman, © One of the special pleasures of thia hunt is the opportunity t watch bears as they wake ‘up and start roaming around ‘© Weean't guarantee a kil, but you would be very unlucky to mis out [A Would you agree that iting a bear was the dream of every rel sportsman? leit possbie to enjoy watching bears wake up and star roaming und if you intend to shoot them? Coes the third sentence mann that i are or ‘common to succeed in shooting a bear? 3 READING oe 1 Before you read Part 1,match the words in bold with these definitions, 1 hot water coming cut ofthe ground 2 amass of ce that moves sony 3 & mountain that trove out hot ga and rocks Read the two texts quickly. Which 1 an article in an environmental magazine? 2 an advertisement for hunting ips? 55 an email rom somecne who hae Been on a hunting tour? Herta ot te taesting and you wee ht aS, oe coerce Leach cane een “The tou geri is simply note. Thay ne Det nr wT 5 eran ia kh ene resiurhessicur nao ame ess hat We wre ee ay, cae econo bear i we ane oper tet. 20 ‘ay aot rte a (abet ne gues any st Sra he teed tt tera an weonnastoret Any Bp Goh € Explain in your own words these expressions from Part 1 an untamed place 2. weighs up to 600 kilos 3 spotted and then stalked ‘wo students ar reporters. The others are hunters. 1A” The reporters ask the hunters about the trip they © Mu Gl une woul [4 What was interesting? hava bean on, for example be interesting Why did you want taunt wild animals like wre beats? Twas neither of | 2 What was neither of wae pave The hunters each talk about the tip, for example: {hose thine those thing’_| twas my dream to hunt bears. I wanted ‘The guide told him | 3 Stop doing what? trophy. to stop 5 The reporters then report the hunter: answers, Wie all said we would | 4 Do what againt the class, for example da it agnin, ‘© He said that it was his dream to hunt bears D_ Answer the questions about these pass from Pat 2 A tot bs amc ‘ou on ate age 1A eure going to hear part ofan iustrated lecture ( What happens about life on the Kamchatka Peninsula inthe 1A: Theve are», wrestling matches and horse Russian Far ast. Which ofthe following things do races. you expect to hear about? 5 What 2 1 hunting animals for sport 3. fish festivals |: Bread, pink salmon roe 2 huncing animals for food 4 tourism Listen and complete the sentences 6 41 Kamchatha has a population density of less than one per squae kilometre 2 iets nt economic to the numerous deposits ‘of gold, copper and nickel. CONTROVERSY Have a debate about hunting. Student Aisin favour of hunting for spor. Stufent Bie against all frm of hunting. Student thnks hunting fr food is OK. 3 Tours saiestnomenstnt, and rot ; Taint 8 & serowewosronwwrn 4 People in Kanchatha depend onthe widemess 5. They hunt brown bears in the spring and then 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING azin nthe Vite an article (17-200 wares) abut an ld ato 6 Preparing bear meat time-consuming Canto, entero fetal neuer. tage 1 Fi the mat mst be sated for 2-3 fours Sub cubation etl your CMT. tn fresh relahbour for example, to describe the customs to you. 8 Shon provide valuable rd cai, which Your shut cate tat you are reporting wat hoor vilagers on the sal Ue the flog guidtns 8 9 The start of te aon bing seson san beverly event — t 10 Thore tnt mach of things to et because of Tice q the shor summer a, ‘ Listen agin, and complete these questions and tistons a Petia Petropvonk Pace res past eee = ae Wo widyou Lashed. abou Ge wow Ke ihe waged : 2. What mineral depos are tere What happens: Hefshe told me that iinyn enfant Nelahe said that 3 Gig. be vnked? ery Wether nO Desa pete Una i en ‘ar ire he ‘Snoop pe! Wei, ‘ate tgs Ly ne ‘Posi do oan a sis ‘io ee Ud Sts oF Ae. “Te Sn Amend: Ticteped beng ey he aay Sets te of le SE cra a ot ee | Read the text and answer the questions in your ‘own wore of 41 What isthe American Constitution? 2. Why do you think that the possession of guns in the USA is so controversial? Which of the ftlowing isthe best explanation of the meaning of the Second Amendment? 1 Peopie shoud own guns because they may be ‘needed In the army. 2 The only way you can have a good army ito cal ative people the right to have guns. ie 4 Allowing peoote to have guns means thatthe ‘country wil be safer and fee. tn pars hold a four-minute conversation about one of the photos inthis un, for example: 1A» The pit above shows the two teenage students ‘wha snot 12 other stents sila eau a Columbine High Senet in Colorado, USA in 1998, le there a connection between the ight to own uns inthe USA and this shooting? Stat the this ‘© Why dia they doi, in your opinion? The pletures inthis Unit show customs in Rossin tnd ether counties Can you describe any similar taustoms in other places? Use Language Bank 22 te check you have understood your partner. The right to bear arms ‘The eight to own guns is established in the Second ‘Amendment to the US Bill of Rights, which is itselt « series of amendments to the US Constitation. The US. Constitu “Amendment, propo: the rights of US citizens to 0 law of the United States constitution in the isso ‘The Calumbine sting (CCTV image) 10 Your answer: \S HUNTING A ‘SPORT, A TRADITION OR CRUELTY? Having read this unit, what do you think? Discuss these ‘questions with the reste the cas. Here are some suggestions to help you with the answers: ‘A~ Should all hunting be banned? ‘© Yee, many people think hunting is cruel ‘+ No. Cortain people sec hunting as part of their taaiion, Ist right to condema hunting when we kill animals for meat? At least wild snimals have a better life than farm animale, © By only eating fara anim wild animale © Would we be safer if we banned guns? ‘Yes. Many people think we should ban all guns. © Guns are not dangerous~anly the people who ‘use them. we can protact Extended reading ‘cannot eat money.’ ‘A Workin groups and read the quotation, What does it mean to you? Write a similar warning. 1 Read the headline of the newspaper article on the oppesite page. What do you think dumped computers means? (a) computers which have been thrown away (b) computers witha virus 2. Dumped i 9 piel newspaper headne word short and strong, Think of a less dramatic ‘word or phrase that could be sed, ead the article quickly and answer the questions about these verbs (undeiined in the article) 1 [BBE can mean fet someone take @ Photograph of you. Does it mean that here? 2 handle sa noun ae well asa verb, Do they ‘mean more or less the same thing? 3 estimate a noun as well as a verb: what the diference in pronunciation between the noun and the ver forms? 4 [BG can mean getup in the morning, Does it ‘mean that here? 5 Bathe can mean annoy, Does t mean that here? D Check the meaning of these phrases and answer the questions. . a place provided by the local authority for recycing of household materials 1A there any civic amenity sites near where you Live? What can you take there? . ‘things which are thrown away which are ptsonous 2. Have companies ever dumped toric waste In your ‘country? What kindof waste? Da the companies, get ito trouble? . ‘ass which contains lend, which highly toxic 3 How and where oes tead cause pollution probiems 1 ‘The BIG read: DUMPED COMPUTERS SOLD ILLEGALLY by Paul Brown ‘only when the last fish is caught; only then will they realise that you (Cree provers The Cree area tribe of Native Ames) A. Read the article. Fired these words and | expressions in bold P the text. Ty to work out the meaning from the context 1 fe trough 3 guidance 4 injustice =o 7 rey area 8 discarded Now read the article carefully and answer these ‘questions. Use your ovn words ~ don’t quote Girectly from the text. 1 How are computers recycles? 2. Why did the work ofttters become sega? 3. How many compster monitors are being sent to the developing wor 4. Does the new law suggest that al old ‘computers are toxic waste? 5 Why don't peopl in the U bother to fx some ofthe equipment 4 TALK ABOUTIT lr in srous. 1 Make 8 Ist of domestic electrical items which are thely to be discarded. 2. Think of imaginative uses for these items hen they are recycle. 3 Present your lst and ideas to the res of the class, ‘5 PORTFOLIO WRITING ‘A Write a summary ofthe article in about 200 words Birt an article (170-200 words) suggesting how ‘other products, sucn as cars, col be recycled s Dumped computers and 222." ae “The report, completed thes TV sets sold illegally to “22: =.".2"": {hat totter and other smal developing world et ene ee Sealers unaware of the final itor of teetson cts and ot math thowe expected i Evens, SET TES destinations ions of tito” Sono ce ‘acim ramibomsannowtonop tis | Ol SUPE tek Easton compe, meni bog _eraermenta nice coring CA cn. sry ss a nti ice ane ©, The nay cowed ee Excrone Coe. Wes NN China. cole a es ea + Equant Raging (CEP armates Some ne 0 ONS ra. Aa an ee an npabied — tat 1400 formes of XL TV S85, Ch SNE ‘goods & desirable You ace rt Agen} soot SOOEND tl nd aaert | “TS? 8 SO se ad ‘about Tory te Excl SOP! rmer ood comps eins = sae of ie, OO snd te eet ye tndterwaytocevoopingenuen Soy ok CEL. 7 Sor Ds can bin env Many aecamibakedfar Yar oon ‘rcer and oon whet reve idegl sere pas at are ov repated SED EOS One ot felt a sya af peopl wo wou! nat TES DS eT hat Be ue lia RCPS BS enact something tat fo prevent toro waste materials compu ‘od ing but 6 t00 expensive to being shipped to developing Counties. > Cwctcal equipment containing leaded das, parcualy computes fd televisions, wore reclassified a= fonds waste because of the danget lead goaes 10 peonle handing the feaupment or breaking tt up. The lagen alarmed that hal @ ion feleisone and a sir number of Computer monitors which people ‘ought wore being disposed of in England ere being reused OF dumped nthe devsiopng work © The agency is finding the wade hard to contol but is planing 10 cacao tho niay © CER ends to members whe bat ot UK because of punlan gadares, 1, Sak ty compu and oer fice SDA ce can in soon, Scr gary anny enue om haus end sip the deer atti Dinas, Sam an, because under EU 1 use out aft, some reason thet ts te mc of Fonda cl he Eats = fe re tc ogaity e_ e E « en dt working made a ened Oe dad TSO ee df sone secant The sored To ‘discarded, ths auton 0 pees problem an ven equ | 8 gan itis i fale to tT ca o_o ony, Tk aye HX «Seal f Oxpt E10 8 Gwleng sD om Gaming Oras © dca even fay pearing, Cerin prover om court, # ust bo cased a= Ui O° oy Pas ran Ener ton wast condone. rarely cannot be reootd to @ devlnind Bia or he caren 1 ‘The BIG question: WHY IS FANTASY SO POPULAR? ‘More than 300 million copies of the Harry Potter fantasy stories hhave been sold In 200 countries. A” Match the sentences withthe explanations of the word fontesy. (a) not seeing lie as it really (b) stories that are very 1 Lenjoy ring fantasy novels. 2 She has fantasy | about beng a star, | diferent from everyday life, 3 He confuses fantasy | (c)a pleasant with oaty experience that you imagine. Look atthe pictures and answer these questions. 41 What do the pictues have in common? 2 Have you read the books, seen the shows or the ‘ns Did you Uke then? © Werk in pairs. Undertine the statements you agree with, ~] (2) an escape fom the real word for dreamers. | (0) change from the reat. nen fr everyone. 2 Fantasy flims are: | (a) imaginative and exciting. (b)boring and unealsti | 3 Fantasy books are: (a) a clever way to explore new ideas (by an easy way to avoid Lrealtite 1 Fantasy is Describe these creatures rom fantasy literature, for example: ‘© a wizard is old, and has long silver hair and a Tong silver beard, witeh (wizard) dragon fairy vampire Prine princess f FFuncton: Expressing abstract ideas “Grammar: Passives with modsls (can be seen, shouldbe read) hat’s n Fite, Lamguaye:Read these sentences: * Tecan be seen asa predecessor tothe Harry Potter novels, ‘© This is something that must never be done. ‘© This book should be read by al, [A Are these sentences active or passive? Bo thay refer tothe pastor present? C_What do the words 1 Bold have in common? ‘Gneetet Ineas: The following sentences are from the reading text on the opposite page, Read them and answer the questions 1 The words of the enchantment hissed on Ged's lips, and he ered cut, “Elfarran! ‘+ -A’pate oval of light gleamed between his ‘opened arms. In this light fora moment there ‘moved a form, a human shape ‘© And through the bright breach climbed something ike «lump of back shadow, and it leapt straight out at Ged’ fice ‘A Ged, a boy wizard, Fas cast a spell. What happens ext that frightening? Do these sentences rake you want to read the eat of the tot Soy why F thy mot First published in 1968, this isthe fst book in The Eorthiea Trilogy. tells the story of Ged, a Boy who goes to wizard school ean be seen 35 3 Predecessor tothe Harty Potter novels, in which Harry ato goes toa school for wizards. Ged is arrogant and calls up a spirit from the dead. This is Something that must never be done, as its against all the las of nature. Out ofa “ip nthe "fabri Of the word, a terrifying shadow climbs. This book Should be read by all who enjoy fantasy erature, © A Wizard of Earthsea "by Ursula K. Le Guin Ta mer a stat wating mt pating. ot moving | ls thy shee ior repel wan | going to work. Gets voice was so st bt change et dsp ging tanh wor he poe weet “own em He el lent Suny he nnd se owing in th ras. Ged opp obs kes nd cal ‘wale. Then fl fore sfc heath se ett sa and when oe “omhing dar nisms a, somethings sy ‘tarball nee eng oa fc The at nd hind the Black sass on ti na sae “toms noe stem "Tn wor canes ied on G's ips, nd Aten he cdot sna ny, Ags be “Sind ths une, “Elra= Ande fi ne “iar” “Te shapels ns of dates he a ied pit spr. eee ise et etter, ‘eng fom be tun poi fs sed ‘onc hs ih ors met here moe om Than supe wanking Ec oe er inel “Herfcs wos Denti an somo fl of en “Onl fora moment dle spent simmer ere Then ‘tcl baer Gas an eh en and Scan the whole text quickly. Give bref answers to these questions 1 Whois Vetch? What does he try to do? 2. What happens tothe “bright rip inthe woes darkness’ at the end of the extract? ead the Hook Review caretuy. Say these Sentences are true (7) or false fF). 1A Wizard of Earthsea is sitar in one way to the Hary Potter novels, 2 Ged spel follows the laws of nature, J Read the extract careful 1 How i the spirit that Ge calls up described? 2. What does leper do? 3 Why do you think Vetch is unable to move? oid Spreaippng open of te fae ofthe wer Trough itbazed a tert righ. And tough te igh» Decal lined seeing emp of Bick sad qk and gy and leaped sight ota Ged ace Staggering bck under he weight ofthe thing. Ged ame short scream, Gad El sgn nd wring, ile the right pn the words above i Widen ad stretched Te Boys th watched Bd nd per bent down the rand hiding Ns eyes mn the Tembeght Ve soe ran Forward ohn en. So ly e stv the ump of kato ta lng to God, | ‘easing at is lsh was ke bck bet th se of 8 young il though sere opr sau svak and t | fad oad a ae, onl the fur paws wth which i {ppd and tre. Vetch sole wih Rory he pot isan yt il he thing sy fm Ged. Bene fe ouch he was boul tamale o move . ‘The noleable rigs fade and slowly the om edges of the wor cloned wgeher Nearby» wice wax peaking as sofly ara ee whispers oa furan ys Startight apa 6 stn gin, an the pases of he hilsie were whitened wid he ight ee mova jas se ing, Te ight was hea. A Wizard of Erte, by Ula Gan, ise by an Ss 4 TALK ABOUT IT 1A Gest has released “a lump of black shadow How do vou thik his life changes asa resut? 1B Work in pars. Write paragraph that continues the stony. Then show your paragraph to another pat, who read it and sa how the paragraph can be improved or corrected Evamptes: ‘© Your paragraphs great, but there are ways that itean be improved, ‘© We augzest that the frst sentence should be changed rewritten like this: @5 usteum ¢ 10) Br in interview with Vangie 1 Look at the photos 1 Which poto is from a horror flim and which s from a trier? 2. Eiplain the itference, B Which ofthese werd (abstract nouns) could be used in @ 1 ahorrorfiim 2 a comedy 3. a thier (@ terror (b) suspense [(e) fear [oy viotence —] (©? Tow Cro (e)heror | ey amusement | (f) entrtainnent | a) exctement Chat adjectives can be formed from these abstract nouns? 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING Write a film review fora magazine D Listen and complete the sentences. (170-200 wore 1 The first speaker, Dave, says that he «forthe horror move 2 Nancy say that she hates 3. Tom says thatthe Film they plan to watch is meant to be one of the best movies ever made 4 Nancy described the two male speakers as a 5 During the fil, To say thatthe » kling him, pa Bara amet of 6 Dave thinks the Flim 6 tis best. Ee esha ed an 8 4 teror_|2 violence [3 fear [4 haror [5 excitement (@)terivng |) a @ @ Introduction: Basic information (name o film) is new comedy thier! drama divected by (name of directo). starring (names of main Nancy thinks the fm wil sve them bad sharactr) Tom notices thatthe. son next wel with (name of actor) in the a Usten again, What are the aferences between these sentences = and the words nthe auc ay Uy chee the meaning Paraganh 1: The story (the present 1th de of witches and vate iehens me tener ; 2 Pm geting sme ot The sory takes plac in 5 That was etereamen tis wos Tesabout 1 dserbeslhows 4 Itll be a relief when it’s aver. the 5 You dot tke horer move. aeawes Paragraph 2: Giving your opinion The photographyfacting i 6 CONTROVERSY (ame of acter) not vory ork np. Suter A wants to watch a horror movi on ve. Td he le ater Student 8 prefers fanny fm i @ "This 2 shoudl not be missed © urenarore im tngusn hc ante from 1ST ‘Bors Kat = tere Read the pasiage above. Explain in your ovn words: 1 What was unusual about Mary Shelley as an 2. How Mary got the idea for her stony. 2. nwhat way the Gothic genre is similar to a modem hoor story Work n small groups. Discuss why Frankenstein is still popular today, 9 CONVERSATION In pairs, using the examples below, hold a fve Imoute conversation about a story or novel that ould be tured into good film. Take turns and use Language Bank 23 to ad abstract ideas. Space Wars could be made into good Bm ‘Te would be terrifying, but dramatic © Tedon’t agree. It would be too violent and horifving! ‘Te would be a thriller: Imagine being lost in space Fantasy 1A Before you read, look atthe picture. Say what you know about the stony FRANKENSTEIN Mary ds nner ban onthe ney re epecaating 08 Se old waite Poe rer aE wh sable 10 ered ng ch yoo ing a Neri me wl set chat hawated TY see aan ee eens nlrb cre, hn Tal oF supe Mand ee en eT Bn poles, escus a fim you would tke to make, for example: © Alypical day at college could be made into a comeds 5 Our teaciersrast be played hy Brad Pitt 10 Your answer: WHY IS FANTASY ‘SO POPULAR? Heving read this unit, what do you thin? Discuss these questions with the rest ofthe clas. Here are some Suggestions to hep you withthe answer. ‘A Whats 50 good about fantasy? People enjoy escaping fom everyday ie. ‘© ee very exciting and imaginative. B Doyou enjoy fantasy? © NorTdont Its too unrealistic. 1 Yes, [love to dream about c How do you feo abaut horror tims? "They're too senry and violent love the suspense | Subject: Theworld of work Function: Expressing thes and disikes Grammar: Vers + «ing oF an tntntive 1 The BIG question: WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A MILLION? teachers. The best-pald professionals are soccer playes ses, pharmacists, vets, doctors and acing drivers and people ‘who work in legal and financial services. ‘Aan you identify the professions ofthe peope in these photos? Choose from the words in the FACT. box B 1. Which of the pooole in the FACT box help others? 2 Wich of them do you think do the most Important work? 3, Would you lke to do any ofthese jobs? Explain the differences between these pais of wards or phrases: 1 part-time job full-time job 2 entrepreneur / executive 3. an experience / experience (abstract noun) 4: lngal corvices J financial services Decide if you think these sentences are true (7) oF false (F We ‘TTS imposible tobe a student and have 2 fulltime job 2 Professionals ae highly trained; workers are less well-trained, 3 An entrepreneur usualy likes working for tim or hers i amguaye: Read these sentences and answer the uestions ‘+ Tdid’t plan todo this beeause I don't enjoy ‘working for other people. ‘© Taimed to provide computer editing services, ‘© My advice o young people who consider starting x company is always the same, * Dojit now! Dont delay starting it until you've finished business schoo. ‘A Whats the diference between the way We we these two iss of verbs? + decide © imagine 1 plan enim hope. 2s enjoy + consider + delay 8 Can you think of thee ather verb ke the verbs intse 1? And thee other vers ke those in ist 2? gs ‘SEE WORKBOOK UNIT 5 Meas: The following sentences are from the reading {ext on the opposite page. Read them and answer the questions # Most students in Amerien take part-time jobs ‘© Tstarced my own company, ‘© Ifyou hope ta e financially independent, you rust do something while you are young. [A Have you ever had a part-time Job? Iso, describe 1B How do yu feet about starting your own ‘company? 1¢ outa you tke to work for yourself? 3 A READING a ‘ou ae going to read an articte about a student who made a lion dollar. Five sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences {a}(E) the one which fits each gap (1)(4. Tere fs one extra sentence which you do nat need to use (A) | did plan too this because I don’t enjoy working for other people. (8) lke working for other peope, zo | gave up plan to tart my ov company. {c) Dont delay starting fe unt you've finished business school or had some "teal-world experience’ (0) After the article appeared in Hach, interested investors began emailing me. {€) Then | hited my first four employees, and I never edited a single document agai. tng sade eps HOW STUDENT GEOFF COOK 4,000 a cece MADE A MILLION send ree eee Mest suet in Amer tke | tour, For log tine, L was mlarning tory, pocte pbs fp pay for eding between five and en bly and funding forthe Resrinede a) "Pseked my documents aight, Tapent ity Eusrss waseasier becose of my fom company, Cyberkat when | Hours s week doi tt was age. Investors come fo m6, nol or SRN Sheets ‘have tos had=-1wastakingsme dificult: beens | wap making money and Viite catye, and T aimed’ fo. ithe cnumer atthe same me empbying fifty people. roms fds compu eng vis) Cog, at btaube they read Thc ieactntctisuess: 2 net yea Lied downa Shou in Wind magnate, and || Dnt an’Sunmer cans I ummer jt‘ big New Merk sniton ABC Wo News oii PRS Go ane company vst ban a sped the 3 Mj adc to young people, | Setintccorung Iopetansie wacaton expanding CYberEdit who ongier sarin cmpany urhours working omy website, In. December, Wired magazine is alvays the same: Do it now! ‘Nher tha summet my company contacted me and asked me (0) henge and high school, | t | fr by stout opie damang me torwnteanaticl about my Ite You have the benefit Of youth $n the fit ys so eyeettnne: one the people oe in an entennent tat’ it not easy develop.” Who fad emailed me dected to focused on work, witha pla bite if “hope to! be vetalangerumafmoneyinthe ive and” plenty" of fastfood frame tnddpendene youmast company. Gor the Wied article options. Ina way, combining so omning wile you are brougitime over amilion dos college and eneeprenenrship Was foung and ou ean work lng» In funding ve thesartnt thing ve ever done ‘im paragraph 1 and find out what kind of Read paragraph 5 ad ind words which mean business Geoff Cook started 1 advantage 2 thinking about Read paragraph 2 and decide If these sentences 2 Going two diferent things atthe same time dee rue (To alse we 1 nthe compan st yea, Geof did all the work himsett. a 4 TALK ABOUTIT 2 Geof spent 50 ois wheat Workin pats and acu these questions. Use ae Language Bank 24 to dicuss questions A an 6 Read paragraphs 3 and 4 and answer 2 Would you tke to sar your own company? Say these questions: wy Phy ot 1 yuhat happened asa result ofthe article mB What kind of work do you enjoy? Wired magazine? What work do you tke? 2 Why it ood to start a business when you are € What do you think about students having young? professional help with essays sit cheating? i tt @5 ustenw @ [A Imagine you were being interviewed fr this Jeb. Answer these questions 4 Why would you ike to werk for our organisation? 2 What special qualities do you have that would be eel fous? Senne eS Orin rea eageers fr ro a roc | inn. op tt ape el are ana You're going to lsten to two diferent interviews for the same job, Before you listen, answer the folowing questions 1 What does the succesful canldate mean? 2st good or bad i you graduate with a fistclass degree? Why? 3 What does the Human Resources Department of a company do? 4. What's the difference between the developed world and the developing wars! Listen tothe interviews and answer Yes or No ‘Then give detail. 1 Is the frst candidate really interested ‘nthe work? oO 2. Does te fist interviewer give any detals about the jour 3 Has the second candidate done any research forthe interview? 4 Does the second interviewer think much of the candidate's qualifications! What is your opinion of the attude and behaviour of 1 the fist interviewer? 2 the fst candidate? 3. the second interviewer? 4 the second canclaste? oO 6 CONTROVERSY In groups of four, write a job advertisement. Hold Interviews forthe Job. Two of you ae interviewers. ‘The other two are candidates. Who gets the Job? Gan anos Fon unig Espn yg ou jo 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING ‘White a letter or emai to apply fora parttime job ‘working with British or American company in 3 business that interests you. Include information about your qualifications, your level of English and what you ‘lady know about the company (120-180 words). uatieatons Level of Engh: End: eur names © business in Engusn 1 Which of these Jobs are in service industries (8) and which ae in manufacturing () industries? 1 Auto engineering ["] 2 Paper-making ["] 3 Women fashion [=] 4 Tour Now make two lists of ther jobs in manufacturing and services, C1 Look at the graph. Decide if these sentences are true (7) or false (F aE Oo (@}, There are now fewer manufacturing bs for both men and women. (by There are more service industry jobs for men than for women, 2 Has the world of work changed ia your country inthe same way asi has in Britain? oO 1 2 2 Tasca and busines service now + account for aout one in ive job in the UK, compared with about one ‘in ter in 196) This shows that in Uitain there hasbeen a dramatic roth in the service induntres and big deine in manufacturing Intros over he lst 25 yeas t Read the text quickly. Which ofthese questions goes th each ofthe paragraphs above? *° Are more women working than men? * Have the types of jobs in Britain changed? © Who is more likely to be selEemployed? Work m pats. Prepare 2 four-minute presentation on & subject connected with work, for example what i's like tobe settiemployed. Student A: Make notes ofthe ‘mala points. Introduce your topic: Tm going to diseuss self-employment. Be prepared to answer questions, and give ‘examples and explanations. Student B: Ask relevant questions and ask for laification ‘hen you don't understand. (Language Bank 5) ‘There ha also been at incense in the ramber of jobs for women Today, the numbers of wen and ‘women working ae almest equal, though almot hal of worsen ‘work partie Men ar stil pie nly 81% of en's servoing ey UK Moe ere ass soning aa 2 More thai io al working people ‘© now work for themselves Men ane tore Hly than yom to work or themsehes~ 73% the eve milion | seltemployed people are male People fom erin ethic rp more, Women’s average incomeis Asians fr example are moe Ikly to ‘bessamplaped than others, TO MAKE A MILLION? Having read this unit, what do you tink? Discuss these questions with the restof the class. Here are some Suggestion to help you ‘A Would you ke to make a milion dollars? Yes, my ambition i to make e lt of money. + No, Tm more intersted in work which helps other people. How important i maney to you? Teonsider that its important to like your job I don't think that money can make you happy. plan to make money and then enjoy mel. ‘What would your ideal job be? Td love tobe a really successful musician, Ta enjoy working usa doctor. Beaty dropped by 40% in th ig. 2 PREVIEW ‘Words: ‘A thatch the expressions with their definitions: Sohn 1 hard érugs (a) drugs use by erouns of {fiends in some countries 2 soft rugs (b) dangerous crugs which are legal in most countries 3) social rugs (less strong drugs which are legal in most countries Lok atthe list and answer the questions (a) marijuana (by ecstasy (c) amphetamine (d)herain fe) cocaine (tobacco (ghee (h) alcohol 1 Which ofthese would you cll a drug? 2 Number them (1-8) according t how ‘dangerous you think they are. 3 Which of them ae legal In your country? {© Put the drags in 8 into the corect category. [tara rugs [Sot arugs [Sota drugs 1 The BIG question: {S PRISON THE BEST WAY TO STOP CRIME? Between the late 1970s and the late 1990s, deaths from the use of heroin therlands and tripled in the US. =e 4 E Pea ‘cme Language: ead those sentences and answer the questions #° Tesish the Americans wosld stop blaming as for their socal problems. ‘© We wish they had thought about this more carefully, but flearly they didnt, 1A Wich of the above sentences refers to now and which refers to the past? (© IfMr Walters had checked the facts more carefully, he ‘would have seen that we Ihave made an enormous cello to improve the 1B Does the sentence above refer to the past of the present? (€ Does the speaker think that Mr Walters checked his facts! YB, szwonsooc unre leas: The following sentences are from the reading text onthe opposite page. Read them and answer the questions, © He thinks that many European governments are to aft on the use of recreational drugs ‘+ Many European sountries have a policy of therapy instond of punishment for possession of drugs © The government is spending 160 million yuan, to build drug rekabiitation centres. ‘A What isan example of soft punishment? 1B What is the eitference between therapy and punishment? {© Whar 26 you chink renaoicarion centre st 3 READING «=O ‘A. Read the two texts quickly and find out who these people are 1 John Wolters 2 Matin Witteveen Dutch drug policy Jon Walters the dnt ofthe US Office of Nana Drug Control Ply an he it «happy man. He thinks hat many Etropesn governments are tof the use of eration droga suchas mariana ‘Hi minal dred gst he Netherland, where he dame that aborts ae ‘auctions of deus, inci eet), which Sly te Ud St “She Euopensgoverneni think is OK to tolerate the soo tia” sad Wales “We wish dey Hal thoogh ston tht ore crf, but ery ty Gidnt Tis oa fandamentaly eto ath plicy Snel socal pole he de e believes tat he olkies ave led tthe eto ota neve generation of Shug acts, ‘iany European counties have a policy of therapy instead of punshment or possesion of rg or rnonal ue, Paso s ala resort for the prishinent Erg ser 3c Netherlands, the pole arent so concen with soft rugs such ss najana: Nowadaya, hey Conceitste on topping the manalactre scl ale of and drupy euch avhefin and ocrine "Marin Witeveen fea Dutch prowestor for drag crimes oa tn that the US etic ane fini. ich the Americans woul top ming Unto thet social problems” he sid “Tt Me Walters Tal cece the ats more cael he oul have Seon tht we have ade an erormos elon to improve entation 3 W zhuoxtong 4 Me Fung Te Neher: Sproen Siena dat 2 Death penalty for drug dealers ‘Acourt sontenced tho drug alckrs to doath on Fray ie Guangahou, capil af South China ‘Guangdong Province. "We zmuoxiong and two other members of his gang were convicted a aoling cn rafiehing mere tan 200, tics ot motnamphetamina 8 drag known a ie. Se Dither members a he gang were sentence ote nl ‘u'and hi gang prodused and sold among oer ‘hinge, more tan ion ecstasy pil, 9,000 Stops tice and 800 wlgram cata South Alea Was ‘the main market for most ofthe crne Tope tat this Wal wi Mean Ha the ug problem inthis ey has ended" sai Me Funng, Woo-aectr of {Guanashou Gy Pubic Sesumy Bure. The Guangdong prune government is spending T0 millen yuan 183. fon US dolar) to bula rug rehabitation centres Wt ota! of 1,000 bode fo accommoaate drug adets Find these sentences in Text 1 and answer the questions Prison is a last resort forthe punishment of drug users. Does this mean that prison is ike 9 holiday for deg users? ‘the US erticism is not justified. Does this mean tht te etiam is uncut Find these words in Text 2. (@) sentences (5) convicted (e) trafiking =) hat do they meant In wat phrases de they usually appear? Can you use the words in afferent contexts? 4 TALK ABOUT IT A. Workin groups. Discuss the folowing questions, Is your countrys attitude to the use of drugs more similar to the Netherlands orto China? suitable punishment for drug tatficking? Workin Stodent A: you are a gang member in jai for ite for drug trafficking. Talk ‘nat are John Walters main crtcsms of the Dutch pie? bout your regrets, Use Language Bank 25. What did the Chinese gang preduce and where was it used? Student; Yu are visiting your fiend What isthe government doing to solve the drug problem in in jail Guanganou? Nove read the two texts more carefully and answer using your |

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