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Shahil Islam

Location Report
For my AS Level Film Studies project portfolio, following a textual analysis in which, I
explored how themes of isolation and fear are represented with the micro techniques
used in The Descent 2(2009) and Evil Dead (2013). I have continued to develop
my portfolio by planning a creative artifact based upon the central ideas from my
textual analysis, using both protagonists as a foundation for creating my own. I will
think about the setting of horror films and try to find locations, which match the codes
and conventions of a horror film.
I will be creating a 2-minute sequence that is based on the horror genre based on the
locations that I have included here on my location report. I intend to use all these
locations in my film to create tension and present an uneasy atmosphere. There are
two locations that I will be filming in.
Location 1 Dark Street

This is the street I will be using during filming and I will be filming at nighttime. For
cinematography I intend to use a two shot from inside the car to show a
conversation-taking place between two friends. For sound I will be just including
diegetic dialogue between the two friends in the first scene. Then after one of the
characters leaves the car I will include non-diegetic sound to include sounds of bangs

Shahil Islam
and footsteps. I will also show a close-up to show the protagonist coming out the car
slowly. I will show a POV shot where the protagonist is walking towards the car boot.
Then I will have a close-up to show what is inside the boot. After that I will go back to
the wide shot where it shows the protagonist inside the car. And I will have a figure
sitting behind him.
Location 2 - Dark Room (Garage)

Following the story of the film in a chronological order I will then do my second
location in a dark room. The dark room is meant to be far away from where the car is
but its really just outside. This room is big enough to include a variety of shots and it
would be very easy to have different angles in the scene.
The camera will be most likely positioned facing towards the protagonist and it will try
to be positioned in a way to make the protagonist look weaker than the antagonist
and I will do that with the camera at a high angle. In terms of sound I will have the
diegetic sound of the antagonist chanting demonic things so it instils fear in the
protagonist and the audience. I will also include the diegetic sound of a creature
growling while the screen fades to black. This will make the audience feel uneasy, as
they cannot see what is going on.

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