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Stefani Tweedy Language Arts Created: 7/11/09

Zillah Middle School Modified:

Unit Title:
Portfolio Conference

Time Frame:
5 Days

Grade Level:
7th or 8th

Unit Summary:
During this unit students will be responsible for selecting and
presenting their best works in portfolio conferences. Students will
select their work, write reflections defending their choices, set
goals and create strategies to meet those goals, and write letter to
their families explaining their successes and struggles during the
year. This information will all be presented to the teacher in a one-
on-one conference at the end of each semester.

Essential Question(s):
What have I done well on so far this year?
What are my goals?
How will you meet these goals?
How can I organize my work for a conference?

Core Concept(s):

Content Area Standards (GLE’s):

Writing: 2.2, 4.1, 4.2
Communication: 1.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2

- There is no formative assessment for this unit.

- Students will meet with the teacher by the end of the
week and present their completed portfolios. They will be
graded based on the provided rubric.

Key Vocabulary:
Portfolio Log
Reflection Sheet
Goal Sheet
Stefani Tweedy Language Arts Created: 7/11/09
Zillah Middle School Modified:

Work/Study Habits

Portfolio PowerPoint Presentation

Portfolio Log
Reflection Sheet
Goal Sheet
Portfolio Conference Letter
Portfolio Conference Rubric
Portfolio PowerPoint Handout

Other Materials:
Student Portfolios

1. Portfolio Review
a. All student work will be handed back at this time.
b. Students will retrieve their portfolios and take them to their
c. Students will be given a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation
for their reference.
d. Each student will be given 3 copies of the Portfolio
Reflection, 1 Goal Sheet, and 1 Parent Letter. They should
already have a Log Sheet stapled in their portfolio, and a
completed Goal Sheet from the beginning of the year.
e. The class will follow along with the PowerPoint presentation
to select their best works and fill out the appropriate forms.
2. Portfolio Organization
a. Students will continue working to organize portfolios.
b. As they finish, students can meet with the teacher and
complete their conference.
c. While waiting to conference or after conferencing, students
will be working on vocabulary or grammar worksheets
provided by the teacher.
3. Portfolio Organization
a. Students will continue working to organize portfolios.
b. As they finish, students can meet with the teacher and
complete their conference.
c. While waiting to conference or after conferencing, students
will be working on vocabulary or grammar worksheets
provided by the teacher.
Stefani Tweedy Language Arts Created: 7/11/09
Zillah Middle School Modified:

4. Portfolio Organization
a. Students will continue working to organize portfolios.
b. As they finish, students can meet with the teacher and
complete their conference.
c. While waiting to conference or after conferencing, students
will be working on vocabulary or grammar worksheets
provided by the teacher.
5. Portfolio Organization
a. Students will continue working to organize portfolios.
b. As they finish, students can meet with the teacher and
complete their conference.
c. While waiting to conference or after conferencing, students
will be working on vocabulary or grammar worksheets
provided by the teacher.

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