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Version 2.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal Duelist Soul for Game Boy Advance - Character Decks FAQ
Yu-Gi-Oh! is a trademarked product of Konami
Game Boy Advance is a trademarked product of Nintendo
Bret Stewert, a.k.a KronosCoreMagi
AIM: Darkseide2
1. The Author
1.a The Co-Auther
2. Updates
2a. Submissions
3. Tiers
4. Characters on the Tiers
5. Character Decks
6. Random Occurences
7. Submitted Custom Decks
8. Character Counter Decks
9. Tips
10. Credits
1. The Author
The Author, Bret, is a first year College Student who spends a lot of
free time
playing card games and video games, such as Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast,
Unreal Tournament 2003
and Yu-Gi-Oh!
He beat Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal Duelist Soul on 10-26-2002, a week after he
bought it. He went through

6 batteries and 1 rechargeable battery pack while doing this. He is

currently hoping to get an
AC Adapter for his GBA. The reason some Characters have no cards listed
is because he
wasn't really paying attention to those opponents, he was more interested
in unlocking boosters,
characters, and getting all of the cards.
If you are wondering why you have not seen the Author on AIM, it is
because he lives on the
West Coast of the United States, in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. He is
often online around
6 pm PST.
Bret also makes skins for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. His skins can be
found at
He can be contacted at or at his AOL Instant
Messenger Account,
His next project is a "Computer Character Deck FAQ" for the next Gameboy
Advance Yu-Gi-Oh! Game,
Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Editon: Stairway to the Destined Duel. His partner,
Philbert, will be working
with him on that project as well.
1a. The Co-Author
Philbert is the Co-Auther of this FAq, having been given this honorable
position in recognition
for all of the help he has given the Author. In fact, the Author would
bet that if the two of
them ever met, that they could easily hold their own in a one-on-one or a
two-on-two match.
When Philbert gives more information to be posted here, it will
be available.
2. Updates
(Note: If you have sent in information relating to Custom Decks or
Character decks,

and you don't seen your submitted info yet, this is because of a backlog
of Yu-Gi-Oh! EDS
stuff I've been getting, and it is due to the fact that I don't have 24/7
internet connection.
Please be patient.)

02-20-2003 Version 2.0 Added 3 more Custom Decks.

02-19-2003 Version 1.8 Completed Seto Kaiba's Deck List, added More
Custom Decks
02-18-2003 Version 1.6 Completed Tristan Taylor's Deck List.
02-11-2003 Version 1.5 Added More Custom Decks
01-20-2003 Version 1.4 Completed Pegasus's Deck List and added 1 Custom
11-06-2002 Version 1.2b Minor update. Added to sites
allowed to host this faq.
11-03-2002 Version 1.2a Completed. Added in Shadi's Deck, Grandpa's Deck,
and Simon's deck. Also added text for Random Occurence #2. Added two
Custom Decks.
11-01-2002 version 1.2 Completed. Added in "Co-Author" section, and the
decks for Joey Wheeler,
and Ishizu Ishtar; as well as adding cards to Rex Raptor's deck.
10-31-2002 Version 1.1a Completed. Added cards for Marik, and quotes from
Occurence #2. Decks for Strings, Yugi Moto, Yami Bakura, Duel Computer,
and Marik Ishtar
have been completed.
10-30-2002 (3 hours later) Version 1.1 Completed. Added cards for Espa
Roba, Weevil Underwood,
and changed some data for Mako Tsunami.
10-30-2002 Version 1.0c Completed. Added Cards for Strings, Pegasus, and
Marik Ishtar. Added more
to the "Random Occurences" section and added "Submitted Custom Decks",
and "Counter Character

Decks", and "Submissions". We're almost to version 1.1!!!!

10-29-2002 Version 1.0b Completed. Added Cards for Rex, Joey, Mako, Mai,
and Yami Yugi, thanks to
contributions. Yami Yugi's deck is now complete!! Found something odd the
computer opponents will
do every once in awhile, added a new section for that.
Credit given to those in the Credits Section. Keep on sending those deck
10-28-2002 Version 1.0a Completed. Bakura Ryou's entire deck is listed.
Added Cards to
Mako Tsunami's deck.
10-27-2002 Version 1.0 Completed Several Character's Decks, still looking
for help.
10-19-2002 Version 0.99 Formally started working on this FAQ. Will be
uploaded eventually to and updated as I finish off my battles. If you want to help
me, just e-mail cards
that the characters have in their decks, and I'll give you credit for it.
2a. Submissions
Alright, I've got two sets of rules here. The first is for those who use
the ROM, and the second
set is for those who play the actual game. Not much difference, really.
ROM People: When you play Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal Duelist Soul on your
Emulator, make sure you have
Notepad open so you can list the cards your opponent plays. Save State is
also effective.
Actual Owners: You can have your computer turned on and you can use
Notepad, but I recommend
that you merely use a pencil and some paper. Spelling is important,
because I HATE bad spelling.
Both: Remember, cards like "Raigeki", "Monster Reborn", and "Swords of
Revealing Light" are
considered to be "staples", meaning almost every character has that card
in his or her deck.

Always check your opponent's graveyard when you have the chance, this
allows you to find out
they have. "Morphing Jar" and "Magic Thorn", along with "Robbin Goblin"
are good cards to help
find out what they have in their decks. Don't be discouraged, it takes a
while to get all the
cards listed.
Submitting: As I've said, e-mail me at
Some have posted in my topic in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Eternal Duelist Soul Board
on, and
that is also acceptable, but I'd prefer e-mail. Feel free to contact me
via AIM should I be on,
but be sure to tell me why you are instant messaging me, otherwise I'll
be suspicious.
3. Tiers
Tiers are the things the Characters are on. They look something like



The Tiers look like this for most of the game, execept for the final
Tier, which looks like this:


4. Characters on the Tiers
The First Tier in the game has these characters:

To unlock the Second Tier, you have to beat each of these characters 2
Tristan Taylor - Yugi's friend
Ta Gardner - Yugi's friend. Likes Yugi.
Yugi Moto - Exodia, Millenium Puzzle.
Joey Wheeler - Yugi's friend, Red Eyes Black Dragon
Bakura Ryou (My Favorite Character) - Yugi's friend, Millenium Ring allows souls to be read
The Second Tier in the game has these characters:
To unlock the Third Tier, you have to beat each of these characters 3
Espa Roba (Fake Psychic) - You'll see him in the Battle City Tournament
on the show.
Mako Tsunami - Seaman's Deck
Rex Raptor - Dinosaur Deck
Weevil Underwood (Evil Underwear) - Insect Deck
Mai Valentine - Harpy Ladies Deck
The Third Tier in the game has these characters:
To unlock the Fourth Tier, you have to beat each of these characters 4
Umbra & Lumis (Light Mask & Dark Mask originally.) - Members of the
Arkana (Originally Pandora) - Dark Magician User, Member of the Ghouls
Rare Hunter - Exodia Deck, Member of the Ghouls
Strings - Member of the Ghouls

Marik Ishtar (Originally Malik) - Millenium Rod, allows control over

others, Leader of the
The Fourth Tier in the game has these characters:
To unlock the Fifth and Final Tier in the game, you have to beat each of
these characters 5 times.
Yami Bakura (Still my Favorite Character) - Has the Millenium Ring
Ishizu Ishtar (Originally Isis) - Millenium Tauk, gives visions of the
Seto Kaiba - Blue Eyes Ultimate Deck
Shadi - Millenium Key, allows minds to be entered
Yami Yugi (The Pharaoh) - Millenium Puzzle
The Fifth Tier has only 4 duelists, and only the Duel Computer is
available when you unlock.
The Duel Computer was programmed by Seto Kaiba himself. To unlock the
others, you have to
do various things.
Maximillion Pegasus (Originally Pegasus J. Crawford) Has the Millenium
Eye - allows things to be seen
Get the Toon World Card (Use the Password if you're lazy)
Simon (Paradox in Dark Duel Stories) - You have to win all 4 rounds of
the National Tournament
in November.
Duel Computer - Already Available
Solomon Trusdale (a.k.a Grandpa) Beat Simon once, and you'll unlock him.
5. Characters Decks
Tier 1

Tristan Taylor (44 Known Cards - 0 Unknowns)
Shadow Specter x1
Skull Servant x1
Masaki the Legendary Swordsman x1
Mooyan Curry x1
Kojikocy x1
Spirit of the Harp x1
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Hiro's shadow scout x1
Dark Assailant x1
Skull Servant x2
Jinzo #7 x1
Moon Envoy x1
Dark-Peircing Light x1
Legendary Sword x1
Pendulum Machine x1
Zanki x1
M-Warrior #2 x1
Hibikime x1
Stuffed Animal x1
Summoned Skull x1
Vishwar Randi x1
Soul of the Pure x1
Kagemusha of the Blue Flame x1
Sword of Dark Destuction x1
Goblin's Secret Remedy x1
Ansatsu x1
Monster Reborn x1
Sword Stalker x1
Kanan the Swordmistress x1
Unknown Warrior of the Fiend x1
Vishwar Randil x1
Gryphon Wing x1
Aqua Madoor x1
Mystical Elf x1
Battle Warrior x1
Spirit of the Harp x1

Horn Imp x1
Prevent Rat x1
M-Warrior #1 x1
Doron x1
Sonic Maid x1
Oscillo Hero x1
Greenkappa x1

Ta Gardner (30 Known Cards - 10 Unknowns)
Beautiful Headhuntress x1
Cyber-Tech Alligator x1
Dancing Elf x2
Dark Witch x1
Dryad x1
Enchanting Mermaid x1
Fairy Witch x1
Gemini Elf x2
Green Phantom King x1
Happy Lover x1
Ill Witch x1
Key Mace #2 x1
Lunar Queen Elzaim x1
Maiden of the Moonlight x1
Mystical Elf x1
Petit Dragon x1
Petit Angel x1
Protector of the Throne x1
Oscillo Hero x1
Oscillo Hero #2 x1
Supporter in the Shadows x1
Water Element x1
Water Dragon Fairy x1
Water Omotics x1
Weather Control x1
Queen's Double x1
Raigeki x1
Change of Heart x1

Well, since we don't know what the last 10 cards in her deck are, she is
very weak in the
magic and traps department, which doesn't correspond with the Ta we all
know and love from
the show. She's easy to beat.
Yugi Moto (45 Known Cards - 0 Unknowns)
Air Marmot of Nefariousness x1
Ancient Jar x1
Baby Dragon x1
Beaver Warrior x2
Mystical Capture Chain x1
Mystical Elf x2
Mystic Lamp x1
Penguin Soldier x1
Petit Dragon x1
Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Celtic Guardian x2
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Sangan x1
Silver Fang x1
Time Wizard x1
Torike x1
Weather Control x1
Kuriboh x1
Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 x2
Yamatano Dragon scroll x1
Monster Reborn x1
Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Ryu-Kishin x1
Feral Imp x1
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts x1
Mammoth Graveyard x2
Medabat x1
Red Medicine x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Genin x2

Griffore x1
Hitotsu-me Giant x2
Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Battle Steer x1
Buster Blader x1
Dark Magician x1
Trap Hole x1
Don't be too concerned about his Exodia. I've heard he has only a 2%
chance to get it out.
Joey Wheeler (41 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Axe Raider x1
Battle Steer x1
Beaver Warrior x1
Torike x1
Blackland Fire Dragon x1
Hero of the East x1
Swamp Battleguard x2
Garoozis x1
Red-Eyes Black Dragon x1
Tiger Axe x2
Kageningen x1
Hitotsu-Me Giant x2
Alligator's Sword x3
Baby Dragon x2
Battle Warrior x1
The 13th Grave x1
Summoned Skull x1
Time Wizard x1
Panther Warrior x1
Mystic Horseman x1
Lava Battleguard x1
Dragon Zombie x1
Sword of the Dragon Soul x1
Pot of Greed x1
Polymerization x1
Graceful Charity x1

Heavy Storm x1
Change of Heart x1
Raigeki x1
Skull Dice x1
Magic Jammer x1
Mirror Force x1
Magic-Arm Shield x1
Black Skull Dragon x1
Thousand Dragon x1
A lot of powerful monster, but not that much magic. Look out for the
Traps and
for the Anti-Magic/Trap card sweeper, Heavy Storm. The Summoned Skull,
Panther Warrior,
and his Red-Eyes Black Dragon are the only cards you really have to worry
Bakura Ryou (40 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Armored Zombie x1
Blue Eyed Silver Zombie x1
Castle of Dark Illusions x1
Clown Zombie x1
Dark Assailant x1
Dark Elf x3
Dokuoizo the Grim Reaper x1
Dragon Zombie x1
Fiend's Hand x1
Fire Reaper x1
Ghoul with An Appetite
Graveyard and The Hand of Invitation x1
King of Yamimakai x1
Magical Ghost x1
Man-Eater Bug x1
Temple of Skulls x1
The 13th Grave x1
The Snake Hair x2
The Three-legged Zombie x1
Trial of Nightmare x1
Whitty Phantom x2

Wood Remains x1
Yaranzo x1
Dokurorider x1
Axe of Despair x1
Change of Heart x1
Dark Hole x1
Magic Jammer x1
Monster Reborn x1
Pot of Greed x1
Revival of Dokurorider x1
Trap Hole x1
Wasteland x1
Black Pendant x1
Spellbinding Circle x1
Pumpking the King of Ghosts x1
Very annoying line-up of monsters that he has. He plays them well with
his magic cards,
so be careful when you play him.
Tier 2
Espa Roba (27 Known Cards - 13 Unknown Cards)
Giga-Tech Wolf x2
Monster Reborn x1
Time Machine x1
Reaper of the Cards x1
Dark Hole x1
Big Eye x2
Holograph x1
MechanicalChaser x1
Change of Heart x1
Cyber Jar x1
Jinzo x1
Cyber-Tech Alligator x1
Cyber Falcon x1

Raigeki x1
Disk Magician x2
Heavy Storm x1
Machine King x1
Negate Attack x1
Blast Juggler x1
Blast Sphere x2
Ceremonial Bell x1
Dimensional Warrior x2
Mako Tsunami - (35 Known Card - 5 Unknown Cards)
Fortress Whale x1
Heavy Storm x1
7 Colored Fish x3
Dark Hole x1
Red Archery Girl x3
Magician of Faith x1
Star Boy x2
Swords of Revealing Light x2
Change of Heart x1
Sinister Serpent x2
Mirror Force x1
Magic Jammer x1
Heavy Storm x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Umi x1
Dark Elf x1
Great White x1
Penguin Soldier x3
Axe of Despair x1
Monster Reborn x1
Fortress Whale's Oath x1
Raigeki x2
Pot of Greed x1
Suijin x2


Rex Raptor (38 Known Card - 2 Unknown Cards)

Blackland Firedragon x3
Summoned Skull x1
Magician of Faith x3
Megalowzer x1
Little D x1
Two-headed King Rex x3
Giant Soldier of Stone x3
Uraby x2
Heavy Storm x1
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Trakadon x2
Sword Arm of Dragon x1
Twin-headed Fire Dragon x2
Dragon Zombie x1
Crawling Dragon#2 x2
Dark Hole x1
Raigeki x1
Mirror Force x1
Heavy Storm x1
Pot of Greed x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Magic Jammer x1
Graceful Charity x1
Wasteland x1
Weevil Underwood (37 Known Cards - 3 Unknown Cards)
Giant Rat x2
Gemini Elf x2
Needle Worm x2
Flying Kamakiri x3
Gokibore x2
Man Eater Bug x3
Insect Queen x2
Mechanical Spider x1
Parasite Paracide x3

Witch of the Black Forest x2

Dark Elf x2
Pot of Greed x1
Change of Heart x1
Monster Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1
Graceful Charity x1
Raigeki x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Forest x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Magic Jammer x1
Mirror Force x1
Cyber Jar x1
Sinister Serpent x1

Mai Valentine (36 Known Cards - 4 Unknown Cards)
Harpy Lady x3
Harpy Sisters x3
Harpy's Brother x3
Elegant Egotist x3
Mirror Wall x1
Mirror Force x1
Raigeki x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Harpy's Pet Dragon x1
Blue Winged Crown x2
Skull Red Bird x2
Mountain x1
Rising Air Currents x2
Dark Witch x2
Change of Heart x1
Monster Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1
Cyber Armor x2
Trap Hole x2
Magic Jammer x1

Red Archery Girl x1

Wall of Illusion x1
Tier 3
Umbra & Lumis (25 Known Cards - 15 Unknown Cards)
Gemeni Elf x1
Blast Sphere x1
Change of Heart x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Millennium Golem x1
Man-Eater Bug x1
Crass Clown x1
Mirror Force x1
The Bistro Butcher x2
Vorse Raider x2
Pot of Greed x1
Hane-Hane x1
Penguin Soldier x1
Monster Reborn x1
Cyber Jar x1
Trap Hole x1
Morphing Jar x1
Giant Trunade x1
Millennium Shield x1
Shadow Ghoul x1
Wall of Illusion x1
Heavy Storm x1
Snatch Steal x1
Arkana (Pandora in Dark Duel Stories) (1 Known Card - 39 Unknown Cards)
Dark Elf x2
Dark Hole x1
Dark Magician x1

Dark Magician Girl x1

Giant Soldier of Stone x2
Graceful Charity x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Magic Jammer x1
Man-Eater Bug x1
Penguin Soldier x2
Pot of Greed x1
Premature Burial x2
Sangan x1
Sinister Serpent x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1

Rare Hunter (10 Known Cards - 30 Unknown Cards)
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Sangan x1
Witch of the Black Forest x1
Big Eye x1
Skelengel x2
Strings (40 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Change of Heart x1
Dark Elf x2
Dark Hole x1
Dimensional Warrior x2
Graceful Charity x2
Hane-Hane x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Magic Jammer x2
Magician of Faith x2
Monster Reborn x1

Mirror Force x1
Morphing Jar x3
Needle Worm x2
Numinous Healer x2
Penguin Knight x1
Penguin Soldier x2
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Snatch Steal x1
Summoned Skull x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
The Bistro Butcher x2
Tremendous Fire x3
Witch of the Black Forest x2

Marik Ishtar (Malik) (40 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Vorse Raider x2
Gemini Elf x3
Magician of Faith x3
Jinzo #7 x2
White Magical Hat x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Magic Jammer x2
Trap Hole x1
The Bistro Butcher x1
Dream Clown x3
Man-Eater Bug x3
Millenium Golem x1
Delinquint Duo x2
Morphing Jar x1
Morphing Jar #2 x1
Cyber Jar x1
Dragon Seeker x1
Snatch Steal x1

White Hole x1
Change of Heart x1
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Sebek's Blessing x1
Tier 4
Yami Bakura (41 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Gemini Elf x3
Masked Sorceror x1
Vorse Raider x3
Magic Jammer x2
Man-Eater Bug x2
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Summoned Skull x2
Penguin Soldier x1
Dimensional Warrior x2
Giant Soldier of Stone x1
Heavy Storm x2
Dark Hole x1
Magician of Faith x3
Monster Reborn x1
Kuriboh x2
Sinister Serpent x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Wall of Illusion x2
Change of Heart x1
Pot of Greed x1
Harpy's Feather Duster x1
Dream Clown x1
Kunai with Chain x1
Mirror Force x1
Graceful Charity x2
Raigeki x1

Ishizu Ishtar (Isis) (40 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Dunames Dark Witch x3
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2
Hoshinigen x3
Maha Vailo x3
Shining Fairy x3
Neo the Magic Swordsman x3
Banisher of the Light x2
Monster Reborn x1
Giant Trunade x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Luminous Spark x2 (Field Effect)
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Axe of Despair x3
Change of Heart x1
Dark Hole x1
Raigeki x1
Pot of Greed x1
Metalmorph x2
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Magic Jammer x2
Horn of Heaven x1
Seto Kaiba (43 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Cyber Jar x1
Cyber-Stein x2
Hoshiningen x3
Koumori Dragon x3
Nimble Momonga x2
Sangan x2
Sinister Serpent x1
Vorse Raider x3
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Twin-Headed Fire Dragon x2
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3

Hyozanryu x1
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x3
Magic Jammer x1
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Change of Heart x1
Dark Hole x1
Graceful Charity x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Sebek's Blessing x2
Snatch Steal x1
Shadi (40 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Needle Worm x3
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x3
Reaper of the Cards x1
Lord of Zemia x3
Banisher of the Light x2
Gyakutenno Megami x1
Magician of Faith x3
Millennium Golem x2
Orion the Battle King x2
Sinister Serpent x1
Monster Reborn x1
Sogen (Field Effect) x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Tribute to the Doomed x1
Raigeki x1
Change of Heart x1
Dark Hole x1
Dian Keto the Cure Master x1
Pot of Greed x1
Call of the Dark x1
Solemn Judgement x1

Seven Tools of the Bandit x2

Mirror Force x1
Magic Jammer x2
White Hole x1
Anti-Raigeki x1

Yami Yugi (40 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior x1
Alpha the Magnet Warrior x1
Beta the Magnet Warrior x1
Gamma the Magnet Warrior x1
Summoned Skull x2
Cyber Jar x1
Gemini Elf x2
Big Shield Gardna x2
Dark Magician x2
Dark Magician Girl x2
Kuriboh x2
Buster Blader x1
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts x1
Mystical Elf x1
Great Soldier of Stone x1
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Sinister Serpent x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Change of Heart x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Raigeki x1
Graceful Charity x2
Chorus of Sancuary x1
Pot of Greed x1
Magic Jammer x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Anti-Raigeki x1
White Hole x1

Snatch Steal x1
Tier 5
Maximillion Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford) (41 Known Cards - 0 Unknown
Black Illusion Ritual x2
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon x1
Change of Heart x1
Cyber Jar x1
Dark-Eyes Illusionist x2
Dark Hole x1
Graceful Charity x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Magic Jammer x1
Manga Ryu-Ran x1
Megamorph x1
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Nimble Momonga x3
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Red Archery Girl x3
Relinquished x2
Rogue Doll x2
Sinister Serpent x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Toon World x2
Toon Summoned Skull x3
Vorse Raider x3
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Time Machine x1
Simon (Paradox in Dark Duel Stories) (40 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)

Magician of Faith x3
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Panther Warrior x2
Total Defense Shogun x2
Muka Muka x2
Cannon Soldier x2
Vorse Raider x3
Mask of Darkness x2
Banisher of Light x1
Wall of Illusion x1
Sangan x2
Sinister Serpent x1
Cyber Jar x1
Dark Hole x1
Heavy Storm x2
Pot of Greed x1
Monster Reborn x1
Raigeki x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Change of Heart x1
Graceful Charity x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Snatch Steal x1
Mirror Force x1
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Imperial Order x1
Magic Jammer x1
Duel Computer (41 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Change of Heart x1
Dark Hole x1
Delinquent Duo x2
Gravekeeper's Servant x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Raigeki x1

Snatch Steal x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Morphing Jar x3
Morphing Jar #2 x2
The Bistro Butcher x1
White Magical Hat x3
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Bell of Destruction x2
Call of the Haunted x1
Mirror Force x1
Negate Attack x1
Cyber Jar x1
Gemini Elf x2
Magician of Faith x3
Man-Eater Bug x3
Mask of Darkness x3

Solomon Trusdale Moto (Grandpa) (41 Known Cards - 0 Unknown Cards)
Gemini Elf x3
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts x1
Sangan x2
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Penguin Soldier x3
Mystical Elf x3
Summoned Skull x1
Big Eye x1
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Raigeki x1
Graceful Charity x2
Harpies Feather Duster x1
Giant Trunade x2
Change of Heart x1

Satch Steal x1
Pot of Greed x1
Monster Reborn x1
Swords of Revealing Light x2
Spellbinding Circle x2
Anti-Raigeki x1
Imperial Order x1
White Hole x1
Magic Jammer x1
MIrror Force x1
6. Random Occurences
There are two random occurences in the game. The first shows a scene of a
cloaked man knocking you
down, getting in your way, taking off the cloak and challenging you to a
The cloaked man is anyone of the Rare Hunters; either Umbra & Lumis,
Arkana, Rare Hunter, Strings
or Marik Ishtar. The Displayed Text is something like
this: "It happened so suddenly that there was no time to grasp the
A man appeared, shrouded in a cloak as black as night, and rudely blocked
your path. The man
flings off his robe to reveal his identity."
Umbra & Lumis:
Rare Hunter:
Marik Ishtar: "You have a rare card, don't you. If you offer it now, you
can avoid all the
suffering that is coming your way. Or would you prefer to duel?"
"I lost. Why... Could it be? Could you possibly have something that could
compete with my Yugi??"

The second random occurence is totally random, and I've seen it twice.
You'll challenge somebody
on a Tier to a duel, like normal, but they'll say something they haven't
said before, and
they will draw 6 cards, and automatically play a field card, even if you
get to go first.
The Field card they play is NOT a card they normally have in their deck.
It is more often a card
that will give you a slight advantage over them. Then, you have to beat
them twice, like in a
Tournament to win the match. Remember, this is totally random, and you
never know when
this will happen

Tristan: "I don't know if it's a handicap, but are you into trying
out a different kind of Duel? I might be able to beat you if we do it
this way."
I'm ready for a Match! The first to win 2 out of 3 Duels is the winner,
Yugi just taught me how to play a Match. Wanna give it a try? I assume
you know the rules and
everything, right?
Yugi: "Hey. How about we try a different kind of Duel today? Keep
your eye on the field when you're Dueling..."
Do you want to try your hand at a Match today? A Match is more
challenging 'cuz it doesn't
end with just one win.
Joey: "Yo! You wanna try somethin' a bit different? They say
variety is the spice of... whatever. Anyway, you'll find out how it goes
once we start."
Today we're gonna have a Match. First to 2 wins is the champion. Now,
let's get down to it!

Bakura: "Do you want to Duel in a different Field? Just leave the
choice to me. Though I don't think I've got much of a chance to win..."
Let's play a Match today. You do have a Side Deck set up, don't you?
Today we'll play a Match.
That means that you still have a chance, even if you lose once.
That is an advantage for you, no?
Today's Duel shall be a Match! Because I am so generous, I do not mind
losing for you once out
of charity.
We're playing a Match today. You gotta win 2 games to win the Match.
Okay, LET'S GO!
Hee hee! Today we shall play a Match! It will not be as easy as the Duels
of before!
Duels are starting to lose their novelty for me. Let's try a Match
The player who gets 2 wins first wins.. any questions?
Umbra & Lumis:
You have guts, taking us on. We are fighting a Match!!
You should just give up before it's too late. You can't beat us with that
Aaaand moving along! Next up: a Match Duel consisting of not 1, not 2,
but 3 rounds!!
It's show time!!!
Rare Hunter:
Are you challenging me to a Duel? Ha ha ha ha haah! How very interesting.
A Match it is, then!

..!! Again... !
..Here we go!
Let's do a Match to decide who wins.. if you think that you can defeat
me. Ha ha ha...
I'm ready for you.
Yami Bakura:
It's time we played a Match. Defeat me twice and you walk away a winner.
I'm ready to play whenever you are...
Let us fight a Match, just as the Pharaohs and Priests of antiquity
fought countless
times through the ages...
I challenge you to a Match of Duels!!
Troublemakers must be dealt with as soon as possible, before they cause
real damage.
Especially troublemakers like you...
Let's play a Match. I'd like to see what you've learned so far
Yami Yugi:
Let's play a Match according to Duel Tournament rules.
You'll find that Deck construction is a vital factor to emerging
I'd like to play a Match according to official tournament rules today.
Haveya got any
problems with that?
I think it's high time we faced each other in a Match to find out if
there's a Duelist

sleeping deep within you...

Duel Computer:
Would you like to try your hand in a Match? You know the rules, right?
I'm ready if you are...

7. Tips
Remember, your opponent will almost always have one of these cards in
your deck:
Swords of Revealing Light, Raigeki, Dark Hole, Change of Heart, Magic
Jammer, Seven Tools of the
Bandit, Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed, Mirror Force, Heavy Storm, or
Giant Truneade.
8. Submitted Custom Decks
These decks are decks that players use in the game, and that have
submitted. I will be notifying
the submitters whose deck(s) I have selected. Those who are not picked,
fear not. I will be
releasing another FAQ, with nothing by Submitted Decks, outlining the
strategy behind the
decks themselves.
KronosCoreMagi's Deck (Normal Play)
7 Colored Fish x1

Acid Trap Hole x1

Beautiful Headhuntress x1
Beta the Magnet Warrior x1
Black Pendant x1
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Change of Heart x1
Cyber-Stein x1
Dark Hole x1
Fissure x1
Gemini Elf x1
Graceful Dice x1
Gravekeeper's Servent x1
Gryphon Wing x1
Harpy's Brother x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Illusionist Faceless Mage x1
Jirai Gumo x1
Judge Man x1
Kunai with Chain x1
Magic Jammer x1
Magic Thorn x1
Magician of Faith x1
Man-Eater Bug x1
Mechanicalchaser x1
Millennium Shield x1
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Morphing Jar x1
Mystical Elf x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Neo the Magic Swordman x1
Ookazi x1
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Restructor Revolution x1
Robbin' Goblin x1
Royal Decree x1
Ryu-Kishin Powered x1

Seven Tools of the Bandit x1

Switch Steal x1
Summoned Skull x1
Swords of Revealing Light x2
Swordstalker x1
Total Defense Shogun x1
Trap Hole x2
Vorse Raider x3
White Hole x1
Widespread Ruin x1
Prohibition x1
Skull Dice x1
Time Machine x1
Side Deck:
Black Luster Ritual x1
Black Luster Soldier x1
Tri-Horn Dragon x1
Senju of a Thousand Hands x1
Mask of Darkness x1
Magician of Black Chaos x1
Relinquished x1
Trap Master x1
Black Illusion Ritual x1
Fortress Whale x1
Sonic Bird x1
Fortress Whale's Oath x1
Great White x1
Dark Magic Ritual x1
Lava Battleguard x1
Philbert's Deck (Opponent Deck Discovery) 52 Cards
Alpha The Magnet Warrior x2
Beta The Magnet Warrior x2
Cyber-Tech Alligator x2
Gamma The Magnet Warrior x2
Giant Soldier of Stone x2

Labyrinth Wall x2
Morphing Jar x3
Needle Worm x3
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior x2
Black Luster Soldier x2
Axe of Despair x1
Black Luster Ritual x2
Black Pendant x2
Change of Heart x1
Dark Hole x1
Graceful Charity x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Pot of Greed x1
Premature Burial x2
Raigeki x1
Swords of Revealing Light x2
Wasteland x2
Magic Jammer x2
Mirror Force x1
Robbin' Goblin x1
Time Machine x1
Trap Hole x3
Waboku x1
Ronald Mina's Knockout Deck [68 Cards]
7 Colored Fish x1
Ancient Elf x1
Anti Raigeki x1
Aqua Madoor x2
Axe of Despair x1
Battle Ox x1
Beautiful Headhuntress x1
Beta the Magnet Warrior x1
Black Pendant x1
Blast Sphere x1

Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1

Change of Heart x1
Curse of Dragon x1
Cyber Jar x1
Cyber-Tech Alligator x1
Dark Magic Ritual x1
Dark Magician x1
Dragon Seeker x1
Gemini Elf x2
Giant Red Seasnake x1
Giant Soldier of Stone x1
Goddess with the Third Eye x2
Harpie's Brother x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Jinzo x1
La Jinn Mystical Genie of the Lamp x1
Magic Jammer x1
Magic-Arm Shield x1
Magician of Black Chaos x1
Magician of Faith x1
Malevolent Nuzzler x1
Man-Eater Bug x1
Mask of Darkness x1
Mechanical Chaser x1
Millenium Shield x1
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Elf x1
Ookazi x1
Polymerization x1
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Sangan x1
Sengenjin x1
Soul of the Pure x1
Spellbinding Circle x1
Summoned Skull x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
The Stern Mystic x1
Total Defense Shogun x1

Trap Hole x1
Tribute to the Doomed x1
Vorse Raider x2
Waboku x1
Wall of Illusion x1
Yami x1
B. Skull Dragon x1
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1
Gaia the Dragon Champion x1
Labyrinth Tank x1
Meteor B. Dragon x1
Mystical Sand x1
Rabid Horseman x1
Thousand Dragon x1
Warrior of Tradition x1
Side Deck:
Cannon Soldier x1
Black Luster Ritual x1
Black Luster Soldier x1
Curse of Fiend x1
Cyber-Stein x1
Elegant Egotist x1
Meteor Dragon x1
Harpie Lady x1
Harpy Lady Sisters x1
Judge Man x1
Neo the Magic Swordsman x1
Premature Burial x1
Salamandra x1
Time Wizard x1
Tri-Horned Dragon x1
The Quick-Kill Deck ( [53 Cards]
Black illusion Ritual x1
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x2
Change of Heart x1

Cyber-Stein x2
Dark Magic Ritual x2
Dark-Eyes illusionist x1
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Gemini Elf x1
Gryphon Wing x1
Harpie's Brother x1
Harpies Feather Duster x1
Invader of the Throne x1
Kazejin x2
Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Magician of Black Chaos x2
Magician of Faith x1
Man-Eater Bug x3
Megamorph x1
Millenium Shield x1
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Neo the Magic Swordsman x3
Ookazi x1
Pot of Greed x1
Prohibition x1
Raigeki x1
Relinquished x1
Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Robbin' Goblin x1
Royal Decree x1
Sangan x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Swords of Revealing Light x2
Trap Hole x1
Vorse Raider x1
Widespread Ruin x1
Witch of the Black Forest x1
The Invincible Toon World - Aaron Platz [40 Cards]

Toon Summoned Skull x3
Nimble Momonga x3
Vorse Raider x3
Toon Mermaid x2
Wall of Illusion x2
Magicain of Faith x2
Witch of the Black Forest x1
Gemini Elf x1
Cyber Jar x1
Man-Eater Bug x1
Sangan x1
Toon World x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Tribute to the Doomed x1
Snatch Steal x1
Premature Burial x1
Dark Hole x1
Pot of Greed x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Moster Reborn x1
Raigeki x1
Change of Heart x1
Magic jammer x1
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Imperial Order x1
Cease Fire x1
Mirror Force x1
The Magic Fiend - Kennedy Curtis [54 Cards]
Aqua Madoor x1
Axe of Despair x1
Axe Raider x1
Bell of Destruction x1
Black Illusion Ritual x1

Black Pendant x1
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1
Book of Secret Arts x1
Change of Heart x1
Crush Card (Virus) x1
Curse of Dragon x1
Dark Energy x1
Dark Hole x1
Dark Magician x1
Dark Shade x1
Dark Eyes Illusionist x1
Dream Clown x1
Feral Imp x1
Gaia The Dragon Champion x1
Gaia The Fierce Knight x1
Harpie's Brother x1
Horn Imp x1
Illusionist Faceless Mage x1
Kunai with Chain x1
Kuriboh x1
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2
Lord of the Lamp x1
Man-Eater Bug x1
Man-Eating Treasure Chest x1
Metal Morph x1
Millenium Golem x1
Millenium Sheild x1
Monster Reborn x1
Morphing Jar x1
Morphing Jar #2 x1
Mystic Tomato x1
Mystical Elf x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Neo The Magic Swordsman x1
Paralyzing Potion x1
Polymerization x1
Pot of Greed x1
Relinquished x1
Rude Kaiser x1
Ryu-Ran x1

Saggi The Dark Clown x1

Summoned Skull x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Toon Alligator x1
Trap Hole x2
Twin-Headed Fire Dragon x1
Yami x1
THE EXODIA DECK - Matt Studinski [43 Cards]
Skengel x3
Sangan x3
Witch of The Black Forest x3
Swords of Revealing Light x3
Magician of Faith x3
Vorse Raider x3
La Jinn Mystic Genie of The Lamp x1
Pot of Greed x1
Monster Reborn x1
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Left Leg of The Forbidden One x1
Right Leg of The Forbidden One x1
Left Arm of The Forbidden One x1
Right Arm of The Forbidden One x1
Giant Red Seasnake


Mirror Force x1
Mechaniclchaser x2
Harpie's Brother x2
Gemini Elf x1
Dunames Dark Witch x1
Dian Keto the Cure Master x3
Change of Heart x1
Seven Colored Fish x2
Axe of Despair x1
Magic and Trap killer deck -

[61 cards]


Anti Raigeki x1
Axe of Despair x3
Big Eye x1
Black Illusion Ritual x1
Blast Sphere x2
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1
Change of heart x1
Chorus of sanctuary x1
Crush card x1
Cyber-Stein x1
Delinquent Duo x1
Dian Keto the Cure Master x2
Dust Torando x1
Enchanted Javelin x1
Gemini Elf x2
Gravekeeper's Servant x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Labyrinth Wall x1
Magic Jammer x1
Magical Labyrinth x1
Magic-Arm Shield


Magician of Faith x1
Man-Eater Bug x2
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystic Tomato x1
Needle Worm x3
Penguin Soldier x3
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Relinquished x1
Robbin' Goblin x1
Sangan x2
Senju of the Thousand Hands x1
Sonic Bird x1
Spellbinding Circle x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Toon Summoned Skull x1
Toon World x1

Trap Hole x1
Ultimate Offering x1
Vorse Raider x3
Waboku x1
Wall Shadow x1
Widespread Ruin x1
Witch of the Black Forest x2
LygerxOmegazero's Deck [ Cards]
7 Colored Fish x1
Axe of Despair x1
Axe Raider x2
Black Pendant x1
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1
Call of The Haunted x1
Change of Heart x1
Crawling Dragon #2 x2
Cyber-Tech Alligator x1
Dark Hole x1
Dark Magician x2
Dian Keto the Cure Master x3
Dunames Dark Witch x1
Final Flame x2
Gemini Elf x1
Giant Red Seasnake x1
Harpie's Brother x1
High Tide Gyojin x1
Horn of the Unicorn x1
Jinzo x1
Just Desserts x1
King of Yamimaki x1
Kunai with Chain x1
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2
Machine King x1
Man-Eating Treasure Chest x1
Mechanicalchaser x1
Metalmorph x1

Millenium Golem x1
Millenium Shield x1
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mountain x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Neo the Magic Swordsman x3
Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Rogue Doll x1
Ryu-Kishin Powered x1
Summoned Skull x2
Sword of Deep-Seated x1
Swords of Revealing Light x2
Trap Hole x2
Two-Headed King Rex x1
Vorse Raider x1
Waboku x1
Yami x1
Kristy Asao's Deck [ Cards]
1 7-colored Fish
1 Axe-raider
1 Baby Dragon
1 Back-up Soldier
1 Black Pendant
1 Black-land Fire Dragon
1 Blue-eyes White Dragon
1 Blue-winged Crown
1 Call of The Haunted
1 Change of Heart
1 Crawling Dragon #2
1 Crimson Sun-bird
1 Curse of Dragon
1 Cyber Jar
1 Dark Magician
1 Dark Zebra
1 Exodia the Forbidden One

1 Faith Bird
1 Feral Imp
1 Fire Kraken
1 Fusionist
1 Gaia the Dragon Champion
1 Gaia the Fierce Knight
1 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
1 Graceful Charity
1 Harpie's Feather Duster
1 Harpie's Pet Dragon
1 Horn of the Unicorn
1 Koumori Dragon
1 Left Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Left Leg of the Forbidden One
1 Lord of D.
1 Magical Hats
1 Megazowler
1 Mirror Force
1 Monster Re-born
1 Monstrous Bird
1 Mother Grizzly
1 Mystical Sheep #2
1 Negate Attack
1 Neo the Magic Swordsman
1 Nimble Momonga
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Penquin Soldier
1 Petit Angel
1 Polymerization
1 Pot of Greed
1 Raigeki
1 Raimei
1 Red-eyes Black Dragon
1 Right Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Right Leg of the Forbidden One
1 Riryoku
1 Silver Fang
1 Skull Red Bird
1 Spell-binding Circle
1 Sword Arm of Dragon

1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Takuhee
1 The Forceful Sentry
1 Thunder Dragon
1 Uraby
1 White Magical Hat
The Cyber's Dark Magacian Structure Deck [65 Cards]
Dark Magician x1
Gaia the Fierce Knight x1
Summoned Skull x1
Blast Sphere x3
Cyber Jar x1
Cyber-Stein x1
Giant Germ x3
Goddess with the Third Eye x1
Greenkappa x1
Kiseitai x2
Magician of Faith x2
Man-Eater Bug x2
Mask of Darkness x2
Masked Sorcerer
Needle Worm x2
Nimble Momonga x3
Sangan x2
Total Defense Shogun x1
Wall of Illusion x1
B. Skull Dragon x1
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1
Gaia the Dragon Champion x1
Change of Heart x1
Dark Hole x1
Fissure x1
Graceful Charity x1
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Horn of the Unicorn x1
Monster Reborn x1
Polymerization x1

Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Acid Trap Hole x2
Crush Card x1
Gryphon Wing x1
Magic Jammer x2
Mirror Force x1
Mirror Wall x1
Negate Attack x1
Robbin' Goblin x1
Royal Decree x1
Seven Tools of the Bandit x2
Spellbinding Circle x1
Ultimate Offering x1
Waboku x1
Widespread Ruin x2
The Cyber's Exodia Deck [57 Cards]
Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Big Eye x3
Blast Sphere x2
Dimensional Warrior x2
Electric Lizard x2
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Masked Sorcerer x3
Nimble Momonga x3
Sangan x2
Skelengel x3
The Unhappy Maiden x3
Total Defense Shogun x3
Witch of the Black Forest x2
Dark Hole x1
Graceful Charity x2
Gravekeeper's Servant x1

Harpie's Feather Duster x1

Pot of Greed x1
Raigeki x1
Riryoku x2
Swords of Revealing Light x2
Anti-Raigeki x1
Appropriate x1
Crush Card x1
Backup Soldier x1
Gryphon Wing x1
Imperial Order x1
Mirror Force x1
Mirror Wall x1
Negate Attack x1
Royal Decree x1
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Solumn Judgement x1
Spellbinding Circle x1
White Hole x1
Widespread Ruin x1
9. Counter Character Decks
Counter Character Decks are decks designed solely to beat one character
in the game.
The rules for submitting these decks are that the cards they contain have
to be accessible
early on in the game, so somebody who just bought the game can easily
make the deck and beat
the Character it was designed to Counter.
10. Credits
In-Game Decks and Random Occurences:
Tristan Taylor's Deck List provided by:,
SuperMario31 from Messagebord
Tea Gardner's Deck List provided by: SSJ_Trunks_21

Yugi Muto's Deck List provided by: The Author

Joey Wheeler's Deck List provided by:, Philbert
Bakura Ryou's Deck provided by: The Author
Espa Roba's Deck List provided by: Master Hand, Kirby999
Mako Tsunami's Deck List provided by:, Kirby999
Rex's Deck List provided by: Red_Eyes_Black_Dragon from
Messageboard, SSJ_Trunks_21
Weevil's Deck List provided by: Master XR
Mai Valentine's Deck List provided by: DiGiTaL MaStEr 87 from Messageboard
Umbra and Lumis's Deck List provided by: The Author
Arkana's Deck List provided by: Leigh Hanrihan
Rare Hunter's Deck List provided by: OzmaTerra from
Strings's Deck List provided by:
Mark Ishtar's Deck List provided by: The Author
Yami Bakura's Deck List provided by: The Author
Ishizu Ishtar's Deck List provided by: Philbert
Seto Kaiba's Deck List provided by: William Moran
Shadi's Deck List provided by: Philbert
Yami Yugi's Deck List provided by: Philbert from
Maximillion Pegasus's Deck List provided by: Kirby Freak
Simon's Deck List provided by: Farmerboy
Duel Computer's Deck List provided by:
Solomon Trusdale Moto (Grandpa): Farmerboy
Random Occurence #2 provided by:
Random Occurence #2 Sayings provided by: DiabloKlungo, Philbert
Custom Deck Submissions:
Philbert's Opponent Discovery Deck- Philbert
Shadows of Despair Deck - The Author
Ronald Mina's Knockout Deck - Ronald Mina [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
The Quick Kill Deck - [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
The Invincible Toon World - Aaron M Platz [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
The Magic Fiend - Kennedy Curtis [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
Magic and Trap Killer Deck - [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
LygerxOmegazero's Deck - [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
Kristy Asao's Deck - Kristy Asao [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
Dark Magacian Structure Deck - The Cyber [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]
The Exodia Deck - The Cyber [NEW!!!!!!!!!!!]

Thanks to Konami for making the game and bringing it over here,
and to Camelot Card & Comics, for selling the card game so cheap
I can buy lots of boosters; and to Nintendo for releasing it right
when I had cash.
Copyright 1999-2003 Shadowlancers, Ltd.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are
owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

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