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G321: AS Foundation Portfolio 2015-2016

5th January 15th April 2016

It is vital that blogs are kept up to date and that progress is
posted regularly.
Posts on weekly reflection and target setting/evidence of work
being created must be included as work is being completed
e.g.: jpegs of each stage of construction.
Tuesday 5th Jan - Friday 15th Jan
Complete Preliminary task. Carrying out research and planning.
To include:
Examples of other texts-generally and also within genre
3 x Analysis of magazine covers, contents pages and
double page spreads
Analysis of colour palettes, fonts 10 examples of each
Language register-read magazine articles, interviews and
reviews as part of research. Decide on style you wish to
Decide on style of music magazine based on research
carried out
Analysis of existing Magazine titles- within genre
Decide on title of magazine
Research relevant fashion/styling associated with genre
Mood boards
Audience research (use must be
conclusive and you must show evidence of responses from
at least 10-15 people
Audience profile
Research relevant photographers, graphic designers,
magazine creators
Analysis of institution that would publish your magazine
Preparation of a 25 word pitch
Compose 20 song playlist of tracks that have inspired you
(extension task) using spotify
Read and comment on peer blogs (extension task)
Look at examples provided for guidance.

Teachers to regularly check and leave comments on blogs as

part of rough draft marking of R&P.

Monday 18th Jan - Fri 29th Jan

Lessons to pitch idea to class and receive feedback
Evaluate class feedback
Test shots of artist/band
Complete flat plan of cover/ contents page/ double page
spread (1 lesson)
Gather audience feedback on your mock up (flat plan).
Write draft article
Begin composing cover/contents page/ double page
spread (draft version)
Friday 29th January = Research and Planning DEADLINE
Marks may be deducted for late submission
Students to be placed on Post 16 intervention list if work not

Mon 1st Feb - Fri 5th Feb

Finish composing cover/contents page/ double page
spread (draft version)
Work to be printed out and submitted to the English office AND
posted on blogs. Names and Candidate number must be clearly
indicated on submission.
Marks may be deducted for late submission
1st draft marks and feedback to be returned to students
w/b Monday 8th February.
Monday 8th Feb - Fri 12th Feb
Conduct audience feedback for magazine based on draft
version (use same audience sample)
Peer assessment and evaluate feedback. Update blog with

Update blogs with 1st draft teacher feedback.

Make plan of action for necessary improvements and
begin making improvements

Monday 22nd Feb-Friday 11th March

Complete cover/contents page/ double page spread
Print out all pages
Submit in plastic wallet clearly labelled with name and
candidate number
Post onto blog
3.10pm English Office
All work to be printed out submitted to the English office.
Marks deducted for late submission
Pieces to be marked and marks submitted to NEF Friday 26 th
Monday 14th March Wednesday 23rd March
Evaluation questions introduced by class teachers (1
All lessons and homework spent writing responses to ALL
7 questions
All draft responses must be posted on student blog
Deadline for ALL DRAFT Evaluation questions Wednesday 23 rd
March 3:10pm.
Marks deducted for late submission
Teachers to mark and return evaluation feedback by Monday
11th April
Monday 11th April Friday 15th April
Complete final versions of all evaluation responses
All lessons will be devoted to this vital work
Deadline for Evaluation questions - Friday 15 th April 3:10pm.

Evaluation to be marked and marks submitted to NEF by

Monday 25th April for moderation w/b Monday 25th April.
Marks to exam board by May 13th.

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