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the following bonds betveen the oleae enabes water wo existasa liquid (A) kei (©) Hydrogen (D)—Hyaiophili cn,ou owing indicates te form of in vehich tie ee | | Stach tle | Carbohydrates are transported ia plants [MAINLY in the form of (3) glcose (©) sucrose (>) rch ‘usta refers to the chemical structure 8 The molecule represented in th A) wipeptide tiphospha for thebrady because of i 1 TL abtiytoinsutne TL, lergemuraber of C-C bods TV. insclubilgyin water (A) Tandtonly (@) Landi only (© Man Menly (©) Tana iVenty In chronic sheumatoid artis, carilage of Joitsis dough tobe digested by hydrlytic, ‘encymes found inthe )—ctentus (2) nbscome ©) ysosomes (©) Galgtoctes Tamicressopy, the ton ‘resolution is used (odescribethe (8) ssi he eppios tes 3) _tnsgitoninty ti objets (©) the degre to which tho opecinge adr observation snag (©) teabity oftemsrsepetoctay dati between pion bi Themoleculethatis als reduced during the formation ofa peptide boas (A) water B) ayn (©) byelogen (D)exbondionide When viewed with the aid ofa etectoon microscope, the cells in specimen were found 1 have ciosely packed mitochondria witheristaethat were very close ogether I iblikay hetthe MAIN Fution of these cells (A) seaction ©) msemept © phosesychesis ©) protein syutsis Which of the following diagrams BEST illustrates the effect of temperate on the ‘mcf an enzyme-catalysedreastion? LAN ® © L- Le ‘A planteall is placed in solution witha Tess negative water potential (hams cell sap. Thisresuls i he cel becoming meré A) Macc because the solution itTuses oot of the cell ‘acid because water difases out of thecal turpis because the solution difiases int te ell turgid because water difses into theeell A sient who waatad to identify thetiswas that ranspouts the pods of photesyabess, exposed the plant to radioactive carbon dioxide. After some time a soction was cut throug the root of the plant and i wae ‘exmined fr radioactivity. Which ea on the dicotyledonousrooe shown a the ogra, below would show the MOST evidence of dicectiviy? A/ULSMAA yuu Cyy iar bstow which the effet of inereesing substrate catalysed reaction, 18, Which ofthe labeled curves BEST represents thopresence of acompetitive inhibitor? @ i. ® u oO m o Ww Which ofthe following types of bonds hotds together the exo sande of nucleotide DNA meleoule? (A) Carton 'B) Pepide (©) Hydrogen D) Giycondic ‘The copying ofa DNA sind to produce stand ofraNA is (A) tension ®) —traeccgtion (©) ssneciypeation (D) —_genereshuing Hem 18 rir tothe diagram below sbowing A segment of a stand of DNA Oo =O) Oo wo) Hydrogen The base X is bande A) oyesine ©) gamive © oat (©) adenine Item 19 refers to the diner Shows cell armitci snaps ‘hich ofthe folowing state Meiosis consibatestertable variation as fbreleematin but NOT for chromesmes aresultof 4ain DNA 1. random fusion of gametes during fetizaton 11, independentassortnent Cnpasstigty ened snuctar ocx coiled long tends Ul, crossingower TV, beanologouspsiringoferomosomss Tand only flan only (ay Tonly (©), LifandlV only (By Tanditonly (Dy |, Mapa 1V only (© Mendlitonly (©) Willa Vonly Inansiosis chromatids separate by sping atthe contomeres duting ‘Koma refers tothe following information ewrction enzymes cut DNA molecoles tly at specific target sites with partcalat fuse sequences, The forget sites for some Vatition enzymes are show inthe cab¥e (A) ampinse ) —snaphavell (©) Wophoset (D) metaphase tt nicht filoningcominatonsconc wean [rarest prevents the chronological order of the @ GATCe tren ovcuningin meinsis? Bomttt chroot prsineupatrit anaes tothe equatorial phe Homologous chromosomes Trlled apart spindle ides Chiasmate form between ‘haomosoms ofthe bivalents tnavial hromasomes ise 10 poles Chromocomes shorten andthicken pacpeea det ne numa ‘Asmall piece of DNA is shown below @ blavahy rtaaccees @) ULNA . (© Yoh lbIV caariecace tb) Yb ULIIN “Which retictom enzyme(s) can be used cat the DNA? (a) Bambi Hal (Pooky {© Hyateniy (0) Bpslsnd ical only The Fanction of DNA ligase in gonctie enghwcrng S10 (A) catalyse the formation of DNA, om mRNA join plssnid DNA andi ~ DNA ffogment the DNA extracted from the cells couse the cloning of resonant DNA Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? Mitosis importintio (A) deveopent of anew vatiey of pest resist pants (B) germination of seeds to produce @ ‘seeding (©) large-scale production of potatoos (D) theregrowth of alizad's til afters piece has broken off Selbferiation nerween F, plants produced an F, gonaation in which one plant had red flowers, twoliad pink Nowers end onc hed ‘white Mowers Which ofthe follwing does this experime (a) Mononybridross (B) complet dominance (© Epsasis (0) Sexliniage The phonotype of an oeganisin i BEST cexplined as those vstlechracersics hat (A) provide description ofthe overt appearance ofthe orzenism (Q8) are due to the smpact of the ewvionmentia which the organi (D) reflect the sexeretion o the ge make-up andthe eavzcnsnon ‘he ageism Both Pins radiate and Put autemaata cccupy the sume habitat. However, Pinus readiva Mowers in February while Pinas ‘tteruaie lowers in April. What type of isolating mechanism does thisexcmphy? (A) Seasonal &)—_Fealogiat (©) Mechanica (0) Behaviour Some types of geneie mutations ca rest ina frame shif, Which ofthe types of ination listed below are MOST Hel result ina fame sit? 1. Substation Deletion 1V.Dapsiaton ana ttteny Mand 1V only 1.1 and oaly 1, I snd 1¥ enty enc oft foving meodsofasental eran INCORRECT. SOF ssdesinion oritscxample? | aypeof petition Beampies Reproduction | (dy | imryFssion Spitingitornedangeretisa tine | Amoebe \ Baers — = | Pmaremn [Spagetti | ratwonns ee " sree o.| Baling [rsbngenowrn tom ner [de Jpoeee and becomesa seperate indivi | veascrungus La | | L ‘Spore formation /Produee 1 raises jasper femora | o aieh of the following structures is NOT volvedinasexoal reposition? (a) Samen @) Bub © The ©) Rhizane tn some plants the andrescinon mares ae the ypoecium. Suck plants 2r€ eserbed 38 (A) digecions (8) mmonoecions (C) _prtandrens {D) — prtogynous wich ofthe numbered structures produces {When the poten gra lights on the sigma the gues? rete sow he fisstecton isthat w (a) double fertilization takes ploce ) Co) tperygotedivides to forma rew of © als oy (©) mate aueleus fuses with the endosperm ans (o) the ganerative nclens dies 10 fonmatwo male EHTS 46. Hom 36 refers othe disgram below which 38. Theroleof Visto (A) fase witha male nucleus to form (©) fase witha male micets to form theenige refers othe following agram which iMustrates section of the human female Theparofthepoen grain whichalloes easy reprosiacivesysien identification of differen species of poten ainsis labelled wor oo © ml © Ww ems :37 and 38 refer othe diageam ‘olow which showsalongiudiay’ section ttxough aa ovulecfen angiosperm 39, Which ofthe following comeetyidemiise the srutures labelled P,Q, R and S? Tebeaia| Myer | Enon Aesky pact ofthe seed eshypartof tbe fut gidereevocdlagam blow which 4h Which of oven et ar inety rere sinplfid versicn of the struetire Tense forthe lease ofthe ova from ‘amarante. theovery? (a) Oestrogen 6) eran J © ienghomnone ip {Dy Folicie-simalatinghomone tem 43 refers to the graphs below se pang hormonal anges arin tS spcimatorsaaesterdinteregionlabeled ted er oF airy wot hermenes | ——— @ 0 © o WN at the stages of'spennategenesi tat are ee : eeipie in the transverse section OF & PO aH to a Lae aa vo 22 6 ‘eminierostubul rnacentensrvation PM ‘when will ovulation oourifthere isa surBe wertand FSH ondey 12ofthe cyel®? (a) Within 24 pours ie sume {3} Soboursafierthe sure {© -Bhovrsaftertbe wee (©) __ Before day 12, EH and FSH have mo tmpacten ovulation rhrerieofhigh-dae progesterone on ills roll azuulating honmone at ciety (A) dacsalyemclysinofonerm thecels labelled promote. 0 build-op of the exon wit (©) gwamte thineig oF the ese oom cus © completely inbibit follicula ov “devclopnentand ovation 45 refer t the gute below whieh na simpliied diagram sowing early stages of hun embryonic develeprneat {he patthat is esponsite forthe mechanical protection of the nyo 1 @ 4 © wi o Ww I YOUFINISHBEF ORE TIME ISCALLED,CHECK YOUR WORK ONTHIS TEST

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