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For Han Shi Yi Quan beginners, By Ren Qingtao

Articles by Master Hans Students

By Ren Qing Tao

1. What is Han Shi Yi Quan?

Han Shi Yi Quan, literally meaning the Han-Family Yi Quan, was founded by Master
Han Jing Chen at the beginning of the 21st century. Although it originated from Yi
Quan founded by Master Wang Xiang Zhai, it has revolutionized the traditional Yi
Quan in both theory and training.

2. What do Han Shi Yi Quan practitioners pursue?

To be natural in all of our movements.

3. What does nature or natural mean in Han Shi Yi Quan?

Look at the animals in the wild. How smoothly and quickly the leopard runs. How
fearful and powerful he is, even when he is just lying there napping.

4. How should I begin to practice it?

First know your natural state find the feeling of fear and impending danger, before
you practice anything.

5. How long should I practice every day?

If you can, try to do the whole exercises. Usually they will need one hour or 1.5
hours to complete. Caution: the practice will be useless unless you practice in the
natural state feeling of fear and impending danger.

6. I dont have any idea about what Master Han says. What should I do?

First, never leave because you dont have any idea. Speak your questions and ask
for explanations. If you still cannot grasp it, just do it. As Master often says, whoever
knows or does not know it should go and practice it, as practice will help reveal it.

7. Any other advice?

Take your time doing it, practicing it, and enjoying it. It needs time for one to truly
know it. Do what Master Han tells you to do and your nature will reveal. Also
keeping a Yi Quan diary will be helpful.

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