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Summer 2016

26th JUNE - 9th JULY

10th JULY - 23rd JULY

24th JULY - 6th AUGUST

Summer 2016

Front cover photograph by Martin Beek

Welcome ............................................................................................................................................ 4
What is Oxford Summer Courses? ............................................................................................... 5
Testimonials .................................................................................................................................... 8
Programmes ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Teaching methods ............................................................................................................................ 10
Staff ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Accommodation ............................................................................................................................. 12
Cultural and social activities ...................................................................................................... 14
Subjects ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Welfare ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Prices and dates ............................................................................................................................ 21
Timetable ........................................................................................................................................ 23

At Oxford Summer Courses,

Its not all work, though. Youll have time to meet

we believe in the best. The best

like-minded students as you punt down the River

teachers, the best setting and

Isis or take in the sights of the ancient city. We eat

the best experiences. If you

out in our favourite Oxford restaurants each night

want summer 2016 to stick in

(except for Fridays formal banquet in the college

your mind while stretching

dining hall). By the time you leave, youll know all

and strengthening it youve come to the right place.

about the best Oxford has to offer. Beyond Oxford,

we take in Shakespeare plays, English castles and

Were a group of Oxford alumni. We set up a

music at the Royal Albert Hall.

summer school for young students because were

passionate about the University and the city and

In summer 2013 we undertook a rigorous inspection

were determined to share it with the world.

from the British Accreditation Council (BAC)

regarding the quality of our teaching and safety of

Were not part of the University, but Oxford is at the

our procedures. I am pleased to say that we passed

heart of everything we do. It shapes what we teach,

the inspection and Oxford Summer Courses is now

how we go about it, and where. Youll be taught

Accredited by the British Accreditation Council for

by Oxford academics. Youll live in Oxford college

Independent Further and Higher Education as a

accommodation. And youll experience the world-

Short Course Provider in the UK. This was renewed

renowned Oxford tutorial system.

in 2014. This is a testament to the hard work of the

very able and dedicated staff who are on hand to

That means testing yourself against some of the

make your time with us as enjoyable as possible.

worlds finest minds. Our tutors dedicate their lives

to researching and teaching but during the summer

We founded Oxford Summer Courses because we

they love to share their passion with students who

love Oxford and the social and academic adventure

want to find out more about their subject. Dont

it brings. We want to share it with you so join us,

be overawed weve laid on a committed team of

and make summer 2016 unforgettable.

student helpers (current or former Oxford students)

wholl help you research and write your essays.
But youll be pushed to challenge yourself and to
challenge ideas.
To make sure your tutorials are top notch we only
recruit tutors from faculties of the University. They

George Hoare, Academic Director

know their way around their subjects and theyre

MA, MSc, DPhil (Oxon)

keen to share their passion with you provided you

show your passion too. Great tutorials are built on
intellectual thirst.

Summer 2016

What is Oxford
Summer Courses?
Our philosophy
Were devoted to the highest standards, finest settings and best experiences. So you will:

Live in college accommodation in the city centre

Study exactly what you want to

Attend lectures and general-interest talks

Take part in Oxford tutorials and seminars

Be taught exclusively by Oxford University academics

Take part in stimulating extra-curricular activities

Have plenty of time to relax, explore, and make lasting friendships with your fellow students

Tutorial teaching
Your tutor is your academic guide; he or she will help you navigate your way on an intellectual journey in
your chosen subject. Your tutor will set your reading list, pose your essay question and, ultimately, challenge
the answers you come up with.
Our tutors are experienced teachers and they know where to prod and push to get your brain working.
Tutorials arent question-and-answer sessions. Theyre a way of developing an answer, as a team, to a
deep or problematic issue. Your tutor will be responsible for stretching your mind and looking after your
academic well-being.
Whats different about Oxford Summer Courses is that we dont go in for large classes and big groups.
Tutorials are what Oxford is built on and theyre what were committed to. One tutor, one student. This gives
you the chance to go at your pace and tackle the questions you want. Dont worry if you dont know what
these are yet our tutors are experts in helping you find out.

The History of Oxford Summer Courses

Oxford Summer Courses was founded in 2010 by Oxford alumni and has grown from a small organisation
to a BAC accredited provider of short courses. Across six summers we have welcomed over 750 students
from across the globe. many of our former students now study the subject they read at Oxford Summer
Courses at British Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. There are lots of summer schools in
Oxford but we believe ours is the best because it is run by former Oxford students who intimately know
the city, the University and what it really means to be a student in Oxford. Join us, and become part of
Oxford Summer Courses future.

The Class of 2015 students and staff from

2015 pose for a group photo before the
graduation Formal Hall at the end of the first
2 week course. Dont worry formal is only
a name its a relaxed affair with all the
stuffiness taken out.

Summer 2016

Sidney Sponer English Literature student from USA
The academic experience at Oxford Summer Courses is amazing. I had only one
other person in my English Literature class, and we got to spend a lot of time with an
experienced tutor, just learning more about what we love. My tutor opened me up to so
many inspiring poets and writers, including Yeats and Austen, and let me write about
what Im interested in. It cant get better than that level of familiarity in the classroom.

Xavar Bangash Medicine student from India

My course had an incredible exposure to a vast variety of medical topics and areas
of study. From lectures on plastic surgery, diseases, clinical cardiology and clinical
neurology, to my own interests in orthopedics, the tutors know it all. Ive learned a
lot and it helped me decide to go on to Medical School after my eye-opening course at
Oxford Summer Courses.

Jamie Crock Creative Writing student from Australia

A brilliant staff facilitated a very busy two weeks at Oxford Summer Courses. The
course work was at exactly the level one would want, with time to enjoy England
and advance academically. My tutor was well chosen and extremely knowledgeable.
Overall, the accommodation was superb, and the course wonderful.

Sandhiya Nanthakumar Psychology student from Hong Kong

Studying at Oxford Summer Courses was everything that I hoped for. The seminars
allowed us to explore different topics and the small class size of 4 people ensured that
everyones views about topics were heard. The weekly one-to-one tutorials allowed me
to spend quality time with an actual Oxford tutor. During the tutorials we discussed an
essay that I had written during each week. Though I found the many questions raised by my tutor challenging,
it was truly an insightful experience. It was an experience that I could not have gained anywhere else!

For a students-eye perspective on Oxford Summer Courses visit

Summer 2016

Search for Oxford Summer Courses

The value of Oxford Summer Courses
We provide a learning experience that would stand alone as a fantastic memory and highlight of any
students summer. However, in this increasingly competitive world the value of a good education is more
valuable than ever for securing entry to top academic institutions, and jobs.
For this reason at Oxford Summer Courses were committed to providing a learning experience that helps
to give you an edge, not only at school but also in preparation for university applications and the world of
higher education itself. Were dedicated to helping passionate students realise their aims, and hope that
by providing a genuinely stimulating and challenging curriculum, in a collaborative and inspiring learning
environment, we can enable students to get ahead in their chosen subject.
With Oxford Summer Courses, students distinguish themselves from their peers and unlock their own academic
talent. Our tutors dont provide how to get into Oxbridge courses theres no magic formula. Instead, the best
preparation is becoming passionate about your subject and sampling the tutorial experience. Our tutors and the
courses they run are of serious academic quality.
Students are divided into separate age groups with distinct timetables and course rules that are age appropriate.

Courses for 18-22 year olds

Maybe youre gearing up for university or perhaps youre already there. Either way, this is the perfect
chance to find new academic fire. Whether you want to study your degree subject or try something new,
make it happen with Oxford Summer Courses.

Courses for 16-17 year olds

Do you fancy sampling life as an Oxford student and seeing how the British university system works? Well
give you academic and pastoral guidance to bring out your best through individually tailored independent
learning with plenty of guidance for university applications.

Courses for 13-15 year olds

Are you interested in discovering a new subject that you cant study at school and seeing how the British
educational system works? Well give you academic and pastoral guidance to bring out your best through
individually tailored independent learning in small group seminars.

Courses for 10-12 year olds

Come and join us in Oxford this summer, youll have lots of pastoral staff to help look after you and ensure you
have fun and a vast array of activities. On top of that we have small group seminars led by great tutors to help
you develop your understanding of your chosen subject.

Teaching Methods
Tutorials make the University of Oxford a global academic force. Theyre an unrivalled opportunity to scrutinise
your work with the worlds finest minds. Your tutorials, quite simply, will shape your thinking forever.
Each week our staff will give you their undivided attention, one on one. Theyll closely attend to your essays
and arguments and force you to justify your conclusions. And theyll share their own approaches, honed
throughout many years of intense study and reflection.
Dont be daunted, though. Our teachers are here to guide and inspire you. They want to hear what you
think, and why and help bring out the very best in you. Youll learn new ways to think, marshal evidence
and defend your views with flexibility and flair.

We run weekly seminars for groups of no more than six students. Youll be supervised by an Oxford tutor, but
the emphasis here is on you. So youll each prepare a topic in advance, then present your work to the group.
Its a chance to learn from, and share with, your peers in a collaborative, friendly setting while taking
part in lively and thought-provoking debate, and our tutors will help give your academic presentation skills
serious sheen.

A unique learning environment

Our tutors are all Oxford University academics and have spent years honing their teaching skills as
undergraduate and graduate students. Oxford has been a centre of learning excellence for centuries; it is
both the superior quality of staff and first-rate facilities that make Oxford one of the worlds pre-eminent
universities. At Oxford Summer Courses we provide tutors of the highest quality and encourage students to
make the most of the city itself with a programme of activities.


Summer 2016

Staff Profiles
We only recruit Oxford-educated tutors, so youll be taught by the very best. Our teachers have a range of
backgrounds, ages and interests. But they all have first-rate minds, research credentials and approaches to teaching
as well as years of academic and teaching experience with the University. The BAC noted in their inspection that
our teaching was of an excellent standard and students reported very favourably upon the quality of teaching.
Our tutors are the experts. We believe in giving them autonomy and theyll respond quickly and efficiently
to your needs and enthusiasms. Throughout your course, youll get to know your tutor well. They may even
take you out to libraries and museums as part of their teaching. Their goal is to inspire you so even if
youre not entirely sure what you want to study, theyll guide you along the way. Here are some of our staff:

Dr Kieron Winn
Creative Writing

Dr Cllia Laitem

Kieron was educated at

Clelia is a post-doctoral

Christ Church, Oxford,

researcher at the Sir William

where he was awarded

Dunn School of Pathology,

a doctorate for a thesis

Oxford University. She came

on Herbert Read and TS Eliot. His poems

to Oxford in 2009, following her PhD in Molecular

have appeared in magazines including Poetry

Biology in France. Throughout her research

Review, The Spectator, and the Times Literary

career, she has travelled abroad on numerous

Supplement. There was short film about his work

occasions to present her work and stayed

on BBC1, and in 2007 he won the University of

for 3 months with her collaborators in Japan

Oxfords English Poem on a Sacred Subject prize.

completing a research project.

Dr James Panton
Relations, Philosophy

Dr Amanda
English Literature

As well as tutoring

Amanda was educated at

undergraduates throughout

Oxford University, and

the year, James conducts

is currently a Visiting

research in the area of intellectual history. His

Fellow at the University of Southampton. Her

DPhil investigates how notions of the public,

main research interests are in Chaucer, the

the private and the political shifted in Britain

medieval and early Renaissance love lyric,

and America from the 1950s to the 1970s. He

and poetics. She has published two books The

is also currently engaged in research looking

Sources of Chaucers Poetics (Ashgate, 2008),

at changing attitudes towards democracy and

and Tottels Miscellany (Penguin, 2011), edited

political apathy in the 20th century.

with Tom MacFaul.


Oxford Summer Courses
Our courses take place in one of the 38 colleges that make up the University of Oxford. In 2015 our courses ran
in Somerville College, Christ Church and Lady Margaret Hall.* You will live alongside our staff whilst your tutors
will visit the college to teach you (unless you need to be off site, such as in a lab). Despite having everything on
site you will also be in the centre of Oxford and have shops, restaurants and the city itself on your doorstep and
plenty of time to explore them. The rooms at Somerville are home to undergraduates and graduates during term
time and have high-speed internet, desks for working and views over the college quadrangle.
Breakfast is served in Somervilles dining hall and there is a large lawn thats perfect for reading, working,
playing frisbee or taking afternoon tea (which we enjoy twice a week). Most of the rooms share bathrooms (as
is standard across Oxford) and we separate genders and age groups in different blocks. There is at least one staff
member in each block who will make sure all OSC rules are obeyed. Our pastoral staff and group leaders will be
nearby to make sure youre safe, comfortable and happy and can help with anything from finding a teaching
room to helping you do your laundry. Somerville provides a daily room clean, weekly sheet and towel change and
there is a laundry room (or local dry cleaners).
Students receive an orientation on the first day to help the settle in and work out the basics of life in Oxford.

Oxfords history
Oxford was first mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in the year 912 AD. The University dates back to
the 11th century and enjoyed (perhaps endured) a tumultuous history as it... actually, you can learn all that
once youre here.
What matters is that Oxford has inspired philosophers, scientists and poets for centuries. Its a magical
place of studious cloisters, captivating spires and endless fun. And the academic facilities, from libraries to
laboratories, are the envy of the world.
Youll tread the same ground as historys most influential and inspiring figures and well guide you round
Oxfords many cultural riches and hidden gems.

* Please note Oxford Summer Courses is an organisation which contracts with the university for the use of facilities, but which has no
formal connection with the University of Oxford.


Summer 2016


Cultural and
Social Activities
Formal three-course meal

in Wonderland. We visit these writers colleges,

and even see the door knob some say inspired the

Formal dinners are one of Oxfords great

lion Aslan. Theres also time to see the sights that

traditions. Students and professors dine together

provided inspiration for Philip Pullmans novels

in the great halls of the colleges and under huge

and later featured in the film adaptation, The

portraits of their colleges most famous members.

Golden Compass.

Its a great way to get a sense of the history and

tradition of Oxford as the Latin grace that has


been read for nearly 700 years is recited before

everyone begins their meal.

Punting is one of the quintessential Oxford activities.

Floating lazily down a meandering river in the shade

We try to maintain this historical element but

of the botanical gardens provides a fantastic way to

without the stuffiness. You wont be expected to

see Oxford from a different perspective and its a

wear a dinner suit or follow the rules of etiquette

great way to relax after a hard days study.

instead, we sample the best of the colleges

kitchen in a more relaxed atmosphere. The sense of


occasion is still very much maintained, particularly

at the second formal meal, which has a graduation

One of Oxfords most famous pastimes is debating,

ceremony beforehand (look out for the scrolls

centred on the Oxford Union. Some of the greatest

presented to each Oxford Summer Courses student)

ever orators and world leaders have graced the

and the Course Directors Oscars after dinner.

famous chamber. With a debating workshop

and debate night, along with a visit to the Union

Oxford Castle and Open-air


itself, students gain the authentic Oxford debating

Oxfords famous castle offers the perfect setting

Blenheim Palace


to watch Shakespeare in the open air on a warm

summers evening. In previous years weve watched

Blenheim Palace was birthplace of Sir Winston

professional productions of Romeo and Juliet, The

Churchill and it offers a fascinating insight into his

Tempest and The Merchant of Venice.

childhood, and English aristocracy through the ages.

The beautiful house, built in 1704, is set in a stunning

Literary tour
This walking tour takes in the rich literary history
of Oxford, including the dining hall featured in
the Harry Potter films, and the pubs frequented
by the writers of the Lord of the Rings and Alice


Summer 2016

landscaped garden boasting an enormous maze.

London day trips

No trip to London would be complete without a visit

to the British Museum. Its collection boasts more

Whether or not youve been to London before, our

than seven million objects and artefacts from around

day trips will offer you something new. In previous

the world, including Greek marbles, Egyptian

years our trips have taken in the stunning scenery

mummies, and the world-famous Rosetta Stone. We

provided by the London Eye, the crown jewels in the

sometimes even use it as inspiration for the topic

Tower of London, modern art at the Tate Modern

of one of our debates later in the week: Western

gallery and dinner overlooking St Pauls Cathedral

museums should agree to requests to repatriate

and all in one day.

cultural artefacts.


A wide range of options

they can see how their work relates to everyday life.

Our Chemistry course aims to make the most of

The subjects listed below are intended as a guide. Our

whats on offer here great research facilities and

philosophy is that you have control over what you

cutting-edge thought. Tutorials focus on innovative

study during your time with us. You will have the

thinking around Chemistry and its important role in

opportunity to study the topics and areas that interest

understanding and improving the world around us.

you, and our tutors are there to help narrow your focus
should you need advice. Sample course outlines are

Classical Civilisation

available on our website

The Greek and Latin cultures marked a high point in

Let us know if theres something you want to study

thats not listed we pride ourselves on being able
to find tutors who can cater for any request.

philosophy, writing and art that was not surpassed

for 1,500 years. Studying classical civilisation involves
looking at various sources of information about how
the Greeks and Romans lived their lives, conducted
their politics and fought their wars. You will study


classical culture and society as well as the major

How do species interact with one another? What

historical events that defined the period, such as the

is the relationship between an eco-system and its

Peloponnesian War. Students will discuss the problems

inhabitants? Our course looks at the theoretical

of running an empire and evaluate the poetry of Virgil

and practical applications of Biology in modern

and Ovid. The course is tailored so that any standard of

society. Topics range from bioethics to how viruses

classical languages can be accommodated.

infect humans. The course will also introduce

students to Darwins theory of evolution and the

Computer Science

development of this theory by Professor Dawkins

From app development to HTML and CSS, Computer

one of Oxfords most celebrated scientists. Genetics

remains one of the most controversial and exciting
topics of study, and our tutors will give you an
informed take on the debate.

Oxford has one of the worlds leading Chemistry

Science touches the very cutting edge of todays online

and offline technology. Our course introduces and
explores a range of coding techniques and languages,
including Python SQL and web development, giving
you the perfect base from which to build your
knowledge and become the new Mark Zuckerberg.

departments. But its not just the size and calibre of

Creative Writing

the department that makes Oxford a great place to

Oxford has long inspired and excited some of the

study the subject there is a whole industry of spinout companies set up in the Science Park as a result
of research breakthroughs made in the department.
Oxford chemists are not only great researchers but


Summer 2016

worlds finest writers. JK Rowlings Harry Potter was

dreamt up in this town of dreaming spires. Marvel at
Hogwarts dining hall and Alice in Wonderlands Tea
Party. From Oscar Wilde to Philip Pullman, Oxford has

a literary pedigree that is hard to match elsewhere.

kinds of problems? Geography seminars are lively and

What better place to try your hand at crafting your own

led by debate with a prominent focus on evidence and

literary masterpiece? Our tutors will introduce you to

empirical research. Offering the chance to study the

some of the techniques that these greats have used, and

physical and human aspects of the world around us,

you will be encouraged to write as much as possible so

Geography is a subject never far from the news.

that you go home with your own short stories.

Economics and Business

History is an investigation into the politics, culture and

Economics involves the study of how markets work

economics of past peoples and societies. Our course

and why businesses succeed and fail, both at an

teaches a range of skills that are universal in their

international level and within a domestic economy.

application, such as the ability to investigate and analyse

You will study key ideas such as supply and demand,

different source materials. By studying conflicting sources

market structures and reasons for market failure,

you will have to sort factual accounts from biased ones

and how government intervention can mitigate or

and then defend these opinions in your essays and

exacerbate the problems. Our tutors always relate

tutorials. Defending your position teaches you the power

their teaching back to current events and this keeps

of debate, an important skill for any good historian. Our

the study of economics stimulating and relevant.

course gives you the flexibility of which era to specialise

Causes of and solutions to the recession can be

in; our tutors are experts of the ancient and the modern.

investigated alongside the arguments for and against

protectionist policies to help domestic industries.

English as a foreign language (EFL)

International Relations
The course studies power and international politics
to analyse the relationships between states. It aims

For more information about our courses please visit our

to combine theoretical and empirical perspectives to

dedicated website:

address pressing questions and survey neo-realist, neoliberal, constructivist and post-structuralist approaches.

English Literature

Youll look at case studies from around the world to help

Oxford has long been an inspiration for the creation

of some of the best known, and best loved, novels.
Our course is taught by academics who actively
write (poetry, fiction and dramatic works) to give
you an insight to the subject from a practitioners
perspective. The course allows you to focus on their
own areas of literary interest, whether that be a

uncover the diverse patterns of relations between states

and regions. The course will give you a sense of the
nature of modern international politics, but also develop
your confidence in addressing challenging questions,
both on paper and in the tutorial environment.


genre, a particular author or a specific work. English

The question What is the law? in relation to a

Literature is a vast and wide-ranging subject the

particular problem is far more complicated than it

course aims to hone textual analysis skills that are

initially appears. The answer will not be revealed

common to all sub-disciplines within the subject.

simply by turning to the correct page in the statute

book. Instead, different cases, legal theories and


overarching principles of law must be taken into

Our Geography course focuses on the most important

challenges that face our world today: environmental
change, global justice and globalisation in all
its forms. How do developing countries trade
off economic growth against increasing carbon
emissions? How do developed countries and
developing countries reach agreements about these

consideration. During your time at Oxford Summer

Courses we do not intend to teach you the entirety of
English law; nor, in the time available, could we. Rather,
the focus is on the constant themes that run throughout
legal topics. All of your tutors will work regularly in this
environment and will be involved in investigating and
shaping the latest legal developments.


Our Mathematics course is specifically tailored to
meet your ability and understanding of the underlying
material. The tutorial format focuses on solutions
to problem sheets rather than the discussion-based
tutorials. Mathematics can be sub-divided into many
individual disciplines, all of which are available for
students to study. Previously, our mathematical finance
course has proved popular, covering mathematical
accounting and financial derivatives, beginning with
basic options and futures and moving through to more

knowledge. Mathematics is crucial to this endeavour.

So, our seminars investigate physical mathematics
and mechanics both of which play a crucial role in
the discipline. From planetary motion to tracing the
trajectory of rockets, physics can help us understand
why physical objects in the universe behave as they do.

The study of politics can be divided into three main
areas: the past, the present and the future. Political
history is the study of what institutions were like

complex exotic products.

and how this affected life in the past. It looks at how


reform. Political institutions is the study of what

Oxford has taught medicine since the 1300s and

affect policy. Political theory deals with questions

remains at the cutting edge of the discipline today.

The course at Oxford Summer Courses introduces you
to the practical study of Medicine through Medical
Biology and Anatomy. You will consider ethical
questions about the value of a human life and the
possibility of human enhancement. You will build a
solid understanding of the foundations of medical
science, and have the opportunity to engage with the
latest developments in medicine.


institutions contributed to wars, famine and social

institutions are like today how parties and the media
about how institutions should be set up, such as What
would be a just distribution of societys resources?
Studying such questions will enable you to evaluate
any argument about concrete political issues.

The human brain is the most complex object on
earth, containing over 100 billion nerve cells, and
100 trillion connections among them. It is the
source of all thought and behaviour. Focusing on the
relationship between brain, mind and behaviour,

Philosophy is the study of how arguments are put

you will have the opportunity to engage with the

together and taken apart. By studying classic texts

frontier of scientific research. You will develop many

such as Plato and Aristotle, students will see how

different skills and modes of thought by considering

arguments are constructed using premises that

questions from Linguistics to Philosophy. Frequently

move to conclusions and how such arguments can

studied psychological questions include: How do we

be questioned, both by attacking the assumptions

perceive the world around us?, Why do we conform

that constitute the starting points, and by criticising

to societys norms?, and What is emotion?

whether the conclusions really are entailed by what

has come before. Philosophy develops the skills


necessary to make strong arguments and deconstruct

We cant provide you with answers to questions about

the arguments of others. It is invaluable training for

any arts degree at university, or any occupation that
requires making and analysing arguments.

the existence of God, but we can point you to those fine

minds that have attempted to tackle them in the past.
The course provides an introduction to the basis of the
Christian religion and the texts that informed its earliest


development, looking at how their interpretation has

Our Physics course studies the universe from large-

changed over time, reflecting the societies that have

scale theories such as the Big Bang to the minutiae

grown up alongside them. The course also offers an

of particle behaviour. By gaining an understanding of

opportunity to study other religious doctrines, and we

why the world around us is the way it is, and how it

welcome people from diverse backgrounds to study in a

works, physicists can push the boundaries of scientific

multicultural environment.


Summer 2016

Hello. I am
an example
of a floating
text box


Its not all about the brains, though. Our main concern is that youre happy and having the best summer
ever. So weve got non-academic staff on board to help you settle in and provide any support you need.
The Course Director will make sure the whole programme runs smoothly and is available if you want a chat.
Residential deans are around if theres anything big or small that you want to get off your chest.
Student helpers are our local experts. Theyll be around to show you the hidden corners of Oxford that larger
groups often miss and theyll join us on extra-curricular expeditions. Theyre all Oxford-educated too, so theyll
be able to help you prepare for tutorials and seminars. Below is a selection of our staff who led the course in 2015.

Harry Hoare
Course Director

College where I have just finished my third year

and I have started a law conversion course in
Oxford. I hope to become a barrister in the future

I co-founded Oxford Summer

and I love leading the debating workshop At Oxford

Courses in 2010 in my fifth

Summer Courses!

year at Oxford University.

I studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics as

When Im not in the library with my head buried

an undergraduate before reading for an MPhil in

in some Philosophy I tend to gravitate towards

Political Theory during which time I taught visiting

anything involving good food and drink (which

students at the University.

usually means a Formal Hall in one of the Colleges),

Im also a keen cook and spent my Gap Year cooking

I have seen Oxford Summer Courses grow from a small

for up to 170 people a day.

group of 30 to well over 250 students from across

Nabila Qureshi
Student Helper

the globe - but we have maintained a commitment

to tutorial teaching and a small group atmosphere. I
love meeting students with different perspectives on

I am a first year biochemistry

politics, football and life at Oxford Summer Courses.

student at Oxford. I have also

Jonathan Goddard
Residential Dean

lived in Oxford all my life, so

have deep love for this place! I love language and
travelling and was lucky enough to spend a few

I grew up in Oxford, before

months abroad before I started university. I really

moving away and living in

enjoy photography and filmmaking and Id really

Bristol, London and on the

like to pursue that in my break as well as taking

North Devon coast. I returned to Oxford to read

you wonderful people around and showing you the

Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Brasenose

delights of Oxford!


Summer 2016

Before you apply, there are a couple of things we need to check. You dont need to be a prodigious scholar
but you must have a genuine, demonstrable passion for your subject.
So, well ask you to write a personal statement and send us a letter of commendation from a tutor or teacher
to secure your place on Oxford Summer Courses. Youll also need to be proficient in English. And your age
will determine which course you embark on.

The prices
The price for summer 2016 is 3,695. You dont have to pay it all in one go the deposit is 500 and the rest
can be paid in instalments if you prefer.
Included in the price is:

All teaching, including one-to-one tutorials

Accommodation and breakfast every day

All evening meals at local restaurants

A three-course college banquet on Friday evening

All cultural activities in Oxford and further afield

The price does not include flights or airport transfers.

The dates
In 2016 we will be running three 2-week sessions running from:

Sunday 26th June to Saturday 9th July

Sunday 10th July to Saturday 23rd July

Sunday 24th July to Saturday 6th August

Join us this summer for one session, or why not come for two and try two different subjects or one in greater
depth? If you do we would be happy to offer you a special price of 6,995.

Ready? The adventure starts here. Apply today at



Summer 2016


Informal essay writing workshop:

drop-in & discuss your tutorial essay

Debating Night



Tutorials /
tour of the Bodleian Library

Group photos and goodbyes





Informal essay writing workshop:

drop-in & discuss your tutorial essay

Afternoon Tea on
Somerville lawn

The timetable shown is based on the actual activities form 2015. The 2016 timetable may be subject to minor adjustments (and improvements).

Tutorial preparation


Formal hall
- Wadham


Graduation Ceremony &

Bop at the Oxford Union

Classical Music at the

Sheldonian Theatre

Quiz Night


DAY TRIP to London: South Kensington Museums, Picnic & games in Hyde Park, Classical Music at the Albert Hall

Seminar preparation /
trip to the Ashmolean Museum



Boat House

Bill Spectres ghost tour of Oxford

Private stand-up comedy show

Formal hall
- Somerville


Optional Activities: Sport (football, quidditch and croquet) /

Modern Art Oxford / Bicester Village Designer Outlet Centre

Afternoon Tea on
Somerville lawn


Film Night

Loch Fyne

TED-style talks at
Somerville College



Open air Shakespeare play

Chiang Mai


Ice-cream icebreaker


Arrivals and walking tour of Oxford (by staff) /

Induction from Course Director

DAY TRIP to Windsor Castle and Eton College





DAY TRIP to Blenheim Palace, birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill

Tutorials /
tour of the Bodleian Library

Tutorial preparation

Seminar preparation /
tour of Christ Church (College)

Seminar preparation /
trip to Pitt Rivers Museum





Seminar preparation /
walking tour of Oxford












Timetable 2016

Oxford Summer Courses Ltd
Search for Oxford Summer Courses
Search for Oxford Summer Courses
Oxford Summer Courses Limited
Company Number: 8011543

Oxford Summer Courses is Accredited by the British

Accreditation Council for Independent Further and
Higher Education as a Short Course Provider in the UK.

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