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(2011 specification)

Candidate report template



Student number ________________________________

Location: Al Quos Industrial Area No.3, Dubai UAE


Date of review: 08 /07/2012

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place.

This report is to conduct safety audit in refilling of industrial gases oxygen nitrogen, Carbon
Dioxide and acetylene located near our office to meet the requirements of the NEBOSH IGC
practical application.
The safety audit covers the whole refilling process, starting from the entrance gate to the
refilling station. In short, the whole area is part of this safety audit as this is a small filling
station only.
The processing areas are the following:
1. Entrance gate
2. Loading and unloading bay
3. Storage
4. Refilling area
5. Small workshop
The walk-in customer, visitor or public members are also being considered during the safety

II. Executive Summary

Upon completion of the safety audit, I have noticed several legal requirements of legislation
are breach. Including but not limited to:
1. UAE labour law
Federal Law No. 8. 1980 Safety Protection and their health and social care of
the employees.
ii. Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 Protection and Development of the Environment.
2. Ministerial Order No. 32 1982 Health and Safety of the employee
3. Code of Practice for the Management of Dangerous Goods in the Emirates of Dubai.
4. Dubai Technical Guidelines (Environmental Protection and Safety Section)
5. Code of Construction Safety Practice (Dubai Municipality)
All the people on the premises might be exposed on risk if some of this summary report is not
addressed immediately. Failure to address these issues will lead to enforcement action from
Dubai Municipality. As we know how strict Dubai Inspector to enforce the law, as we have
experience the penalty of 5000 AED for not providing additional Exhaust draft fan to the
warehouse last February 2011. To avoid substantial financial penalties we need the
immediate corrective action to be implemented urgently. A detailed description of the findings
is listed below with reference to specific observation.

Main findings of the inspection

1. Inappropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment
Federal Law No. 8 Article 91. Employer to provide adequate means of protection for the
employee from the hazard of injuries and vocational diseases that may occur during the
It has being observed using inappropriate respiratory protective equipment while filling
the inert gases. Though they show concern about their health using the regular mask.
2. Manual Handling of Cylinders.
i. Dubai Technical Guidelines TG. NO. 6 1993. Industrial Compressed Gas cylinders
Requirements and Usage.
ii. Code of Practice for the Management of Dangerous Goods in the Emirates of
It has being observed people have difficulties in manual handling, though they have
fundamental trainings and awareness of handling of Dangerous goods. Several damages
and rectification of the design are to be considered for the loading and unloading landing
3. Fire Prevention
Ministerial Order No 32 1982 Article 8. Employer to provide facilities for prevention of
fire, fire alarm systems and fire extinguishers in the establishment.
Though fire extinguishers are provided, it has been placed not visible for the user or
during emergencies it cant be seen to anybody. Extinguishers were lying on the ground.
4. Health And Safety Facilities
Federal Law No.8 Article 94
Employer must provide proper cleanliness and ventilation in each place of business and
must provide such places with adequate illumination, potable water and toilets.
All these requirements were addressed excluding the poor ventilation of the workplace.
During summer, temperature rises which creates discomfort and some ill health related
diseases arise.
5. Medical Examinations
Federal Law No. 8. Article 95
The employer must appoint one physician(s) to do full medical checkup at least once
each 6 months regularly for his employees who are exposed to the danger of infection
with any of the occupational diseases...
It was observed people working on filling area are not included on health surveillance
program. Only welders were given priority, in fact inert gases and acetylene are very
hazardous substances which have chronic and acute effects in the human nervous
The employees are well trained and experienced in their expertise. However they lack
information, safety instructions and training for each specific process and eventually to all
the processes of the health and safety they might encounter at their workplace.
In order to avoid accident, production down time, medical expenses and civil claims. We
need to address the adequate solution on the safety audit findings such as; ensuring the
legislation requirements are meet, providing proper training on specific activities and
improved the supervision through strict disciplinary action. A lot of these issues could be
addressed with little or no financial cost such as Internal Training.

Recommendations include as a table in the following format:


Likely resource




2 weeks


1 month


3 weeks


6 weeks

1. Inappropriate use of Personal

Protective Equipment

Purchase new Respiratory protective

equipment which suit for this type of
Safe system procedure should be
created for filling area prohibiting
anyone to come nearby or entry in
their workplace.
Refreshed training on the effects of
hazardous gases

2. Manual Handling of Cylinders.

Repairing all the damage surfaces in

the landing bay creating uneven
surface and several holes.
Redesign the landing bay such away
easy to access of the cylinders to the
working/landing bay while loading
and unloading on cylinders.
Training awareness on the danger of
mishandling of compressed gas
Amending new safety procedure for
strict compliance and clarify the
consequences of not following it and
award scheme program for 0%
accident in specific area of a

3. Fire Prevention
Installation of brackets / stands
for fire extinguisher on the wall
which are visible to users.
Safety signboards should be
clearly posted on the designated
area. Such as entrance gate,
filling area workshop, and
working bay.

This Special Protective

Equipments costs less than the
amount of our legislation fines
and penalties.

Redesigning the workplace

for provision for safe loading
and loading and repair of the
surfaces is less expensive
compare to the production
loss due to ill health of the
worker from disc prolapsed
tear tendons and body strain
due to poor handling of
cylinders, including continues
medication for number of

Maintenance department can

fabricate all this brackets or
stands. For max. 500 AED all
bracket/stands are provided with
less cost and time to all areas of
filling station.
Safety Signboards are free to
download on the Dubai
Municipality sites. With standard
color coding and sizes. Printing
will cost only 200 AED including
all materials

4. Health And Safety Facilities

Install ceiling insulation on all
area of the filling station.
Additional Ceiling should be
given considering summer rises
up to 45 to 48 degree Celsius.

Insulating the ceiling not only

we protect our employees
but it includes the facilities
such us the pumps and
compressors which need
ventilation to cool down the

5. Medical Examinations
Health Surveillances for filling

It is mandatory to conduct
health surveillance to our

operators should be included on

the scheduled medical
Special personal protective
equipment for operators should
be provided. As regular protective
equipment will endanger the
health and safety of individuals.

employee working on
hazardous workplace. 5
operators are not costly
enough to include in our
periodic medical examination
at Dubai Municipality
It helps our production
maintain our target and
objective thinking they are
being cared and monitored of
their health resulting to
motivate at work.


1 week

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