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expats at Rama Beach Resort Botolan april 8

The Return of the TAGALISH XPRESS April 2010

My blog about our part of Zambales

Unknown Quote
Great quote. To bad we don't know who wrote it....
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry
capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be
easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to
restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an
electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The
problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama,
who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the
fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that
made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama.
It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who
made him their president.”-- Author Unknown
The Audacity of Unawareness
April 15th, 2009 5:03 pm Barack Obama, through his spokesman, claimed
today that he was unaware of the tax day tea parties. Granted, the MSM has
done a good job in suppressing any sort of coverage ahead of time (and
the little coverage they did provide was derisive at best). but how out of
touch is the Community Organizer in Chief, really?
This much we know:
- He was unaware that he was attending a church (for 20 years) with a
racist pastor who hates America .
- He was unaware that he was family friends with, and started his
political career in the living room of, a domestic terrorist.
- He was unaware that he had invested in two speculative companies
backed by some of his top donors right after taking office in 2005.
- He wasunaware that his own aunt was living in the US illegally.
- He was unawarethat his own brother lives on pennies a day in a hut in
Kenya .
- He was unaware of the AIG bonuses that he and his
administration approved and signed into a bill..
- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of
Commerce was under investigation in a bribery scandal.
- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of
Health and Human Services was a tax cheat.
- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary
of the Treasury was a tax cheat.
- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be the U.S. Trade
Representative was a tax cheat.
- He was unaware that the woman he nominated to be his Chief
Performance Officer was a tax cheat.
- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be #2 at the
Environmental Protection Agency was under investigation for mismanaging
$25 million in EPA grants.
PLEASE,,, there are people in comas that are more aware of world affairs
than this guy.
Subject: FW: Chrysler's Railroad...

This could be a scandal of epic proportions and one that

makes Nixon's Watergate or Clinton 's Monica Lewinsky affair
pale by comparison. Why was there neither rhyme nor reason
as to which dealerships of the Chrysler Corporation were to
be closed? Roll the clock back to the weeks just before
Chrysler declared bankruptcy. Chrysler, like GM, was in dire
financial straights and federal government "graciously"
offered to "buy the company" and keep them out of
bankruptcy and "save jobs." Chrysler was, in the words of
Obama and his administration, "Too big to fail," same story
with GM.

The feds organized their "Automotive Task Force" to fix

Chrysler and GM. Obama, in an act that is 100%
unconstitutional, appointed a guy named Steve Rattner to be
the White House's official Car Czar- literally - that's what his
title is. Rattner is the liaison between Obama, Chrysler, and

Initially, the national media reported that Chrysler had made

this list of dealerships. That is not true. The Washington
Examiner, Newsmax, Fox New and a host of other news
agencies discovered that the list of dealerships was put
together by the "Automotive Task Force" headed by no one
other then Mr. Steve Rattner.

Now the plot thickens. Remember earlier we said that there was
neither rhyme nor reason why certain dealerships were closed? Actually
there's a ve ry interesting pattern as to who was closed down. Again, on
May 27, 2009, The Washington Examiner and Newsmax exposed the
connection. Amazingly, of the 789 dealerships closed by the federal
government, 788 had donated money, exclusively to Republican
political causes, while contributing nothing to Democratic political
causes. The only "Democratic" dealership on the list was found to have
donated $7,700 to Hillary's campaign, and a bit over $2,000 to John
Edwards. This same dealership, reportedly, also gave $200.00 to
Obama's campaign. Does that seem a little odd to you?
Steve Rattner is the guy who put the list together. Well he happens to
be married to a Maureen White. Maureen happens to be the former
national finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee. As
such, she has access to campaign donation records from everyone in
the nation, Republican or Democrat. But of course, this is just a wacky
"coincidence," we're certain.

Then comes another really wacky "coincidence”.On that 20 list of

dealerships being closed down, a weird thing happened in Arkansas ,
North Louisiana, and Southern Missouri . It seems that Bill Clinton's
former White House Chief of Staff, Mack McClarty, owns a chain of
dealership in that region, partnered with a fellow by the name of
Robert Johnson. Johnson happens to be founder of Black Entertainment
Television and was a huge Obama supporter and financier. These guys
own a half dozen Chrysler stores under the company title of RLJ-
McClarty-Landers. Interestingly, none of their dealerships were ordered
closed - not one- while all of their competing Chrysler/Dodge and Jeep
dealership were! Eight dealerships located near the dealerships owned
by McClarty and Johnson were ordered shut down. Thus by pure luck,
these two major Obama supporters now have virtual monopoly on
Chrysler sales in their zone. Isn't that amazing? Go look in The
Washington Examiner, the story's there, and it's in a dozen or so other
web-based news organizations; this isn't being made up.

Now if you thought Chrysler was owned by Fiat, you are mistaken.
Under the federal court ruling, 65% of Chrysler is now owned by the
federal government and the United Auto Worker's union- Fiat owns 20%.
The other 15% is still privately owned and presumably will be traded on
the stock market. Obama smiles and says he doesn't want to run the
auto industry.

As horrifying as this is to comprehend, and being as how this used to be

the United States of America , it would appear that the president has
the power to destroy private businesses and eliminate upwards of
100,000 jobs just because they don't agree with his political agenda.
This is Nazi Germany stuff, and it's happening right here, right now, in
our back yard. There are voices in Washington demanding an
explanation, but the "Automotive Task Force" has released no
information to the public or to any of the senators demanding answers
for what has been done.
Keep your ear to the ground for more on this story. If you've ever
wanted to make a difference about anything in your life,20get on the
phone to your national senator or representative in the House and
demand an investigation into this.

Benjamin Franklin had it right when he said, "All that's necessary for
evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Car Czar No More

An amazing thing happed as this story was going to press. Obama's Car
Czar, Steve Rattner, resigned on July 13 and was promptly replaced by
former steel workers union boss Ron Bloom. According to CBS News,
Rattner left "to return to private life and spend time with his family."
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said, "I hope that he takes another
opportunity to bring his unique skills to government service in the
future." By the way, Rattner is under investigation for a multi-million
dollar pay-to-play investment bank scandal in New York . Uh-oh! But,
we're certain that had nothing to do with his resignation. And,
according to several news sources out there, there are rumors he's
being investigated for what could be pay-to-play scandal involving the
closing of Chrysler and GM dealerships. Really? Again, that couldn't have
anything to with his resignation- that's ridiculous! Like CBS said, this
guy just wants to "spend more quality time with his family."

Doctor Visit . . .

Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off when he looked in the
mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to the top of his head.

In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start working
for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately.

After an examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to

Barack, and told him to drink it all.

Barack drank the concoction and replied, 'That tasted like bullshit!'
The doctor replied, 'It was, you were a quart low.'


This something The U.S. Should have sent Hilary to

The Kid on the right has it right!!
How many of y'all know that Obama made said
that he thought that “our troops being volunteers,
should therefore have to pay for their own
health coverage even in combat, because they
should realize that getting hurt is part of what
can happen when you join the Military. He backed
out of that one fast when advised that wasn't gonna go over good
with the Voters!!

Michele's a perfect match for him too!!

President Roosevelt's wife paid the salary of her assistant out of

her own pocket. Truman the same. Mame Eisenhower I think also.
The Taxpayers picked the First Lady's secretary from Kennedy
on!. And they all had only one 'till our Havard Queen...who has
22....yeah count 'em. Twenty two assistants all at taxpayers
FYI....until the Kennedys there was no Airforce One...they all road
the Airlines and Truman & Eisenhower paid there own way!
If you are getting the idea that I'm not pro-Obama,
you're right!! That doesn't mean I was a great Fan of
Dubya, Cheyney, Rove and that Bunch, I'm not!
Personally I think they should be impeached !
But then read the First item, that tells it the way it is.

O.K. Lets have some fun! A Love Story

This old womannamed Annette,was arrested for shoplifting.
When she went before the judge he asked her, "What did you steal?"

"A can of peaches." she said,

The judge asked her why she had stolen the can of peaches and she replied that
she was hungry.
The judge then asked her how many peaches were in the can. She replied that
there were six.
The judge said, "Then I'll give you six days in jail."
Before the judge could actually pronounce the sentence, the woman's husband
spoke up,
and asked if he could say something.
"Very well," said the judge. "What is it?"
"He said, "she took a can of peas too."
Black Testicles

A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his

Mouth and nose,

Still heavily sedated from a difficult four hour surgical procedure

A young student nurse appears to give him a

Partial sponge bath.

Nurse,' he mumbles, from behind the mask Are my

Testicles black?'

Embarrassed, the young nurse replies

'I don't know,Sir.

I'm only here to wash your upper body.'

He struggles to ask again,

'Nurse, are my testicles black?'

Concerned that he may elevate his vitals from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her

Embarrassment and sheepishly pulls back the covers.

She raises his gown, holds his penis in one hand and his

Testicles in the other, lifting and moving them

Around and around gently.

Then, she takes a close look and says, 'No sir, they aren't and I assure you, there's nothing
wrong with them, Sir !!'
The man pulls off his oxygen mask,
Smiles at her and says very slowly,
'Thank you very much. That was
Wonderful, but listen very, very closely.....

' A r e - m y - t e s t - r e s u l t s - b a c k ?'
You are what you eat

Be very careful about what you buy online!!

here's what happened to some guy who bought from Ebay!!

URGENT - ATTENTION Ebay buyers E-Bay scam


I'VE BEEN SCAMMED! (bast**ds!)

TIMES ARE HARDIs this the best quote of the decade or what?!
Judge Judy to prostitute : 'When did you realize you were raped?'

Prostitute, wiping away tears: 'When the check bounced.'

Little known facts about Albert Einstein: Einstein was born March 14,
1879. He would be 130 if he were alive today.

Few people remember that the Nobel Prize winner married his cousin,
Elsa Lowenthal, after his first marriage dissolved in 1919.

At the time he stated that he was attracted to Elsa

because she was so well endowed. He postulated
that if you are attracted to women with large
breasts, the attraction is even stronger if there is a
DNA connection. This came to be known
as....Einstein's Theory of 'Relative Titty'

Oh, quit groaning! I don't write this stuff. I

receive it from my warped friends & send it
on to you. It beats the political
Y'all ever Fart in Church?
Barb and Jerry are attending Mass.
About halfway through,Jerry writes a note and hands it to Barb.
It says, " I just let out a silent fart,

What do you think I should do?"

Barb scribbles back , " Put a new battery in your hearing aid."
Y'all ever Fart in Church?
Barb and Jerry are attending Mass.
About halfway through,Jerry writes a note and hands it to Barb.
It says, " I just let out a silent fart,

What do you think I should do?"

Barb scribbles back , " Put a new battery in your hearing aid."

First Norweigan IceBreaker on the Mississippi

Its A Vatican Design, what did you think it

Anyone want to take a guess where this wall

is located?


Now that's funny--I don't care
who you are .

INTERNETWARNING: If you get an email titled "Nude photo of

Nancy Pelosi," don't open it...It contains anude photo of Nancy Pelosi.
Japanese Hotel Service
A Canadian salesman checked into a futuristic hotel in Tokyo Japan ..

Realizing he needed a haircut before the next day's meeting, he called down
to the desk clerk to ask if there was a barber on the premises.

'I'm afraid not, sir,' the clerk told him apologetically, 'but down the hall
from your room is a vending machine that should serve your purposes.'

Sceptical but intrigued, the salesman located the machine, inserted $15.00,
and stuck his head into the opening, at which time the machine started to
buzz and whirl. Fifteen seconds later the salesman pulled out his head and
surveyed his reflection, which reflected the best haircut of his life.

Two feet away was ano ther machine with a sign that read,
'Manicures, $20.00'.
'Why not?' thought the salesman. He paid the money, inserted his hands
into the slot, and the machine started to buzz and whirl. Fifteen seconds
later he pulled out his hands and they were perfectly manicured.

The next machine had a sign that read, 'This Machine Provides a Service
Men Need When Away from Their Wives, 50 Cents.'

The salesman looked both ways, put fifty cents in the machine, unzipped his
fly, and with some anticipation, stuck his manhood into the opening. When
the machine started buzzing, the guy let
Out a shriek of agony and almost passed out. Fifteen seconds later it shut

With trembling hands, the salesman was able to withdraw his tender
unit......which now had a button sewn neatly on the end..
The Mistress

A husband and wife were having dinner at a very fine restaurant; when this
absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the husband
a big open-mouthed kiss, says she'll see him later and walks away.

His wife glares at him and says, "Who was that??"

"Oh," replies the husband, "she's my mistress."

"Well, that's the last straw," says the wife. "I've had enough, I want a

"I can understand that," replies her husband, "but remember, if we get a
divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris , no more wintering
in Barbados , no more summers in Tuscany , no more Infinities or Lexus's
in the garage and no more yacht club. But the decision is yours."

Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous babe on
his arm.

"Who's that woman with Jim?" asks the wife.

"That's his mistress," says her husband.

"Ours is prettier," she replies.


Italian Confession

An elderly Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy, went
to the local church for confession. When the priest slid open the panel
in the confessional, the man said:

"Father, During World War II, a beautiful Jewish woman from our
neighbourhood knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide
her from the Nazis. So I hid her in my attic."

The priest replied: "That was a wonderful thing you did, and you have
no need to confess that."

"There is more to tell, Father.. She started to repay me with sexual

favours. This happened several times a week, and sometimes twice
on Sundays."

The priest said, "That was a long time ago and by doing what you did,
you placed the two of you in great danger, but two people under those
circumstances can easily succumb to the weakness of the flesh.
However, if you are truly sorry for your actions, you are indeed

"Thank you, Father. That's a great load off my mind. I do have one
more question."

"And what is that?" asked the priest.

"Should I tell her the war is over?''

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