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March 2010

Africa to Asia
An insight into the ministry of LCMS missionary
Megan Birney serving Christ in Hong Kong

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Happy Easter! Every month I scold myself for sending out my newsletter when I am
already into the next month, but there is always so much going on that it’s hard to
find time to sit down and write it all down. This month was (surprisingly!) no excep-
tion! After a lengthy celebration of Chinese New Year, we went back to work as
usual. Most of our free time has been spent brainstorming/planning for three
events/programs. At Lutheran Siu Leun School (LSL), we have started teaching a
super simplified kids version of National Geographic called Young Explorer. The
magazine is a great resource and we are working on making it more EFL compati-
ble. The kids love the content and it gives us the chance to talk to them about God’s
awesome creation.
We spent a good majority of the month prepping for our Alleluia Easter English Camp at
LCK Primary. We made many improvements to our Christmas camp and it was great! Stu-
dents made their own Easter story books, constructed beautiful crafts (evangelism colored
cross necklaces & handprint Easter lilies), dyed Easter eggs, sang fun songs, and made
some delicious snacks (decorated Easter cookies & crosses out of popcorn). The kids had a
blast and showed an incredible understanding of the true Easter story by the end of the
two day camp! Praise God!
Our next big event is a musical production of Noah’s Ark put on by Concordia Lutheran “Why do
School — North Point (CLSNP). Lynette and I took part in the photo shoot for the show
and it was AWESOME to see all the students in their costumes! Although we will play you look for
only a small part in the beginning and end of the production, we will each sing a short
solo for the theme song “God Remembers”. the living
Christmas in HK was very evident, but Easter seems somewhat forgotten; besides a few
eggs and bunnies in a few of the Westernized grocery stores. Easter also coincides with among the
the Ching Ming Festival which falls on Monday. Ching Ming is known as “Remembrance
of Ancestors Day” or “Grave Sweeping Day”. Families gather together to clean the dead? He is
graves of their relatives and spend together. People who are highly superstitious may
even take extra precautions to protect themselves from the ghosts and evil spirits that not here; he
are wandering around during Ching Ming. My mom has been in HK for a little over a
week now and we have visited some tourist attractions, most recently the ‘Big Buddha’
has risen!”
and The temple of 10,000 Buddhas. These places and festivals serve as a humble re- Luke 24:5,6
minder of the battle Satan wages against us but also serve as motivation to share the
truth that “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven
given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
March 2010 Prayer Requests
“For this reason, I kneel before the Father…” Eph. 3:14
Our EFL ministry in HK; for opportunities to speak the Gospel in a meaningful way.
LCMS World Mission •
• Praise a great opportunity to minister at our English Day Camp @ LCK Primary (3/26-
800-433-3954 3/27). Pray for students who were able to understand the true celebration of Easter.
• Praise for safe travels for my mom coming to Hong Kong and a continued blessed time! Traveling mercies for our trip to Thailand (4/5-4/9) and her trip home (4/13)
• Praise for our friendships with our Form 6 students at CLSNP!
• Prayers for the CLSNP musical production of Noah’s Ark (4/23)
Learn more about the work of • For the Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS); that the Lord would continue
blessing the efforts of the LCHKS in growing God’s kingdom.
LCMS World Mission in Asia:
• Theological Education in Africa; The CLET in Dapaong, Togo and Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria, South Africa.
• My CUNE Family Life Ministry graduate program; motivation and endurance to finish my
two current courses by May 30th.
• For clarity concerning my future in Hong Kong.
• For individuals considering serving next year; courage and strength to heed the Lord’s call
and say "Here am I. Send me!"
• My fellow LCMS missionaries serving internationally, for the opportunity & strength to live
out Christ’s love through service around the world.
• For the hearts of those needing to know the grace of our great God

A preview… Noah’s Ark : The Musical!

Contact Info
Postal mail can be sent to:
Miss Megan Birney
Concordia English Center (Tuen Mun)
Lutheran T.S. Siu Leun School
P.S. No. 5 Butterfly Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.
Hong Kong
Check out my blog:
Visit my project page:
Download my prayer card:
Access my photo albums: “He painted ‘ rainbow in the sky and He promised we would never die”

If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please e-mail me at!

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