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JUNE 4-10,1999

voL. 21 No. 2a



"" .... "" .. __,,




Is the proposed new City charter a progress1ve

document that would replace an archa1c set
of laws? Or 1s 11 a dangerous proposal that
would concentrate far too much power tn
the mayor's hands? Read both viewporms
1n thrs LA Weekly Roundtable


Trymg to oust officers for tl ~ est of of

tenses whtle defendtng the La Brea shootmg.
Bernte Parks seems ncreas1ngly a throwback
to the bad old lAPO chrefs of yore


lunches at the Bullock~ Nilsh11e Tea Room, glitter

mg nrghts at Permo s and the Cove Rovce Reed and
Manlyn Hoggatt are emrssaries from another t1me.
a ttme when a man d1d not get rnto a restaurant
Without a su1t and t1e, and a woman knew the
d1fference between a cockta nng and a sohta1re
STEVEN MIKULAN ra1ses a glass to the ladies
and to elegance as a worldview

LA. 's untons studred th proposed new City

charter and thought tney supported rt - untl
tne Crty Council told them they didn t




Cuban connectton KRISTINE

McKENNA on Buena Vista Socra! Club's
Hollywood endtng

38 Fl LM

Love (and trouble) 10 a cold chmate John

Sayles Ltmbo
Chnstopher Nolan takes the lead w1th hs
gnarled nco n01r Followmg
German duector Wim Wenders and Amencan
bluesman Ry Cooder mvade Cuba 10 Buena
Vista Socra/ Club.


One of the top lobbYistS rn LA 1s asking me

county to renew a lucratrve Manna del Rey
lease. LOU RUTIGLIANO d1gs into Doug Ring,
hs money and a boatload ot angry tenants.

Tony Kushner's playful /he llfusron quesuons

our conhdence m the nuts and bolts of rcahty.
and Namaste Theater Company's production rs
as movmg as 1t 1s whtms1cal

24 SL 0 UCHI N G



We've been bombing for more than two months

nf1N. and for what? MARC COOPER looks at the
Kosow conflict from both sides to find dea:h
destruction and the nnperative to act
the 14th Drstnct and DAVID COGAN closes out
tne 7th.


Unleashed Pramoedya Ananta Toer.

lndone$tas leadmg hterary vo1ce, v1s1ts l A and With WENDY BELCHER

LA Weeki, V s Award nommees
The chewy goodness of S1ssv Bar
The Donnas Orbrtal. flbt!.{ Trav1s, Suck It and See





The 'II , n1ghts of los Angeles Ooera





El Saz6n Oaxaqueno



Culver Cttv curstne


Talkmg Pans hotel room blues


Who mans :he traffic cam? PETER F HARTZ

goes behtnd LA 's trilffrc-control scenes
The TICketmasler blaster More fun wnh the



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JUNE 4- 10. 19<.ru LA WEEKLY 3

Bottoms up. Marilyn Hoggatt (left) and Royce Reed

30 LA WEEKlY JUNE 4 10. 1999

Forever Fabulous
Happy hours w it h Royce and Marilyn
conga hne' of u ,tflic flt-l'ing down1011 n., oflin
ten ttl !'ow1 tlH stnet \\Ill be dc-.crttd of men 111th bncf<.tSe,, .md tht ''" mptitd uf corporate lit'lit opttr-.- to
l.n: rcp)at ed h1 tht' ()( ( olSIOn.IJ urban h,m k 'l':Jrching, tn
tht d:ukcnmg t Ul ft11 fm .t canIt:,, pi!-:t'on. lmidt' a ndghhorhood ha1 that ts llt'itht di1e nor to til j,t luungt. a ft'\1
oldtlnwr.. fi>nlitd 111th drinks and p.tpt pl.ttts of happyholll food 1\,ildl .1 111111 it 11 mel down on tdtl j,ion. F_xrept
leu tlw T\' .mel ~pop< or n maktr it\ pnm quitt lw e. and
prt'll\ hlue-coll;u, too, ''hi<h i' wl11 tlw mo 110men
dc"td lik\: ~r<ttHimothtl) Holl) Goli~hth,, their widt""
brimnll'c:l haL' 'manh l.tled and tnurmou' rin~' cim.turing manintHd fingtt ' 'tid. out likt a pai of Chri'itmas
trt't'' plantt'd nn ,, ;,!~, .trcl line.
Rovce Reccl and ~hu ih n llogg.ttt, you set, .m: emi!iS<tl it''- fmm a 111on ll'fint.d time. wonwn \\ho do not end
then 't'tltenn, with pnpmitions. nm with tlw declaratiw
qut,tion mad.; th.u is the Califorma '''It. I ht\ are ladie.,
who apprcciatt tht 'nug fit of cu~tom-madt RIO\e<o, who
I.; noll tlw rlifftnnt c. bc.t,Hcn a cocktail am~ and a ~lit.airt
-and'' inn'' htnt'\ t'l dub sand11 11 hts arrh e 11 Jth
r ru't' umrimnwd.
Thtit anachtoni ... tu manncn~nh .md n>des of dre"'
an pall of an unlahtl ing faith in stvlt. ,, faith that h<ts
1 u'h-hom

h<:tn rew<uded With ,, kind of un ifittl lll'lcl tlwon of lift.

\ t-t t'lt'll a con\oling IHltld-,ie'' cannot 'hield an elderly
IH>Inan from the tough rt.'<tlitit oflh ing down tm,n on a in rome. For that, Rmct and ~l;u ih n llllt't nh on um
anotllt'r. anrl a lric.Hhhtp that is a n> adjustment ol
nttds and \\ants th.u .u t ,dcJom tomplttth in sync.
~r m lL'\l'd to t'lcgantT. t"lcgamt," Royrt of rlo11n
town. ~rhis is not nn home. this i:, hell ontanh! The noist
o f the helicoptt:r' and sinns d<w and night- oh. mv ga111ti,
\ou'd lo~ vour mind'"Thne-. more than a tmce of'\onna
btsnwnd in the H>in ;md the e)<lint.r, anclli,tt:ning w
ht mal..e' an mttn it'\H'l feel more than ,, little like J<x
Cillis. ~rm a clothc' pt.,on, a fa.o;hion pt't"m; Ro~ce \\ill
tt'll vou :~'he ~it" .t ,,HI\ ignon blanc. "I "'' mi,ed b) rich.
rit h. degant pt"(lplt "ho huughl on I)' tlw lim<,t, t'\Cf)lhing
madt~ to onlt-r. 'on tan not handle an~llting else. a' a
\\'UIIlall- it j, \()\If Iii<'."
rw al"'-''' liktd t lot ht,," \fat ih n <<lilt urs. ~\h moth< 1 madt mine - .ts .m inl,mt, child and tctn.t~o:tr. f\tn
'~hen I \\t:nt to collt-gt, .,Jw m.ule <ompltte 'l'ts fi>r mt."

\\ht'n \l.trihn gradt"Htcl from htgh 'dmol in I!J.t.l,

a tttn.tgt ~iiJ', look \\,ts tompostd of ~hobh\ so\. hlou'c
"ith < turned out .1 S\H .uc r. -tnng of pt".lrl' and .ti\141\'S a plt>.ttcd :.kilt loci.\\ \1.uih n j, ,,,,ttJwtl in a lau\.kop.n rJ.,kin 'ha\\ I th.u ~ cchocd b\ ltopat d.,.;km cl( Ct:llh
on hct h:n. Rmn's u1111 hlacl.. fur, hap< ,tu matdtc<.. the::
ll''l ol ht:r ta\cnhllt' t'tN.'Illhlt. Tlw 1110 \IOtntn li\'e in .m
adjoining hotel II tat is a< lt'<lll, mll-lighted pi.Kl' h1 downto\\n ,t,llldatd,, thllUKh ,1 pbrlt'l 01' IW{) li'IIIOI't'cllrom. Si1\,
tilt' Bilunme up uu Oli\t' Sutct. \\ibhht, \\hit h .\1arilm
rt'\t'll'nlh rekrs to,,, "tht hig boult\,ud" .tnd which has
ligllll'ti ~o mam timt' in both the1r li~t~. dtad-end" a 1<'1'

uiod:' a\\ a}.

M.tril) n i' 5 ftott 9 in< lw-. tall, l<.~rgt'honc<l ;mel ea,)going. \1hile her :\f.lff)( '<t'rtlt'd, \\itt...wai,ttcl fiiend ~tand~
il k<t t and brisdl'' with the "tech ... etf-<onfid~nc< one <llquilts from ll() marl\ haifa centlll} in l~tshion mctrhilndising. hi kno11 t:lt'l \(llll' in the l~tg husine'' ~Royce
fH on em nee' in tht dougattcl. KJ"al ch .~ennttcl Hmcls a~
'>Ori.utcl with l>t<"eclmg. Ml \lent to 11ork , a gifttmm..elot
.mel tlwn bridal Wll' in HH9 at J.W. Rohin"m 's.
"hie. h
on St.nntl1 Street and owned h' Mr... Harr1
Rubin,on and tht ~t hmadcr'. C.arlt>s and \\'.tlttL" \\'hen
,Jte '>peak'. her h;ut<t.. olHn flutter thl<lllgh tlw air in dnl!llatk gt.,ture~. "\h,, Robinson was <'li.C]Ui,itl'- a Be1erl)
llilh ">nalite who \Hlltld conw in \lith lwa rhaulltm. mint.;
<oats .md her poocllt, I l.tpp\. ~
\t;u ill n j., a lornwr ,tJwolleaclwr .111cl exenui\e
houwk<"eper '' h<N' good-time Ohio t11 .mg on.t'>ionall~
hmn' into her comtr,.uion- 11hich ~he''"' i' a hit emhan ,ts,ing, a.' ht'l lathtr W.t"> chainnan ofWitttnlwrg Uni
H'l "it), public-'>ptaking depanment. nwir )1<1\o at the
htHt"l hegan somt I I Yt'<ll'<i ago and has la.. tc:d lhr longer
than dthe1 expentd - ot wanted. :\taril>n looh on the
ht ight 'ide. pointing om the proximil\ of ,\lac), ~lnd the
c.xttTi"t: <ohe geb lrum 1\< to nearh) 'lOll'' and he
m.micuri\L Rmn i.. n 't '<> 'anguine. -r m 16th-:gtneJation k Fast.- sht i, fond of '"~in g. Ml onh ~\i1l hell'. it's not
Ill\ ttn it on."
J'he pair's c,ilt '' not jwa a matlt'l of gtogr<lpln.
though. it hone of tinw- a time 1\ht)W 1.1\hions and
llMilnt'l' haw twtn pullccl out from lwntath thtm b) a
uighun.tri'h undc1to\\ <.tlk-d pn~T'' .. \ m.m did not g-tt
into ' rc,t.Uil':lnt ''itho111 ,, ,1111 and a II<'," Ro~ttlaments
ofthis\Jni ht-d CICl, Mno1.! \Inman \\ltlunn a ("ofkt.til drc_...,,


-c:dd)titic'.JII~t don't tllts' up amnaon," (otlcedc"

tlw mon :.Knping i\l.uihn.


l'icnwntan ...chnol t<'~lt lwr, ha,1ng bc.en h11 cd ft om Colol.Hit 1., ht high ,,,l.u
C.tlilurnia 11.t.~ oflt'J ing during
tlw l''"t-Spumik t:'duration 'J>huge. Slw taugh filth wade
dol\ll in ,Jt'l'P' San l'ttho hut kit Clll urban c\.\ittment
\IW 11<.'\'t'l exptritIH td bacl.. in Ohio or Colorado
-calilmni,t held snd1 ~lanwur for me." 'lw s;t\'>. "(was a
pmf~"ur\ daughur who majored in spt:(ch and heater
<U ts, hut I had aho httn n<V\ a hom mm it' .mel ll<ts just
bt,ntttd b1 the mag11ifinnt filtn!>o of m) youth. I ,,,mtcd to
">Ct' thto,c place!'> and smnc of the celehritits l'cl about
all Ill) life -particular!) tht women, like lAona furncr
and Ann Miller"
Life in Los Angclt<o <>ff<retl her a dt>st'ttp of those
pl.tns and celebriti<s. ,tlun~ with membtr-hip~ in the
rluh rulture of Palos \'cl(les, who:.t. an a'sodation and
s\1 im and countr} club, ~l.tril~ n gladh juintd. It wa~ a
tiuw. afttr all. when a diHint-c could, a' ,Jw did. t-abe l\\O
ht))' in .m ocean-lit\, .tpaltlllt'nt on a lt'achtJ \ .;alary.
f.wn the LA Ttache' A"oriation brt.tkt;tsh. held at
the. Biltnwrc Bowl, sttnwd exciting: ~llil..ed i1 - I felt like
I w.ts a big-cit) girl!~
I let lather's dtath brought \1arih n ha< k w Ohio in
1Hfi2. btu "hen htr mothtr also pao;o;<cl a,,a,, sewn years
l.ltt'l', 'lw returned to waching in L.A., nw,ing into the
Wihhirc l'owt'rs. Ml 11.1, mw hlocl.; from till' Br0\\1\ Derb\
and tht Amb~-.adm llotd- all mu tould thin!... of
how tht'\ \\Cre so f.un<>U,," rlw (enter of her hf( became
the Round Table West littran dub\ month I}' gatherings
at tht Ambassador\ Coroanut Grove, whos(' lor mer glory,
like .tn incandescence trawling from ,omc distant, dying
st.u. ~till da~Jled \larih n. Ont aftemoon 'ht sat at a table
whik S.unmy Da,b.Jr. uheat o,cd a sho11, and got hi-; auto~ aph on a 'oggy napkin. ''This is gonn.t ht a \\Ct one!"
l;),unm~ I']Uippt:d.
In 1971, aftt'l l\\0 }<'itt' of teaching on -.cwml citv
t:nnpmes, :\1aril~n <alkd it quiu. when sht ,m, that L.A.'s
S< hools wtre becoming more. dangerou' plans. She then
mack what sctnts lil..t an off-the<han nmtr change for
an t'dttt.ttt'<l \lom.lll, though it put htJ in ;1 po,ition to
glimp"t: 'hcm-h11 gl.tmour from the in,idt. Shl' H'mtmbcr'
her fi1 't mtenit'\\ ,,, .1 hnuo;('K<cper fi>r th<" ,,talth\. ~




10. 1999 lA WEEKLY 31

Forever Fabulous
~Raquel Welch lived in a house in bad, of the Be\erly Hill\ Hotel." Maril}n 'ia)5, ~and just had on a little pail
ofjeans.' T-shin. with her hair pulled back with a rubbtt
band- and no makeup. She said sht: fell uncomfortablt'
with hhing someone older than hen;elf. and so I didn't !{<'t
the job."
Before long, ihough. Matil~ n wa., puuing her belonging!' in storage and moving out to cowbm anm Dale
Robenson s Chatswon h ranch, "here sht. landed ,1 JOb
working for the Oklahoman and hb ,.,;fe, I ou. "The, were
both Southern and verv love h. fl Marilyn recalls. ~1 ht\
had quite a fc'' dinner p~rtie:>\\ith tich horse pcoplt . I I~
became friends with a famih who ga\e him a brand-nc\\,
custom-made C'.adillac Eldorado. ThC) \\ere a t<m~ign familv- by that, I mean they had fmtign blood. So he had
this gorgt>ous new Cadillac that he <lrme- ru; .t pe-rsonal car,
.md then ofnmr-;e Mrs. Robertson had a Uncoln."
Lif< seemed id>llic. on and off the spreacl ~farih n nmember" the &verly I lills Halloween panv at the Jirnnl\
Durantes to which 'he escorted Dale's daughtet Rtbt'l,
and how Mrs. Durante had to veil bt"cau"e Jimm' w.ts
hard of hearing. But the Rohertsons' ruMic acn.agc \~.ts
\[arilyn 's tntc world. a home. whose nearhy neighbors included actor Chad E\crell and thl Gelsons, who omwd
the tOny markets. "flwre wa.... the rt'gt.alar ranch house, and
then there was another house down b} the st.ablc~. wlwre
the} had james, their houseman. Now. wlwn I sa\ 'man.'
I mean he was the colort"d man who bad worked fot ~r.
Rolx>rtson for 25 vears. He had his O\o\'ll house. took care
of the cars and supenised the harM's. I Ie \\'as 10\ el) to rnc
- I was ai\\'3YS 'Mis.' Ma.lilyn. '"
But the Robensons marriage C\'Cntually hit thE' rocks,
and :\1arihn was om ofajob. Next came work with singer
Helen O'Connell in Brentwond, and afterw;lrd a stint
\\ith comedian 'onn Crosby. Marilm spent a particulm h
grand time at the West Hollywood home of R&B compo:;er-arranger Gene Page. who worked with such superstars
as Aretha Franklin and Bany 'Vhite. kThey were a black
family, fl Marilrn recalls, "bm t.her<> was no tension with t.he
Pagel\, because they had friends of all races over al the
house and took me along\\ith !hem to the Shubert to see
Barry 'White's Love L nlimiLed Orchestra." She also remembers Page as a very private man who kept four pianos in
t.he house. "He was touted as a performer, but he d idn'l
like performing, because he didn't want girts clawing at
hl-; clothes, tearing tltcm off. '\Tot at alL"


536-page nmrrler mysen titled The CopJ'" Tnanglt, ~ct m
a pri\.\\e men., club in tltt: muuntains of Colur.trlo. \s sht
dtscnhes the bonk: ~It', the ~ton ol the beauulnl hostc~
Cl.1ire Brct''C:. l kt club'~ mcmbct~ arc ~phl,ticatld singlo.
32 LA WEEKlY JUN 4- 10, 19!.J9

roupks and Olll<>l~towncrs \\ho driv~: in. helicopter in or

come b\ lim<>u~ine. Tlw' ha\C allthCS<' wnnc!ertul panit-s,
and nf com-,e there's a lot of sex.. ancl ca.maradttic."
Thost fl36 imtnanalateh np~cl pages cdebraw comlon.luxw' and. \e~. sex. The St:tting~ Cnppnwood E..statt:,
''host corporate color sclll'm<' is cream .md Ia\ tnrler. is,,
m in~ing world ol cinnamon suedt> 'lilts. white llama-\wol
uphul,tt:n and rovalbhw satin ~hc<"ls: \\llh each lllrn of
the JM!{t' o1w nH:er~ c h.tnu ter~ "ho ,ue mow bt',\lltilill.
handsome, talenucl rich ahan lhOS<.' o~ln-.uh 11\taoclutecl.
and n enone gohbk' down l'nor mnus brc;>a!J,c;ts ol sttak,
egg..,, pnt;llms. wast .md marmaladt'. Bt'lmd-nanw perfunws exisl .,ide by 'ide with push-button ttchnology and
'orket pack... The reader entet' a famas\ whose characters,
a" beautiful. '>('1\Suous and wtalth) a:. the\ are. Yoyeut il'tiGtll} gaze upon \t'l .mothtt fall Ia.~') world- 1hat of the
sofa core pm n lilms tht\ ,.il'W. One of thnr rov<il-blue
movie, 'mr.. ma\ w<.ll be a role Marih 11 cmit'd "She \\'as
thl darling of m~siGtl comedy and feted on all continent.:;.
She owned one of the magnificent hou~t'~ in Pari,. <iht
hat.l a '"eekh salon \\here choice mt:n \\ere imited lortlin'wr at 9. and dalhing lattr. She sun oundtd h\:n.clt wi1h
other pnm ann'~'t's. Ilea ),"'tcst lbt was full ol beautiful
pcoplt. ">o la1,the manusoipt. p<.'nned mer a mere nint."-lllOnth pcnnd, Jt.'maius unp1ablbhcd.
I Iou:.ekecping, <.'\'1:'11 at celebrity hom('s, as a tinng lin<.
I)J \\01 k. and cspeciall} for a ''oman approaching 60. And
so in Hl~!\. alter moving ru and from 10 ernplovers, and
Lo the moteb she stayed at in between, Maril)n quit tht
business aJwgethet. She set up house on the 19th floor of
tlw :Vlark Wibhirt> apartml'nt building. which sponcd a
pool on its root. "llowd it," sht' says, ~because I'm a swimmer and because thai was m\ idea of glamour! Wilshire
Boulevard W'..tsjmtlmely then. My fa1orite thing to do \\Ia!)
go shopping. what else? And going to the elegant places
where Lhe celebritie~ went.- the Be\erly Hi !Lon. Bever!)
Wil-;hirc and Bevedy Hills Hotel. Oh, I loved the ritl\
places. and belonged to the CenwnrCit\' Health Club. The
rivier the better for me."
(One day, howe"cr. she got a glimpse of that starry
world's mortality. On a Beverly Hills street, a man caught
her attention. nor just because the man happened to be
black. bill because he looked so ill. It wru; Sammy Davis,
who had autographed her napkin years before.)
In !he summer of that year. Maril)n met Royce. ;ul encountet she remembers as ifi1 had happened half an hour
ago. "I was having lunch at the Tea Room in Bullocks
Wibhin wh<."n l saw this woman \\ ho ~lOod out from cvcr}onc el~- I just couldn't Lake my eyes oH h<."r! She looked
lih S(.ltlctt O'Hard with this ma~nilitt>nt big pinurc
hat on. fhcn I\ hen 1 \H'l\l ro the ladies' lounge. I found
ht:r 1here. ::oingin~ an opc1.1 alia. So I introduced tmself."


out every night of my life," savs Royce Reed, the fluttery
hands m full motion. as though conducung an invisible
orchestra. "I'm used to New Yort.., I'm used tO elegant
places, elegant food. We had the Beverlv Wilshire I lotel. t11e
Luau Room owned bv Steve Crane, Scandia. l~u<.? We
lived in t.hosc places eta}' and night ~ow wc have nothing."
'When she spc;1ks of her pre!>ent li\ing arrangements,
her voice tends to roll abruptJy from a purr to <t rebuking
growl. Rovce is far les~ forgiving than ~farilyn of Lhc urban
decay she :.ees all around her, as well as the changes in the
fashion world -.he once moved in. She is strictly old-school,
for example, on Lhc ~ubject of fm. 'TheY don't tvnure tl1e:.e
animals, thC) put them w slct:p quiet h.~ sla. insisL'>. 'I loYe
animab and 1 would lmt to k<tp them as lhe pet:., bul I
can't.! \bu don' di<;cab.,llll with pc.>oplt ''llo don't uuclcr:.tand fm - \oll dismis.' them or ha\c them takt:n awa) ."
\.., .1 matte1 of lact, wlwn she nwt ~1m ih n in Uullocks
Wilshire. Rovce hadju~\ bough a mink coat for hl'r<>ell
and was linng at the Chantdlor llotd. Jlt'ar the cpinntE'r
of a fotmt:rl~ vibrant Wilshire Boulevard chk. "Dahling,"
she sa\:., rtcallin~ ncarh\ r.staurant,, "I wa~ one of thost'
''ho spent lonune~ at tlw '\'imhor. and at tltt Love acaoss
the strett- drgant, clega.a11. If vou had to l>t> in l us .\ngcle~, tlw \\ inds01 and Lhl CU\e \\t'rt' the hl~1 place~.
anrl P(dno's- the ongilml Pcduo\-was the uuh degant
rc.'!-taurant in Hancock Park. For ~tar<, I had an .1pannwnt
next door, in the 3000 block of \\'ilslure at '\onon ~
lfthtre i!; a Los \ngeles to Rone~ liking, it i~ the one
'he ardved in as a 20-\ea.r-old from Manhattan \~ith her
tarni)) in the late 1910~- a culturaJh ~Ulcl lanclst ape that
wa~ nevertheless allcviatC'cl b) oase~ lakt: Rodeo Drive and
tht Sunset Strip. ciYilized green belL'> offtring radiant cocktail lounges. nonstop comer;ation and dt>ct>nt French food.
"She likes beautiful," Marilm cxplaans.
"I don't understand anvthing else- it's lhing death,"
Royce says.
"1 oflered to tal...e Roy<.e'l, life story down. 'As Told
to ... ,"' Maril)n says.
But Royce bam 't taken her friend up on the offer.
and for an outSider, imeniewing her soon becomes a
frustrating search pas1 dropped names and anecdotal
windows that briefly open. onl) to slan1 .,hut when she is
asked w elaborate about her past. "Why would I want to
revie\\ it?" she asks rhetorical h. ''Wt:'\'t' had books \Hitten
about my farnilv- The \nnals nf Lnnrn1tn- Cotmty... Rovce
ha:; considered wriling a book hersdfabout hel caret.'r tn
the: clothing business, but figme' no one M>Hid hu}' ll, because "vou have to \\Tilt: about '>l'X and disgusnng things."
"~ly life hb.ton b \erv clcgant,fl slw "ill all<m. 16 gcm~r.nion:. fwm Phil.ulclplna and l.anca,lt'l CountY. Penn~' lvania. 1 havt: a ptdi~Ht.. a coat of arms. ye-.H. Wt' go

Forever Fabulous
back to Frankhu 1, <;ennan). WO A.O..1\.1)' mother'"'"~ fiom
New Orleans going back to France.~
But 'urrounding thc~e tamali1ing ~-p<'rifics arc a h;ue
of context and an Paget ncs.~ to change the ~ul~jt."CL- and
some futnklv b<-Wih.iering daims. MM} father hl'lpl"d build
the atom bomh." ~he'll menrion offhandccllr, rhc next
momt:nt explaining t.hat ht was the chid aHmmtant ou
the ~1anhauan Pr~jcct. Fmtlwt probing tlidts the re~j.Xlll$<'
that hi~ famih ~wa<: from TruTvtown on Llw Hud'l<ln. and
.\.tanhauan. for about 1 I ~enenniOO\. nu~\ had an dcC'trica.l business in Nl'W \hrk th<.'\ owned lor 200 \Cal~. tht')'
had stores, the' wen billiom1ires." E\enmalh there is onh
this nat admis'>ion: -rm 1\cll-e'>tablished. I've never bec:n
in jail. never been arrested. I'm quite reputabk. I wasn't
born poor."
Rovce Reed, ultimatdv. proves to be an <>nigma '"Tapped
in a (;hanel inside a mink. I-IO\\ is one to evaluate her nunstop recitation of de,igners. label~ and re~tauranu.- many
of which, as sht> would say, are long gont>? C:ur~oq fact
checking reveal~ that her famih name, ROM'nstC'in, dt)t''
appear in Lancaster genealogical histories. but unlc~ nne
is committed to a research project on a par with the V.'arrtn
Commission's, an inteniew<r must take most of her claims
at face value .\nd Wh} nor~ Even if Royce~ ~elegant~ vet
sketch' biographv i\ exaggerated or complcrch clreanwcl
up. it b breathed to Jile h} a person who pa~sionatel) believes in it..
wl\e been in merchandising 45 vears. rttailing and
wholesale," "he Sa)' "I started out training to be an opem
~tar hut got sidetraC'ked "That is probably a.\ straightfOIward a ~tun man of her life as she wiU grant.
That life, atcording to RovC'e, was a gold-spoon txistencc: Stilton Place, a teenage job at Bcmwit Teller. Fifth
..\venue and intcniew<; ~bv all the studios"- whidl, '\he
5a}s. did not imercst her. V.ncn her hunih mowcl to Los
Angeles. Ro}ce ~aid goodb)c to Old Worid gentili[} and
entered a womanhood of husbands and homeo; in Beverly
Hills and Hanwck Pari., and a car(;'Cr conduC'tCd along
archipelago of Miracle Mile stores: JJ Ilaggcrtv. Bullocks.
Brod; and Co.. Mullen and Blmtt, I\ here <.lw wa\ a buvcr
for women, aC'ressorie~;- cosmetics, perfume. ho,ierv,
gifts. She rtcalls an earh enC'ounter with her new cit\, during an inteniew with tlw founder of a l<to;hion industr}
publication: "lle was a horrible man who tried to tal..c nn
c:lnthes off in his offite. I \\"d~ wea1 ing this gorgeoltS Christian Dior and learned at the age of I 9 ncvn to makt. a 4:!!)
appointment." EwntuaU). with the ~t.cond ol' htr thret
husband!>. Leo Mark~. Royce mnted an appard line bearing his namt~ that tht') ~old em tht nmd lncally nnd
throu~hout tlw S<mtb.
Ancl there wa~ that f1 e(booting. t.anwhtt.Jing
nightlilc. "I med to have all these {tHza-bulmo drinking


mmpanions, ~'he o;av,. "Wt chan 'k Bombay gm with rognac

t'ha<;eJ s - nur dritng la\1s weren't that 'trict. We went m
the Co<oanut Crow when it w:t.\ elc.g-dnt- when Fr('dd)
\lartin wa..' there and we ,,ore our $10.000 dr<.sse~. We
had thl> Chez Voltaire and the Bevedv Rodeo. on Rodt'o
DriH~. twtt blork.' nmth of tht Be\erh Regent. It wa~ wild
but cltgant. illld knmm as Hooker's Row..\11 the men
fi'on1 Ne\1 \btl;; \Wilt tht'H', mmlt'n came and went- who
cared? I was appalled. hut ~tarilyn Sa}" I could have made
a fortunt there~"


Santa \na in lHR3: by then ~he had paned from her third and retired from the rag trade. "1\c had elegant
lriend~ and husbands, hut when sht' died I was devastated."
she :;ay);. ~rm an on h. fi1in-princcs~ chile!, and we were so
dos<". I woulcln~vt.r fare the fan that one day she would
pass awa\. ~
It Wl\'> shortly after her mother'-. death that she sang
rhe aria in Bullocks' ladic~ lounge that would bring ~1ari
lyn to her This was a fortuitous occasion. for rnonev got
tight \\ hile Ro\'ce was li\ing at the Chancellor, and Marilyn
stepped in with an ofTc1 to Ro\'ce to move in \\ith her at
the Mark \\'il~hire. Frorn then on the tw<) began Mpalling
around." as ~!arilrn savs. 'pending time at fashum ~bows.
the racetrack and, of cour~e. nightspots.
"\\'e'd only go to the I was used to," Rovce says.
"Bel Ajr, the Polo l.ounge at the Bever!~ Hill~ Hotel. which
is now filled with sntaming, ~elling peopl<'. ~
\farilo,:n: ~we wce K<>ing to a lot of happ1 hours .....
Rovce: "I lont\. I'm u~d to eleganrt. I'm not usecl to
dcmntm1n- oh tn} dear"
Maril~11 "Wt like to go dinrwr danfing. but vou netd
a male comp..mion lor thai."
Rmce: "Then\ been no dinner dancing in Beverly
Hill~ or Bel Air- it', :~0 yean gone.~
~lalilyn: ''We u~t'd to go to L'Escoffier in the Beo,:erly
I fi1ton.~
Rovce: "Oh, I went there lour nights a week for 30
\'car... it was the nnlv dcgam room we had in Bever!\
1 fills! I got a ~orgeous South Ameli can man a 1ob there
as orchestra ltader when he Wi.ts about to commit suicirle
herau~t' he couldn't get work. fl'~ gnm now."
~laril)n: ''The~ ha"e put in the (',oconut Club on Frida~
and Salllrriar ni~hL'>. whtn you han to pa) '$20
Ro}rc: "Oh. it's a garbage hole. p!J>a\t',"
The two women mack a !lash\, liv('h pair as th(;'\'
roam~d from 1\"atcring hole to watering hole, nftt'O hining
tht rm1n on double dates.
kl d.tH:ci a~ much as I rnuld," Maril)11 <:aH. Ml wi.'h I
nmld 'klY 1 datt'd -.omtonc in partil:ular, btn I dido 't. I dattd c;onw Iawver~. a lot ofbusint"''men- nice men. but no

celebrities, no one of nute. You'd met:t them in, you,

cocktail lounges. But one of t.l1e most difficult things
about dating. \\hen ~ou're om \lith a gentleman for the
evening. is the fact that he drink." wo much."
,ou'l'C not ust:d to riC'h, rich men ... ~
Matil}11: ~\ou eithc1 don't let them drink or make
tlwm takt: a taxi tn the nst.aurant."
Rmce: MPeople ht't'<' are too ('heap to hire chauffeurs ... ~
\larilm; kOr. if he insists. vou put vour life in his
handl>. f'w hac! a few wild ride~. \1en don't \\o<l.nt to be se(r
a1-ated [rom their C'ar!'- nm at all!"
RO\'C'C: ~Year'l ago. tbt." police in Beverly Hill~ would
let vou go if the} knew you. The\' d protect you and driw
nm home."
But lift could be scary even on tlw Sunset Strip, a-;
.\.-larilp1 was l<l Jearn one night. She and Royce had gont
w C'atch 1-Iamld Rohbins' wife, Grace, singing at Vtrila~.
a resrauram owned by I lumphrcy Bogan's former mistress
Verit.a Thompson. (Thompson decorated tht bar with
the actor's photographs and would one day cause a stir b}
aunioning off his toupee.) But they got then too earl)
and reali7ed it would be some time bt'fore Mr'. Robbins
sang. The' wenn't eating. and ~1arilvn. feeling dozy.
headed for her car, leaving Rovre at the bar. \'enta 'sparking lot had been packed. and so .\1ru;l}11 's C'.adillac was on
the street. She locked the doon., cracked a window and
~tretched out on the back seat lor a snoo1e. Soon, howeYer, she awoke to find a stranger looking at her from behind the Caddy's wheel.
wHe was black and seemed \Cn nice." Marilvn n ..callc:. Mtk said, 'Here. wh) dou't vuu giw me the key~ and
\\e'll go for a little ride.' I ~aid. 'T don, think so.' bur gave
him the keys bc<.ause I was afraid he'd get mad. So he
dmve me over to the parking garage dmm under Cit) National Bank, just before BeverI) llills. We sat there for a
whilf'. He Wlb smoking something- pob<lbl} ha.o;hbh.
He rcallv didn't want me for ~ell., hut to talk and plea:mre
himst>U. After that wa<> over, ht dro'e mt: back and got out.
Then I went to Verita's, bnt RovC'c was gone. m I went to
a common meeting place that we usuall} ;uTanged lwfore
we \Wnt out at night. and eventually ~he canw along in a
taxi. We were \"t'l) fortunalf'. We had some vcr y wild things
happtn. things that should not haw happened. thar were
not 0111 fault."



l-shapt'd cour h in red \'dvett't'll "). and the women pul
then lwlonging~ in 'lOmgt .md <it-ramped from tlw ~1ark
\\ ilshm. fht' h1rl decicltd tn hit the mad in ~larilm 's
I <)77 Sedan d~ \ ' illt- ~we \H:n jn"t doing what \W 1\~nt
ed m do.- \he 'a~< of the trip. The ldta w;ts to tour the,..

JUNE 4- 10. 1999 LA WEEKlY 33


Forever Fabulous
"tate. although the) nncr got nurth ol Santa Barbar.t. Tlw
afOuc:nl mi,.,ion town ''uuld lx the 'll'llt' uf unc unintenuonalh t omical ,j,ll \\ ith It iends of \tarihn \\ ho li\t!d
in uiUcHlp,calc .\Jontet-itn. lh~ lWO nmtmhcr their !>tal
chic.:fl} for their ho:.ts' la">t'l~lx:.un '<.'Cilrit) '~stem. which
kept them prisoners in dreit 10om at ni~ht, and firrthe ab'C.'Illt.' of a home bar.
.\1.rrilrn: ''Thev had a secmin SY'>tc.:lll that was mrncd
on at nglit. w1th tho:.c rays ... "
Royrc: "They tnmc<l them on at 10 or II. and then )0\1
sta)'l'CI in rom room until 8 in tire morning. r11C\ were not
gtadous, they were not diMming. \(ru nm 1111agine! I was
likt a chained ligct. ,\nd tht') \Hluldn 't 'ern a drink . :
~tarihn: "The\ didn't chink .. "
Rmn: "1\t llC\CI liked S.lllt<l B.trh.tra. rm nsed (II'-ni.J.:htl'ltgance. 'ophistication. :-\e\' \or!... Elegam.t."
,\fttr that. their wad trip \\'a' ('"t'lltialh a 11cochct
dnlt' ulthc 211) mile, bctiHc.:n S.:m~ U.:uham ;md 'ktn Oit-go.
\\ith ~t<l\' at tlw Ccnlltn m 1\onawntliH whcncHr
the\ \\l'rt' in town. Tlw lllll"Cil'llltlltiou' encl came'~ lwn
the'C.ul<h , llctnsmis..,ion \\l'lll out in llaJll\\llod ..\lanhn
sptnt a lot ol mone\ gtuing it lix<cl :u Lou Ehler, em
Wilshin. onlv to ha\e htr dwrislwd sttlan hroachidedt\lit t'. \\11t'n it happentd Llll' -.c.roml tilllt'. tlw guilty pa11y.
a Be\erh IJill~ pS\chiatri'>t. nffccd \.l.rrilm cash npam
tiuus on th< sp<>t. She took tht mont'\ hut ditched the c.Ir.
It \1as timt to 'c.:ule down.




da) -.he and Ro\ce mmed imn their ptnent hotel. The t11o
ha1e been there ever since, first sh,mng a 'ingle room,

now each ''ith her o~m. thou~h thq arc not neighbo'
What \ext'' them mo~t is th< laClth<tt downtown holds no
M>< ial ctntcr for them. 'lher<''s no place," Maril}n say~. "for
"'-sophisticated, middlc-agc.:d womtn who need a regular plan -to go. Their prolonged sta) ha.' been hardest
on Royce. whose tim room abuts a nois) tlf'\':.llor.
I m Angeles is the garbage holt of tht wo-r-rld," ,fll'
~'}' her hand:. grand!~ swteping tlw .tir. "I'm tL\td to huge
~pa<t,l'm w.ed to eleganct'.l'm u~d w tht Plata. I don't
mHlt!'tand an) thing dse! Tlwrc'-. nothing dmnttm\ n
that rm u c.d tll- it\, not Ill} tnritor~- rm like the k(lpanl in J'hr .">II oWl of Kilmuuymo."
'llw hotel had been rcc.omnwmled to them hv friends.
and at tht time the car it'~-. \HIIlll'll \\Crt.' foneCt to halt
thl'it nip. dowmuwn h,td wtnwclliJ..c a rca!>onahlt
rompromi~~ berw<'en tlw unaflindohlt \\'ihhirc: wrridor
:u rd tlrc. tolorlt-.s ~uburb.... It h,,, 2:\0 room,, ,ome of'' hkh
.m at S~9 f>l'' night, cultltht ciCljomlng bar hoa"ts
a gcmron' happ} how 1hat hbh hom 5 to 10 p.m. l'lw
lobh\' fclilltt"nlognt of dbinlt-ctant lll'\<'r let.. <>nl' forget
thatthi' h dtmntovm. \\llh aJln, chi\ home linn'- and
ci.mgt'r1>. When the 1992 riaL' explmkd, "I'd go out in
from of the building and could ~c tlwm 'hootin!.:: out the
\\lnrlom; oftht: Lad1 Footlockc:t." .\larilm umcmbe1~. "I
didn't lt'a\e th\' hotel for ''eeks. h cou~in called lrom
Seall)t and a ... kecl, '\\hat', going on clown there?'"

.\farilyn~ own small room look~ out upon a storage

building, although a little neck craning rewarch her with
a partial vie~ of a parking lot 35 well . .Much of the room\
precious space is taken up b) a pik of large hatS, some
stuffed animals and a tottering butte of ~hoc boxes containing Ro)ce's foot\\ ear. A framed po~rtr of .\iaril)n ~ion roe
in a white mink coat hang., on one ~all, and a Princess
Diana commemorative plaLc and framed photographs of
F.litabcth Taylor and a Siamese cat arc placed on tables.
An avtd collector, Marilyn meticulously maintains a
scrapbook that includes thank-you lcucr~ from novelist
Barba,a Cartland, the office of painwr LtRoy ~ciman and
from l.i1 Taylor. to whom o;,hc once ~tnt a gct-wellleucr.
Other pages are an eclcctic archive of neatly clipped items
from tht nc\~spapcrs or tabloid!. about fashion, the OJ.
Simp,on C<l!>e and building~ sht admire~, along ~ith a
~ketch of I Ioward Hugh~. "fhis is my life," ~he savs of her
s<-rapbook, the 75th volume she has gathered.
,\!though the Iadie' spend much of their time together, their routines often divergt. kl have a tendenC) to
rtad late and get up late," .Maril}n confeso;,es. ki also go to
the library often."
Rovn: "I ha\C the original hl>1.11) <arcll"
~Ialit~ n: "I frc.:quenth get tht I 1\. 'f'iml'\."
Rmn: "Oh,God.l dun'tread till'/_,\. Jiml'l-l rtad
/Ju A'rw link 'flm~' the London J 11111 ' Pari\ ,\latch."
.\l:uthn: "I sub:.cribc to '/hwn & <:utmtn and .A irllittr/uml f)lgr~t-tha(, m} tavmitt. And lt.tkt tWo tabloi<b.
tht J:nquirt'rand the Slat. h', all go,,ip and llo\e it! 1\t
mktn l'la)hll)' ror the last 25 )ear,. I .1dmirc bcamiful peoplt <mel bt.amiful bodies. Slw g<h dbgu,ted ''ith me bcc.utw lt.tkt thest publicatiun,l" ~t.u il}n 'tillm<untam~ a
mtmbcr,hip in her belmtd Round 'Etblt' \\'c,t litera~~
dub. and i~ also an ardent follm\l'l' ol tlw TV soaps and
twlong~ 10 Tlu- }'mwg aTIII till' Ur~tlr!>l. official fan cluh,
which hold' )o,r.tthcring' at the \t'\Crl} II ill~ I lotcl.
In <ontra\t to ~1arihn. Royce, who ahhms tclt>vision
unci prl'fer' li\tening to da,,ical mu,il', i' .m early ri:.t'l
''ho fn:quenth lea\ e.~ rh~ hotclw vi,itthc Cal111an building and ollwr old haunt.'> in the g.trlllt'lll cli,tri< 1. Oe,pitc
tht clodginc-.., of downtO\~n. Royn. ft:n' no one.
"I'm H'n careful." 'Ill'"""' "rm \l'l' altrt. lmo\e un
llllicJ..h 1 1\l;uld murder ~on1emw. I'm \t't \ 't1ong."
"'))w \\<ar~ her rings loaclt-d!" :\larilm l.lllgh,, "Ro)C('
dot''ll t t.tkc them off. l'\l'll \dll'n .. he goc' out- ~he
... ty.,, 'I .1111 ''h" I am. and I'm goin~ to bt m\\t.'lf in
t'\t'l y 'ituation. '"


Ron c lt',tHIhcir hutd to haw hnu h .11 \\'indo''' a H!\l:tllthe 32nd flour of the
Tr~m,.umtit-J Building.; 111 the to\H~r, .unum .md
clt'\.ltOIS 'top.mrl 'itaH' nt the clqflllU} clltlll'd \\.Olllt!ll in
thcr cnormou~ haL'. Lunch lxgin~ on an ill omen ,1,
Rmce's club s.tnd\\1Ch am'e' m:rc cnms. Hut bcfort 'he
c.m r.ti5e the m:mcr \\1th ht'r ,,,titer, ~he notice' that her
~illl'rwarc ha~ been placed on ,, paper tnit>llt'. oh, tnl

.tr;t \\lth pawmuuic \iel\' hcm

GtHir '>ht '"'~ 'These paper n.tpJ..ins :u c.: tlll<~H<'pwblt."

.:'\ot on!\ that. hut allthl' rt-.taur.lnt\ t.thlt'' haw betn CO\l'll'd paptr in,tcad of limn doth' for lunth tinw.
"P,tpn lml', oh! It'~ totall) )..rro''"
\, tht waiter ~e<trche'> for a tloth ..\larilm .mtl
Rmn rtmini"fe about Llrcir <KTa,ional \I'i'' 10 the Sama
. \nn.t r;u.:c.:U~ll k, where Llu.: are \\Otllltl 'l)l'nd an .t.fternuon
111 the pri'<llt' 'I ur f Club. "Tiw llr't d.n I IH'nt to "ianla
Anit<l. I \\on tlw derby!" ~tarih.n nmlidt'
\.lonc.:v lor wonwn on Social St:curit} j, undt.n.tandabl~
tight, ,mel income from am !.tltlrte i' IH'korn< Ro,n ancl
Mat ihn oncc worked as audienn 'hilb lor .Ill auction
t.t.rinlo\ finn. btu haven't bttn 1111 tall 'inn .1 ne1' flo01
managtr ht cmght in hc.>r 0\\ll Ul'l\ ol out-of work at to".
'llw onh rww mont) on the honton i' a ()(h,iblt ~ultnwnt
from the cit) and .1 pr i\<Ht' tCIItll.t< tor lm a fall Marihn
took nt,u a c:on,truuion 'itt onbidt thtir hntl'l. A~ n>mpen....ruon fiJI' an inJUrt'd ankle and <11111, 'ht hopes lo lt'Ceiw
a ,um l.ugt t'nou~h to llHI\l' .m,l\ ftom ckm1llO\\ll.
"I'd pwhahh looJ.. at pl.r<t'' in Bc.'\l'lh lliJI, that .uc
l(llil"l, sill' '>3\~. "SUKt." Ro~n ha.' no l;unil~. 'ht'IJ hc. \\ith ntl'."
Rll\n: 1 don't thin).. ,o. I'm w..ed In li1 mg in rm
0\\ II ph;c l'. ~
M.trilvn: "Wdl. mavbt not." thinking ofa ntw sourn oluwnut. \laril~n i'
tntNdt ing 11 )ing to marJ..etlwt nnwI, '11u G'I'/H" rnallgi,,
a Milk ,lw looJ..~ upon a.o; lwr la,ting leg;u \, Again, tlllt'
c.tnnot help but dio;,cern a bir of till' aut hot in tht \Cntral
charactct, Clairt Brtese. the <ot'l\'ual, mothtring guardian
ol tlw 'tor,..., lw.. urious moun min dub- <r \\oman\\ Ito.
o\ the
'hate' Marilvn's micldlt. and maiden namn.
"Oh, Claire," ont dtatacter ll'lb her, ">ou ltacl 'mh a
hea111iful, exciting life ~urrounclecl b} hamlo.onw mtn
'' ho .tdot t )ou. Aren t youmw olth< luck} one' though."
Ptt h<tpo; tht nmclist ha:;. in her own wa~.lound the "torv\
~wonderful partie!> and camaradcrw" in the cmnpam of
htJ glamm ous friend. Royce, in whow 'hadow shl' ha.<.
kept warm lot I fi }<'aT!. and whom 'Ill' 1 tg.u d' ao., a cekbdt} in hcr own righL
~Royct "one of the moM f~t..cin,uing pc.opk in the
world: M.uil)n "<~)s. "1\t llll't ~tlot ofwonderful people
through hn, ;mel 'he's at tlw top of th.ll liM. She',
'er} lo\,tl, tnterwining .md uu'- ,Jrt', ~inn llll' a
lot of dothcs and jt.~dq." A' c\idttu t', ,(It' \\Cat,., a luxuriou' hluncl IC:-..-htr '' .1nd matt hing hat giwn to lwr
h) Ro~tt, I\ hn calb :\larih n "a m:u nlou' \n11nan and
\HIIHittf\1( fl itncl."
A' till' two 1\nlllt'll lim'h tlwu huu h, .1 ha\\k sudd<:nh 1\ lwcJ, !!Oiect l)l'nHrd .1 winclcm nlthl' tnl:tlii.Ull. a 'inbtl' I wt bt,Huihrl r.natllll' 1\IH>'l' clus!..} ll;ulwr' uflert
nmtt' ol tlw ( :.rthfonua 'un. I hell' j, 'omtthing lwp mtir
.thout the btrd of ]>W\. 'lllnl'thing .tbolltlt' unrcptntant
darkllt' ' th.u rt'<H hes back into mcmon, to a 11111<'
bcfm c cl< c .md gl<tmour \\ere dtl'.llllt into c:-..i't nee.
I h.ll s gorgcou,," Ro,, c> 'i.l\ Ml \\,\Ill lum, I'll ft:ed
him. Bircls t.tkc to me, I love him. I \\.lilt to .1dupt - oh,
thh lt'l nblc papt.r wblc-doth!MI!l


]n:E 4 10. tl99 LA WIEKLY 35

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