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Class XI & XII


DPP # 1
Passage :
Read the following passage carefully and
answer the questions. (Q.1 to Q.4)
The number of carbon atoms in exactly 12gm
of C12 is called Avogadros number, NA (6.02
x 1023). One mole is the amount of material
which contains Avogadros number of
These definitions emphasize that the mole
refers to a fixed number of any type of
particles. Thus it is correct to refer to a mole of
helium, a mole of electrons, or a mol
mole of Na+,
meaning respectively Avogadros number of
atoms, electrons or ions. On the other hand,
phrases like one mole of hydrogen can be
ambiguous, and should be restated as one
mole of hydrogen atoms or one mole of
hydrogen atoms or one mole of hydrogen
molecules. But it is a matter of common
practice among chemists, however, to let the
name of the element stand for its most
common form. Thus one mole of O2 is
frequently referred to as one mole of oxygen,
whereas one mole of O is called one mole of
oxygen atoms. Suppose if we take one mole
molecules of H2SO4 then it contain 2 moles of
H atom 1 mole of S atom and 4 moles of
O atom. It can be said also that
hat moles of
oxygen molecule is = 2 mole
1. According to common practice, if you
have Avogadro number of Hydrogen than
its mass is equal to
(b) 2g
(c) 4g
(d) depends on
2. From 64g oxygen, 11.2 lt. Oxygen gas at
S.T.P and 6.02 x 1023 oxygen atoms are
removed from the oxygen container. Find
the mass of the oxygen gas left.
(a) Zero
(b) 32g
(c) 16g
(d) none
3. From the mixture of 4 mole Ca3(PO4)2 and
5 moles of P4O10 and 6 moles of H3PO3 all
the phosphorus atoms are removed then
moles of P4 molecule formed from all
these atoms is
(a) 8.5
(b) 17
(c) 34
(d) 10
4. Sulphur exist in different allotropic forms
like S2, S6 and S8 etc. If equal weight of
three are taken in separate container then
the ratio of number of atoms is :

(a) 1: 3: 4
(c) 2:4:3

(b) 1:1:1
(d) 1:1:4

5. The density of water at 4oC is 1.0 x 103

kgm-3. The volume occupied by one
molecule of water is approximately
(A) 30 x 10-23 mL (B) 6.0 x 10-22 mL
(C) 3.0 x 10-21 mL (D) 9.0 x 10-23 mL
6. From 392 mg of H2SO4, 1.204 x 1021
molecules are removed. How many moles
of H2SO4 are left?
(A) 2.0 x 10-3
(B) 1.2 x 10-3
(C) 4.0 x 10
(D) 1.5 x 10-3
DPP # 2
1. Match the following :
Column I
(A) 32gm each of O2 and S
(B) 2 gram molecule of K3[Fe(CN)6]
(C) 144gm of oxygen atom
(D) From 168 g of iron 6.023 x 1023 atoms
of iron are removed the iron left
Column II
(p) 2 moles of Fe
(q) 3 moles of ozone molecule
(r) one mole
(s) 1.5 moles
2. 11.2 L of a gas at STP weights 14.0 g. The
gas could be
(A) N2O
(B) NO2
(C) N2
(D) CO
3. A gaseous mixture contains CO2(g) and
H2(g) in a 2.2:1 ratio by mass. The ratio of
the number of molecules of CO2(g) and
H2(g) is
(A) 5:2
(B) 1:10
(C) 10:1
(D) 1:5
4. Two volumes of ammonia, on dissociation
gave one volume of nitrogen and three
volumes of hydrogen. How much
hydrogen will be obtained from the
dissociation of 10 litre of NH3?
(A) 30 litre
(B) 10 litre
(C) 15 litre
(D) 20 litre
5. Calculate the weight of lime (CaO)
obtained by heating 200kg oof 95% pure
6. A compound has the compounds formula
X4O6. If 10g of X4O6 has 5.72 g of x,
atomic mass of x is
(A) 32 amu
(B) 37 amu
(C) 42 amu
(D) 98 amu

Class XI & XII


DPP # 3
Passage :
Read the following passage carefully and
answer the questions. (Q.1 to Q.5)
Large quantities of Hydrogen are required
these days in industry for various purposes.
Water is found to be the cheapest raw material
from which hydrogen can be obtained. One of
the important methods for the commerical
production of hydrogen iss Lanes process in
which steam is passed over hot iron. Iron
decomposes steam with formation of magnetic
oxide (Fe3O4) and hydrogen.
Fe3O4 + 4H2
3Fe + 4H2O
magnetic oxide
Iron is regenerated by reducing magnetic oxide
with water gas (it is a mixture of CO & H2 in
1:1 mole ratio)
(ii) Fe3O4 + 4CO 3Fe + 4CO2
(iii) Fe3O4 + 4H2 3Fe + 4H2O
(steam recovered)
[Equal amounts of magnetic oxide react in
steps (ii) and (iii)] Steam so produced is again
used in the previous step in which magnetic
oxide is produced :
[At. Wt. Fe = 56]

6. A mixture of 1.0 mole of Al and 3.0 mole

of Cl2 are allowed to react as :
2Al(s) + 3Cl2 2AlCl3(s)
(a) Which is limited reagent?
(b) How many moles of AlCl3 are formed
(c) Moles of excess reagent left unreacted

1. How many grams of iron are needed in

order to produce 11.2 liter of H2 gas at
(A) 56gm
(B) 21 gm
(C) 42 gm
(D) none

Passage :
Read the following passage carefully and
answer the questions (4 to 6).
Nitric acid is the most important oxi-acid
formed by nitrogen. It is one of the major
industrial chemicals and is widely used. Nitric
acid is manufactured by the catalytic oxidation
of ammonia that is known as OSTWALD
PROCESS which can bee represented by the
sequence of reaction shown below :
Pt / Rh
4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)

2. How many gram water gas is needed in

order to recover all the iron in previous
(A) 14gm
(B) 7.5 gm
(C) 15gm
(D) none
3. How many gram steam is consumed in
order to produce 11.2 litre H2 gas at S.T.P
(A) 9gm
(B) 36gm
(C) 15gm
(D) none
4. If iron is recovered in step (ii) (iii) with
80% efficiency than how many gram iron
is recovered if initially 56 gm iron is taken
(A) 44.8 gm
(B) 80gm
(C) 448 gm
(D) 4.48 gm
5. How many liter H2 gas is produced in step
(i) at STP in the above problem
(A) 22.4 litre
(B) 29.86 litre
(C) 2.986 litre
(D) 89.6 litre

DPP # 4
1. Calculate the molarity when
(a) 4.9 g H2SO4 acid dissolved in water to
result 500ml solution
(b) 2 gram molecular weight of KOH
dissolved in water to result 500ml
2. 3.75 g of a mixture of CaCO3 and MgCO3
is heated to liberate 0.04 mole of CO2.
Calculate the % of each consistent of the
3. What volume of 0.250 M HNO3 (nitric
acid) reacts with 50mL of 0.150 M
Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate) in the
following reaction?
2HNO3(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) 2NaNO3(aq)
+ H2O(1) + CO2(g)

2NO2(g) ..(2)
2NO(g) + O2(g)

3NO2(g) + H2O(l) 2HNO3(aq) + NO(g)

The aqueous nitric acid obtained by this
method can be concentrated by distillation to ~
68.5% by weight. Further concentration to
98% acid can be achieved by dehydration with
concentrated sulfuric acid.
4. 85 kg of NH3(g) was heated with 320 kg
oxygen in the first
rst step and HNO3 is
prepare according to the above reactions.
If the final solution has volume 500lt.
500 then
molarity of HNO3 is
(A) 2M
(B) 8M
(C) 3.33M
(D) 6.66M

Class XI & XII


5. If 180lt. of water completely reacts with

NO2 produced to form nitric acid
according to the above reactions then the
volume of air required at STP containing
20% of NH3 is ( H2O = 1gm/ml)
(A) 1.56 x 106 L
(C) 3.36 x 106 L

(B) 6.72 x 104 L

(D) None of these

6. If 170kg of NH3 is heated in excess of

oxygen then the volume of H2O(l)
produced in 1st reaction at STP is
(A) 336 x 103 L
(B) 270L
(C) 224 x 103 L
(D) 170L
DPP # 5
1. How many millilitres of 0.150 M H2SO4
(sulfuric acid) are required to react with
1.68 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate,
NaHCO3, according to the following
H2SO4(aq) + 2NaHCO3(aq) Na2SO4(aq)
+ 2H2O(1) + 2CO2(g)
2. Penicillin V was treated chemically to
convert sulphur to barium sulfate, BaSO4.
An 9.6 mg sample of in the molecule, what
is the molecular weight?
3. A sample of H2SO4 (density 1.787 g mL-1)
is labelled as 86% by weight. What is
molarity of acid? What volume of acid has
to be used to make 1 litre of 0.2 M H2SO4?
4. Mole fraction of I2 in C6H6 is 0.2. Calculate
molality of I2 in C6H6.
5. 20mL of 0.2 M Al2(SO4)3 is mixed with
20mL of 0.6 M BaCl2. Calculate the
concentration of each ion in solution.
Al2(SO4)3(aq) + BaCl2(aq) BaSO4(s) +
6. Match the following :
Column I
(a) 4.5 m solution of CaCO3 density 1.45
(b) 3M 100ml H2SO4 mixed with 1M
300ml H2SO4 solution
(c) 14.5 m solution of Ca
(d) In 4M 2 litre solution of NaOH 40 gm
NaOH is added.
Column II
(P) mole fraction of solute is 0.2
(Q) mass of the solute is 360 gm
(R) molarity = 4.5
(S) molarity 1.5

DPP # 6
1. Equal moles of H2O and NaCl are present
in a solution. Hence, molality of NaCl
solution is :
(A) 0.55
(B) 55.5
(C) 1.00
(D) 0.18
2. What weight of CO is required to form
Re2(CO)10 from 2.50 g of Re2O7 according
to the unbalanced reaction :
Re2O7 + CO Re2(CO)10 + CO2
(Re = 186, C = 12 and O = 16)
3. Calculate Oxidation Number (average, if
required) of underlined element and mark
those compound in which element is in
highest or lowest existing oxidation state
(i) NH2OH (ii) N3H
(iii) Ba(ClO3)2
(iv) Ba2XeO6
(v) Na2S2
(vi) V(BrO2)2
(vii) Na2Cr3O10
(viii) CaC2
(ix) Ca3P2
(x) AlN
(xi) K2SO3
(xii) Br3O8
(xiii) FeIICr2O4
(xiv) Fe(CrO4)

(xv) [Cr(OH)4]
The following questions consist of two
statements one labelled ASSERTION (A)
and the another labelled REASON (R).
Select the correct answers to these questions
from the codes given below :
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
(B) Both A and R are true but R is not
correct explanation of A
(C) A is true but R is false
(D) A is false but R is true
4. Assertion : 2M, 500ml of NaCl solution
and 1M, 500ml of CaCl2 solution has
equal number of Cl ions
Reason : Both solutions have equal moles
of Cl ions in given volume
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
5. Assertion : Average molar mass of a
gaseous mixture of O2 & CH4 gas will be
24 g/mole
Reason : Average molar mass depends
upon composition of the mixture.
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D

Class XI & XII


DPP # 7
1. Balancing of Chemical Reactions :
(a) H2O2 + MnO4 Mn+2 + O2 (acidic)
(b) Zn + HNO3 (dil) Zn(NO3)2 + H2O
+ NH4NO3
(c) MnO4 MnO42 + O2 (basic)
(d) P2H4 PH3 + P4
2. Minimum amount of Ag2CO3 (s) required
to produce sufficient oxygen for the
complete combustion of C2H2 which
produces 11.2 ltr of CO2 at S.T.P after
combustion is : [Ag = 108]
AgCO3 (s) 2Ag(s) + CO2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)
C2H2 + 5/2O2 2CO2 + H2O
(B) 345 gm
(A) 276 gm
(C) 690 gm
(D) 1380 gm
3. How much volume of 63% w/w aq. HNO3
solution (d = 1.5g/ml) is diluted with
sufficient water to prepare 1L of 3M
HNO3 solution.
4. The percent yield for the following
reaction carried out in carbon tetrachloride
(CCl4) solution is 80%
Br2 + Cl2 2BrCl
(a) What amount of BrCl would be
formed from the reaction of 0.025 mol
Br2 and 0.025 mol Cl2?
(b) What amount of Br2 is left unchanged?
DPP # 8
1. Balancing of Chemical Reactions :
(A) Ca3(PO4)2 SIO2 + C CaSiO3 + P4 +
(B) CrI3 + KOH + Cl2 K2CrO4 + KIO4
+ KCl + H2O
(C) Al [Al(OH)4] + H2(basic)
(D) IO4 + I + H+ I2 + H2O
2. In the reaction 4P + 3KOH 3KH2PO2 +
(A) P undergoes reduction only
(B) P undergoes oxidiation only
(C) P undergoes both oxidation and
(D) Neither undergoes oxidation nor
3. Which of the following reactions does not
involve either oxidation or reduction?
(A) VO2+ V2O3 (B) Na Na+
(C) Zn+2 Zn
(D) CrO42 Cr2O72

4. What is the equivalent weight of nitrogen

in the reaction NO3 N2?
(A) 14
(B) 4
(C) 2.8
(D) 7
5. In the half reaction 2ClO3 Cl2
(A) 5 electrons are gained
(B) 5 electrons are liberated
(C) 10 electrons are gained
(D) 10 electrons are liberated
6. In the reaction An2 + xe An1 Here x
will be
(A) n1 + n2
(B) n2 n1
(C) n1 n2
(D) n1.n2
7. Which statement is correct for Equivalent
weight of KMnO4
(A) Equivalent weight is 1/3 of molecular
mass in neutral and weak basic medium
(B) Equivalent weight is 1/5 of molecular
mass in basic medium
(C) Equivalent weight is equal to molecular
mass is acidic medium
(D) Equivalent weigt is 1/3 of molecular mass
in acidic medium
8. Equivalent weight of NH3 in the change
N2 NH3 is :
(A) 17/6
(B) 17
(C) 17/2
(D) 17/3

Class XI & XII



1) B

2) B

3) A

4) B

5) A

1) (a-S; b-P; c-Q; d-P)

5) 106.4 kg

2) (C, D)
6) A

1) B

4) A

2) B

3) A

1) (a) 0.1M (b) 4M

5) B

DPP # 1
6) A
DPP # 2
3) B
4) C

DPP # 3
6) (a) Al, (b) 1.0 (c) 1.5

DPP # 4
2. 66.66%, 33.34%
3) 60ml

DPP # 5
1) 66.66 mL
2) 6.66%, 480 3) 12.75ml, 15.68M
5) [Al3+] = 0.2 M, [Cl] = 0.6 M, [SO42] = 0, [Ba2+] = 0
6. (a R; b S; c P; d = Q, R)

4. D

4. 3.205

5. C

6. B

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