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Bethany News

December 2015

Tidbits and Tidings

wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger

can fill the manger need within usour soul.

And the time came for her to deliver her first-born

So, may this 2015 CHRISTmas, and all that follow, be

a Mary CHRISTMAS for youin Jesus name.

Mary CHRISTmas to you. Yes, that was not a
typo. Not a Merry Christmas, nor certainly NOT
Happy Holidays. I wish you all a Mary
CHRISTmas inviting you all to ponder the Mary
Miracle. Not so very long ago, such a Tidbits and
Tidings by a Lutheran would have raised a few
eyebrows . However, a greeting of Mary
CHRISTmas does not carry with it an urging for us
to worship Mary. What it does carry is an invitation
for us to receive the same miracle that took place in
Mary. No, Im not calling for mass pregnancies to
take place at Bethany, even though it would be nice
to have a few more births and baptisms. A miracle
took place in her. She, a virgin, conceived
miraculously, the seed of God that held His Son was
implanted deep within the dark pocket of her
The Latin word used to say the Word of God is
where we get the English word sermon. Thus we
speak of a pastor delivering the sermon
implanting, growing, and bringing forth, that is,
making flesh the Word of God that is within us.
Unlike most people today, even some of you who
may be reading this, Mary was not deceived by the
chaotic nature of the life around her. The message
of God, delivered to her was never set aside, never
attended to when she wasnt too busy with less
important matters. Indeed, she followed Jesus
closely, all the way to the cross. Why?...because she
knew that nothing else could fill the deep pocket of
need in her life. Though we may pretend, get
wrapped up in whatever seems important to us
now, we are no different. Only the Savior who was

Pastor Scott

Christmas At Bethany
Our Advent and CHRISTmas season this year begins
Sunday November 29th at our 10:25 a.m. First Sunday in
Advent worship. Join with us each Sunday as we light
candle by candle, counting down the days to the
celebration of the Lords coming, on CHRISTmas. Each
Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. , from December 2nd until
CHRISTmas, you are invited to smell and taste the aroma
of homemade Soup, Bread, and Devotions These
gatherings are also a good time to invite (in a
nonthreatening, easy-going way) a guest to gather with
us. Sunday, December 20th will be our CHRISTmas
Musical, entitled, A King Is Coming to Town. Could it be
the king of Rock and Roll Elvis, or King Tut, or Tarzan,
the king of the Jungle who is coming to the town called
Rumors Mill or a king far more important than all of
them?? Come support our young people as they take
over the worship service and share the Good News.
Thursday, December 24th, CHRISTmas-Eve, please join us
for our 11 p.m. this year CHRISTmas-Eve Candlelight
worship and celebrate the Lord who enters the stables
where we find ourselves. So, mark your calendar and
bring a friend with you to Bethany.

*Families of Sunday School Students are

encourage to attend the Advent Soup Suppers
on Wednesday evenings Dec. 2; 9; 16; 23 at
5:30 PM with devotions
following. (ending at 7:00 PM respecting a
school night)

December Birthdays

**Christmas Tree cutting at the Nastrom's

Needles Christmas Tree Farm; transporting;
setting up; watering; decorating with lights and
will be Saturday, Dec. 5th at 10:00 AM! Come
as a family and join the fun as we beautify our
sanctuary for the Christmas Season.

Sarah Smith
Kelsey Mollenhour
Florence Kost
Deanna Grogg
Scott Parsons
Diane Cate
Howard Larson
Scotty Redpath
Shannon McDowall

***Confirmation for the "Fast Track" students will

be Sunday, December 13. Coffee/Fellowship
Hour will be a reception for the confirmants
following the
10:25 AM worship service.
****"The King is Coming" SS Christmas
Program- Sunday Dec. 20 during 10:25 AM
worship service.
Confirmants and Sunday School students have
been practicing during Chapel time since the
first of November! They get to compare other
kings to the
King of Kings and realize that Christ the King
reigns over all!
*****Welcome to our Christmas Eve Service- 9
PM- Dec. 24
There will be No SS Dec. 27 and Jan. 3.
Welcome Back... at 9:15 on Sunday Jan.10,

December Anniversaries

Gary & Sandy Nelson

Mark & Christina Parsons
Shelley & Rod Redpath
David & Virginia Erickson

Update on our Altar Painting

Though the restoration is over we are
working on the recommended lighting
that will enhance the presence of our
"Christ in Gethsemane". We are pleased
to announce we are coordinating our
ideas with Jerry Larson for electrician

WELCA - December 2015

Happy (Church) New Year and Merry Christmas!!
As the end of the calendar year approaches, we
celebrate the beginning of the church year, Advent.
In todays world, Advent is more important than
ever to remind us of the Reason of the Season
and to help us prepare for the celebration of the
birth of the Baby Jesus.
This Wednesday, marks the first Advent Soup
Supper and Devotion of 2015.
We need
volunteers to cook, serve and EAT! The schedule
is normally to eat at 5:30, start the devotion at
approximately 6:15 and conclude by 7:00. Please
consider joining us!
The ladies of the church (WELCA) have again
sponsored the Giving Tree which is now up in the
sanctuary. We obtain the details pertaining to
specific items needed by certain families from the
fire department in Scappoose. These items have
been written on the ornaments on the tree. We
ask that you take 1 or more tags, fulfill the need,
and then return the wrapped gift to the church no
later than December 13.
Please attach the
original tag to each gift to help with the distribution
of the gifts.
The gifts will be transported to the fire department
in Scappoose for delivery to the families in need.
WELCA will supplement the original list of needed
items with toys & games, quilts and certificates for
full holiday meals.
If you do not want to shop for an item, we
graciously accept cash donations. There are tags
with envelopes attached on the tree for this
purpose. Please return the cash to Nancy, Diane,
Barb or Val.
Thank you so much for your
generous contributions!!
We will also be supporting a new venture being
started in St Helens by the Community Action
Team (CAT). There will soon be, and may already
be open, a new Warming Center available to the
homeless population in our area.
CAT has
reached out and asked for hygiene kits that will be
provided to the shelter guests as they depart the
shelter in the morning. These kits consist of items
we all take for granted every day such as
toothpaste and toothbrushes, razors, etc. Watch
the bulletin for more information as to what is
needed, and where the donated items can be
dropped off.

It has become necessary to reassess our priorities

this year, and we will not mail cookie boxes.
However, we will be making cookie plates on
Thursday, December 10th at noon and need
volunteers to bake cookies and join us to make the
gifts. If you know of someone you feel we should
include on this list, please let us know immediately.
You can also join us to visit these cherished
friends and families of Bethany when the gifts are
Are you a member of a Bethany Circle? Circles
are small groups of ladies that serve when
special events happen such as weddings,
funerals, or other church occasions. Each Circle
has a leader that coordinates the needs as they
come up. These Circles rotate throughout the
year 2 months at a time and are listed at the end
of each newsletter. The Circles will now be taking
on the church cleaning.
This will become a
monthly rotation. If your name isnt listed as a
Circle member, please contact one of the leaders
listed in the newsletter. All helping hands are
Please keep in mind that the quilt show comes up
quickly after the first of the year. We are in need
of more display quilts! If you know of anybody that
has quilts, please encourage them to bring them
for display. We want ALL quilts:
New, Old,
amateur, or professional. AND, we want their
STORY! They will be displayed with respect and
handled with great care!!
The WELCA would like to wish everyone a very
blessed CHRIST-mas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for your generous support in 2015!
Nancy Conner,

Church Council Minutes from 11-12-2015

Present: Jerrie Cate, Tracey Barker, Shannon Fitzgibbons,
Bill Grogg, Pam Heimuller, Chris Mollenhour & Angela
In honor of Veterans day, Pastor Scott read a letter
written by President Abraham Lincoln to a bereaved
mother of two sons lost in the Civil War.
Pastors Report: Pastor began by thanking Diane &
Jerrie Cate for fixing the light fixtures in both the office
and womens restroom. Pastor changed the reader
board to include information about Thanksgiving eve
eve service on Tuesday, November 24th at 6:30pm. He
would like people to bring an offering of non-perishable
food for the Food Bank. Advent begins on Sunday,
November 29th and he will pick up the Advent wreath
graciously donated by the Nastroms. He is thinking of
having straw for people fill the manger as a way to
prepare for the coming of Christ. He visited with Al
Anderson to thank him for the metal cross used for All
Saints Sunday and encouraged him to sing in the Choir.
The Childrens program will be Sunday, December 20th
and is called A King is coming to town. He received a
letter from Evy. She, Dan and Oliver have been attending
First Lutheran Church. Pastor encouraged her to attend
both. Barb T. has been teaching the FastTrack version
of confirmation.
Minutes: Reviewed. Bill G. moved they be accepted 2nd
by Chris. M. Approved as read..
Financial Reports: As of 10/31/15, total income is;
$11,367, 31; total expenses $9,511.43 Bethany is in the
black by $1855.88. Jerries understanding is that
outstanding debts are back wages for Pastor Scott of
$1668.00 & 1/3rd of the property taxes in the amount of
$610.06. Jerrie C. volunteered to ask Jean E. & Mary ND
about the current status of debts if Bethany is able to
pay these two items.
Committee Reports:
Christian Education - Barb T. was absent. Chris M.
reported some confusion and inconsistency among
confirmation kids and with their packets. Pastor said
there should be one packet for Fast Track kids which
are those already engaged in confirmation classes and
another for those just beginning confirmation classes.
Chris M. voiced that her understanding was the two
classes would be taught separately and work would be
done in class in groups, not at home then reviewed in
class. Pastor said he will be there to help get everyone
on the same page.
Building & Property: As previously reported, Diane &
Jerrie C. replaced light fixtures in the office and womens
restroom. The Redding Group (RG) sent a letter outlining
a list of items that need attention. Jerrie C. said he

would ask that the handy man from RG repair the

more critical items. Pam H. asked about repairs made
last month to a leak in the upstairs bathroom. About
$80 was withheld on the rent for November. Jerrie C.
asked for an itemized bill which was later circulated by
email to council. The cost was $79.99 mostly labor and
about $8 in materials. In the future, Jerrie C. will ask RG
for an itemized bill on any repairs made to the
parsonage. Ongoing: roof shingles need repaired;
banisters still need caps; a leak under the kitchen sink
downstairs needs attention.
Evangelism & Stewardship: Shannon F. reported that
Scrip has a balance of $649.91. Two welcome bags are
available to be given to visitors.
Old Business:
Past Due Bills: A motion was made by Chris M. to use
the balance in the black to pay Pastor back wages of
$1668.00 and to take $630 from Scrip to pay towards
property taxes of $610.06. Bill G. 2nd it. Motion passed.
Jerrie C. reported that Barb T. is checking into lighting
for the altar painting. Contractors suggested the lighting
be changed from underneath to overhead. Jerrie Cs
understanding is that the Memorial Fund will pay for the
lighting upgrade.
Shannon F. asked what the ELCA is and what it does for
Bethany. There was discussion about the role of the
Chris M. volunteered to redraft an updated letter
advising the congregation on Bethanys financial status
and circulate it to Council.
New Business: Angela S. discussed an upcoming
Swedish potluck on Saturday November 21st and the
Santa Lucia festival on Sunday December 6th. More
details to follow.
Pam H. reminded Pastor Scott about the agreement
with council that the 1st & 3rd Sundays be traditional
with NO media at all and the 2nd & 4th Sundays be casual
and open to media use by a regularly trained media
person. Jerrie C. reiterated that NO media be used at
the Christmas Eve service at 11pm either. After a few
clarifying questions by Pastor, he agreed to stick to this
Motion was made to adjourn council by Bill B. with a 2nd
Tracy B. Council adjourned at 8pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Pam Heimuller,
Council Secretary

Church Calendar Summary for 2015-2016

Confirmation (30 weeks)

October 4 thru May 15

Sunday School and first/second year confirmation

Christmas Program practice

November 29 & December 6, 13, 20
Advent dates
Wednesdays, December 2, 9, 16, 23
Christmas Program
December 20
Christmas Eve Service
December 24 - 11:00 pm
Sunday School reopens
January 10

No SS on December 27 or January 3
Ash Wednesday
February 10
Lenten Services
February 17, 24 and March 2, 9, 16
Palm Sunday
March 20
Maundy Thursday
March 24
Good Friday
March 25
March 27
Spring Break (same as Holy Week 2016) March 19 thru March 27.

SS is OPEN on March 20 and 27
January 17
St. Valentines Day
February 14
Holy Week
March 20 thru 27
Pet Blessing
April time TBA
Mothers Day
May 8
Last Day of Sunday School
May 15
2016s confirmation class
May 22

2015 WELCA Circles

These Circles have been formed in an effort to organize the efforts of willing and faithful servants at
Bethany. The main focus of the Circles would be to organize and serve at special events at Bethany,
specifically weddings and funerals.
However, based on the size and scope of an event, it may be necessary to call on other Circle
members to assist, or to recruit help within the congregation from ladies not yet assigned to a specific
In addition, Circles may host special celebrations such as baptisms or confirmations.

To join a Circle or ask Questions:

Diane Cate, Nancy Conner, or Val Lauter

Magdalene Circle
June July

December January

Mary Circle

August September
February March

Barb Topham, Leader Valerie Lauter, Leader

(503) 366-1973
(503) 397-4131

Eve Circle

October November
April May
Vi Brown, Leader
(503) 312-1133

Chris Mollenhour
(503) 543-6003

Jean DeLonais
(503) 397-3876

Virginia Erickson
(503) 397-6289

Deanna Grogg
(503) 543-6256

Diane Cate
(503) 396-6742

Betty Blankenship

Shelly Redpath
(503) 543-7016

Nancy Conner
(503) 397-6316

Sandy Nastrom
(503) 397-5997

Christina Parsons
(503) 366-9045

Mary Newell
(503) 397-6831

Pam Heimuller
(503) 369-1634

Tracey Barker
(503) 397-3488

Amy Miller
(503) 366-1258

Pat Lange
(503) 397-3237

Mary Trapp
(503) 369-1625

Shannon Fitzgibbons
(503) 260-4966

Kathryn Frank
(503) 543-3009





9:30 AM Sun.
10:30 AM Sun. Service

9:30 AM Sun.
10:30 AM Children's Program

9:30 AM Sun.
10:30 AM Confirmation Service

9:30 AM Sun.
10:30 AM Sun. Service

9:30 AM Sun.
10:30 AM Sun. Service







December 2015

5:00 PM Christian
6:30 PM Church





5:30 PM Advent
Soup Supper

5:30 PM Advent
Soup Supper

5:30 PM Advent
Soup Supper

5:30 PM Advent
Soup Supper






11:00 PM Christmas Eve Service

9:00 AM Bethany

12:00 pm
Cookie Plates

9:00 AM Bethany

9:00 AM Bethany






New Years Day

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day





Magdalene Circle




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9:00 AM Get
Christmas Tree


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