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Brandi Hoffman Teaching Evaluation 10-5-15

Overall Approach- Instructional strategy was lecture/discussion that

included group work and a short video.
Environment- I liked the quotes from the Surgeon General-try not to
read slides to them though. Thanks for sharing your personal story on
having anxiety and depression. I think this really got their attention
although they probabaly wanted more details.I know I did. But with
personal revelations such as this, you have to control how much you
want to share.
Having class this time of day tends to hinder discussion a bit-students
not real awake and often not on time. We will need to get them
motivated to be on time more.
I am glad you walked around during the group work to make sure they
are on task. Try to engage them more in the group workbe
enthusiastic to try to motivate them. I know you are passionate about
the topic. I was curious about those 16 ways for NSSI. You mentioned
hitting yourself with objects but stating some of the others would be
good. Although I think students have heard of cutting behavior, I
think the NSSI term was new to them and more examples of what
would classify would have assisted with their understanding of the
term. Keep asking them to speak up for their classmates benefit. I
couldnt hear some of the reporting out of groups.
I liked your use of technology and your choices of what to show. Brenee
Brown Ted Talk was helpful for visual learners.and contained great
information that spoke to the heart of the issue (no pun intended).
I also liked your Robin Williams slide and quote. Another thing I was
thinking was that he was 63and it seems like many men in 50s and
60s, particularly those in life transitions are suicidal. After the video
there were some good reactions. The student that said her friend
doesnt sing anymore was a poignant remark.
The vulnerability issue is a big one. I like how you encouraged them
getting help such as counseling rather than numbing. At this point in
the lesson I felt you really had their attention. Your passion came out
many times when processing the video.
I also liked how you included ACHA-NCHA data on college student
depression and the Surgeon Generals site. They were fading a bit at
the end as they always do though.

Classroom Management: Some students in this class seem

perpetually tired and some disengaged-try to motivate them with
Our two talkers were at it again, sending texts and showing them to
each other. The rest of the class was on task. I will talk to them on
Weds. After class.
Summary: Overall, you did a great job on this lesson Brandi. There are
a few recommendations herein for you, but very nice job. Thanks for
mentioning the depression screening opportunity. Keep up the great
Here are some questions I would like you to think about for our brief
meeting on Weds. after class:
1) Do you know what type of learners and learning styles we have
in this room? How can we tell?
2) What do you feel the student expectations and attitudes are
coming into this class?
3) How can our course content create personal meaning in our
students lives?
4) How can we develop a more global perspective in our teaching?
5) How do you describe your teaching style and why do you think
you developed this style?
Again, great job Brandi! I cant wait to see your next lesson! Have you
gotten a sexual assault speaker yet?

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