Environmental Pollution: of Source of Where They Come

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Environmental pollution

Action of contaminating elements of the world such as water, air and earth with other
elements that produce a change in their natural composition. These changes can affect to
the health, quality of life, natural working of animals, plants and humans, also they can
affect unfavorable natural conditions of any environment and this consequences come
generally by human activity in any environment.
Types of pollution
Pollution can classify according to the type of source of where they come or the shape of
contaminant that emits or the environment that is contaminated thats why these manners
are separated in: atmospheric pollution, water pollution and ground pollution
Atmospheric pollution
Books describe it how contamination with gaseous residues or products that can put on
risk health of humans, animals and plants, to attack different materials, to reduce visibility
and produce bad smells
Thus, contaminants such as CO,

, NO, particles on the air are principally

produced by industries and cars combustion, we know that this contaminants are reduced
when they are dispersed in the atmosphere, however this natural process depends on
different factors of environment such as temperature, speed of winds, pressure and their
interaction with mountains and valleys, on this way, this pollution can be local or global,
local if it affects a determinate space and global if it affects to the world for example acid
rain and global warming.
Atmospheric pollution can affect farms animals, crops and forests, apart from this, there is
still one big problem, humans technologic progress is growing every year and for
consequence the fight against pollution cant progress considerably, approximately the 80
percent of CO and the 40 percent of the NO is produced by humans with coal combustion,
oil and gasoline, these gaseous are emitted especially by cars and trucks in intern
combustion, this kind of pollution with a big extension produce a phenomenon knows how
greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon that permit to enter more sun light to the world and
therefore the world is warming up every year because of infrared rays that are not being
reflected very well all the energy to the space causing the presence of much gaseous on the
air, this is not good for the world, this problems could affect global weather, firstly thaw of
the polar icecap and secondly increasing seas level.
Water pollution
Incorporation of strange materials to the water, such as micro-organism, chemical
products, factorys residues and sewage. These matters reduce quality of the water and
make it useless for any use
Some types of water pollution

The liberation of residues and contaminants that are dragged by the rain are
transported towards rivers and penetrating subterranean waters or end in lakes and
For spilling or unloads of sewage, increase of nutrients in sweet waters of lakes or
unloads of garbage.

Sea residues that are generally plastics contaminate oceans and coasts, sometimes
they accumulate on high seas as a big spot of garbage from the pacific.

Water pollution is destroying environments and producing bas smells, in many cases,
animals are affected with changes in their habitats, converting it uninhabitable to live, for
example, fishes are the most affected in this changes, countries with a great diversity of
marine animals have found death fishes in their beaches or rivers some years ago and this
can happen because of they dont have a good plan to control water pollution in all their
Some of the most important contaminants of the water are:

Plants in decomposition
Chemical products (detergents, drugs, factorys products)
Mineral (mercuric, gold, plead, iron, etc.)
Radioactive substances

The principals sources of water pollution can classified like urban, industrial and farming
Urban pollution
Urban pollution is principally made up for sewage of houses and commercial centers, this
residues can be detergents and bathrooms residues
Industrial pollution
This type of contamination depends with factorys features, paper factories produce many
liters of contaminated water and in many cases this water doesnt have a good process to
clean it, on the other hand nuclear factories can produce with a few elements a bigger
pollution thats why that a country must have a good control in any factory that realized any
type of pollution.
Farming pollution
Farming pollution is produce by farm animals residues and fertilizers. The fertilizers can
be filtered to subterranean and superficial waters, this contaminants include sediments from
erosion that contains animals residues and commercial fertilizers, also water pollution can
affect ground pollution waters from seas, rivers and any part with water pollution alter
organisms that absorb toxic contaminants, by the way this contaminants produce more
contaminants around and generating undesirable organisms.
Ground pollution
Accumulation of the earth with persistent-toxic compounds, chemical products, salts,
radioactive materials, etc. they have an effect adverse with the development of animals,
plants and humans

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