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WKNJ Newscast

Daniel Donaldson

Good afternoon, it's Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 at 2 o'clock and

you're listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and I'm Dan
Donaldson with the news.

In Local News.
A Jersey City man was arrested and charged yesterday with robbery in
what appears to have been a shoplifting went wrong yesterday officials
said. 47-year-old Jerry Williams adds another addition to 87 prior
arrests, his most recent being in June 2015. Williams is charged with
using physical force against store employees when he started shoving
and pushing victims to escape after they confronted him for shoplifting
$112 worth of merchandise. Due to his record, Williams' bail was set
at $75,000 cash or bond when he made his first court appearance on
the charges this afternoon in Central Judicial Processing court in
Hudson County jail in Kearny.

Its beginning to look put likespring? NJ is looking to have one of the

warmest December on record this week, with another three days of
raising temperatures before the mercury starts to cool down.

Meteorologists are keeping a close eye on the record books as temps

reach to abnormal December highs of 65F degrees. During the first 14
days of this month, New Jersey's average temperature was

Running about 10 degrees above normal as a wave of warm air

blanketed most of the East coast, and colder air remained locked up in
northern Canada. The current record for the highest temperature in on
record is still held by 2006, with highs nearing 67F. However current
projections say that this week may have a rise in temperatures that
could tie or beat the record. Stay tuned to or WKNJ weather forecast for

In National News.

The 4th Republican Presidential debate will be aired live tonight on

CNN, which will feature nine of the top candidates in the race. These
include front-runner Donald Trump, Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio,
Dr. Ben Carson, and Governor Jeb Bush. He debate will center around
the top of homeland security and defense against terrorism,
specifically after the ISIS attacks in Paris last month, and the shooting
in San Bernardino California last week. The debate also comes after
Donald Trumps recent comments on his controversial plan to ban

Muslims from entering the US in the wake of the ongoing impact of ISIS
and Syrian refugee crisis. But if past trials are any guide, the billionaire
real estate mogul won't easily be tripped up. Rubio and Cruz are also
expected to try and gain as much ground to take the lead from Trump
as possible, with both candidates getting support from the Republican
establishment against Trumps more important support. The debate will
air live at 8:30 pm.

In International News
Saudi Arabia has announced plans to form a 34 state Islamic military
coalition to combat terrorism in the Middle East region. The list of
countries includes Egypt, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Pakistan
and African states. The coalition is being created to defend and
suppress attacks against the rising ISIS as well as maintain control of
offensive coming out of the conflict in Syria and Iraq. The
announcement cited "a duty to protect the Islamic nation from the evils
of all terrorist groups and organizations, whatever their sect and name,
which wreak death and corruption on earth and aim to terrorize the
innocent." Iran was notably absent from the announcement, mainly
due to political conflicts with Saudi Arabia over the last few years. The
coalition also comes after the US increasing outspokenness to Gulf

countries in doing more to campaign against Islamic terrorism in the


In entertainment news.
The force is beginning to awaken for world wide movies goers this
week, as the highest anticipated movie of 2015, Star Wars: The Force
Awakens, had its premiere in Los Angles this Monday. The first showing
coincides with the release of the film this Friday. Stars new and old
were present for the first showing of the film, including Harrison Ford,
Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver and Oscar Issac. Director J.J.
Abrams was also present along with Star Wars creator George Lucas.

Fans who have passionately been waiting outside for the premier this
Friday were also let in to see the film with the creators to reward their
dedication. The seventh entry in the Star Wars Saga will release
worldwide this Friday, and has already broken ticket pre-sale records.
The film is projected to take in over 100 million dollars opening

In sports..
Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger recent spoke out
against Cincinnati Bengals linebacker Vontaze Burfict after an injury

sustained during Sunday night's game. Roethlisberger believes that

Burfict intended to hurt him with a low hit, which injured his ankle after
a pass left his hand during the first half of the Steelers 33-20 win. "I
don't buy that he was pushed," said Roethlisberger, who watched the
play on tape after the game. "He definitely was diving in low and going
for my legs. It's tough. I am just glad I didn't get hurt." Burfict was not
penalized on the hit against Roethlisberger but could draw a fine from
the NFL.

Now for WKNJ weather

Higher temperatures than normal for December today with highs in the
mid 60's. Low near the mid 50's. Mostly sunny during the day into the
afternoon with clear skies tonight.
Current temperature on campus is 61F

That's it for your news. You're listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New
Jersey. I'm Dan Donaldson, and we'll be right back after this.


1) ( ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2) ( ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for
other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.
3) ( ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around
those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.

4) ( ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited
in the bibliography in the text of the paper.
5) ( ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.
6) ( ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be
stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the
7) ( ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks
interpretation or originality.
8) ( ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully
transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.

Name: __________Daniel Donaldson____________________________ Date:


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