Questions and Answers

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Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers

1. (TCO 1) Which of the following is an example of an organization? (Points : 7)

The Department of Labor
The Atlanta Braves
The Boys & Girls Club of America
All of the above

Question 2.2. (TCO 2) In Florida, a vacationer could choose from over 200 timeshare resorts. In
Vermont, the choice is limited to 15. A resort in Vermont has (Points : 7)
the power of buyers.
the power of suppliers.
the threat of new entrants.
competitive rivalry.
the competitive advantage.

Question 3.3. (TCO 3) Individuals in an organization who find themselves in an ethical dilemma
have many factors that will determine whether their behavior is ethical or unethical. Which of the
following does NOT determine the behavior? (Points : 7)
Organizational culture
Individual's stage of moral development
Issue intensity
Individual's characteristics

Questions and Answers

Size of the organization

Question 4.4. (TCO 4) When 12 original countries joined together, with the primary goal of
reasserting the region's economic position against the United States and Japan, the _____ was
formed. (Points : 7)
African Union
European Union
Central America Free Trade Agreement
developing market economy
Association of South-East Asian Nations

Question 5.5. (TCO 5) Busy managers will often make a decision based only on their ability to
understand and process the information. This type of decision making is (Points : 7)
bounded rationality.
a satisfice.
Rational decision making.
Escalation of commitment.
None of the above

Questions and Answers

Question 6.6. (TCO 6) Jay wants to start a new business. Which of the following questions
should he use as part of his analysis of the ideas for a new business? (Points : 7)

Who is the potential customer?

What simliar or unique product features does his proposed idea have to compare to what's
currently on the market?
How and where will potential customers purchase his product?
How will he need to promote and advertise his product?
All of the above.

Question 7.7. (TCO 7) A regional manufacturing operation has the following divisions:
manufacturing, finance, human resources, marketing, and shipping/receiving. This is an example
of _____ departmentalization. (Points : 7)

Question 8.8. (TCO 8) According to Herzberg, when _____ factors are adequate, employees
won't be satisfied, but they won't be dissatisfied either. (Points : 7)

Questions and Answers


Question 9.9. (TCO 9) During which stage of group development do members try out various
forms of behavior in an attempt to test the waters and see what will be acceptable in the group?
(Points : 7)

Question 10.10. (TCO 10) Income statements, balance sheets, and audits are examples of the
control of (Points : 7)
physical resources.
financial resources.
organizational complexity.
human resources.

Questions and Answers

Question 11. 11. (TCO 2) In today's environment, what are the important organizational
strategies to be considered? Discuss why each is important. (Points : 10)
Answer: In todays business environment organizations should consider the transformation
process while approaching any business even many large organizations have been
implementation as per the global market requirement. It has goals to achieve:

Full customers value satisfaction.

Manage the workplace crisis.

High profit gains by following the quality services

Question 12. 12. (TCO 3) Encouraging ethical behavior is part of management's role. What are
four things that an organization's management can do to encourage ethical behavior? Give
examples for each thing a company can do. (Points : 10)
Ethical behavior is the current business process requirement and it must be approach by each and
every organization, so that can prevent any possible organizational internal conflict among
1. Written code of ethics and standards (ethical code)
2. Ethics training for executives, managers, and employees
3. The availability of ethical situational advice (i.e. advice lines or offices)
4. Confidential reporting systems.

Questions and Answers

Question 13. 13. (TCO 7) Briefly describe the matrix structure of organizational design. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of this design? (Points : 10)

Answer: A matrix organization structure is usually defined as one where there are multiple
reporting lines i.e. employees have more than one formal boss. This may incorporate solid lines
i.e. direct strong reporting and dotted lines i.e. a weaker reporting relationship, but still indicating
some formal level of right to the individuals time or it may mean multiple solid lines to more
than one boss.
At this level, the definition of a matrix organization structure is quite simple but there are many
different types of complex structure which need require to maintain the organizational hierarchy.
Increased Motivation
Increased Profit Expectations
Internal Complexity
Expensive to Maintain and Internal Conflict

Question 14. 14. (TCO 8) Identify three performance appraisal methods and an advantage and
disadvantage of each method. (Points : 10)
Top-Down Appraisals: In a traditional, top-down performance appraisal, the supervisor
monitors employee performance and progress throughout the appraisal period. At the end of the
designated period, the supervisor uses some rating technique to make a performance assessment

Questions and Answers

and meets with the employee to discuss the assessment. Its a traditional approach, and depends
upon mutual understanding between employee as well as individual employee. Generally, in
favor of organization.
Self-Appraisal: Self-appraisal gives employees an opportunity to evaluate their own
performance. Self-appraisal works especially well with highly motivated, self-directed, and
career-focused workers. Less in favor of organization which sometimes create financial issues
within the organization.
Multisource Assessment: Multisource assessment is known by a variety of names, including
360-degree feedback, multirater assessment, and three-dimensional or full-circle appraisal. MSA
elicits specific, objective, constructive feedback from a variety of knowledgeable sources, with
the goal of more accurately assessing how an employee is doing. Less in favor of employees
because multirate approach.

Question 15. 15. (TCO 9) Identify and briefly explain five communication issues for
management in today's organizations. (Points : 10)
Five Communication Issues in organization which generally face as follows:
1. Miscommunication due to lack of understanding
2. Lack of knowledge, makes wrong sense of direction
3. Late intimation regarding any upcoming meets, so no pre-preparation.
4. Lacking in communication skills

Questions and Answers

5. Language in competencies where most of time employees didnt understand the mean
and revert with difficult words.

Question 16. 16. (TCO 10) Identify and describe the controls that can be used before, during, and
after an activity. (Points : 10)
Answer: Controlling is the management activity which assist to track the work and ensure that
everything will be go in right direction, doing in right direction and expecting the correct results
as per requirements which were set during beginning the business activities. Higher management
perform to manage the work effectively with considerable controlling efforts.

Question 17. 17. (TCO 2) What are the changes facing managers now? (Points : 10)
Answer: There are many things which seem to be change in organizational environment as
approaches which are being follow by organization have been changed as they have provided
flexibility to employees to talk with anyone, share their thoughts, can go to higher management,
etc. These approaches have minimized the managers flexibility in organizations. Moreover, they
faces concerns from clients and workplaces issues where their teams were involved to in
conflicts and managers have to do extra efforts to control activities.

Question 18. 18. (TCO 2) Describe the six components of the external environment and give at
least one specific example of each of the components that are not examples given in the
textbook. (Points : 20)

Questions and Answers


The external environment of marketing is comprises of those uncontrollable forces outside of

your organization. These forces that can influence your business are uncontrollable because you
do not have any control over them, but yet, you can respond and adapt to their treats and
influences with your controllable mix element from your internal environment.
1. Competition: competition refers to the numbers of similar competitive product brands
marketers in your industry, their size and market capitalizations. You as a marketer might not
have direct influence on them, but its important that you monitor their activities, and then design
effective strategies using your controllable variables.
2. Governmental policies: the government policies refers to the laws and legality that guilds the
land, they go a long way to affect your business operations as a marketer. For instance,
government restriction on the importation of a particular product might hinder the marketers
playing in that particular field.
3. Natural forces: this refers to the physical environment, it comprises of the available or lacks of
natural resources that can vacillated or hinder your production output.
4. Social and cultural forces: the social and cultural forces refers to the structure and dynamics of
individuals and groups and their behaviors, believes, thought patterns and lifestyles, friendship
etc. many of this trends goes a long way to affect your marketing operations.
5. Demographic factors: demography refers to study of people, such as their age, sex, marital
status, occupation, family size etc. Though, demography is uncontrollable because you cannot
control the sex, age, marital status in your external environment, but accurate forecast of it goes a
long way to enabling you as a marketer forecast future trend and consumptions of your product.

Questions and Answers


6. Technological changes: technology post much challenges to marketers, it affects the kind of
product that you as a marketer can offer, For instance, technology have changed products like
typewriting machines into a more proficient computer systems. You cannot stop the advancement
of technology, but you can learn to adapt to it changes.
For Example: A competition can be seen due to technological changes where Apple mobile
department has been continuously fighting with Google Androids competitive changes which
have seemed more effective in last five years and gained over the iOS (Apples operation system)
devices and technology.

Question 19. 19. (TCO 8) You are a manager of a consulting firm with 25 employees under your
supervision. Employee motivation appears to be slipping, as well as employee performance.
Employees seem to have a negative attitude about their work, which has led to some turnover of
employees and an increase in absenteeism. You have been asked to provide upper management
with recommendations of how to improve motivation of the employees. Please create a
motivation plan and list the main motivational theories you are applying in this plan. You should
come up with a minimum of three ideas on how to improve motivation. (Points : 20)
Managers can follow below key points while motivating the employees of small sized Company
as follows:

Manager can motivate them to work and can assure that to reward of unexpected work.

Expectations would also be rewarded to employees.

Team building activities for the team.

Questions and Answers


Consider the team motivation by providing learning environment for their career

A manger can arrange trainings for the work environment challenges so that the
employees can easily approach to work effectively.

Question 20. 20. (TCO 9) You are the plant manager at Acme Plastics. You are running two
shifts: a day shift and an evening shift. Before the day shift leaves each day, the workers must get
an adequate supply of raw materials from the warehouse for the evening shift to use. On several
occasions, they have failed to do so. By the time the evening shift gets to work, the warehouse is
locked up, and it takes about 3 hours to get someone to come on site in order to unlock it and get
the production line rolling again. The two shift supervisors are at each other's throats, and you
have to do something to correct the situation. What is the basic problem causing this conflict?
What could you do to solve it? (Points : 20)
Answer: Its a critical issues while two supervisors have their own conflict situation where I
think higher management should involve to consider their issues and reach out the perfect
solution which will in favor of Company, employees, supervisors, and Companys profits as
well. So, company should approach any organizational conflict theory to find an effective
solution to the current conflicts.

Question 21. 21. (TCO 10) Our text defines the four functions of management as planning,
organizing, leading and controlling. Briefly put, the plan states the desired outcome or goal and
the process for achieving it. Control is the regulation of organizational activities and processes in
such a way as to facilitate goal attainment. Assume that you are a manager of a business. State

Questions and Answers


the type of business you are managing (it can be any business you choose). Give two examples
of controls that you would implement in the business and how they could facilitate goal
attainment. (Points : 20)
Answer: As a manger, I could suggest two approaches while controlling and monitoring the
Provide employees flexibility to work and motivate them to take responsibility on their own so
that they can work effectively and minimize the efforts of controlling team or project.
Reward is the better way to control over the team, i.e. if a manger always give preference to
employees whom performing well then he/she can expect much better results from earlier and
can easily control the system.

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