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NTP(Network Time Protocal)

Network Time Protocol can be used to synchronise the time on computers across a network.
A NTP time server is used to obtain the correct time from a time source and adjust the local
time in each connecting computer.
NTPv3 and NTPv4 binaries coexist on AIX.
Important: By default, AIX points to NTP version 3 binaries.
Configure NTP server on AIX :
1.Verify that you have a suitable NTP server.
#lssrc -ls xNTPd
Note : sys peer should show a valid server or
If the server is insane, you should need to correct it by adding a server line
into /etc/NTP.conf and restarting xNTPd.
Following these steps
#vi /etc/NTP.conf
Add server :
Double check that >broadcastclient is commented.
#stopsrc -s xNTPd
#startsrc -s xNTPd
Note : If the server runs databases, use the -x flag to prevent the clock from changing in a
negative direction.
Enter the following:
#startsrc -s xNTPd -a -x
#lssrc -ls xNTPd
to verify that the server is synched. This process can take upto 12 minutes.
Configure NTP client on AIX :

1. Verify that you have a server suitable for synchronization, Enter:

#NTPdate -d ip.address.of.server
The offset must be less than 1000 seconds for xNTPd to synch. If the offset is greater than
1000 seconds, change the time manually on the client and run NTPdate -d again.
If you get the message , no server suitable for synchronization found, verify xNTPd is
running on the server (see above )and that no firewalls are blocking port 123.
2.Specify your xNTPd server in /etc/ntop.conf, Enter
#vi /etc/NTP.conf
comment broadcastclient line and add
server ip.address.of.server prefer
leave the driftfile and tracefile at their defaults.
3.start the xNTPd daemon,
#startsrc -s xNTPd
( use the -x flag if it is appropriate in your environment.)
4. Uncomment xNTPd from /etc/rc.tcpip so it will start on reboot.
#vi /etc/rc.tcpip
Unconmment the following line
start /usr/sbin/xNTPd $src-running
If using the -x flag, add -x to the end oof the line. you must include the qoutes around -x
5. verify that the client is synched.
#lssrsc -ls xNTPd
Note: sys peer should display the IP Adress or name of your xNTPd server.This process may
take 12 minutes.
1. NTPdc4:
Starts the query or control program for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon, NTPd.

1. To start the query/control program for the Network Time Protocol daemon,

2. NTPq4 Daemon
Starts the standard Network Time Protocol (NTP) query program.
1. To start the Network Time Protocol query program in interactive mode,

NTPq -i
3. NTPdate4 Command
Sets the date and time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
1. To set the local date and time by polling the NTP servers at address, enter:

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