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Popular Kheti
Volume -3, Issue-1 (January-March), 2015
Available online at
ISSN: 2321-0001

Status of Quality Seed Production of Major Kharif Pulses in India

A. K. Parihar*, Abhishek Bohra, G. P. Dixit and Sanjeev Gupta
Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur-208024
*Email of corresponding author:

In the face of the growing demands for nutritious food, pulses will play main role in
addressing the problem of malnutrition especially in developing nations. Seed, as a
fundamental agricultural input, is required for sustainable production of pulse crops.
Several high yielding varieties were developed in Kharif pulse crops which have
indeed been preferred by the farmers. However, availability of the quality seed for
these popular varieties will be essentially required to reduce the fluctuations
frequently encountered in pulses production. Therefore, here we briefly describe the
current status of quality seed in Kharif pulse crops, and further, we underscore the
need for the development of high-yielding varieties showing enhanced level of
resistance to major biotic and abiotic constraints.
Pulses being the prime source of protein and essential nutrients in human diet and animal feed
play a significant role in Indian agriculture. In general, pulses contain 20-25 per cent protein in
their dry seeds, which is almost 2.5-3.0 times higher than cereals. For this reason, the food
legumes ensure nutritional security to the most disadvantaged sectors in the country. India is the
largest producer (around 25% of global production), consumer (27%) and shares 33 per cent of
the global area under pulses. In view of the recent dramatically changing climate scenario,
achieving the nutritional security of our population remains a considerable challenge.
To strengthen the agricultural sector and to accelerate the pulses production, availability
of quality seeds is one of the crucial factors to which performance and efficiency of the
remaining agricultural inputs or factors rely. It is estimated that the direct contribution of quality
seeds alone is about 15 20% to the total food grain production (depending upon the crop), and
it can be further raised noticeably up to 45% with efficient management of other inputs. To
enhance the contribution up to this level via seed production programme demands greater
technical skills, higher investments and appropriate methodology and care.
The adequate quantity of breeder seeds available at affordable prices set a prerequisite to
accelerate production of major pulse varieties suited to diverse agro-climatic conditions.
Importantly, owing to the dependence of genetic purity of subsequent generations of seeds on
breeder seeds, the quality of breeder seed must be very high i.e. genetically pure seeds. High
quality breeder seed remains important to accelerate production, productivity and profitability in
different pulse crops via increased seed replacement rate (SRR). It is well established that the

Popular Kheti

ISSN: 2321-0001

Parihar et al., 2015, Pop. Kheti, 3(1): 2-5


growth in agriculture production largely depends upon the progress of quality seed production.
Scarcity of the quality seed is a major bottleneck limiting agricultural production, productivity
and profitability in India. Availability of quality seed largely depends upon development and
distribution of new and improved varieties of crops including pulses with good genetic potential.
In view of the generation of adequate quantity of quality seeds in various pulse crops,
extensive efforts are being coordinated in India through All India Coordinated Research Projects
(AICRPs) under the supervision of qualified breeders, and based on the seed indents received by
the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation (DAC). In order to deliver the sufficient
quantity of breeder seed which subsequently enables the availability of succeeding seed
generations i.e. foundation and certified seeds, AICRP plays a key role in organizing the
carefully coordinated and nation-wide seed production programme for quality seed production.
Recent Status of Breeder Seed Production
During the last five years (2009-10 to 2013-14), the average breeder seed production in
mungbean, urdbean and pigeonpea was 5278.90q, 3882.29q and 4409.72q against the DAC
indent of total 4929.73q, 3124.91q and 2153.24q, respectively.

Fig. 1. Status of kharif pulses breeder seed production last five year (2009-10 to 2013-14)
Evident from the past three successive years, the quantity of breeder seed produced was
higher than indented quantity from DAC. In urdbean, breeder seed production has shown an
increasing trend over the last five years with the highest quantity (1030.65q) recorded in 201112. Pigeonpea has also shown a similar trend in breeder seed production over the same period
with the highest quantity of breeder seed generated during the year 2011-12. Contrary to the
trends seen in the case of urdbean and pigeonpea, the breeder seed production in mungbean has
manifested fluctuations over the last five years, however by and large, the produced quantities
were found to be greater than the indented ones. Technically, the capacity of breeder seed

Popular Kheti

ISSN: 2321-0001

Parihar et al., 2015, Pop. Kheti, 3(1): 2-5


production system is challenged primarily by the heavy rainfall or the unavailability of nucleus
seed of the concerned varieties.
Urdbean and Mungbean
In urdbean, consolidated indents demanding 845.96q, 752.11q and 518.15q were received from
DAC during 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14, respectively. As a result, 1030.65q, 941.11q and
493.27q of breeder seed were produced vis--vis 38, 45 and 46 varieties, respectively.
Table 1. Breeder seed production of major kharif pulses during last five year in India
Indent (q) Production (q) Indent (q) Production (q) Indent (q) Production (q)
2009-10 797.58
2010-11 1056.27
2011-12 1243.8
2012-13 1033.49
2013-14 798.59

The leading urdbean varieties in seed chain during last year were, Pant U 31, TAU1, and
IPU 02-43 which had maximum share in indent viz., 92.9q, 53.4q and 37.8q, respectively.
Among the varieties mentioned above, Pant U-31 is a recently released variety that possesses
resistance to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV). Released in 1984, the other variety
TAU-1 endowed with attractive attributes like early maturity (68-75 days) and moderate
resistance to powdery mildew is still very popular. Similarly, IPU 02-43 is a variety developed in
2009 by Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Kanpur showing resistant to MYMV and
powdery mildew.
Over the last three years, the quantities of breeder seed produced in mungbean were
1381.2q, 936.69q and 714.76q against the corresponding indents of 1243.8q, 1033.49q and
798.59q for 61, 61 and 55 varieties, respectively. Based on current DAC indent, the leading
varieties are SML668, IPM 02-3 and GM-4 with 214.9q, 100.7q and 84.0q breeder seed
production. The variety SML668 is the most popular variety among the farmers and was
indented highest during the last six years. It is an early maturing variety (60 days) having
tolerance to MYMV and suitable for spring /summer cultivation.

Field view of IPM 02-3

Popular Kheti

Field view of SML 668

ISSN: 2321-0001

Parihar et al., 2015, Pop. Kheti, 3(1): 2-5


During the past three years, 1317.2q,
781.60q and 673.80q of breeder seed
were produced for 43, 45 and 41
varieties in pigeonpea against the DAC
indent of 537.18q, 514.89q and
487.57q, respectively. Keeping in view
the last years breeder seed indent, the
pigeonpea varieties preferred most by
farmers include BSMR 736, ICP 8863
and TS-3R with indents of 46.93q,
42.10q and 28.40q, respectively. The
most popular variety BSMR 736
Plot view of BSMR 736
possesses high level of resistance to a
range of diseases including sterility mosaic disease (SMD), Fusarium wilt and powdery mildew.
It is of medium duration and suitable for rainfed as well as irrigated conditions. Other varieties
viz., BSMR 853, Maruti and TS-3R are also popular at farmers field due to their high yield
potential and resistance to biotic stress like wilt & sterility mosaic diseases.
In addition of exhibiting substantial yield advantage, the current leading varieties in pulse crops
also show resistance to a range of biotic and abiotic stresses. BSMR 736, Pant U-31 and
SML 668 are the most preferred varieties in pigeonpea, urdbean, mungbean, respectively. Given
the context, in the coming years collaborative efforts are required to develop high-yielding
varieties with resistance/tolerance to various biotic and abiotic stresses. In conjunction with the
development of new varieties, focus should also be made on the quality of breeder seed, thereby
rendering the adequate quantity of the high-quality seeds accessible to the farming community
across the nation.

Popular Kheti

ISSN: 2321-0001

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