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Final Project: Actuality VO/SOT

Daniel Donaldson
Radio Actuality-Donald Trump on SNL
This is Dan Donaldson for Cougar Radio WKNJ 90.3 news
The Donald is at it again, this time on one of entertainment's
biggest stages. 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Donald
Trump, who is leading the in the most recent voting polls, will be
the guest host of NBCs Saturday Night Live this weekend.
Trump, who was recently parodied on the show by comedian
Taran Killam, joins a large group of politicians and presidential
candidates who have made memorable appearance is the past,
including President Barak Obama, Democratic Candidate Hillary
Clinton, 2008 Republican Candidate John McCain and VP
Candidate Sarah Palin.
Campaign parodies and guest appearances on SNL have become
a tradition over the last few years. Many voters see havening a
spot on the comedy show being just as important as a debate.
Kean University Media major Emily Gabriel explains.
SOT# 1
"I think it's really important for politicians to go on shows like SNL
because it gives them a chance to engage with a millennial
audience; people who are they're prime demographic for voting.
And it also helps make them more relatable as people because
when you watch somebody that has such high status get made
fun of and become a parody, you kind of see a softer side of
them. I think that's very important for our generation."

However, Donald Trumps appearance on SNL has not been
without controversy much like the rest of his campaign since
entering the race in June. His comments on the Mexican and
Latino community, his policies on illegal immigration, and his
misogynistic approach to criticizing fellow Republican candidate
Carly Fiorina have caused some to object to his appearance on
SNL. Most open about their dislike of his hosting this weekend
was actor John Leguizamo, who stated in an interview on
Wednesday that he will never watch SNL again if Trump hosts.
Leguizamo is not the only one concerned with Trump being
celebrated in this way after his comments. Kean University
student Antonio Amorim had this to say about Trump.
SOT# 2
" I don't know if I could watch it. He and his policies theyre very
just not good in my opinion. The show has such a huge
powerhouse for politics but I feel we shouldn't be mixing politics
and entertainment."
While some agree and disagree on Trumps appearance, his
presence in the media during the early campaign is unable. This
Saturdays episode is expected to bring a huge increase in
ratings for the comedy show similar to his debate appearances
over the last few months. This is just another in a long line of
elements to Trumps powerful hold on the attention of the
American people during his campaign.
For WKNJ-FM, 90.3, Union New Jerseythe NEW sound of Kean
University, I'm Dan Donaldson


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