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Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks to Increase

Quick Tips
To select an entire paragraph make three rapid clicks
anywhere in the paragraph
2. Ctrl + click selects sentence. Click anywhere in a sentence
while holding Ctrl key down will select the sentence
3. To create a horizontal line type 3 hyphens and then press Enter
4. Ctrl+ makes a word subscript and Ctrl Shift + makes a word
5. Pressing backspace while holding Ctrl key down deletes the
preceding word
6. USe Format Painter feature to quickly apply a particular format
to a new area.
7. Typing =rand(8,10) and then pressing Enter will
automatically generate random text you can use for testing the
page formatting, fonts, etc.
8. To move cursor to the location where it was when you last save
the document press Shift + F5
9. Select some text -now if you will press Ctrl + Shift + > the font
size of the selected text will increase. To decrease the font size
use Ctrl + Shift + <combination
To quickly create a table type a plus sign (+) then
press Tab key; again type a plus and again press Tab key; do
this as many times as the number of cells you want in your table.
Then press Enter. And table shall appear!

Copyright Symbol: How to Type and Insert

in Computer
Copyright symbol can be easily typed and inserted in MS Word,
MS Excel, Windows Notepad, Apple Mac, HTML, JavaScript and
plain text etc. Learn how to type it this symbol of legal importance to
protect your intellectual property.
Copyright Symbol (also written as (c) and Copr.) is a sign which indicates the proprietary status of an
intellectual property. The symbol is composed of a letter C inside a full circle. Although, it can be used stand alone,
the Copyright symbol is most commonly used as part of a copyright notice. The copyright symbol and copyright notice
inform the user about the rights ownership of a written published work, like a blog, book or an article.

Copyright notice in the United States contains the following three parts:


The Copyright symbol (letter C in a circle); the word Copyright; or the abbreviation Copr.

2. The year of first publication. If the work is a derivative work or a compilation incorporating previously
published material, the year date of first publication of the derivative work or compilation is sufficient.
3. The name of the copyright owner, an abbreviation of the name, or a popularly known alternative
designation of owner.
For example: 2015 TechWelkin

Format of copyright notices in the United Kingdom, Australia, Europe, India and rest of the world follows more or
less the same pattern. Copyright symbol is the most easily recognizable part of the notice. Computer applications
provide a number of methods to input the copyright symbol. Lets learn all these methods of how to type copyright
symbol in computer.

Copyright Symbol in Windows

Type Copyright Symbol in MS Word
MS Office applications like MS Word have inbuilt feature called AutoCorrect that converts (c) into . So, in MS
Word, if you need to type copyright symbol, just type (c) and press SPACE. Immediately, (c) will be replaced by a neat
C inside a full circle, i.e. symbol.

BONUS TIP: In case you do not this automatic conversion to take place, just press Backspace key. MS Word will
remove the copyright symbol and bring the (c) back.

SEE ALSO: How to type Indian Rupee Symbol and degree symbol

Type Copyright Symbol in other Windows Applications

Other Windows applications like Notepad and WordPad do not have automatic conversion facility. So, if youll type
(c) in these applications, it will remain just (c). In such applications, you can use the following methods:

Use Alt key to input copyright symbol:

Press Alt key and then type 0169 on NumPad of your computer. Alt + 0169 is the shortcut for typing symbol. If you
are using a laptop which does not have a dedicated numpad, you can use virtual NumPad along with Function key.

Note: You must use NumPad keys to type 0169. If youll use regular number keys (located across the keyboard) then
the copyright symbol will not appear.

Use Alt+x method to input copyright symbol:

In some applications (like MS Word), you can enter Unicode of a symbol and then pressAlt+x keys to make that
symbol appear. In this case, type 00A9 and then press Alt and x keys. The code 00A9 will be replaced by the sign.

Use Character Map to insert copyright symbol:


Open the Run command box (by pressing Windows+R shortcut key)

2. In the Run box, type charmap and press Enter. The Character Map box will open up
3. Select the copyright symbol from the list given list. If this symbol does not appear, select the Arial font from
the dropdown menu.
4. Copy the symbol and paste it anywhere you want.

Copyright symbol can be inserted using various methods.

Type Degree Symbol in MS Word, HTML, Unicode

Degree symbol is a super-scripted or raised small circle. It is commonly used to denote temperatures, angles,
geographic coordinates (e.g. 37 C temperature or 45 angle).

In this tutorial, we will learn various methods of typing degree symbol in MS Word documents, Excel spreadsheets,
PowerPoint presentations and HTML webpages. We will also learn about the Unicode of degree symbol.

Type Degree Symbol in MS Word

There are several methods of typing degree symbol in MS Word. This symbol can either be typed with keyboard or
inserted as a symbol. I would recommend that you learn the keyboard method because it works quick and save you
time while working in MS Word.

Method 1:
The easiest method of typing degree symbol in MS Word is to use the key combination of Ctrl+Shift+@ and
then press space bar. Following is the sequence of pressing keys to get degree symbol:


Press Ctrl and hold

2. Press Shift and hold

3. Press @
4. Release Ctrl and Shift
5. Press space bar
Method 2:
You can also use the Alt key method to type this symbol. Press Alt, hold it down and then type 0176 on
your Numeric Pad (also known as Numpad). Please note that you must type 0176 on Numpad and not on the regular
number keys that run across the keyboard.

Method 3:
This method is called the Alt+x method. In this method you type the Unicode of the desired symbol and then press
Alt+x to get it.

So, to type degree symbol, type 00B0 and then press Alt+x. Voila! the code 00B0 will be instantly replaced by a neat
tiny degree symbol,

Caveat: With this method, however, you need to be a bit careful. Technically, there should not be any space between
the number and degree symbol (i.e. 45 is correct but 45 is wrong). This lack of space may bring wrong results. For
example, if you want to type 45, youll type as below:


Now if you will press Alt+x, MS Word will decipher the whole 4500B0 as the Unicode and therefore it will not type
the degree symbol.

The solution to this problem is that you give a space between 45 and the Unicode and once the degree symbol is typed,
then you remove the space.

Method 4:
You can insert the degree symbol in your document from the extensive symbols list provided by MS word.

Inserting degree symbol in MS Word.


Open MS Word document

2. Place the cursor where you want to insert degree symbol

3. Go to Insert tab and then Symbol option
4. Click on More Symbols
5. Symbol box will come up. From Font dropdown select (normal text)
6. Scroll down to locate the degree sign
7. Double click on the degree sign to insert it.
Method 5:
You can use the AutoCorrect feature of MS Word. This feature allows you to set a key sequence for quickly inserting a
symbol. For example, if you will type <o> , it will be automatically replaced with the degree symbol. Lets see how to
do this:


Open the Symbol box and select degree symbol as per to steps given in previous method.

2. After selecting the degree sign, click on the AutoCorrect button. The AutoCorrect dialog box will appear.
3. In the Replace box, type the key sequence that you would want to be automatically be replaced by degree
symbol. In the image given below, I have typed <o>

4. Click OK
5. Now, in your MS Word document, whenever youll type <o> and press space, degree symbol will appear.

Setting AutoCorrect for typing degree symbol in MS Word.

Bonus tip: There may be a case when you really need to type
just <o> in your document. In such a scenario, press
backspace and MS Word will revert its automatic action.

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