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LO Cockpit Data Extraction Steps

1. Log on to R/3
2. execute Transaction LBWE (to get in to LO Cockpit)
3. After u are in LO Cockpit. Expand the desired extract
structures(eg:SD,MM etc..)
4. Click on Maintainence to Maintain Extract Structures
5. Add and remove fields like (MCVBAK, MCVBAP)
6. Generate Data Source by clicking on the data source and then
Select/Hide/Invert fields.
7. Activate Extract Structure by clicking on inactive.( If its already
active you have to deactivate it by clicking on active before step 4)
8. Then execute transaction LBWG to delete the content of setup
tables(Select the application 01 for sales etc)
9. Now execute transaction OLI*BW to fill the set up tables ( where *=7
for sales and *=9 for billing etc)
10. check the data in setup table RSA3
11. Go to BW and Replicate the Data Source
12. Maintain the transfer rules, comm struct, schedule infopacks etc...
13. For delta go in r/3 then LBWE then you application(eg: Sales) and
click on delta and then select DIRECT, QUEUED, or NON SERIALISED V3

And before everything.. after you log on to R/3 transfer the Master
data for your application for Eg: for SD go to SD-IO and transfer it by
using transactions RSA5, RSA6 and RSA3 in that order.

You should fill the setup table in R/3 system & extract the data
to BW .... the setup tables is in SBIW....after that you can do
delta extraction by initialize the extractor.....Full loads are
always taken from the Setup table.
Setup table concept applize only to Lo-Extracion.
Steps for Lo-Extraction:

T-Code: LBWE
First we need to check which data source suits the client's
requirements in LBWE.
Check whether it is in Active version/Modified version. If it is
in M version go to RSA5 and select our data source and press on
Transfer. Then go to RSA6 and see whether the datsource is been
If the datasource is already in active version then we need to
check whether the datsource is already extracting data in to BW.
If the datasource is extracting the data then we need to check the
data existence in Setup tables (use SE11 to check the setup tables
data. For every extract structure one and only one setup table is
generated whose technical name is Extract structure name+ setup, for

eg. If extract structure name is MC11VAOHDR then set up tables name

is MC11VAOHDRSETUP) and Extraction Queue (LBWQ) and Update tables
(SM13) and Delta Queue (RSA7). If data exists in any of these Tcodes we need to decide whether we need the data in BW or not. If we
need the extract it as we do in LO-Extraction below. I f we don't
need delete the data.

The dataflow from R/3 into BW:

We nee to generate the extract structure by selecting the fields

from the communication structure in LBWE.
Generate the datasource and select the selection fields,
cancellation fields, hide fields that we want.
Replicate it into BW. Then we need to attach Info source(Transfer
rules/communication structure) to the datasource. We got 3 methods
to attach the infosource..
1) Business content:: Business content automatically proposes the
transfer rules and communication structure, we don't have to do
anything manually.
2) Application proposal: Here too proposal is done but some objects
will be missing which we need to assign in the transfer rules.
3) Others: here we need to create the transfer structure, rules,
comm. Strct from the scratch.
Modeling like infocube, Infosurce attachment,.

Then activate the extract structure.

We need to fill the setup tables for the first time loading. In
filling the setup tables we can select between Full load and delta
initialization loads.
Filling Set up table:
T Code : SBIW
Settings for Application-Specific DataSources (PI)->Logistics->Managing Extract Structures>Filling in the Setup
Table -->Application-Specific Setup of Statistical Data --> in that
Youcan perform the Setup (Example : SD-Sales Orders - Perform Setup)
and execute .. or else direct T Code : OLIBW ( means based on your
application like sales order/billing/ purchase etc) For setup
tables T-Code is OLI*BW where * equals to application number like 02
fro purchasing,08 for shipment..
First we need to decide whether we want delta loads to be
performed in the future. If we want to do delta loads, then we need
to go for Delta Initialization process or else do full load.
When we perform setup tables extraction, since setup tables are
cluster tables, we can't see the data in the setup tables. So we go
for Extractor checker (RSA3) just to see the setup tables data
(full/delta initialization).
Then create infopackage and select Full or Delta initialization in
Update tab and schedule it.
Delete the setup tables data by using LBWG.

Now we need to do delta loads.

Delta load data flow differs with various delta update methods. We
got 3 delta update methods as u know.
If we select "Queued Delta"update method then the data moves to
Extraction queue(LBWQ). Then run Collective update to move the data
from LBWQ into Delta Queue (RSA7). Then schedule the data using the
infopackage by selecting Delta Load in the update tab.
If we select "Direct delta" then the delta data moves into RSA7
If we select "Unserialized V3" method then the data goes
into "Update tables(SM13)", then run Collective update to move the
data from SM13 into RSA7. Schedule the data using infopackage.

If we click on Maintenance, we can generate the extract structure.

If we click on 2LIS_02_CGR button, then we we can generate data
Inactive under Update column: we can make a extract structure as
active or inactive.
If we click on Job control button the we can maintain the
collective update parameters like, start time, and is it hourly once
or dialy once
If we click on Queued delta button under Update mode then we can

select among 3 delta update methods.

Only Full/Delta initialization data loads only moves into setup

tables. Delta load data doesn't move into setup tables.
**RSA3 contains only setup table's data

Only Delta update data moves into RSA7/LBWQ/SM13 no full/delta

initialization loads data.

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