Labour Conference Guide

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Annual Conference 07

Annual Conference 07
LGA supporting councils in:
driving stronger performance - making services
accountable - putting people in charge
shopping sightseeing
INNOVATIONS and eating out
ways to win on the web

From homes for all to more jobs, local government has the answers. Councils are the only part
of the public sector with a proven track record in driving up performance and giving local peo-
ple a voice. The government should give councils more powers to solve problems in complex
Conference timetable and full fringe listings
• For housing: councils are ready to tackle the shortage of housing and are keen to work
closely with government to make more affordable social housing a reality.
• For economic properity: councils need the right economic levers if all our cities are to
match London and our best European counterparts.
• For health: councils can ensure value for money by taking the lead on arranging health care
and organising preventative care and services.
• For young people: central and local government both want to ensure young people receive

Bournemouth 23 – 27 September
proper opportunities to make something of their lives.
“It is right that local councils, not Whitehall, should have more power over the things that matter to
their community and from economic regeneration to public transport, the empowerment and strength-
ening of local councils and local communities is what we must now do."
Guide to new faces in Gordon’s first cabinet

Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP

For further information contact LGconnect on 020 7664 3131 or visit our website at

Bournemouth 23 – 27 September
0351_07 Reproduced from the Labour Party website, Promoted by Peter Watt, General Secretary, the Labour Party, on behalf
of the Labour Party both at 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA.
Contents A message from the
General Secretary

Conference activity
goes on both inside and
outside the hall, virtually
round the clock – worried
Welcome to Conference 3 you might miss something?
Join Team Labour 6
Campaign innovations 8 We hope this guide will help. This year
A message from Harriet Harman 11 it’s in a smaller format to make it easier
Campaign focus 12 to carry around with you, and includes
Renewing party democracy 14 useful information about every aspect
Opposition watch 17 of our Conference in Bournemouth,
The new team 20 whether you’re attending as a delegate,
Winning on the web 22 visitor or exhibitor, and whether you’re
Campaign training workshops 24 a first-timer or an old hand.
Back to the beach 26
Bournemouth’s best bites 28 As well as the official timetable, this
Labour Party stand 31 booklet also includes comprehensive
For your security 32 fringe listings, a guide to the
Conference timetable 34 exhibitions, maps of the town and
Exclusive offers for Labour members 38 venue and advice on where to shop and
Labour’s green credentials 41 what to eat.
A-Z of useful information 43
Island site map 46 Of course, as well as all this useful
Computer training at Conference 48 information, we also include political
Fringe listings 51 messages from our new Leadership
Party event listings 135 team of Gordon Brown and Harriet
Exhibitors listings 141 Harman, plus information about our
Exhibition information 152 campaigns, and resources available for
Best stand competition 152 local parties to use.
BIC floor plans 154
Town plan with fringe venues Back cover Whatever capacity you’re attending
Conference in, I hope this guide will
Photo credits: C.Smith/Silverfish, Gus Cambpell,,
help you make the most of the time
Bournemouth Borough Council, The Labour Party you spend in Bournemouth.

Best regards

Peter Watt
General Secretary

Annual Conference 07 | 1
Welcome to Conference

Towards a
first class
Education can help set free individuals and
whole groups of people.

The NUT has an enormous body of

knowledge and experience from which to
draw and a unique record in promoting
progress in education. Our policies have Adverse factors which are beyond the control
enriched the lives of generations of children of individual schools but impact upon
and young people. children’s learning can be tackled by schools
working in partnership with others. In this way
Teachers are on the front line in tackling issues we welcome the involvement of charities, the
of social class, poverty, ill health, and voluntary sector, local councils and employers
inequality generally. Schools need high in the development of education and the
quality, dedicated, committed and enthusiastic eradication of poverty.
teachers. Teachers’ pay must not be eroded
by inflation. Each teacher should have access Teachers will engage with the concept of
to professional development. linking schools with businesses, colleges and
universities. School communities should not
fear the involvement of people with energy
and passion to provide genuinely new and
constructive opportunities for young people.

It is time, however, to move away from a

market approach to education. It is time to
end the approach that pits school against
school in a competition for children based
upon targets, testing and tables. It is time to
halt the Government’s academies programme
and refresh education thinking with the aim of
a good local school for every child.

It is only through the enthusiastic commitment

of teachers that together we will achieve the
5153a/07/07 Prime Minister’s aspiration of “the biggest
expansion in educational opportunity our
country has ever seen”.
For more information on NUT policies visit Stand No 9, Purbeck Hall, Bournemouth International Centre
2 | Annual Conference 07
Welcome to Conference

Welcome to Conference
from Gordon Brown
protect and extend the British way of life.

And by having the confidence not just to

govern in the centre ground but to shape
and enlarge the centre ground around our
values and the values that matter to the
country, we will not make the mistakes
other parties are making.

We are optimistic about the future not

pessimistic. We will build from people’s
potential for good, believing as we do that
there is no weakness in Britain that cannot
be fixed by the strengths of Britain and
no problem too big in Britain that cannot
I am pleased to welcome you all to our be solved by the best values of the British
2007 Annual Conference in Bournemouth. people.

Our conference offers us the opportunity

to set out our vision for a Britain where “It is by listening to
people can rise as far as their talents take
them, and then the talents of each of us and learning from
can contribute to the wellbeing and security
of all. the British people
And with these values – opportunity, that we have been
community, security – we should continue
to do what we have been doing – to reach responding to the
out to the whole country. Meeting the big
challenges facing Britain by reaching out to need for change”
the decent instincts of the British people.
We must be modern, not backward
It is by listening to and learning from looking. We will continue to appeal to the
the British people that we have been mainstream, not the fringe. And we must
responding to the need for change with continue to listen to the British people, not
change in our NHS, change in our schools, speak just to ourselves.
change with affordable housing, change to
build trust in government, and change to All of us joined the Labour Party because
continued on page 5

Annual Conference 07 | 3
Welcome to Conference

We look forward to working with Gordon Brown

and the new government in developing a Social Justice agenda.
Unite calls on the government to protect jobs,
to promote workplace rights, to safeguard pensions,
to create affordable housing and to remove
the private sector abuses from our public services.


Sunday 23rd September 2007
Labour Party Conference Bournemouth
Assemble 1.00pm at Meyrick Park
Derek Simpson & Tony Woodley, Joint General Secretaries of Unite
Join online at
4 | Annual Conference 07
Welcome to Conference
continued from page 3

we see it as the vehicle to give expression I believe that it is time to fundamentally

to our values and our vision of the good reform the way we the Labour Party listen
society. We know and value the fact that to the British people, and involve them and
political parties are an integral part of a engage with their needs and aspirations.
thriving democracy.

But we know that while the British people “I urge all who
are increasingly politically interested,
joining pressure groups and campaigning share our values to
on local and global issues, traditional party
political activity has never been so low. join us in making
So just as in the past we renewed our party Britain the country
in preparation for government, now the
new circumstances we face mean we must it can be”
reform our party again. This time of change
must also be a time for renewal. What drew the British people to new
Labour in the 1990’s was that we would
give priority to the needs of hard working
“I believe that families – and this must drive all our
decisions now and in the future.
it is time to
By seeking as party members to engage
fundamentally more with the public, we can usher in a
new era of participation where Labour is
reform the way we renewed, speaking to and reflecting the
concerns and aspirations of the British
the Labour Party people.

listen to the British And as we reach out to all who share

our vision of a better Britain of rising
people, and involve aspirations and new and better
opportunities I urge all who share our
them and engage values to join us in making Britain the
country it can be.
with their needs
and aspirations”
Renewal means inspiring people with our
values – earning the trust of the country
– and renewal also means we need the
Labour Party to build connections with
every section of our community.

Annual Conference 07 | 5
Join Team Labour

Join Team Labour

We know that Labour wins elections How do I join Team Labour?
when its members campaign together Visit the Team Labour Action Centre on
and that elections aren’t won in the your MpURL – Labour’s members net at
four weeks before polling day – that’s
why we’ve launched Team Labour.
In your Team Labour Action Centre
What is Team Labour? you can:
It’s simple – Team Labour consists of • Get details of and sign up to campaign
members and supporters who’ve signed up events in your nearest key seat
to do what’s necessary to help Labour win • get details of and sign up to campaign
again. events in your own constituency
• e–mail a friend to join Team Labour
Our ask is simple: spend just one “national • print off Labour’s current campaign poster
campaign day” every quarter in your to display in your window or office
nearest marginal constituency. The next • e–mail campaign poster to friends.
campaign day is 1 December 2007.

6 | Annual Conference 07
Join Team Labour

What else can I do? • five points for recruiting a friend to Team
In future you’ll also be able to use your Labour
Team Labour Action Centre to: • one point for printing off a resource or
e–mailing a poster to a friend.
• Call members from home and ask them to
sign up to a Team Labour event or activity Rewards will be delivered to members and
• call key seat voters from your own home local parties who have accrued most points:
• write a letter to the local newspaper • Top activists will be invited to special
• campaign for Labour online. events e.g. with senior politicians
• CLPs can trade points for campaign
Why should I join Team Labour? materials in our online shop.
As well as the satisfaction you’ll gain
from knowing that you’re helping Labour What’s happened so far?
win you can also earn points by getting We’ve held two national campaign days so
involved in Team Labour. far this year, in July and September, and
we’ve seen hundreds of members from
You get: across the country sign up to Team Labour
• 20 points for every session in a key seat and get involved in events in every single
• five points for every session in your own marginal seat.

Annual Conference 07 | 7
Campaign innovations

Campaign innovations
Over the past year we’ve launched Interactive Web
new products to help elected
representatives and local parties
Interactive Web Creator,
campaign more effectively. Thousands
the party’s online
of members are already using them,
communications tool,
so read on to find out more – or
is helping hundreds of
visit the Labour Party Stand for live
elected representatives and local parties to
campaign effectively online.

Labour Contact Interactive Web Creator will give you

Creator a modern, interactive and data driven
Labour Contact Creator website to enhance local campaigns.
will be launched later this From displaying news, to writing blogs
year and will replace the and holding online surveys and polls
existing voter database – Interactive Web Creator has it all. And its
system – interactive map helps you plot Labour’s
achievements in your area.
Labour Contact Creator will perform all the
functions of, but will also:
• be online, allowing national, regional and
local users to update live voter records
• cut–out waits for downloads, automatic
rolling register updates and marked
register information displayed on Voter ID
• allow local parties to use email and text
messages to communicate with voters
• synchronise directly with Interactive
Web Creator allowing you to capture
information from voters online
• synchronise directly with Print Creator
allowing you to personalise high quality
printed literature.

8 | Annual Conference 07
Campaign innovations

For m
inform ore
traini ation on
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confe en
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check p
the ti lease
on pa metab
ges 2 le

Labour Print MpURLs

Creator – Labour’s
Print Creator is the party’s members net
online editing system MpURLs – Labour’s
which enables users members net is now a
to create high quality thriving online community
campaign literature using professionally of Labour Party members which gives the
designed templates. There is a range of party a modern way to communicate with
full colour, single colour and two colour members, and for members across the
templates which users can populate country to talk to each other.
with their own stories and images whilst
maintaining the party’s branding and style. Thousands of members are using
membersnet to advertise and sign up to
One of the most exciting features of print campaigning events; discuss issues within
creator is the new direct mail facility it their CLP using the virtual meeting room;
offers. Users can upload databases of discuss issues with members from across
electors direct to their templates to create the country and use the Message Centre to
high quality direct mail. contact other Labour Party members.

To get more details about any of these

products or see live demonstrations
please visit the Labour Party stand in
the Purbeck Hall.

Annual Conference 07 | 9
Welcome to Conference

Meeting the
carbon challenge:
reality or rhetoric?
Standard Life Investments is pleased to
sponsor a debate on UK carbon management
initiatives: Meeting the carbon challenge.

Phil Woolas MP, Minister for the Environment, Defra (tbc)

Tom Clarke, Science Correspondent, Channel 4 News (tbc)
Julie McDowell, Head of Socially Responsible Investment
Standard Life Investments
Richard Lambert, Director General, CBI (tbc)

Tuesday 25 September, 08.00 - 09.00

Tralee Hotel, Cork Ballroom.

Standard Life Investments Limited, tel +44 131 225 2345, a company registered in Scotland (SC 123321) Registered Office 1 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 2LL. The Standard Life Investments group includes Standard Life Investments (Mutual Funds) Limited, SLTM Limited,
Standard Life Investments (Corporate Funds) Limited and Standard Life Investments (Private Equity) Limited. Standard Life Investments Limited
acts as Investment Manager for Standard Life Assurance Limited and Standard Life Pension Funds Limited. Standard Life Investments may
record and monitor telephone calls to help improve customer service. All companies are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services
10 | Annual Conference 07
Authority. ©2007 Standard Life Investments.
Harriet Harman

A message from
Harriet Harman
We meet in Bournemouth for our 2007
Annual Conference in good spirit; proud of
what we have achieved after ten years in
government, and confident as we face the
challenges ahead.

“We have to work

together tirelessly
to expose the
hollow sham
It was an honour and a privilege to be
that is Cameron’s
elected Deputy Leader of the Labour Party
earlier this year, and it is an honour and a
Conservative Party”
privilege to work alongside Gordon Brown, We are confident because there is a real
our new Leader and Prime Minister. sense out there that under Gordon’s strong
leadership our Labour government has
“We meet in tapped into the national mood. We are
united with a sense of common purpose,
Bournemouth for whereas David Cameron’s Tories are back
to doing what they do best: backbiting,
our 2007 Annual squabbling and infighting. But we should
never be complacent. We have to work
Conference in together tirelessly to expose the hollow
sham that is Cameron’s Conservative Party.
good spirit” We’ve got lots to do over the coming
John Prescott will certainly be a hard act to months. Under Gordon’s leadership we
follow. John’s hard work and instinctive feel will rebuild the party, renew our plans for
for the mood of the Labour Party played the future and win a fourth term Labour
a major part in our success over the last government. By working together, united as
decade. We owe an enormous debt to Tony a team, I know we can make it happen.
Blair and John Prescott who together led
us to three election victories, and we wish
them both well for the future.

Annual Conference 07 | 11
Campaign focus

Campaign focus
When he became Leader and Prime Minister, Gordon Brown also appointed six
party vice–chairs to work with Harriet Harman, the NEC and the party. The vice–
chairs would like to introduce themselves and tell you a little more about their
roles and the work they will be doing in the future.

Dawn Ian Steve

Butler Cawsey Ladyman
Re-engaging with young Animal welfare has been There is a greater proportion
people needs to be one of our a priority for Labour in of key marginal seats in the
top political priorities. My role is government. But I want us to South East than any other
about re-engaging with young be more ambitious to ensure region. My job as a vice chair is
people and I want to ensure this country has the best to make sure our campaign in
that their views are sought animal welfare in the World. As the region is unrelenting and
from all over the country. In a party vice-chair I welcome addresses the real challenges
1997, 68 per cent of 18-24 the contribution members of the South East so that we
year olds voted. In 2001 this can make. Stop me for a chat win every one of those seats at
fell to 39 per cent and in 2005 at conference or email me at the next election.
just 37 per cent. I want to buck I look
this trend and I hope that my forward to hearing from you!
new role as a vice–chair will
enable me to do that.

Joan Martin Stephen

Ryan Salter Timms
As a vice-chair, I will be looking I am honoured to have been With almost 80 per cent in
to energise campaigning appointed by the Prime Britain claiming religious faith,
strategies, particularly Minister as a vice-chair with faith communities are a big
targeting key marginal seats. responsibility for developing influence. Many look at what
I will be emphasising the campaigning strategies on is happening in the world
need for localised, innovative, the environment. I have through the lens of faith – and
integrated campaigning been building relationships faith is the starting point for
methods. In the run up to the with groups with an their service in communities,
Mayoral and GLA Elections environmental agenda to and in the party. But how well
my role will be to encourage open up communication with do we listen to what they
MPs, candidates, councillors Defra Ministers and Labour are saying? By listening and
and members to meet as many MPs, MEPs, Councillors and co-operating better, we can
local people as possible, giving activists. As awareness of build the influence of values
absolute primacy to local Climate Change increases, we we share: service, opportunity,
issues. must sharpen our focus and be responsibility, justice.
prepared to lead the debate.

12 | Annual Conference 07
Welcome to Conference

igning for
Camp e.
u l u m c h a n g

ATL, the UK’s fastest growing education union, is leading the debate to radically overhaul the
National Curriculum.
ATL believes the curriculum should specify the wide range of skills young people need to lead
successful lives, and leave the detail of the exact content to be decided locally.
In too many schools, the present curriculum and constant testing puts pressure on children,
makes them anxious and stressed, and sets many up to fail. Schools should be nurturing learning
environments where pupils can learn and develop the skills they need for life.
To find out more about ATL’s campaign for curriculum change, come and meet us on stand P38
in the Purbeck Hall, and test your own skills to win a fantastic prize!
For more information visit or call 020 7930Annual
6441 Conference
Association of07 | 13
Teachers and Lecturers
Renewing party democracy

Renewing party
“I want a policy This is how Gordon Brown set out his
proposals for renewing and extending
making process party democracy. He set a challenge to all
of us, to ensure our policy making remains
that honours relevant and rooted in our communities.

the fact that Central to this challenge is the recognition

that responsibility for policy development
all of us have lies with local parties who need to seize
the initiative and organise local events
joined the Labour which attract key stakeholders and local

Party to make a opinion formers. This means a shift in

focus with local parties looking to engage
contribution” people from across their communities and
not confining debate to a small group of
hardcore activists.

14 | Annual Conference 07
Renewing party democracy

MPs, Ministers and members of the local communities. Winning a fourth term
National Policy Forum all have a role in depends on our ability to stay connected to
initiating and leading debates. the communities we represent.

To help stimulate debate, the NPF second Conference delegates will have the
year consultation documents were sent to opportunity to have their say. All six
local parties in August. These documents documents will shape the debate on
produced by the six policy commissions set conference floor throughout the week.
out the key challenges and ask have we got And in delegate-only closed sessions,
them right, or are there other issues the senior ministers will debate and discuss
commissions should focus on before the policy issues raised in the documents.
next, final year documents are produced? These sessions will be held on Monday
These documents are part of our three 4.15pm-5.30pm, Tuesday 9am-10.30am
year policy development cycle and all and Wednesday 4.15pm-5.30pm. Check the
build towards our next manifesto. So it is conference arrangements report for more
vital local parties have their say and take details.
the opportunity to feed in the views of

We recognise that a big challenge local Dinner and discussion

parties face is in identifying speakers to – making policy part of
help stimulate debate. That’s why we’re your local campaigns
establishing a speaker database which
members can access via their MpURL, Earlier this year Greenwich and
Labour members net. Woolwich CLP combined policy
making and fundraising with an event
We will launch in October, but in the for party members, politicians and
meantime are looking for members to members of the local community. The
sign up as speakers. Perhaps you work fundraising dinner allowed participants
in the health service and could debate the opportunity to discuss the major
health policy with constituency parties challenges facing the constituency.
in your area? Or maybe you sit on the
board of a local enterprise agency and Each table was tasked with identifying
feel you could contribute to a discussion three issues that they thought were the
on the economy? biggest challenges facing their area.
The issues ranged from crime and anti-
You don’t need to be an expert, but if social behaviour to the provision of free
you have a particular policy interest bicycles to local students.
or background we would like to hear
from you. To volunteer for the speakers Nick Raynsford, the local MP, welcomed
directory please email emmet_regan@ the evening, saying “it was a great with your contact night; we were able to get together,
details (including membership number have a nice dinner, raise money for the
and address), which region(s) you could local party and discuss the issues that
speak in and a short description of your really affect the people of Greenwich
policy interests and background. and Woolwich”.

Annual Conference 07 | 15
Welcome to Conference
the largest union representing teachers and headteachers throughout the UK
To secure state education as the sector of choice, the NASUWT is
campaigning for:
G the establishment of clear agreed national strategy for the involvement

of the private sector in public services;

G public assets to remain in the public sector;

G the application of the national framework of pay and conditions to

teachers in all state-funded schools;

G automatic recognition of trade unions in all state-funded services;

G the return of academy schools to the family of state schools.


High-quality, fully funded public services are at the heart of a democratic and
inclusive society.
Public services exist to give expression to the needs and aspirations of
individuals and communities and in doing so, to deliver services which meet
individual and wider community needs and aspirations.
Public services are democratically accountable. They operate in the public
interest, promote community cohesion and are valued and respected.
They are owned by the public and managed and delivered in trust to the


The NASUWT and the National Governors’ Association
A seminar for school governors – ‘Personalising Learning’
Zafferano Restaurant (formerly Saint Michel Restaurant),
St Michaels Road, Bournemouth
Tuesday 25 September 12.45pm - 2pm
FREE lunch available

National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers

16 | Annual Conference 07
Opposition watch

Opposition watch
David Cameron’s retreat He is now caving in on housing too.
At the beginning of his leadership, David
to the right Cameron said he would stand up to old Tory
NIMBYism on house building. Yet now, Tory
Just like John Major and William Hague frontbenchers and backbenchers alike are
before him, David Cameron is being forced opposing building the new homes we need
to shift further and further to the right in to put affordable housing within the reach
order to shore up his own position. For the of hard-working families across the country,
dwindling band of Tory moderates left in without a word from the Tory leader.
the Conservative Party, this is depressingly
familiar. And on that biggest Tory totem of all
– unfunded tax cuts – Shadow Chancellor
The grammar schools row demonstrated George Osborne has been leading the
the limits and superficiality of the changes retreat. After the Tories initially said that
David Cameron had been making. David upfront tax cuts would be a ‘mistake’
Cameron’s response was not to stand firm ‘ridiculous’, ‘wrong’ ‘ineffective’ and
and strong for change, but to cave in to the ‘irresponsible’ George Osborne is now
rightwingers in his party. proposing cuts to stamp duty on shares,
inheritance tax, corporation tax and stamp
Weakened by the grammar schools revolt, duty on property.
in order to shore up his own position, David
Cameron has stopped his attempts at The new tunes have been replaced by
modernisation and has reverted to the old the old. The glib PR and slick marketing
themes of the Tory right. techniques are still there but are now
being used to dress up the same old Tory
They have returned to their obsession with positions on grammar schools, Europe,
Europe and a European referendum building transferable tax allowances, NIMBYism
on their pledge to quit the European and tax.
People’s Party.
This Conference will show that Labour
David Cameron has reverted to regressive is the party with the ideas and values to
transferable tax allowances – a policy prepare Britain for the challenges of the
advocated by John Redwood in 1995, future. In contrast, the Tories are caught
John Major in 1997 and William Hague in between what they think they should say
2001. On this issue it is the rightwingers and what they really believe. This retreat to
who he chooses to side with, and against the right shows that under David Cameron’s
moderate Tories in the Conservative Party, leadership they are unwilling to face up to
who described the proposal as ‘bizarre’, the change in policy and values they need
‘detrimental’, and ‘a thoroughly bad idea’. to make.

Annual Conference 07 | 17
The Politics of Born Identity: Participation
Persuasion: Britishness and Rewired: Can we
Winning over the belonging in today’s have real democratic
21st century voter Britain renewal?
Speakers: Speakers: Speakers:
Anthony Giddens Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP Vera Baird QC MP
House of Lords Secretary of State for Communities Solicitor General
John Lloyd and Local Government Jim Knight MP
Reuters Institute for the Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Minister of State
Study of Journalism The Independent (Schools and Learners) (tbc)
Jackie Ashley Prof Michael Keith Bobbie Johnson
The Guardian Goldsmith’s College, The Guardian
Catherine Fieschi University of London Catherine Fieschi
Demos (Chair) Rachel Briggs Demos (Chair)
Demos (Chair)
Monday 24th September Wednesday 26th September
07.30 - 09.00 Tuesday 25th September, 12.45 - 14.00
Highcliffe Sherbourne 07.30 - 09.00 Highcliffe
Breakfast provided. Highcliffe Shaftesbury Blandford
Breakfast provided. Lunch provided.

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in 2004, 2005 and 2007

– the
Campaigning Union
Visit our web site for some great campaign ideas

and resources

To join Usdaw visit


or call 0845 6060640*

Visit our stand 20-22 in the Purbeck Hall


General Secretary: John Hannett ● President: Jeff Broome

Usdaw, 188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M14 6LJ *Calls charged at local rate
Welcome to Conference

at the Labour Party Conference

Date Fringe Speakers Time and venue Partner

Mon How college Jim Knight MP, Rowland Foote, 12.30-2.30pm

24th Sept Bournemouth & Poole College, Royal Bath
Prof Sir Richard Layard, LSE, Mezzanine
saves lives Prof Alison Wolf, KCL,
Chair: Jenni Russell Alan Tuckett, NIACE,
Paul Mackney, NIACE
Mon Housing Yvette Cooper MP 12.30-2.30pm
24th Sept Professor Christine Whitehead, LSE Royal Bath
challenges in
David Orr, Disraeli
modern National Housing Association
Chair: Barbara Gunnell

Mon Weight of Rt Hon Dawn Primarolo, 5.30-7pm

24th Sept Dr Sue Jebb, Medical Research Royal Bath
Council,Rupert Mirabelle
what’s the Maitland-Titterton, Nestlé UK,
solution? Dr Rosemary Leonard GP,
Chair: Jenni Russell BBC Breakfast News
Tues The scale and Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, 12.30-2.30pm
25th Sept John Pelly, Queen Elizabeth Royal Bath
scope of the
Hospital Trust Greenwich, Mezzanine
NHS’s core Prof Chris Toumazou,
offering Imperial College London
Chair: Sarah Montague

Tues Can We Stop Jim Knight MP, 5.30-7.30pm

25th Sept Gary Phillips, Lillian Baylis School, Royal Bath
Pushy Parents
Dr Madeline Levin, Bayview
from Ruining Child Psychologist,
Kids’ Education Tim Brighouse,
Chair: Jenni Russell Commissioner for Schools

Weds Media Rt Hon James Purnell MP, 12.30-2.30pm

26th Sept Ian Hargreaves, Ofcom, Hot Rocks
Torin Douglas, BBC, Club and Bar
and consumer Steve Dowdle, Sony UK
Chair: Bill Thompson

For updates and information visit:
Hot food and refreshments will be served at all events
Annual Conference 07 | 19
The new team

The new team

So much has changed since Gordon Brown became the Labour Party’s new leader
and our country’s new Prime Minister, and that change is there to see at the
Cabinet table.

Party members will terror threats in London and

remember the first meeting Glasgow.
of Gordon Brown’s new
cabinet on 28 June 2007.
We saw on the news as the
new team walked in two-by-

Gordon Brown’s new Cabinet

is young and dynamic
with new appointments
of James Purnell and Andy
David Miliband meanwhile Burnham, both new to
was joined at the Cabinet the Cabinet at the age of
table by his brother, Ed. 37. Andy Burnham is the
David and Ed are the first new Chief Secretary to the
First through the doors of brothers to sit in Cabinet Treasury, working closely
10 Downing Street that for nearly 70 years. Ed with the new Chancellor,
day were David Miliband takes charge of the Cabinet
and Jacqui Smith. At 39 Office, as well as taking
David Miliband is Britain’s responsibility for the next
youngest Foreign Secretary General Election manifesto.
in a generation, while Jacqui
Smith becomes the first Gordon Brown’s Cabinet is
woman to hold the post of also the first to be attended
Home Secretary. Within days by a married couple. Ed
Jacqui won praise for the Balls was appointed to head
calm way she handled the up the new Department
for Children, Schools and Alistair Darling. James
Families. He is joined at Purnell returns to head up
Cabinet meetings by his the Department for Culture,
wife, Yvette Cooper, Minister Media and Sport – the
with responsibility for Department where he was
Housing policy – one of the previously Minister from
key priorities set out by the 2005-2006.
new Prime Minister.
Beyond the Cabinet, the
wider ministerial team is

20 | Annual Conference 07
The new team

full of new faces and people David Willetts, the man who the next year, focusing on
with different experiences set out the Tories’ policy on Britain’s housing needs;
from different backgrounds – grammar schools, only to world class education and
from the worlds of business, see his Leader cave to the skills; looking after children
defence and diplomacy. Tory Right and perform a in care; improving health and
u-turn on the issue. social care; protecting the
Gordon Brown’s fresh new What does the future hold security and safety of the
team has set out an exciting for Labour’s new team? British people; giving more
agenda for change in the Gordon Brown has already power to parliament and in
future, with significant set out his initial plans turn to the people it serves;
policy announcements on for the future in a draft tackling climate change;
housing, health, education legislative programme delivering welfare reform;
and many others. Contrast – another innovation brought addressing local transport
this with David Cameron, in by the new government. needs; and supporting
whose own re-shuffle saw In that statement he set business.
him sack his ‘modernising’ out a consultation on the
Party Chair and demote priorities for legislation over That’s quite an agenda for
the new team to deliver.

New Cabinet line-up

Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Whip
for the Civil Service Rt Hon Geoff Hoon MP
Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families
Chancellor of the Exchequer Rt Hon Ed Balls MP
Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP Minister for the Cabinet Office; and Chancellor of the
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Duchy of Lancaster
Rt Hon David Miliband MP Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP
Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Rt Hon Jack Straw MP Rt Hon James Purnell MP
Secretary of State for the Home Department Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Rt Hon Jacqui Smith MP Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP
Secretary of State for Defence; and, Secretary of State Leader of the House of Lords (and Lord President of
for Scotland the Council)
Rt Hon Des Browne MP Rt Hon Baroness Ashton of Upholland
Secretary of State for Health Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills
Affairs Rt Hon John Denham MP
Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP
Secretary of State for International Development Also attending Cabinet
Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP
Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Minister for the Olympics and London
Regulatory Reform Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP
Rt Hon John Hutton MP Lords Chief Whip and Captain of the Gentlemen at Arms
Leader of the House of Commons (and Lord Privy Seal); Rt Hon Lord Grocott
Minister for Women; and Labour Party Chair Attorney General
Rt Hon Harriet Harman QC MP Rt Hon Baroness Scotland of Asthal QC
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; and Secretary Minister for Housing
of State for Wales Yvette Cooper MP
Rt Hon Peter Hain MP Minister for Africa, Asia and UN
Secretary of State for Transport Rt Hon Lord Malloch Brown
Rt Hon Ruth Kelly MP
Secretary of State for Communities and Local
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP

Annual Conference 07 | 21
Winning on the web

Winning on the web

Over two thirds of people in the UK Labour:Central
now use the internet on a regular basis. Have you ever been surfing the Internet
Indeed, the web is fast becoming more and seen something that you think the
important than TV with recent research Labour community should read? Have you
showing that the average internet user ever watched a funny video on YouTube
now spends an average of 41 days or thought your blog entry should be on
online each year compared with 37 the front page of Labour:
days spent watching TV. And, contrary Central is our new communication tool
to popular belief, it’s not just the young which lets the Labour community decide
- a recent survey showed that internet what information is displayed on
usage has edged ahead of DIY and
gardening as the favourite hobby of
pensioners. We’re letting Labour’s online community
This has important implications for politics share its good taste with members and
as the internet becomes one of the most supporters alike by submitting and rating
important places relevant content
where people get their from throughout the
information. Research Internet. The most
from the 2006 popular content
elections in the US will then be given a
showed that over 40 prominent placing on
per cent of voters used and
the internet to find out within Labour:Central
more about political itself.
parties and politicians.
You can share
That’s why, as well your favourites by
as products like downloading the
Interactive Web Labour:Central toolbar
Creator and Labour’s or by visiting
membersnet (which
you can read more and filling in the
about on page 8), submission form – so
we’ve been developing tell us what’s good
the following tools online and share your
to enable you to help good taste!
Labour win on the web.

22 | Annual Conference 07
Winning on the web

iSupport – Labour’s Labour’s Blogging Toolbar

Facebook application Ever wished you could campaign for Labour
Even if you’ve never used the internet in from the comfort of your own front room?
your life, you can hardly fail to have heard Well now you can.
of Facebook in recent months. The social
networking phenomenon has over 3.5 Download Labour’s Blogging Toolbar by
million users in the UK with an estimated visiting You’ll
10,000 people joining every day. London be able to use it to find the blogs that are
has also become the biggest regional talking about the subjects you’re interested
“network” in the world on the site with in, from education to the environment to
three quarters of a million people in the the NHS, and make the case for Labour in
Capital logging in on a regular basis. the discussions, all without having to leave
your living room!
If you’re on Facebook you can now add the
Labour Party’s application, iSupport, to your Labour:vision
profile to tell your friends why you support Labour’s innovative YouTube channel
the Labour Party, display the latest news Labour:vision has allowed us to
from Labour and get details of campaign communicate to new audiences in a
events near you. dynamic way. During Conference will be hosting
a number of online question and answer
sessions with our leading politicians. To ask
a question simply visit, you’ll
then be able to submit a question, vote on
which questions you’d like answered and
try and win support for your question in
the discussion forums!

As well as Q&A sessions, Labour:vision will

be showing lots of the speeches made at
Conference. So if you’ve missed a speech
or simply want to rewatch one in the
comfort of your own home visit

Annual Conference 07 | 23
Campaign training

Campaign training
workshops and events
Throughout this year’s Annual Tue 25 September
Conference, there are a range of 10 – 11.30am
training sessions open to members. Women into Parliament
Book your sessions at the Labour Party Are you seriously interested in standing for
Stand in the conference exhibition or in parliament this time around?
advance of conference at Then this is the session for you. An advanced level workshop offering guidance
and information for women determined to
Mon 24 September be Labour candidates at the next General
10 – 11.30am Election.
Keeping Control - holding onto power in
a Labour controlled council 12 – 1.30pm
This course is for Labour councillors, council Towards the next General Election
candidates and party activists who are This session will set out Labour’s strategy
currently in control of their council - either for the next General Election. We will cover
outright control or in coalition. It will effective campaigning techniques and how
include advice from councillors who have to target different voters and provide an
held onto power through difficult electoral opportunity to share best practice from
cycles by not only delivering quality across the country.
services for their residents but using the
latest communications techniques to out 2 – 3.30pm
campaign our opposition in the press, on Campaigning against an opposition
the ground and in the council chamber. council
This session looks at effective strategies
2.30 - 6pm for campaigns against opposition run
Introduction to Contact Creator and new councils. Come along to share ideas and
voter ID questions look at examples from across the country.
This session will look at why the party is
replacing Labour.Contact, with a new voter 4 – 5.30pm
database system which will be accessible Campaigning with new media
over the internet, and changing the voter Online campaigning is already important
ID questions we use. and will only become even more so.
Research in the US showed that 40 per
cent of voters used the internet to find out
more about political parties and politicians
at the last election. However, just putting
your site on the internet isn’t enough. This
session will cover techniques to help you

24 | Annual Conference 07
Campaign training

use new media to campaign effectively or at the

including using podcasts, videocasts, blogs Labour Party Stand.
and emails.
1.30 – 3pm
Wed 26 September Towards the next General Election
10 – 1pm This session will set out Labour’s strategy
Being an effective councillor for the next General Election. We will cover
This course is for Labour councillors or effective campaigning techniques and how
council candidates and will cover aspects to target different voters and provide an
of how to be an effective councillor. It will opportunity to share best practice from
include advice on community leadership, across the country.
delivering quality services, standards and
ethics, high visibility campaigning and 3.30 – 5pm
how best to spend your time in the town Making the most of Partnership
hall. There will also be contributions from in Power
leading councillors. This course is open to Making policy development a campaigning
all Labour councillors/candidates and we opportunity - a guide to how Labour makes
are particularly keen for new councillors policy through Partnership in Power and
and council candidates to attend this tips on how to ensure your local party can
course. This sessions costs £25 to attend get the most out of policy development
– you can pay online at by engaging members and your local

Annual Conference 07 | 25

Back to the beach

After our 2006 foray into city life in At the end of September, when the Labour
Manchester, Annual Conference 2007 Party Conference hits town, the weather
is back in a familiar seaside setting in may still be mild enough for a seaside walk,
Bournemouth. or to sit outside a bar or restaurant, or in
one of Bournemouth’s beautifully-kept
Although Conference activity is focused parks and gardens.
on the island sites of the Bournemouth
International Centre, Highcliff Hotel and Definitely one of the better class of seaside
Pavilion, if you do have a spare afternoon or resorts, Bournemouth’s glorious sandy Blue
even an hour or two, Bournemouth has a lot Flag beaches are kept really clean, with a
to offer. full-time team of litter pickers, and tractors
which rake the sand every morning and

Bournemouth’s superior beach huts date

back to the 1930’s – you can even rent
them from the council for £7 a day. (No
staying overnight – don’t be tempted if
you’ve been laggardly in getting your
Conference hotel booked!)

The nearby Dorset coast has been

designated a World Heritage site – ‘Jurassic
Coast’ – and features the well-known
geological features of Lulworth Cove and
Durdle Door. Ancient monuments abound in
the area, with Stonehenge an hour’s drive
away, and Corfe Castle down the coast at

Of interest to political historians is the

notorious ‘rotten borough’ of Old Sarum,
now a village on the outskirts of Salisbury,
but which in the 17th century sent two
MPs to Parliament (one was William Pitt
the Elder) with only eleven voters until
abolished by the Reform Act of 1832.

26 | Annual Conference 07

The centre of town is bisected by the valley on pages 28 and 29 for recommendations.
formed by the Bourne Stream, flowing
through the Lower Gardens and into the Bournemouth is great for shopping, with
sea at the Pier. One side is West Cliff, the the town centre just a short walk from the
other East Cliff, with quite a steep walk in Conference island site. You’ll find familiar
between – so if you end up on the wrong High Street shops on the West Cliff side,
side you may be tempted to get a taxi back! including Debenhams and Marks & Spencer
as well as lots of smaller stores in the
Bournemouth has long shaken off Avenue Shopping Centre.
its sedate image as a resort for posh
pensioners, and offers a great variety Head for the East Cliff for more exclusive
of nightlife, from fashionable bars and fashion shops, as well as loads of delis,
nightclubs to traditional pubs, and live jewellers and quirky independent boutiques
music venues offering everything from jazz and gift shops.
to indie.
More information from
Over 250 restaurants, bistros and cafes, or call Visitor
offer a great choice of eating out in every Information on 01202 451 700.
speciality and price range – see our feature

Annual Conference 07 | 27
Eating out

best bites
Restaurants featured 5-10 MINUTES’ WALK has a varied menu, excellent
on these pages are cocktails and a special
just a small selection Indian Ocean (Indian) Sunday Jazz lunch.
of hundreds in £ Exeter Road, BN2 5AG
Bournemouth. For a full No flock wallpaper here .....
listing of restaurants, modern decor, extensive 01202 438 000
pubs and inns check menu and excellent value. 4 West Cliff Road, BN2 5EY West Beach (Fish) £££
01202 311 222 Right on the seafront, West
Beach has an extensive
Ocean Palace (Chinese) menu specialising in locally-
£ caught fish
Peking and Szechuan Pier Approach, BH2 5AA
banquets on rotating table-
tops, good-value set menus 01202 587 785
- ideal for groups.
8 Priory Road, BN2 5DG 15-20 MINUTES’ WALK
They are arranged by
proximity to the island site 01202 559 127 Ciao (Italian)
assuming you are on foot; £
‘further afield’ entries are Aruba (modern Modern, bistro-style venue
no more than a 10-minute international) offering first-class pasta,
taxi ride. All have disabled ££ pizza and contemporary
access and feature some Revamped ‘Show Bar’ Italian dishes.
vegetarian dishes – but does breakfasts, snacks 144 Old Christchurch Road,
please call ahead if you have and meals, plus a tropical BH1 1NL
specific requirements or cocktail bar, with DJs and
food allergies. live music at night. Open 01202 555 657
9am till 2am.
Pier Approach BH2 5AA Coriander (Mexican)
Key ££
Average two-course meal 01202 554 211 Popular, long-established
(starter and main course): restaurant (Kinnock ate
£ – under £15 1812 (contemporary) here in 1985) with a
££ – £15-25 ££ party atmosphere, great
£££ – £25+ In the Exeter Hotel just over vegetarian options, and
the road from the BIC, 1812 cocktails by the jugful.

28 | Annual Conference 07
Eating out

22 Richmond Hill, BH2 6EJ
01202 552 202

The Print Room (French)

New (opens 1 Sep) in
former Bournemouth
Daily Echo print room .
Promises ‘classic brasserie
experience’, open all day,
breakfast to dinner.
Richmond Hill, BH2 6HH
01202 789 669

Langtrys (English)
In the Langtry Manor Hotel, FURTHER AFIELD Romanzo (Greek)
built by Edward VII for £
mistress Lillie Langtry. Basilica Cafe-Restaurant Friendly, good-value
Period dining room, candles, (European) restaurant with wide
and six-course banquet on ££ selection of traditional
Saturdays! Quality, locally-sourced greek dishes.
Langtry Manor, ingredients, well-cooked. 87 Poole Road
Derby Road, Open all day from breakfast BN4 9BB
BH1 3QB through lunch and afternoon 01202 761 070 tea to dinner.
01202 553 887 73 Seamoor Road The Salad Centre
BH4 9AE (Vegetarian) £
01202 757722 Vegetarian wholefood
restaurant, wide range of
Gilbeys (contemporary hot and cold meals, snacks
British) and afternoon teas.
Family-run establishment; 01202 393 673
excellent food and good Resta
wine list in calm, elegant
locati rant
surroundings. marke ons
Liston Hotel,
in fold d on plan
5 Wollstonecraft Road, o
BH5 1JQ cover ut back
of t guide his
01202 394588 .

Annual Conference 07 | 29
Recycling at Conference

Labour’s recycling
partner for Conference
SITA UK is proud to be the Labour Party’s
recycling partner for the 2007 Annual
Conference. We’re providing the recycling
facilities in the Bournemouth International
Centre to encourage as much recycling as
possible during the week.

Recycling plays a crucial role in tackling

climate change and we are doing our
part by providing containers around the
conference venue for your recyclable items.
You’ll find bins for paper, glass, plastic, cans
and even food waste. This means we should
be able to recycle a large proportion of the
waste from this year’s event.

At the end of the conference, the paper,

glass, cans and plastic will be taken to a
materials recycling facility where it will
be baled up and sent for reprocessing and
the food waste will be composted using a
system that makes safe for use on the land.

SITA UK is a recycling and waste

management company, generating
environmental value, social value and
economic value from our nation’s waste.
We deliver environmentally responsible and
increasingly innovative
solutions for the public,
local government,
industry and commerce, Conference 07
23 –27 Septe

enabling our customers


to reduce their impact on ALL AREAS
the environment. WEDNESDAY
A N Other
Nonsuch CLP
xxxxxx xxxx
xxx xxxxx

Party, on
ry, the Labour
General Secreta
by Peter Watt,
and promoted London SW1H
AC??_07 Printed Victoria Street,
Party both at 39
behalf of the Labour

30 | Annual Conference 07
Labour Party stand
Welcome to Conference

Stand P1 in the middle of the Purbeck Hall

Get information about what’s on when, and where to find things at Conference.

At the party stand you can:

• record a question for a leading Labour politician or film a
response to a Conference speech
• book your place at party training events
• buy tickets to selected party fringe events
• collect copies of the Conference Daily Newspaper
• find out anything else you need to know.

You can also get detailed information and

demonstrations of the following campaign products:

Labour:vision at Interactive Web Creator

Conference Labour’s interactive and
Throughout Conference we’ll easy to use website package
be posting speeches and for local parties, elected
Q&A sessions with Labour’s representatives, candidates
politicians on and Labour Groups.
and our YouTube channel
Labour:vision – and we want Labour Contact Creator
you to join us. Whether it’s The party’s replacement for
a question to a politician, Labour.Contact, giving local
a response to a speech, or parties a modern, internet
simply your thoughts of the based system that will vastly
day from the Conference improve the way we are able
floor, visit the Party stand to record and target voters.
and let the world hear your
voice! Labour Print Creator
Our online template editing
MpURLs – Labour’s system which allows
membersnet local parties to produce
Our thriving online high quality, personalised
community for Labour Party literature.
members. Share ideas,
advertise and sign up to Labour Campaign Shop
campaign events, hold online Buy the latest leaflets and
meetings and much much campaign essentials for your
more... election and membership
campaigns as well as Labour
Party gifts and clothing.
Conference Security

For your security

Dear Delegate,

Every year the Conference Arrangements Committee liaises with the police over the
safety of everyone attending conference.

We want the security to be as unobtrusive as possible but do have to ensure that our
democratic discussions are not disrupted and the safety of all attendees in ensured.

Clearly the police work is underway long before conference but security during the week
is not something they can do alone. Vigilance is the most effective weapon against
terrorism, with all of us acting as the police force’s eyes and ears.

So if you do see anybody acting in a suspicious way, please report this to a Labour Party
steward or police officer straight away. If you cannot see anyone to speak to call the
police on the anti-terrorist hotline 0800 789 321 or directly to the Dorset Police on
01202 222222. In an emergency always call 999.

For the benefit of us all please keep all your belongings with you at all times. Any
unattended bags have to be checked by security and can result in delays to the timetable,
or even building evacuation, whilst the item is investigated.

Regular pass and bag checks can be irritating – none of us likes to queue – but we are sure
you understand why such security is necessary.

With best wishes for a interesting, enjoyable and safe conference.

Yours ,

Margaret Wheeler Roy Kennedy

Chair, Conference Secretary, Conference
Arrangements Committee Arrangements Committee

32 | Annual Conference 07
Conference Security

Passes Never leave bags unattended. Large

The main security measure you will be items of luggage are not allowed in the
aware of is the creation of an “island site” conference venue.
- this is the perimeter barrier put up around
the conference centre and conference

You will only gain access to the island site

with your personal bar-coded photo pass. Conference 07
Bournemouth, 23 –27 September

There are NO exceptions. Visitor

Your pass must be visible at all times when

in the island site. WEDNESDAY
A N Other
Please carry a second form of photographic Nonsuch CLP
identity with you – either a passport or xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxx

driving licence. Please do not wear your

pass outside the secure zone. If you
lose your pass, report it immediately to
Conference services who will advise you If you have any queries over access
on obtaining a replacement. and security please call Labour Party
Conference services on: 0870 043 5533.
Misuse of passes will result in their
permanent removal. Following feedback from last year’s
Annual Conference, the Labour Party have
adopted a new style of credentials. The
Security checks lightweight credentials are environmentally
At the entrance points to the island site
friendly, cost effective and received very
everyone has to show their pass. All photos
positive feedback at the recent Leadership
are checked to ensure they match that held
on the computer. All bags, mobile phones,
cameras, coins, keys etc have to go through
Your credential will be attached to the
a scanner (it is therefore quicker if such
covering letter of the conference pack.
items are kept to a minimum) Everyone has
to walk through a scanning arch.
How to assemble your credential:
1. Peel off the credential which is attached
Everyone has a personal search. (These are
to the bottom of your letter.
carried out by fully trained security staff,
2. fold the credential in half, ensuring you
with police available nearby. Women are
stick the credential from the middle
only searched by women.)
3. push through the centre punched hole at
Do not attempt to bring sharp objects,
the top of the credential.
weapons or any other items into
4. attach the enclosed lanyard to the
conference whose purpose may be subject
credential by placing the metal clip
to misinterpretation. These will
through the punched hole.
be confiscated.

Annual Conference 07 | 33
Conference timetable

Conference timetable
Key to timetable Sunday Monday
NPF Ballot
Policy seminar
09.45 - 12.45

Scottish Report

Local Government
Fraternal Speaker

Northern Ireland Report

communities / citizen-
ship & equalities
Stronger and more united
communities Q & A

Contemporary issues
14.15 - 16.00
14.00 - 17.30
Parliamentary report
Opening formalities

Civic welcome Policy Seminars:

Please note that this
is a draft schedule and
NEC chair’s welcome - Economy and Work
that the timings of the
- Sustainable
debates may change.
Deputy Leader Communities 1
(communities, local
Please ensure that you General Secretary government, culture
check the final timetable
and sport)
at the labour Party stand, NPF report, in the
Daily Newspaper or Welsh report
CAC report.

34 | Annual Conference 07
Conference timetable

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

CAC Ballot/NCC Ballot

Policy Seminars: 09.45 - 12.45 09.15 - 12.45

- Britain in the World
EPLP fraternal speaker Sustainable
- Health
- Education
Environment, Housing &
Education & Skills Transport Q & A
10.45 - 12.45
Co–op fraternal speaker
TUC Fraternal Speaker Gareth Thomas

Prosperity and Work Health Crime & Justice


Closing speech

Lunch 12.45-14.15

14.15 - 17.30 14.15 - 16.00

Britain in the World Parliamentary Q & A

Policy Seminars:
NEC Treasurer’s Report 16.15-17.30
NEC Auditor’s Report - Crime & Justice
- Citizenship &
Rule Changes Equalities
Mike Griffiths - Sustainable
Communities 2
(housing, environment,
rural affairs, energy
and transport)

Annual Conference 07 | 35
Welcome to Conference
Welcome to Conference
Online shop

Exclusive offers for

Labour members
We are always working to bring our Labour Energy
members and supporters the best
possible offers on deals we think will
interest them. These deals can benefit
you, and help raise money for us. To
find out more, visit and
follow the links.

Labour Legal Services

Labour Energy, in association with
Uchange4better, is an innovative
comparison site for domestic energy which
monitors every possible gas and electricity
deal available in the country. As well as
reducing the strain on your wallet, you
can also help to reduce the strain on the
environment. Every comparison shows you
the CO2 impact of each option, allowing you
to make a conscious decision about helping
to reduce your carbon footprint.

Labour Credit Card

Labour Legal Services, in association

with Flint Bishop Solicitors now offer a
whole range of legal services, as well as
entitling all members to a basic will free of
charge. Other services include a dedicated
relationship breakdown service as well as
their excellent on line conveyancing site.
Visit to find
out more.

Our friends at the Co-operative Bank have

on offer three different credit cards for you
to choose from. For each card taken out,

38 | Annual Conference 07
Online shop

we receive £15 for our campaigns. This Merchandise

would pay for 2,000 leaflets for next year’s Visit the Labour Party stand in the
London and local elections. Purbeck Hall to see and buy a selection
of our merchandise.
Recycle with Redeem
Our partners The new Labour Party Campaign Shop
Redeem will is packed full of leaflets, merchandise
recycle your old and gifts to liven up your campaigning.
mobile phones To visit the shop, go to
and printer uk/membersnet and click on the blue
cartridges, with Campaign Shop button.
their market
value going to Labour Party pin badge
the party. Money with logo, £2
raised from your
old phones could
be helping us make calls to voters, ensuring Labour Party white
strong Labour campaigns are fought in ceramic mug with logo,
every set of elections. £6

The Phone Co-op

Labour Party branded


Range of campaigning-wear including

polo shirts, fleeces, campaigning coats
and hats. Prices begin at £12 – visit the
By switching to The Phone Co-op you Campaign Shop to find out more about our
can benefit from ethical, climate-neutral personalisation service, colour options and
telephone and internet services, whilst availability.
helping to raise party funds at no extra cost
to you. Awarded Ethical Consumer’s ‘Best New design Labour Party
Buy’ in 2006, The Phone Co-op is the UK’s 2008 Diary
fastest growing consumer co-operative, and Labour Party Diary 2008 (Available to order
can help reduce the environmental impact for only £6.50 plus P&P). Red 2008 one
of your telecoms. week to view pocket size diary, with a new
spiral style. Includes useful Labour Party
and political contact details, dates and

Annual Conference 07 | 39
Welcome to Conference

Official print partners of The Labour Party
Visit us in Purbeck Hall, Stand 70/71

0114 272 8888 0191 280 0400
40 | Annual Conference 07
Getting greener

Labour’s green For more abou

doing to tackle
please see th
t what Labour

e ch

credentials Communities
policy documen

Since 1997, our Labour government has

moved environmental issues up the agenda,
working with other governments to achieve
emissions reductions under the Kyoto
protocol, increasing recycling, and investing
in green technology.

But how does the Labour Party measure

up to its own policies?
At our Head Offices in London and
Newcastle, and our Scottish, Welsh and
regional offices, the honest answer until
recently was ‘not as good as it could have

Doing more
But in recent years, in line with the
resolution passed by conference in
Manchester, we have tried to be more
creative in improving the party’s
environmental impact while saving money
at the same time.

Carbon neutral
Last year, we made Conference carbon
neutral, And we will do so again this year. thousands of pounds as well as saving
dozens of trees.
Printing less
The Labour Party uses tonnes of Labour members net (see page 8) allows
paper every year, producing mailings, party members to access publications and
campaign materials and policy booklets resources online instead of sending for
in large quantities for distribution to our printed copies.
stakeholders. Over the last six months,
we’ve reduced paper mailings by almost Recycling
two-thirds, with the vast majority of our We recycle office waste wherever possible.
communications to members, councillors, All our print cartridges are recycled either
CLPs and MPs now going by email through return-to-supplier facilities, or
– reducing print and postage costs by using the Redeem scheme on page 39.

Annual Conference 07 | 41
Getting greener

The Exhibition - Recycling

For the first time we are using exhibition
carpets which will be recycled by Reeds
after the event. For further information on
this service go to

Also in the Exhibition we are actively

discouraging the use of plastic bags and
excessive publication production. We
encourage all Exhibitors to use recyclable
products. And there will be recycling points
throughout the Exhibition.

We have a deal with Uchange4better, an What you can do
energy costs comparison website which not • give us your email address so we can save
only helps member save money, but shows on paper communications
you the CO2 impact of each option. See • ask your printer to use FSC or recycled
page 38 for details. paper for all your leaflets and newsletters
(your printer needs to be FSC–certified, to
Sustainable materials put the logo on your leaflets)
We now print nearly all national Labour • recycle print cartridges, old mobile phones
Party publications on paper from etc. via our Redeem scheme (see page 39)
responsibly-managed forests, as defined by
the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) – visit for more information. At Conference
Both our major print partners, Elanders • Our sponsor SITA is providing
and ProCo (see advertisement on previous recycling bins throughout the
page, or visit them on Stands P70-71) are island site for paper, glass,
FSC-certified, which entitles us to put the
FSC logo on our publications when the plastic, cans and even
paper used contains pulp from FSC-certified food waste
forests. Our contract with major UK supplier • REED Carpets who lay all the
Howard Smith Paper Group makes sure that
these papers are always available to us at carpet used in the hall and
short notice. The large volume of paper we exhibition areas will be recycling
purchase ensures we get the best prices. the carpet at the
Our print partners also order paper for end of Conference
our work from Howard Smith, and all the • look out for the FSC logo on your
photocopying paper used in Labour Party Conference publications
offices is either FSC-certified or recycled.

For more details go to © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council A.C.

42 | Annual Conference 07
A–Z information

A-Z of useful Locations for

venues outsid
the island site
are sh ow n on
e foldout inside

information town map in th

the back cove
r of this guide.

Access before Conference, please Thursday 27 – 8am to 1pm

All of the island site venues contact the Conference Telephone number:
have disabled access. The Services unit on 0870 0870 043 5533, email:
fringe listings section of 043 5533 or email conferenceservices@new.
this guide indicates which conferenceservices@new.
venues are accessible.
Disability telephone
Accommodation CAC office number
Accommodation in The Conference Amanda Amesbury,
Bournemouth is Arrangements Committee Disability Co-ordinator, will
limited; please visit office is in the Avon Room, be on site for the duration for on the ground floor next to of conference and can be
further information. the main Conference Hall contacted on 07921 406
entrance. 737.
A free ATM is available on Chemist Disabled Parking
Post Office Stand 15 in the The nearest chemists to the Parking is available in the
Purbeck Hall; see Exhibition conference centre can be Winter Gardens car park,
listings for location. found on Commercial Road, Exeter Road. Disabled
Bournemouth. parking permit (available
from Conference Services
Conference Services on a first come first served
(accreditation office) basis) and blue badge
The Conference Services must be shown in your
office is located at: windscreen.
Oasis Bar, Pavilion, Exeter
Road – back entrance of the
Pavilion, across the road
from the BIC. The opening
hours are:
Monday 17 to Friday 21
Braille – 9am to 6pm
The onsite RNIB Saturday 22 to Sunday 23
transcription unit produces – 8am to 8pm
Braille and audiotape Monday 24 – 8am to 2pm,
formats at stand P19. 4pm to 8pm
If you need braille or Tuesday 25 to Wednesday
audiotape documents 26 – 8am to 8pm

Annual Conference 07 | 43
A–Z information

Documents Enablers
Copies of speeches RNIB enablers will be
are available from the available throughout
Labour Students’ stand conference and can be
No. B4 or at contacted by radio at each
uk. The Conference Daily entrance. Stewards on
newspaper, handed out site will be able to contact
when you come into enablers. A one to one
Conference each morning, service is not available
publishes the Record of throughout conference.
Decisions from the previous
day. Entrance/exits
The entrance to the island Information desk (on
site is via the BIC carpark, Labour Party stand)
which leads to the Purbeck The Labour Party Stand is in
Hall, the main entrance the middle of the Purbeck
to the BIC. The disabled Hall. Visit the party stand
entrance is located at the to book training sessions,
right hand side of the BIC enquire about campaigning,
main entrance. collect the days record of
decisions or for any other
First Aid party-related information.
This is located on the
Solent corridor by the Roux
Express Coffee Bar.

Food and drink

in the venue
Refreshment points are
located throughout the
island site, offering a
variety of food and snacks
including vegetarian
Drop off points options, and coffee, tea,
A drop off point for taxis soft and alcoholic drinks.
has been designated the at
delegate entrance to the Help with hearing
BIC on Westhill Road. A pick A hearing assistance
up and drop off point will service is available at Leader’s speech
be beside Pier Approach conference, for further arrangements
(behind Hot Rocks) on information contact The Leaders speech on the
Bath Road. There will also Conference Services on Monday of Conference is a
be a pick up point at the 0870 043 5533 or email ticket-only event; tickets
Westcliff Road junction on conferenceservices@new. can be obtained from the
Westhill Road. Labour Party stand.

44 | Annual Conference 07
A–Z information

Left Luggage timetable on pages 38- including vehicles with

A left luggage facility close 39 for times of the Policy disabled access. Bookings
to the conference centre Seminars. They are open to through United Taxis on
will be made available for delegates only, and all take 01202 556677. See also
delegates who have to place in the secure site. Drop Off Points.
check out of their hotels
on Thursday. Please visit Mobility Aids Toilets
the party stand for further U2 events can arrange Location of toilets in the BIC
details. mobility aids with prior are shown on the Exhibition
notice. Please contact the plans on pages 196 and
Conference Services unit on 197.
0870 043 5533 or email

Sign language interpreters
will be on the platform
for all plenary sessions to
convey speeches to those
with hearing difficulties.
Lost pass
If you lose your pass, Smoking Policy
whether inside or outside Following the introduction
the secure zone, please of new legislation on 1 July
notify Conference Services 2007, it is against the law
as soon as you realise to smoke in any enclosed
the pass is missing and to premises. You may smoke Training Sessions
organise a replacement. in the outdoor areas of the Open to any party member
island site. attending Conference, a
Parking variety of training sessions
Due to security restrictions with take place during
there is no parking conference. Please visit
anywhere in the island site. the party stand or see the
For further details of car information on pages 24
parks in Bournemouth, visit and 25.
Post Office U2 events can arrange
There will be a post box at mobility aids with prior
the Post Office Stand, No. notice. Please contact the
15 in the Purbeck Hall. Conference Services unit on
Taxis 0870 043 5533 or email
Seminars There are black cabs conferenceservices@new.
See the Conference available in Bournemouth,

Annual Conference 07 | 45
Island site map

e Road



ll Ro





st H

ill R

Priory Road B3066 Rd







Highcliff Hotel iii

Labour Party Annual Conference 2007

Delegate Entrance/ Exit Point Island perimeter A Delegat
Disabled Entrance Shuttle bus Pick-Up & Drop-Off Point B Shuttle
Exit Point Land Train Pick Up & Drop Off Points C Confere
Delegate Entrance/ Exit Point Land Train Route

46 | Annual Conference 07
Island site map
a d

et e
rR C


BIC Pier Approach

Marquee Locations
– James Callaghan Marquee
– Harold Wilson Marquee
i – UNITE marquee
ii – UNISON marquee
iii – USDAW marquee
iv – DODS marquee

te Entrance to Pavilion
Bus Pick-Up/ Drop-Off Point
ence Services

Annual Conference 07 | 47
Computer training

Computer training
at Conference
These sessions are aimed at people who most from Labour’s membersnet which is
have not previously used any of the now a thriving online community of Labour
systems and want to find out more. They Party members which gives the party a
last up to 60 minutes and takes place in modern way to communicate with members
the training room located at the CFL stand, and for members across the country to talk
S9 in the Solent Hall exhibition area. Places to each other.
are limited and it is advisable to book in
advance at the CFL stand. Sunday 22nd
4 – 5pm Labour Contact Creator
There will be five different topics repeated 5 – 6pm CFL Caseworker
in sessions throughout the week:
Monday 23th
Contact Creator – This session will look 10 – 11am Labour’s members net – Mpurl
at the new, online replacement for Labour. 11am – 12pm Labour Print Creator
contact. which is being launched here at 12 – 1pm CFL Caseworker
Annual Conference. LCC is set to become 4 – 5pm Interactive Web Creator
the Party’s main campaigning tool. 5 – 6pm Labour contact creator

CFL Caseworker – This session will give Tuesday 24th

an overview of how the system is used 10 – 11am Labour Contact Creator
by Labour’s elected representatives to 11am – 12pm CFL Caseworker
manage their casework. It will go through 12 – 1pm Labour’s members net – Mpurl
progressing a new case from start to finish. 2 – 3pm Labour Print Creator
3 – 4pm Interactive Web Creator
Print Creator - This session will give 4 – 5pm Labour Contact Creator
you the chance to experience the Labour 5 – 6pm CFL Caseworker
parties online editing and ordering system
and will take you through the process of Wednesday 25th
creating your campaign materials. 10 – 11am Labour Contact Creator
11am – 12pm CFL Caseworker
Interactive Web Creator - This session 12 – 1pm Labour’s members net – Mpurl
will give you a taster of the party’s easy 2 – 3pm Labour Print Creator
to use, interactive website, for CLPs and 3 – 4pm Interactive Web Creator
elected representatives. This tool enables 4 – 5pm Labour Contact Creator
local parties and elected representatives to 5 – 6pm CFL Caseworker
use the most modern online campaigning
tools at the local level. Thursday 26th
10 – 11am CFL Caseworker
MpURL – Labour’s members net – The 11 – 11.45am Labour Contact Creator
session will show people how to get the

48 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

Lnmc`x13Rdosdladq Marquee 2 is now the
01-34ol,1ol Unison Marquee

SgdAhfKnssdqxEtmcvhkk`v`qc`qntmc Rod`jdqr
¢5//lhmfq`msrd`bgxd`q-K`rsxd`qsgd ● Rt Hon James Purnell MP, Secretary of
AhfKnssdqxEtmcqdbdhudc`ookhb`shnmrenq State for Culture, Media and Sport
etmchmfvnqsg¢7-2am-Inhmntqo`mdksn ● Dr Sarabajaya Kumar, Lecturer in Social
chrbtrrcdl`mc+cdbhrhnml`jhmf+otakhb Policy, LSE
hmunkudldms`mchmsdkkhfdmsetmchmf- ● Liz Atkins, Director of Public Policy,
● Sir Clive Booth, Chair, Big Lottery Fund
● Nick Higham, Correspondent, BBC


Annual Conference 07 | 51
Fringe listings

Fringe listings


Annual Conference 07 | 53
Fringe listings
Our round tables are invitation-only stakeholder debates.
Please contact for more.

The skills gap: whose rights, whose responsibilities?

John Denham, Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills, Michael
Izza, Institute of Chartered Accountants, David Coats, The Work Foundation (chair)
Low carbon Europe

Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for the Environment, Stephen Hale, Green Alliance,
Jim Murphy MP, Europe Minister, Nicola Pitts, National Grid, Roger Liddle,
European Commission (chair)
Energy policy and climate change

Jim Skea, UK Energy Research Centre, Malcolm Wicks, Minister for Energy, Alan
Whitehead MP
Educating the innovators of tomorrow

Bill Rammell MP, Annette Thomas, Oil & Gas UK, Tim Horton, Fabian Society (chair)

Beyond ‘respect’
David Blunkett MP, Beverley Hughes MP, Children Minister, Martin Narey,
Should soft skills be part of the curriculum?

Jim Knight MP, Minister for Schools, Tim Oates, Research Director, Cambridge
Assessment, Richard Pring, Nuffield Review, Anthony Seldon, Wellington College,
Louise Bamfield, the Fabian Society (chair)
Putting communities in control: next steps for the placemaking agenda

Hazel Blears MP, Ed Mayo, NCC, and others

Beyond the New Deal

Rushanara Ali, Young Foundation, Jeanette Faherty, Avanta, Caroline Flint MP, Robert
The environment and social justice: how do we meet the fairness test?

Hilary Benn MP, Tony Hawkhead, Groundwork UK, Rebecca Willis, SDC
We will soon announce details of the following Policy Round Tables on our web site at
Beyond hospitals? Transforming the NHS
Natalie-Jane MacDonald, BUPA, Ara Darzi (invited), Jennifer Dixon, King’s Fund,
Dr Howard Stoate MP (chair, invited) and others
Bringing care closer to patients: but can pharmacists, GPs and
commissioners work together to achieve it?
Dawn Primarolo MP, Dr Howard Stoate MP, David Taylor, School of Pharmacy
Creating a healthy debate: public engagement in health policy
Viki Cooke, Opinion Leader Research (invited), Anna Coote, Health Care Commission
(invited), Alan Johnson MP (invited), Jo Revill, The Observer (invited) and others
Innovation and public services
Andy Burnham MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury (invited), Paul Coen, Local
Government Association (invited), Jonathan Kestenbaum, NESTA, and others
Pensions: increasing saving, preserving provision
Niki Cleal, Pensions Policy Institute, Mike O’Brien MP, John Jory, B&CE Benefit
Schemes and others
Reaching for renewables
Adam Bruce, British Wind Energy Association, Graham Wynne, RSPB, Phil Woolas
MP, Alan Whitehead MP (chair, invited) and others
Fringe listings
Fringe listings

Child Poverty in the United Kingdom is

The Government, who have made strong This year we have a real opportunity to ensure
that the Government commit the £4bn necessary
commitments to ending child poverty, to halve child poverty by 2010 and keep their
can make it happen. Progress has been promises to the 3.8 million children experiencing
made, 600,000 children have been lifted poverty in the UK - but we need you;
out of poverty since 1999 and other Join the Campaign to End Child Poverty
European countries have been able to and help make this a reality.

reduce their rate to less than one fifth of

ours - so we can do it too. Registered Charity no. 1099008.

End Child Poverty Can childcare alleviate School’s out, or is it? YWCA More
Reception child poverty? 14 – 19 education than one rung
and training campaign: Making
Date Time Venue Date Time Venue
Sunday 23rd September Sunday 23rd September work work for girls
Date Time Venue
6.15 – 7.30pm 6.00 – 7.30pm Monday 24th September Date Time Venue
Harold Wilson Marquee, Mirabelle Room 6.00 – 7.30pm Tuesday 25th September
Zafferano, next to the Royal Bath Hotel Clifton Suite 5.30pm
Marriot Highcliffe Hotel Bournemouth Hermitage Hotel Blandford Syndicate 3,
Host Chair Bournemouth Highcliff Hotel
Jasmine Whitbread Patrick Diamond Speakers invited Chair
Chief Executive, Director of international The Rt Hon Ed Balls MP Dawn Butler MP
Save the Children think tank Policy Network Secretary of State (Chair APPG, Youth Affairs)
and public interest body for children, schools
Speaker Capacity and Visiting Speakers
Government Minister (tbc) and families;
Fellow LSE Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP
Mike Tomlinson
Refreshments provided Minister for Women (invited)
Speakers Buffet and refreshments
Rt Hon Ed Balls MP Deborah Annetts
provided YWCA Chief Executive
Secretary of State for
Children, Schools and and young women from
Families (invited) YWCA projects
Denise Burke Refreshments provided
London Development
Agency (LDA),
Head of Childcare
Alexandra Frean
Education Editor
of the Times
Refreshments provided
Wheelchair access

56 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

not inevitable.
“And let me say… “We must tackle “Our goals could
that in the fourth the causes of child not be more important:
richest country in poverty…so that we can Nothing less than full
the world it is simply strengthen our society employment in our
wrong – wrong that and deliver security and generation and social
any child should grow opportunity for all.” justice and…ending
up in poverty.” Ed Balls MP,
child poverty
Gordon Brown MP, July 2007 in Britain..”
June 2007 Peter Hain MP,
June 2007

Young people call Disabled children Education: Closing Thanks to the Family
for an end to child - a new priority. or increasing the Fund for supporting
poverty in the UK: Every Disabled Child poverty gap? this advertisement
Young campaigners Matters campaign Date Time Venue The Family Fund helps
affected by poverty Wednesday 26th September 50,000 low-income
Date Time Venue
share their experiences Wednesday 26th September 12.45 - 2.15pm families with severely
12.45 - 2.00pm. Harold Wilson Marquee, disabled children with
Date Time Venue grants worth £28.2 million.
Tuesday 25 September West Cliff Suite, Tralee Zafferano, next to the
7.00pm Hotel, West Hill Road, Marriot Highcliffe Hotel They are a key agent in
Offshore Cafe at Bournemouth, BH2 5EQ Chair the battle against child
Bournemouth Aquarium Fiona Millar poverty.
Rt Hon Ed Balls MP Journalist Over half of the country’s
Jasmine Whitbread Secretary of State for Speakers 770,000 disabled children
Chief Executive, Children, Schools live in poverty. Over time
Jim Knight MP
Save the Children and Families service improvements will
Minister of State for
Dame Jo Williams DBE Schools and Learners; help raise incomes but to
Speaker Chief Executive, Mencap hit its 2010 target for
Rt Hon Edward Miliband Kate Green halving child poverty the
(tbc) Lunch will be provided Chief Executive, Child government needs to
Poverty Action Group; give families more direct
Refreshments provided
Steve Sinnott financial support. This will
General Secretary, require increases in the
National Union of Teachers; disability living allowance,
A representative of the the Family Fund
English Secondary government grant and
Students' Association. the childcare element of
Buffet lunch provided working tax credits, plus a
Wheelchair access DLA take up campaign.

Annual Conference 07 | 57
Fringe listings

The Age Concern and Help the Aged Fish and Chip Supper
Rt Hon Peter Hain MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (invited)

Featuring John and Bubbles

from rock band ‘The Zimmers’

8 – 9.30pm
Monday 24 September

Old Harry’s Bar, Marriott Highcliff Hotel

Still on the fringe: Does the NHS fail to treat people with dignity?
Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, Secretary of State for Health (invited)
Anna Walker, Healthcare Commission
Gordon Lishman, Age Concern England

12.45 – 1.45pm
Tuesday 25 September

Harold Wilson Marquee, Zafferano Restaurant, Marriott Highcliff Hotel

Lunch will be provided

Out of sight, out of mind: Where’s the adult social inclusion agenda?
Ed Miliband MP, Secretary of State for the Cabinet Office (invited)
Baroness Prosser, Commission for Equality and Human Rights
Bridget Warr, Guide Dogs
Gordon Lishman, Age Concern England
A representative from Association of Directors of Adult Social Services

6 – 7pm
Tuesday 25 September

Sherbourne Suite, Marriott Highcliff Hotel

A hot buffet will be provided

For further details telephone 020 8765 7602 or email
Fringe listings
driving stronger performance - making services
accountable - putting people in charge

Monday 24 September 20.30 - 22.00

12.45 – 14.00 Waterford Lower Green, Tralee Hotel
Wessex Room, Forestdale Hotel The Local Government Reception.
Local Government Question Time. Hosted by the LGA in conjunction with IDeA, LACORS,
Hosted by the LGA LGiU, 4ps and NLGN
No speeches just loads of questions. Isn’t that what This reception is sponsored by
fringe meetings should be about? the Financial Services Authority
Speakers include: Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP, Cllr Sir Jeremy
Beecham - LGA, Juliet Lyon – Prison Reform Trust, Andrew
Pierce – The Telegraph, Deborah Mattinson – opinion leader

13:00 – 14:00
Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth
Flooding – the planning, environmental and
economic challenge.
Hosted by the APG on Flood Prevention Group in con-
junction with Norwich Union
Speakers include: John Grogan MP, John Smeaton – Norwich
Union, Cllr Ian Mearns – LGA

19:30 – 20:30
Climate Clinic Punshon House, Bournemouth Wednesday 26 September
Taking the temperature: can public services 12.45 – 14:00
save the planet? Marriott Sherbourne, Bournemouth
Hosted by the LGA, the NHS Confederation, UNISON Redefining efficiency: bigger, cheaper, faster
and nef – better?
Speakers include: Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Cllr Sir Jeremy Speakers include: Ed Balls MP, Lisa Sanfilippo – nef, Paul
Beecham - LGA, Dame Gill Morgan - NHS Confederation, Coen - LGA, Gill Ball – ACCA, David Walker - The Guardian
Dave Prentis - Unison, Andrew Simms - nef

For further information contact LGconnect on 020 7664

3131 or visit our website at
Annual Conference 07 | 59
Fringe listings

Stand S1, Solent Hall

Improving outcomes for children by:

Giving children, parents and practitioners voice

Building an evidence base at local level

Actively engaging parents in the production of services

BBC fringe events:

The World At One Our Audience, Your Voters
The World At One’s Martha Kearney chairs a debate on Are the voters watching or listening to you?
Labour – change or lose? Come and hear how audience insight is
Special guest speakers and contributions from the floor helping the BBC engage with our audiences –
your voters.

Venue: Marquee A, San Michel Brasserie and Bar, Highcliff Hotel Venue: Tregonwell Room, Royal Exeter
Date: Sunday 23rd September Date: Monday 24th September
Time: Drinks from 8pm Time: 6.30pm
Debate starts 8.30pm

Refreshments will be available

Marquee A is now the

James Callaghan Marquee

For more information visit the BBC stand at S54-56, Solent Hall, BIC

60 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

Sustainability and Manufacturing Independent Thinking from Polity

A joint event between General Motors and the East of England Over to You, Mr Brown
Development Agency. HOW LABOUR CAN WIN AGAIN
Anthony Giddens
Venue: Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel ‘The immense value of Anthony Giddens’s brilliant
Date: Wednesday 26th September 2007 book is that it preaches against complacency ...’
Time: 17:30 – 19:00 Charles Clarke MP,The Guardian
Speakers to include: Barbara Follett MP, Minister for the East of
‘An important route map for progress.’
England (tbc) and Alex Bruce, Manager Government Relations for David Miliband MP, The Observer
General Motors UK & Ireland
March 2007 • 188 pages • 978-0-7456-4223-9
Paperback • £9.99
To order: phone Marston Book Services: + 44 (0) 1235 465500
For more information:
email breffni.o’

Getting the most

out of the Party?
Talk to the experts

Warwick Smith
T +44 (0)20 7457 2020

Annual Conference 07 | 61
Fringe listings


You are invited to attend South West RDA’s
reception, showcasing the very best of
food and drink from the South West region,
skilfully prepared by Fifteen Cornwall.
Food created and prepared by Fifteen Cornwall,
using regionally sourced food & drink.
Aruba Bar and Restaurant,
Pier Approach, Bournemouth BH2 5AA (&55*/(06550803,
6pm - 8pm

Marquee 1 is now the


Unite Marquee

For further information contact 4QFBLFST



From Green Belts to Eco Towns

18.00-19.30, Monday 24 September
San Michel Marquee B
Speakers include:
Nick Raynsford MP
David Blunkett MP (Chair)
David Cowans Chief Executive, Places for People
Yvette Cooper Housing Minister (invited)

Revitalising the Regions –

Planning for Economic Prosperity
18.30-20.30, Tuesday 24 September
Menzies Carlton Hotel
Speakers include:
Councillor Peter Box
Chair,Yorkshire &
Humber Assembly
Gideon Amos Chief Executive,TCPA
In partnership with
English Regions Network
and Places for People
All Welcome – Refreshments Served

62 | Annual Conference 07
Health Hotel member organisations:
Alzheimer’s Society, Association of British Healthcare Industries, The
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, Asthma UK,

HEALTH Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Care, British Dental

Association, British Heart Foundation, British Medical Association,
Cancer Research UK, Cancerbackup, Diabetes UK, Eye Health Alliance,

All the big health debates
fpa (Family Planning Association), General Medical Council, The Health
Foundation, Healthcare Commission, Help the Aged, Help the Hospices,
King’s Fund, LTCA, Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie Cancer Care,
Medical Protection Society, The New Health Network, The NHS
under one roof Confederation, Nursing & Midwifery Council, Parkinson’s Disease Society,
Rethink, The Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Nursing, Royal
Supported by:
College of Surgeons, The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, The Stroke
Association, UNISON

Monday 24 –
Tuesday 25
September at The
Marriott Highcliff,
• Health fringe
See attached programme
• Health Interview
If your programme is missing from
with special guest
this page please vist
• Health Hotel and
King’s Fund debate
You choose the topic
for debate! or visit the Health Hotel stand
Visit the Health Zone in the Health Zone
or log on to
• Health Zone
– free health tests

Sport Relief and the Health

Hotel are teaming up to offer
you the chance to take part in
the Sainsbury's Sport Relief Mile before
conference on Monday 24th September.
Are you up for the challenge? Sign up
For more information on Sainsbury's Sport Relief
Fringe listings

ties within
For advertising opportuni
the 2008 Conference Gu
Please contact Landmark
Services - landmark@lps.
020 7692 92 92

2008 at
Book before January 31st
2007 prices.

64 | Annual Conference 07
Saturday / Sunday Fringe listings

Reducing re-offending –
how can we break
the cycle?
Sunday 23 September, 5.30 – 7.00pm
Café Zafferano, Marquee A
(Highcliff Marriott Hotel)
• Maria Eagle MP, Justice Minister
• David Harker, Citizens Advice
• Jill Stevens, Experian
• Chris Bath, Unlock
Supported by
Marquee A is now the
Refreshments provided James Callaghan Marquee

Annual Conference 07 | 65
Fringe listings


20.00 – 21.00 21.00 – 23.00 08.00 – 09.00
Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel
CHAIR: Ann Rossiter, Social Market Foundation INVITATION ONLY CHAIR: Brian Pomeroy, HMT Financial Inclusion
SPEAKERS: Lord David Lipsey; Taskforce
Andy Burnham MP tbc; SPEAKERS: Gareth Thomas MP tbc; Nick Pearson,
John Hutton MP tbc; Advice UK; Otto Thoresen, Thoresen Review of
Jackie Ashley, The Guardian tbc Generic Financial Advice tbc


13.00 – 14.00 13.00 – 14.00 17.30 – 18.30
Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel
CHAIR: Lord David Lipsey, Social Market Foundation CHAIR: Natalie Tarry, Social Market Foundation CHAIR: Lord David Lipsey, Social Market Foundation
SPEAKERS: Kitty Ussher MP; Simon Caulkin, SPEAKERS: Hazel Blears MP tbc; Julia Unwin, Joseph SPEAKERS: Ian Pearson MP tbc; Sir John Harman,
The Observer tbc; John Philpott, CIPD; Rowntree Foundation; Cllr John Merry, Salford Environment Agency; Fiona Fox, Science Media
Mark Haysom, Learning and Skills Council tbc Council tbc; Carole Souter, Heritage Lottery Fund Centre; Dame Deirdre Hutton, Food Standards


18.30 – 19.30 19.30 – 20.30 08.00 – 09.00
Wterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel Priory Room, Bourne Hall Hotel
CHAIR: Viscount Tom Chandos, SMF tbc CHAIR: Juliette Jowit, The Guardian CHAIR: Lord David Lipsey, Social Market Foundation
SPEAKERS: Hazel Blears MP tbc; Geoff Mulgan, SPEAKERS: Ruth Kelly MP tbc; Peter Hendy, SPEAKERS: Gillian Merron MP tbc; Althea Efunshile,
The Young Foundation tbc; Cllr Sir Jeremy Transport for London tbc; Sir John Harman, Arts Council England; Jayne Howard, Arts for Health
Beecham, Newcastle City Council tbc; Tony Environment Agency tbc; Keith Ludeman, Go- Cornwall; Shelagh Levett, Bournemouth Borough
Hawkhead, Groundwork; Ahead Group plc Council tbc
Christine Farnish, Barclays

ng health& well
-being throu
gh creati
Fringe listings
08.00 – 09.00 08.00 – 09.00 08.00 – 09.00
Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel Piano Room, Bourne Hall Hotel Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel
CHAIR: Roger Harrabin, BBC tbc CHAIR: Ann Rossiter, Social Market Foundation CHAIR: Fiona Harvey, The Financial Times tbc
SPEAKERS: Hilary Benn MP tbc; Peter Clegg, Feilden SPEAKERS: Kevin Barron MP tbc; Claire Fox, Institute SPEAKERS: Phil Woolas MP tbc; Tom Clarke,
Clegg Bradley tbc; Cllr Richard Leese, Manchester of Ideas; Niall Dickson, King’s Fund; Sarah Boseley, Channel 4 News tbc; Julie McDowell, Standard Life
City Council; Polly Turton, Commission for The Guardian tbc Investments; Richard Lambert, CBI tbc
Architecture and the Built Environment


13.00 – 14.00 13.00 – 14.00 17.30 – 18.30
Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel Piano Room, Bourne Hall Hotel Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel
CHAIR: Mike Hall, Standard Life Healthcare CHAIR: Ann Rossiter, Social Market Foundation CHAIR: Ann Rossiter, Social Market Foundation
SPEAKERS: Alan Johnson MP tbc; SPEAKERS: John Denham MP; Sir Michael Rake, UK SPEAKERS: Ian Pearson MP tbc;
Professor Karol Sikora; Harry Cayton, Council Commission for Employment and Skills tbc; Professor Mike Hulme, Tyndall Centre for
for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence tbc; Jill Johnson, Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education Climate Change Research tbc;
Nick Timmins, and Training in England and Wales; Lord Oxburgh tbc;
The Financial Times tbc Malcolm McVicar, Tom Delay, The Carbon Trust
University of Central


18.00 – 19.00 A 19.00 – 20.00
Piano Room, Bourne Hall Hotel Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel
CHAIR: Lord David Lipsey, Social Market Foundation CHAIR: Ben Goldacre, The Guardian tbc CHAIR: Justin Rowlatt, BBC tbc
SPEAKERS: Peter Hain MP tbc; Brendan Barber, SPEAKERS: Ian Pearson MP tbc; Professor David SPEAKERS: Malcolm Wicks MP; Ed Mayo, National
Trades Union Congress tbc; John Wright, Federation Edgerton, Centre for the History of Science, Consumer Council; Duncan Sedgwick, Energy Retail
of Small Businesses; Michael Peel, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College Association; Stephen Hale, Green Alliance
The Financial Times tbc; London; Alnoor Samji,
Rob Strange, IOSH Ipsos MORI; Mike Dolan,
Mobile Operators Association


08.00 – 09.00 13.00 – 14.00 17.30 – 18.30
Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Hotel
CHAIR: Ann Rossiter, Social Market Foundation CHAIR: Stephen Evans, Social Market Foundation CHAIR: Viscount Tom Chandos, Social Market
Foundation tbc
SPEAKERS: Alan Johnson MP tbc; John Appleby, SPEAKERS: David Lammy MP; John Stone, The SPEAKERS: John Hutton MP tbc; William Asiko,
King’s Fund tbc; Dr Richard Barker, ABPI; Learning and Skills Network tbc; Robin McGill, Coca-Cola Africa Foundation; Fiona Harvey, The
Dame Gill Morgan, NHS Confederation tbc The Institution of Engineering and Technology; Financial Times tbc; trade union representative tbc
Evan Davis, BBC News tbc

Annual Conference 07 | 67
Fringe listings – Saturday/Sunday


It’s the greatest threat our civilisation has ever faced. It’s set to dominate the political and
security agenda for the rest of our lives. So let’s talk about it.
Global warming has its own conference within a conference. It’s called the Climate Clinic and
it’s putting UK climate change policy under the knife. Opinion formers, environmentalists,
scientists, political and business leaders and the public will come together to debate, identify
solutions and press for urgent action and vigorous political leadership. It’s an unprecedented
political event jointly organised by a coalition of the world’s best known green groups. And it
won’t work without you.

Please check and The Independent for daily Climate Clinic fringe meeting updates.
Sunday 23 – Thursday 28 September, 2007. Address: see The Independent and official conference guide for listings.
Climate Clinic Member Organisations Sponsors

Media partner
European Commission
Representation in the UK

European Commission

Drinks Reception
Sunday 23 September 2007

10pm - Midnight
Marriott Highcliff

Bryanston Suite

Free entry & refreshments

No invitation required

68 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings – Saturday/Sunday

nef (the new economics foundation) presents…

Sunday 23 September Taking the Temperature: Speakers: Edgar Cahn, Originator,
can public service save Time Dollars; Anna Coote, Sustainable
Do Good Lives Have
the planet? Development Commission; Glen
to Cost the Earth?
7.45–8.45pm Jenkins, Marsh Farm NDC; Lucie
Climate Clinic, Punshon Church House Stephens, nef; Hazel Blears, Secretary
Climate Clinic, of State for Communities and Local
Tralee Hotel, Waterford Room Chair: Andrew Simms, nef Government (invited)
Speakers: Gill Morgan, NHS
Chair: Andrew Simms, nef
Confederation; Sir Jeremy Beecham, Wednesday 26 September
Speakers: Tony Juniper, friends of the
LGA; Dave Prentis, Unison; Hilary Benn, Bigger, Cheaper, Faster – Worse?
earth; Nic Marks, nef; Rosie Boycott,
Secretary of State for Environment, Why we need to redefine efficiency
Author and Journalist; Phil Woolas,
Food and Rural Affairs (invited) 12.45–2.00pm
Minister for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (tbc) Tuesday 25 September Highcliff Sherbourne Hotel
Monday 24 September Radical Regeneration: Chair: David Walker, Guardian Public (tbc)
where people and the Speakers: Lisa Sanfilippo, nef; Paul
Is Growth Possible?
planet matter Coen, Local Government Association;
6.00–7.30pm Dean Westcott, ACCA; Andy Burnham,
The Wessex Hotel, Chief Secretary to the Treasury
De Vere Royal Bath Hotel
Bryanston Suite (tbc)
Chair: Patrick Butler, The Guardian
Chair: Stewart Wallis, nef Sponsored by:
Speakers: Andrew Simms, nef;
Simon Retallack, ippr; Kevin Anderson,
The Tyndall Centre; Larry Elliot,
nef is an independent ‘think-and-do tank’ that challenges mainstream
The Guardian thinking on economic, environmental and social issues. We believe in
economics as if people and the planet mattered.

New Local Government Network fringe events
Sunday 23rd September Monday 24th September
6.00pm-7.30pm 1.00pm-2.00pm
Pavilion Circle, Bournemouth Pavilion Circle, Bournemouth

Green Shoots: Can Local Action It’s About More Than Council Tax!
Prevent Climate Change? How Should We Finance Local Government?

Local authorities have a key role in enabling their own The Lyons Report into Local Government is about much more
communities to take action on the environment and driving than Council Tax. It offers a new direction for developing local
behavioural change on becoming more sustainable. Through economies through economic incentives and partnerships,
promoting recycling and better waste management to radical putting local councils at the heart of economic development.
options such as local carbon trading, councils have a unique With the Government due to respond to Lyons in October,
role in being able to shape their local environmental needs. this event will explore how we can harness the expertise of
local government in developing economic prosperity.
Speakers: Speakers:
Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Secretary of State for Environment,
John Healey MP, Minister of State, DCLG
Food and Rural Affairs
Paul Coen, Chief Executive, LGA
Cllr Mike Edwards, Deputy Leader, Nottingham City Council
Ray Morgan, Chief Executive, Woking Borough Council
John Best, Chief Executive, Milton Keynes Council
Chris Leslie, Director, NLGN Chair: Chris Leslie, Director, NLGN
Chair: Jonathan Freedland,
The Guardian
supported by supported by
Refreshments provided Refreshments provided

Annual Conference 07 | 69
Fringe listings – Saturday/Sunday

Building Hope –
more homes now
6.15–7.30pm, Sunday 23 September
Deauville Suite, Trouville Hotel

Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP
(Housing Minister)
Jon Cruddas MP
Adam Sampson
WAKE UP AND SMELL (Chief Executive, Shelter)


Marianne Hood
Frank debate and Fairtrade refreshment. (Labour Housing Group) In association with
Labour Housing Group
For those who like their coffee
with an international flavour.

Monday 24 September
Barbara Stocking Oxfam Director, Karen Jennings UNISON National
Secretary for Health, Baroness Shriti Vadera DFID Parliamentary
Under-Secretary of State, Dr Chris Whitty Adviser, Conservative
Global Poverty Policy Group. Chaired by Barbara Gunnell New
Statesman. Jointly sponsored by UNISON.

Tuesday 25 September
A Conversation with Ha Joon Chang Author of Bad Samaritans, and
Gareth Thomas MP DFID Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State.

Wednesday 26 September
Can Labour
Q&A with Rt Hon Des Browne MP Defence Secretary. Chaired by
journalist Martin Bell. Jointly sponsored by Amnesty International UK.
make poverty history?
WESTBEACH RESTAURANT panel members: • Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP
8.45am - 11.45am, speakers from 10.30am • Eric Joyce MP
• Quentin Davis MP
EX • Rudo Kwaramba –
ER RD National Director WV Uganda.

Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International, registered charity no. 202918

PR BIC to be held at Dods tent in the secure zone
on Sunday 23 September 2007

at 8 – 9.30pm

refreshments to be provided


Restaurant Accreditation is necessary to gain

access to the debate
P RO ST RSVP to Jo Greening:
For more about Oxfam’s campaigns, visit: 0207 654 5348

70 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings – Saturday/Sunday

The Blair Years

An audience with Alastair
Tuesday 25 September
6.00pm – 7.30pm
De Vere Suite, Royal Bath Hotel

Special event with Alastair Campbell and former Daily

Mirror editor, Piers Morgan talking about the Blair Years,
politics today and in future.

To be followed with a book signing session. The Blair Years

will be on sale at a special Conference price of £20.

Tickets: £15 (£10 for members) available from

the Party Stand.

All proceeds from ticket and book sales will go to the

Labour Party.

Special Conference Deal

The Blair Years will also be available from the Party Stand
at a special Conference price of £20.

Alastair Campbell will also be signing his diaries at the

Party Stand. Details of the day and time will be in the
Conference Daily Newspaper.


Ed Miliband MP - Secretary of State for the
Can the public Cabinet Office
Dave Prentis - General Secretary UNISON
services deliver Polly Toynbee - The Guardian
Angela Eagle MP - Exchequer Secretary
the new Paul O’Brien - Chief Executive APSE
Chair: Neal Lawson - Compass
‘progressive Sunday 23rd September, 6.45-8.30pm
Marquee 2 is now consensus’? Highcliffe Marriott Hotel, Marquee 2
(inside secure zone)
the Unison Marquee

Further information from the UNISON stand, P2/3, Purbeck Hall

UNISON, 1 Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9AJ

Annual Conference 07 | 71
Fringe listings – Saturday/Sunday

At the Party Stand you can
• Book your place at party training events
• Buy tickets to selected party fringe events
• Collect copies of the Conference Daily
• Find out anything else you need to know

You can also get detailed information and

demonstrations of the following campaign
• MpURLs – Labour’s membersnet
• Interactive Web Creator
• Labour Contact Creator
• Labour Print Creator
• Labour Campaign Shop

The Conference Daily newspaper will

publish updates and corrections in each
issue relating to the meetings that day,
to ensure delegates have the latest

72 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings – Saturday/Sunday

Due to the leadership elections this summer, and the subsequent ministerial reshuffle,
many fringe event organisers have not been able to confirm speakers before this magazine
went to press.

The Conference Daily newspaper will publish updates and corrections in each issue relating
to the meetings that day, to ensure delegates have the latest information.
10.00 13.00 17.30
Key Christian Socialist Movement Fabian Society Citizens Advice, Experian
Conference service Campaigning for change Reducing re-offending
Punshon Methodist Church, Connaught Suite, Connaught – how can we break the
Secure Island site
opposite BIC Hotel, West Hill Road cycle?
Free Speakers: Revd Dr Leslie Speakers: leading MPs and Zafferano Restaurant, James
Griffiths, Minister Wesley’s grassroots members Callaghan Marquee
Chapel, London A participatory debate about Chair: Jill Stevens, Experian
Wheelchair access the party we need Speakers: David Hanson
Full details: see advert at MP (invited); David Harker,
Sign translation
start of listings Citizens Advice
Christian Aid, Christian
Socialist Movement
Christian Aid cut the carbon 13.00 17.30
17.30 march Labour Movement for Europe Commission for Equality and
Grass Roots Umbrella Network Punshon Methodist Church, and E!Sharp Magazine Human Rights
including CLDP/STLP/LRC/ opposite BIC Britain’s role in europe Equality and human rights
NSCG/CFS/WLGR/Chartist/LLB Chair: Daleep Mukarji, Zafferano Restaurant, at a crossroads
Our hopes for Conference: Director Marriott hotel Gladstone Suite, Royal Bath
delegates briefing and get Speakers: Cut the carbon Speakers: Rt Hon David Hotel, Bath Road
together marchers; Christian Aid; Milliband MP, Neil Kinnock, Speakers: Trevor Phillips,
Bournemouth International government speakers tbc Gary Titley MEP, Mary Creagh CEHR Chair; Francesca Klug,
Hotel, 6 Priory Road, West MP, Baroness Joyce Quin, CEHR Commissioner; Jane
Cliff Richard Corbett MEP Campbell, CEHR Commissioner
Speakers: Tom Davidson,
Chair GRUN;Michael Meacher 12.00
MP; Progressive Deputy Women Councillors’ lunch with
Leadership candidates Dame Jane Roberts, Chair of 17.00
invited; Kelvin Hopkins MP; the Independent Commission The New Regional Agenda
Jim Mortimer, former Labour on the role of local councillors – Ensuring that the East
Party General Secretary Looking at the incentives Midlands is top of it!
Delegates free with and barriers serving on Sherbourne Room, Highcliffe
accreditation; £5 for non- councils from a women’s Chair: Paddy Tipping, MP;
delegates perspective John Healy (tbc);
Hermitage Hotel, opposite BIC Speakers: Gilly Merron, MP;
Lunch £15. Strictly by Minister for East Midlands;
accepted invitation only as East Midlands Development
space is limited. Details ann@ Agency; Manchester Airport
Sunday Group

Campaign for Labour Party
Democracy 12.30
CLPD rally and delegates’
Managing the land,
News, views & booze
Bournemouth International conserving the countryside Read the papers & chill
Hotel, 6 Priory Road, West Mirabelle Room, Royal Bath
Cliff Hotel, Bath Road
Speakers: Mohammed Azam; Chair: Country Land and
Tony Benn; Diana Holland, Business Association
NEC; Kelvin Hopkins MP; Speakers: from CLA, GCT, CPR
Lynne Jones MP; Gavin Strang
MP; Peter Willsman, NEC
£2, conc 50p

Join us at Hot Rocks, just by Bournemouth Pier

Annual Conference 07 | 73
Fringe listings – Sunday

The Co-operative Party,
Fabian Society, Virgin Media,
Mutuo The Observer
CAN THEY COEXIST? The people’s games? Do The fringe starts here:
London 2012 care what Fabian question time
Danny Bernstein you think? Hot Rocks Surf Diner, Pier
Chairman Sustainable Aviation Council Shaftesbury Suite, Marriott Approach
Highcliff Hotel Chair: Mary Riddell, The
Rt Hon Brian Wilson Speakers: Peter Hunt, Observer
General Secretary The Co- Speakers: Ed Balls MP; Linda
Co Chair Flying Matters & former Energy Minister
operative Party; Andy Love Colley, Princeton University;
Further speakers to be confirmed MP Sunder Katwala, Fabian
Society; Mariella Frostrup
Wessex Hotel 5.30pm (tbc); Glenys Kinnock MEP
Sunday 23rd September Refreshments (tbc); Lord Neil Kinnock (tbc)
The Holocaust Educational
17.30 Gladstone Room, Royal Bath 18.00
Royal British Legion Hotel, Bath Road NLGN supported by Milton
17.30 Broken covenant Speakers: tbc Keynes Council
Labour Finance and Industry Shaftesbury Room, Marriott Green shoots? Can local
Group Highcliff Hotel action prevent climate
Aviation and the Speakers: Frances Done, change?
environment – can they Royal British Legion and 17.30 Pavilion Circle, Bournemouth
coexist? others tbc The Work Foundation, Abbott Chair: Jonathan Freedland,
Bourne A, Wessex Hotel, West Laboratories The Guardian
Cliff Road Fit for work? Speakers: Hilary Benn MP
Chair: Sir Peter Heap Trouville Hotel, Priory Road (tbc); Cllr Mike Edwards,
Speakers: Brian Wilson, 17.30 Chair: David Coats, The Work Nottingham City Council; Chris
Airtricity, AMEC Nuclear; Save the Children, The Foundation Leslie, NLGN
Danny Bernstein, Monarch Children’s Society, NCH, Speakers: Lord McKenzie;
Airways, BATA, Sustainable NSPCC, Barnardo’s David Forrest, Abbott; Steve
Aviation Council; more tbc End child poverty reception Bevan, The Work Foundation
Zafferano Restaurant, Harold 18.00
Wilson Marquee Progress
Host: Jasmine Whitbread, Progress rally
17.30 Save the Children 17.30 Punshon Methodist Church,
Labour Party Rural Revival, Speakers: government TULO opposite BIC
Christian Socialist Movement minister tbc TULO, TUG reception Chair: Stephen Twigg
Global warming and Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, Speakers: Ed Balls MP; Peter
Labour’s campaigning in West Hill Road Mandelson; David Miliband
rural areas Chair: Tony Lloyd MP MP; Yvette Cooper MP; John
Wesley Room, Punshon Speakers: Tony Dubbins, Denham MP
Methodist Church, opposite 17.30 Trade Union Chair of TULO;
BIC Society of Labour Lawyers Gordon Brown MP
Chair: Cllr Lesley Koumi We have the ministry, now
Speakers: Hilary Benn MP; Sir where is the justice? 18.00
Martin Doughty, Chair Natural Purbeck Suite, Queens Hotel, The Childcare Coalition
England; Alun Michael MP, Meyrick Road 18.00 Can childcare alleviate child
Christian Socialist Movement; Chair: Fraser Whitehead European Commission poverty?
Elliot Morley MP Speakers: Jack Straw MP; Climate change: why a Mirabelle Room, Royal Bath
Roger Smith, Director of global response needs Hotel, Bath Road
Justice; Stephen Hockman QC, European leadership Chair: Patrick Diamond,
Former Chairman of the Bar Climate Clinic, Lower Ground Director Policy Network
17.30 Room 6, Punshon Church
Nuclear Industry Association opposite BIC
Nuclear – part of the Speakers: Commissioner
solution Stavros Dimas
Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel,
West Hill Road
Chair: Lord O’Neill of
Speakers: Malcolm Wicks MP
Hot buffet

74 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

Annual Conference 07 | 75
Fringe listings – Sunday

Sunday 18.00 18.30 19.00

WWF-UK, Hewlett-Packard BBC World Service, British Labour Against the War
Green and just? Or just Council Taking liberties – the war
green? Reception legacy
Shelter, Labour Housing Group
Climate Clinic, Punshon Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel Bournemouth International
Building hope – more
Church House Main Hall opposite BIC Hotel, 6 Priory Road
homes now
opposite BIC Chair: Alan Simpson MP
Deauville Suite, Trouville
Chair: William Gillis, Chief Speakers: Tony Benn; Walter
Hotel, Priory Road
Executive NEA Wolfgang, NEC; Jeremy Corbyn
Speakers: Yvette Cooper
Speakers: Hilary Benn MP; 18.30 MP; Milan Rai, Co-editor
MP; Jon Cruddas MP; Adam
Bruno Zago, UK&I Env Dir, Oona King of Peace News; Christine
Sampson, Shelter
Hewlett Packard; David House music: the Oona Shawcroft, NEC; Billy Hayes,
Nussbaum, CEO WWF-UK; King diaries General Secretary CWU
Sir John Harman, Chairman The Landmarc, Exeter Road £1
Environment Agency Host: Oona King and guests
Tobacco Workers’ Alliance
TWA reception
Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel,
18.15 NFU
Bath Road
The Leadership Centre for 18.30 Why farming matters
Local Government Policy Network, Demos Hermitage Hotel, opposite BIC
Launch of Next Generation The kids aren’t alright: Speakers: Hilary Benn MP;
– Council Leaders tackling Europe’s child Peter Kendall, President NFU
Green Room, Tralee Hotel, poverty deficit
West Hill Road Bryanston Room, Wessex
Hotel, West Cliff Road
Chair: David Lammy MP 19.00
Speakers: Lord Anthony The Work Foundation, City &
Giddens, former Director of Guilds
the LSE; Veli-Matti Ritakallio, Reception
Prof of Turko University, The Lounge, Royal Bath Hotel,
Finland; Dr Noreena Hertz, Bath Road
International Economist Guests: James Purnell MP; Ed
Miliband MP; Andy Burnham
MP; John Denham MP (all
UNISON, Compass, Tribune
Leadership Centre for local government Can the public services
deliver the new 19.15
progressive consensus? Scope, Treehouse, Working
Unite Marquee, Marriott Families
Launch of
Highcliff Hotel Making work work for
Next Generation... Chair: Neal Lawson, Compass
Speakers: Ed Miliband MP
parents of disabled children
Oceanarium, Bournemouth
councillors (tbc); Dave Prentis, UNISON
General Secretary; Polly
Speakers: Ed Balls MP; Ian
Toynbee, The Guardian; Wylie, Treehouse; others tbc
Angela Eagle MP (tbc); Paul
Join our VIP speakers to launch the second O’Brien, APSE
cohort of Next Generation Labour; a unique
high-flyers’ programme for talented councillors. 20.00
19.00 The World at One debate
AXA Zafferano Restaurant, James
Date: Sunday September 23 Insurance fraud: counting Callaghan Marquee
Time: 18:15-20:00 the cost Chair: Martha Kearney
Venue: Green Room, Tralee Hotel Bourne A, Wessex Hotel, West
Cliff Road
Chair: Gerald Sutcliffe MP
Wine and canapés reception (invited)
Speakers: Steven Hadrill,
ABI (invited); Steve Wilmott,
City of London Police; Richard
Davies, AXA

76 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings – Sunday

20.00 20.30 21.45

Foreign Policy Centre, Barrow New Economics Foundation MTV, Climate Clinic
Cadbury Trust and the Climate Clinic MTV Switch reception and
Should economics inform Coalition Climate Clinic kick-off
the politics of migration? Do good lives have to cost Climate Clinic, Tralee Hotel,
Punshon Methodist Church, the earth? Waterford Upper, West Hill
opposite BIC Waterford Upper, Tralee Hotel, Road
Chair: Stephen Twigg West Hill Road Speakers: David Lynn,
Speakers: Liam Byrne MP Chair: Andrew Simms Executive Vice President
(invited); Brendan Barber, TUC Speakers: Tony Juniper, MTV Networks UK; Rob Bell,
(invited); Sukhvinder Stubbs, Friends of the Earth; Nic climate change campaigner
Barrow Cadbury Trust; Liam Marks, New Economics
Halligan, Sunday Telegraph Foundation; Rosie Boycott,
(invited) author and organic farmer;
Hilary Benn MP (invited) 22.00
European Commission
European Commission
20.00 reception
Make Votes Count 20.30 Bryanston Suite, Marriott
Reversing Labour’s retreat: Young Fabians, Amicus Highcliff Hotel
winning back Labour’s lost Young Fabians Conference Speakers: tbc
voters reception
Granville Suite, Trouville Forestdale Room, Wessex
Hotel, Priory Road Hotel, West Cliff Road
Chair: Martin Bright Speakers: prominent
Speakers: John Denham MP; speakers
Jon Trickett MP; Kirsty McNeill

20.00 Agreed Ireland Forum
Social Market Foundation Irish-ness and British-ness:
Mind the (equity) gap: how developing institutions and
much inequity should the respecting identity in post-
Labour Party allow? conflict Britain and Ireland
Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel, Lampeter Hotel, Exeter Park
West Hill Road
Chair: Ann Rossiter, Social
Chair: Anni Marjoram
The Blair Years
Market Foundation Speakers: Northern Ireland An audience with Alastair
Speakers: Andy Burnham Minister; SDLP and Sinn Fein
MP (tbc); John Hutton MP elected representatives; Campbell
(tbc); Lord David Lipsey, Social Federation of Irish Societies;
Market Foundation; Jackie Agreed Ireland Forum (all tbc) Tuesday 25 September
Ashley, The Guardian (tbc) Pay bar 6.00pm – 7.30pm
De Vere Suite, Royal Bath Hotel

Special event with Alastair Campbell and former Daily

20.00 21.00 Mirror editor, Piers Morgan talking about the Blair Years,
World Vision, Channel 4 Social Market Foundation politics today and in future.
Labour: can it really make Conference reception with
poverty history? comedian Jeremy Hardy To be followed with a book signing session. The Blair Years
Dods Marquee, Marriott Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, will be on sale at a special Conference price of £20.
Highcliff Hotel West Hill Road
Chair: Jon Snow Invitation only. For further Tickets: £15 (£10 for members) available from
Speakers: International information please email the Party Stand.
Development Secretary of
State; Eric Joyce MP; Rudo All proceeds from ticket and book sales will go to the
Kwazamba, Director World Labour Party.
Vision Uganda
Special Conference Deal

The Blair Years will also be available from the Party Stand
at a special Conference price of £20.

Alastair Campbell will also be signing his diaries at the

Party Stand. Details of the day and time will be in the
Conference Daily Newspaper.

Annual Conference 07 | 77
Fringe listings Monday
School’s out, or is it?
14 – 19 education and training

Barnardo’s Fringe Event on Monday 24th

September from 6pm – 7.30pm in the
Clifton Suite, Hermitage Hotel, Bournemouth

Speakers invited: The

Rt Hon Ed Balls MP,
Secretary of State for
children, schools and
families; Mike Tomlinson
Buffet and refreshments
provided Marquee 1 is now
the Unite Marquee
Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos 216250 and SC037605 9286/KK/07

78 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings


12.45 - 2.00PM
08.30 - 10.00AM Venue: Tralee Green Room, Tralee Westcliff Hotel

Venue: Westcliff Room, Tralee Hotel, Speakers: Rt Hon Peter Hain MP, Secretary of
Bournemouth, secure zone State for Work and Pensions (tbc)

Event Partner: Citizens Advice Jeannie Drake, Commissioner, Commission for

Equality and Human Rights
Speakers: Kitty Ussher MP,
Economic Secretary to the Treasury Maggie Craig, Director of Life and Savings, ABI

Stephen Sklaroff, Director General, FLA

Teresa Perchard, Director of Policy,
Citizens Advice


12.30PM Venue: Westcliff Suite, Tralee Westcliff Hotel
Venue: Bourne A Room, Wessex Hotel Chair: Sarah Mukherjee, Environment
Chair: Liam Halligan, Sunday Telegraph Correspondent, BBC
Speakers: Kitty Ussher MP, Economic Secretary Speakers: Rt Hon Hilary Benn, Secretary
to the Treasury of State for Defra (tbc)
Richard Saunders, Chief Executive, IMA Baroness Young, Chief Executive,
Environment Agency
Doug Taylor, Campaign Team Leader, Which?
David Nussbaum, Chief Executive, WWF,
Jane Milne, Head of Climate Change, ABI
Supported by

Annual Conference 07 | 79
Fringe listings

Debt and the

21st Century Citizen:
Rights and Responsibilities

Monday 24 September, 8.30 – 10am

Tralee Hotel, Westcliff Suite
• Kitty Ussher MP,
Economic Secretary to the Treasury
• Rt Hon John McFall MP,
Chair of the Treasury Select Committee
• Teresa Perchard, Citizens Advice
• Stephen Sklaroff,
Finance & Leasing Association Supported by

Breakfast provided

Citizens Advice
Drinks Reception

Monday 24 September, 8.30 – 10pm

Hermitage Hotel, Marlow Suite
• Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP
• Karen Buck MP, Chair of the Citizens
Advice Parliamentary Group
• Teresa Perchard, Citizens Advice

Refreshments provided
80 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

The Rt Hon. Stephen Timms MP
Minister of State for Competitiveness

Chaired By:
John Wright
FSB National Chairman

Monday 24 September 2007, 6.30pm

The Deauville Suite, The Trouville Hotel, Bournemouth

Refreshments will include Wine, Beer and Hot Food

For information on this and other FSB events please contact:

Stephen Alambritis, Head of Public Affairs
Federation of Small Businesses
2 Catherine Place, Westminster, London, SW1E 6HF
T: 020 7592 8100 e-mail:

Annual Conference 07 | 81
Fringe listings

You are invited to the Dods Marquee,

Highcliffe Hotel for refreshments, to participate in one of our fringe
events or to learn more about our publications and services

Labour: Can it really Make Poverty History?

Sunday, 23rd September 2007, 8pm and

Dods Marquee, Marriott Highcliffe Hotel

Invited panel includes:
Channel 4 News, Chair, Douglas Alexander, International Development
Secretary, Quentin Davis MP, Eric Joyce MP, Chair APPS – Great Lakes,
and Rudo Kwaramba, Director of World Vision Uganda
Free Refreshments Available

Road pricing– Delivering the economy?

Monday, 24th September 2007, 5.45pm
Dods Marquee, Marriott Highcliffe Hotel

Invited panel includes:

Gwyneth Dunwoody MP, Chair, Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Transport,
Edmund King, RAC, and James Hookam, FTA
Free Refreshments Available

Empowering Employment
Monday, 24th September 2007, 8pm
Dods Marquee, Marriott Highcliffe Hotel
Meeting the challenge of the NEET generation
Invited panel includes:
Hywel Francis MP, Chair, Ed Balls MP, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families,
Louise Casey, Respect Taskforce, Home Office, and Dr Adam Simpson, Shelter
Free Refreshments Available

82 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

The Northern Ireland Reception

Monday, 24th September 2007, 10pm and
Dods Marquee, Marriott Highcliffe Hotel

For further information contact:

Glyn Roberts, Federation of Small Businesses, Northern Ireland Press &
Parliamentary Office, 143 Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1FH
Tel: 028 9032 6035 Fax: 028 9032 6113

Free Refreshments Available

Universities, Innovation, Skills and Students –

What’s the funding mix?
Tuesday, 25th September 2007, 5.45pm
Dods Marquee, Marriott Highcliffe Hotel
Invited panel includes:
Mike Baker, Education Commentator, BBC, Chair, John Denham, Secretary of State for
Universities, Innovation and Skills, Michael Driscoll, Vice-Chancellor, Middlesex University,
Richard Lambert, CBI, and Gemma Tumelty, NUS

Free Refreshments Available

Should Alistair Darling put London first?

Wednesday, 26th September 2007, 8pm
Dods Marquee, Marriott Highcliffe Hotel
Invited panel includes: in association with

Polly Toynbee, Guardian columnist, Chair, Kitty Ussher, Economic

Secretary to the Treasury, Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London,
Baroness Jo Valentine, Chief Executive, London First,
and Dermot Finch, IPPR Centre for Cities

Free Refreshments Available

The first name in political information and communication

Annual Conference 07 | 83
Fringe listings

A green
and pleasant land:
will affordable housing cost us the earth?
07:30 - 08:30
Monday 24 September
Harold Wilson Marquee,
Zafferano Restaurant,

Jonathan Shaw MP
The Conference Daily newspaper will Minister for the South East

publish updates and corrections in each Yvette Cooper MP (invited)

Caroline Davey
issue relating to the meetings that day, Shelter
to ensure delegates have the latest Sir Terry Farrell CBE
information. Tony Hawkhead

This open breakfast event will examine

how building more homes can be
balanced with preserving and
enhancing our environment


Diversity Nite

Hosted by:

Black &

Mon 24 Sept - 8.30pm
David Miliband MP Harriet Harman MP The Red Panda Restaurant Keith Vaz MP
Foreign Secretary Deputy Leader Pier Approach, Bournemouth

Baroness Howells
Jack Straw MP Peter Hain MP
Justice Secretary & Work & Pensions Secretary
Lord Chancellor

Mohammad Sarwar MP

Hazel Blears MP Des Browne MP

Communities Secretary Defence Secretary

Baroness Uddin

Baroness Scotland Geoff Hoon MP

Attoney General Chief Whip
Join us for an evening of dance, music, Tickets
Ticketsavailable from
Available form
EM TASK FORCE - LABOUR ARAB GROUP - AFRICANS food & fun to celebrate Cultural Diversity the
theparty stand
Conference Office.

84 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings


Labour Party Confernence

Celebration and Party
Monday 24th
r a g g inging the
Billoy B message to the heart
b r
t Hate
Hope N rence
of the confe
i b b i n op stand up
Steve dGir
live and ect from the
Field Glaston mers cooking
st d js an d p e rfor
Gue and cajun ste
w o 1am
up a ska, soul 7.30pm t marc
The Lan oad
And a big welcome to Bournemouth to the Exeter outh
Remploy National Crusade Bourne Q
against factory closures BH2 5 A

Tickets available from GMB, UNISON, UNITE and the CWU stalls, telephone 0208 947 3131
£10 a ticket, Limited availability on the door on production of delegate/visitors credential
Annual Conference 07 | 85
Fringe listings

Future transport and the role of rail

Monday 24 September 2007

The Granville Room – Trouville hotel 12:45 – 14:00
Speakers include: Transport minister Tom Harris MP, Tony Lloyd MP and Graham Stringer MP

07-0319-Labour Half page Advert 1 1 19/7/07 14:49:19

Process CyanProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess Black

Looking after number one

is personal aspiration
killing communities?
Viscount Tom Chandos Social Market Foundation
Rt. Hon Hazel Blears MP (Invited)
Tony Hawkhead Groundwork
Christine Farnish Barclays

Monday 24 September
Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel, Bournemouth
This open event will seek new perspectives
on balancing support of the individual with
delivering greater social equity

86 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

Should the
United Kingdom
have a written constitution?
Monday 24th September - 1pm
Bournehall Hotel
14 Priory Road, West Cliff, Bournemouth
Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP
Chair, Ethnic Minority Taskforce

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Michael Wills MP

Commentator and Author Minister of State, Ministry of Justice

em taskforce
>W H E R E E V E R Y O N E I S E Q U A L

9Vk^Y=^\\^ch!8]^Z[:mZXji^kZ¶Danbe^X9Za^kZgn6ji]dg^i n

2012 Marquee 1 is now the
Unite Marquee

Annual Conference 07 | 87
Fringe listings – Monday

Social mobility –
can emotional wellbeing
make the difference?
Monday 24 September 2007, 6.30pm
Oceanarium, Pier Approach,
West Beach, Bournemouth
Rosemary Bennett
Social Affairs Correspondent, The Times
Rt Hon Beverley Hughes MP
Minister of State for Children,
Young People and Families
Julia Margo
Senior Research Fellow, IPPR
Clare Tickell
Chief Executive, NCH
Wine and food will be provided

For further information,

please contact the NCH Events
and Multimedia team on 020 7704 7183

aspire... accelerate... achieve…

What do 14 – 19 year olds

really need to learn?
Join us for this education debate
5.45pm Monday 24 September
Wessex Hotel (Purbeck Suite)
11-13 West Cliff Road
(5 mins walk from conference hall)

Rt Hon Stephen Timms – Minister of State for Competitiveness, BERR
Susan Anderson – Director of HR Policy, CBI
Lorna Unwin – Professor of Vocational Education, Institute of Education Event supported by

John May – Chief Executive, UK Career Academy Foundation

Chaired by D. Neil Makin OBE – External Affairs Director, Cadbury Schweppes plc

Registered Charity Number: 1092891 Registered Company Number: 04428178

88 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings

Good Work

Come and help build the case for putting

good work at the heart of political debate

Abbott Laboratories Ltd NHS Employers PGC Working Links

Annual Conference 07 | 89

Bob Crow at 2006 TUC conference with Eva Knapp, widow of Jimmy and a hard-working member of the Cancer Fund.

The Jimmy Knapp Cancer Fund was established The fund continues to give towards the support of
in August 2001 following Jimmy’s death, after a research of cancer, the counselling of patients,
year long battle with cancer, to be an ongoing their families and friends and the hospice
memory of his life and work. movement.

Respected and admired for his energy, passion To date over £415,000 has been donated and with
and leadership the fund aims to be a positive your help this figure can be greatly increased. All
reminder of the caring contribution Jimmy made donations will help the fund with its work in
to the trade union movement and his concern for supporting cancer related activities.
his fellow human beings.
For more information visit

Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Donations Form
Cheques may be sent payable to ‘The Jimmy Knapp Cancer Fund’ at Ground Floor, Congress
House, 23-28 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3UB.
If you are a UK Tax payer you can make your donation worth nearly a third more at no extra cost to
you by completing the following and sending with your donation:

I enclose my donation of £ payable to the Jimmy Knapp Cancer Fund, or...

Set up a Standing Order, payable to Unity Trust Bank plc, Sort Code 08-60-01, for the account
Jimmy Knapp Cancer Fund, numbered 20106997.

I am a UK taxpayer and I want the Jimmy Knapp Cancer Fund to treat all donations from April
2007, until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid Donations. I am currently paying income tax or capital
gains tax that is equal to or more than the tax deducted from my donation.

Signed: dated:

Address: E-mail:
Fringe listings – Monday


Yvette Cooper MP - Housing Minister
Can Labour Heather Wakefield - UNISON Head of Local Government
Adam Sampson - Chief Exec. Shelter
rise to the Jon Trickett MP – chair of Labour Party manifesto group
on housing and chair of Compass Parliamentary group
housing Cllr. John Williams – Leader Darlington Council (invited)
Chair: Steve Warwick UNISON Labour Link
Monday 24 September, 12.45-2.00pm
Marquee 3 is now the Highcliffe Marriott Hotel, Marquee 3
USDAW Marquee (inside secure zone)

Further information from the UNISON stand, P2/3, Purbeck Hall

UNISON, 1 Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9AJ


Dave Prentis UNISON
Social justice at Paul Kenny GMB
Derek Simpson Unite-Amicus
work – the heart Tony Woodley Unite-TGWU
Billy Hayes CWU
of the British Chair: Gloria Mills UNISON
identity? Monday 24 September, 6.45-8.00pm
Marquee 2 is now the Highcliffe Marriott Hotel, Marquee 2
Unison Marquee (inside secure zone)

Further information from the UNISON stand, P2/3, Purbeck Hall

UNISON, 1 Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9AJ

Annual Conference 07 | 91
Fringe listings – Monday

Community Has the government got it right over who

cohesion – gets access to lifelong learning and higher
who needs education? How does social class, ethnicity
educating? or nationality affect your chances?

Monday Chair: Sally Hunt UCU General Secretary

24 September Panel: Bill Rammell MP Minister of State for Lifelong
12.45–2.00pm Learning, Further and Higher Education
The Main Lounge Oona King Chair, Institute of Community Cohesion
Royal Bath Hotel Jane Hadcock UCU, ESOL tutor
Refreshments Joe Baden UCU, offender learning co-ordinator

Supported by







92 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings – Monday

Monday 08.00 08.00 08.00

Fabian Society, Institute of Serco, The Campaign for The Met Office
Chartered Accountants of Better Transport (formerly The latest science of
England and Wales, Unite Transport 2000) climate change
The skills gap Cities, climate change, Climate Clinic, Punshon
– whose rights, whose transport – the great Church House, Main Hall
Secure Island site responsibility? challenge opposite BIC
Connaught Suite, Connaught Purbeck Suite, Marriott Speakers: Vicky Pope, Head
Hotel, West Hill Road Highcliff Hotel of CC Programme Met Office
Refreshments Chair: David Coats, The Work Chair: Ben Webster,
Foundation The Times Transport
Wheelchair access
Speakers: John Denham MP; Correspondent
Sign translation Michael Izza, ICAEW Speakers: Ruth Kelly MP; Tim 08.00
Invitation only. For details O’Toole, Managing Director The Work Foundation
please go to: London Underground; Geoff Where next for Labour? Inskip, Director General, Granville Suite, Trouville
Centro; Stephen Joseph, Hotel, Priory Road
Director Campaign for Better Chair: Nick Isles, The Work
The politics of persuasion:
Transport; Nick Brown, CEO Foundation
winning over the 21st
08.00 Serco Integrated Transport Speakers: Anthony Giddens,
century voter
Fabian Society, National Grid Hot breakfast LSE; Will Hutton, The Work
Sherbourne Suite, Marriott
Low carbon Europe Foundation; Neal Lawson,
Highcliff Hotel
Connaught Suite, Connaught Compass; Ed Miliband MP
Chair: Catherine Fieschi,
Hotel, West Hill Road (invited)
Director Demos
Chair: Roger Liddle, European 08.00
Speakers: Anthony Giddens,
Commission Social Market Foundation,
House of Lords
Speakers: Stavros Dimas, Provident Financial
European Commission; One size fits all? How 08.15
Stephen Hale, Green Alliance; generic should generic AXA, Resolution Foundation
Fiona Harvey, Financial Times financial advice be? Financial ill health: is there
(invited); Jim Murphy MP; Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, a cure?
Nicola Pitts, National Grid West Hill Road Arundel Suite, Norfolk Royale
A green and pleasant land
Invitation only. For details Chair: Brian Pomeroy, HMT Hotel, Richmond Hill
– will affordable housing
please go to: Financial Inclusion Taskforce Chair: Clive Cowdery
cost us the earth? Speakers: Gareth Thomas MP Speakers: Economic
Zafferano Restaurant, Harold
(tbc); Nick Pearson, National Secretary; Paul Evans, AXA;
Wilson Marquee
Debt Advice Coordinator Laurie Edmans, independent
Advice UK; Otto Thoresen, consultant
08.00 Thoresen Review of Generic
NSPCC Financial Advice (tbc)
New government: new
Climate Clinic
priorities for keeping 08.15
Climate change and the city
children safe? Christian Socialist Movement
Punshon Church House,
Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel, Prayer breakfast
opposite BIC
West Hill Road Punshon Methodist Church,
Speakers: Phil Woolas MP;
Chair: David Brindle, The Wesley Room, opposite BIC
Anthony Hobley, Head of
Guardian Chair: led by a different MP
Global Climate Change and
Speakers: Ed Balls MP; Dame each morning
Carbon Finance; Norton
Mary Marsh, Director and CE Breakfast from 07.45
Rose, Climate Clinic; Pedro
Moura Costa, President
EcoSecurities; James Pointon,
Managing Director and Head
of Kyoto Emissions Trading,

Gordon & tonic?

Bear Stearns

Enjoy the big speech live with a drink


Join us at Hot Rocks, just by Bournemouth Pier

Annual Conference 07 | 93
Fringe listings – Monday

culture or a cuppa...
for 39p which do
you value more?
Peter Hewitt, Arts Council England
Nicholas Hytner, National Theatre
Tim Brinkman, Hall for Cornwall
DCMS representative invited
Location: The Royal Bath, Gladstone Suite
Date: Monday 24 September
Time: 1–2pm
Live music. Hot food provided.
Sign language interpreter

12.45 12.45 12.45

Alzheimer’s Society, Help Arts Council England Association of Convenience
the Aged, Help the Hospices, Culture or a cuppa... for Stores
08.30 LTCA, Parkinsons Disease 39p, which do you value Your local shop – its future
Citizens Advice, Finance & Society more? Zafferano Restaurant
Leasing Association New demographics, new Gladstone Room, Royal Bath Chair: The Co-operative Group
Debt and the 21st health service Hotel, Bath Road (tbc)
century citizen: rights and Purbeck Suite, Marriott Chair: Peter Hewitt, Arts Speakers: Association of
responsibilities Highcliff Hotel Council England Convenience Stores (tbc)
West cliff Room, Tralee Hotel, Chair: David Brindle, The Speakers: Tim Brinkman,
West Hill Road Guardian Director Hall for Cornwall;
Speakers: Kitty Ussher MP Nicholas Hytner, Director
(invited); Stephen Sklaroff, The National Theatre; 12.45
Finance & Leasing Assc; culture, media and sport Asthma UK, Cancer Research
Teresa Perchard, Citizens 12.45 representatives invited UK, Healthcare Commission;
Advice Amnesty International Human Rethink
Rights Watch, Refugee Access all areas: how
Council can we tackle health
Iraqi refugees: our 12.45 inequalities?
08.45 responsibility? Associate Parliamentary Bryanston Suite, Marriott
Oxfam Coffee Shop Bourne A, Wessex Hotel, West Group on Flood Prevention Highcliff Hotel
Westbeach Restaurant and Cliff Road Flooding: the planning, Chair: Anna Walker, CE
Bar Chair: Maggie Okane, environmental and Healthcare Commission
From 8.45 Monday to Guardian Films (invited) economic challenge Speakers: Alan Johnson MP;
Wednesday Speakers: Mark Malloch- Royal Bath Hotel, Bath Road Neil Churchill, CE Asthma
Please see advert for further Brown (invited); Bill Frelick, Chair: John Grogan MP UK; Harpac Kumar, CE Cancer
information Human Rights Watch; Andrew Speakers: party environment Research UK; Paul Jenkins, CE
Harper, UNHCR spokesperson; Local Rethink
Government Association;
Environment Agency; Norwich
Union (all tbc)

94 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings – Monday

12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45

Big Lottery Fund CORGI Health and Safety Micropower Council,
Can’t please all the poeple Building skills for the Commission Greenpeace, Worcester Bosch
all the time? Who should future Stressed out: is workplace Decentralised energy and
the lottery please? St Malo and Monet Suites, stress damaging UK plc? micropower: is anyone
Unite Marquee, Marriott Trouville Hotel, Priory Road Blandford Room, Marriott doing enough?
Highcliff Hotel Chair: Barry Sheerman MP Highcliff Hotel Climate Clinic, Punshon
Chair: Nick Higham, BBC Speakers: David Lammy MP; Chair: Danny Carrigan, HSC Church House, Main Hall
Correspondent Ian Powney, Chief Operating Commissioner opposite BIC
Speakers: James Purnell Officer CORGI; Simon Bartley, Speakers: Tony Woodley, Chair: Mike McCarthy, The
MP; Liz Atkins, Director of Chairman SummitSkills; others Joint General Secretary Unite; Independent
Public Policy NCVO; Stephen tbc Lord McKenzie of Luton Speakers: Malcolm Wicks
Dunmore, Big Lottery Fund MP; Ken Livingstone, Mayor
of London; Dave Sowden,
CE Micropower Council; John
12.45 12.45 Sauven, Greenpeace; Richard
12.45 Energy Saving Trust ippr in association with Centre Soper, Worcester Bosch Group
British Chambers of Sustainable energy advice Forum. CBI, Audit Commission
Commerce, Business in the – home energy advisers Teacher knows best?
Community give free advice between Closing the class gap
Small business: CSR’s 12.45 – 18.00 Monday 24 Waterford Upper, Tralee Hotel, 12.45
hidden champions to Wednesday 26 Sept West Hill Road National Heart Forum, Faculty
Mirabelle Suite, Royal Bath Climate Clinic, Punshon Chair: Lisa Harker, Co-Director of Public Health
Hotel, Bath Road Church House, opposite BIC ippr Sprawling suburbs,
Chair: Nick Mathiason, The Speakers: Jim Knight MP; Paul spreading waistlines
Observer Marshall, Chair CentreForum; Purbeck Suite, Wessex Hotel,
Speakers: government Prof Steve Machin, Director West Cliff Road
speaker tbc; David Frost, Centre for the Economics Speakers: Living Streets;
British Chambers of 12.45 of Education, UCL, Elaine Faculty of Public Health;
Commerce; Chris Slocock, The Friends of the Earth, The Simpson, MD, Serco Education Dawn Primarolo MP (invited)
Minister Press Co-operative, PRASEG
Will the Climate Bill tackle
climate change?
Climate Clinic, Punshon 12.45 12.45
12.45 Church House, Lower Ground Local Government Association National Landlords Assc, Crisis
Chemical Industries Room 6, opposite BIC Local government question The responsible landlord
Association Chair: Sarah Mukherjee, BBC time Durley Hall Hotel, Durley
The chemical industry – a Speakers: Hilary Benn MP; Wessex Room, Forestdale Chine Road
risk worth taking Dr Kevin Anderson, Tyndall Hotel, Knyveton Road Chair: Simon Gordon
Tralee Hotel, West Hill Road Centre; Tony Juniper, Friends Chair: Gaby Hinsliff, The Speakers: Phyllis Starkey
Chair: Brian Iddon MP of the Earth; Chris Shearlock, Observer MP; Duncan Shrubsole, Crisis;
Speakers: science minister Co-operative Group Speakers: Sir Jeremy David Salusbury
invited; Steve Elliott, CE Beecham, LGA; Hazel Blears
Chemical Industries Assc MP (invited); Juliet Lyon
12.45 12.45
Greater Manchester PTA, New Economics Foundation
12.45 Northern Rail Is growth possible?
Compass – Direction for the Future transport and the 12.45 Bryanston Suite, Wessex
Democratic Left role of rail Met Office Hotel, West Cliff Road
Workplace democracy: an Granville Room, Trouville Understand the science Chair: Stewart Wallis
industrial revolution for the Hotel, Priory Road of climate change and get Speakers: Simon Retallack,
21st century? Chair: Jim Hancock advice from the science IPPR; Kevin Anderson, The
Dover Lounge, Trouville Hotel, Speakers: Tom Harris experts (Mon and Tues Tyndall Centre; Benito
Priory Road MP; Graham Stringer MP; until 18.00) Muller, Oxford Institute
Chair: Sue Ferns, Prospect Cllr Roger Jones, Greater Climate Clinic, Punshon for Energy Studies; Larry
Speakers: David Coats, The Manchester PTA Church House opposite BIC Elliot, Economics Editor The
Work Foundation; Adrian Guardian
Askew, Connect; Frances
O’Grady, TUC

Annual Conference 07 | 95
Fringe listings – Monday

Monday 12.45 12.45 12.45

Progress, Kapsch Trafficcom The Smith Institute, Reform, Venezuela Information Centre
Pricing people off the The Law Society, Clifford Venezuela – democracy and
roads, or pricing them on to Chance, PWC, LogicaCMG social progress
New Statesman, Association
public transport? Ministry of Justice: how will Bournemouth Methodist
of Colleges
Deauville Room, Trouville it work? Church, opposite BIC
Rehab for hoodies – how
Hotel, Priory Road Disraeli Room, Royal Bath Speakers: Ken Livingstone;
college learning saves lives
Speakers: Stephen Joseph, Hotel, Bath Road Colin Burgon MP; Graham
Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel,
Transport 2000; Gemma Chair: Wilf Stevenson, The Goddard, Unite The Union;
Bath Road
Decent, Associate Director, Smith Institute Julia Buxton; Tony Benn; Hugh
Chair: Jim Knight MP;
Transport Unit Ipsos-Mori; Speakers: Jack Straw MP; Lanning, PCS; Venezuelan
Speakers: Rowland Foote,
Ruth Kelly MP (tbc) Joshua Rozenberg, Daily guests (tbc)
Bouremouth and Poole
Telegraph; Shami Chakrabarti,
College; Prof Sir Richard
12.45 Liberty; Des Hudson, Law
Layard, LSE; Prof Allison
RIBA Society; Stuart Popham,
Wolfe, KCL; Alan Tuckett,
Ask an architect – Britain’s Clifford Chace LLP 12.45
NIACE; Paul Mackney, NIACE
best green architects give Charities Aid Foundation
free advice between 12.45 Should we incentivise the
– 18.00 Monday 24 to rich to give?
Wednesday 26 12.45 Collingwood Lounge, Marriott
Climate Clinic, Punshon UNISON Highcliff Hotel
New Statesman, FD Tamesis
Church House opposite BIC Can Labour rise to the Chair: Dr John Low, CE
Meeting the housing crisis
housing challenge? Charities Aid Foundation
Disraeli, Royal Bath Hotel,
USDAW Marquee, Marriott Speakers: tbc
Bath Road
Highcliff Hotel
Chair: Ben Hall
12.45 Chair: Steve Warwick, UNISON
Speakers: Yvette Cooper MP;
The Smith Institute, E!Sharp, Labour Link
Prof Christine Whitehead, LSE;
Business for New Europe Speakers: Yvette Cooper MP; 13.00
David Orr, National Housing
Economic Protectionism Heather Wakefield, UNISON Christian Socialist Movement,
Tregonwell Room, Royal Head of Local Government; StartHere sponsored by EDS
Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road Adam Sampson, Shelter Where do I start? Tackling
Chair: Paul Adamson, E!Sharp (invited); Jon Trickett MP; digital exclusion and the
Speakers: John Monks, ETUC; Cllr John Williams, Leader information gap
Gary Titley MEP; Roland Rudd, Darlington Council (invited) Function Room, Whitehall
No ID, no sale
Business for New Europe; Hotel, Exeter Park Road
No ID, no sale
David Gow, The Guardian Chair: Charles Cox, Vice
Dorchester 2, Marriott
President EDS
Highcliff Hotel
12.45 Speakers: Stephen Timms
Chair: Llin Golding
University and College Union MP; Sarah Hamilton-Fairley,
Speakers: Chris Ogden, TMA;
12.45 Community cohesion – who CE StartHere; Alun Michael MP
John Branscombe, Camelot;
The Smith Institute, Flying needs educating? Has the
James Lowman, RCS
Matters government got it right
Going Green: Is current over who gets access
prosperity sustainable? to lifelong learning and 13.00
1812 Restaurant, Royal higher education? How Immigration Advisory Service,
Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road does social class, ethnicity Strangers Into Citizens,
Public Service Reform Group,
Chair: Murray Elder, The or nationality affect your Migration Alliance
Policy Network
Smith Institute chances? Immigration: benefit or
Public service reform
Speakers: Phil Woolas MP The Main Lounge, Royal Bath burden?
– what next!
(tbc); Brian Wilson, Vice Chair Hotel, Bath Road Abbeymount Ballroom,
Arundel Suite, Norfolk Royale
Flying Matters; Baroness Chair: Sally Hunt, UCU Bournemouth International
Hotel, Richmond Hill
Barbara Young, Environment general secretary Hotel, 6 Priory Road
Chair: Lord Geoffrey Filkin
Agency; Lord Whitty, National Speakers: Bill Rammell MP; Chair: Keith Best
Speakers: Hilary Cottam,
Consumer Council Oona King, Chair Institute of Speakers: Jon Cruddas MP;
founding partner Participle;
Community Cohesion; Jane Jack Dromey, Unite The
Jack Straw MP (tbc); James
Hadcock, UCU ESOL Tutor; Joe Unite T&G section; Keith Vaz
Purnell MP (tbc)
Baden, UCU Offender Learning MP, Chair Ethnic Minority
Project Co-ordinator Taskforce, The Labour Party

96 | Annual Conference 07
Fringe listings – Monday

The Conference Daily newspaper will

publish updates and corrections in each
Leadership Centre for local government
issue relating to the meetings that day,
Town Hall of all talents... to ensure delegates have the latest
reinventing civic democracy information.
John Healey MP, Minister of State,
Communities and Local Government
Unite Marquee
Marquee A is now the

Dame Jane Roberts, Chair, Councillors Commission

Cllr Sonika Nirwal, Group leader, Ealing Council
Paul Wheeler, Director, Political Skills Forum

The role of local government has never been

more significant; join our speakers and find our
how to reinvent civic democracy.

Date: Monday September 24

Time: 13:00-14:00
Venue: San Michel Marquee A, Marriott Highcliff

Wine and lunch provided

13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00

Local Government Information NLGN Social Market Foundation, Social Market Foundation,
Unit It’s more than council tax! Chartered Institute of Heritage Lottery Fund
Efficiency – is local How should we finance Personnel and Development Exploring Place Shaping:
government taking it local government? Blame the workers? How what does it mean and
seriously? Pavilion Circle, Bournemouth do we address the UK where will it lead?
Sherbourne Room, Marriott Chair: Nicholas Timmins, FT productivity gap? Waterford Lower Room, Tralee
Highcliff Hotel (tbc) Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel, Hotel, West Hill Road
Chair: Tim Thorogood, CE Speakers: John Healy MP; West Hill Road Chair: Natalie Tarry, Social
LGIU Paul Coen, Local Government Chair: Lord David Lipsey, Market Foundation
Speakers: minister tbc; Assc; Chris Leslie, NLGN; Ray Social Market Foundation Speakers: Hazel Blears MP
Neil Bentley, Director Morgan, Woking BC Speakers: Kitty Ussher MP; (tbc); Sir Michael Lyons (tbc);
Public Services CBI; Cllr Larry Elliot, The Guardian John Merry, Salford Council
Roger Lawrence, Leader (tbc); John Philpott, CIPD; (tbc); Carole Souter, Heritage
Wolverhampton City Council; Leon Feinstein, Centre for Lottery Fund
Lucille Thirlby, Senior National 13.00 Research on the Wider
Officer UNISON The Leadership Centre for Benefits of Learning Institute
Local Government of Education (tbc)
Town hall of all talents – 13.00
reinventing civic democracy The Work Foundation
Zafferano Restaurant, James Ones to watch
Callaghan Marquee Lampeter Hotel, Exeter Park
Chair: Jackie Ashley, The
Speaker: Chris Bryant MP;
Natascha Engel MP; Helen
Goodman MP; Shahid Malik MP

Annual Conference 07 | 97
Fringe listings

How employers can support

more disabled people into work
Fringe Meeting
Monday 24 September 2007
Marquee 2, Highcliffe Hotel
Hot buffet and refreshments Marquee 2 is now the
Unison Marquee
Speakers include:
Rt Hon Peter Hain MP (tbc)
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Vice-President, RNIB and former Secretary
of State for Work and Pensions
Richard Howitt MEP
President, Disability Group of MEPs
Kay Allen
Group Head of Social Policy and Inclusion, Royal Mail Group
Chair: Stephen Remington
Chief Executive, Action for Blind People

Registered charity numbers: Royal National Institute of Blind People 226227 Action for Blind People 205913
Fringe listings – Monday

Monday 17.30
Neighbourhood Watchful
The challenge of peace Ensuring local trust and accountability in policing
Labour Party Irish Society
Irish reception to celebrate
Waterford Upper Room, Tralee A fringe discussion to explore:
Hotel, West Hill Road
the Irish contribution to the
Chair: Ian Kearns, Deputy x The centrality of policing to equality and delivering social
Labour movement
Director ippr justice
Wessex Hotel, West Cliff Road
Speaker: Des Browne MP; x How we tackle Britain’s corrosive fear of crime
Speaker: General Secretary,
Richard Howitt MEP; Mary
Irish Labour Party, cabinet
Kaldor, LSE x The future role of local political leadership in policing
minister tbc
Sir Ronnie Flanagan, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary
17.00 and the Home Secretary’s Senior Professional Advisor on
Centre for Cities at ippr,
London Borough of Newham
Neighbourhood Watchful
Virgin Trains Policing.
Connecting cities: what
Old Harry’s Bar, Highcliff
next for transport? Tony McNulty MP, Minister of State for Security,
Cork Room, Tralee Hotel, West Counter-terrorism, Crime and Policing
Speakers: Sir Ronnie Flana-
Hill Road
gan, HM Chief Inspector of Sir Robin Wales, Directly Elected Mayor of Newham
Chair: Dermot Finch, Director
Centre for Cities Date: Monday, 24th September 2007
Speaker: Ruth Kelly MP;
David Frost, Director General Time: 5pm – 7pm
RNIB, Action for Blind People
How employers can support
BCC; Stephen Joseph, Location: Old Harry’s Bar, Bournemouth Highcliff Marriot
Executive Director Transport
more disabled people into Hotel
2000; Nicky Gavron, Deputy
Mayor of London; Geoff Inskip,
Unite Marquee, Marriott
Director General Centro
Highcliff Hotel
Chair: Stephen Remington
Speaker: David Blunkett MP;
Richard Howitt MEP
New Statesman, Nestle
17.30 17.40
Weight of obesity: what’s
The Stroke Association, One Parent Families,
the solution?
17.30 British Heart Foundation, Gingerbread sponsored by BT
Mirabelle, Royal Bath Hotel,
ABPI, LTCA, Eyecare Alliance Diabetes UK Poverty at work
Bath Road
Diversity in commissioning: Patching people up or Bryanston Room, Wessex
Chair: Jenni Russell
opportunity or choice too sorting people out? Hotel, West Cliff Road
Speaker: Dawn Primarolo
far? Funding for the long term Chair: Polly Toynbee, The
MP; Dr Sue Jebb, Medical
Bryanston Suite, Marriott in health Guardian
Research Council; Rupert
Highcliff Hotel Purbeck Suite, Marriott Speaker: Harriet Harman MP
Maitland-Titterton, Nestle UK;
Highcliff Hotel (invited); Natascha Engel MP;
Dr Rosemary Leonard GP, BBC
Chair: Joe Korner, The Stroke Jenny Watson, Chair Equal
Breakfast News
Association Opportunities Commisssion
Countryside Alliance
Brown government – green
agenda 17.30 17.45
Social Market Foundatioin,
The Large Lounge, Whitehall The Work Foundation Freight Transport Association
Food Standards Agency
Hotel, Exeter Park Road China and India – are our Road pricing – delivering
Policy under the
Chair: David Seymour jobs safe in a globalised the economy?
microscope: how should
Speaker: tbc world? Dods Marquee, Marriott
science drive policy-
Trouville Hotel, Priory Road Highcliff Hotel
Chair: Alexandra Jones, The Chair: Gwyneth Dunwoody
Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel,
Work Foundation MP (invited)
West Hill Road
17.30 Speaker: John Denham MP; Speaker: Ruth Kelly
Chair: Lord David Lipsey,
Lansons Public Affairs John Healey MP; David Coats, MP; Edmund King, RAC
Social Market Foundation
The financial services The Work Foundation Foundation; James Hookham,
Speaker: Ian Pearson MP
reception FTA
(tbc); Sir John Harman,
Westbeach Restaurant
Environment Agency; Fiona
Chair: Ed Balls MP (tbc)
Fox, Science Media Centre;
Ticket only. Please email
Dame Deirdre Hutton, Food
Standards Agency

Annual Conference 07 | 99
Fringe listings – Monday

Monday 17.45 17.45 17.45

MTV, Electoral Reform Society The Smith Institute UK Career Academy
Are you listening? A panel Reducing re-offending: a Foundation
of young people question pipe drem? What works, Education: what do 14-19
Labour Euro-Safeguards
politicians what doesn’t work and year-olds really need to
Zafferano Restaurant what we need to do to learn?
Britain and the European
fix it? Purbeck Suite, Wessex Hotel,
Mirabelle Room, Royal Bath West Cliff Road
Ottershaw Room,
Hotel, Bath Road Chair: D Neil Makin OBE
Bournemouth International
17.45 Chair: Amanda Jordan, The Speakers: Stephen Timms
Hotel, Priory Road
National Housing Federation, Smart Company MP; Susan Anderson, CBI;
Chair: Austin Mitchell MP
Places for People Speaker: Dr Mary Harris, Lorna Unwin, Institute of
Speaker: Tony Benn; Kelvin
Can we house our children? Young Offender Programme Education; John May, CE UK
Hopkins MP; John Mills
Blandford 3, Marriott Highcliff National Grid; Juliet Lyon, Career Academy Foundation
Hotel Prison Reform Trust; David
Chair: David Orr, National Hanson MP
Housing Fed
Speaker: Yvette Cooper MP
London 2012 Olympic and
(tbc); Zenna Atkins, Places for
Paralympic Games
Any 2012 questions?
Unite Marquee, Marriott,
Highcliff Hotel
Chair: Jonathan Edwards,
Speaker: Lord Sebastian
Coe, Chair, London Organising
Committee; David Higgins, CE
Olympic Delivery Authority;
Tessa Jowell MP

100 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Monday

17.45 18.00 18.00 18.00

Unite Against Fascism Barnardo’s Channel 4, Hansard Society European Commission
Challenging the rise of the School’s out, or is it? 14-19 Are political parties a Climate change: why a
fascist BNP education and training waste of time? global response needs
Punshon Methodist Church, Clifton Suite, Hermitage Hotel Bourne Suite, Bourne Hall European leadership
Exeter Road, opposite BIC opposite BIC Hotel, Priory Road Climate Clinic, Punshon
Chair: Lee Jasper, National Chair: Martin Narey, Speakers: John Healy MP; Church House, Main Hall
Assembly Against Racism Barnardo’s Jackie Ashley, The Guardian; opposite BIC
Speakers: Ken Livingstone, Speakers: Ed Balls MP; Mike Yasmin Alihbai-Brown, The Speakers: Commissioner
Chair Unite Against Fascism; Tomlinson; (all invited) Independent; Kevin Maguire, Stavros Dimas, European
Frances O’Grady, Deputy The Mirror Commission
General Secretary TUC; Glyn
Ford MEP; Dr Abdul Bari,
Secretary General Muslim 18.00
Council of Britain; Dr Edie BWEA, European Commission 18.00 18.00
Friedman, Director Jewish Role of renewable energy: Compass The Independent
Council for Racial Equality; today and tomorrow Charter for childhood: How do Labour win a fourth
Gemma Tumelty, President – exploring the implications what you can do to end term?
NUS of EU targets commercialisation! De Vere Suite, Royal Bath
Climate Clinic, Punshon Dover Lounge, Trouville Hotel, Hotel, Bath Road
Church House, Main Hall Priory Road Chair: Steve Richards, The
opposite BIC Chair: Zoe Williams, Compass Independent
Speakers: Malcolm Wicks MP; Speakers: Helen Goodman Speakers: Ed Miliband MP;
Reijo Kemppinen, Head of the MP Lord Neil Kinnock; Patricia
European Representation; Hewitt MP; Jon Cruddas MP
Adam Bruce, BWEA, CEO
Airtricity UK

Leading the North

The three northern Regional Development Agencies, Northwest Regional
Development Agency, One NorthEast and Yorkshire Forward are working
together to lead the growth of the economy across the north of England.
We work strategically with business, public and voluntary sectors to make a real difference
to the prosperity of people across our regions.
To find out more about how we do this come and join us for drinks and canapés at
6pm - 7.30pm
7 - 8.30pm in the Lucullus
in the Pavilion PhoebeonRoom at 24
Monday the Pavilion on Monday 24 September.
Speaker - Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP.

Annual Conference 07 | 101

Fringe listings – Monday

Monday 18.00 18.00 18.15

National Consumer Council The Work Foundation, NHS The Financial Times, The City
Voluntary sector delivery Employers of London
of public services: rhetoric Is the health of the nation The global success of the
Stop The Boycott
or reality? built on the morale of City of London: can it be
Stop the Boycott
Purbeck Room, Bourne Hall health service workers? maintained?
Fringe Meeting/Reception
Hotel, Priory Road Lampeter Hotel, Exeter Park Gladstone Suite, Royal Bath
for the campaign against the
Chair: David Walker, The Road Hotel, Bath Road
academic boycott of Israel.
Guardian Chair: Neal Lawson, Compass Chair: Lionel Barber, Editor FT
Royal Bath Mezzanine
Speakers: Hazel Blears Speakers: Alan Johnson MP Speakers: Kitty Ussher
Chair: tbc
MP (invited); Phil Hope MP (invited); Steve Barnett, NHS MP; Michael Snyder, City of
Speakers: tbc
(invited); Ed Mayo, CE National Employers; Mike Jackson, London; Paul Myners, Land
Light Refreshments
Consumer Council; Lord UNISON; Will Hutton, Securities
Adebowale, CE Turning Point The Work Foundation; Dr
Jonathan Fielden, Chair BMA
Consultants Committee
Fabian Society, Centre Forum
18.00 BBC
Labour and the Liberal
Progress Our audience, young voters
Democrats: whose
Is David Cameron capturing 18.00 Tregonwell Room, Royal
progressive agenda?
the political zeitgeist? Town and Country Planning Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road
Connaught Suite, Connaught
Granville Room, Trouville Assc, Places for People
Hotel, West Hill Road
Hotel, Priory Road From green belts to eco
Chair: Tim Horton, Fabian
Speakers: Andy Burnham towns 18.30
MP; Kitty Ussher MP; Stephen Zafferano Restaurant Federation of Small
Speakers: Alan Johnson MP;
Twigg, Chair Progress; Chair: David Blunkett MP Businesses
James Purnell MP; Liberal
Deborah Mattinson, Joint CE Speakers: David Cowans, Small business matters
Democrat speakers (all tbc)
Opinion Leader Research Places for People; Nick Trouville Hotel, Priory Road
Raynsford MP (invited) Chair: John Wright, FSB
Speakers: Stephen Timms MP
Fabian Society, EDF Energy
SERA, Climate Clinic 18.00
Energy policy and climate
Environment question time National Consumer Council
Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel Voluntary sector delivery 18.30
Connaught Hotel, West Hill
opposite BIC of public services: rhetoric NCH, The Children’s Charity
Chair: Hywel Lloyd, SERA or reality? Social mobility – can
Speakers: Jim Skea, UK
Speakers: Hilary Benn MP; Purbeck Room, Bourne Hall emotional wellbeing make
Energy Research Centre;
Baroness Barbara Young, Hotel, Priory Road the difference?
Alan Whitehead MP; Malcolm
Environment Agency; Chair: David Walker, The Oceanarium, Pier Approach,
Wicks MP
Philip Sellwood, Energy Guardian West Beach
Invitation only. For details
Saving Trust; Dirk Hazell, Speakers: Ed Miliband MP Chair: Rosemary Bennett, The
please go to:
Environmental Services Assc; (invited); Ed Mayo, CE National Times
Sir Martin Doughty, Natural Consumer Council; Lord Speakers: Beverley Hughes
England Adebowale, CE Turning Point MP (invited); Julia Margo,
Senior Research Fellow IPPR;
Clare Tickell, CE NCH
Food and wine provided
Justice for Columbia, Unite
18.00 18.15
The Union
Surrey County Labour Party AXA
Columbia: an ethical foreign
Southern discomfort Saving the planet
– strategies for winning in – the challenge for small
Lounge, Royal Bath Hotel,
the south business
Bath Road
Tudor Grange Hotel, Gervis Malo and Monet, Trouville
Chair: Mike Griffiths, NEC
Road Hotel, Priory Hotel
Speakers: Tony Lloyd MP,
Chair: Cllr Keith Dibble Chair: Justin Rowlatt, ‘Ethical
Chair PLP; Senator Piedad
Speakers: John Denham Man’
Cordoba, Liberal Party of
MP; Jim Knight MP; Murray Speakers: Jonathan Shopley,
Columbia; Richard Howitt MEP
Rowlands, Surrey County Carbon Neutral Company; Kim
Labour Party Clemo, AXA; climate change
minister tbc

102 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Monday

18.30 19.00 19.15 19.30

Policy Network, European ippr Alzheimer’s Society, The Council for Arab-British
Parliamentary Labour Party, Love thy neighbour? Royal College of Surgeons understanding (CAABU)
Commission for Racial Community cohesion in of England, The Health CAABU’s Arab night:
Equality multicultural Britain Foundation celebrating UK-Arab
Engagement with Muslim Waterford Upper Room, Tralee Going the distance: how relations
communities across Hotel, West Hill Road far is too far to travel for Terrace Ballroom, Marsham
Europe? Chair: Carey Oppenheim, healthcare? Court Hotel, East Cliff
Bourne A, Wessex Hotel, West Co-Director ippr Dorchester 1, Marriott Chair: John Austin MP
Cliff Road Speakers: Parmjit Dhanda Highcliff Hotel Speakers: tbc
Chair: Farzana Hakim, MP; David Blunkett MP; Ben Chair: Phil Hammond Free car park at rear of hotel
Director of Government Page, Director Ipsos, MORI; Speakers: patient
Relations CRE David Goodhart, Editor representative Alzheimer’s
Speakers: Gary Titley MEP; Prospect; Trevor Phillips Society; Bernard Ribeiro,
Jeroen Dijsselbloem MP, PVDA President The Royal College 19.30
spokesperson on integration of Surgeons of England LGA, NEF, NHS Confederation,
and home affairs; Shahid UNISON
Malik MP (tbc); Rushanara Ali, 19.00 Taking the temperature:
Labour PPC for Bethnal Green ippr, Serco can public services save the
and Bow Climate change question 19.15 planet?
time Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Room 2, Punshon House
Purbeck Suite, Highcliffe Breast Cancer Care, Cancer opposite BIC
Hotel Research UK, Cancerbackup, Chair: Andrew Simms, Policy
18.45 Chair: Simon Retallack, Head Macmillan Cancer Support, Director and Head of the
UNISON, Unite, GMB, CWU of Climate Centre ippr Marie Curie Cancer Care Climate Change Programme
Social justice at work Speakers: Phil Woolas MP Hard choices: priorities in NEF
– the heart of the British (tbc); Andrew Simms, Policy future cancer care Speakers: Hilary Benn MP;
identity? Director, New Economics Dorchester 2, Marriott Sir Jeremy Beecham, LGA;
Unite Marquee, Marriott Foundation; Penney Poyzer Highcliff Hotel Dr Gill Morgan DBE, NHS
Highcliff Hotel (tbc), presenter of BBC2’s ‘No Chair: Vivienne Parry, Confederation; Dave Prentis,
Chair: tbc Waste Like Home’ (tbc) journalist UNISON
Speakers: Dave Prentis, Speakers: Harpal Kumar,
UNISON; Paul Kenny, GMB; Cancer Research UK; Joanne
Derek Simpson, Unite-Amicus; Rule, Cancerbackup
Tony Woodley, Unite-TGWU; 19.00 19.30
Billy Hayes, CWU Jewish Labour Movement RSPCA
Academic boycott – a flawed RSPCA beer and curry night
approach and Israel/ 19.30 Garden Restaurant, Royal
Palestine – new initiatives Amnesty International Human Bath Hotel, Bath Road
19.00 Connaught Hotel, West Hill Rights Watch Reprieve Speakers: Jackie Ballard,
Campaign for Nuclear Road Guantanamo Bay and US RSPCA; minister tbc
Disarmament, Labour CND, Chair: Stephen Twigg (tbc) secret detention – working
Labour Action for Peace Speakers: Bill Rammell MP; for closure and disclosure
Oppose a new nuclear arms Prof Hassassian, Palestinian Punshon Memorial Church,
race: no to Trident and delegation (tbc) opposite BIC 19.30
missile defence Chair: Kate Allen, Director Social Market Foundation,
Whitehall Hotel, Exeter Park Amnesty International The Go-Ahead Group, Transit
Road Speakers: Kim Howells Magazine
Chair: Kate Hudson 19.00 MP (invited); Stephen Grey, Ditch the car, save the
Speakers: Jon Trickett MP; Labour Briefing, Socialist investigative journalist; planet? Promoting public
Nigel Griffiths MP; Mary Campaign Group, Campaign Moazzam Begg, former transport
Riddell, The Observer; Jeremy for Socialism detainee Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel,
Corbyn MP; Katy Clark MP; Extending party West Hill Road
Diana Holland, TGWU-Unite democracy... or Chair: Juliette Jowit, The
exterminating it? Guardian
Royal Exeter Hotel, Exeter 19.30 Speakers: Ruth Kelly MP
Road ASCL, NASUWT (tbc); Peter Hendy, Transport
19.00 Chair: Judy Atkinson, Unite Who should be running our for London (tbc); Sir John
Northern RDAs; North West Speakers: John McDonnell schools? Harman, Environment Agency
Development Agency, One MP; Mick Shaw, President Unite Marquee, Marriott (tbc); Keith Ludeman, Go-
North East, Yorkshire Forward FBU; Geoff Martin, UNISON; Highcliff Hotel Ahead Group plc
Leadership in the north Christine Shawcroft, NEC; Chair: Will Woodward, The
Pavilion Lucullus Darren Williams, Welsh Labour Guardian
Speakers: John Healey MP Grassroots; Gordon Makay, Sec Speakers: Ed Balls MP
Campaign for Socialism (invitied); John Dunford, ASCL;
£1 Chris Keates, NASUWT

Annual Conference 07 | 103

Fringe listings – Monday

Monday 19.45 20.00 20.00

Christian Aid, Climate Clinic Which? Shaw Trust
Climate change: a question Which? Champagne taste Empowering employment
of faith test reception – meeting the challenge of
Visa Europe, British Olympic
Climate Clinic, Epworth Room, Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, the NEET generation
Assc, British Paralympic Assc
Punshon Church House West Hill Road Dods Marquee, Marriott
Team Visa – supporting
opposite BIC Host: James Purnell MP Highcliff Hotel
olympic and paralympic
Speakers: key thinkers from Chair: Hywel Francis MP
athletes, past, present and
Christianity, Judaism, Islam Speakers: Ed Balls MP
and other faiths (invited); Louise Casey,
Bryanston Room, Wessex
20.00 Respect Taskforce (invited);
Hotel, West Cliff Road
Age Concern, Help the Aged Dr Martin Read, Shelter
Fish and chip supper (invited)
19.45 Old Harry’s Bar, Marriott
Hosted by nine leading UK Highcliff Hotel
environment groups Speakers: Peter Hain MP; 20.00
Social Market Foundation,
The green verdict on the featuring John and Bubbles The Society of Motor
Groundwork UK, Barclays
Labour Party from rock band ‘The Zimmers’ Manufacturers and Traders
Looking after number
Climate Clinic, Main Hall, Ltd
one: is personal aspiration
Punshon Church House UK automotive reception
killing communities?
opposite BIC 2007
Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel,
Speakers: Hilary Benn MP; 20.00 Shaftesbury Room, Marriott
West Hill Road
John Sauven, Greenpeace; Key environmental and Highcliff Hotel
Chair: Viscount Tom Chandos,
Anthony Giddens, House development organisations Chair: Christopher MacGowan,
Social Market Foundation (tbc)
of Lords; Fiona Reynolds, Global poverty and climate CEO SMMT
Speakers: Hazel Blears MP
Director National Trust change reception Invite only. Please contact
(tbc); Geoff Mulgan, The
Hardy Suite, Climate Clinic,
Young Foundation (tbc);
Hermitage Hotel opposite BIC
Cllr Sir Jeremy Beecham,
Speakers: Dr Rajendra
Newcastle City Council (tbc);
Pauchavri, Chair IPCC; Douglas
Tony Hawkhead, Groundwork;
Alexander MP
Christine Farnish, Barclays

Champagne taste test

7 - 20 07
Evening reception

The Rt Hon James Purnell MP and Which? invite you to an

evening reception at the 2007 Labour Party Conference

On Monday 24 September from 20:00 to 21:30

The Cork Ballroom
Tralee Hotel
West Hill Road

Buffet provided

104 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Monday

20.15 20.30
Crisis, St Mungo’s, NIACE ippr, Serco
Education and employment Carbon Trading – is it
– the real route out of personal?
homelessness Purbeck Suite, Highcliffe
St Malo and Monet Suites, Hotel
Trouville Hotel, Priory Road Chair: Ian Kearns, Deputy
Chair: Hilary Armstrong MP Director ippr
(tbc) Speakers: Baroness Barbara
Speakers: tbc Young, CE Environment
Agency; Howard Reed, Monday September 24 2007 10:30pm – 1am
Chief Economist ippr; Ken Bryanston Suite, Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott Hotel
Livingstone, Mayor of London By invitation only
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice Labour
Party Conference drinks 20.30
reception Liverpool European Capital
Marlow Suite, Hermitage of Culture 2008, North West
Unlock Democracy, Campaign
Hotel opposite BIC Development Agency
for a Democratic Upper House
Speakers: Stephen Timms Drinks reception
Lords reform, Labour clears
MP (invited); Teresa Perchard, Mirabelle Room, Royal Bath
the way!
Citizens Advice Hotel, Bath Road
Deauville Room, Trouville
Hotel, Priory Road
Chair: Peter Facey, Unlock
20.30 20.30
Speakers: Billy Bragg,
Government of Gibraltar Local Government Association
singer, songwriter, activist;
Government of Gibraltar sponsored by FSA
Jack Straw MP; Tony Benn;
reception The local government
Battersea Singers, Labour
Gladstone Suite, Royal Devere reception
CLP Choir
Hotel Waterford Lower Green
Chair: Hon Peter Caruana QC, Rooms, Tralee Hotel, West
Chief Minister of Gibraltar Hill Road
Federation of Small Business
(NI) in association with
Independent News and Media
20.30 21.00
Northern Ireland
ippr, CBI, Audit Commission All Health Hotel members
The Northern Ireland
Public service reform: the Health Hotel reception
next one thousand days USDAW Marquee, Marriott
Dods Marquee, Marriott
Waterford Upper, Tralee Hotel, Highcliff Hotel
Highcliff Hotel
West Hill Road Speakers: Alan Johnson MP
Ticket only. For further
Chair: Cathy Newman, Ticket only event, posted to
information: Glyn Roberts,
Political Corerspondent, invitees in advance or email
028 9032 6035,
Channel 4 News
Speakers (tbc): Liam Byrne Supported by NHS Partners
MP (tbc); Lisa Harker, Co- Network
Director, ippr; Julian Le Grand,
Never mind the politics:
Construction Products
hear the music – a
celebration of British music
Construction at the heart of
Bryanston Suite, Marriott
the economy reception
Highcliff Hotel
Dorchester 2, Marriott
A special live performance
Highcliff Hotel
from MP4

Annual Conference 07 | 105

Fringe listings Tuesday
The Rural Reception The Art of a Healthy
Sponsored by
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation
and The Fisheries and Angling Conservation Trust
Community: How can we
get the partnerships right?
Tuesday 25 September 2007
5.30 - 7.00pm Chair: Lord David Lipsey
James Callaghan Marquee
at the Zafferano Restaurant, Highcliff Hotel Speakers: Althea Efunshile,
Chair: Martin Salter MP
Speakers: Jonathan Shaw MP, Rural Affairs Minister, Arts Council England
Gerry Sutcliffe MP, Sports Minister and
Vernon Coaker MP, Home Office Minister Shelagh Levett, Bournemouth
Free drinks and canapes provided
Borough Council
Gillian Merron, MP
Jayne Howard, Arts for Health
Whose Rules Rule? Cornwall
How the US blockade forces Location: The Priory Room,
companies to breach UK law Bourne Hall Hotel
Tuesday, 5.30 – 6.45pm, The Whitehall Hotel, Date: Tuesday 25 September
Exeter Park Road (250m from BIC, behind Exeter Hotel)
Time: 8-9am Breakfast provided
Chair: Norma Stephenson, Unison President/Labour Party NEC
Speakers: Colin Burgon MP; Ian Gibson MP; BrianWilson,
former Energy Minister; and Cuban guest (tbc)
Buffet, Havana Club Rum cocktails & refreshments will be served

All Party Parliamentary Supported

Group on Cuba by



Chaired by the Rt Hon Lord Kinnock
FCO Minister
George Alagiah, Presenter, World News Today
(BBC World) and BBC Six O’Clock News
Moses Anibaba, Director British Council Ghana
Alex Vines, Head of Africa Programme,
Chatham House


Salamanda Tandem Collaborative Art
Refreshments will be provided Site Dances 2006

106 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday

Climate Change:
Business Opportunity
or Business Threat?
an Institute of Directors/Sunday Times
fringe meeting

London by the seaside! Speakers: Rt Hon John Hutton MP

Secretary of State for Business,
London Question Time Enterprise & Regulatory Reform
Wednesday, 26 September at 12.30pm
in the Shaftesbury Suite, Marriott Highcliffe Hotel Miles Templeman
Chaired by Tim Donovan, Political Editor, BBC London Director General, Institute of Directors
in association with London Communications Agency
and don’t miss... Chair: David Smith
the London Councils Reception Economics Editor, The Sunday Times
Tuesday, 25 September from 8.30pm
The Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel
1.00-2.00 pm, Tuesday 25th September
Gladstone Suite, Royal Bath Hotel, Bath Road


New Local Government Network fringe events

The future of Tuesday 25 th September

welfare delivery 1.00-2.00pm

Tralee Westcliff, Bournemouth

Speakers: Is the North/South divide inevitable?

David Freud, author of the Freud Report on Welfare Reform London and the South East continue to power the UK economy and
economic disparity between the North and South remains stubbornly
Rt Hon Peter Hain MP, disparate. London is also the only part of England to have benefited
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions from regional government. How can other English regions reduce this
gap without hindering overall economic progress? And what should
Terry Rooney MP, Chair of the Work and Pensions be the future for regional governance outside of London? This event
Select Committee will assess how to invigorate English cities and regions and ensure
economic prosperity for all areas.
Mark Serwotka, General Secretary, PCS
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP, Secretary of State for Communities
Chair: and Local Government
Helene Mulholland, The Guardian Rt Hon John Hutton MP, Secretary of State for Business Enterprise
and Regulatory Reform (tbc)
Juliet Williams, Chairman, South West RDA
6.00pm - 7.30pm Tuesday 25 September Jules Pipe, Mayor of Hackney
Norfolk Royale Hotel
Chair: Chris Leslie, Director, NLGN
Richmond Hill
Bournemouth supported by

Refreshments provided
Refreshments provided

Public and Commercial Services Union Bournemouth


Annual Conference 07 | 107

Fringe listings – Tuesday

All Welcome
Refreshments Served
7.45am Tuesday 25th September Speakers include:
The Whitehall Hotel Dr Hywel Francis MP (Chair)
Exeter Park Road David Lammy MP (confirmed)
Bournemouth Jane Hutt AM (tbc)
Dr Peter Lavender, NIACE

In association with TRIBAL Education


6.00pm Tuesday 25th September Speakers include:
The Whitehall Hotel Bill Rammell MP (confirmed)
Exeter Park Road Fiona Mactaggart MP (confirmed)
Bournemouth Barry Brooks, TRIBAL
Dr Jan Eldred, NIACE

Reducing CO2 Marquee 3 is now

the USDAW Marquee
from road transport
- who’s responsible?

We all like the convenience of using our cars. So what are

the prospects for reducing carbon emissions with the next
generation of road fuels and new vehicle technologies?
Can some solutions do more harm than good? And what can
be done to influence consumers’ behaviour or are they just
plain confused or disinterested?

Join us for an informed and lively debate

with a panel that includes:

Rosie Winterton, Transport Minister (invited)

Chris Hunt, Director General UK Petroleum Industry Association
Peter Stokes, Volkswagen UK
Quentin Willson, Motoring journalist and broadcaster

6.00pm, Tuesday 25th September

Marsham Court Hotel, Dorset Room

Free admission and food

108 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings

Our NHS:
Can we talk?
Standard Life Healthcare is pleased to
sponsor the debate on understanding the
NHS: How can we have more informed
public debate on health issues?
Mike Hall, Chief Executive, Standard Life Healthcare (Chair)
Alan Johnson MP, Secretary of State for Health (tbc)
Professor Karol Sikora, Professor of Cancer Medicine,
Imperial College
Harry Cayton, Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence (tbc)
Nick Timmins, Financial Times (tbc)

Tuesday 25 September, 13.00 - 14.00

Tralee Hotel, Waterford Lower.

Standard Life Healthcare Limited, registered in England (02123483), Marshall Point, 4 Richmond Gardens, Bournemouth, BH1 1JD,
is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 0845 279 8877. Calls may be recorded/monitored to help improve
customer service. Images reproduced under licence. ©2007 Standard Life Healthcare Limited.
Annual Conference 07 | 109
Fringe listings – Tuesday

Fringe meeting
Tuesday 25th September
the new political activism
5.45 - 7.00pm

Why are young people more

likely to volunteer than join
political parties?
Come and debate with young volunteers
on Tuesday 25 September, 5.45pm,
Purbeck Room, Bourne Hall Hotel, Westcliffe

Speakers include:
Protecting childhood
Phil Hope MP
Minister for the Third Sector Dave Rinaldi, TimeBank or controlling borders?
David Seymour, Chair
v20, v’s Youth Board What's the priority for child refugees?
Free refreshments! Speakers: Liam Byrne MP, Venue: Clifton
Minister for Immigration (invited) Suite, The
Shami Chakrabarti, Director, Liberty. Hermitage Hotel
Chair: Bob Reitemeier, Chief Date: Tuesday
Executive, The Children’s Society. 25 September
To be followed by lively debate. Time: 5.45– 7.00pm
Charity Registration No. 221124 Photograph modelled for The Children’s Society

A lively discussion with a panel of
experts, hand-picked by the Telegraph.
Come and have your say.

The Cork Ballroom,

The Tralee Hotel.
Tuesday, September 25.
Refreshments provided.

110 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday


Andrew Rawnsley meets
Rt Hon David Miliband MP
Date and time: Tuesday 25 September, 6.30-8pm
Venue: Royal Bath Garden Restaurant, Royal Bath Hotel (Non-secure area)
Andrew Rawnsley, Britain’s leading political commentator, will be hosting the annual Observer
interview, one of the key events of the party conference. This year Andrew will be going head to
head with Rt Hon David Miliband MP, for a highly personal and thought provoking discussion.
Visit for full party conference coverage and online debates.
Refreshments provided.

Annual Conference 07 | 111

Fringe listings – Tuesday


Glenys Kinnock MEP, Labour Party Spokesperson on International
Development in the European Parliament (tbc)
• Speaker from International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm)

• Frazer Goodwin, Policy & Advocacy Officer, European Public Health Alliance
• Shaun Mellors, Communications Focal Point, Communities Delegation to
the Board of the Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Tuesday 25 September, The Function Room, The Whitehall Hotel, 7:00-8:30pm

Refreshments provided Photo by William Daniels

USDAW Marquee, Highcliff Marriot
labour_ad_resized.indd 1 Chair: Rt Hon Nick Brown MP, Minister for the North
12/07/2007 17:10:38
U Ulster Fry Breakfast
S Labour Party Conference 2007
T at the DeVere Suite in the
DeVere Royal Bath Hotel
Tuesday 25th September Tickets £10 from Arlene Ainsley
Time: 8.30 - 10.00 am
B Discussion on the future of 0783 409 8719
R Northern Ireland
A Rt Hon Rev Dr Ian Paisley
K MP MLA, First Minister
A for Northern Ireland Sponsored by: GNER, Northumbrian water
T Mr Martin McGuinness
2 MP MLA, Deputy First Minister
0 for Northern Ireland

Marquee 3 is now
the USDAW Marquee

Tuesday 25th September
12.45 - 2.00pm
Marquee 3, Highcliff Marriott Hotel,
Lunch served

112 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday

Registered Charity No. 219279 The Legion believes that men and women who have
served their country, and their families who support them,
deserve more from their Government. We invite you to
discuss our concerns with us.

Tuesday 25 September
17:30 – 19:00
The Shaftesbury Room
The Marriott Highcliff Hotel, Bournemouth

“Soldiers will be called upon to make personal sacrifices – including the ultimate sacrifice – in the service of the Nation. In putting
the needs of the nation and the Army before their own, they forgo some of the rights enjoyed by those outside the Armed Forces.
This obligation forms the Military Covenant between the nation, the Army and each individual soldier; an unbreakable common
bond of identity, loyalty and responsibility which has sustained the Army and its soldiers throughout its history.”

Annual Conference 07 | 113

Fringe listings – Tuesday

Tuesday 08.00 08.00 08.00

Barrow Cadbury Trust in National Association of Head RNID, UNUM
partnership with The Prince’s Teachers Stressed at work, stressed
Trust Moving communities from at home
Getting out to work fragmentation to cohesion Abbeymount Room,
Secure Island site – employing young adult Unison Marquee Bournemouth International
ex-offenders Speakers: Ed Balls MP; Mick Hotel, Priory Road
Unite Marquee, Marriott Brookes, General Secretary Speakers: Ivan Lewis MP;
Refreshments Highcliff Hotel National Association of Head Brian Lamb, RNID; Joanne
Chair: Sukhvinder Stubbs, Teachers; Edward Waller, Hindle, UNUM
Wheelchair access
Barrow Cadbury Head of Education UNICEF
Sign translation Speakers: David Hanson
MP; Mark Johnson, author of
‘Wasted’ the Prince’s Trust; 08.00
Business in the Community 08.00 RSPCA, McDonalds
representative (tbc) Policy Network, Centre for Customers or politicians:
European Reform, Friedrich who is in the driving seat
Born identity? Britishness
Ebert Stiftung for animal welfare?
and belonging in today’s
Does the centre left have a Mirabelle Suite, Royal Bath
08.00 vision for Europe? Hotel, Bath Road
Shaftesbury, Marriott Highcliff
CPRE, Friends of the Earth Purbeck Room, Wessex Hotel, Chair: tbc
Planning for climate West Cliff Road Speakers: tbc
Chair: Rachel Briggs, Demos
change: does the system Chair: Peter Mandelson Ticket only – to be sent out
Speakers: Hazel Blears MP;
work? Speakers: Pervenche Beres before conference.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, The
Climate Clinic, Punshon MEP; Gunter Gloser, German For details email:
Church House, LG Room 6 Minister for Europe (tbc); Jim
opposite BIC Murphy MP; Charles Grant,
Speakers: Yvette Cooper Director Centre for European
MP; Neil Sinden, Director of Reform
Policy CPRE; Hugh Ellis, Senior
Christian Socialist Movement
Planning Advisor, Friends of
Equal citizens? Meeting the
the Earth
Wesley Room, Punshon
Methodist Church opposite
Chair: Alun Michael MP
Fabian Society, Oil and Gas UK
Speakers: Prof Richard
Educating the innovators of
Wilkinson, University of
tomorrow Invites you to a Breakfast Round Table discussion on:
Nottingham; Jack Straw MP
Connaught Hotel, West Hill
Chair: Tim Horton, Fabian Moving Communities
National Institute of Adult
Speakers: Bill Rammell MP; from Fragmentation to
Annette Thomas, Oil and Gas
Continuing Education (NIACE)
New directions for lifelong
UK; more tbc Cohesion
Ticket only. See ad for details
or go to www.fabian-society. Tuesday 25 September | 0800 – 0900
Large Lounge, Whitehall Bryanston Unison
Highcliff Marriott
Hotel, Exeter Park Road
Chair: Dr Hywel Francis MP
Speakers: David Lammy MP Rt Hon Ed Balls MP, Secretary of State for Children,
(tbc); Jane Hutt AM (tbc) Schools and Families
Edward Waller, Head of Education, UNICEF UK
Social Marketing and Climate Mick Brookes, General Secretary NAHT
Change, Ipsos MORI Carole Whitty, Deputy General Secretary, NAHT
Tipping point or turning
point? Our discussion will focus on how
Climate Clinic, Main Hall,
The Life Chances Lottery: working in partnership we can build a
Punshon Church House,
How to ensure Every Child healthy community and:
opposite BIC
is a Winner
Speakers: Phil Downing,
Blandford 3, Marriott Highcliff
Head of Environment ■ Inspire the disillusioned
Research, Ipsos MORI Empower the disenfranchised
Chair: Anne Longfield, CE ■

4Children ■ Engage with the disappeared

Speakers: Libby Brooks,
journalist; secretary of state;
economist Breakfast will be available from 0745
National Association of Head Teachers

114 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday

08.00 08.00 12.45 12.45

Social Market Foundation, Social Market Foundation, Abortion Rights The Leadership Centre for
Arts Council England, Arts for Standard Life Investments 40 years on: time to end Local Government
Health Meeting the carbon attacks on abortion rights Place shaping – the Labour
The art of a healthy challenge: reality or Whitehall Hotel, Exeter Park vision towns and cities
community: how can we rhetoric? Road Dorchester 1, Highcliff
get the partnerships right? Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, Chair: Anne Quesney, Director Marriott Hotel
Priory Room, Bourne Hall West Hill Road Abortion Rights
Hotel, Priory Road Chair: Fiona Harvey, The Speakers: Polly Toynbee, The
Chair: Lord David Lipsey, Financial Times (tbc) Guardian; Baroness Joyce
Social Market Foundation Speakers: Phil Woolas MP
Speakers: Gillian Merron (tbc); Tom Clarke, Channel 4
MP (tbc); Althea Efunshile, News (tbc); Julie McDowell,
Arts Council England; Jayne Standard Life Investments;
Howard, Arts for Health Richard Lambert, CBI (tbc)
Cornwall; Shelagh Levett,
Bournemouth Borough
Council (tbc); Jennifer
Williams, Centre for Creative 08.00
Communities (tbc) The Work Foundation
Is full employment enough?
The end of bad jobs Leadership Centre for local government
Trouville Hotel, Priory Road
08.00 Chair: Nick Isles, The Work Launch of...
Social Market Foundation, Foundation the Labour vision for
Commission for Architecture Speakers: John Hutton
and the Built Environment MP (invited); David Coats,
place shaping towns and cities
Designing Communities for The Work Foundation; Kay Join our VIP speakers, including John Healey MP,
the future: sustainability Carberry, TUC Minister of State, Communities and Local
and place
Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel,
Government, to find out about the Party’s vision
West Hill Road for a distinctive Labour town, city or county.
Chair: Roger Harrabin, BBC 08.30
(tbc) Socialist Group in the Publication contributors:
Speakers: Hilary Benn European Parliament, EPLP, Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London
MP (tbc); Peter Clegg, Brussels Labour
FeildenCleggBradley (tbc); Cllr Employment, migrants and Yvette Cooper MP, Minister for Housing
Richard Leese, Manchester rights John Healey MP, Minister of State,
City Council; Polly Turton, Marquee 1, Marriott Highcliff Communities and Local Government
CABE Hotel
Chair: Lord Neil Kinnock
Date: Tuesday September 25
Speakers: Claude Moraes
Time: 13:00-14:00
MEP; Liam Byrne MP (invited);
Venue: Dorchester 1, Highcliff Hotel
08.00 Emine Bozkurt MEP, Dutch
Social Market Foundation, Labour Party
SAB Miller
Prohibition for protection? Wine and lunch provided
Should the government
force people to choose 12.45
healthier lifestyles? ABHI, General Medical Council,
Piano Room, Bourne Hall Healthcare Commission, NMC,
Hotel, Priory Road MPS, MTG
Chair: Ann Rossiter, Social The egg timer debate: is
Market Foundation
Speakers: Dawn Primarolo
this NHS damaging your
A gift you won’t
MP (tbc); Claire Fox, Institute
of Ideas; Niall Dickson, Kings
Bryanston Suite, Marriott
Highcliff Hotel have to declare
Fund; Sarah Boseley, The Chair: John Carvel, The Free internet & email access
Guardian (tbc) Guardian Social Affairs Editor
Speakers: Dr Stephanie
Bown, MPS; Anna Walker,
Healthcare Commission; Sarah
Thewlis, NMC; Sir Graeme
Catto, GMC

Join us at Hot Rocks, just by Bournemouth Pier

Annual Conference 07 | 115

Fringe listings – Tuesday

Tuesday 12.45 12.45 12.45

Asthma UK, UNISON, General Caring Choices – the key Dr Foster Intelligence, The
Medical Council, Sainsbury stakeholders finding solutions Telegraph
Centre for Mental Health for long term care This house believes that
Heart UK, The Primary Care
Who knows best? Patient Can we meet the costs of the state can make people
Cardiovascular Society, the
and public involvement in long term care? healthier
Primary Care Diabetes Society
healthcare Deauville Suite, Trouville USDAW Marquee, Marriott
and the National Obesity
Purbeck Suite, Marriott Hotel Highcliff Hotel
Highcliff Hotel Chair: Niall Dickson, CE King’s Chair: Tim Kelsey, Chair
Danger signs, Danger
Chair: Hugh Simpson, GMC Fund Executive Board Dr Foster
Conditions: Can the NHS
Speakers: Mike Jackson, Speakers: Alistair Darling MP Intelligence
make people live healthier
UNISON; Neil Churchill, (invited); Imelda Redmond, CE
Asthma UK; Angela Greatley, Carers UK; Paul Cann, Director
Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel
Sainsbury Centre for Mental of Policy Help the Aged
Speakers: Dawn Primarolo
Health 12.45
MP, Minister for Public health
Fabian Society, Help the
(tbc); Alan Milburn MP, Former
Aged, LV=
Secretary of state for Health
12.45 Generation clash? Can we
12.45 Core Coalition – Compass avoid a politics of young
British Shipping Group vs old?
Ships – an answer to global Good company? UK Connaught Suite, Connaught
warming? multinationals under Brown Hotel, West Hill Road
Hermitage Hotel opposite BIC Wesley Room, Methodist Hall Chair: Faisal Islam, Channel 4
Chair: Mark Browning, opposite BIC News (tbc)
Director General Chamber of Speakers: government Speakers: Bill Rammell MP;
Shipping minister (tbc); Jon Trickett MP, Alan Walker, University of
Hot buffet Compass Group; Tony Juniper, Sheffield; more tbc
Friends of the Earth

H•E•A•R•T UK; The Primary Care Cardiovascular Society; The Primary Care Diabetes Society & The National Obesity Forum
Invite you to attend a debate supported by an educational grant from sanofi-aventis:

Danger Signs,
Danger Conditions
Can the NHS make people live healthier lifestyles?
Speakers Rt Hon Dawn Primarolo MP, Minister for Public Health (tbc)
Rt Hon Alan Milburn MP, former Secretary of State for Health (tbc)
Time 12.45pm to 2.15pm, Tuesday 25 September
Venue Hardy Suite
Hermitage Hotel, Exeter Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5AH

116 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday

12.45 12.45 12.45 12.45

Greenpeace UK NASUWT RSPB The Smith Institute,
Does business need bigger School govenor training Nature on the move: birds, Thompsons Solicitors, FES
airports? – personalised learning bills and adaptation Employment Rights in the
Climate Clinic, Punshon Zafferano Restaurant Climate Clinic, Punshon UK, US and EU
Church House, Lower Ground Chair: John Mayes Church House, Main Hall Sherborne Room, Marriott
Room 6 opposite BIC Speakers: Judith Bennett, opposite BIC Highcliff Hotel
Speakers: Jim Fitzpatrick National Governors Assc; Chris Chair: Mike McCarthy, The Chair: Murray Elder, The
MP; Roger Wiltshire, Director Keates, NASUWT Independent Smith Institute
General British Air Transport Speakers: Joan Ruddock MP; Speakers: John Hutton
Association; Richard Brown, Baroness Young of Old Scone, MP (tbc); Stephen Cavalier,
CEO Eurostar; Dr Doug Parr, CEO Environment Agency; Thompsons Solicitors;
Greenpeace 12.45 Dr Mark Avery, Director of Thorben Albrecht,
New Statesman, Pfizer Conservation RSPB Confederation of German
The scale and scope of the Trade Unions
NHS’s core offering
12,45 Mirabelle Room, Royal Bath
Healthcare Commission, Age Hotel, Bath Road 12.45
Concern Chair: Sarah Montague Telegraph Media Group 12.45
Still on the fringe: does the Speakers: Alan Johnson MP; Britishness: a lively The Work Foundation,
NHS fail to treat people John Pelly, Queen Elizabeth discussion with a panel Working Links
with dignity? Hospital Trust; Prof Chris of experts chosen by the Welfare reform – has the
Harold Wilson Marquee, Toumazou, Imperial College Telegraph government finally cracked
Zafferano Restaurant London Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, it?
Speakers: Alan Johnson West Hill Road Lampeter Hotel, Exeter Park
MP (invited); Anna Walker, Road
CE Healthcare Commission; Chair: Will Hutton, The Work
Gordon Lishman, Age Concern 12.45 Foundation
England Palestine Solidarity Campaign 12.45 Speakers: Peter Hain MP;
Palestine: the way forward The Smith Institute, Heritage David Freud, author of
Marsham Court Hotel, Russell Lottery Fund, The Young Welfare to Work Review; Keith
Goves Road, East Cliff Foundation Faulkner CBE, Working Links;
12.45 Speakers: Richard Burden Britishness: identifying Paul Gregg, Bristol University;
Heart UK, Primary Care MP; Emily Thornberry MP; Sir with heritage John Philpott, CIPD
Cardiovascular Society, Gerald Kaufman MP; Ismail 1812 Restaurant, Royal
Primary Care Diabetes Society, Patel, Friends of Al Aqsa; Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road
National Obesity Forum Sarah Colborne, Chair PSC; Chair: Wilf Stevenson, The
Danger signs, danger War on Want speaker Smith Institute 12.45
conditions – assessing your Speakers: James Purnell Unite/SBAC
cardiovascular risk MP; Sadiq Khan MP; Dame Aerospace and defence in
Clifton Suite, Hermitage Hotel 12.45 Liz Forgan, Heritage Lottery your community
opposite BIC Progress, Police Federation Fund; Billy Bragg, singer, Bryanston Room, Wessex
See ad for details Here to serve you? Will songwriter and author; Trevor Hotel, West Cliff Road
police reform work in the Phillips, CEHR; Rushanara Ali,
public interest? The Young Foundation
Forestdale Room, Wessex
12.45 Hotel, West Cliff Road 12.45 12.45
Investment Management Speakers: Jan Berry, Chair The Smith Institute, Reform, Young Mayor of Lewisham,
Association Police Federation; Enver Age Concern, MSD, Wyeth London Borough of Lewisham
Taking control – what price Solomon, Deputy Director Advancing Opportunity: the Young people and policy
financial ignorance? Centre for Crime and Justice grey majority versus the making
Wessex Hotel, West Cliff Road Studies, King’s College iPod generation Blandford 3; Marriott Highcliff
Chair: Liam Halligan London; Jacqui Smith MP (tbc) Bar So Dome, Royal Exeter Hotel
Speakers: economic Hotel, Exeter Road Chair: Heidi Alexander,
secretary; Richard Saunders, 12.45 Chair: Niamh Gallagher, Deputy Mayor of Lewisham
CE IMA; Doug Taylor, Which? Pteg DEMOS; Michelle Mitchell, Speakers: Ed Miliband MP
Campaign Team Leader Transport – can the regions Age Concern; Nick Bosanquet,
follow London’s lead? REFORM
Unite Marquee, Marriott
Highcliff Hotel
Chair: Nicholas Owen, BBC
Speakers: Ruth Kelly MP
(invited); Ken Livingstone,
Mayor of London (invited)

Annual Conference 07 | 117

Fringe listings – Tuesday

Tuesday 13.00 13.00 13.00

ippr in association with NLGN supported by South Social Market Foundation,
Policy Exchange, CBI, Audit West Regional Development Standard Life
Commission Agency Our NHS: can we talk?
Institute of Directors, Sunday
Top down vs front line: Is the north/south divide Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel,
who should run our public inevitable? West Hill Road
Climate change – business
services? Tralee Hotel, West Hill Road Chair: Mike Hall, Standard Life
opportunity or business
Waterford Upper, Tralee Hotel, Chair: Tony Travers, LSE (tbc) Healthcare
West Hill Road Speakers: Hazel Blears MP Speakers: Alan Johnson MP
Gladstone Room, Royal Bath
Chair: Sue Stirling, Director (invited); Jules Pipe, London (tbc); Prof Karol Sikora; Harry
Hotel, Bath Road
ippr North Borough of Hackney; Chris Cayton, Council for Healthcare
Chair: David Smith, Economics
Speakers: Andy Burnham Leslie, NLGN Regulatory Excellence (tbc);
Editor Sunday Times
MP; Richard Lambert, Director Nick Timmins, The Financial
Speakers: John Hutton MP
General CBI; Steve Bundred, Times (tbc)
(invited); Miles Templeman,
CE Audit Commission; Prof
Director General Institute of
Anthony Giddens, LSE; 13.00
Anthony Browne, Director Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Policy Exchange The forensic DNA database: 13.00
have we gone too far? The Leadership Centre for
Shaftesbury Room, Marriott Local Government
Highcliff Hotel Place shaping – the Labour
The Guardian
Chair: Hugh Whittall, Director vision for towns and cities
Fourth term or bust?
NCOB St Malo Suite, Trouville Hotel,
Pavilion Ballroom
Speakers: tbc Priory Road
Chair: Polly Toynbee
Speakers: Ed Miliband MP;
Jon Cruddas MP; Phil Collins

The Guardian debate

Fourth term
or bust?
Chair: Polly Toynbee
Panel: Jon Cruddas MP, Phil Collins,
Rt Hon Tessa Jowell and Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP
Tuesday September 25, 1-2pm
Pavilion Ballroom

Party conference coverage

118 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday

13.00 17.30 17.30 17.30

Social Market Foundation, Foreign Policy Centre, KPMG Mind Social Market Foundation,
University of Central Europe question time Beyond belief – justice and The Carbon Trust
Lancashire Pavillion Pheobe bar mental health Technology to the rescue:
Business versus education? Chair: tbc Unite Marquee, Marriott can technology save us
Whose role is it to close the Speakers: Jim Murphy MP Highcliff Hotel from climate change?
skills gap? (invited); John Cryer, T&G; Chair: tbc Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel,
Piano Room, Bourne Hall Lucy Powell, PPC Withington Speakers: Paul Farmer, West Hill Road
Hotel, Priory Road former Director Britain in CEO Mind; Vera Baird QC Chair: Ann Rossiter, Social
Chair: Ann Rossiter, Social Europe Campaign; Lord Neil MP (invited); Baroness Jane Market Foundation
Market Foundation Kinnock Campbell CEHR Commissioner Speakers: Ian Pearson MP
Speakers: John Denham (invited) (tbc); Prof Mike Hulme, Tyndall
MP; Sir Michael Rake, UK Centre for Climate Change
Commission for Employment Research (tbc); Lord Oxburgh
and Skills (tbc); Jill Johnson, 17.30 (tbc); Tom Delay,
Nuffield Review of 14-19 An Audience with Alastair 17.30 The Carbon Trust
Education and Training in Campbell New Statement, Edge
England and Wales; Malcolm De Vere Suite, Royal Bath Can we stop pushy parents
McVicar, University of Central Hotel ruining kids’ education?
Lancashire £[tbc] - tickets from Labour Bayview Room, Royal Bath
Party Stand Hotel, Bath Road 17.30
Chair: Jenni Russell The British Association of
17.30 Speakers: Jim Knight MP; Shooting and Conservatioin
17.30 Centre for Cities at ippr Fiona Millar, Journalist; (BASC), The Fisheries and
British Dental Association, in association with Policy Dr Madeline Levin, Child Angling Conservation Trust
fpa, Royal College of Exchange, DLA Piper Psychologist; Tom Brighouse, (FACT)
Midwives, Royal College of Cities question time London Schools The rural reception
Nursing, ASDA Cork Room, Tralee Hotel James Callaghan Marquee,
Keeping healthy people Chair: Dermot Finch, Director, Zafferano Restaurant
healthy: preventing care Centre for Cities Host: Martin Salter MP
and the public health Speakers: Hazel Blears MP; 17.30 Speakers: Jonathan Shaw MP;
agenda Ken Livingstone (tbc), Mayor NHS Confederation, British Gerry Sutcliffe MP; Vernon
Purbeck Suite, Marriott of London; Tristram Hunt, Medical Association, Royal Coaker MP
Highcliff Hotel historian and broadcaster; College of Nursing
Chair: John Appleby, Chief Anthony Browne, Director The politics of the NHS:
Economist, King’s Fund Policy Exchange where should power really
Speakers: Susie Sanderson, lie? 17.30
Chair British Dental Bryanston Suite, Marriott The Coalfields Regeneration
Association; Dame Karlene Highcliff Hotel Trust
Davis, General Secretary Royal 17.30 Chair: Jackie Ashley, The Informal reception
College of Midwives; Anne ippr, Oxfam, Oracle Guardian Old Harry’s Bar, Marriott
Weyman OBE, Chief Executive Africa question time Speakers: Neal Lawson, Highcliff Hotel
fpa; Maura Buchanan, Zafferanos restaurant (2) Chair Compass; Geoff Mulgan, Chair: Janet Bibby
President Royal College of Highcliff Director Young Foundation; Dr
Nursing Chair: Matthew Lockwood, Hamish Meldrum, Chairman
Senior Research Fellow ippr BMA; Dr Gill Morgan, NHS
Speakers: Douglas Alexander Confederation; Dr Peter
MP; Glenys Kinnock MEP Carter, General Secretary, 17.30
17.30 (tbc); David Mepham, Director RCN; Tom Coffey, New Health The Co-operative Party,
Cuba Solidarity Campaign, All of Policy Save the Children; Network Mutuo
Party Parliamentary Group Irungu Houghton, Pan-African Co-operation, education
on Cuba Policy Adviser, Oxfam GB and trust
Whose rules rule? How Dorchester 1, Marriott
the US blockade forces Highcliff Hotel
companies to breach UK Speakers: Ed Balls MP;
law Mervyn Wilson, The Co-
Whitehall Hotel, Exeter Park operative College; Russell Gill,
Road The Co-operative Group
Chair: Norma Stephenson,
President UNISON
Speakers: Colin Burgon MP;
Ian Gibson MP; special Cuban
Havana Club rum cocktails

Annual Conference 07 | 119

Fringe listings – Tuesday

Tuesday 17.45 18.00 18.00

The Children’s Society Age Concern, Guide Dogs Compass, Migrants’ Rights
Protecting childhood Out of sight, out of mind: Network, Barrow Cadbury
or controlling borders? where’s the adult social Trust
YWCA England and Wales
Refugee children in the UK inclusion agenda? Denied entry? Can we
More than one rung:
Clifton Suite, Hermitage Hotel Sherbourne Suite, Marriott build a more progressive
making work work for girls
opposite BIC Highcliff Hotel consensus on immigration?
Blandford Syndicate 3,
Chair: Bob Reitemeier, CEO Speakers: Ed Miliband Dover Lounge, Trouville Hotel,
Marriott Highcliff Hotel
The Children’s Society MP; Dame Jane Campbell, Priory Road
Chair: tbc
Speakers: Liam Byrne MP Commission for Equality and Speakers: Sukhvinder
Speakers: tbc
(invited); Shami Chakrabarti, Human Rights (invited); Dame Stubbs, Barrow Cadbury Trust;
Liberty; other speakers tbc Jane Campbell, Commission Jon Cruddas MP; Evrard Oule,
for Equality and Human Justice for Cleaners
Rights (invited); Bridget
Warr, Guide Dogs; Gordon
Defend Council Housing
Lishman, Age Concern
Fourth option for council
17.45 England; a representative 18.00
The Smith Institute, Reform, from Association of Directors Fabian Society
Bournemouth International
The Russell Group of Adult Social Services Where next for the
Hotel, Priory Road
Higher Education: a public equalities debate?
Chair: Alan Walter, Defend
service? Connaught Suite, Connaught
Council Housing
Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel, Hotel, West Hill Road
Speakers: Austin Mitchell MP;
Bath Road 18.00 Chair: Tom Hampson, Fabian
Jack Dromey, Unite; Heather
Speakers: John Denham MP; All Party Parliamentary Water Society
Wakefield, UNISON
Andrew Haldenby, Reform; Group Speakers: Ed Miliband
Malcolm Grant, The Russell The water sector and MP; Rushanara Ali, Young
Group; Claire Fox, Institute climate change – have we Foundation; Jane Campbell,
of Ideas reached the turning point? CEHR; Debbie Weeks-Bernard,
Granville Room, Trouville Runnymede Trust; Prof Tony
Sue Ryder Care, National
Hotel, Priory Road Giddens, LSE
Council for Palliative Care,
Chair: Elliot Morley MP
Counsel and Care
17.45 Speakers: Phil Woolas MP
My death, my choice – the
T-Mobile, V, Timebank (invited); Pamela Taylor, CE
real challenges for caring
Volunteering: the new Water UK; Dame Barbara 18.00
and carers at the end of life
political activism? Young, CE Environment Friends of the Earth, UNISON
Zafferano Restaurant
Purbeck Room, Bourne Hall Agency; Tony Harringtron, Towards a low carbon
Chair: Ivan Lewis MP
Hotel, Priory Road Head of Environment economy: growth, jobs and
Speakers: Paul Woodward,
Chair: David Seymour, Yorkshire Water; Steve change at work
CE Sue Ryder Care; Eve
political commentator Bloomfield, Head of Utilities Climate Clinic, Punshon
Richardson, CE National
Speakers: V20 members; V’s UNISON Church House, Lower Ground
Council for Palliative Care;
Youth Advisory Board; Dave Room 6 opposite BIC
Stephen Burke, CE Counsel
Rinaldi, Timebank Chair: Paul Mason
and Care
Speakers: Steve Bloomfield,
18.00 Head of Utilities UNISON;
Christian Socialist Movement, Tim Jenkins, Chief Economist
17.45 Co-operative Party FOE; Francis O’Grady, Deputy
UNISON, National Assembly Making mutualism General Secretary TUC; Adrian
The Electoral Commission
Against Racism mainstream Wilkes, EIC
2008 London and local
One society – many Wesley Room, Punshon
government elections
cultures: multiculturalism’s Methodist Church opposite
Tralee Hotel, West Hill Road
contribution to a dynamic BIC
Chair: Sam Younger
society Chair: Kerron Cross 18.00
Speaker: kate Sullivan, Head
Bistro area, Lampeter Hotel, Speakers: Francis Davis, Von Passenger Focus
of Electoral Administration;
Exeter Park Road Hugel Institute Cambridge; Bar So, Royal Exeter Hotel,
Douglas Stewart, Head of
Speakers: Doreen Lawrence Alun Michael MP; Rachael Exeter Road
Party and Election Finance
OBE; Sadiq Khan MP; Prof Maskell, Unite – Amicus Chair: Colin Foxall CBE
Tariq Modood, Edie Friedman, section; Gareth Thomas MP
Jewish Council for Racial
Equality; Dr Mohammed
Abdul Bari, Muslim Council of
Britain; Bev Miller, UNISON;
Mohammed Azam Naar;
Claude Moraes MEP

120 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday

18.00 18.00 18.00 18.30

National Institute of Adult Social Market Foundation, The Work Foundation, Tesco Association of British Credit
Continuing Education (NIACE), Institution of Occupational A big idea for Labour: social Unions and Cattles plc
Tribal Ltd Safety and Health mobility A financial wilderness?
Adult literacy and Dying for a job? Are we Trouville Hotel, Priory Road The social impact of credit
numeracy skills: where doing enough to ensure Chair: Will Hutton, The Work exclusion
next for the strategy? that our workplaces are fit Foundation Bourne A, Wessex Hotel, West
Large Lounge, Whitehall for purpose? Speakers: Ed Miliband MP Cliff Road
Hotel, Exeter Park Road Piano Room, Bourne Hall (invited); Vera Baird MP; Carey Chair: Mark Lyonette, CEO
Chair: Dr Peter Lavender, Hotel, Priory Road Oppenheim, London Child ABCUL
NIACE Chair: Lord David Lipsey, Poverty Commission; David Speakers: economic
Speakers: Bill Rammell MP; Social Market Foundation North, Tesco secretary (tbc); Anna Ellison,
Dr jan Eldred, NIACE; Barry Speakers: Peter Hain MP Policis; John Lamidey, Cattles
Brooks, Tribal Ltd (tbc); Brendan Barber, TUC plc
(tbc); John Wright, Federation
of Small Businesses; Michael 18.00
Peel, The Financial Times UKPIA
18.00 (tbc); Rob Strange, IOSH Reducing CO2 from 18.30
Progress transport - who’s Institution of Civil Engineers,
Question time responsible? Royal Institute of British
Deauville Room, Trouville Dorset Room, Marsham Court Architects
Hotel, Priory Road 18.00 Hotel Climate change and skills
Chair: James Purnell MP Chair: Chris Hunt Champagne reception
Speakers: Jonathan Passing the baton Speakers: Rosie Winterton Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel,
Freedland, The Guardian; – sports policy in a Brown MP (invited); Peter Stokes, West Hill Road
Oona King; Billy Bragg; government Volkswagen UK; Quentin Chair: Hazel Blears MP
Stephen Twigg, Chair Purbeck Room, Wessex Hotel, Willson, motoring journalist Speakers: Sunand Prasad,
Progress West Cliff Road President Royal Institute of
Chair: Nic Coward, Sports British Architects; Dr Scott
Rights Owners Coalition; Steedman, Vice President
Speakers: Gerry Sutcliffe Institute of Civil Engineers
18.00 MP; Philip French, Supporters
Sera, Climate Clinic Direct
Transport question time
Main Hall, Punshon Church
House opposite BIC
Chair: Andrew Pakes, Sera 18.00
Speakers: Ruth Kelly MP Stonewall, LGBT Labour
(tbc); Lord William Bach, Equality for the next
Airport Operators Assc; Ian decade
MacAllister, Network Rail; Bryanston Suite, Wessex
Stephen Joseph, Transport Hotel, West Cliff Road
2000; George Muir, Assc of
Train Operating Companies
Chair: Waheed Alli
Speakers: Barbara Follett
Climate change –
MP; Angela Eagle MP; Alon
Or-bach, LGBT Labour; Ben
building skills
Summerskill, Stonewall
A reception hosted by Sunand Prasad (President,
the Royal Institute of RIBA) and Scott Steedman
Labour Party
The Blair Years: An British Architects and (Vice-President, ICE) invite
audience with Alastair 18.00 the Institution of Civil you to find out how
Campbell The New Economics Engineers. architects and engineers
De Verve Suite, Bath Hotel Foundation are developing the skills
Tuesday 25 September they need to help homes
Special event with Alastair Radical regeneration:
Campbell talking about the where people and the 6.30–8.00pm Cork and businesses respond
Blair Years, politics today planet matter Ballroom, Tralee Hotel to the climate change
and in future. Followed by Royal Bath Hotel, Bath Road Speaker: Rt Hon Hazel challenge.
a book signing session. The Chair: Patrick Butler, Guardian Blears MP (Secretary of Champagne and
Blair Years will be on sale at Society
State for Communities refreshments will
a special Conference price of Speakers: Edgar Cahn,
£20. Tickets: £15 (£10 for Time Dollar Youth Court; and Local Government) be served.
members) available from the Anna Coote, Sustainable
Party Stand. All proceeds to Development Commission; Ed
go to the Labour Party. Miliband MP (invited); Lucie
Stephens, NEF; Glen Jenkins, RIBA registered charity number 210566 Supported by:
Marsh Farm NDC ICE registered charity number 210252
Image © PA Photos

Annual Conference 07 | 121

Fringe listings – Tuesday

Tuesday 18.30 18.30 19.00

Labour Friends of India Tribune European Alliance Against
Annual reception Leftalive! The left is alive Malaria, Action for Global
Wessex Hotel, West Cliff Road and kicking Health
British Council, BBC World
Chair: Stephen Pound MP Royal Exeter Hotel, Exeter Financing the health NDGs
Speakers: HE Mr Famaltsh Road The Function Room, Whitehall
Aspiring Africa – how can
Sharma, Indian High Chair: Chris McLaughlin, Hotel, Exeter Park Road
Brown’s new government
Commission Editor Tribune Chair: Glenys Kinnock MEP
help meet the hopes of a
Ticket only. Call 07956 Speakers: Jon Cruddas MP; Speakers: International
959637 Jon Trickett MP; others tbc Finance Facility for
Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel
Immunisation (tbc); Frazer
opposite BIC
Goodwin, European Public
Chair: Lord Neil Kinnock
Health Alliance; Shaun
Speakers: FCO minister;
18.30 18.30 Mellors, Communities
George Alagiah, presenter
Social Market Foundation, The Observer Delegation to the Board of
World News Today, BBC World
Mobile Operators Association, The Observer interview: the Global Fund to Fight Aids,
(tbc); Moses Anibaba, Director
Ipsos MORI Andrew Rawnsley meets TB and Malaria
British Council Ghana
New technology, old David Miliband MP
concerns: why does society Garden Restaurant, Royal
fear innovation? Bath Hotel, Bath Road
Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel, Chair: Andrew Rawnsley, The 19.00
West Hill Road Observer Climate Clinic, PRASEG
Forest, The Free Society
Chair: Ben Goldacre, The Speakers: David Miliband MP Making the UK a hub for
Politics and prohibition
Guardian (tbc) a low carbon economy:
– Champagne reception
Speakers: Ian Pearson MP delivering on sustainable
Main Lounge, Royal Bath
(tbc); Prof David Edgerton, energy policy
Hotel, Bath Road
Centre for the History of 18.30 Epworth Room, Punshon
Speakers: guest speakers
Science, Technology and Town and Country Planning Church House
Medicine, Imperial College Assc, English Regions Speakers: John Hutton MP
London; Alnoor Samji, Ipsos Network (tbc); David Green, CE UKBCSE
MORI; Mike Dolan, Mobile Revitalising the regions
Operators Association – planning for economic
Menzies Carlton Hotel, East 19.00
Overcliffe Drive, off Grove ippr, Serco
Road Positive energy: how can

POLITICS AND Speakers: Cllr Peter Box,

Yorkshire Regional Assembly;
we harness people power
to prevent climate change?

PROHIBITION. John Healy MP (invited); Ruth

Kelly MP (invited)
Zafferanos Restaurant,
Chair: Justin Rowlatt,
Newsnight’s ‘Ethical Man’
Speakers: Hilary Benn
19.00 MP; David James, England
All Health Hotel members Goalkeeper, Premiership
The Health Hotel interview Green Adviser; Simon
Purbeck Suite, Marriott Retallack, Head of Climate
Highcliff Hotel Change ippr; Chris Hyman,
Chief Executive Serco; Lucy
Siegle, Observer
Champagne reception hosted by
The Free Society, supported by Forest,
with canapes, refreshments, music and
special guest speakers. ippr, Engineering and
Technology Board, Ufi
Tuesday 25th September 2007 All work and no play: can
6.30-8.00pm family friendly really work?
Main Lounge, Royal Bath Hotel, Cork Room, Tralee Hotel
Bournemouth Chair: Lisa Harker, Co-Director
Speakers: Beverley Hughes
MP; Susan Anderson, Director
HR Policy, CBI; Duncan Fisher,
CE Fathers Direct


122 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Tuesday

19.00 19.30 20.00 20.30

Save the Children Liberty Children Are Unbeatable Long term care: the biggest
Young people call for an Terrorism – a new Alliance challenge?
end to child poverty in consensus Equal protection from Reception hosted by Caring
the UK Durley Hall Hotel, Durley assault is every child’s Choices the stakeholders
Offshore Cafe at Chine Road human right finding solutions for long
Bournemouth Oceanarium Speakers: Shami Chakrabarti. Punshon Methodist Church term care
Chair: Jasmine Whitbread, Liberty; Jacqui Smith MP opposite BIC Sherbourne Room, Marriott
Save the Children (invited); Jack Straw MP Highcliff Hotel
Speakers: Save the Children (invited) Chair: Imelda Redmond, CE
(tbc); Carers UK
20.00 Speakers: Alan Johnson
Fabian Society, Freidrich Ebert MP (invited); Niall Dickson,
Stiftung, RSPB CE King’s Fund; Sue Collins,
19.30 Environmental union Joseph Rowntree Foundation
19.30 LOWCVP Connaught Suite, Connaught (invited)
High Commission for Pakistan Biofuels: more good than Hotel, West Hill Road
Reception by the High harm? Chair: Tim Horton, Fabian
Commission for Pakistan Climate Clinic, Punshon Society (tbc)
Unite Marquee Church House, Main Hall Speakers: Matthias Machnig, 20.30
opposite BIC German Minister for the Climate Change DIY – the
Chair: Juliette Jowitt, Environment; Hilary Benn MP; radical vision of personal
Transport Editor Graham Wynne, RSPB carbon trading
19.00 Speakers: Ruth Kelly MP; For further details please go Matthew Taylor in
Social Market Foundation, Greg Archer, Director LOWCVP; to: conversation with Alex
Energy Retail Association Sir Richard Branson, Virgin James
Power to the people: Fuels (tbc); Dr Mark Avery, Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel
should consumers be forced RSPB opposite BIC
to use less energy? 20.00
Waterford Lower Room, Tralee Foreign Policy Centre, Police
Hotel, West Hill Road Federation
Chair: Justin Rowlatt, BBC 19.30 Foreign Policy Centre, 20.30
(tbc) LRC Police Federation joint Labour Friends of Israel
Speakers: Malcolm Wicks MP; Another world is necessary fringe Reception
Ed Mayo, National Consumer Marsham Court Hotel, Russell Wesley Room, Punshon Main Lounge, Royal Bath
Council; Duncan Sedgwick, Cotes Road, East Cliff Methodist Church, Exeter Hotel, Bath Road
Energy Retail Association; Chair: Maria Exall Road opposite BIC Admittance strictly to
Stephen Hale, Green Alliance Speakers: Tony Benn; Katy Chair: Oona King (invited) conference pass holders
Wine served Clark MP; Jeremy Corbyn MP; Speakers: Jacqui Smith MP
John McDonnell MP; Mark (invited); Jan Berry, Police
Serwotka, PCS Federation
£3 20.30
Climate Clinic, The
19.30 Independent
Labour Animal Welfare 20.00 20.30 Communicating climate
Society All Health Hotel members ABTA Ltd change: the media role
15 year celebration The Health Hotel and King’s Sustainable tourism. Flying Punshon Church House,
followed by karaoke at 9pm Fund debate – friend or foe? Lower Ground Room 6
Purbeck Room, Wessex Hotel, Purbeck Suite, Marriott Gladstone Suite, Royal Bath opposite BIC
West Cliff Road Highcliff Hotel Hotel, Bath Road
Chair: Wally Burley LAWS Chair: Niall Dixon, King’s Fund Chair: Mark Tanzer, CE ABTA
Speakers: Elliot Morley Speakers: Alan Johnson MP Speakers: Tony Juniper, Vice 20.30
MP; Angela Smith MP; You choose the topic for Chair Friends of the Earth; National Association of Local
Robert Evans MEP; Douglas debate. Visit the Health Hotel Keith Richards, Head of Councils
Batchelor, CE League Against stand in the health zone or: Consumer Affairs & Business Delivering for local
Cruel Sports Development ABTA communities bangers and
mash supper
Bryanston Room, Marriott
Highcliff Hotel
Speakers: Hazel Blears MP;
Cllr Ken Cleary, National
Association of Local Councils

Annual Conference 07 | 123

Fringe listings – Tuesday

ippr, Oxfam, Oracle 21.00
Is a progressive foreign CEHR, CRE, DRC, EOC, Help the
policy possible? Aged, Age Concern, Stonewall
Zafferanos Restaurant (1&2), sponsored by Barclays
Highcliff Absolutely equal
Speakers: David Miliband MP; De Vere Suite, Royal Bath
David Mepham, Director of Hotel, Bath Road
Policy Save the Children; Ian With special guests
Kearns, Deputy Director ippr;
Barbara Stocking CBE, Director
Oxfam GB
Fabian Society, Virgin Media
The Fabian party
20.30 Hot Rocks Surf Diner, Pier
Woodland Trust Approach
Woodland Trust reception Invitation only. Please go to
Climate Clinic, Hardy Suite, for
Hermitage Hotel opposite BIC further details

The Co-operative Party,
Reception hosted by
Co-operative Party and
Purbeck Suite, Marriott
Highcliff Hotel
Guest Speakers: Ed Balls MP



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124 | Annual Conference 07

Wednesday Fringe listings

James Callaghan Marquee

Marquee A is now the


Chaired by the Rt Hon. Lord Kinnock
Refreshments will be provided

The Conference
Low Carbon/Low Cost Daily newspaper
does energy really have to cost the Earth? will publish
Wednesday 26 September
Speakers updates and
8.30-9.30 am
Climate Clinic
Malcolm Wicks MP, Energy Minister corrections in each
Lord Whitty, NCC
Punshon Church House
Jenny Saunders, NEA
issue relating to
Lower Ground Room 6
the meetings that
day, to ensure
Ed Crooks, Energy Editor,
Financial Times delegates have the
Refreshments provided latest information.





Annual Conference 07 | 125

Fringe listings – Wednesday


FRINGE MEETING Minister of State for Schools
12.45 pm - 2.00 pm and Learners
Kate Green OBE
Wednesday 26 September
Chief Executive,
HAROLD WILSON MARQUEE Child Poverty Action Group
St Michael’s Road Steve Sinnott

Education: Adjacent to the

Highcliff Marriott Hotel
General Secretary, National
Union of Teachers

Closing or increasing Chair:

Fiona Millar

the poverty gap? School Governor and



8.00 pm - 11.00 pm Wednesday 26 September
(previously known as St Michael’s Brasserie)
Free to all Labour Party Conference delegates.

Music provided by Music for Youth.

For more information on NUT policies visit Stand No 9, Purbeck Hall, Bournemouth International Centre

126 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Wednesday

Under 10 and Under Pressure?

Girls Speak Out About Self-Esteem
Wednesday 26 September, 6-7pm
James Callaghan - Marquee A refreshments available

Speakers will include:

Liz Burnley, Girlguiding UK Susan Ringwood, beat
Monique Rotik, Opinion Leader Dr Katherine Rake, The Fawcett Society

Girlguiding UK and beat will launch new research by Opinion Leader

revealing what girls aged seven to ten really think about body image,
self-esteem and happiness. The panel will explore the pressures on girls
at this young age and what this could mean for tomorrow’s women.
Supported by:


Building for the Future: Achieving zero-carbon homes

6.00 – 7.30pm Wednesday 26 September Hermitage Hotel (opposite BIC), Hardy Suite

Speakers to include: Yvette Cooper MP, Minister for Housing

Nicky Gavron, Deputy Mayor of London
Neil Jefferson, NHBC, (National House-Building Council)
Sunand Prasad, President, RIBA
Mike Gilbert, British Cement Association

NHBC in partnership with SERA

Annual Conference 07 | 127

Fringe listings – Wednesday

ON THE FRINGE Will our new schools deliver

Women and work under Labour for pupils and communities?
Harriet Harman QC MP, Leader of the House and Speakers
Deputy Leader of the Labour Party (to be confirmed) Ed Balls MP - Secretary of State for Children,
Bronwyn McKenna - UNISON Director of Schools and Families (to be confirmed)
Organisation Christina McAnea – UNISON Head of Education
Jenny Watson - Chair Equal Opportunities Francis Beckett – author and journalist
Commission John Coughlan - President of the Assoc. of
Dr Katherine Rake – Director of the Fawcett Society Directors of Childrens Services (to be confirmed)
Chair: Polly Toynbee The Guardian Chair: Pat Hetherton UNISON Labour Link

Wednesday 26 September, 12.45-2.00pm Wednesday 26 September, 6 - 7.30pm

Highcliffe Marriott Hotel, Bryanston Suite (inside Highcliffe Marriott Hotel, Bryanston Suite (inside
secure zone) secure zone)

Further information from the UNISON stand, P2/3, Purbeck Hall

UNISON, 1 Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9AJ

128 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Wednesday

08.00 08.30 12.45

Rainer National Energy Action, British Council
Count me in: tackling National Consumer Council Education – the great
benefit traps and financial Low carbon/low cost: does invisible export
Key inclusion for young people energy really have to cost Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel
Collingwood Lounge, Marriott the earth? opposite BIC
Highcliff Hotel Climate Clinic, Punshon Chair: Lord Neil Kinnock
Secure Island site
Chair: Joyce Moseley Church House, Lower Ground Speakers: Baroness Warwick
Free Speakers: tbc Room 6 opposite BIC of Undercliffe, CE Universities
Invitation only. Details from Chair: Ed Crooks, Energy UK; Bill Rammell MP
Refreshments Editor FT
Wheelchair access or 020 7840 5608 Speakers: Malcolm Wicks
MP; Jenny Saunders, Director
Sign translation
of Comms NEA; Lord Whitty, 12.45
Chair NCC Combined Heat & Power
08.00 Association
07.30 Social Market Foundation, Heat – the UK’s energy gap
Renewable Energy Merck Sharp and Dohme Climate Clinic, Punshon
Association The value of innovation: 08.50 Church House, LG Room 6
Renewable energy training how can a fair and practical Fabian Society. Chartered opposite BIC
seminar breakfast drug pricing system be Institute of Housing, Royal Speakers: Phillip Piddington,
Climate Clinic, Punshon achieved? Town Planning Institute RWE; Graham Meeks, CH&PA;
Church House, Main Hall Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, Putting communities in Philip Wolf, REA
opposite BIC West Hill Road control; next steps for the
Speakers: Yvette Cooper MP; Chair: Ann Rossiter, Social place making agenda
Andrew Cooper, REA; Labour Market Foundation Connaught Hotel, West Hill
Cllrs Speakers: Alan Johnson MP Road 12.45
(tbc); John Appleby, King’s Speakers: Hazel Blears MP; Commission for Rural
Fund (tbc); Dr Richard Barker, more tbc Communities
ABPI; Dame Gill Morgan, NHS Invitation only. For further 7.5 million votes: why
08.00 Confederation (tbc) details please go to www. rural matters. The issues
Digital UK affecting rural voters today
Digital UK private breakfast Zafferano Restaurant, James
on digital switchover Callaghan Marquee
Tralee Hotel, West Hill Road 08.15 Chair: Dr Stuart Burgess
Chair: Ford Ennals Christian Socialist Movement 09.00 Speakers: Parmjit Dhanda
Invitation only. For details Prayer Breakfast Black Socialist Society MP; David Drew MP; Charles
please call Seb Dance on Wesley Room, Punshon Our plan and priorities Clark MP; Nigel Costly,
020 7462 5438 Methodist Church opposite Bryanston Suite Wessex Regional Secretary, SW
BIC speakers: Ahmad Shahzad, TUC (all invited); Sty=uart
Led by a different MP each Chair BSS; Keith Vaz MP, NEC Burgess, Commission for Rural
morning representative; plus other Communities
08.00 Breakfast served from 07.45 guest speakers
Fabian Society, Cambridge
Should soft skills be part of
the curriculum? 08.15
Connaught Hotel, West Hill UNUM
Road Welfare reform – how can
Chair: Louise Bamfield, we improve the employer
Fabian Society experience?
Speakers: Jim Knight MP; Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel,
Tim Oates, Cambridge West Hill Road

Juice up your
Assessment; Anthony Seldon, Chair: Joanne Hindle, UNUM
Wellington College; Richard Speakers: Lord MacKenzie,
Pring, Nuffield Review DWP (invited); Miles
Invitation only. Please go to for
further details
Templeman, IoD; Dr Peter
Purton, TUC Blackberry – free


Join us at Hot Rocks, just by Bournemouth Pier

Annual Conference 07 | 129

Fringe listings – Wednesday

The Conference Daily newspaper will

publish updates and corrections in each
issue relating to the meetings that day,
G to ensure delegates have the latest
LEARNIN VE: information.
How can dren for life?
pare chil

Wednesday 26 September,
Bar So Dome,The Royal Exeter Hotel
12.45pm - 2.00pm. Hot buffet lunch and wine provided * All Welcome
Come along to ATL’s fringe meeting which will bring you up to
date with our views on how a radical overhaul of the National
Curriculum will contribute to a good childhood.We’ll be
concentrating on the skills children need in and out of school
which prepare them for life. We’re sure you’ve got some views
on this – so we look forward to seeing you there!
Speakers - Rt Hon. Ed Balls MP, Secretary of State for
Children, Schools and Families
Dr Mary Bousted, General Secretary,ATL
Kathy Evans, Policy Director, Children’s Society
Chair - Julia Neal, President, ATL Association of Teachers and Lecturers

130 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Wednesday

Wednesday 12.45 12.45 12.45

Fabian Society, Avanta Foundation Trust Network New Statesman, Virgin Media
Beyond the New Deal Bringing localism to life: Media ownership,
Connaught Hotel, West Hill building mutuality and democracy and consumer
Road accountability in NHS choice
Private equity: time to
Speakers: Caroline Flint MP; foundation trusts Hot Rocks Club and Bar, Pier
make business owners
Robert Taylor; Rushanara Ali, Circle Room, The Pavilion Approach
equal before the law?
Young Foundation; Jeanette Chair: tbc Chair: Bill Thompson
Dover Lounge, Trouville Hotel,
Faherty, Avanta Speakers: minister of state Speakers: James Purnell MP;
Priory Road
Invitation only: please go to for health (invited); Sue Ian Hargreaves, Ofcom; Torin
Speakers: Jon Trickett MP, for Slipman, Director Foundation Douglas, BBC
Compass; Dan Plesch, Centre
further details Trust Network; Peter Hunt, CE
for International Studies &
MUTUO (invited)
Diplomacy; Dr Stephanie
Blankenberg, Economics
Advisor to the Venezuelan
12.45 Socialist Educational
Association of British Insurers 12.45 Association
Pensions reform: will the Leading development and Inclusion, exclusion,
consensus last? environment campaigning confusion
Green Room, Tralee Hotel, organisations Punshon Methodist Church
West Hill Road Jon Snow interviews opposite BIC
Core Cities
Speakers: Peter Hain Douglas Alexander MP Chair: Richard Sidley General
Cities and regions: working
MP (tbc); Jeannie Drake, Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, Secretary
in partnership to deliver
Commissioner Commission for West Hill Road
Equality and Human Rights; Chair: Jon Snow, news 12.45
Purbeck Room, Marriott
Margaret Craig, Director of presenter Sinn Fein
Highcliff Hotel
Life and Savings Association Speakers: Douglas Alexander Ireland – the future?
Chair: Wilf Stevenson,
of British Insurers MP Large Lounge, Whitehall
Director Smith Institute
Hotel, Exeter Park Road
Speakers: Hazel Blears MP
Chair: Dodie McGuinness
(invited); John Hutton MP
Speakers: Alex Maskey MLA,
(invited); Sir Richard Leese,
12.45 12.45 Sinn Fein; Joanne Spain, Sinn
Manchester City Council;
Association of Teachers and National Council Voluntary Fein
Representative from Regional
Lecturers Organisations
Development Agency (tbc)
Learning to live: how can Small charities have their
schooling prepare children say! A roundtable debate
for life? Wesley Room, Punshon 12.45
Dome Suite, Royal Exeter Memorial Methodist Church, Thames Gateway
Hotel, Exeter Road Exeter Road Parliamentary Group
Chair: Julia Neal, ATL Chair: Liz Atkins, NCVO Why our housing minister
Participation rewired: can
President Speakers: Ed Miliband MP deserves a seat at the
we have real democratic
Speakers: Dr Mary Bousted, (invited) cabinet table
General Secretary Association Granville Room, Trouville
Blandford Suite, Marriott
of Teachers and Lecturers; Ed Hotel, Priory Road
Highcliff Hotel
Balls MP; Kathy Evans, Policy Speakers: Yvette Cooper
Chair: Catherine Fieschi
Director Children’s Society 12.45 MP (invited); Jon Cruddas
National Union of Teachers, MP (invited); Jimi Bennett,
Child Poverty Action Group Senior Research Fellow IPPR;
Education: closing or Thames Gateway rep tbc
12.45 increasing the poverty gap?
Foreign Policy Centre, Nestle Zafferano Restaurant, Harold
Every Disabled Child Matters
Water: how can we Wilson Marquee
Disabled children: a new
manage our most precious Chair: Fiona Millar 12.45
resource? Speakers: Steve Sinnott, The British Retail Consortium
Tralee Hotel, West Hill Road
Zafferano Restaurant National Union of Teachers; Respect for shops – respect
Speakers: Ed Balls MP; Dame
Chair: Stephen Twigg Kate Green, Child Poverty for shop workers
Jo Williams, MENCAP
Speakers: Douglas Alexander Action Group Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel,
MP (invited); Phil Bloomer, Bath Road
Oxfam; Hilary Parsons, Speakers: Jacqui Smith MP
Head of CSR Nestle; Camilla (tbc); John Hannett, General
Toulmin, International Secretary USDAW; Dr Kevin
Institute for Environment and Hawkins, Director General
Development British Retail Consortium;
USDAW shopworker (tbc)

Annual Conference 07 | 131

Fringe listings – Wednesday

Wednesday 12.45 12.45 13.00

The Wildlife Trusts, Woodland Women’s Environment Social Market Foundation,
Trust Network, Soil Association Institution of Engineering and
Climate change: helping Storm in a teacup: climate Technology
New Economics Foundation,
nature adapt friendly clothes From skills to success?
Climate Clinic, Punshon Climate Clinic, Punshon Building a competitive
Bigger, cheaper, faster
Church House, Main House Church House, Garden future for the UK
– worse? Why we need to
opposite BIC opposite BIC Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel,
redefine efficiency
Chair: Clive Anderson Speakers: Emily Thornberry West Hill Raod
Sherbourne, Marriott Highcliff
Speakers: Hilary Benn MP; MP; Katherine Hamnett, Chair: Stephen Evans, Social
Stephanie Hilborne, CEO The fashion designer and green Market Foundation
Chair: David Walker, The
Wildlife Trusts; Sue Holden, campaigner (tbc) Speakers: David Lammy MP;
Guardian (tbc)
CEO Woodland Trust Join us for a climate friendly John Stone, The Learning and
Speakers: Lisa Sanfilippo;
buffet Skills Network (tbc); Robin
New Economics Foundation;
McGill, The Institution of
Paul Coen, Local Government
Engineering and Technology;
Association; Dean Westcott,
12.45 Evan Davis, BBC News (tbc)
ACCA; Andy Burnham MP
The Work Foundation, 13.00
Professional Contractors ippr, Oracle
Group Two up, two down: what’s
Escaping the rat race the future of affordable 13.00
– freelance freedom or job housing? Unlock Democracy, Nuclear
The Smith Institute, British
insecurity? Waterford Upper, Tralee Hotel, Industry Association
Lampeter Hotel, Exeter Park West Hill Road Planning, in whose
The Energy White Paper:
Road Chair: Peter Hetherington, interest?
have the government got it
Chair: Nick Isles, The Work The Guardian Trouville Hotel, Priory Road
right this time?
Foundation Speakers: Yvette Cooper MP; Chair: Marja McCaffrey, CEO
Tregonwell Room, Royal
Speakers: Stephen Timms Michael O’Higgins, Chair Audit BWEA
Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road
MP (invited); Dr John Knell, Commission; Tristram Hunt, Speakers: Hazel Blears MP;
Chair: Murray Elder, The
Intelligence Agency; Gary historian and broadcaster; Yvette Cooper MP; Ron Bailey,
Smith Institute
Freer, McGrigors; David Jim Bennett, Senior Research Campaigns Director Unlock
Speakers: Malcolm Wicks MP;
Ramsden, Chair PGC Fellow, ippr Democracy
Jim Skea, UK Energy Research
Centre; Jeremy Nicholson,
Energy Intensive Users
Group; Nick Goodall, Energy
12.45 13.00 17.00
Networks Association
UNISON National Institute for Health Labour Party Campaign
Women and work under and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Seminar
Labour Could the NHS be nicer? Winning on the web?
Bryanston Suite, Marriott Putting NICE guidance into Harold Wilson Marquee,
Highcliff Hotel practice Zafferano Restaurant
The Smith Institute, NESTA,
Chair: Polly Toynbee, The Mirabelle Suite, Royal Bath with special guest speakers
The Young Foundation
Guardian Hotel, Bath Road
Innovation and Education
Speakers: Harriet Harman QC Chair: Frank Dobson MP
1812 Restaurant, Royal
MP (tbc); Bronwyn McKenna, Speakers: Andrew Dillon,
Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road
Director of Organisation NICE 17.30
Speakers: John Denham
UNISON; Jenny Watson, EOC General Motors, East of
MP; Jonathan Kestenbaum,
England Development Agency
NESTA; Geoff Mulgan, Young
Sustainability and
Foundation; John Sorrell,
13.00 manufacturing technology
CABE; James Harding, The
12.45 Kids Count in the east of England
Unite The Union – Amicus Gangsta’s paradise Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel,
section Bryanston Suite, Wessex Bath Road
Global rights – not a choice! Hotel, West Cliff Road Speakers: Barbara Follett MP
Enforcing rights and Chair: Linda Lawrence (tbc); Alex Bruce, Manager
standards in a globalise Speakers: Richard Taylor, Government Relations General
Working for Charities
economy Damilola Taylor Trust; Vernon Motors UK and Ireland; East of
Bayview, Royal Bath Hotel,
USDAW Marquee, Marriott Coaker MP; Youth Justice England Development Agency
Bath Hotel
Highcliff Hotel Board; Trident; Lhame Lall,
Chair: Jackie McLeod, NCH
Kids Count Youth Board
Speakers: Penny Nicholls,
The Children Society; Rachael
Maskell, UNITE – Amicus
section; Phil Hope MP

132 | Annual Conference 07

Fringe listings – Wednesday

17.30 17.45 18.00 18.00

ippr, Engineering and The Muslim Council of Britain Fabian Society, FES South West RDA
Technology Board, Ufi The prospects for the British What do Iran’s democrats South West RDA and Fifteen
You’re hired! Skills for Muslim community ten want from us? present best of the South
business years on Connaught Suite, Connaught West food and drink
Waterford Upper Room, Tralee Unite Marquee, Marriott Hotel, West Hill Road Aruba restaurant, Pier
Hotel, West Hill Road Highcliff Hotel Speakers: Nazenin Ansari, Approach
Chair: Julia Margo, senior Chair: Sir Iqbal Sacranie Diplomatic Editor, Kayhan; Speakers: Juliet Williams,
research fellow, ippr Speakers: Dr Muhammad Prof Volker Perthes, German South West RDA; Fifteen
Speakers: John Hutton MP; Abdul Bari, Muslim Council of Institute for International and Restaurant
Lord Paul Drayson; Dr John Britain; Sadiq Khan MP; Hazel Security Affairs Berlin; Glenys
Morton, CE ETB; Solitaire Blears MP (invited) Kinnock MEP (tbc); Dr Ali
Townsend, Managing Director Ansari, St Andrews Univeristy;
and Founder, Futerra Dr Ali Paya, University of 18.00
Westminster and National Still Human Still Here Coalition
18.00 Research Institute for Science Is government policy
Association of British Insurers Policy Iran (tbc); Prof Fred making asylum seekers
17.30 Adapting to our climate Halliday, LSE (tbc); Prof Abbas destitute?
ippr, Oxfam, Oracle change Edalat, Science and Arts Punshon Memorial Church
Life Chances: Where Next Westcliff Suite, Tralee Hotel, Foundation opposite BIC
for Labour? West Hill Road Chair: Kate Allen, Amnesty
Cork Room, Tralee Hotel, West Chair: Sarah Mukherjee, Director
Hill Road Environment Correspondent Speakers: Liam Byrne MP; Jon
Chair: Polly Toynbee, The BBC 18.00 Cruddas MP
Guardian Speakers: Hilary Benn MP Fabian Society, Groundwork UK
Speakers: Ed Miliband MP; (tbc); Baroness Young, CE The environment and social
Carey Oppenheim, Co-Director, Environment Agency; David justice; how do we meet the
ippr; Sarah Castell, Head of Nussbaum, CE WWF; Jane fairness test? 18.00
Qualitative Research, Ipsos Milne, Head of Climate Change, Connaught Hotel, West Hill SERA, Climate Clinic
MORI; Kate wearing, Director ABI Road Building for the future:
UK Poverty, Oxfam GB Speakers: Hilary Benn MP; achieving zero carbon
Tony Hawkhead, Groundwork homes
UK; Fiona Mactaggart MP; Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel
18.00 Rebecca Willis, Sustainable opposite BIC
17.30 Christian Socialist Movement, Development Commission Chair: Emma Burnell, SERA
Social Market Foundation, NCVO (invited) Speakers: Yvette Cooper MP
Coca-Cola Great Britain What value(s) in voluntary Invitation only. Please go to (tbc); Nicky Gavron, Deputy
Corporate social action? for Mayor of London’ Mike Gilberrt,
responsibility: boardroom Wesley Room, Punshon futher details British Cement Association;
blessing or window Methodist Church opposite BIC Neil Jefferson, NHBC; Sunand
dressing? Chair: Alun Michael MP Prasad, RIBA
Waterford Lower, Tralee Hotel, Speakers: Ed Miliband MP; Liz
West Hill Road Atkins, Director of Public Policy 18.00
Chair: Viscount Tom Chandos, NCVO; Helen Dennis, Christian Girlguiding UK, Beat
Social Market Foundation (tbc) Socialist Movement Under 10 and under 18.00
Speakers: John Hutton MP pressure? Girls speak out UNISON
(tbc); William Asiko, Coca- about self-esteem Will our new schools deliver
Cola Africa Foundation; Zafferano Restaurant, James for pupils and communities?
Fiona Harvey, The Financial Callaghan Marquee Bryanston Suite, Marriott
Times (tbc); Trade Union Speakers: Girlguiding UK; Highcliff Hotel
representative tbc eating disorder charity Beat; Chair: Ann Black, UNISON
Opinion Leader Research Labour Link
Speakers: Ed Balls MP (tbc);
Christine McAnea, UNISON
17.45 Head of Education; Francis
East of England Development 18.00 Beckett, author and journalist
Agency, General Motors Group 4 Securicor (G4S) (tbc)
EEDA and GM reception The security threat
Mezzanine, Royal Bath Hotel, – how can we protect our
Bath Road infrastructure?
Chair: Richard Ellis Mirabelle Room, Royal Bath
Hotel, Bath Road
Chair: tbc
Speakers: tbc

Annual Conference 07 | 133

Fringe listings – Wednesday/Thursday

Wednesday 20.00 Thursday

19.00 London First
ippr Should Alistair Darling put
18.00 08.15
Renewing democracy: are London first?
Youth Sport Trust, Sport Christian Socialist Movement
we bovvered? Dods Marquee, Marriott
England, UK Sport Prayer breakfast
Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel, Highcliff Hotel
Playgrounds, parks and Wesley Room, Punshon
West Hill Road
podiums – the sporting Methodist Church opposite
Chair: Guy Lodge, Senior
legacy for 2012 BIC
Research Fellow, ippr
Deauville Suite, Trouville Led by a different MP each
Speakers: Anthony Barnett, 20.00
Hotel, Priory Road morning
Founder Open Democracy; National Union of Teachers
Chair: Derek Mapp, Sport
David Marquand, Oxford NUT fish and chip supper
University; Francesca Klug, reception
Speakers: Dame Kelly
LSE; Meg Russell, Constitution Zafferano Restaurant
Holmes, double olympic 13.00
Unit Music provided by Music For
champion; Gerry Sutcliffe MP Campaign for Labour Party
Conference assessment
and the next steps
18.30 Bournemouth International
Drugscope, Family Welfare 20.00
The Labour Life Group Hotel, Priory Road
Association Open Rights Group
The human tissue and Chair: Mohammed Azam
Harms still hidden? Next Should we trust electronic
embryos bill Speakers: Ann Black,
steps for the drug and elections?
Tregonwell Suite, Royal NEC; Billy Hayes, CWU;
alcohol strategies Bay View Suite, Royal Bath
Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road Christine Shawcroft, NEC;
Highcliff Bryanston Hotel, Bath Road
Chair: Joe Benton MP Peter Willsman, NEC; Walter
Speakers: Dawn Primarolo Speakers: Bridget Prentice
Speakers: Martin Foley, Life; Wolfgang, NEC
MP; Helen Dent, CE Family MP; Andrew Scallan, Electoral
Jim Dobbin MP £1, conc 50p
Welfare Association; Martin Commission; Jason Kitcat,
Barnes, CE Drugscope Open Rights Group

18.45 13.00
Electoral Reform Society Fabian Society
19.45 20.30
Rethinking the British Muslim citizenship
Climate Clinic, Met Office ippr, Engineering and
relationship: what do and integration
The impacts of climate Technology Board, Ufi
voters want from their Connaught Suite, Connaught
change Train to gain? Skills and
representatives? Hotel, West Hill Road
Climate Clinic, Hardy Suite, social mobility
Terrace Room, Swallow Durley Chair: Hannah Jameson,
Hermitage Hotel opposite BIC Waterford Upper,Tralee Hotel,
Dean Hotel, West Cliff Road Fabian Society
Speakers: Dirrick Rayall, West Hill Road
Chair: Dr Ken Ritchie Speakers: John Denham MP;
Programme Manager Climate Chair: Jonathan Guthrie, The
Speakers: Oona King, Chair Yahya Birt, City Circle; Fareena
Research, Met Office and Financial Times
Institute of Community Alam, Q News (tbc); John
panel members Speakers: John Denham
Cohesion; Cllr Jessica Biggs, GLA (tbc)
MP; Kate Stanley, Director
Crowe, Dep Leader Hackney For further details please go
of Research developement,
Councillors Commission; Dr to
ippr; Francis O’Grady, Deputy
Roger Mortimore, Ipsos-MORI;
20.00 General Secretary TUC
Dr Alan Whitehead MP
Fabian Society, National Youth
Meeting to be followed by
activists reception
Education and life chances:
what will narrow the gap? 20.30
Connaught Suite, Connaught ippr
Hotel, West Hill Road In conversation with
Chair: Louise Bamfield, Cork Room, The Tralee
Fabian Society Hotel
Defeating terrorism: can we
Speakers: Jim Knight MP; See ippr pull-out programme
win a ‘war’ on terror?
Viv McKee, National Youth in the conference guide or go
Waterford Upper, Tralee Hotel,
Agency; Baroness Estelle to
West Hill Road
Morris (tbc); Lord Neil Kinnock
Chair: Angus Walker, Home
(tbc); Polly Toynbee, The 22.00
Affairs Editor ITN
Guardian (tbc) ippr in association with Virgin
Speakers: Jacqui Smith MP
(tbc); Sir Chris Fox, Former
The ippr media party
President ACPO; Ian Kearns,
Hot Rocks Surf Diner, Pier
Deputy Director ippr; Ed
Husain, author The Islamist;
Invitation only. Please go
Shami Chakrabarti, Director,
to: for
Liberty; Jacqui Smith MP (tbc)
further details

134 | Annual Conference 07

Party event listings

Party event listings

Saturday Sunday 20.00
Everyone Welcome
The Scottish Labour Reception
18.00 11.00 USDAW Marquee
Everyone welcome CLP delegates only
Labour North West Reception Labour North Welcome lunch
Highcliffe Dorchester Shaftesbury room, Highcliffe Marriott
Tickets available from Labour North Chair: Rt Hon Nick Brown MP, Minister
West, 01925 574913 for the North

MPs and Delegates only
East Midlands Welcome Lunch 20.30
Tralee Waterford lower Councillors and delegates with tickets
Chair: Paddy Tipping MP (available from the party stand)
Local Government Reception
De Vere Suite in the Royal Bath Hotel
Chair: Hazel Blears MP, Secretary
of State for Communities and Local
By Invitation only
East of England Delegate Lunch
Highcliff Sherbourne
By Invitation Only
Chair: Bill Rammell
London Region Reception
Cork Ballroom, Tralee Hotel

19.30 20.00
Everyone welcome
CLP delegates, international, ex-officios, Women Only
The only party in the village
other Women’s Reception
(joint LGBT Labour/Labour Party
Labour Yorkshire and the Humber Pavilion Ballroom
Tralee, Westcliffe Chair: Norma Stephenson,
2nd level bar, The Branksome
Chair: Rt Hon Harriet Harman Speakers: Harriet Harman MP, Barbara
Speakers: Harriet Harman MP (tbc),
Speakers: Tom Riordan, Chief Executive, Follett MP, Barbara Keeley MP
Michael Cashman MEP, Angela Eagle MP
Yorkshire Forward, Bernard Hughes, Head
of Government Affairs for ASDA

Tickets available from regional staff and

on the door.

Annual Conference 07 | 135

Party event listings
19.30 12.30 19.00
South West Delegates and visitors By invitation only By invitation only
– ticket only Heads of Mission Lunch East of England Regional Reception
Labour South West Delegates Unite Marquee Royal Bath – De Vere Suite
Reception Hosted by the Foreign Secretary Chair: Richard Howitt MEP
Purbeck Suite Marriot Highcliff Tickets available from the Regional
Tickets available from Labour South west Office
on 0117942 1900

By invitation only
International Meet and Greet
An opportunity for NEC Members, MPs
and MEPs to meet our sister parties.
Sherbourne Room, Highcliffe Hotel 21.00
Everyone Welcome
Welsh night
18.30 Unite Marquee, Highcliffe Marriot Hotel
Everyone welcome Guest of Honour: Rt Hon Peter Hain MP,
Engagement with Muslim Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan
Communities Across Europe 18.00
Wessex Hotel, West Cliff Road Delegates/international/ex-officios/party
Chair: Farzana Hakim, Director of members
Government Relations, Commission for Diversity Reception
Racial Equality USDAW Marquee
Speakers: Gary Titley MEP, Leader Chair: Joe Mann
of the EPLP, Shahid Malik MP (Under Speakers: Janet Seymour-Kirk; Michael
Parliamentary Secretary of State in Cashman MEP (tbc); Parmjit Dhanda MP
the Department for International
Development (tbc), Rushnara Ali,
PPC Bethnal Green and Bow, Jeroen
Dijsselbloem MP, Home Affairs and
Integration, Dutch Labour Party 21.00
Young Members only
Young Labour Reception
Highcliff Purbeck
Chair: Richard Angell, Chair Young Labour
19.00 Speakers: Dawn Butler MP (tbc),
All friends of the East Midlands welcome Stephanie Peacock, NEC Youth
East Midlands reception Representative
Highcliff Bryanston
Various ministers and cabinet members

By invitation only
Welcome Meeting For International
What is Conference 2007 all about?
Unite Marquee
Speakers: Richard Howitt MEP (EPLP
Chair and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson)
Fiona Tywcross (Regional Director,

136 | Annual Conference 07

Party event listings

Tuesday 18.00 17.00

By invitation only Labour Party Campaign Seminar
International Reception - Hosted Winning on the web?
08.30 by Labour’s National Executive Harold Wilson Marquee, Zafferano
Everyone welcome Committee Restaurant
International Breakfast Meeting Unite Marquee with special guest speakers
“Employment, Migrants and Rights”
Unite Marquee
Chair: Lord Kinnock
Speakers: Claude Moraes MEP,
spokesperson employment and social
affairs; Emine Bozkurt MEP (Dutch 18.00
Labour Party), Liam Byrne MP, Minister All Delegates welcome
for Immigration (tbc) Thank you reception for members
Hosted by the European Parliamentary 20.00 Ballroom, Pavillion
Labour Party and Brussels Labour Group All welcome. Tickets (£10) available from Hosted by the Labour Party General
the Labour Party information stand, or Secretary Peter watt
from Arlene Ainsley on 07834 098719
Northern night
USDAW Marquee, Highcliff Marriot
Chair: Rt Hon Nick Brown MP, Minister
for the North

Delegates and visitors
Labour Students Disco
Jumping Jacks, Pier Approach,
Brussels Labour group Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5AA

Everyone welcome Wednesday
Labour Students Priority Campaign
Launch – Campaigning for Global
Justice 12.30
Unite Marquee, highcliffe By invitation only
Sister Party Lunch
Dorchester Suite, Highcliffe Hotel

By invitation only
Question and Answer session for
International Visitors
An opportunity for international visitors
to put their questions to a panel of
Cabinet Ministers
Unite Marquee

Annual Conference 07 | 137

The Blair Years
An audience with Alastair
Tuesday 25 September
6.00pm – 7.30pm
De Vere Suite, Royal Bath Hotel

Special event with Alastair Campbell and former Daily

Mirror editor, Piers Morgan talking about the Blair Years,
politics today and in future.

To be followed with a book signing session. The Blair Years

will be on sale at a special Conference price of £20.

Tickets: £15 (£10 for members) available from

the Party Stand.

All proceeds from ticket and book sales will go to the

Labour Party.

Special Conference Deal

The Blair Years will also be available from the Party Stand
at a special Conference price of £20.

Alastair Campbell will also be signing his diaries at the

Party Stand. Details of the day and time will be in the
Conference Daily Newspaper.

ties within
For advertising opportuni
the 2008 Conference Gu
Please contact Landmark
Services - landmark@lps.
020 7692 92 92

2008 at
Book before January 31st
2007 prices.

138 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings

Exhibitor listings
Stand P1 Stand P6 Stand P15/16 Stand P20-22
Labour Party BAE Systems Royal Mail Group USDAW
The Labour Party BAE Systems is a global Royal Mail Group stand in the With over 340,000 members,
39 Victoria Street defence and aerospace Purbeck Hall offers a range of USDAW is one of Britain’s
London SW1H 0HA company, delivering a full post office services including largest trade unions. USDAW
range of products for air, a daily collected postbox, members work in a variety
land and naval forces, as Monday 24 to Thursday 27 of industries including retail,
well as advanced electronics, September, and a free to use distribution, home shopping,
Stand P3 information technology cash machine. call centres, food processing,
UNISON solutions and customer milk industry and insurance.
UNISON is the country’s support services. With Stand P17 Visit our stand to find out
largest trade union with 37,000 employees in the UK The Independent more about USDAW and our
over 1.3 million members and 88,000 worldwide BAE campaigns.
working throughout the Systems sales exceeded Union of Shop, Distributive
public services, utilities £13 billion in 2006. and Allied Workers
and voluntary sector. We Julian Scopes 188 Wilmslow Road,
are a campaigning union BAE Systems Manchester M14 6LJ
committed to quality public 6 Carlton Gardens Stand P19 Tel: 0161 224 2804
services, equality and fair London, SW1Y 5AD Royal National Institute of Email: enquiries@usdaw.
representation. UNISON Tel: 01252 383929 Blind People
Labour-Link is the Fax: 01252 383985 Visit the Royal National
affiliated section of the Institute of Blind People’s Tel: 0161-224 2804
union’s members. interactive stand and pit your Fax: 0161-257 2566
1 Mabledon Place wits against ‘The Thinker’.
London WC1H 9AJ Are you missing two million
UNISON Direct potential customers or
Tel: 0845 355 0845 Stand P7/8 voters? How accessible is Tameside/Centre of your information to blind
Excellence and partially sighted people?
Come to find out more, win
Stand P9 prizes and enter our daily
NUT champagne draw. Stand 20a
The NUT believes that RNIB The Campaign for Crossrail
children and young people are Campaigns Dept The Campaign for Crossrail is
most likely to develop their Tel: 020 7391 2123 a broad coalition whose aim is
Stand P4
abilities and full potential Email: to make Crossrail a reality as
Socialist Group in the
through access to free, high soon as possible. Supporters
European Parliament/EPLP
quality education delivered include leading businesses;
Labour MEPs working with
by good local schools. m trade unions; the CBI, IoD;
the Labour Party and the
Concomitant with that aim, London First and London
Labour Government; making
our professional development Chamber of Commerce and
a practical difference to all
programme plays a significant Industry; Mayor of London.
our lives; promoting policies
role in the enhancement of
to improve our economy,
teaching skills. n; Transport for London; and
environment, health, and
National Union of Teachers City of London.
security. Call at our stand in
Hamilton House
Purbeck Hall for the latest
Mabledon Place
information about your
London WC1H 9BD
Labour MEPs and their work.
Tel: 020 7388 6191
2 Queen Anne’s Gate
Fax: 020 7387 8458

Stand P14
Islamic Relief

Annual Conference 07 | 141

Exhibitor listings

Stand P23 Stand P25 Stand P34 Stand P36

Age Concern StartHere British Union for the Terrence Higgins Trust
Age Concern is the UK’s StartHere is a community Abolition of Vivisection Attractive, energetic,
largest organisation working information service that (BUAV) 25-years-old charity
for and with older people to tackles social exclusion. The BUAV is one of the seeks intelligent, open-
enable them to make more Delivered on a range of digital world’s leading organisations minded politicos for fun,
of life. We are a federation media, StartHere connects at the forefront of partnership and better sexual
of over 370 independent people to organisations and international campaigning health. Would like to meet
charities who work locally, services – local, national, to end animal experiments government targets. If you fit
nationally and internationally voluntary and statutory - that through political lobbying, the bill, come to the Terrence
providing vital services, can help them most. It’s a media liaison and undercover Higgins Trust at Stand P36,
information and support to starting point for anyone investigations. We are and get to know us; it could
thousands of older people. needing help on a range of committed to using all be the start of something
Age Concern campaigns to social welfare issues. peaceful means to create a beautiful…
reduce poverty, end age Simon Hills world where nobody wants Terrence Higgins Trust
discrimination, combat social Business Development or believes we need to 314-320 Gray’s Inn Road
exclusion and improve health Manager experiment on animals. London WC1X 8DP
and social care services for all Tel: 020 8742 7722 Dave Powell Tel: 020 7812 1600
older people. Email: Email: Fax: 020 7812 1601
Helen Turnock Email:
Government and
Parliamentary Affairs
Tel: 020 8765 7509
Email: Helen.Turnock@ace. Stand P26 GovNet Communications Stand P35 Stand P37 The Coalfields Nuclear Industry
Stand P33 Regeneration Trust Association
Mind The Coalfields Regeneration The NIA is the trade
One in four people experience Trust aims to make coalfield association for over 140
mental health problems in communities sustainable, companies in the UK civil
their lifetime. Our vision is of working towards the nuclear industry. The
a society that promotes and point where they can be diversity of membership
Stand P24 protects good mental health prosperous, viable and facilitates and encourages
LGA High Ethnicity for all, and that treats people cohesive without support. It effective industry interaction
Authorities’ Special with experience of mental forms strategic partnerships to support our objectives.
Interest Group (HEASIG) distress fairly, positively, and and contributes to agendas The membership continues to
HEASIG was established with respect. Our mission across government grow and includes companies
in 1999 and comprises 24 is to work for better mental departments to encourage involved in most business
local authorities in England. health for everyone. sustainable communities, sectors of the UK civil nuclear
Our members are extremely Tel: 020 8215 2424 skills development, local industry.
concerned about proposed Email: enterprise growth, and health Simon James
government reforms to the and employment strategies. Head of Public Affairs
local government funding The Coalfields Regeneration Tel: 020 7766 6650
system; future schools’ Trust Fax: 020 7839 1523
funding arrangements; and PO Box 97 Email:
the government’s continued Rotherham S63 7WX
reliance on inaccurate Tel: 01709 760272
population estimates. Visit Fax: 01709 765599
our stall to find out more. Email: info@coalfields-regen.

142 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings

Stand P38 Stand P40 Stand P44 Stand P47

Association of Teachers Shaw Trust Turning Point National Landlords
and Lecturers (ATL) Shaw Trust is a national Turning Point is the Association
ATL, the education union – led charity that provides training UK’s leading social care The National Landlords
by education professionals and work opportunities organisation. We provide Association protects and
from across the sector and for people who are services for people with promotes the interests
throughout the UK. ATL disadvantaged in the labour complex needs, including of private landlords of
recognises the link between market due to disability, those affected by drug and residential property and
education policy and our ill health or other social alcohol misuse, mental health represents their views to
members’ conditions of circumstances. We are the problems and those with a government. The NLA seeks a
employment. Our evidence largest UK voluntary sector learning disability. We provide fair legislative and regulatory
based policy making enables provider of employment services in 200 locations and environment for the private-
us to campaign and negotiate services for disabled worked with around 130,000 rented sector while aiming
from a position of strength. people, helping 50,000 people last year. to ensure that landlords are
We champion good practice people last year. Tel: 020 7481 7600 aware of their statutory
and achieve better working Fax: 020 7481 7620 rights and responsibilities.
lives for our members. We Stand P42 Email: info@turning-point. Richard Hyslop
help our members, as their League Against Cruel External Affairs Executive
careers develop, through Sports (LACS) National Landlords
first rate research, advice, The League Against Cruel Association
information and legal support. Sports played a leading role 22-26 Albert Embankment
Our 160,000 members in promoting the Hunting Act, London SE1 7TJ
– teachers, lecturers, making fox hunting illegal, Tel : 020 7840 8903
headteachers, and support and we now work to secure Fax : 0871 241 0471
staff – are empowered to get effective enforcement of
active locally and nationally. the Act. We also run high Stand P45
We are affiliated to the TUC profile campaigns to end APSE
and work with government the suffering and killing of APSE is the fastest growing
and employers through social animals in ‘sports’ such as local government networking m
partnership. shooting and bullfighting. organisation with a dynamic
Association of Teachers and League Against Cruel portfolio of services which
Lecturers Sports Ltd link almost 300 local
7 Northumberland Street Sparling House authorities. Delivering the Stand P48
London WC2N 5RD 83-87 Union Street UKs biggest local government Bournemouth Labour Party
Tel: 020 7930 6441 London SE1 1SG benchmarking service, Tel: 020 7403 6155 networking and advisory Stand P49/50 Fax: 020 7403 4532 groups, briefings service and Design by Committee/
Email: a range of other services to Colorset/Trader Media our member local authorities Group
the Labour Party Conference Our name may be tongue
is an ideal opportunity for in cheek, but our work
those involved or interested speaks for itself. Design
Stand P39 in local government services by Committee is a friendly
Knowsley Borough Council to acquaint themselves and passionate consultancy
Knowsley Metropolitan Stand P43 with APSE. Visit our stand specialising in branding,
Borough Council. Carers UK and take away a host of print, web and exhibition
The Future is Knowsley! Visit Carers provide unpaid care useful research publications, design. Together with
our stand to find out why. by looking after an ill, frail information and briefings on Colorset who have years of
Karen Jones or disabled family member, front line local government experience producing large
Public Affairs Manager friend or partner. Carers give services. format graphics and the
Knowsley Borough Council so much to society yet as a Mo Baines Trader Media Group who are
Municipal Buildings consequence of caring, they Tel: 07971 843515 leaders in producing quality
Archway Road experience ill health, poverty Email volume printing, we have the
Huyton and discrimination. Carers complete design solution.
Knowsley UK campaigns to end this 98 Bermondsey Street
Merseyside L36 9YU injustice. London SE1 3UB
Tel: 0151 443 3588 Kate Groucutt Tel: 020 7403 0090
Fax: 0151 443 3030 Policy & Public Affairs Officer Email: hugh@
Mobile: 07767 890804 Tel: 020 7566 7616
Email: karen.jones@ Email: kate.groucutt@

Annual Conference 07 | 143

Exhibitor listings

Stand P51 Stand P54 Stand P58 Stand P64

YWCA Labour Women’s Network/ Europeans for Medical RSPCA
More than one rung Emily’s List Progress Come and be an Animal Crime
campaign: making work Fawcett Society Labour 250 MPs and 83 per cent of Scene Investigator at the
work for girls. YWCA, the Women’s Network and GPs question whether animal RSPCA stand. Take part in our
leading charity working with Emily’s List UK are enabling tests are the best means to new interactive game, learn
the most disadvantaged organisations. They ensure drug safety – thrown how we tackle floods, oil
girls and young women in encourage and support into the spotlight by disasters spills and mass evacuations.
England and Wales is calling Labour women who wish to like Vioxx and the tragic trial Claire Robinson
on government to ensure enter public office by giving at Northwick Park Hospital. RSPCA
future skills policy addresses advice and information and New film Safer Medicines Wilberforce Way
the needs of disadvantaged providing training. When (free to MPs) proposes Horsham
young women so they can funds are available Emily groundbreaking solutions. West Sussex RH13 9RS
climb off the bottom rung of gives grants to women Putting patient safety first. Tel: 0870 7540 106
the career ladder and work seeking selection. Fawcett Kathy Archibald Email: politicalaffairs@rspca.
towards better futures. is the UK’s campaign for Director
Sophie Holmes equality between women Tel: 07792 289066
Tel: 07766 421995 and men. Our vision is of a Email:
society in which women and
men are equal partners at
m home, at work and in public
life. We work at a national
level to raise awareness and Stand P65
effect change in employment, The Standards Board for
Stand P52 poverty, criminal justice and Stand P59 England
Working Links representation. RNID/Unum The local government ethical
Working Links, a unique RNID is the largest charity framework is changing.
public, private, voluntary Stand P56 representing the nine million With the introduction of the
partnership, is a leading The Howard League for deaf and hard of hearing revised Code of Conduct, and
welfare to work provider. Penal Reform people in the UK. Our stand the local filter for complaints
We have helped over 80,000 The Howard League for Penal with Unum demonstrates on the horizon, the Standards
people into work, 70 per cent Reform is an independent the devastating effects of Board for England is leading
of whom are still working charity which works for a tinnitus in the workplace the way towards strategic
a year later, and have safe society where fewer and at home. Tinnitus is regulation and a lighter touch.
transformed the lives of some people are victims of crime, experienced by almost seven Visit our stand to find out
of the most disadvantaged believes that offenders must million people in the UK with more.
individuals, families and make amends for what they 500,000 people severely The Standards Board for
communities across the have done, that community affected. England
country. sentences make a person RNID Fourth Floor
Katharine Sacks-Jones take responsibility and live Telephone & text phone: Griffin House
Public Affairs Executive a law-abiding life in the 020 7296 8015 40 Lever Street
Tel: 07984 651 270 community. Manchester M1 1BB
Email: katharine.sacks-jones@ Barbara Norris Tel: 0161 817 5300 Events & Promotions Officer Fax: 0161 817 5499
Tel: 020 7249 7373 Email: enquiries@

144 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings

Stand P66 Stand P70 and 71 Stand P75

NASUWT/ASCL Elanders and ProCo 0114 272 8888 Citizens Advice
The NASUWT is the largest Elanders and ProCo are the Each Citizens Advice Bureau
union representing teachers major print partners for the are registered charities reliant
and headteachers throughout Labour Party, on over 20,000 volunteers
the UK. By engaging in and need to raise funds to
constructive dialogue with Elanders provide vital services, helping
the government, the NASUWT Infomedia is our business people to resolve nearly
has secured for teachers and Infomedia is about 5.5 million cases annually.
significant improvements in getting the right information Stand P72 Experian have teamed up
pay and working conditions. to the right person at the Fawcett Society with the Citizens Advice to
Members are supported by right time. At Elanders Fawcett is the UK’s leading test your debt knowledge!
the national and regional we deliver the following campaign for equality See how?
network of local and services; Creative design, between women and men. Gurwinder Singh Kandola
professional services. Database Publishing We campaign to transform Events Co-ordinator services and systems, women’s lives by closing Email: Gurwinder.singh@
Database management, the gaps between women
Print production, Storage, and men’s access to power,
fulfilment and distribution. money and justice. We need
Elanders have over 100 your support, add your voice
years experience in to our campaign by visiting
managing and producing our stand today.
The Association of School and media in many formats and Fawcett Society
College Leaders (ASCL) is the are proud to be a preferred 1-3 Berry Street Stand P78
only professional association supplier to the Labour Party. London EC1V 0AA Hutchinson Ports
to exclusively represent Come and discuss how Tel: 020 7253 2598 Hutchison Ports (UK) Limited
leaders of secondary schools Elanders Infomedia can make (HPUK) is a member of the
and colleges. It was formerly a difference to your media Hutchison Port Holdings
the Secondary Heads management, production and (HPH) Group, a subsidiary
Association. distribution. of the multinational conglomerate Hutchison
Whampoa Limited. HPH is the
world’s leading port investor,
Stand P74 developer and operator, with
Labour’s Socialist Societies 45 ports in 23 countries.
Come and meet HPUK operates the Port of
ProCo representatives from the Felixstowe, Thamesport
Stand P69 A highly successful total various Socialist Societies; (London) and Harwich
Compass print services provider, find out how to get involved, International Port.
Compass is the leading now in our fifteenth year. browse current publications,
democratic left pressure Accredited with ISO9001, hear about the Societies’
group, whose goal is to FSC and PEFC, we have a latest campaigns, and more…
debate and develop the strong focus on reducing Co-operative Party; Christian
ideas for a more equal and environmental impact. ProCo Socialist Movement; Fabian Stand P79
democratic world, then offers strategic print services Society; Jewish Labour Reeds Carpets
campaign and organise to to organisations seeking an Movement; LGBT Labour; If you are in the Purbeck or
help ensure they become integrated approach to their Labour Disabled Members’ Solent Halls, in the BIC, you
reality. We have over 2,500 business needs, including Group; Labour Housing are standing on anthracite-
members across the UK. the latest litho and digital Group; Labour Irish Society; coloured carpet. But think
Gavin Hayes presses, in-house digital National Union of Labour and ‘green’ instead. This is EVO-
General Secretary print and mailing, high-speed Socialist Clubs; Scientists RIB carpeting supplied and
Compass – direction for the laser personalisation and for Labour; Socialist fitted by Reeds Carpets from
democratic left enclosing facilities. We pride Education Association; SERA Coventry. Reeds Carpets is
Southbank House ourselves on attention to – the Labour Environment Britain’s leading independent
Black Prince Road detail, outstanding customer Campaign; Socialist Health exhibition and event
London SE1 7SJ service and commitment to Association; Society of carpeting contractor who,
Tel: 020 7463 0633 the environment. We are Labour Lawyers and more. at the beginning of 2007,
Mobile: 07900 195591 proud to be an official print Simon Wright launched the UK’s first-ever
Email: gavin@compassonline. partner of the Labour Party. Email: simon@simon-wright. in-house carpet recycling Come and meet Jon Bailey and info plant in a major, award- Matthew Emmott on Stands winning, drive to say farewell
70-71 in the Purbeck Hall to landfill. Talk ‘green’ to John
to find out how we can help Swain, Reeds Carpets’ Sales
you, or contact us advance Manager, on our stand.
for information or to book a
meeting at Conference.

Annual Conference 07 | 145

Exhibitor listings
Stand P80 Stand P83 Stand B3 Stand B12
Big Lottery Fund RadioCentre Scope VisitBrighton
Big Lottery Fund is committed RadioCentre represents the There’s something special
to bringing real improvements overwhelming majority of Stand B4 in the air in Brighton. The
to communities and the UK commercial radio stations Labour Students Speech breezes whirl in from the
lives of people in need. and is charged with building Service sparkling expanse of the
Our funding covers health, and maintaining a strong English Channel across the
education, environment and and successful commercial Stand B8 city to the rolling green
charitable purposes. 60-70 radio industry, in terms of RNIB Transcription Unit hills of the South Downs. A
per cent of funding will go to both listening hours and Visit the Royal National home to writers, musicians
the voluntary and community revenues. RadioCentre works Institute of Blind People’s and artists, the city’s got
sector. Find out what we with advertisers and their Transcription Unit for advice creativity. Making it a very
have funded and how your agencies, government, Ofcom, and support on how to ensure special place to meet.
community could benefit. copyright societies and that your communication Serena Castiglione
Tel: 0845 4 10 20 30 stations themselves. messages reach two million VisitBrighton
Text phone: 0845 6021659 RadioCentre blind and partially sighted 1st Floor 77 Shaftesbury Avenue people. We are providing a Brighton Town Hall
London W1D 5DU free on-site transcription Brighton BN1 1JA
Tel: 020 7306 2603 service for conference or Tel: 01273 292629
Email: externalaffairs@ exhibition materials into large Email: serena.castiglione@ print, audio and Braille. RNIB
Transcription Services
Tel: 01733 375370
Stand P82 Email: businesslink@rnib.
Brook is the country’s leading
sexual health organisation Stand P85 Stand B13
for young people, offering Government of Gibraltar Coventry City Council
free and confidential sexual Coventry is rapidly
health advice and services Stand P86/87 Stand B10 transforming itself to meet
to 200,000 young men and pteg (Passenger Transport Westfield Health the challenges of the 21st
women a year. Visit our Executive Group) An award winning provider of Century. Visit Coventry City
stand to find out more about pteg represents Britain’s corporate healthcare plans, Council’s stand to find out
teenage pregnancy, young seven publicly accountable Westfield Health is well more about how councillors
people’s sexual health and Passenger Transport placed to assist employers in are working to create a
what you can do to help. Executives. PTEs are the maintaining a motivated and growing and accessible city
Brook driving force behind the healthy workforce. Valuable where people choose to live,
421 Highgate Studios development of public as a risk management tool or work and be educated and
53-79 Highgate Road transport networks which as an employee benefit, our businesses choose to
London NW5 1TL serve more than 13 million plans provide a wide range of’ll be surprised.
Tel: 020 7284 6040 people in some of Britain’s everyday healthcare benefits
Email: admin@brookcentres. largest city regions. We and counselling services from aim to deliver integrated just £1 a week per employee. public transport networks
– accessible to all.
Tim Larner
PTEG Support Unit Stand B14
Tel: 0113 251 7204, GovNet Communications
Stand B11 Stand B15
Hackney Council O2
Hackney Council represents O2 mobile phone clinic and
London’s most diverse and free phone charging service.
exciting borough, at the heart Please call by – especially
Stand B1 of the capital. Hackney is a if you are one of O2’s 18
Health Zone host for the 2012 Olympic million UK customers - if you
Come enjoy our free and Paralympic Games, with have any questions about
testing/giveaways! Have a nearly 30 per cent of the O2’s products, services or
free distance vision check Olympic Park in the borough. practices.
courtesy of the Eye Health We are at Labour Party
Alliance. Enjoy fresh fruit Conference to share our
and produce from ASDA. Surf aspirations for 2012 and the
the net with the Information legacy we are determined to
Centre for Health & Social secure for Hackney.
Care. Visit the Health Hotel/
EHM stand to vote for your
debate topic.

146 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings

Stand T2 Stand T6 Stand T8 Stand T13/14

The British Humanist Electrical Safety Council Communication Workers TUC
Association The Electrical Safety Union (CWU) The TUC is the voice of
The British Humanist Council is an independent, The CWU (Communications Britain at work with 64
Association is the national consumer safety body and Workers Union) represents unions representing almost
charity supporting and registered charity, committed workers in the postal, 6.5 million working people
representing non-religious to reducing deaths and telecommunications, from all walks of life. We
people seeking to live good injuries through electrical financial services and campaign for fairness at work
lives based on reason, accidents at home and related industries. We exist and help unemployed workers
experience and shared work. We have wide support to protect, advance and in the search for quality jobs.
human values. We campaign from the electrical industry, serve the interests of our We negotiate in Europe and
against religious privilege professional bodies and members. The CWU campaign work in partnership with
and discrimination against consumer groups and many Euro-trashed – Justice for political parties, business and
non-religious people, whether notable organisations which Agency Workers calls on the the community.
in the law, education, have an interest in electrical government to introduce Trades Union Congress
employment, or the provision safety. domestic legislation for equal Congress House
of public services. Tel: 0870 040 0561 treatment and the end to Great Russell Street
Andrew Copson the current exploitation of London WC1B 3LS
Education and Public Affairs agency workers. Tel: 020 7636 4030
Tel: 020 7079 3584 Fax: 020 7636 0632
Email: andrew@humanism. Email:

Stand T7 Stand T9
Falkland Islands Guide Dogs
Government Guide Dogs is one of the
Visit the Falkland Islands leading charities working Stand T21
Stand T3 Stand for information for blind and partially- Black Country Chamber of
DeHavilland regarding one of the UK’s sighted people. We promote Commerce
DeHavilland is the best most dynamic overseas independence through the
means of understanding territories. Meet members provision of guide dogs Stand S1
and influencing the of the Falkland Islands and mobility training, and Big Wide Talk
way government and Government. Learn of the campaign for equal access to Big Wide Talk is a research
Parliament behaves. We development of the Islands goods and services, transport, and development
provide constantly updated over the past 25 years and the street environment, organisation that enables
information filtered to meet our plans for the future health and rehabilitation parents and practitioners at
precise needs, accompanied – working in partnership with services. the very local level to improve
by tools to aid direct the UK. Email: campaigns@guidedogs. outcomes for children. Locally
engagement with ministers, Sukey Cameron MBE owned evidence derived
parliamentarians, journalists Representative from conversations between
and the public. Our services Falkland Islands Government campaigns children, parents, planners
are backed up by unparalleled 14 Broadway and politicians becomes the
personal support from a London SW1H 0BH driver for change to improve
dedicated team of experts. Tel: 020 7222 2542 services and create a more
Email: representative@ equal society. Stand T12 Ann Jamieson GLA Chief Executive
Tel: 0777 5627787
Stand T4 Email: ann.jamieson@
Royal Yachting Association

Annual Conference 07 | 147

Exhibitor listings

Stand S2 Stand S15 Stand S19 Stand S23

Counsel and Care/ The Tibet Society of the UK Respect for Animals NAHT
Busy Bees The world’s first Tibet Respect for Animals The NAHT is the only
Counsel and Care is a national support group, The Tibet campaigns to end all aspects professional association
charity getting the best care Society was founded in 1959 of the cruel and unnecessary offering unrivalled tailor-
and support for older people, within weeks of the Dalai international fur trade. made support for school
their families and carers. Lama’s escape from Tibet. Each year the Canadian leaders in England, Wales
Provides advice, information, Today the Tibet Society Government allows hundreds and Northern Ireland across
financial support, and continues to lobby parliament of thousands of baby seals the entire age range. The
influences future policies, and work to seek justice to be brutally killed for their NAHT is dedicated to the
services and funding. for Tibet. It also acts as fur. Respect for Animals is maintenance of effective
Advice Line: 0845 300 7585 secretariat for the All Party dedicated to ending this. school management and
Email: advice@ Parliamentary Group for Tibet. Respect for Animals the improvement of The Tibet Society of the UK PO Box 6500 education for pupils through Unit 9 Nottingham NG4 3GB effective lobbying of
139 Fonthill Road Tel: 0115 952 5440 Parliament; local support;
London N3 4HF Email: info@ advice; training; guidance and
Tel: 020 7272 1414 a first-class website.
Busy Bees supply more UK
organisations with Childcare
Vouchers than any other
provider. Clients include SMEs,
FTSE 100 corporations and Stand S20 Stand S24
a large proportion of public Stand S16 Abortion Rights NSPCC
sector organisations. People’s History Museum Abortion Rights is the The NSPCC’s purpose is to
Tel: 08000 431 861 The People’s History Museum leading UK grassroots end cruelty to children. It
Email: info@ is dedicated to the working organisation campaigning to is time for everyone to do people of Britain and the defend and extend women’s something to end cruelty to story of how they organised reproductive rights. In this children. Every action counts.
to change society, improving 40th anniversary year we Visit our stand to find out
life for future generations. are campaigning to liberalise what you can do.
Based in Manchester, the the abortion law, improve Email:
museum houses galleries, women’s access to and
Stand S9 an education service, textile experience of abortion, and
Computing for Labour conservation centre and the oppose any restrictions in
Labour History Archive and current abortion rights.
Stand S11 Study Centre, which is the Abortion Rights
Aqua Massage official repository for the 18 Ashwin Street Stand S26
Relaxation Zone archives of the Labour Party. London E8 3DL Public Impact
Tel: 0161 839 6061 Tel/Fax: 020 7923 9792 We provide professional
Stand S13/14 Email: choice@abortionrights. design and print services all
Amicus year round and at election
Amicus the campaigning time. You get friendly advice,
union has over one million uk www.prochoicemajority. you deal with human beings
members and represents not computers, copy is
workers in many industries checked and we give firm
and workplaces including: Stand S18 delivery dates. 200+ Labour
manufacturing, defence, The Paul Daisley Trust MPs, 150 CLPs and most of
construction, offshore, Set up after the death of the cabinet have used us.
graphical, paper, media, Paul Daisley MP from colon Stand S21 Let’s win together!
finance, health care, cancer, we help to raise CND Public Impact
engineering, education, awareness of this disease, CND campaigns to scrap The Courtyard
energy civil aviation, provide information and help Trident and secure global 87 Southampton Street
transport, metals, voluntary people stay in their homes abolition of nuclear weapons. Reading RG1 2QU
sector and local authorities. rather than remain in hospital Our current priorities are Tel: 0118 986 9191
or hospice. Come and see our to reverse the decision
event photos – you may see to replace Trident, to
someone you know! win government support
PO Box 43863 – and action – for a Nuclear
London NW6 6XP Weapons Convention, and to Stand S27
Tel: 020 8968 4340 reject British participation National Assembly Against
in the unnecessary and Racism
provocative US missile
defence system.

148 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings

Stand S28 Stand S30 Stand S31 Stand S33

Helena Kennedy Palestine Solidarity Venezuela Information The Electoral Commisson
Foundation Campaign/Cuba Solidarity Centre/Justice for Columbia The Electoral Commission is
Campaign VIC is a broad-based an independent body set up
Stand S29 The Palestine Solidarity campaign in solidarity with by the UK Parliament. Our
World Disarmament Campaign (PSC) aims to the people of Venezuela. The aim is integrity and public
Campaign/Labour Action raise public awareness recent democratic re-election confidence in the democratic
for Peace about the occupation of of Hugo Chavez has caused process. We regulate party
WDC’s objective is world Palestine and the struggle great interest in Venezuela and election finance and
disarmament for peace and of the Palestinian people. – come to our stand to find make sure elections are
security in a sustainable PSC seeks to bring pressure out more about the inspiring well-run.
global community. $1.2 on both the British and changes taking place, and www.electoralcommission.
trillion per year on weapons Israeli governments to bring browse our wide range of
creates fear and insecurity. their policies in line with merchandise and literature.
Weapons create tension and international law, ensuring PO Box 56210
exacerbate existing conflict justice for the Palestinian London, N4 4XH
situations. Disarmament as people. Email:
called for in the UN Charter is PSC,
essential to achieving a truly Box BN PSA
peaceful world. London WC1N 3XX Stand S34
Tel: 020 7700 6192 Salford City Council
Fax: 020 7609 7779 Salford; 60 per cent green
Email: info@ space; 18 square miles of countryside and parks, 30 Stand S32 miles of rivers and canals,
LAWS/Animal Protection 112 ponds and lakes; a
Agency world-class arts and theatre
The Animal Protection complex attracting over one
Agency (APA) is committed million people a year – and
to ceasing the trade in a new home for the BBC.
The Cuba Solidarity wild animals for pets, and There’s more to Salford than
Campaign is active in Britain lobbies for changes in the you think.
to support Cuba’s right to law to protect captive exotic
self-determination against animals. Supporting APA is an
the illegal US blockade. integrated team of scientific,
Visit our stand to find out veterinary and legal advisors
about what you can do and that includes specialists
for information on events, in exotic animal welfare,
campaigns and tours, or to conservation and public Stand S35
buy from our range of t-shirts, health. ABLE UK
music, books and magazines. Animal Protection Agency ABLE’s mission is to rid the
Cuba Solidarity Campaign Brighton Media Centre world of its most devastating
c/o Red Rose Club 15-17 Middle Street social ills – drugs, crime,
129 Seven Sisters Rd Brighton BN1 1AL illiteracy, and immorality –
London N7 7QG Tel: 01273 674253 through the social betterment
Tel: 020 7263 6452 Fax: 01273 674927 methods and principles of
Email: campaigns@cuba- Email: author and humanitarian, L Ron Hubbard. ABLE is an umbrella organisation
for Narconon (drug
rehabilitation and education),
Criminon (criminal reform
and prevention), Applied
Scholastics (educational
methods) and The Way
To Happiness Foundation
(distributes a common sense
guide to better living).
Saint Hill Manor
East Grinstead
West Sussex RH19 4JY
Tel: 01342 301 902

Annual Conference 07 | 149

Exhibitor listings
Stand S39 Stand S44 Stand S53
Stand S36-38 Retailers Against 4Children Countryside Alliance
Community/Communitas Smuggling 4Children is the national The Countryside Alliance
Community – representing Retailers Against Smuggling charity dedicated to works for everyone who
several unions with roots is the campaign of the creating opportunities and loves the countryside and
in the industrial revolution Tobacco Alliance, which building futures for children. the rural way of life. Through
– prides itself on its long represents 16,500 It provides parents and campaigning, lobbying,
association with the Labour independent retailers across professionals with advice, publicity and education the
Party and is pleased to be an the UK who are concerned research and support on all Alliance influences legislation
exhibitor. We look forward to about the adverse effect issues concerning children, and public policy that impacts
contributing to constructive that tobacco smuggling is young people and families. on the countryside, rural
discussions in Bournemouth having on their livelihoods. Make Spacez is a £3 million people and their activities.
which will inspire the The campaign seeks to draw 4Children campaign, Visit our stand to discuss
government to restore to attention to the UK’s high supported by Nestlé, the issues affecting your
the communities from which tax regime, which is the working for a positive countryside.
the party draws its main root cause of the smuggling future for teenagers. Countryside Alliance
support the quality jobs and problem, and to urge City Reach 367 Kennington Road
sense of purpose and win consumers to purchase only 5 Greenwich View Place London SE11 4PT
back the support which gave from legitimate outlets. London E14 9NN Tel: 020 7840 9200
it an overwhelming victory Tel: 0800 008 282 Tel: 020 7512 2112 Fax: 020 7793 8899
in 1997. Fax: 020 75376012 Email: info@countryside-
Tel: 020 7239 1200 Email:
Fax: 020 7278 8378

Stand S40
Amicus Stand S54-56, 63-65
Amicus the campaigning Stand S45 BBC
communitas is part of the union has over one million British Library Visit the BBC stand
Trade Union, Community. members and represents Come and leaf through to see some of the
It works at national and workers in many industries Leonardo da Vinci’s latest developments in
transnational level to and workplaces including: notebooks, the original broadcasting. See the ‘World
support the development of manufacturing, defence, version of Alice’s Adventures at One’ and ‘PM’ broadcast
communities, specialising construction, offshore, in Wonderland and Mozart’s live. Try out the i-player – our
in the fields of social graphical, paper, media, musical diary, and see the new service that means
inclusion, lifelong learning, finance, health care, local treasures which won our you need never miss your
equality and diversity, engineering, education, public libraries competition. favourite BBC programmes
community regeneration and energy civil aviation, The British Library is again.
international development. transport, metals, voluntary displaying ‘virtual texts’ of
Communitas has supported sector and local authorities. iconic items using our award-
over 11,000 people and winning Turning the Pages
assisted over 90 per cent technology.
of beneficiaries facing Gill Webber, Head of
redundancy to find new Communications Stand S57
employment and retraining. Tel: 020 7412 7110 Centro West Midlands
communitas are providing Passenger Transport
internet services during Authority
conference. Centro-West Midlands
Tel: 01562 749170 Passenger Transport
Fax: 01562 749171 Authority is responsible for
E-mail: enquiries@ promoting public transport across the region. Our key issues are the redevelopment
Stand S50 of Birmingham New Street
Furness Enterprises Station, increased rail
capacity, improved local bus
Stand S52 services and the creation of a
On Digital UK Midland Metro network across
the conurbation.
Marie-Hélène Matthews
Tel: 0121 214 7094

150 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings
Stand S58/59 Stand S62 Stand S72
Go-Ahead Group Sue Ryder Care Tribune
Go-Ahead is one of the Sue Ryder Care is the
UK’s leading providers leading voluntary provider Stand S73
of passenger transport of specialist palliative and British Association of
management services neurological care. We support Social Workers
operating in the bus, rail, people living with conditions BASW is the largest
parking and aviation sectors. including Cancer, MS, professional association
Employing around 24,000 Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, representing social workers
staff across the country, Motor Neurone Disease, in the UK. Our success and
over 800 million passenger Huntington’s Disease, Brain vitality are built on the active
journeys are undertaken Injury and Dementia through involvement and expertise
on its services each year, community based care, home of members who share a
predominately in the South care, residential care and end- collective commitment to high
of England. In addition to of-life care services. quality social work practice
the travelling public, our Dan Beety and social justice and to
customers include Transport Head of Public Affairs uphold the Association’s Code
for London, BAA, TFL, major Sue Ryder Care of Ethics.
airlines, local authorities, NHS Tel: 020 7400 0440
Trusts, shopping centres and Mobile: 07929 167 007
the Department for Transport. Email: dan.beety@
Come and meet us on our
stand and learn more about
how we keep the UK moving.

Stand S67 Stand S76

Ordnance Survey All Party Parliamentary
Middle Way Group
Stand S60 Stand S69 The Hunting Act is
eaga plc Electoral Reform Society unworkable, does not improve
Majority owned by its animal welfare and causes
3500 employees, eaga The Electoral Reform Society greater suffering to wild
plc works with central, is campaigning to change mammals by increasing the
devolved national and local the way we choose our use of other methods of
government and the private politicians. We believe that control. A new wild mammals
sector to deliver residential a fair voting system will protection law, as proposed
energy efficiency solutions improve our democracy, by the Middle Way Group,
designed to address social, allow politicians to better would prevent cruelty in all
environmental and energy represent you and help them circumstances, be principled
efficiency challenges. to tackle the serious issues and be enforceable.
Anne Toms facing our society. Fairness, The Middle Way Group
Government Affairs Manager accountability and a real c/o Lembit Opik MP
eaga plc choice for voters should not House of Commons
Tel: 0191 247 3840 be compromised. London SW1A 0AA
Mobile: 07740 157 219 Tel: 020 7219 1144
Email: Stand S71, 74-75 The Tobacco Workers’
The Tobacco Workers’
Alliance (TWA) is a coalition
of Unite and GMB trade
union members who
work in the UK tobacco
manufacturing industry and
its major suppliers. The TWA
campaigns on a variety of
issues that it believes could
affect the employment
prospects of those employed
in the industry.
Tobacco Workers’ Alliance
Tel: 020 7239 1224

Annual Conference 07 | 151

Exhibitor listings


State your choice and why: Best stand

Show your appreciation by taking
part in our vote to find the best
stand in the Delegates Choice
category and an opportunity to
win a bottle of Champagne and
two invitations to the Exhibitors
Name: Reception on Wednesday night
at Conference. This event is
Mobile Number: traditionally attended by the
Prime Minister and best stands
Pass Number: prizes are awarded.

Further contact details during Conference so we can give you Complete the form to the left
your invite: and hand it into the Labour
Party stand in the Purbeck hall
or the Exhibition Organisers
Office in the Purbeck Lounge.

152 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings

Thinking of exhibiting? They will be joined by trade unions and

business leaders, NGO’s and charities, think
Here are some reasons tanks and lobbyists.
why you should…
Our conferences can provide an exciting
The Labour Party’s Annual Conference place to do business, an opportunity to
hosts the largest exhibition at a political attend seminars, or fringe events and
conference in Europe. Exhibiting at our influence political thinking as well as
conference provides a unique opportunity provide an exceptional forum to reach the
to participate and be part of this exciting UK’s political journalists and media as they
event. gather together to report on Conference.

Almost every elected representative of And if that does not tempt you, here is a
the Labour party from cabinet ministers to breakdown of who attends Conference:
council leaders will attend our conferences.

If you would like to discuss exhibiting opportunities please call Ann Kennedy,
Head of Exhibitions on 020 7783 1511 or email

Annual Conference 07 | 153

Exhibitor listings

BIC Floor Plans

Ground floor

Windsor Hall

Main Conference Hall

BIC service Road

Solent Hall



Entrance Exeter Road

Catering facilites

First aid


154 | Annual Conference 07

Exhibitor listings

First floor


r Se



Purbeck Hall Entrance

Purbeck ess
Lounge Pr

BIC Service Road

Void over Security search
Windsor Hall channels entrance


Exeter Road

Annual Conference 07 | 155


156 | Annual Conference 07

Getting about in Bournemouth
Transport links Hot Rocks Surf Diner

Bournemouth Railway Station Pier Approach 13

Holdenhurst Road 1 Indian Ocean Restaurant

Bournemouth Coach and Bus Station 39 West Cliff Road 29

Ocean Palace Restaurant

Venues Priory Road 30

Romanzo Restaurant

Hotels Poole Road 37

Bourne Hall Hotel The Landmarc

Priory Road 23 Exeter Road 16

Bournemouth International Hotel The Print Room

6 Priory Road, West Cliff 2 Richmond Hill 33

Connaught Hotel The Salad Centre Cafe

West Hill Road 6 Christchurch Road 38

ALTHOUGH THE WORLD GETS SMALLER Durley Hall Hotel West Beach Restaurant
Pier Approach 19
Hermitage Hotel
Zafferano Restaurant

Simply keeping abreast of new developments can be a real challenge. Exeter Road, opposite BIC 4 St Michael’s Road 7

Langtry Manor Hotel (Restaurant)

In our own small way we strive to help – by keeping our clients up-to-date with the ever changing and
complex regulations. Derby Road 34 Other
Lampeter Hotel BIC
Over the years The Fisher Organisation has continued to grow so that whatever financial challenges our Exeter Road 40
Exeter Park Road 17
clients face, we are there to help.
Liston Hotel (Gilbeys Restaurant) Oceanarium
Our clients include not only Members of Parliament but also campaigning groups, trade unions, Bournemouth Aquarium, Pier Approach 14
Wollstonecraft Road 36
charities and other organisations in the public arena. The Pavilion
Marriott Highcliff Hotel
If you would like to know more about our work and ways we might be able to help you, please contact St Michael’s Road 10 Lower Gardens, Bath Road 15
Paul Beer, David Breger or Sailesh Mehta at our London office. Or, while we are in Bournemouth this Punshon Methodist Church
Marsham Court Hotel 7
week, contact us on 07768 497777. Exeter Road opposite BIC 3
Russell-Cotes Road, East Cliff 25 0 250 m 500 m 750 m 1km
We look forward to hearing from you, and meanwhile wish everyone a very successful conference. Menzies Carlton Hotel
0 ¼ ½ mile
East Overcliffe Drive 26
Norfolk Royale Hotel
Richmond Hill 18 Tralee Hotel Restaurants
Acre House, 11-15 William Road, London NW1 3ER Queens Hotel West Hill Road 9 Aruba Restaurant Map key
020 7388 7000 Trouville Hotel Pier Approach 27
Meyrick Road 11 Priory Road 12 Secure island site perimeter
Royal Bath Hotel Basilica Cafe-Restaurant Tudor Grange Hotel Seamoor Road 35 Pass cards are required to
Bath Road 5
Gervis Road 22 Ciao Restaurant
enter all secure island sites.
Royal Exeter Hotel (1812 Restaurant)
Exeter Road 24 Wessex Hotel Old Christchurch Road 31
West Cliff Road 8
N.B Refer to pages 28 – 29
Part of the Fisher Organisation Swallow Durley Dean Hotel Coriander Restaurant
for more infomation about the
West Cliff Road 28 Whitehall Hotel Richmond Hill 32
restaurants listed on this map.
Exeter Park Road 21

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