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Hgskolen i Telemark

Fakultet for teknologiske fag

Bachelor i ingenirfag

Two-Tank Control

2-tank Process

DeltaV Workstation

-PID Controller
-Alarm System
-User Control

Controller with
I/O Moduls
24VDC Power

Control Signal

Valve Signal


DI Level Indicators
AI Level Measurement

Fakultet for teknologiske fag

Adresse: Kjlnes ring 56, 3918 Porsgrunn, telefon 35 02 62 00,
Bachelorutdanning - Masterutdanning Ph.D. utdanning

Hgskolen i Telemark

Table of contenst

Table of contenst .................................................................................................................. 3
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
2 Program ........................................................................................................................... 7

Step 1: Creating a new database .......................................................................................................... 7

Step 2: Starting to program a PID module ......................................................................................... 7
Step 3: Configure I/O ............................................................................................................................ 9
Step 4: Connect I/O to the PID_LOOP ............................................................................................. 10
Step 5: Connecting I/O to the rest of the signals .............................................................................. 13
Step 6: Assign modules and download .............................................................................................. 17

3 HMI ................................................................................................................................ 19

Step 1: Open a new picture ................................................................................................................ 19

Step 2: Creating two tanks ................................................................................................................. 20
Step 3: Creating a Faceplate Button .................................................................................................. 23
Step 4: Pump animation and the flow transmitter ........................................................................... 23
Step 5: Solenoid valves ........................................................................................................................ 25
Step 6: Datalinks ................................................................................................................................. 27
Step 7: Finishing picture ..................................................................................................................... 28

4 Operate ........................................................................................................................... 29

Hgskolen i Telemark

1 Introduction

In this task you will learn how to create a program and a HMI to control the two-tank system
with DeltaV. Figure 1-1 shows the two-tank system you will be controlling.
While Figure 1-2 shows a P&ID drawing of the two-tank system.

Figure 1-1 The Two-tank system

Hgskolen i Telemark

1 Introduction

Qp [cm^3/s]














Figure 1-2 Level Control System

Hgskolen i Telemark

1 Introduction

Equation (1-1) is the mathematical calculation of the volume in tank1.

Equation (1-2) is the mathematical calculation of the volume in tank2.


[Area in tank1 = 113,1 cm2]

[Level in tank1]
Qp[The flow to tank1]
Q1[The flow out of tank1]
Q2[The flow out of the solenoid valve]
[Area in tank2 = 113,1cm2]
[The Level in tank2]
Q1[The flow to tank2]
Q3[The flow out of tank2]
Q4[The flow out of the solenoid valve]

Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

In this chapter we will learn how to create the program used to control the Two-tank system.

2.1 Step 1: Creating a new database

Before we start to program in DeltaV we would like to start on an empty program where no
configuration is made. This is easily done with the use of database. To avoid adding all the
hardware configurations each time, we have premade a database that is empty, but contains the
hardware configurations you need.
The First thing you need to do is to log on to the DeltaV station with username: Administrator
and password: Deltav. When this is done choose DeltaV Desktop. Click on the start-menu and
Database Administration. Double click on the icon Copy Database, choose Student1 and write
your name in the Copy to field. Figure 2-1 is showing you how it should look like.

Figure 2-1 Database

Now set the database you just made active, with the Set Active Database button. Select the
database you just made and press ok.
Your database is now created and active.

2.2 Step 2: Starting to program a PID module

Go back to the start menu and start DeltaV Explorer.
Right click on Control Strategies and select New Area. Call this area 2-TANK.
We now have a new area called 2-TANK. Now we just need to configure a control module.
Grab a PID module from library. See Figure 2-2
Choose LibraryModule Templates Analog Control, Select the PID_LOOP and drag and
drop it down to your Area called 2-TANK.

Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Figure 2-2 Exploring DeltaV

We also need a new Area where we can configure all the other I/O. Right click on Control
Strategies and choose New Area. This new area we can name 2-TANK2.
Figure 2-3 is a picture of how it should look.

Figure 2-3 Area 2-TANK2

Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

2.3 Step 3: Configure I/O

This 2-TANK module needs quite a lot of I/O. They are already terminated on the module, but
we need to activate them in the Exploring DeltaV software. Choose Applications I/O
configuration like Figure 2-4 is showing.

Figure 2-4 I/O Configuration

Table 2-1 Channel list



































Table 2-1 is an overview over cards with channels connected to the controller. Right click on the
channels, as shown in Figure 2-5, and enable all the channels presented in the table above. When
the channels are active they should change color from grey to yellow.

Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Figure 2-5 I/O Configuration

All I/O that we need to control the 2-TANK should now be active.

2.4 Step 4: Connect I/O to the PID_LOOP

We will now return to Exploring DeltaV to connect the I/O to the logic. Lets start with the PID
regulator. We will find it in AREA 2-TANK. Right click on the PID_LOOP_1 and choose open
with Control Studio, like shown in Figure 2-6.


Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Figure 2-6 Open with Control Studio

Figure 2-7 is showing the PID block. Right click the block and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag.

Figure 2-7 Assign I/O to Signal Tag

Mark IO_OUT and press Modify, now choose Browse and double click on CTLR-1_HIT, mark
TLR-1-HITC02CH03 and press OK. It is the gain signal to the pump that is connected to this
card. This procedure is shown in Figure 2-8.


Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Figure 2-8 Signal Tag

The level transmitter on the tank has a 4mA output signal when the level is at 100%. Because of
this we need to reverse the signal to the regulator, this is done by getting an Analog Input block
from the I/O tab, and a Scaler block from the Analog Control tab.
Your picture should now look similar to Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9 PID configuration

Now we need to connect the OUT on the Analog In block to the IN on the SCLR block. We also
need to connect the OUT on SCLR to the IN on the PID block.


Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Right click on the Analog In block and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, press browse, double
click on CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC01CH03 and press OK. This is the level transmitter
that is connected to this channel.
Now mark the SCLR block. A property window will appear in the lower left corner, as shown in
Figure 2-10. Double click on OUT SCALE and enter 0 on 100% scale, and 100 on 0% scale.
Press OK.

Figure 2-10 Reversing the PID-regulator

Now press the


Press yes, and choose CTLR-1-HIT and click OK. Press yes, and OK until the download is
Close Control Studio. Press yes if you get question about saving.

2.5 Step 5: Connecting I/O to the rest of the signals

We have now configured our PID regulator with correct IN and OUT. Now we need to look at
the other signals. Head back to Exploring DeltaV right click on 2-TANK2 and choose New
Control Module. This is shown in Figure 2-11.


Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Figure 2-11 New Control Module

Lets call this module IO. The module is located in the area 2-TANK2. Figure 2-12 shows you
what happens when you right click the IO area. Do this and Open with Control Studio.

Figure 2-12 Open with Control Studio

Now we need to connect the remaining I/O to the physical model. All the blocks we need are
found under the I/O tab. Grab four Discrete Input blocks, two Discrete Output blocks and two
Analog Input blocks.
By right clicking on the blocks you can change the name on each of the blocks to the correct tag
they are supposed to have. Name each of the blocks as seen in Figure 2-13, this will make the
program easier to read.


Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Figure 2-13 Analog and Digital blocks needed

Now we need to connect the blocks to the correct I/O.

Right click on HA1 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, then press browse, double click on
CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC03CH01 and press OK.
Right click on LA1 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, then press browse, double click on
CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC03CH02 and press OK.
Right click on HA2 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, then press browse, double click on
CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC03CH03 and press OK.
Right click on LA2 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, then press browse, double click on
CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC03CH04 and press OK.
Right click on LT2 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, then press browse, double click on
CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC01CH04 and press OK.
Right click on FT1 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, then press browse, double click on
CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC01CH05 and press OK.
Right click on LV1 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, mark IO_OUT, press Modify then
Browse, double click on CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC04CH01 and press OK.
Right click on LV2 and choose Assign I/O to Signal Tag, mark IO_OUT, press Modify then
Browse, double click on CTLR-1-HIT, mark TLR-1-HITC04CH02 and press OK.
Figure 2-14 shows all the blocks connected to the correct INN and OUT.


Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Figure 2-14 Analog and Digital blocks connected

To be able to operate the valves LV1 and LV2 you need to change their mode from Cascade to
Manual. This is done by marking LV1, a property box will appear in lower left corner as shown
in Figure 2-15. Double click on mode that is located in the Operating sub-menu. Set Normal
Mode and Target to Manual. Do exactly the same for LV2.

Figure 2-15 Valve mode


Hgskolen i Telemark

Now press the

2 Program


Press yes, and choose CTLR-1-HIT and click OK. Press yes, and OK until the download is
Close Control Studio. Press yes if you get question about saving.

2.6 Step 6: Assign modules and download

Return to Exploring DeltaV. Now we need to connect our areas to alarm and events. To do this
you need to mark the 2-TANK area and drag it down to Alarm and events, as shown in Figure
2-16, press yes on the box that appears. Do the same with area 2-TANK2 and AREA_A.

Figure 2-16 Alarms and Events


Hgskolen i Telemark

2 Program

Now we need to download the program to the controller. This is done by right clicking on
Physical Network and choose download Physical Network as seen in Figure 2-17.

Figure 2-17 Download Physical Network

Our program is now done and the next thing we need to do is create a HMI, so we can control
our model with the program.


Hgskolen i Telemark


To be able to read and write values and simulate a process we need to create an HMI.

3.1 Step 1: Open a new picture

When you are in Exploring Deltav. Go to applications and press DeltaV Operate Configure. See
Figure 3-1

Figure 3-1 DeltaV Operate Configure

Press + on the Pictures folder, then templates and double-click on main. See Figure 3-2. Then
you will get the default picture.

Figure 3-2 the main Picture is the default picture

Mark everything on the picture and delete it. Figure 3-3 is showing you how your picture should
look when everything is deleted.


Hgskolen i Telemark


Figure 3-3 Starting Picture

3.2 Step 2: Creating two tanks

Now we can start construct our picture. In the left column you can find a lot of pre drawn
components. We need two tanks, some piping, valves, flow transmitter, a pump and level
Click on the folder Dynamo Sets and Tanks Anim1.

Figure 3-4 Different Tank dynamo pictures

Figure 3-4 shows you that there are lots of pre drawn tanks with animations.
Find a suitable tank you would like to use. A Dynamo box will appear after you have placed
your tank, as shown in Figure 3-5.


Hgskolen i Telemark


Figure 3-5 Tank Dynamo properties

Now we need to connect this to the value of the level to tank1. Press the
button and press
Browse DeltaV Control Parameters, choose PID_LOOP_1, PID1, choose PV, then choose CV.
Press OK until you are back to your picture.
We are now done with one tank. Now grab another tank, similar to the first one. This one we
need to reverse the visual display, because it is not scaled in the program. This is done by setting
Lowest Input Value to 100 and Highest Input Value to 0.

Figure 3-6 Tank Dynamo properties completed

Press the

button and press Browse DeltaV Control Parameters, then press the folder up


Hgskolen i Telemark


Figure 3-7 Control Strategies

Choose 2-TANK2, then IO, LT2, PV then CV and press OK until you are back to your picture.
By pressing A in the toolbox you can write on your picture. Write Tank1,Tank2 and
Open Faceplate and make your picture similar to Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8 How your picture should be similar to


Hgskolen i Telemark


3.3 Step 3: Creating a Faceplate Button

Now we will make a button to open the faceplate to our regulator. Choose a circle from the
toolbox and place it next to the text Open Faceplate.
Double click the circle. Under command make sure to activate click.
Double click on DeltaV Open Faceplate, press the
button and choose Browse DeltaV
Control Parameters. Then we need to choose 2-TANK, PID_LOOP_1, double click on PID1,
choose PV, then choose CV and press OK until you are back to your picture.
Figure 3-9 is showing you how to configure the button to open the faceplate.

Figure 3-9 Creating a button to open the PID-regulator faceplate

We now made it possible to open the faceplate to our regulator when the program is running.

3.4 Step 4: Pump animation and the flow transmitter

Now we need a pump. Pumps are found in Dynamo Sets, PumpsAnim. Find a suitable pump.
The Dynamo box will also appear. Make sure Animate Pump Color is activated. Choose range
from 1 to 100 as color green. As shown in Figure 3-10
The pump will then turn green when its turned on.


Hgskolen i Telemark


Figure 3-10 How to make your pump change color when its running

Press the
button, choose Browse DeltaV Control Parameters. Then we need to choose 2TANK,PID_LOOP_1, double click on PID1,OUT, choose CV and press OK until you are back
at your picture.
The Flow Transmitter can be found under Dynamo Sets and FlowMeters see Figure 3-11. Find a
suitable flow transmitter to use on your picture.

Figure 3-11 Flow transmitters


Hgskolen i Telemark


3.5 Step 5: Solenoid valves

Now we are only missing two solenoid valves, one to each tank. Valves are also found in
Dynamo Sets and Valves_DF. Find two suitable valves and place them at the outlet of each tank.
This is shown in Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12 Different Valves

Double click on the valve you placed next to tank1. Figure 3-13 will appear, make sure
Foreground Color is activated and press the button next to it.

Figure 3-13 Valve Animation

Make sure Exact Match is activated, delete all the rows and add two new rows. The color of the
valve, at value 0 should be gray. At value 1, the valve should be green, as seen in Figure 3-14.


Hgskolen i Telemark


Figure 3-14 Changing the color of the valve when its open

Then press the

button, choose Browse DeltaV Control Parameters, 2-TANK2, IO, LV1,
OUT_D, CV and press Ok until you return to your picture. Figure 3-15 combined with the text
should help you connect the valve signal.

Figure 3-15 Connecting the valve signal


Hgskolen i Telemark


The valve will now change color from gray to green when its open. Now do the same thing with
the valve you placed close to tank2. The only difference is that you need to choose LV2 instead
of LV1 when we configured the other valve.

3.6 Step 6: Datalinks

Now we need to make two datalinks, Figure 3-16, to be able to control the valves. Press
the Toolbox. Choose Data Entry Type to In-Place and choose Formating Type to Numeric.


Figure 3-16 Datalink - Valves

Now press the

button and choose Browse DeltaV Control Parameters, 2-TANK2, IO, LV1,
OUT_D, CV and press OK until you return to your picture. Place this Datalink over the valve to
Do exactly the same for valve 2. The only difference is you need to choose LV2, instead of LV1.
Now we need to display the value from the flow transmitter. This is also done with the use of
Datalink, Figure 3-17. Press
.Set Formatting Type to Numeric and press the
choose Browse DeltaV Control Parameters, 2-TANK2, IO, FT1, OUT, CV and press okay until
you return to your picture. Place the Datalink next to the flow transmitter.

Figure 3-17 Datalink Flow Transmitter.


Hgskolen i Telemark


3.7 Step 7: Finishing picture

The only thing that should remain now is the piping and a water reservoir to the pump. Pipes are
found in Dynamo sets under Pipes_DF and water reservoir can be drawn by using DeltaV
Figure 3-18 is a suggestion to how it can look when its completed.

Figure 3-18 Finished product

Save your picture in the Templates folder, and name it your name.


Hgskolen i Telemark

4 Operate

In this chapter we will learn how to run the program used to control the Two-tank system.
To be able to control the two-tank you need to physically connect the model to DeltaV. This is
done by connecting the connection pins together. They are marked, and the wire with nr 1 from
the model is connected to the wire with nr 1 on DeltaV. Figure 4-1 is how the connection is

Figure 4-1 Wire Connection

The model also needs to be connected to 230V and be turned on. When turning the power on,
make sure the components inside the model are powered.
To run the model you need to open DeltaV Operate config. Open the HMI you created, that you
named with your name. This HMI is found under templates. Press Ctrl+w to witch to run mode
in DeltaV. The process can now be operated. As you can see in Figure 4-2 the process is running.

Figure 4-2 DeltaV Operate Run


Hgskolen i Telemark

4 Operate

Now press the faceplate button you made. The faceplate window should appear, Figure 4-3.
On the faceplate you have options to control the process manually or set it to auto. You can trend
the regulator by pressing the button that looks like a graph. You will then see SP, OP and PV.

Figure 4-3 PID-regulator faceplate

If you would like to change the regulator parameters you press the magnify glass button in the
faceplate window. The detail picture in Figure 4-4 will appear.
This is where you change the PID parameters. Under tuning, Gain is the P-value, Reset is the
I-value and Rate is the D-value. We choose P=2 and I=10 as start values. But feel free to
experiment and find better values.


Hgskolen i Telemark

4 Operate

Figure 4-4 PID-regulator detail point


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