Meme Reflection

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id: 800916623

I picked the theme Russian- Canadian, because personally it is the most prominent
aspect that separates me from other colleagues. Not only is it unique and separates me from
others, but also I have lived in Canada and being of Russian descent I could make an informative
analysis about this theme. It is because of my personal experience that I am able to see
similarities between the two cultures, and group them accordingly. Another reason I chose do this
specific theme is, because by combining both cultures I create a unique meme in and of itself.
There are numerous themes of just Russian or just Canadian, but very few (if any) that combine
both these specific cultures into one meme.
I chose the first image, because immigrant families want their children to learn and
embrace the traditions of their respective cultures; just like they were thought to do at young age.
The second image portrays hockey players, Alexander Ovechkin (on left) and Sydney Crosby (on
right). Both Canadians and Russians are exceptional at hockey. I chose this picture, because
throughout my life choosing between hockey players (Russians or Canadians) has always
created a dilemma for me. I would often get into arguments with friends debating which nation
has the most skillful players. For the third panel, it helps to understand that many oddities can be
experienced in Russia. This belief has led to the popular joke, In Soviet Russia.... The joke
emphasizes that, in Russia, the reverse of what is supposed to happen takes place. In this panel
it could be joked that In Soviet Russia man chase bear, instead of the ... bear chase man(the
natural order of things). I chose this panel, because it highlights this oddness of events in Russia.
Russia and Canada is notorious for its cold weathers. I picked the third panel, because as a
descendent of both, it makes sense that I should be more tolerant to cold weather. In spite of this,
the truth is that I am actually very intolerant of cold weather. When it does get cold I am usually
the first to complain about it. With this said, it is correct to say that, What think I do, and what is
actually true are two different things. I picked the fifth panel, because my friends would often
tease me about the widely popularized stereotype that Russians love to drink. Usually, the first
thing people say to me involves the words Russian and vodka in the same sentence. I
therefore chose this picture for this panel, because this widely held belief has been prominent in
my interaction with others. I chose this image for the final panel, because as a student, especially
college, I often have a lot of responsibilities involving exams and evaluations. This image is also
fitting, because of how it complements the previous image (What my friends think). The
previous image deals with Russians and drinking, in the final image however a student is seen
passing out from work-overload. I find that the two images complement each other comically in
such a way that instead of me passing out from alcohol, I am actually passing out from the
unreasonable workload.
Reading my meme I hope people take away that stereotypes are far from the truth. As the
saying goes, Dont judge a book by its cover. With this said, I hope people dont label me with
certain tags, before a first impression is made. My final image emphasizes my purpose (take
home message) brilliantly. Not only does it work well alongside the other pictures (as mentioned
in the previous paragraph), but also I believe it shows me the most truthful light. In spite of all the
bizarre beliefs about Russians and Canadians, I am a college student. I want people to
understand me to be a hard working individual who fulfills his role, the role of student, very well
and with great attentiveness.
I think that the ability of my work in the meme and corresponding reflection is very much a
9.5-10. I chose this score because in spite of how I might see it, and I do think it is an accurate
representation of my utmost ability, there will always be room for improvement (as is true in all
aspects of life). I do believe that the images and analysis can be made with greater brilliance and
cleverness then was made by me. There is most definitely someone that has delved much
deeper into both cultures that can input something that I have not come up with; a connection
between both cultures that I did not see or believed existed. As a final note, I have extensive
personal experience between both these cultures; therefore I believe that I was able to make an
informative analysis about this theme.

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