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Merry Christmas

Hardecker Headlines

December 2015
Twitter: @hardecker

Independent Fundamental Baptist Missionaries to the Philippines

Sent by Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Brogue, PA

Mamaw &
Papaw Starr

First Lady Jenny




Heidi Butler


Heritage Baptist Church, Manheim, PA is

now meeting at the Manheim Farm
Show Complex (it can seat 200).


WT Pastor Chris
Dan Butler


It sure was a blessing to be able to spend this Christmas with the Starrs and the Butlers!
Our Christmas celebration was the happiest it could ever be. Dr. Starr received a good
report concerning his health (no cancer). The extra warm Christmas season ensured a
good and safe travel. The fellowship was around the Word of God, Christmas carols,
delicious snacks and a loving & lively family to share it with! God is good!

Souls for the Saviour!


We thank the Lord for working in hearts of some of the dear folks that we have
come across. One bus kid (Jeremiah, 10) was dealt with by a Jr. church worker and he told her
that he placed his faith and trust in Jesus as Saviour while he was riding our Sunday school
bus. AMEN! One lady (Sharleen, 58) who was overwhelmed with recent deaths in her family
received Jesus as Saviour. AMEN! Jesus came to give us life and life more abundant.


Our house is still under negotiation.


We are thankful to God for a

fruitful year of souls saved & lives

Saints strengthened!


We praise God for your love, prayers, and support!

We came to the door of a lady who lost her 30 year old son in July due to stroke. She
also lost her a daughter due to a heart issue. She is saved but has not been attending church.
When we go door knocking and meet fellow Christians who seem to have lost their way, we
offer prayers and encouragement. She was extremely appreciative and even wrote us an encouraging note via email. Pray that Robin would start going to church.
Some people were upset with us; they even called the police but there was no incident. Some people really think that No Solicitation applies to evangelism. They are wrong.
Anyway, we do our best not to be offensive (the Gospel is already an offence and we do not
wish to add to that). A Gospel warning or an offer of salvation is worth the consternation
I was able to minister the Word of God at two different churches. God dealt with
souls in each meeting. One lady needed to gain the assurance of salvation. One man raised his
hand indicating that he would like to trust in Christ as Saviour. In each situation, I spoke to
their respective pastors so that they can do an effective follow-up. God always honors His
Word. His Word is quick (living) and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. Let the
Word do the work. Lets keep preaching the Word!


Pray that God would continue to

give us His wisdom and power as
we deal with people concerning
their souls.


Pray that we would be strong in

the grace that is in Christ Jesus. We
know that yesterdays grace is not
going to work for todays needs.
We need His strength everyday.

As we race toward 2016 may we maximize the remainder of 2015 for JESUS!

Sending Church:

Mission Funds:

Contact Information:

Relevant Dates:

Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Central Missionary Clearinghouse

The Hardeckers

Bill (01/10) & Marcia (09/30)

48 Muddy Creek Forks Road

P.O. Box 219228

111 S. Pine St.

Anniversary (06/15/04)

Brogue, PA 17309

Houston, TX 77218

Red Lion, PA 17356

W.T. (09/14/10)

(717) 927-9227

(800) 262-7729

(717) 880-5011

Joe (12/28/12)


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