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Proclaimed the independence of the Philippines from the Spaniards
Led the Philippines in the Spanish-Philippine War and Philippine-American War
Malolos Constitution
President of the Malolos Republic
Signed the Pact of Biak-na-Bato
Youngest President, at age 28
Appears on 5 Peso Coin
National Loan
War taxes and voluntary contributions were solicited from the people.
American-sponsored self-training government
1935 Constitution
National Defense Law
Social Justice Program
Eight-Hour Labor Law
Minimum Wage Law
Womens Suffrage Law
Court of Industrial Relations
Share Tenancy Act of 1933
National Economic Council
National Council of Education
National Relief Administration
Tagalog is the basis of the National Language
Father of National Language
Negotiated with the Japanese to spare the Philippines from the World War II
Appears on 20 Peso Bill
1943 Constitution
Shot by Philippine guerrilla while playing Golf at Wack Wack Golf Course
Country Club
President of the Japanese-sponsored government/independence (Puppet
Organized the KALIBAPI (Kapisanan ng Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas)
Proclamation No 29 Declaring Martial Law in 1944
Proclamation No 30 Declaring war with US and UK in 1944
With his family, they established the Lyceum of the Philippines
One Nation, One Heart, One Republic
Restored the Commonwealth government
Created the Department of Information
Commonwealth Act No 672 - Rehabilitating the Philippine National Bank
C.A. No 682 - creation of Peoples Court - deal with pending cases of
Bell Trade Act of 1946 was approved by US congress- The Act gave the
Philippines eight years of free trade with the United States, then twenty years during
which tariffs would be upped gradually until they were in line with the rest of the American tariff policy.


Joined the IMF (International Monetary Fund)

sent the Philippine delegation, which was headed by Carlos P. Romulo, to the
San Francisco gathering for the promulgation of the Charter of the United
Nations on 26 June 1945.
Appears on 50 Peso Bill




First President of the Third Republic

Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (Development Bank of the
Bell Trade Act (Philippine Trade Act)
Parity Rights Amendment
Philippine Rehabilitation Act
RA No 1946 - Tenant Act - provided for a 7030 sharing arrangements and
regulated share-tenancy contract. It was passed to resolve the ongoing
peasant unrest in Central Luzon
Military Bases Agreement of 1947
Treaty of General Relations-It recognized Philippine independence as of July
4, 1946 and relinquished American sovereignty over the Philippine Islands. The
establishment of US bases was also included in this treaty
War Surplus Property Agreement
Military Assistance Agreement
Amnesty Proclamation (for Philippine collaborators including Jose P. Laurel)
Appears in 100 Peso Bill
Fireside Chats
Central Bank of the Philippines
Created the President's Action Committee on Social Amelioration or
PACSA to mitigate the sufferings of indigent families
Agricultural Credit Cooperatives Financing Administration or (ACCFA)
to help the farmers market their crops and save them from loan sharks
Executive Order No. 355 replaced the National Land Settlement
Administration with Land Settlement Development Corporation
(LASEDECO) which takes over the responsibilities of the Agricultural
Machinery Equipment Corporation and the Rice and Corn Production
Quirino-Foster Agreement - Technical and financial assistance from US
Republic Act No. 333, amending Commonwealth Act No. 502,
declaring Quezon City the capital of the Philippines in place of Manila
Created the Social Security Commission
Created the Integrity Board to probe into reports of graft and corruption in
high government places
Active HUKBALAHAP guerrilla movement during his administration
Economic Development Corps (EDCOR) - all those who will surrender will
be provided land for farming
Remembered for his policy of honest government
First president sworn into office wearing Barong Tagalog during inauguration
Opened the gates of Malacaan Palace to all
Caused the surrender of Luis Taruc
Farmers Cooperative Marketing Association
Social Security System (SSS)
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
Agricultural Tenancy Act - granting peasants to choose the system of
tenancy they would want to work
National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA) was established to encourage landless farmers to settle in unoccupied public
Republic Act No. 1400 (Land Reform Act of 1955) Created the Land Tenure Administration
(LTA) which was responsible for the acquisition and distribution of large tenanted rice and corn lands
over 200 hectares for individuals and 600 hectares for corporations

Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO)

Laurel-Langley Agreement - trade agreement (amended the Bell Trade
Reparation Agreement with Japan




Austerity Program
Filipino First Policy
Foreign Retail Trade Nationalization Law - prohibited foreigners from
engaging in retail trade
Bohlen-Serrano Agreement - shortened the stay of US military bases from
99 to 25 years
Association of Southeast Asia (ASA)
Prince of Visayan Poets
Bard from Bohol
Republic Cultural Awards
The First president to have his remains buried in the Libingan ng mga
Poor boy from Lubao
Republic Act No. 4166 An Act Changing The Date Of Philippine Independence Day From July
Four To June Twelve, And Declaring July Four As Philippine Republic Day
Republic Act No. 3518 An Act Creating The Philippine Veterans' Bank

Formation of the National Cottage Industry Development Administration

Emergency Employment Administration
Macapagal promoted the usage of the native language in our diplomatic
credentials such as passports and stamps
He also released an order that the Filipino language should be used in traffic
signs and in naming the typhoons
Stonehill controversy
Signed the Minimum Wage Law
Decontrol Policy - peso was allowed to float and seek its true value according to market forces
RA 3844- Agricultural Land Reform Code - abolished tenancy by making the peasants as lessees
North Borneo Claim

Appears on 200 peso bill

1973 Constitution
First president to win second term
This nation can be great again. This I have said over and over. It is
my articles of faith, and Divine Providence has willed that you and I
can now translate this faith into deeds.
Built more schools, roads, bridges, hospitals, and other infrastructure than all
former presidents combined
The only president whose remains are interred inside a refrigerated crypt
PD No. 2- declared the entire country as a land reform area
PD No 27 - allowed farmers to acquire three hectares of irrigated land
and five hectares of unirrigated land
First Quarter Storm
Proclamation No 1081 - signed on September 21, 1972
Declared Martial Law on September 23, 1972
Batasang Pambansa- was the former parliament of the Philippines,
established as an interim assembly in 1978 and later as an official body in
1984. It was the second unicameral parliament in Philippine history
Decentralization Act
Educational Development Decree
National College Entrance Examination
New Society - it was a movement urging the poor and the privileged to work
as one for the common goals of society and to achieve the liberation of the
Filipino people through self-realization
(PLEDGES - Peace and Order, Land Reform, Economic Development,
Development of Moral Values, Government Reforms, Educational
Reforms and Social Services)
Green Revolution
Blue Revolution
Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and Services (BLISS) Housing
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)





Snap Election
Accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of Benigno
Aquino Jr.
People Power I
1987 Constitution
First Woman to be president of the Philippines
Restored democracy
Philippine Commission on Good Governance (PCGG)
Presidential Commission on Human Rights
Family Code of 1987
Local Government Code
Mendiola Massacre
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
Ordered the United States military to vacate U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay and Clark Air Base

Generics Law
Build-Operate-Transfer Law
Privatization of Government Owned and Controlled Corporations
Survive seven coup dtats
Executive Order No. 255, issued on July 25, 1987 by former President Corazon
Aquino, requiring all radio stations to broadcast a minimum of four original
Filipino musical compositions every hour
Creation of Cordillera Administrative Region and Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao
Appears on 500 Peso bill together with her husband Benigno Ninoy Aquino
Philippines 2000
Philippines - Tiger Cub Economy of Asia
Social Reform Agenda
Value-Added Tax
Entry of the country to World Trade Organization (WTO) and General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Republic Act 7638 (Charter of the Department of Energy)
Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA)
Special Zone of Peace and Development in Southern Philippines
Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development (SPCPD)
Presidential Anti-Crime Commission (PACC)
National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
Philippine Independence Centennial
Magna Carta for Overseas Workers
RP-US Visiting Forces Agreement
Signed peace agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front
Death Penalty
Clean and Green Campaign
PEA-AMARI Scam Manila Bay Reclamation Deal
Centennial Expo and Conversion of Military Base in Fort Bonifacio for
Private Development
ERAP (Education, Research and Assistance Program) para sa Mahirap
JEEP (Justice, Economy, Environment and Peace) ni Erap
Medium Term Philippine Development Plan o Angat Pinoy 2004
Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF)
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
MAGKASAKA (Magkabalikat Para sa Kaunlarang Agraryo)
Retail Trade Liberalization Act (Republic Act No. 8762) The bill dismantles 40 years of state
protectionism over the country's retail trade industry and opens the sector to big foreign players

All-out-war policy against MILF

Ordered the National Telecommunications Commission to
adopt Filipino language-based radio format known as masa
Midnight Cabinet
Jueteng Scandal





Dacer-Corbito Double Murder Case

People Power II
Second woman president of the Philippines
BEAT THE ODDS (Balanced Budget; Education for All; Automated
Elections; Transportation and digital infrastructure; Terminate the
fighting with MILF and NPA; Heal the wounds of EDSA I, II; Electricity
and water for all; Opportunity in livelihood and 10 million jobs for the
Filipinos; Decongestion of Metro Manila; and Develop former
American bases like Subic and Clark)
Ginintuang Masaganang Ani
SCTEX was inaugurated
Nautical Highway (Roll-on/Roll-off or Roro)
RA 7916, Creating the Philippine Economic Zone Authority
RA 7882, Providing assistance to women engaging in micro and cottage
business enterprises
RA 7877, Declaring sexual harassment unlawful in the employment,
education or training environment and for other purposes
Women's desk to provide assistance to battered wives and other victims
of domestic violence
SBN 336, Magna Carta for the Urban Poor
RA 7833, Excluding the 13th Month Pay and Other Benefits from
the Computation of Taxable Income
Policy of Holiday Economics
Oakwood Mutiny
Estrada Pardon
Amnesty Proclamation for Communist Party of the Philippines and
New Peoples Army
Fertilizer Fund Scam
Hello Garci Controversy
NBN/ZTE Controversy
Bahay Pangarap his official residence
Tuwid na Daan
No Wang-Wang Policy
Truth Commission - The commission is tasked to investigate various anomalies and issues including
graft and corruption allegations against the past administration, government officials and their
accomplices in the private sector during the last nine years
National Greening Program
Private-Public Partnership (PPP)

Kto12 or Enhanced basic Education Act of 2013

Sin Tax Law
Reproductive Health Law
Typhoon Yolanda aftermath
Manila Hostage Crisis
Corona Impeachment
Maguindanao Massacre
Mamasapano Massacre
Pork Barrel Scam
DAP (Disbursement Acceleration Program) Controversy
Bureau of Customs controversy
Tanim-Bala Controversy

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