The Holy Spirit and The Believers Spirit

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The Holy Spirit and the

Believers Spirit
Pastor Mike Hendon
Knowing the Function of the Believer’s Spirit

• We need to know the operation of the

human spirit
• It will give us help in three important
– Cooperation with God (work)
– Control over self (worship)
– Conquering satan (warfare)
• The operation of the spirit:
The Regeneration of Man

• Man is a fallen spirit—therefore he

needs to be reborn to become a
new one
• Titus 3:5 “not by works of
righteousness which we have done,
but according to His mercy He
saved us, through the washing of
regeneration and renewing of the
Holy Spirit,”
• Palingenesia: “new birth” Two aspects
of the same event: impartation of spiritual
life and a new state in contrast to the old
• Eze.36:26 ”A new heart also will I give
you, and a new spirit will I put within
• Regeneration occurs in your spirit and
works from the inside out—from center to
• “God’s aim in a regenerated man
is for that man by his spirit to rid
himself of everything belonging to
the old creation, because within
his regenerated spirit lie all the
works of God toward him.”
• Prior to the new birth your spirit
exists yet is in a “comatose”
• The Holy Spirit APPLIES the
finished work of the cross to a
yielded, humble, obedient heart…
• Further, He comes to ABIDE within
you.. Ez.36:27 “I will put My Spirit
within you and cause you to walk in
My statutes, and you will keep My
judgments and do them.”
• 1 Cor. 3:16 “Do you not know that you
are the temple of God and that the Spirit
of God dwells in you?”
• Where? In your spirit—not your flesh, not
your soul.
• The Spirit is both a builder and dweller:
He dwells in only what He has built, and
He builds only what He dwells
• Why is this important? Without this
understanding you will take your
guidance through the
soul(outward). He is in you
• He leads from within, Ro. 8:16 The
Spirit Himself bears witness with
our spirit that we are children of

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