WAEC Online E - Registration Manual

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13, Town Planning Way, Ilupeju, Lagos
Tel: +234-1-7617160, +234-1-8714551
Website: www.sidmach.com



The West African Examinations Council e-Registration System is a user friendly online registration
package for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination. It allows School schools in
Nigeria to register their candidates online through the Internet.

The WAEC e-Registration service makes registration easier for the schools and also eliminates
errors in registration information which are hitherto made on paper and only detected while
processing the paper forms by WAEC. Such documents as Timetable and Syllabus for the
examination could easily be printed or downloaded by the School Authorities. It is our belief in
WAEC that this new process will lead to a revolution in Information Technology (IT) development
in School education in Nigeria.

This manual provides the step by step procedure and training guide for WAEC personnel and
Schools Principals/Examination Officers on the e-Registration System.



This manual covers the following:

Payment for the examination
Identification of Principal/Examination Officer
Registration of Candidates
Capturing Candidates Passport Photographs
Reviewing/Editing of Candidates Information
Generation of Examination Numbers
Downloading of Information
Offline Registration


Payment for the examination

Schools are expected to collect the approved registration fees from all their candidates and issue one
bank draft in favour of The West African Examinations Council (WAEC). This cheque is paid at
the WAEC Zonal/Branch Office in charge of their State. The designated WAEC Finance Officer in
the Zonal/Branch Office enters information regarding the payment on his computer and issued the
school a scratch card or pay voucher containing information to enable the Principal/Examination
Officer sign up to the e-Registration Website.

However, to make the online registration trouble-free especially for schools without Internet Service
in their locality, we have made provision for offline registration on their standalone PCs or through
Business Centers in their locality. The CD-ROM containing this offline registration facility will be
distributed to schools during the training program. This also means that schools could start
registering their candidates as they collect entry fees from them. Please see details of the offline
registration in Section 2.8.


Identification of School Principal/Examination Officer

Once a school has collected a Scratch Card or Pay Voucher as the case may be, the school could
visit the WAEC e-Registration website through an accredited examination officer usually appointed
by the school to co-ordinate the registration of candidates for the examination. The School
Examination Officer could visit the e-Registration website as follows:

2.2.1 How to Visit the WAEC E-Registration Website

All a school requires is Internet Explorer which comes standard with Microsoft Windows. To get to
this website, launch the Windows Internet Explorer on your PC and type the following
While in this website, click on the May/June Examination box. This takes you straight to the eRegistration Sign Up page.
Notes: Your computer must be connected to the Internet to do this.
For schools without Internet connection, they could register at the WAEC Zonal/Branch
Office in charge of their State or the nearest Cyber caf or use the offline registration

2.2.2 Examination Officer - Sign Up as a New User

For a School Principal/Examination Officer to use the e-Registration Website as a new user, the
school must have procured the Online Registration Scratch Card or Pay Voucher from the WAEC
Zonal/Branch Office in charge of his/her State. The Examination Officer could then use the PIN
(Personal Identification Number) on the Payment Voucher to sign up as a new user. He could do
this by;

Entering the PIN on the Sign Up page as shown below

Clicking on the Sign Up button

The Examination Officers Information Page is displayed as follows if the PIN is valid


Entering Examination Officers Information Personal Details

Each school has its own Examination Officer, who administers the registration process.
The Examination Officer must enter his personal details as well as his school detailed
information on this page.
Note: All the Boxes marked (*) are compulsory fields and must be filled.

After all the required entries have been made, click the Sign Up button

If the User-Id already exists; the message User Id already Exists will be displayed

** To correct this error, change the User-Id and click again on the Sign Up button

This action launches the Registration Details Page when the entries are valid


Examination Officer - Login as Existing User

A School Examination Officer who has carried out 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 above will not have to
repeat the procedure for him to visit the e-Registration website.

The Examination Officer only needs to go through the following steps to continue registration:

Click on the Login on the cascade menu

Type his/her school User-Id and password and the click the Login button

Click on the Login on the cascade menu

The system displays a Welcome Page.

At Welcome Page, the examination officer could choose to

Download (Syllabus, Timetable and/or Template Form)
Register More Candidates,
Offline Upload,
List Registered Candidates,
Generate Candidates Examination Numbers,
Log out from the site.


Registration of Candidates

Once a School Examination Officer is properly identified by the system, he/she could register as
many candidates as the PIN allocated to the school will allow him. The following are the steps the
examination officer will take to register candidates:

Sign up/Login to the E-Registration Website as described in Section 2.2 above

Click Register on the menu option

The Center Number, the School Name, and the number of entries remaining for the school
with the Registration Form will be displayed

Each Candidates personal details such as Surname, First Name, Date of Birth, Sex and subjects
must be entered. The candidates passport photograph and signature must also be captured. See
how to capture candidates passport photograph and signature in Section 2.8.

Note: All the Boxes marked (*) are compulsory fields and must be filled.

2.3.1 How to Select Subjects for Candidate

The approved subjects for the examination are displayed in the Available Subject List Box

English Language and General Mathematics have been pre-selected

Select the subject in the Available Subject List Box and click on > Icon

Clicking on > icon moves the selected subject from the List Box to the corresponding
Text Box at the right side of Available Subject List Box.

Note: that a candidate is expected to register for at least 8 subjects.

To deselect already Selected Subject do the following:

Click on X in front of the subject to be deselected.

The deselected subject moves back to the bottom of Available Subject List Box


Attaching Candidates Passport Photograph

To attach a candidates passport photograph do the following:

Outside the Online Form

Scan the actual passport photograph of the candidate using a flatbed scanner or
Take a passport photograph of the candidate with a digital camera

The passport photo should be black and white, 35mm x 40mm in size with
contrasting background

The passport photograph must be clear and the candidates face must NOT be
obstructed in any way by items like glasses, sun glasses, head gear, etc

Store the picture in JPEG format using candidates name

From the Online Form

Click the Browse button by the passport photo box to locate the candidates
passport photo

Locate the directory where the passport photograph is stored

Click on the on the candidates passport photograph


Click Open to attach the candidates passport photograph to the corresponding

candidates registration.

Notes: Once Examination Numbers have been generated, the candidates passport
photograph attached to the registration information CANNOT be changed.
The scanned passport photograph will be on your certificate and all other documents

Continuous Assessment Scores (CAS) for SSS I & II

It is compulsory that you enter the Continuous Assessment Scores (CAS) for SSS I and II
along with your entry. The SSS III CAS should be added as soon as it is available bet before
the examinations begin.


Candidates Affirmation

Click on the Checkbox by the affirmation statement to affirm that all the entries including
the attached passport photograph are correct.
Note: That when the checkbox is clicked, a mark sign appears in the checkbox and this
affirms that all entries are correct. You WILL NOT be able to submit this entry unless you
click the affirmation checkbox.



To Submit Registration

Be sure that the all registration information for the candidates are correct

Click the Submit Button to register the candidate and save candidates registration

Note: If the registration process is successful, the Form Number is displayed in the
Submitted Page.



To Register More Candidates

Click on Register More to register more candidates

Reviewing/Editing of Candidates Information

There may be a need to review the candidates that have been registered by a School Examination
Officer. There may also be a need to make some changes to the entries of some of the candidates. It
is possible to do this as follows:

Login as the authorized School Examination Officer as described in section 2.2 above

Click on List on the Cascade Menu to list already registered candidates

Click View at the extreme left of the record to display Candidates Registration Details and
passport photograph

Make changes to the entries and then click the affirmation checkbox and submit the form

Notes: You can make changes to a candidates registration details only 3 times before the close
of entry.
You CANNOT change the passport photograph of the candidate after you have generated
examination number please.



Generating Examination Numbers

Ensure that all candidates entries have been submitted before proceeding
A School Examination Officer is allowed to generate examination numbers for candidates in his/her
school after he has completed the registration of all the candidates in his/her school by taking the
following steps:

Login as the authorized school examination officer as described in section 2.2 above

Click on Generate Exam No Menu

Two options; one for viewing the all already generated examination numbers and secondly,
to generate number for the outstanding candidates. Select the appropriate option and click

Print out entire candidates information



Downloading Information

School Examination Officers could download documents such as Syllabus, Form Template and/or
Timetable as follows:

Login as the authorized school examination officer as described in section 2.2 above

Click Download on the cascade menu. The Download Centre page is displayed

2.6.1 Downloading the Syllabus

To download the syllabus, take the following steps:

Select subject in the subject list column.

The File download Dialog Box appears with options to Save, Open, Cancel, More Info

Click Save to save the downloaded file to a specified location.

Click Open to open and view/print the syllabus

Click Cancel to cancel the downloading Process

Click More Info to get more information about Downloading



Downloading the Registration Form Template

To download the Form Template, click Form Template

The File download Dialog Box appears with options to Save, Open, Cancel, More Info

Click Save to save the downloaded file to a specified location.

Click Open to open and View/Print the Form Template

Click Cancel to cancel the downloading Process

Click More Info to get more information about Downloading


Downloading Examination Timetable

To download the Timetable, Click on Timetable

The File download Dialog Box appears with options to Save, Open, Cancel, More Info

Click Save to save the downloaded file to a specified location.

Click Open to open and View/Print the Timetable

Click Cancel to cancel the downloading Process

Click More Info to get more information about Downloading



Offline Registration

WAEC introduced the Offline Registration option for schools that have PCs but are not on the
Internet. This service is also put in place for schools without PCs who could be assisted by Cyber
Caf or Business Center with computers and scanners/digital camera. This will enable the schools
to capture registration details of their candidates and passport photographs, save the information on
a CD-ROM or Flash RAM for uploading at WAEC Zonal/Branch Office in charge of their State.
Each school will be given a CD-ROM containing the offline registration program, instruction
manual and other WAEC Online Registration information during a training program to be organized
for school principals and examination officers.
Please refer to the Offline Registration Instruction Manual for full instruction on how to use the
Offline Registration Module.

2.7.1 Uploading Data from Offline Registration

For a school examination officer to upload data from the Offline Registration Package to the eRegistration System, the following steps must be followed:

Pay the required fees to collect your payment voucher for the number of candidates

Sign up following sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 as a new user or

Login following section 2.2.4 as an existing user

Click on Offline Upload


To upload your entry with SSS I & II CAS, click on Upload Entries and press Continue

Click on Browse to select the location where the ZIP data files (on the Offline backup device)

Select the files wbck01, click Upload to upload the file, then select the next and follow the same
process until all the ZIP files have been uploaded. The Uploaded files are listed in the listed box
below. You can always check for the outstanding files. Once the files are completed, a Process
button appears. Click the button to start processing the entries. At the completion of the posting,
a message confirming the completion of the posting process is displayed.



Uploading SSS III Continuous Assessment Scores (CAS)

Click on Upload SSS 3 CAS and press Continue

Click on Browse to select the location where the data file (on the Offline backup device) is

Select the file named xxxxxxx.xml

Click on Upload to validate and load the data.


The CAS SSS III can also the entered individually by selecting the view and enter SSS 3 CAS
option of the List menu.



For schools in the rural areas and/or schools without computers and/or Internet facilities, WAEC
has installed in all its Zonal/Branch Offices, Computers, Scanners, Printers, and Internet Service.
This will enable such schools to register their candidates online or upload the candidates they have
registered offline. This will surely make it possible for all schools to get their candidates register on
time and with ease.
Schools wishing to use these facilities especially for scanning and printing may be required to pay a
token for the facilities. Such additional fees will be communicated to the schools during the training

Thank you.
Copyright@Sidmach Technologies Nigeria Limited
13, Town Planning Way, Ilupeju, Lagos
Tel: +234-1-7617160, +234-1-8714551
Email: waecereg@sidmach.com

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