Time Is Not

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Time is not GOLD Perhaps the only sound that each one of us

shares is the tick and tock of the clock. Even in the silence of the
night your ears can never escape the only sound that never stops;
no pause, rewind nor forward unless the machine itself is broken
and no ticking would be produced. How can it possibly be of
significance to us? We may see it as unnoticeable; put less
importance into little things like the sound we hear from the clock
but it gives meaning to every second, every minute or should I say
every single moment we have, because Every tick of the clock
formulates history. From the moment we had our first cry; it
counted as a remarkable one because it marked the start of
making our very own histories synchronizing with every tick and
tock. Pretty much sure in one of your moments you have
encountered the next words that you are going to read:
Wish I could turn back time
Sounds familiar, isnt it? Or should I say you have uttered them in
some point in your life. History. It happened already and time is
like a thief; once the moment has passed, it can never be brought
back to us. This means, time is something precious.
Time is not gold but much more than it because in
reality itspriceless.
And it needs extra care when you are handling it. It slips away if
you dont know how to use it well and the next thing you would
utter are the words I have asked about. According to Harvey
Mackay, Time is free but its priceless. You cant own it but you
can use it. You cant keep it but you can spend it. Once you have
lost it, you can never get it back. Isnt it amazing that God gave us

the privilege to have and hold time within our own reach, without
paying anything in return to Him and having the freedom to use it
in our own terms? There are billions of people in this world, and
could you imagine that a lot of history already happened with just
a single tick? It could be a history of happiness, sadness, tragedy,
hatred, or love. We can do whatever we want with time that in
some point we lose its value. Moreover, I believe that we had
moments wherein we made use of our time well and moments
that we wished we did our best. This is a conflict between Time
Wasted versus Time Well Spent.
Everything is
tested on time. We should make a lot of histories with time
wherein we surround ourselves with things and people we love
and make the most out of them. Do things that can make us
happy in such a way when we reach our old age, we close our
eyes and recall those histories and say to ourselves
I spent my time very well.
Consider the song Seasons of Love; Five hundred twenty-five
thousand six hundred minutes, Five hundred twenty thousand
moments so dear How do you measure a year? In a ticking clock
that formulates history, we have five hundred twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes in one year, and the challenge to each one of
us is
How would you spend those precious minutes you
have? Will you waste a single tick or spend your
time wisely? The man in the mirror will be the only
one to answer that.


Good morning to one and all. Today I Abhinav Gupta is going to speak on the topic Life is full
of Ifs and Buts. Many of us have heard and even used the idiom No ifs or buts at some
point in our life. Ifs and Buts is a term used to describe the reasons people give for not wanting
to do something. To show that you dont wish to accept any excuses, you can tell somebody that
you wish to hear no ifs or buts. We not only tell it to others, sometimes they tell it to us as well.
By now you would have guessed that Im not going to talk about the definition of this idiom. Ill
go a little deeper and wish to share my thoughts. Let me take the word IF first. The moment we
start a sentence with this word, we are sending out vibes of doubt. We are putting condition on
potential good actions by doubting that would even happen. Some examples are: 1. If I get more
money, I will do more charity.
2. If I lose some weight, I can fit in that dress and be happy. 3. If I can afford it, I would love to
have that
4. If I had more education, I would have a better job and earn more money. 5. If I have more
time, I would love to do
I can keep going on. I think you get the point. In all the above mentioned cases, happiness and
peace of mind is conditional. We have trained our mind and body to accept such virtual
happiness scenarios. We are okay to retrofit the outcomes in our life back to our thinking. All the
above statements are crying out loud that we dont have enough. Im not happy. Im not at peace.
I will be IF . And most importantly, you dont even know who controls that IF. To turn this
statement into more positive one, I have a very simple rule. Change all IFs in your life to
WHENs. So the above sentences will look like this: 1. When I get more money, I will do more
2. When I lose some weight, I can fit in that dress and be happy. 3. When I can afford it, I would
love to have that

In the past, women were treated as mere slaves. As they belong to the
weaker sex, men used to keep them under thumb. They were denied

freedom. They were kept like dumb cattle within the four walls of the
house. Indeed, they had no rights. Their most sacred duty was to obey
Though the conditions in the country are fast changing, yet women are
still treated, in some respects, in the same old way. No one feels happy
in the home at the birth of a female child. Even an only daughter is
supposed to be a curse for the family. She is regarded as a decree of
lakhs of rupees on the parents. Further, as a wife, she has always to
obey her husband. Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and
die. was the motto for them. Even educated and modernized
husbands want to see their wives confined within the four walls. The
noble professions of the outside world are considered to be of no
concern to them. Their husbands, they may be good or bad, are their
lords and gods.
image source: matteovegetti.com/wp-content/gallery/indias/043-matteo-vegetti-nepal-group-of-women-talking.jpg

Those changes are beneficial which come gradually. Our country is

changing politically, economically and socially, at a swift speed. The
condition of women is also gradually changing. They have begun to
take their due place in free India as is evident from the following facts.
In free India, women cannot be kept as sheer domestic servants. They
have to play their vital role in the development of the country. That is
why more and more girls are getting education. No distinction is now
made in matters of education between boys and girls. Education is
bound to give them place of honour in society.

It is for the first time in the history of our country that women have
been given equal voting right with men. It clearly means that women
will now take an active part in outside affairs also. Their voice will now
be as forceful and important as that of men. No politician of leader can
now afford to neglect, or oppose their rights. They are becoming equal
partners in the making, or the dismissing, of a Government.
Hindu law has been changed and modified. Far reaching changes have
been introduced in the Hindu Marriage Act. Women have been given
right to divorce in certain cases. This is a very important change. They
have been given protection in other ways also against the cruelly of the
husbands. Besides this, the Hindu Succession Act has given to the
daughter the right to the property of her parents. These reforms have
secured for women an honorable status in society.
Our constitution has given equal rights to women. No distinction has
been made on the basis of caste, religion or sex. Their rights have thus
been safeguarded. Reservation for women in state assemblies,
parliament and the upper house is apt to be enacted in near future.
Many a women has begun to occupy high position in the life of our
country. There are a number of lady minister and deputy ministers. A
woman, late Mrs. Indira
Gandhi was the Prime Minister of the country and a leader world
stature. Besides this, women are taking to the profession increasing
number. Today there are women who are competent police which
direction the wind is blowing. The observance of the international
womens year in 1975, gave further impetus to the movement for the

emancipation of women. Attention has thus been focused on problems

peculiar to women in India.
Also Indian girls bagged two beauty crowns in 1994. Sushmita Sen
won the Miss Universe title and Aiswarya Rai bagged the Miss World
crown. This unique double success on the worlds beauty stage earned
a healthier respect for India as a whole, because these contests of late
have become as much tests of the contestants brains, outlook and
presence of mind as of mere physical beauty.
From the above account it is evident, that the place of women in free
India is becoming more and more secure with the change of times. She
can no longer be dominated and driven like dumb cattle by man. She
is on the march. She is now an equal partner in her family. Her future
is bright.
The vegan ideal embodies the highest of spiritual and ethical aspirations non-violence, harmlessness, reverence for life, and the
cultivation of compassion toward the innocent. It is cause for celebration that we are blessed with the ability to bring such noble
qualities down to earth by simply eliminating from our lives the products and practices that require the exploitation of other beings.
And yet, even in a time when, more than ever, the world needs us to put these basic human values into practice, this powerful
ethical stand continues to be marginalized by society. The example that is set by the increasing number of individuals who embrace
these principles is too often vehemently opposed, trivialized, or simply ignored. But the effects of this paradigm shift in perception
are far-reaching, and the rewards of making such a change are beyond measure.
By doing nothing more than simply living as a vegan which means to eliminate ones support for all products and practices that
exploit animals people can greatly lessen their ecological footprint, take their health into their own hands, play a part in eliminating
world hunger, and experience the peace of mind that comes from making such a powerful personal contribution toward the
beginning of peace on earth.
Ironically, it may well be that the survival of our species, and perhaps even life on this planet, is dependent upon our learning the
very lessons of empathy, responsibility and self-control that the vegan ideal embodies, and which our society seems so reluctant to
embrace. By living the vegan ideal, we can address, all at once, the many, seemingly different issues that are crippling our
civilization and threatening our very survival.
From world hunger to climate change, mass extinction to escalating violence, the catastrophic problems we are facing are clear
indicators that we are in need of transformation on a global scale. With our society and our world within sight of a major breakdown
from resource scarcity and subsequent political conflict, it has become crucial that we face up to the need for a radical shift,
beginning with a change of perception inside each one of us.
More and more people are recognizing the prejudice and injustice inherent in enslaving and slaughtering animals, in order to feed
our collective appetite for flesh, eggs, milk, and other products sourced from industries of exploitation. Its no secret anymore that
animal concentration camps are the breeding grounds for all sorts of infectious diseases. Its also becoming known that the

consumption of animal products is detrimental to human health, and that industrialized animal agriculture, including so-called freerange and organic, is implicated in some of the worst crimes against the planet. As consumers become increasingly aware about
how inefficient it is to cycle grain through animals to produce food for humans, even the truth about the animal industrys role in
world hunger and food shortages is starting to come into the open.
And yet, it somehow appears that the light of veganism is so bright that people are afraid to open their eyes to it, even individuals
who are deeply involved in other social causes. What is it that makes us cling so stubbornly to practices that are clearly
unnecessary, devastatingly cruel, and, if left unchecked, will almost certainly end up destroying us?
Our collective appetite for products that come from the bodies of animals has driven us to create systems of animal farming that are
not only completely unsustainable in the long-term, but are also immediately damaging to natural eco-systems, populations of wild
animals and the citizens of developing nations.
As the human population continues to grow, and industrialization expands ever further, it brings with it the excesses of animal
agriculture, and we currently run the risk of driving into collapse the essential life-preserving systems of the planet itself. Livestock's
Long Shadow, the now well-known report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, stated that "livestock
production is one of the major causes of the world's most pressing environmental problems, including global warming, land
degradation, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity."
In addition, our society is desperate for a solution to our many social problems. Our pandemic of violence is becoming increasingly
severe, from school and workplace shootings, to sexual assault and domestic abuse, and of course, the unrelenting displays of
military might that claim the lives of both soldiers and civilians.
But its not surprising that we experience such widespread aggression when we remember that not only do we habitually fuel our
bodies (and therefore our minds) with products of violence, suffering and death, but we pretend that theres nothing wrong with
doing so. We try to avoid the truth of where animal products come from, by buying them in neatly wrapped packages, but we cannot
help but be aware of it in our deeper selves, and the violence that is implicit in our meals and in other aspects of our lives from
clothing to cosmetics permeates our culture on all levels from personal to global.
All over the world, around the clock, innocent beings spend the duration of their lives imprisoned and enslaved. All the while, they
are brutally tortured and are eventually violently killed. And all over the world, people who are otherwise kind, gentle and caring,
continue to ignore and even participate in this unspeakable cruelty.
Our indifference toward the suffering of other creatures is an accepted societal norm that calls out for us to realize that basic human
values apply to other animals as well as to our fellow humans: justice, empathy, and respect. By extending these values to include
those beings who have committed no other crime than that of being born nonhuman, we actually have the power to create new
standards for human behavior, motivated by our collective desire for a better, safer world for all.
Veganism is an acknowledgement of the responsibility of the individual the recognition of our personal obligation to minimize the
harm we cause by our existence, and to develop in ourselves the qualities necessary to become citizens of a better future; where no
one is oppressed, where no one is treated as a means to an end.
It is a demonstration of ones awareness of fundamental principles of justice an ongoing declaration of our conviction that acts of
brutality and oppression are not excusable simply by virtue of the species of the victims. Veganism is nothing less than the evidence
of ones commitment to the principle of nonviolence the determination to eliminate our support for cruelty carried out on our behalf.
When we advocate for the widespread adoption of vegan values, we speak for the entire population of humanitys victims from
wild animals who are hunted and exterminated to make way for the ravages of human excess, to domesticated animals who are
bred and confined (whether in crates or in pastures), and ultimately killed.
These billions upon billions of sentient beings are considered, by today's civilized society, to be nothing more than chattel property,
and their owners are legally entitled to subject them to many forms of barbaric cruelty in the name of profit, convenience or pleasure.
This cycle of exploitation not only burdens our planet with the weight of a population of billions bred into existence solely to serve the
desires of humans, it also prohibits us from moving forward into a more peaceful and prosperous future, the inhabitants of which
reject violence and bloodshed as a matter of principle.
The pandemic of violence in the world calls out to us to reevaluate our relationship with non-human animals who are the victims of
the most extreme forms of our collective violence and to recognize that they are no more meant to be our possessions than are
people with different-colored skin, women, children, or any other sentient beings. They too, are individuals, who value their lives, feel
pain, fear death, and have a right to live free from oppression.

If we truly seek a peaceful world a world in which people do not live in fear of one another, and a world in which humans are not
universally regarded as the most violent species on the planet then there is simply no way we can sidestep veganism as the key to
the future we are seeking.
The world stands at a turning point. We simply cannot go on as if our old ways can continue to sustain us. If we are to have a future,
the people who live in that future will not be dependent on products that are a result of exploitation, suffering and environmental
devastation. We will not source our food from animal farms or slaughterhouses, but from fertile gardens, vibrant orchards and
veganic farms. People will be kind, compassionate, gentle and just.
The vegan ideal represents nothing less than the next evolutionary step for humankind. This quantum leap may seem far-fetched
from the position we are in today, but it is within this very change that we will ultimately find our hope for the world of tomorrow.
Angel Flinn is outreach director for Gentle World (http://gentleworld.org

Beggars are commonly found in India. They are seen in every town, city and village in India. The core areas of activities are the places of
pilgrimage and worship. They sit on your heels on the banks of rivers, near temples and other busy places. They wander from street to
street, from one locality to another and beg for food and money. They accept with grace whatever is given to them. But, sometimes they
pursue people so consistently that people get tired of them.
Some people give money or food to beggars in order to get rid of them and not due to pity. Some beggars are so young and strong they do
not justify charity at all.
There are few justifiable cases of begging. Those who are paralyzed, lame, deaf, dumb, and blind or disabled, are unable to earn their living.
Some are pitiable states that evoke pity and compassion. These poor beggars are well versed in the art of singing religious songs. Some
beggars have very melodious voice. Their sweet voice attracts the passing persons. These singing beggars are mainly in the trains and
buses and they fascinate travelers through their hymns and devotion.
Sometimes, a deaf and dumb beggar is seen. It is also common to see a beggar who is suffering from leprosy. These people, suffering from
leprosy are carried from one place to another in a manually driven cart. These beggars are well acquainted with human psychology and beg
according to the inner way of thinking of the people. While many of the begging cases are justifiable, some beggars also cheat innocent
women. They sometimes even steal the money and jewelry of these women.
The number of beggars in India is increasing. These beggars are living on the earnings of other people. Its a pity that even strong and fit
people in India resort to begging. They further indulge themselves in drinking and gambling. Their bodies become sick. They carry the
infection with them and wander from place to place. Therefore, are answerable, to a large extent, for the spread the diseases and immoral
Begging by healthy and fit people must be banned in India by law. Legislation should be enacted to stop this profession. However, the
justifiable cases should receive help and must be gainfully employed. Street begging is really a nightmare for India. The modern Indian
people will not be won over by any religious sentiment. Therefore, the beggars are not treated the way they expect to be treated.

The birth of child is one of the most amazing creations by GOD. The way a new life takes birth is again one of the many magic by GOD. Every parent
wants to give their child best life. A life which they dreamed of having but could not have. A life full of facilities and ease. A life with less or no struggle.

They make every possible devotion so that their child is never devoid of anything. They struggle to make the life of their child easy. When their child is
sick they spend sleepless nights to just see their child sleeping.
Short Essay On Child Labor | Essay On Child Labor | Essay On Child Labor In India |Paragraph On Child Labor |Paragraph On Child Labor In India |
Child Labor Essay |
Short Essay On Child Labour | Essay On Child Labour | Essay On Child Labour In India |Paragraph On Child Labour |Paragraph On Child Labour In
India | Child Labour Essay
A child is indeed the biggest responsibility of parents.
Then why is that some children are forced to work? They are made to serve as a helping hand to the family when children of their age are enjoying and
having fun. While children of their age are given money by their parents for their expenses, they in turn give money to their parents for the running of
their family.
According to Wikipedia, Child labour is the practice of having children engage in economic activity, on part time or full time basis. India has ranged
children under the age of 14 as child labours. The person who appoints this children under work is punishable according to law.
The sight of children working is not new to us. We all have witnessed children working at various places, but ever gave thought , what is the reason
behind this? Are these children working on their own wish? Does working make them happy? Dont they feel like enjoying their life? Are their parents
happy when they see their children working? Do they never feel like giving their children best of everything just like other parents? Doesnt the sight of
watching their child working gives pain to them?
In order to stop child labour Government has made various laws. Basic education upto 14 years of age has been made free. Midday meals is also
served in government schools. Children are provided with books, bags, shoes, uniform and other items which are needed in school by the government
so that the financial pressure on the parents doesnt increases.
Despite the steps taken by the government, child labours are still there. Various NGOs run thoroughout India to help the child labours but still thid
practice has still not completely stopped. What is the main reason behind this?

At times the child labours are bonded labourers who are forced to work because of a bond which their parents made. Or at other times familys poverty
drags them to work. The child becomes another source of income to the parents. Hence instead of sending the children to the Government school
parents prefer to send them to job for the need of money. They fail to understand the fact that they are not only depriving their child of education but are
also snatching away the possibility of having a bright future from their child. Education is the only secure path which can lead their child to success.
The practice of child labours is one of the major reason of over population in India. The greed of money forces the parents to have more children, as
even they act as a source of money.
This practice deprives the child from his childhood and puts the child under physical and mental stresses. It is also not sure that the conditions under
which the child work are hazardous or not. Many a times it can happen that the child is working under extremely hazardous conditions.
The practice of child labour should be stopped. Parents should be made to under the consequence of this ill-practice. Awareness programmes should
be run. Even the child should be made to understand the effect of working as a labour.
The gap between the poor and rich will only decrease when this practice will be completely stopped.

Child labour is a big issue in our country as well as abroad which everyone must be aware of. Let your kids and children know what is child labour, its
causes and what prevention measures are. This essay is written in very simple words for the use of kids and children going to school.

Child Labour Essay 1 (100 words)

Child labour is the service paid by the children in their childhood in any field of work. This is done by the child own due to the lack of resources for the life
survival, irresponsibility of the parents or forcefully by the owner for increasing their return on investment at low investment. It does not matter the cause
of child labour as all the causes force children to live their life without childhood. Childhood is the great and happiest period of the lives of everyone during
which one learns about the basic strategy of the life from parents, loved ones and nature. Child labour interferes with the proper growth and development of
the children in all aspects like mentally, physically, socially and intellectually.

Child Labour Essay 2 (150 words)

Child labour is the full work taken by the children in any field of work. It is a forceful act either by the parents, bad events or owners. Childhood is the birth
rights of everyone which he/she must live under the love and care of their parents however this illegal act of child labour forces a child to live life like
elder. It causes lack of many important things in the life of child like improper physical growth and development, inappropriate development of the mind,
socially and intellectually unhealthy.
Child labour keeps a child away from all the benefits of the childhood, a happiest and memorable period of the life of everyone. It interferes with the ability
of attending regular school which makes them socially dangerous and harmful citizen of the country. This illegal activity of the child labour is increasing
day by day even after lots of the rules and regulations against this by the government to completely prohibit the act of child labour.

Child Labour Essay 3 (200 words)

Child labour has become a biggest social issue in India which needs to be solved on regular basis. It is not the responsibility of the government only, it
should be solved and taken care by all the parents, owners and other social organizations. It is the issue of everyone which should be solved personally as it
can be happened with the child of any person.
In many developing countries child labour is very common because of the existence of high level of poverty and poor schooling opportunities for the
children. The highest incidence rate of the child labour is still more than 50 percent in which children of age group 5 to 14 are working in the developing
country. The rate of child labour is high in the agriculture field which is mostly found in the rural and informal urban economy where most of the children
are predominantly employed into the agriculture work by their own parents instead of sending them to the school and free them to play with friends.
The issue of the child labour has now been an international concern as it highly involved in inhibiting the growth and development of the country. Healthy
children are the bright future and power of any country thus child labour is damaging, spoiling and destroying the future of the children and finally the

Child Labour Essay 4 (250 words)

Child labour is the crime to humanity which has become a curse to the society and big issue preventing the country growth and development. Childhood is
the most memorable period of the life which everyone has right to live from birth. Children have full rights to play with friends, go to school, feel the love
and care of parents and touch beauty of the nature. However, just because of the improper understandings of the people (parents, owners, etc), children are
forced to live life of the elder. They are forced to arrange all the resources for life survival in their childhood.
Parents want to make them very responsible towards their family in the early childhood of their kids. They do not understand that their kids need love and
care, they need proper schooling and play with friends to grow properly. Such parents understand that their kids are the only property of them, they can use
them as they want. But really, every parents need to understand that they have some responsibility towards their country too. They need to make their kids
healthy in every aspect to make the future of the country bright.
Parents should take all the responsibility of the family by own and let their kids to live their childhood with lots of love and care. The main causes of the
child labour all over the world are poverty, parents, society, low salary, joblessness, poor living standard and understanding, social injustice, lack of
schools, backwardness, ineffective laws which are directly affecting the development of the country.

Child Labour Essay 5 (300 words)

Child labour involves the regular working of children in their childhood at very young age from five to fourteen years. Children in many developing
countries are forced to work hard for full day against their will at very low pay for their survival. They want to go school, play with their friends and need
love and care by their parent like other children living in rich houses. But unfortunately, they are forced to do something against their will.
In developing countries, the rate of the child labour is high because of the poverty, low level awareness for education and poor schooling opportunities.
Most of the children of age group 5 to 14 are found to be involved in the agriculture by their parents in the rural areas. Poverty and lack of schools are the
primary reasons of child labour in any developing country all across the world.
Childhood is considered as the happiest and vital experience in the life of everyone as childhood is the most important and friendly period of learning.
Children have full rights to get proper attention from their parents, love and care from their parents, proper schooling, guidance, playing with friends and
other happiful moments. Child labour is corrupting the lives of many precious children every day. It is the high level of illegal act for which one should be
punished but because of the ineffective rules and regulations it is going side by side.
Nothing effective is happening to prevent the child labour from society as quickly as possible. Children are too young, cute and innocent to realize the
things happening to them in the early age. They are unable to recognise that what is wrong and illegal for them instead they become happy getting small
money for their work. Unknowingly they become interested in the getting money on daily basis and ruining their whole life and future.

Child Labour Essay 6 (400 words)

Children are conserved as the most important asset of their country however improper understanding of the parents and poverty making them the reason for
the weakness of the country instead of being the power of the country. Most of the children under poverty line are forced to do the child labour daily even
after the lots of awareness program run by the government and future welfare of society towards the welfare of the child.
Children are the new flower with powerful fragrance of any nation however some people are declining the power and destroying the future of the country
just for earning small money by illegally involving the growing kids. They are playing with the moral of the innocent people and their kids. Protecting
children from the child labour is the responsibility of each and every citizen living in the country. Child labour is the socio-economic issue which is coming
from long ago and now need to be solved on ultimate basis.
After the independence of the country, various laws and regulations has been implemented regarding the child labour however it did not found its end in the
country. Child labour ruining the innocence of the kids by directly destroying their health physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. Children are the
lovely creation of the nature but it is not fair that due to some bad circumstances they are forced to do hard labour before their appropriate age.
Child labour is the global issue which is more common in the underdeveloped countries. Poor parents or parents under poverty line are unable to afford the
education expenses of their kids and they own unable to earn enough money for the family survival. So, they better choose to involve their kids in hard
work to fulfil their needs instead of sending them to school. They understand that schooling is a waste of time and earning money in early age is good for
their family. It is the urgent need to aware the poor people as well as rich people (to not use asset of country in wrong way) about the bad effects of the
child labour. They must be availed with all the resources which they lack. It should be done by the end of everyone. Rich people should help the poor
people so that their children too can get all the required things in childhood. It needs some effective rules and regulations by the government to completely
end its roots forever.

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