Abnormal Returns Book Recommendations 02

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Desert island blogger quiz recent book recommendations | Abnormal Returns







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Desert island blogger quiz recent book recommendations

June 14th, 2011
For the first time in a very long time, actually ever, Abnormal Returns is going go on hiatus for the week. In the meantime I wanted to continue to
provide our readers with some interesting content. To that end I asked some independent investment bloggers five questions. We will publishing the
answers daily throughout the week. Please feel free to add your own answers in the comments below.
Check out the answers to our Monday question What is your favorite finance/trading/investment book?
Tuesday What finance/trading/investment book, published in the past five years (post-crisis), do you recommend?
The Big Short by Michael Lewis was the clear favorite of the bloggers. However only five books received more than one response. The rest of the books
are listed in alphabetical order by author. For any one looking for some summer reading this list would be a good place to start.
The Big Short Michael Lewis via Stephen Castellano Castellano, Bill Luby VIX and More, Barry Ritholtz - The Big Picture, Rob - Tech Insidr,
Todd Sullivan - Value Plays, Mick Weinstein Covestor Blog, Dynamic Hedge Dynamic Hedge
One Good Trade by Mike Bellafiore via Jerry Khachoyan TheArmoTrader, Charles E. Kirk The Kirk Report
Finding Alpha by Eric Falkenstein via Eddy Elfeinbein Crossing Wall Street, David Merkel Aleph Blog
Nobody Would Listen by Harry Markopolous via Sean McLaughlin Chicago Sean, Robert Sinn Stock Sage
Bailout Nation by Barry Ritholtz via Downtown Josh Brown The Reformed Broker, Roger Nusbaum Random Roger Blog
Fatal Risk by Roddy Boyd via The Analyst Stone Street Advisors
Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader: Lessons from 21 Weeks of Real Trading by Peter L. Brandt via Phil Pearlman - Phil Pearlman
How I Made $2 Million in the Stock Market by Nicolas Darvas via Frank Zorrilla - ZorTrades
The Ivy Portfolio by Mebane Faber and Eric Richardson via Scott Bell - I Heart Wall Street
Creating Value Through Corporate Restructuring: Case Studies in Bankruptcies, Buyouts, and Breakups by Stuart Gilson via Meena Insider Monkey
Systematic Options Trading by Sergey Izraylevich and Vadim Tsudikman via Jared Woodard Condor Options
The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics by Richard Koo via Cullen Roche Pragmatic Capitalism
Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff via Jeff Carter Points and Figures
Empire of Wealth by John Steele Gordon via Meb Faber World Beta
The Little Book that (Still) Beats the Market by Joel Greenblatt via Jeff Miller A Dash of Insight
Boombustology: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst by Vikram Mansharamani via MacroMon Global Macro Monitor
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield via Zack Miller, Tradestreaming
Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller via Erik Swarts - Market Anthropology
Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin via Kid Dynamite - Kid Dynamites World
Daily Trading Coach by Brett Steenbarger via Derek Hernquist - Derek Hernquist
Technical Analysis Using Multiple Time Frames by Brian Shannon via Ivanhoff - Ivanhoff Capital
Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts by Jim Valentine via Tom Brakke - the research puzzle
Trade With Passion and Purpose by Mark Whistler via John Lee Charts Gone Wild
Meltdown by Tom Woods via David Shvartsman Finance Trends Matter
Tomorrow we ask which managers the boggers would be willing to hand the keys to their portfolio.

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6/16/11 1:24 AM

Desert island blogger quiz recent book recommendations | Abnormal Returns







The information in this blog post represents my own opinions and does not contain a recommendation for any particular security or investment. I or my
affiliates may hold positions or other interests in securities mentioned in the Blog, please see my Disclaimer page for my full disclaimer.
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Aris David 1 day ago

Late entry here...where is Biggercapital's In Praise of Speculation...this one is a hidden GEM. A revision of a book by James Butler - Successful Stock Speculation
One Good Trade is awesome




phats 1 day ago

Late entry ....but totally worth the read .... Griftopia by Rollingstone's Matt Taibbi ...


newswatch4all 2 hours ago

From Twitter

One more retweet from IBEFGV

RT @CMEGroup: A list of recent finance/trading book recommendations via @AbnormalReturns http://ow.ly/5ir8x

CMEGroup 3 hours ago

From Twitter
A list of recent finance/trading book recommendations via @AbnormalReturns http://ow.ly/5ir8x

FinanceTrends 1 day ago

From Twitter
Finance bloggers name their fave post-crisis books (via @abnormalreturns) http://t.co/liws2sw | No one picked Greatest Trade Ever? $$

AlephBlog 1 day ago

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Desert island blogger quiz recent book recommendations | Abnormal Returns







We picked the same book RT @EddyElfenbein: Tadas is on a well deserved vacation; check out Desert Island Q for bloggers http://bit.ly/mDmi4T

EddyElfenbein 1 day ago

From Twitter
Tadas is on a well deserved vacation but check out his Desert Island questions for bloggers http://bit.ly/mDmi4T $$

chicagosean 1 day ago

From Twitter
@StockSage1 You and I quite are literally on the same page:) - recent book recommendations via @abnormalreturns http://stk.ly/kNfSbk

STnet 1 day ago

From Twitter
$$ Desert island blogger quiz recent book recommendations via @abnormalreturns http://stk.ly/kNfSbk

StockSage1 1 day ago

From Twitter
RT @abnormalreturns We asked bloggers about their post-crisis book recommendations. One book came out on top. $STUDY http://stk.ly/kNfSbk

TraderInvestor 1 day ago

From Twitter
RT @derekhernquist: RT @abnormalreturns We asked bloggers about their post-crisis book recommendations. One book came out on top. $STUDY http://stk.ly/kNfSbk

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Abnormal Returns has over its five-year life become a highly influential and respected part of the financial blogosphere. As the
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Desert island blogger quiz recent book recommendations | Abnormal Returns







@AbnormalReturns on StockTwits
abnormalreturns We asked bloggers who
they would hire to manage their own money.
One prominent manager came out on top.
$STUDY http://stk.ly/lHqrC9
June 15, 1:58 pm

abnormalreturns Our absence has been

immortalized in ink! RT @ReformedBroker:
TAKES OFF http://t.co/v3CASZW $$
June 15, 4:09 am

abnormalreturns RT
THINKING TRADER 06-14-2011 http://bit.ly
/iAyVSX $$
June 15, 3:59 am

abnormalreturns You can still go broke w/

good signals. RT @ppearlman: published a
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