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Bullying Awareness

Bullying has become a great concern to many people, and parents especially because of
kids and teenagers who have emotionally and physically suffered from being bullied by their
classmates. Students have been pushed, hit, and verbally bullied by others and adults dont
think this type of actions are so serious and prefer to ignore it. In the past years there has
been cases of suicide and murder of students who have been bullied and it has caught
many schools attention. Is not that bullying has become more common now a days. The
difference is that the media is making this problem more public than it used to and it is
making people more cautious about this problem. Now there are schools that want to take
action into preventing this type of conduct within the students by implementing bullying
awareness programs.
Is this change the real solution in preventing bullying? First we have to understand the
meaning of this word or else my whole point is not going to make sense. According to the
dictionary, bullying is the use of strength or influence to intimidate someone else. The
whole purpose of it is to force another person to do what one wants. We have to be realistic
and understand that creating programs specifically created for this purpose will not resolve
the problem, and here is why. If that is the meaning of bullying then every single person in
the world has being bullied, people always tell us what to do or not to do, we have been
criticized, insulted, and offended by others. It is up to us as an individual to decide if we are
going to allow this type of aggravations affect us in any way. There is nobody out there that
can take control over our feelings other than ourselves. If schools create a bullying
awareness program everyone already knows what we are going to be told, but that doesnt
mean that everyone in the program is going to listen and actually do what they are expected
to do. People already know what is right and wrong, teenagers know it too, and if kids are
expected to know it as well, then parents should make sure to teach their kids how to
behave and treat others with respect from a young age.
All caring parents want their kids to be safe and want to protect them from anything that may
harm them, but unfortunately they dont always have the opportunity to be with them to do
so. We will always be exposed to dangerous situations and rude people throughout our lives
and a bullying awareness program will not stop those people from bullying us. Lets pretend
that right now all local schools have approved of this program. Students are talked about the
consequences of bullying, why is it bad, and why should it stop. Lets say that it worked and
bullying has successfully decreased in some schools and it has stopped in others. What will
happen then when those students go to college, get a job, and have their own kids later on
in life? Those programs only worked for a certain time while they go to school, but when they
go out to the real world, will they be prepared for it? Their whole lifes up to this point they
have been protected by the school system without being allowed to experience the cruelty
that life brings to this world day by day.
Honestly the only thing that schools would be doing by implementing these programs is
controlling students and making parents believe that that is the best and only choice there is
for their kids to be safe. Society now days want to have everything in their power and that is
what they have been doing by implementing laws that really dont work. For example, the
law that prohibited same sex marriage. This law has put an image on younger people to
think that being gay or lesbian is wrong and not tolerable and thats where bullying starts.
There have been cases where boys who assure to be gays were bullied until they were
emotionally hurt and the only way that they found to stop the pain was by committing suicide.
Jamie Hubley wrote openly about depression, bullying and self-harm on his blog until he

took his own life on Saturday (Boyle Louise). This just shows that society itself is
responsible for bullying as well and this is an example of it by implementing this type of
thoughts and ideas that many believe they are wrong and not accepted. But was he really a
victim of bullying, or a hate crime? But is not only society the one to blame, parents too. I
think it is the parents fault because they dont stop it from happening (Luevanos Lydia).
Where is the respect for others that we grew up learning? While parents can't be responsible
for their kids' actions if they aren't made aware of them, they are responsible for their kids'
attitudes and morality. They have to let kids know at a very young age what is and is not
acceptable, and they have to live by this and set an example. When a kid is born, they are
not "programmed" to be bad, their attitude comes from somewhere. Personality is based on
the way they were raised and sometimes when kids see other people acting in a rude
manner, all they do is follow their steps, but thats why their parents are there for them to
teach them right. Their attitude can even come from something that they saw on television,
which brings us back again to society and how it influences in this problem, but then again,
parents are the ones to decide how to correct that if they really care about their kids wellbeing. It is not the schools job to take care of them, to baby sit them or teach them the
important values of life, respect, and manners towards others. That is their parents job.
School is not responsible for educating students; they are responsible for providing an
environment conducive to learning (Truancy Education). If parents dont educate their kids
in a proper manner, they wont either have the environment conducive to learning that is
offered to them from the beginning. Why do some students find it easier to commit suicide
than having a talk with their parents? How come are so much less of those who commit
suicide than those who can deal with it? Being bullied can be hard at times and sometimes
having problems at home can make it even worst. Other personal characteristics like family;
including maltreatment, domestic violence, and parental depression can lead to this horrible
result. When there are children being bullied and their parents dont support and ignore them
by not providing any type of assistance such as giving advice, who else will? When instead
there is violence towards them and no communication they dont know what else to do to
feel support or if someone really cares about them and instead they find suicide as an
answer to their problems. Those children who witness domestic violence are at a much
higher risk of becoming both bullies and victims of bullying (Kothari Chevon). As it was said
before, children learn from seeing what their family members do and if they grow up in an
environment where there is constantly violence, they start thinking that that is a normal way
of behaving. Parents are very powerful role models and children will mimic the behavior of
parents, wanting to be like them (Kothari Chevon). They may assume violence is the right
way to do things and will act that way the rest of their lives at home, school, and when
developing their own families. That is why parents or guardians should set a good example
to the younger ones in order to prevent problems like bullying happening later on in the
future instead of trying new methods like bullying awareness programs in schools. If children
are constantly being mistreated by their parents, thats how they are going to treat others as
well. Maltreated children were more likely than nonmaltreated children to bully other
children (University of Rochester). There are more than two different types of bullying
existing in schools today such as physical, verbal, emotional, and cyber bullying. Are parents
and teachers aware of all the other places that children can be affected by this even if
schools implement a bullying awareness program? For example, cyber bullying, with
technology today there are more ways for many people including teenagers to create their
own webpage and use it against others by publishing false information about another
person. The common media of cyber-bullying include blogs, instant message systems, email, chat rooms and text messages (Schindler LuAnn). Many dont consider cyber bullying
a type of bullying but it is and it has unfortunately spread more all over the country and many
schools. Just like any other type of bullying, cyber bullying can also lead to suicide results.

Youth who experienced cyber bullying, as either an offender or a victim, had more suicidal
thoughts and were more likely to attempt suicide (Cyber bullying and Suicide). There is no
way that a program in school will stop their students from doing this. Why? Because
technology has allowed us to have access to the internet wherever we go and most of us
today have access to a phone with text messaging. Implementing a bullying awareness
program in schools would be similar to the attempts that schools have already made and are
still doing today in order to convince their students to be drug free. I remember being in third
grade and my school had policeman and other adults talking about the importance of being
drug free and the consequences that it would lead us to if we did drugs such as bad health
and even death. It wasnt only in third grade, through all elementary years and middle school
as well. Now in high school many of my classmates that went to elementary and middle
school with me are doing drugs. When we were younger they were the same kids that
carried red drug free ribbons in their clothes, books, and binders. Today those talks that
where given to us as a kid almost every year in school didnt seem to give the expected
results now that we are older. They might have worked for that time, but for that time only. All
the assemblies, talks, gifts and time out of class to make us understand the importance of
staying drug free were only a waste of time. Even now in high school I have experienced a
small drug free festival taking place at school. Nothing has changed, the same red ribbons
were handed to us, stickers, pencils, prices, and several activities to those who wanted to
have some fun. Its whole purpose that I am aware of was for the obvious, stay drug free, I
dont recall seeing people actually trying to do anything about preventing drugs. Everything
seemed more about spending time with friends and having a good time leaving out the
whole purpose of the festival. Reality can be cruel, but to be honest people only pretend to
care for a while then they take off and forget all about it the next day. If bullying awareness
programs were implemented, for how long would it be taken serious? Apparently not too
long; staying drug free was a topic that had many to talk and concern about, but time made
many care less and forget about it within a blink of an eye. Its common that people dont
stay committed to programs like these ones. Why? Because within time they discover that all
that effort and work that they put into bringing together this program dont work as it is
expected and the results dont last for long. Its a way for parents and society to "feel good"
and to think it makes a difference when it really doesnt. Now a program of this type is not
free and the school system doesnt pay for it either. This means only one thing, the money
required for this process will have to come from taxes. Parents and teachers taxes should
be used for more appropriate school material like books and any damage that the school
structure develops not for something that we should already know. Thats tax dollars that
get spent just trying to make sure that people are treated with respect (Burns James). That
is not the way that its supposed to be. We should treat each other with respect freely without
expecting something in return. Nobody needs to pay or get paid in order to make this work,
although it still wouldnt work. Our society is considered to be a lower class and people dont
have enough money to be paying this type of unnecessary programs. Since we are
considered a lower class community the government thinks that if they want to make any
change in schools, parents wont stand up for their kids and say no. We live in a community
where many parents live here illegally and are afraid to say something frightened of being
reported or something similar. This must stop because the little money that our people
makes can be used for this type of programs that are developed only to take money away
from us by persuading people that they are contributing for a good cause and helping kids in
their community by putting them in a safer school environment. If we look closer and pay
more attention, our school district is not one of the many that suffers or has been through
situations where students commit suicide or have been killed by being bullied. Yes there are
many students in our school district who are and have been bullied in the past, and even
right now, but it hasnt been very serious or critical to the point where students commit this

type of tragedy. For example, Franklin high school, even though is not considered to be in a
lower class society, there are students who have been bullied but it wasnt a reason enough
to make all parents panic and appeal to a bullying awareness program. Cesar Carreon in
this case was the unfortunate student at this school who was bullied by his football
teammates that didnt want him to be part of the team. He says he was punched in the face
by one of the football players at practice and was sent home by the coach afterwards. In
cases like this, teachers or coaches dont care and evade the problem because they just
dont want to deal with it. Instead of implementing a bullying awareness program that would
oblige all students to participate, Cesar Carreon was given the choice of changing schools
after his teammate, Logan Mansfield, was arrested and charged with assault. Carreon didnt
accept the offer that he was given and preferred to stay at the school in which he was being
excluded from the football team by the whole team and even the coach. Logan Mansfield,
the teams all-district lineman, was arrested and charged with assault causing bodily injury
after beating Carreon in front of other players (Alleged Bully Victim). Why dont we hear
about people living in a high class community struggling with this controversy? Because they
know that it is a waste of time and money. If they pay taxes they know they dont want to
waste them in a useless, ineffective program that the only thing that they would do is steal
their money. Money needs to be useful for all students attending school and that actually
benefits all of them, but sometimes people dont think clear and just want to fix the problem
without considering first if its going to work, for how long, the cost and training, and most
important, where their money really goes to. Even if teachers or any school staff member
gets trained to cover this topic, they are not going to know it to the fullest. They are not
professionally prepared for it and that is not a good start to address the problem. If all
schools of our district want to implement the program, then who is going to train the teachers
or anybody that runs it. If elementary, middle, and high schools run the same program then
the ones in charge must consider how to run it differently in order to seize all of the students
attention. For example, the younger ones may pay more attention with graphics and as to
older people pay more attention to more realistic situation examples. Often they are not run
well and students do not grasp the seriousness of the topic (Anderson Kayla). In order to
create an effective program there must be good results, management, decisions,
information, and analysis, but first everyone involved in making this work must really care
about these students that are not even their own kids or family members. Effective
programs are those that demonstrate the achievement of results. Results are derived from
good management. Good management is based on good decision making. Good decision
making depends on good information. Good information requires good data and careful
analysis of the data (Program Evaluation). If parents didnt care about teaching their kids
good manners and respect towards others, why would other people should? Creating this
program needs dedication and seriousness and if nobody cares there is neither. Bullying has
existed as long as schools have, but now people are very delicate with certain things and
exaggerate about them. For example, parents used to hit their children whenever they
misbehaved in order to discipline them and there was no risk of them going to jail if they
decided that hitting their kids was the best solution for them to behave. Nor were they only
hit by their parents at home if their behavior was unacceptable. If they attended school, their
own teachers were also allowed to hit them and nobody would make such a big deal about it
like now a day that if theres a parent caught in tape hitting their kid they are considered a
bad parent and might even go to jail for disciplining their children that way. Today anywhere I
go I see kids yelling back to their parents and ignoring them if they are told to do something
and the parents dont do anything about it. I dont know if the reason for their bad behavior is
because they are being spoiled or if parents dont know how to discipline their kids anymore,
or both, but it is obvious that many parents today arent strict enough to discipline their kids.
Most of the time they let their children do what they want from a very young age. For

example, there are parents who laugh when their baby first hits someone or they say one of
their first bad words. With that laugh they are only encouraging their children to do it more
often and letting them know that it is okay to keep on doing it. Even small things like this can
led a person of a young age to act in an appropriate manner towards others in their future
and their parents will be ok with it as well once they had already started. This type of
behavior is can begin as at a very young age. If home is where they learned to act
inappropriately in the first place, then home should be where they must unlearn it. Parents
need to get the message clear to their kids that bullying is not correct. Sometimes Kids dont
understand what they are told if it is not completely explained to them in a way that they can
comprehend. Home is the place where the majority of the kids spend most of their time
before getting to the age where they have to attend school. If they dont start with discipline
and a respectful environment at home, they will definitely not be expected to behave
differently at school with other students and even teachers. What many kids who are bullied
are afraid of is to tell a parent or a teacher what theyre going through and it is because of
lack of confidence. Parents should let their children know and make them feel that they can
count on them and a teacher or counselor etc., whenever they have a problem, but mostly
them as parents. We all know that all families are different in their own way and some
parents dont really have a problem seeing their kids being tough and rude with other people
their age. Because we all know that bullying is going to continue existing, the best way for a
parent to make sure that their children are going to be save is by teaching them to feel more
confident, report any bullying incident to an adult, and never let others control their feelings.
Cyber bullying is another way for some students to bully others. Cyber bullying is done by
sending messages through the internet and cellphones to spread fear. For example, a
cyber-bully can send threatening messages and even embarrassing pictures of someone
else in order for them to feel powerful or raise their own self esteem. This is a problem that
can be easily resolved. According to David J. Jakubiak, Web sites are hosted by companies
called Internet service providers, or ISPs (Pg. 16). What the ISPs do is that they decide who
stays and who gets out of websites since they have rules of what people are allowed to post,
write, and publish on the internet. Anybody can call or e-mail the ISP if this type of problem
happens so they can prevent other people such as students to keep on bothering,
threatening, and humiliating their classmates. In this case, students also need to be careful
on who they give their phone number or e-mail to since they never know if something like
this can happen to them. Now a day we can decide who is allowed to contact us by the
internet so if someone such as a cyber bully decides to send a message that we dont find
appropriate, all we have to do is just block that person or anybody that only wants to bother
us and make us insecure. It seems like bullying is a very popular word today that people
use as an answer for everything that happens to students. Are we really aware that many
cases that we hear of are not exactly considered bullying as they are said to be? If
someone is harassed and abused for being gay, thats not bullying: thats a hate crime. If a
child fills a water-balloon with bleach and hurls it at another child, thats not bullying: thats
assault (Its Not Such a Big Deal). Some people are just being ignorant and want to make
others believe that any type of anger and aggression acts that children and teenagers
commit is considered bullying when its not. As told earlier, some commit suicide and others
get killed. But does it happen by the fact that these students were bullied or they were just
not well in their heads? They could be suffering depression and bipolar disorders,
schizophrenia, and even anxiety disorder without even knowing. People with these
conditions can be really affected by it, but especially younger people. They may display
behavior that is risky and they may have grandiose thoughts, such as the belief that they are
more powerful than others (Bipolar Disorder). Dont people consider this reasons of why
some students may act inappropriately before pointing out right away that a student is
bullying another one or that they are being victims of bullying? In reality bullying is not that

big of a deal, nothing serious as what people point it out to be. Bullying is what happens to
kids every day when someone shoves them, trips, or excludes them (Its Not Such a Big
Deal). We all have to agree that that is very normal to happen in everyones childhood. A
student who has thoughts of committing suicide by the fact that they are being bullied, or a
bully that murders another student is going through something bigger, scarier, and more
serious than just bullying. They are having health problems and implementing a bullying
awareness program would be just something completely ignorant to do. We all have heard of
the massacre that occurred at Columbine High School some years ago on August 20, 1999.
It is considered one of the worst high school massacres for many people. The horrifying
shooting let many wonder what drove the two students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to
shoot and murder some of their classmates in high school and then killing themselves
afterwards. It was concluded that the reason why they decided to murder was because they
were the typical students who have always been bullied and now they wanted to take
revenge upon those who picked on them. But that was not exactly the reason. Langman, a
child psychologist discovered that the reason why this two high school seniors killed and
harmed many of their classmates was because both of them were mentally ill. Harris, 18,
was a psychopath, rage-filled, and lacking conscience. Klebold, 17, was psychotic, suffering
paranoia, delusions and disorganized thinking (Rubinkam Michael). If this students murder
case was confirmed to be caused by being mentally ill, why some people still believe that a
child who commits suicide did it because he or she was being bullied and not because they
had a mental problem or a student who is drastically harmed from being beaten called a
victim of bullying and not a student who appeared to be mentally ill. Bullying started to
become a huge concern after the Columbine massacre. It seemed to be the cause of the
shooting and many believed it so people started to be aware of the situation. Since then,
media has focused on many cases where children have been killed and taken their own lives
for being bullied, or at least thats what the media calls it. Why is it so easy today to call
bully on anything that happens to students? What about adults who get murdered for same
reasons? Why dont we say the where victims of bullying as well? In 2008 there was a case
in New York where twenty year old Dwight DeLee shot and killed twenty-two year old Moses
in his car for being gay. DeLee wasnt accused of bullying Moses like some children have
been accused of when killing their classmates for the same exact reason. Instead, DeeLee
was charged with murder. Police have charged DeLee, 20, of Gifford St., with seconddegree murder (Matt Michael). If this reason for taking away a live of another individual
called a hate crime, people should stop arguing and being so confident that just because
others that have done the same thing are kids and teenagers it is called bullying. Just
because is something that happens mostly to children and teenagers at school doesnt
mean that they are being bullied or that they are bullying others as most people believe. The
problem in this situation is overprotective parents, teachers, and in general adults who dont
want children to get hurt in any way especially if its their own kid. The truth is, they must
allow children in this generation to deal with teasing and name-calling in order to deal with
tough situations in their journey through becoming adults. Yes we all have been in the
position where there is someone that has a problem with us or they just dont like us as a
person and so they tease us and call us names that at some point hurt our feelings. It didnt
happened only once or twice, but many times in order for us to learn and realize that what
other people say about us in order to bring us down doesnt affect us. Maybe up to this day
some of us might even feel kind of hurt when someone tell us something that we dont like,
but every time that that happens it sure hurts much less. Children havent had as much
experience as older people knowing that this world is a tough one for the fact that there are
many individuals who will always try to bring us down on reaching our goals or whatever we
do. If parents are always there trying to protect their kids from every single bully out there
who teases them, pushes them, or hurt their babys feelings, then they are the ones doing

something wrong. They are the ones hurting their own kids by not letting them experience
situations that they are going to encounter the rest of their lives. If children get used to
always being protected by the time they grow older and start their own lives away from their
parents they wont know how to defend themselves or their family. They will lack the skills
that are required in order to be safe from other people. Mollycoddling children by labeling
unpleasant behavior as bullying is stopping them from building the skills they need to protect
themselves (The Observer). The only reason why parents and teachers want to implement
a bullying awareness program at school is because they are trying to be overprotective with
children. They dont want other kids hurting their feelings when in reality they are only
scaring them and making the children insecure by being overprotective without even
realizing. An overprotecting parent sends an unconscious message to the child telling him
that the world is not a safe place (Radwan M. Farouk). If people already know that this
world is cruel and full of hatred then why bringing a child to live here and suffer in the first
place? The reason why most of us take risks in our lives is because we have lived bad
experiences and know that if we fail there are other opportunities available if we keep trying.
On the other hand, people who are always protected as a kid and told that the world is not a
safe place, they will be afraid of taking risks, and this life is all about taking risks in order to
be a strong person and reach our goals. As a result of this parenting style the child grows
up into an adult who fears to take risks (Radwan M. Farouk). All responsible parents that
care and love their children want the best for their kids, but sometimes they might take it too
far and be the ones that hurt them the most instead. Being an overprotective parent might
even be one of the reasons why a kid or teenager is being bullied in the first place. They are
the ones who would definitely approve and fight so that schools implement a bullying
awareness program that will make their kids more sensitive individuals.Some parents make
their kids become overly sensitive and weak, which makes them over react when someone
else tries pressuring them (Bosquez Zaida). What they dont recognize is that their
protection has gone too far and they are the ones causing their kids classmates to bully
them. Ones who are over-protective or neglectful increase the risk of their children to be
bullied (Duckworth Lorna). Unlike over parenting, bullying can help a child be stronger and
have more confidence and become more aware that they are capable of dealing with other
people and defending themselves. It can also be more helpful when parents are there to
support them and give them advice on what to do then when they are just preventing their
kids from learning, experiencing, and making them an insecure person. They gain strength
and discover they are capable (key to self-esteem) (Belkin Lisa). By implementing a bullying
awareness program, parents and people who agree on getting rid of this type of situation
want to solve the whole problem for children instead of allowing them to take more control of
the problem. Is natural and better when parents only lead their children through the right
path by giving them advice that will help them solve problems, but not taking over the whole
problem and completely solving it for their kids. Is always better and sometimes necessary
for a parent to intervene in their childrens problems, but always doing the job for them and
solving every complication for them will only make the kids weaker. When I was about four
years old my dad would always defend me from my older cousins. They would always call
me names push me and exclude me form games that they would play. Not only because I
was smaller but because my parents would always bought me almost everything that I
wanted. If I had a new toy they took it away from me and hide it or they would just break it.
They would always hurt my feelings and made me cry so every time that this happened I
would run up to my dad and tell him what just had happened. My dad was the type of father
that wouldnt let anybody hurt her little girls feelings. Once I told him what my cousins did to
me he would take my hand and we would go outside and he would yell at them to give me
my stuff back or let me play with them. My cousins knew how my father reacted when he
was real angry and they would seem to be afraid of him so they gave me my stuff back and

allowed me to play with them as well. Running to my dad was always the best way for me to
feel save and protected if someone would tell or did anything to me, but that was only for a
while until I turned six years and it was time for me to attend school. I remember being
insecure and afraid of going to school without having my dad there to protect me. Some of
my classmates would call me names, push me, pull my hair, and make fun of me. At recess I
would always sit in one of the benches in the playground all by myself. It was a hard time for
me since my dad wasnt there and I didnt have any friends. My father was the one who
defended me whenever I needed him and my mother was always the one that I could talk to
about anything more comfortably because she was patient and wouldnt get mad easily. She
would always notice that I looked depressed every time I came home from school and ask
me what was wrong. I told her that kids at school were always bothering me and hurting my
feelings at school and that I didnt know what to do or how to defend myself. We later
realized that I became completely dependent of my dad and that was the problem. He was
always there that he didnt give me a chance to stand for myself at any time. Once he
started defending me and solving all the problems that I had with my cousins, he never
stopped. He bought me everything I wanted and spoiled me as well. Now that school started
and he couldnt be there all the time I felt lost and didnt know what to do about my
problems. I couldnt hide behind him anymore every time I was in trouble so my insecurity
had to go away and stand up for myself even though my parents were still giving me advice
and helping me out. An overprotected child avoids new situations and looks to hide behind
his parents when difficulties or challenges arise (Grose Michael). Now that Im eighteen
years my father is still there for me and when I need advice he gives it to me. He learned
that solving all my problems and protecting me even from the smallest one wasnt going to
make me a secure person in my life. I was wondering what he would think about schools
implementing bullying awareness programs so I asked him and he said that it should totally
happen even if parents are the ones paying for the program. He doesnt believe that being
an overprotective parent is bad even though my mother does. My older sister is twelve years
older than me and she always tells me how my father never let her go out unless my mother
went with her. He always wanted to meet all the friends that she hanged out with and if she
wanted to go to a friends house he would say no and ask why she was the one going to
their house and not them coming to ours. She would always cry and my father would get
mad at my mom if she defended her because he thought he was only protecting her and
having her safe at home. My father wanted the best for my sister and wanted her to focus on
her education first more than anything because he didnt want her to struggle in life. My
sister couldnt take it anymore so she got married. She was only nineteen years old when
that happened and thought it was the best decision she could take since my dad never let
her take decisions about anything else in the past. Now that I am older my father has
learned that being an overprotective parent is not always the best for a child. No matter how
many laws or programs are created or will be created to prevent bullying, it will exist forever
and ever until humanity stops existing and there is nothing we can do about it. Today people
will exaggerate everything just to get more money. Most of the time it might even be a scam
but people believe everything they see or hear on TV such as the news or their favorite TV
show. Sometimes even actors and singers are paid to talk about a product or an important
issue that is currently happening so people purchase it or support a certain organization by
sending money. In this case an issue such as bullying prevention has caused a great
attempt to put all children who attend school in a safe environment where no one tries to
commit suicide and no ones feelings get hurt. There have been organizations created for
children and teenagers who have been bullied before. But how will more and more people
take part of the organization and support? Well, all of us have seen commercials or read
articles and magazines were celebrities like Demi Lovato, Khloe Kardashian, and etc. talk
about fighting against bullying. They create or become part of a certain organization and

promote awareness to people who believe that all children are in danger of suffering from
bullying. Since there are many people who know and follow them they believe all the
consequences behind bullying are true or they just want to join and have the same opinion
because they want to support the celebrity not the organization. Many people dont realize
that one of the main reasons why celebrities are involved is for the purpose of gathering
more people in organizations and spread the word worldwide. Since many people only care
about the celebrity or want to feel important by getting involved in this organization, the
amount of kids and teenagers who are supposed to benefit from this help is very poor. In
2004 a man named Smith made a study on seven schools who had already implemented
anti bullying programs because parents and teachers thought it was necessary and it would
stop students from bullying their classmates. Like any other program that is created to stop
bullying, none of the seven schools ended with the expected result that everyone wanted.
Students who were victims of bullying were supposed to get helped with their past problems
and their bullies, but only a very small amount of those students were successful. Seven
different whole-school anti-bullying programs, 86% of victimization cases culminated in
negligible results or worse, with the remaining 14% showing slightly positive results (Ferraro
Will). This study is the perfect example that shows how effective any type of anti-bullying
program or organization is. Now there shouldnt be a question about implementing a bullying
awareness program in every school or any school at all. This study analyzed seven schools,
not one or two, but seven schools. All seven of them failed at providing help to those
students so what makes other schools believe that they will do any different. They honestly
dont need a program to help them because they dont need any help to end with bullying.
What they need is confidence, self-esteem, and parenting support. Trying to end bullying is
as absurd as trying to make this world a peaceful place with no wars or hate; a world of
freedom and respect. That is not how the real world is or it has ever been or it will ever been.
The government only wants to waste the peoples money offering us a better future where
our youth doesnt commit suicide or gets murder for being bullied; a future where being gay
doesnt matter and everyone accepts each other. All that sounds pretty absurd for so many
people to actually believe it, but unfortunately many do making it even a bigger problem than
what it really is. Schools will work to address root causes of old problems instead of rolling
them up into new ones, at which the government is happy to throw your money (Ferraro
Will). Its ironic how bullying awareness programs are supposed to make a student feel
stronger and more confident of him or herself, but instead they make them weak. They are
teaching students how to be defenseless; they are teaching them how to be dependable on
others and letting them think that no matter when or where, there is always going to be
someone else for them to defend them and protect them. Were teaching them to be easily
hurt by the words and to be dependent on parents to solve their problems (MacDonald
Brian). As young everyone makes wrong decisions, even as adults, but the younger we are
the more we do it. Organizations and programs like this want to take control over the
situation telling students what they should and shouldnt do how they are supposed to
behave, and basically saying that they cant do it by themselves. Isnt this called bullying?
Wouldnt they be bullying all the students in the school who havent gotten hurt from being
bullied by having to waste their class time to listen to what other people want them to do? It
doesnt make sense. The next thing you know all schools are going to require all students to
take an extra class in order to pass the year or even graduate. Everyone will have to take a
bullying class as requirement and they will have no option. Because nobody knows who is in
danger of becoming a bully in the future or who is going to be a victim of one, is going to be
easier for districts to just make space in schedules to add this absurd and ineffective class. It
wouldnt be surprising since many people make a huge deal about it and others even argue
and want laws created to get rid of bullying. There are people who just believe that bullying
should be completely illegal; that that is going to stop victims of bullying to commit suicide

and will make schools a safer place for every student. Dont we have laws that prohibit
drugs, drinking while driving, driving without a license, etc. because they are causes for
people dying? Up to this day there are drug dealers doing their business and even selling
drugs to minors. There are accidents caused by drunk drivers where unfortunately people
dont survive; they dont seem to care about the consequences involved in their actions or
who they may affect. There are thousands of people driving in the streets every day without
a license even though they know they are not supposed to. Minors under twenty one years
old are not allowed to purchase alcohol at any moment, but many still manage to do so.
Laws are supposedly made so that people dont hurt each other and since they are written
for us, the people, the best thing we can do is follow the law. As we have previously seen
some examples of laws that prohibit us from doing certain things, we have also noticed that
they are not always respected. If the law is against a certain thing that people dont agree
with, they wont respect it, and thats how it is. If they get caught they will pay for their actions
one way or another, but that hasnt stopped many from keep on doing it. No matter if they
have to spend five or more years in jail for what they did, for many there is no limit and
nothing that can stop them; not even a law. For others, receiving a ticket of two hundred
dollars is more than enough to be aware of what they are doing and dont commit the same
mistake over again. Everything depends on the person, some actually do care and others
dont. There are people who occasionally dont respect the law simply because they want to
have fun, but then they learn that what they did was a mistake even though it has been too
late. Most of the times we think we are not getting caught or that is not happen to us.
Because all of us know the rules, but think differently, not everything is going to be perfect.
Not everyone is going to do what others expect from them just because there are laws that
we must follow. What difference is it going to make if bullying becomes illegal? The majority
sees bullying as a problem that happens at schools between children and teena
gers only. If a ten or eleven year old starts name calling or pushing a classmate, is he going
to receive a ticket? Or is he expected to be sent to jail for a day? It doesnt make sense.
Once bullying becomes illegal, whoever is accused of doing it is committing a crime.
Policeman are not going to be seen driving only in the streets anymore, they are going to be
patrolling all over school campuses. While a bunch of policemen are watching kids in their
behavior at school people are going to be stealing, assaulting other people, driving
inappropriately, etc., and committing real crimes putting citizens in real danger. It first starts
with several organizations to support someone or a special cause, but then it starts getting
more complicated. Organizations think they need to give more support and thats when
specific programs come along. More and more people get involved so they come out with a
bunch of new ideas that sound like solutions if they start working hard, contacting other
people that can help accomplish their goals and finally take action into a new and better
change. The whole purpose is to try to make a difference, but in this case the whole idea of
implementing bullying awareness programs in all schools has gone too far. People over think
it too much and keep adding more conflict to it. This whole situation was much simpler and
easy to handle before when someone in school wanted to bully someone else or when
parents decided on how to correct their own childrens conduct. Parenting wasnt as
complicated as today. Parents could hit their kids any time they misbehaved. If children got
mad and started yelling back at their parents they were most probable going to get hit and
nobody would complain about it. No one would get in other peoples business and complain
about parents disciplining their kids that way because it used to be normal for all parents to
do so. A kid couldnt even think about hitting his parents back because he already knew that
the results wouldnt come out pretty well. Bullying didnt used to be such a big deal either
since there was no problem on telling them to defend themselves if someone did something
to them. There werent news about students in schools committing suicide for being victims
of bullying or any other tragedy happening because of this same purpose. Today the majority

who talk back to their parents just walk away and if their parents try to hit them, they will try
to hit them back. Unfortunately many of children and teenagers today have lost respect for
their parents and the government still protects them. If parents decide to discipline their
children by hitting them they can even end up in jail or paying a fine for being abusive and
hitting a minor. What have this world come to? How far will it go? There are many children
and teenagers that need to be disciplined and they are still allowed to do whatever they want
and get away with it. Many say that the future of our generation is us, the young people. That
is why we are offered so much help and we have benefits that others didnt have before, but
this is not making it any better. Too much protection and free things wont take many of us
any far. We have to fight in order to earn what we want most of the times because if
everything is handed to us in our hands that is what we are going to expect the rest of our
lives. Bullying awareness programs are not going to do any good to us for our future. Its
hard to say but sometimes we just have to learn how to deal with some situations and keep
our heads as high as we can for the longest time. By saying that we have to deal with them
doesnt always mean that we just have to stand there and do nothing about it; it means that
we have to learn how to handle certain situations by ourselves. People are used to taking
the easy way out on almost everything and that it what they are teaching the young ones to
do as well. When schools implement bullying awareness programs, the only message that
they are sending to the students is that they dont have to worry about struggling in their lives
with situations that they are not able to handle. From that moment without even noticing,
students are already going to be thinking that they are not responsible of taking any action or
putting any effort when someone else is doing it for them. For example, lets say a high
school freshman math class has been working and preparing themselves all semester long
for the last and very important exam. The teacher gave his students homework every single
day and stayed for tutoring from Monday through Thursday every week for those students
who needed extra help and didnt understand how to solve several equations. Apparently
this made a huge improvement in every students homework. The day of the exam the
teacher is very confident in his students about passing the test with an excellent grade, as
well as his students except for one. While most of the class, the part that needed help,
attended tutoring for help in their homework, there was one student who started receiving
help from an older brother at home rather than staying in tutoring. Within time the older
brother started to feel sorry for his younger sibling for constantly having to deal with so many
math equations. He thought that his little brother shouldnt be struggling and suffering doing
all the hard work that one day he just decided to do the homework for him. Thanks to his
older brother, the freshman boy always got hundreds in his homework and made him feel
very confident confident because from now on he knew he could count on someone else to
do any math homework or finish any assignment for him. Unfortunately getting all the work
done for him was the worst mistake ever because the boy didnt learn how to solve any
problem or equation. Even though the older guy wanted to help his little brother to pass the
class, he hurt him by not letting him do any of the work. The day of the exam the student had
no idea in how to get anything done which got him very nervous and frightened. He
obviously failed the exam and had to repeat the year. This is a perfect example of how a
great part of our society is trying to deal with bullying. Just like the older guy didnt want his
brother to suffer by doing all that hard homework, parents dont want their kids to suffer and
get hurt by their classmates. In the example the students who received help by going to
tutoring were able to succeed in the exam because they were given the help and skills that
they needed in order for them to finish and pass the exam all on their own. In real life we
also need help to improve our skills so as we grow older we can be able to be more
independent. In real life situation if a student doesnt pass the final test he has a second
chance to do so, otherwise that student wont wont pass the year. It has happened that
students fail completely and have to repeat the year, but some of them decide that they cant

and dont want to deal with going through the same thing over again so they just drop out. It
is the same thing with bullying, students dont want to confront it and decide they dont want
to go to school. Some parents decide to help by improving their skills to make them mentally
stronger, secure and more confident about themselves, while other parents dont want their
children to put up with absolutely any of that matter. There is no possible way that
implementing bullying awareness programs in all schools will end the problem. They will only
make students dependable and hurt their character in the future. Too much protection will
make them defenseless and create in them insecurity that will prevent them to take risks
later in their lives. Children will be told what to do in order to be safe from other kids, they
know they have all the skills to stop bullying from happening to them but this type of
programs keep on putting that aside and they dont let children see it for themselves. They
know they have the power to stop this, and thats a message that kids dont get very often
(Macaluso L. Tim). If students were only allowed to defend themselves without getting in so
much trouble, unnecessary programs to prevent bullying wouldnt be trying to get into
everybodys business and making a big deal about it. If parents could still hit their children
for disciplinary reasons only none of this controversial dispute would exist.

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