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Leadership Profiles
Toby Carter
Kera Jennette
December 10, 2014
Lisa Langford


Leadership Profiles
There are vast arrays of leaders with different styles in the National Football League
(NFL) today. Yet there is a specific constant in one area of choosing a team member and how the
leaders of the NFL apply it. It is the first step in building a team, the hiring process. The NFL is
the United States (U.S.) largest and highest paid sports organization in the U.S. (Ejiochi, 2014).
To figure out how and why a person needs to look at how the organization is lead. This paper
will compare and contrast the common leadership traits, describe methods used in developing
their leaders, explain strategies used balance their values and priorities, and a proposal that might
avoid leadership derailment or failure (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2008).
Leadership Traits
To understand the leaders of the NFL traits a person needs to know the comparative
actions that are used to run the league. The current senior vice president (VP) of the leagues
labor relations and administrative operations is Dave Gardi. The newest Executive (VP) over
operations is Troy Vincent. Out of the 32 leagues in the U.S. only one league the Green Bay
Packers publish the teams financials. This is because this teams leadership is controlled by a
panel of public entity, meaning the invested citizens of Green Bay hold a financial stake in the
team. This leads to public reporting of their financials. According to "Troy Vincent Tabbed NFL
Executive Vp Of Football Operations" (2014), Mr. Vincent wants to change the way that all of
the NFL handles their financials in that, his vision for operational tactics is run by clarity,
consistency, and credibility in the league (para. 4).
This action has never been a part of the NFLs operations before and the reality of this
happening is not very likely. The trait among the leaders that does appear consistent is the


formula used to hire leadership in the league. The NFL League has a refined process for
accomplishing bringing the best people to the team through a four step format. The four main
points in the framework used by the NFL when hiring are according to Lex Sisney;
1) Team Leaders- could get more money elsewhere but they choose to take less
because they intrinsically value being part of the team and opportunity in a role that is
well suited to their strengths and interests.
2) Team Players- Team Players are valuable to your success and you definitely want
them around. Its very hard to find people who share the same vision and values and
embody the way of your organization. If they have the raw talent, its much easier
to develop their technical capabilities over time to become Team Leaders or if not, to
remain as valuable role players.
3) Specialists- Specialists are viewed as highly capable experts that dont fit into the
desired organizational culture. While specialists can get the job done, great
organizations rely on them sparingly and never place them in core leadership
positions because the specialist doesnt share the desired vision and values.
4) Waivers- are who youre trying to avoid hiring in the first place. The easiest time to
make a waiver is before they even get hired! By far, the hardest waivers to make are
those former Team Leaders and Team Players who just no longer have the high level
of technical skills or fit within the evolving organization, or who are just demanding
too much compensation relative to market rates for a company of your size and
industry (Sisney, 2013, p. 48).


These are the four same tools used in the initial hiring process for the NFL so there is no
comparison to make on this aspect of the leaderships expectations of performance. Yet there are
two different methods used for developing a leader and their performance in the league.
The first of the methods that is used among some of the different teams, such as the
coaches, marketers, and financial positions is the sink or swim method. This method is one of the
leader is thrown into a position with the understanding that their methods of leadership better
produce acceptable results. There is very little guidance from peers or other people above you.
Many leaders have this capability yet the results do not seem as high as the second method of
leadership development.
The second method the NFL uses is the mentoring style of leadership building. This pairs
more experienced leaders with the newer ones for a time period set and then those leaders are
evaluated on their achievements. According to Sisney the NFL leagues mentoring method of
developing their leaders accomplishes building a high Producer/Innovator who thrives at
winning and coming up with creative solutions to complex problems or a Stabilizer/Unifier style
leader who brings order out of chaos while keeping the team and clients on the same page, or a
different style leader altogether (Sisney, 2013, p. 51). When a large organization is able to
identify its leadership styles and needs to accomplish their end vision this is a proven method to
use. Leading to the strategy involved in the process of having great NFL leaders.
Some strategies for how industry leaders can balance competing values and priorities
would be to have good communication, planning, recognition and last continued education.
Some people may think their job is not as difficult as it once was. So this creates a routine for


some and allows others to think outside of the box. For those who think outside of the box, they
try to formulate ways to make the company better. This in turn is creating a great leader,
someone who decides to take the initiative to do better. Many of the best leaders have shown
great communication skills. Part of leading a company is being able to successfully communicate
with your staff. Ensuring the fully comprehend what is asked of them and what their
responsibilities are.
Next is the planning stage. After communicating the required tasks, a great leader must
take all of the ideas and formulate a great plan. Get a team together and plan numerous strategies
so there is not only a plan in place, there is also a plan a, b and maybe c in place as well. After
executing a great plan a good leader should recognize those individuals who helped to make the
plan a success. Congratulating the individuals and some possible incentives also helps others to
know their work is not only valued, it is also appreciated. This will ensure that those who are
doing a great job continue to do a great job. Those who are not doing as great of a job may start
to do something different knowing they are appreciated in that manner. Last all great leaders
need some Form of continued education. Nothing stays the same in this world especially
technology and people. So a leader who knows and understands this will constantly want to learn
new things and will always be willing to hear another idea or perspective on a project. They will
not be closed minded they will be open-minded.
Managerial Derailment and Failure
Over the years there has been a great deal of research done on management, supervising,
and leadership skills. This research has shown that anywhere from 50 to 60 percent of managers
end up failing. Although there are programs set especially for these titles and seminars that are
held there are still many who will not succeed in their field. Some are well aware they are failing


and refuse to accept the reality, then there are others who have no idea they are failing. The
business as a whole is not the only thing that suffers when this happens. The employees,
investors and most importantly the customers and fans suffer behind the lack of skills. In
leadership there should be no tolerance for egos, lack of self-control, manipulation, and power
This type of attributes hinder all progress and allows blind eyes to be turned when players
do unprofessional things on and off of the football field. If players are not held in a leadership
standard then that is in turn saying anything is allowed. Everyone from the owners to the players
all have to be aware and mindful to carry themselves in a leadership manner no matter the day or
occasion. Understanding these take practice and not everyone gets it right away, however the
effort should be made to have everyone on the same page. That page is thinking and conducting
themselves as leaders.
The first recommendation that might be of help to the NFL is to keep on the same path of
use in mentoring as the best style. Seek out the best candidates already involved with the league
to promote to leadership roles. Ascertain any breaks in the leadership chain of command. If a
company does not recognize where there weakest links are then they cannot work to repair this
issue. Have a good general idea of a successor to top level leadership because then there is less
stress within an organization when people retire or move on from these roles. Create career goals
for the players in the league because many of them will have qualities and pre knowledge of the
operations with a plan for them is followed this can aid in developing leaders for this industry
(Seven Steps for Effective Leadership Development, 2012). Lastly, use a reward system for
better retention, especially for those who excel at the extra skills workshops, to train leaders and


show great promise of their capabilities. Not to use these tactics to bribe players to play on NFL
teams who offer the biggest bribes.
Although there are various styles of leadership in the National Football League, everyone
can still be a leader. Since the NFL is the highest paid sports organization, it is held at the same
regard. This is why they are able to assess and not avoid leadership derailment or failure.


Ejiochi, Ike. (2014). How the NFL makes the most money of any pro sport. Retrieved from

Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (6th ed.) R. L. Hughes, R. C Ginnett, and G. J.
Curphy McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008 New York, NY Retrieved (Ch. 7) 2014.

Sisney, L. (2013, December). How to hire Like the NFLs Best Teams. Organization Physics
Systems Thinking for Breakthrough Performances, (), 40-52.
Retrieved from

Seven Steps for Effective Leadership Development. (2012, June). Oracle White Paper, (), 1-19.
Retrieved from

Troy Vincent tabbed NFL executive VP of football operations. (2014). Retrieved from

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