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APHS Interview process

Interview Details It starts with aptitude test comprising of general

maths, Numerical ability verbal and DI . Next stage is G.D on
current topics which is followed by interview with HR. if u get
through all these u will be appearing before zonal manger for final
round of interview. in all interviews they simply look for yours
attitude towards sales, also some personnel traits are cheeked
such as loyalty, truthfulness, trustworthiness .
All the Top Most Companies in India conducting the APTITUDE TEST To
understand the Aptitude skills of a candidate before meeting him for
personal interview. The Aptitude test gives fair Idea to HR how good the
candidate aptitude skills and how he can think and choose right answers
in a time limit.
The Aptitude Test
Most of the aptitude conducted by companies will have 40 to 45 Questions and
Each Question will be Objective type questions most of the time and having time to
complete the paper around 40 Minutes
Test duration 40 to 45 Minutes
Type of questions : 45 Questions - Multiple choice( Numerical ability, logical reasoning, data interpretation
General English)
There are 3 Sections Each section will have 15 questions total 45 questions
Section 1: Numerical Ability ( General maths)
Section 2: Logical Reasoning
Section 3: Data Interpretation
Prepare well. These are sample questions and answers the paper will be in similar manner with type of
questions mentioned but not exactly the same.

Sample questions: Objective Type- General maths

1.Question: In a Mixture of 35 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 4:1 . Another 7
litres of water is added to the mixture. Find the ratio of milk and water in the
resulting mixture

b) 1:2

c) 2:3

d) 2:5

The Answer is a) 2: 1 - simple: total mixture 35 litrs- Total ratio: 4: 1 i.e

each ratio 35/5 =7. after mixing 7 ltrs of water total ratio 4:2 i.e 2:1
2 )A train covers a distance in 50 min ,if it runs at a speed
of 48kmph on an average.The speed at which the train must run
to reduce the time of journey to 40min will be.
A) 50 Kmph B) 60 Kmph C) 70 Kmph D) 80 Kmph
The Answer is B) 60 Kmph
Time=50/60 hr=5/6hr
New speed = 40* 3/2 kmph= 60kmph

3)Vikas can cover a distance in 1hr 24min by covering 2/3 of

the distance at 4 kmph and the rest at 5kmph.the total
distance is?

5 Km B) 4 Km C) 6 Km D) 7 Km

Answer is B) 4 Km

Let total distance be S
total time=1hr24min
A to T :: speed=4kmph
T to S :: speed=5km
21/15 hr=2/3 S/4 + 1/3s /5
= 6km
4)walking at of his usual speed ,a man is late by 2 hr.
the usual time is.
A) 5 hours B) 6 Hours C) 7 hours D) 8 Hours
Answer is C) 7 Hours

Usual speed = S
Usual time = T
Distance = D
New Speed is S
New time is 4/3 T
4/3 T T = 5/2
T=15/2 = 7

5)A man covers a distance on scooter .had he moved 3kmph

faster he would have taken 40 min less. If he had moved
2kmph slower he would have taken 40min more.the distance is.
A) 40 B) 50 C) 60 D) 70
Answer is A) 40 Kms
Let distance = x m
Usual rate = y kmph
x/y x/y+3 = 40/60 hr
2y(y+3) = 9x 1
x/y-2 x/y = 40/60 hr y(y-2) = 3x 2
divide 1 & 2 equations
by solving we get x = 40
6)Excluding stoppages,the speed of the bus is 54kmph and
including stoppages,it is 45kmph.for how many min does the bus
stop per hr.
A) 5 Min B) 6 Min C) 7 Min D) 10 Min
Answer is D) 10 Min

Due to stoppages,it covers 9km less.
time taken to cover 9 km is [9/54 *60] min = 10min
7)Two boys starting from the same place walk at a rate of
5kmph and 5.5kmph respectively.wht time will they take to be
8.5km apart, if they walk in the same direction
A) 17 Hours B) 18 Hours C) 19 Hours D) 20 Hours

Answer is A) 17 Hours
The relative speed of the boys = 5.5kmph 5kmph = 0.5 kmph
Distance between them is 8.5 km
Time= 8.5km / 0.5 kmph = 17 hrs

8) 2 trains starting at the same time from 2 stations 200km

apart and going in opposite direction cross each other ata
distance of 110km from one of the stations.what is the ratio of
their speeds.
A) 11 B) 12 C) 11.9 D) 12.9
Answer is C) 11.9

In same time ,they cover 110km & 90 km respectively
so ratio of their speed =110:90 = 11:9
9)Two trains start from A & B and travel towards each other at
speed of 50kmph and 60kmph resp. At the time of the meeting the
second train has traveled 120km more than the first.the distance
between them.
A) 400 B) 500 C) 550 D) 600
Answer is D) 600

Let the distance traveled by the first train be x km

then distance covered by the second train is x + 120km
x/50 = x+120 / 60
x= 600
so the distance between A & B is x + x + 120 = 1320 km
10) A thief steals a ca r at 2.30pm and drives it at 60kmph.the
theft is discovered at 3pm and the owner sets off in another car
at 75kmph when will he overtake the thief

A) 4 PM B) 5 PM C) 6 PM D) 7 Pm
Answer is B) 5 PM
Let the thief is overtaken x hrs after 2.30pm
distance covered by the thief in x hrs = distance covered by
the owner in x-1/2 hr
60x = 75 ( x- )
x= 5/2 hr
thief is overtaken at 2.30 pm + 2 hr = 5 pm
11)In covering distance,the speed of A & B are in the ratio
of 3:4.A takes 30min more than B to reach the destion.The time
taken by A to reach the destination is.
A) 1 Hr B) 2 Hr C) 3 Hr D) 4 Hr
Answer is B) 2 Hr
Ratio of speed = 3:4
Ratio of time = 4:3
let A takes 4x hrs,B takes 3x hrs
then 4x-3x = 30/60 hr
x = hr
Time taken by A to reach the destination is 4x = 4 * = 2 hr

Numerical Ability
2. MRP of 1 KG Sugar is Rs. 25/- . The retailer gets 8% margin and the Distributor
gets 2% margin. What is the Price at which the Distributor buys 1 KG of Sugar
a) Rs. 23 b) Rs.22.50 c) Rs.23.40 d) Rs. 24
Answer is: b

- Rs.22.50

3. A is a father of B,but B is not a son of A. Then what is the relationship among A and B?

A) Father- Daughter B) Father-Son

C) Father-step son D) Step Father- Son

Answer is : A) Father-Daughter

Asian Paints Ltd. Interview Questions and Answers

1. Describe to me what qualifications you feel a person applying for this
position will need to have the most success.
Best Answer
Any stream related business or marketing subject.
Mba marketing.
2. What experience do you have in this field?
Best Answer
I have two years experience in commercial field. my role is to fill excise
sales tax returns,
3. Explain to me what separates you from the other list of candidates.
I will be target oriented candidate, i always work for the organization,
Second Best
Experiance in this field makes me difrent from others.
My dedication
I feel my experience is deference others.
One thing that separates me from all other candidates is that i always
believe in numbers .how much i have achieved on total target basis.
The only thing seprates me from other is i do belive in doing work not to
just talking and de appreciate others i want suceess by doing hard as well as
smart work.
I feel my work experiance make me diffrent from other candidats.
My work will met the company goals.
4. Why do you want to work for Asian Paints?
Best Answer
because it is a very good area to learn and develop our personality
or It is very good company for gaining their knowledge and their is job is
5. Are you willing to work overtime, nights, weekends?
yes, it improve my strategy
If company demand to work overtime then i will be part of that.
6. Tell me about a problem you've had with a previous supervisor.
Best Answer

It is one of the largest private sector company in India at the moment, so

it will be a plessure for to be a part of such a stabized company at this initial
stage of my career.
It is one of the largest private sector company in India at the moment, so
it will be a plessure for me to be a part of such a stabized company at this
initial stage of my career.
7. How would you build your supervisor's confidence about yourself?
Best Answer
By doing hard work using my skills or by achieving target on time.
8. Tell me about a suggestion or successful contribution you have made in
your past job or in college.
Best Answer
I achieved my monthly target and wining several awards from my past job.

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