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[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal


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[Ethics] Conduct rules:
Published 4 months ago
Meaning, implication,
examples, misconduct
41 Comments so far.
vs.crime and case studies





Conduct rules


Difference: Court vs Departmental




Conduct rules: Examples


#1: Conduct Rules4 Office Life


#2: Conduct Rules4 Public Life


#3: Conduct rules4 Financial Life


#4: Conduct Rules4 Personal life

Cases studies

Seeking written order when




Disobeying written order where


B { i think with few limited

posts and a sea of


Hiring private citizen for public duty



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

aspirants applying its

impossible to conduct an
open book exam. they are
constantly reengineering


Unauthorized absence #1


Unauthorized absence #2



the... } [Result] UPSC


Social service during duty hours

Civil Service Mains 2013


Seeking charity for good cause



Just because computer is not


CS { @chandradeo
actually i have searched a
lot in the net but not
getting any info regarding
this } [SSC] 2014's Tier-1


Misc. cases


postponed due to Election...

Following vigilance/corruption related topics in this article

CS { yaar chandradeo

series + a few case studies in each:

thanx i read that

notification.i have one

1. conduct rules

more doubt,that am
preparing for civils and if i

2. types of enquiries, prevention of corruption act

get into cisf as si will i... }

4. disproportionate assets

[SSC] 2014's Tier-1

5. suspension

postponed due to Election...

know bro that we can do
nothing...but atleast we
can brag about it like old gives us a
sense of contentment. :p }

3. traps in bribery cases

6. Art.311, departmental inquiry/proceedings

7. various penalties
Anyways, Lets start with conduct rules.

Conduct rules

[ACIO] Result for ACIO

Conduct Rules lay down clear principles as to what

2013 exam declared,...

the Government expects from its employees.

HKOM { kamran and

Conduct rules apply to both official AND personal life

abc... i feel the same.. and

of the government servant.

i am waiting for the result

but what can we do when

If an official violates conduct rules, he may face

the result is still on... }

[ACIO] Result for ACIO
2013 exam declared,...

warning/disciplinary action/departmental proceedings.

They are very different from regular Criminal court
proceedings. How?



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal


Difference: Court vs Departmental Proceedings

bhai tumne thoda confuse

kar diya...dekho pehle

Court proceedings /

Departmental proceedings /

2012 reserve list ka

verification chal raha

Criminal trial


Judge hears both sides

Inquiry officer hears both sides.

hai...may be last week of

march tak over ho
jaega...fir hamar(2013)... }

Inquiry officer doesnt give

punishment. He merely sends his

[ACIO] Result for ACIO

2013 exam declared,...

RAHUL { those are in

delhi can go to their office
to inquire about the result

findings to the disciplinary

Judge gives

authority (e.g. Secretary of the


Then disciplinary authority decides

if they are free.these can

create real pressure on

punishment against the employee.

them } [ACIO] Result for

Double jeopardy doesnt apply. e.g

ACIO 2013 exam


1. court case is going on- yet

RAHUL { true.if they did

department can start its own

not needed employee why


they took the exam.really

Article 20:

fed up of them. } [ACIO]

Protection against

employee- yet department can

Double Jeopardy

continue its proceedings/inquiry.

Result for ACIO 2013 exam




2. court acquits the accused

3. Officer files bogus bill to get

No person can be

LTC/Travelling allowance.


Department finds him guilty-

posts. } [ACIO] Result for

punished for same

orders him to repay from salary,

ACIO 2013 exam

offense twice.

matter is considered over.

i hope they don't dump me

if they get to see our


(Punishment #1). But Five years


hence, department refuses to give

what can be more

disappointing than sitting

him promotion citing earlier

infront of your tv watching

indo-pak tie and reading
your comments just to

misconduct. (punishment #2)

Art.311: central-service/state-



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

read any positive

updates. frigging... }
[ACIO] Result for ACIO

service/all India service member

cannot be
Principles of natural

dismissed/removed/reduced in

Justice apply in

rank, except after an inquiry with

every case.

reasonable opportunity to defend

Every accused is


given the

BUT this doesnt always apply.

opportunity to

For example President can

notification } [SSC]

defend himself-

remove an All India service officer,

2014's Tier-1 postponed

even in the cases of

in the interest of national security -

due to Election...

national security

without holding any inquiry, without

(e.g. Kasab, Afzal

giving reasonable opportunity to


defend himself, cross-examine

2013 exam declared,...

{ @cs- .pdf is not

hyperlinked thatswhy it is
not opening. go to upsc
website- check cisf
departmental exam

{ @cs- dont click

on link, just copy the whole

link and paste in new
browser now try this

witnesses etc. see more about Art. 311 in

ldceseparate article later.
} [SSC] 2014's Tier-1
postponed due to Election...

Jurisdiction is

NEHA GUPTA { shinde is

territorial in nature.

the worst home minister.

e.g. Hunting

mha is literally sitting on

all backlogs. even capf
which was held in october

bear/deer is legal in

has not even released

the... } [ACIO] Result for
ACIO 2013 exam

certain states of
USA. Indian citizen
goes there, hunts
wild animals. Indian


court cant punish,

RAHUL { what is open

when he comes

book question? please

elaborate. } [Result]


UPSC Civil Service Mains

marijuana in

2013 Exam...

Netherlands and

RAHUL { sahi bole


same for smoking

Department can still take action for

conduct unbecoming of a
government employee.
e.g. Indian officer is sent abroad
for training and involves in those
type of activities.



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

dost.wase tmne aaj phone

pornography in

kiya tha kya } [ACIO]


Result for ACIO 2013 exam


Doesnt apply to minor cases.

Judge cannot hear the

e.g. Boss himself witnesses that

matter if he himself is a

employee has come late in the

witness / complainant in

office/did not wear uniform/ was

that crime.

sleeping on job etc. He can cut

guilty employee gets
Major penalty: dismiss, remove,
rank reduction, compulsory

guilty person gets


Minor Penalty: censure,

withholding promotion/ increment,
recovering loss.
by the way warning, displeasure,
suspension=doesnt count as
punishment. Well see more about
types of penalties in later article.

Vakil will have to
prove the case
beyond all
reasonable doubts
that accused

Not necessary to prove the case

person indeed

beyond all reasonable doubts.

committed the

If inquiry officer finds there is good


chance that employee did the



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

Burden of Proof in

mischief=> can declare him guilty.

establishing a case

Decision is taken based on

lies on the

preponderance of probability.

Benefit of doubt
goes to the

Evidence Act

Doesnt apply. Inquiry Officer can


even rely on evidences that are not

Criminal Procedure

admissible in courts. Examples in

code applies

following points:

Hear-say evidence is
not admissible e.g.
Witness claims

Hear-say evidence may be accepted

someone told me that

in a departmental inquiry provided it

Accused person had

has reasonable nexus and credibility.

affair with that dead

Sting operations may
be admissible subject to Inquiry officer may accept Sting
certain criteria, such as

operation as evidence without such

the court being satisfied caveats. He may even hold the

about the authenticity of

government servant guilty- even if there

the evidence and the

is reasonable doubt e.g. video is not

identity of the persons

showing his clear face.

Tape recorded
conversations are
admissible in court. But



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

there has to be strong

Tape-recorded evidence can be freely


admitted without such caveats.

evidences, otherwise
termed as weak
Document cannot be
accepted as evidence
IF the person who wrote
the document, is not
available for cross-

Can be accepted, even if document

maker is not available for crossexamination.

Evidence of accomplice Evidence of accomplice may be
needs corroboration.

accepted without corroboration.

evidences enough for
conviction- but must
complete the chain of

Can be accepted without completing

chain of events.


Conduct rules: Examples

Conduct rules differ from service to service. example
All India services have their own conduct rules, central
services have their own rules and state services have
their own rules.
Here goes the list of some conduct rules (notexhaustive), that should help you write the case
studies related answer in a right direction.
Ive classified them in four types: conduct rules affecting



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

1. office life
2. public life
3. financial life
4. personal life

#1: Conduct Rules4 Office Life

Respecting the hierarchy
1. Should apply his best judgment- except when acting
under the direction of his superior officer. He shall
obtain such direction in writing. If impracticable to get
written order on spot, then get the written order as
soon thereafter as possible.
2. Should not evade the responsibility by asking written
instruction of superior, where it is not necessary in the
scheme of work distribution. (see the first case study
at bottom)
3. Must not bring outside influence upon any superior
authority for transfer, posting, promotion etc.
4. Ensure his subordinates show integrity and devotion
to duty.
5. For office matters, he must not directly approach
court/tribunals for grievance redressal before
exhausting remedies in the departmental hierarchy.
(i.e. Complaining to his boss=>his boss=>his
boss..if none of them helps, then approach

Work related
1. Must not engage a private person to perform his
official duties. (see case study at bottom)
2. Unauthorized absence from duty=misconduct. (see
case study at bottom)



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

3. Cannot do social / charitable service during office

hours. (see case study at bottom)
4. Must finish his assignments within time and quality
5. Must not to adopt dilatory tactics or wilfully cause
delays in official work.
6. Needs to show respect, courtesy, cooperation to

Sexual harassment
Must not discriminate agains working woman. Must not
indulge in sexual harassment- including
1. physical contact and advances
2. a demand or request for sexual favours
3. sexually coloured remarks
4. showing pornography
5. any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal
conduct of sexual nature

1. Must not join any employee union/ labour union
without government permission.
2. Must not threaten to go on strike to meet his demand /
demand of any other Government servant
3. hunger strike, refusal to accept salary, noncooperation with superior officer and other
satyagraha type activities also forbidden.

1. maintain absolute integrity
2. maintain devotion to duty
3. Avoid conduct unbecoming of a Government servant.



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

It is not possible to have an exhaustive list of actions

which would be unbecoming of a Government
servant- but overall, any conduct that goes against the
general norms of morality, decency, decorum and
propriety = conduct unbecoming of a government

Misconduct in previous job

1. Action can be taken against a Government servant in
respect of misconduct committed by him in his
previous employment- IF it has rational connection
with his present job that renders him unfit and
2. e.g. Person working as accountant. but later court
declared him guilty of forgery in an old case related to
his previous job.=> present department can take
action. (And double jeopardy doesnt apply).

#2: Conduct Rules4 Public Life

Public honor
Without government permission, he must not accept
any honor, ceremony, meeting, rally held in his honor
(or in honor of another employee).
Farewell party during retirement/transfer=permitted.
Simple and inexpensive entertainments arranged by
public bodies or institutions=permitted.

Vindication of official acts

Suppose public/press has made some remarks against
him for his official conduct. He cannot file defamation suit
against them or make press statements, without
government permission.



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

Freedom of Speech
Shall not divulge information he got during his official
capacity-to a third party- except under good faith or
when required by the law / departmental rules.
shall guard the official secrets. (Except where RTI
Shall not make any public utterance that would
embarrass relations between
union vs state
state vs state
India vs foreign country
Criticizing any policy of union / state government.
Needs government permission before publishing book
/ writing in newspaper / appearing on TV radio
EXCEPT literary, artistic or scientific character.
He shall not do above things even anonymously or

must not take part in politics
must not give election fund/ assistance to any political
Can vote. But must not tell his preference to other
Must not display any election symbols on his person,
vehicle or home.
Must not participate in rally, dharna-pradarshan, and
demonstration without government permission.

#3: Conduct rules4 Financial Life




[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

1. Must show diligence and probity in spending public

2. Cannot demand funds from anyone without
government permission- even for good / charitable
cause. (see the case study at bottom)

1. Must not make speculative investment in share
market. Frequent purchase or sale of
bonds/equity=counts as speculation. Because
speculative=risky=can make him indebted. and
indebted employee= more likely to accept bribes.
2. Must not buy shares/bonds from people he has official
dealings with. because this opens pandoras box for
bribe transfer. e.g contractor sells his shares worth 1
lakh (at current market rate) to engineer at a
throwaway price of just Rs.10000.
3. An occasional investment in Mutual funds/ ULIP etc.
permitted. But has to notify government about such
movable assets.

Private trade
1. Must not take any Private trade or employment
without government permission.
2. Must not accept any fees from any public / private
authority without government permission. (e.g. can
write scientific article in magazine without government
permission but IF magazine editor gives him money for
the article=> must get governments permission before
taking that money).
3. Must not involve in management of any cooperative
society, bank, and company without government



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

4. If he is an officer bearer in any Co-operative Societies,
Institutions, clubs, gym etc. must maintain its
finances with full integrity.
5. Must not promote his family members
insurance/commission agency.

Loans related
1. Must not lend money to any person at interest rate.
2. Must not borrow/lend money to any person he has
official dealings with. (same for his family members)
3. Can borrow/lend money to a friend/relative but only
small amount, temporary period, interest free.
4. Must avoid Insolvency and habitual indebtedness.

Property related
Must furnish details about movable or immovable property
bought/sold by him or his family. (including purchase,
sale, renting, leasing, mortgage, gift.)
employee rank

furnish asset details to

class 3, class 4

head of the office

class 2, class 1

head of the department.

must not rent/lease his government quarter (house) to

a third party
must avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency
Must not make any investment/renting/leasing that is
likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of
his official duties. (same for his family member)

#4: Conduct Rules4 Personal life



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

family=any person bound to him by blood / marriage, and

wholly dependent on him.

1. Bigamy prohibited. Even if bigamy permitted under his
religions personal law- he needs to get government
2. Must not give dowry, take dowry or demand dowry.
3. Must not neglect his parents, wife and children.
4. Must not employ child labor
5. Observe age limit in marriage. Must not marry off his
underage children, must not attend such ceremonies
of other relatives.
6. Must not involve in adultery, moral turpitude etc. Moral
turpitude is not limited to sex and unnatural
relationship. It implies depravity and wickedness of
character anything that could shock the moral
conscience of society in general.
7. protect environment, wild life and cultural heritage and
other fundamental duties;

Public life of family members

1. Shall not use his position or influence to get job for his
family member in a public/private office.
2. needs government permission before his son /
daughter to gets job in any private undertaking that
has official dealings with government
3. make all attempts to deter his family member from
joining any organization that is involved in subversive/
criminal activities.
4. must inform his departmental authority, if he is working
with/under a government servant who happens to be



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

his relative.

1. Must not accept gifts, free transport, boarding,
lodging, lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality etc.
from anyone he has official dealings with.
2. Must not allow his family member/ middlemen to
accept ^such gifts/hospitality either.
3. A casual/occasional meal, lift or other social hospitality
= doesnt count as gift.
4. Can accept gifts during weddings, anniversaries or
religious functions. As long as theyre within
reasonable limits and social norms.
5. Must declare expensive gifts received by him / his
family member.

Arrest and detention

1. If arrested, he must inform the details to his superiors.
2. If spends more than 48 hours in police
custody=automatically deemded suspended.

and ofcourse Desi Liquor

1. Avoid consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugseven in areas where it is legally permitted.
2. Must not come to duty while under influence of
3. Must not appear drunk in public places even during
off-duty hours.
anyways, enough of conduct rules, lets check some case

Cases studies



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

Seeking written order where unnecessary

1. (Suppose) an SDM is allowed to clear NGO project
grants worth upto Rs.5 lakh on his own discretion.
SDM Prem Chopra cleared a file in good faith, but
NGO had played some mischief. Yet, Department held
Prem guilty and transferred him to a non-focal
punishment post. New SDM DevAnand gets the
charge. Another NGO comes up with new project file.
Cautious DevAnand forwards the application to DM
Pran and seeks his written instructions.
hint: Yes, Evading responsibility- seeking written
instructions of superior, where it is unnecessary in the
scheme of work distribution. Same thing is happening
post 2G, CWG and Coalgate. Officers dont take decision
on any project, keep forwardning files upward. Projects
are stalled, affects HDI, GDP, Foreign investment.

Disobeying written order

2. Honest employee GuruDutt is suspended by his
corrupt Head of Department Prem Chopra. Prem also
sends written instruction to Accounts officer
DevAnand to stop Gurus salary with immediate effect
and pay him subsistence allowance only. Guru is filing
writ petition and expects that court will give him
favorable verdict within a week. Dev decides to delay
on Prems instruction and sanctions full salary to
hint: Yes, Suspended employee is not entitled to full
salary- he gets subsistence allowance only. Therefore
Prems written order is valid, irrespective of how corrupt
Prem Chopra himself is. Dev must not apply his best



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

judgment in such situation. Devs decision of giving full

salary to suspended employee= insubordination and
causing loss to public exchequer.

Hiring private citizen for public duty

3. Collector DevAnand is overburdened with work
related to land records and RTIs. He has requested
the revenue department to give him an additional clerk
but department refused citing budgetary constraints.
Vivek Mushraan is a fresh graduate preparing for
UPSC exam from his home. He offers to help parttime, for just 1500 per month. Dev hires him and gives
salary from his own pocket.
hint: Dev must not engage a private citizen to perform
official duties. Because such private citizen is not bound
by the conduct rules, he can play mischief and bring
disrepute to DevAnands office.

Unauthorized absence #1
4. Dev recently cleared UPSC exam and got allotted to
Revenue service. In his first posting itself, He is
shocked by the level of corruption in the department.
His juniors and superiors are stonewalling all of his
attempt to provide honest administration. Dev is
frustrated, decides to re-appear in UPSC exam again
to become an IAS/IPS/IFS hoping hell have more
freedom there. He stops reporting on duty. Boss Prem
Chopra is happy that headache employee is gonecontinues sanctioning DevAnands full salary, takes
no action on Devs unauthorized absence from duty.
hint: Unauthorized absence from duty = misconduct. Both



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

are guilty of wasting public money.

Unauthorized absence #2
5. Young DCP DevAnand leads a team to another state,
to arrest a mafia don involved in ransom cases in his
city. But for the fear of information leakage, he doesnt
inform his superiors or the local police. During the raid
don escapes, there is gun-battle in a public place
causing lot of panic and fear among local public.
Commissioner Pran reprimands DevAnand in front of
his staff for this #epicfail, calling him idiot/incompetent
etc. Dev feels emotionally hurt and becomes Devdas,
stops reporting on duty and goes to USA to spend
time with his cousin. Pran does not take any action
thinking hotshots like DevAnand are not suitable for
police work but it is difficult to remove an All India
service officer because of the protections under
article 311. so its good he is gone by himself, Ill just
ignore him.
hint: Unauthorized absence from duty = misconduct. Both
are guilty of wasting public money.

6. Same case like earlier. DCP DevAnand failed to arrest
the Don despite all good faith. Commissioner Pran
reprimands DevAnand in front of his staff for this
#Epicfail. Dev feels emotionally hurt, goes on a
hunger strike demanding apology from the
hint: using hunger strike to compel superior officer to do
xyz thing=misconduct. It doesnt matter how noble



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

DevAnands act was. Because Taking cue from him, other

employees might also resort to similar hunger strike/
satyagraha in futre.= breaks the office discipline.

Social service during duty hours

7. Honest police officer DevAnand is given punishment
posting in a training academy. He has hardly any work
to do, except taking salute from cadets in morning
parade and occasional signature on files. So, every
day he leaves the office after lunch recess, to teach
poor kids in the local slum area. His juniors dont
complaint and superiors dont care, and so Dev
continues his social service.
hint: cannot do social work during office hours. It doesnt
matter how noble Devs act is. Because taking cue from
him, even other lazy employees may also run away after
lunch, in pretext of doing social service. Thus, in the long
run, this will break entire work discipline in the office.

Seeking charity for good cause

8. RTO officer DevAnand has to sign hundreds of
applications related to driving license and vehicle
registration everyday. Clerk Prem Chopra keeps a box
on his own table and tell every visitor: This box is for
Uttarakhand disaster victims. If you donate any
amount- Ill keep your file on top when I bring the
bunch to Dev-saab for signature, thus your file will be
cleared quickly. Dev knows about this but chooses
to ignore because Prem genuinely sends entire
donation to the disaster victims.
hint: cannot demand funds/charity like this- even for good



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

cause. Both guilty. It doesnt matter how noble and honest

Prem is. But taking cue from him, other employee might
also start doing same- for personal use (e.g. need money
for sons cancer operation) and DevAnand will have hard
time preventing them-will cause resentment among staff,
will break team spirit.

Just because computer is not working

9. Collector DevAnand has installed a new e-governance
project in his district. All complaints are registered
through computer, they can track progress through
SMS /email alerts etc. But recently, Computer has
stopped working in Tehsildar Prem Chopras office.
Department has not yet sanctioned funds to get it
repaired/replaced. A Poor villager comes with a
petition how local patwari is not giving him land record
copy. Prem refuses to accept complaint citing
dysfunctional computer and orders the villager to goto
district office where the computer must be working.
hint: Nothing prevents Prem Chopra from making a
manual receipt of complaint. This is dilatory tactic/work
evasion. Public offices have functioned even before the
invention of computers and internet. Conduct unbecoming
of a government servant.

Misc. cases
10. PWD engineer DevAnands wife wants to setup a
beauty parlor. Local Contractor Prem Chopra says
Ive an empty shop, and Ill rent it to you at market
rates. Dont worry, Im renting in good faith, wont
demand any favors from your husband later on.



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

hint: Dev should not allow her wife to make any

investment/renting/leasing that is likely to embarrass or
influence him in the discharge of his official duties.
Irrespective of what Prem Chopra promises.
11. Subinspector Prem Chopra keeps big posters of
Gods-Goddesses behind his desk. One day DCP
DevAnand notices this, callsup Prem in his office and
orders him to remove those posters. Within ten
minutes, local MLA calls up Dev saying you should
reconsider your order, because it might hurt feelings
of a particular community.
hint: Yes, Prem brought outside influence/pressure on
his superior officer = misconduct.
12. Young steno Helen comes to office wearing t-shirt and
jeans. Boss DevAnand orders her to go back home
and report in Saree/Salwar only. Helen directly goes
to high court and files writ petition.
hint: Directly going to court for grievance redressal
without exhausting remedies in departmental hierarchy=
misconduct. (i.e. Helen should first complaint to Devs
Boss about the office dress code.)
13. After death of Government employee Prem Chopra.
His wife Shashikala and mistress Bindu both have
applied for pension rights. Over a dinner-gossip,
Pension dept. officer DevAnand narrates this episode
to his college buddy Pran.
hint: Divulging information that he got in official capacity to
a third party-just for gossiping, in absence of Good faith/
court order=not right.



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

14. DevAnand is the warden of police academy near

Abad. Every Saturday he visit Abad to buy rations
from shopkeeper Prem Chopra for the hostel. Dev
also brings his kid for watching cinema/zoo etc. Every
time Prem Chopra gives some toy, comics, ice-cream,
cola to the kid.
hint: Dev should avoid this type of frequent hospitality
from a person he has official dealings with.
In the next article, well see various types of enquries and
case studies related to them.

Previous Posts
[Download] General Studies Paper4: Ethics, Integrity
& Aptitude, 20% repeat questions from UPSCs own
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[Ethics] Suspension: Meaning, Features, Reasons;
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Phenolphthalein Test & case studies
[Ethics] Enquries: Preliminary, Discreet, Regular;
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case studies
[Ethics] Complaints: sources, types, actions, case
[Ethics] Sample Questions, Case studies for UPSC
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[Ethics] Samples questions based on ethics courses
of San Diego and Texas University
[Ethics] UPSC uploads sample questions for General



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

Studies (GS)
Mains Paper 4
(Ethics, Integrity
AND Aptitude)
Making] Official
Answers for
CSAT 2012s
Decision Making
Making] What
answer did
UPSC like for
CSAT 2011?

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[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal


Thank you sir.

Thanx a lot.
Waiting for S&T compilation for Sep-Oct.

he it you?????

could u suggest some sources for Ethics paper.particularly for
these topics
1.ethics and human interface
2.dimensions of ethics,human values
3.moral & political attitudes,social influence and persuasion
4.Emotional intelligence,ethical guidance
5.contribution of moral thinkers& philosophers
since i have time,,, i m thinking of reading some standard
material rather than readymade stuff available in the market.
please guide. thanks in advance. :)

wrt first case, based on immediate case precedent,new sdm is
taking a cautious approach because earlier sdm was removed
despite his good sending proposal and asking wriiten
confirmation seems a cautious approach because if anything
goes wrong there will be a proof that a discussion indeed had
happened and was based on reasoning and not malafide
intention.why is it then evading responsibility. pls elaborate



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

same doubt

Da Vinci
Because the principle of subsidiarity, which is followed
in govt. service, states that a job should be done at the
lowest authorized level, and so, buck should not be
unnecessarily passed up the ladder just out of fear of
wrongful persecution. Every govt. servant, according to
his level in the hierarchy and the corresponding
authority, has to proportionately bear the risks
associated with the governmental decision making. In
the said case, it is the SDMs responsibility to scrutinize
and clear/not clear the project file, according to his best
judgement in good faith, without any fear or favour.
Similarly, for projects greater than 5 lakhs, say upto 25
lakhs, maybe it is the responsibility of DM, and from 25lakhs to 1 crore, of DMs boss, and so on. Now imagine
the situation when at each level, everyone sends the
files lying within their jurisdiction to their seniors.
Eventually, all files (lakhs and crores of them) will reach
Prime Minister level. How can we expect the govt. to
function smoothly in such a case? In response to the
case of SDM being persecuted for the wrongs
committed by the NGO, I would say the lesson to be
learned here by other SDMs like me is to be extra
vigilant and try to scrutinize the project files of NGOs
more comprehensively. Evading responsibility is not a
solution. It shows lack of commitment, dedication,
integrity, honor, and presents you as a person of weak
character. Imagine an Army jawaan on the border, or
CRPF jawaan in Naxal-affected areas, or a police man
patrolling the streets at night, or even a security guard
sitting in an ATM vestibule. They all face unwanted
risks and dangers to life, far greater than the SDM, but
we dont expect them to say anything about it. Similarly,
the case study given above is the kind of risk faced by
civilian officers like SDM, etc. So we have to take them
in our stride as we go, so as not to create the



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

conditions of policy paralysis. For us, policy paralysis is

an academic term, and while discussing it, we dont give
much thought to what actually happens if we dont make
timely decisions. Imagine the NGO which brought you
the project file is going to do the project of saving
young girls caught in the web of flesh-trade. Dont you
think the time taken by you to clear the file is directly
affecting innocent lives, which you could save by timely
action, just like the soldier is doing on the front.
Anyways, that is what I think. Please feel free to add or
subtract from this as you deem appropriate.

@ da vinci, thanks for clarification ,actually i
was more concerned with honest sdm getting
transferred thats why i raised the issue but i
realised now that being transferred is part and
parcel of the job till honesty is not properly
accepted in practice in all walks of life..
one more query is extramarital affair
violation of code of conduct . if yes ,how . will it
constitute a part of moral turpitude ,bcoz
according to moral turpitude definition an act
should shock the conscience of society in
general.pls elaborate bcoz shock is harsh

Durga Shakti Nagpal

@Da vinci ur explanation is good according to
the case given above where the decision was
under complete jurisdiction of SDM. But with a
similar case with implementation orders from
superior we will have to consider recent SC
judgement (based on a PIL filed by mr
Subramanyam swami and other retired
officers).judgement says not to act on any
verbal instruction from superiors.
@charlie you can go through the details of the



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

All india service conduct rules 1968 and

central civil service rules 1964 .

Ravi Jain
Respected All,
Given the scenario, I am of the view
that the case present only the
following scenario:SDM should take the decision as
per his/her job requirement and
passing the buck would be of no
good to the state. Not doing the
same for the fear of persecution
would lead policy paralysis and the
whole government machinery would
stop. However before taking the
decision to allot discretionary grant
to a particular NGO he/she should
have a meeting (where minutes of
the meeting are recorded) with his
seniors and discuss the criteria
which should be formulated for
sanctioning the grants (keeping in
mind the suspension of last SDM).
This would help him/her in taking an
informed decision without the fear of

@ DaVinci
Yes but I dont think getting shot at by your
own government is in job description of any
soldier out there.
many government officials not just IAS chose
to evade their duty because they might get
their butt kicked even for doing right thing. UP
is flooded with these cases. In MP one IPS
and one other public servent died in accident



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

both investigating same person, &

government is not doing anything other than
choosing scapegoats, that is why even our
own officers loosing faith in the system and
trying to work around it.

vishal kumar
thank you sir.

Mrunal bhai The Hindu ka science summary kar do publish
please, bahut kam din bache hain

Mohd Ashraf
Thanks mrunal sir for this valuable information..sir i am goin to
appear in kashmir adminstrative services mains in feb march
plz provide a detailed analysis n expected questions of kas..

acchi acchi books ka naam b bta do.ethics and integrity vale
paper k liye

thanksmrunalblessing for non delhites.its really tough to
extract material on ethics from netpls continuefewww hrs left
for exam

@ da vinci, thanks for clarification ,actually i was more
concerned with honest sdm getting transferred thats why i raised
the issue but i realised now that being transferred is part and
parcel of the job till honesty is not properly accepted in practice
in all walks of life..
one more query is extramarital affair violation of code of



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

conduct . if yes ,how . will it constitute a part of moral turpitude

,bcoz according to moral turpitude definition an act should shock
the conscience of society in general.pls elaborate bcoz shock is
harsh word

much awaited topic. thanx sir.

Thanks a lot bhaiji

JPSC is round the corner. Please give some advise.

Please sir post article on JPSC, examination is getting closer and
closer. In am waiting for your responce

dr d prajapati
@durga shakti nagpal
are u the real durga nagpal?
no offence
jus curious

Da Vinci

Durga Shakti Nagpal

Whats in a name? That which we call a rose by any
other name would smell as sweet.
William Shakespeare



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal


bahut sahi madam, aapki baaten aur kaam
dono ka hi jawaab nahin hai

dr d prajapati
ya well said durga shakti nagpal.
how come u here ;) if i may ask and assuming
u real d.s.n

Ravi Jain
Whats in a name clarifies succinctly that you
are not the Durga Shakti Nagpal. :)

Nikhil kumar
but even below this sentence , shakespear
wrote his name . :D

dr d prajapati
;D hm

dr d prajapati
@d.s.n/da vinci/dan brown
no offence pals

what is evidence of accomplice??



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal


In conduct rules # 2 public life. You mentioned giving election
funds to political parties not allowed. I have donated money to
AAP after their website answered that govt employees cannot
join a political party but can donate to election funds..

plz post an article about OPSC

patelchirag dasharath bhai

i want to start preparation for civil services but i am confused
that which language i select for giving exam either english or
plz guide me proper
i am waiting for ur positive reply sir!!!!!!!!!


really this is very useful site , im the looser come here now, just
few days before the examination!!
thnx mrunal u help me lot

Very, Very Brief summary of this article:
Conduct rules are set of rules, norms, practices, expectation
from the employees and organization in discharging their duties
and responsibilities. A public servant needs to follow these in
personal, public, financial and official domains.
Avoiding conflict of interest, enabling good working environment
and relations are the objectives. Article 311 provides security
and opportunity for officer to defend his stand in front of Inquiry
Committee. All India service Rules 1976 guides the civil servants
in their professional life.



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

Neha Gupta
All those Conduct rules are demotivating, so many reasons *not*
to take up a govt job. -_Reply

Naveen Shekhar
great,just awesome

In case study no. 10, what should the wife of the engineer do?
Should she drop the idea of setting up a beauty parlor? If she
goes on to find a shop for rent, there is very high probability of
finding a shop at the best price through property
dealers/contractors who are somewhere involved with PWD.
What should she do then?

Hi mrunal,
I have a question,
Can any tribunal or administration take action against an IAS if
there are evidence of misconduct before his deputation in
services, e.g. Mr X is working in IFS, before being an IFS he was
working in a bank ( private or public) he leaves bank to join IFS,
but in later years it is discovered that he was directly/indirectly
involved in misconduct, which is not grave enough to launch an
FIR but if he were still an employee he would have got at least
1. Are such reasons enough to launch an inquiry against officer,
since he was involved in a scam, it was not persecuted but still
doesnt it questions his character.
2. Let just say his actions are beyond banks jurisdiction and
now it depends if bank wants to go to court or not, will he get
suspended by relevant authorities.
Thank you and Regards
Guru Boy.
PS : I think Firefox hates you, my browsers dictionary thinks
mrunal should be converted into communal :) no matter how



[Ethics] Conduct rules: Meaning, implication, examples, misconduct vs.crime and case studies - Mrunal

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