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Enrollment for Summer Term starts on 15 April 2015, 8:00 am. You may consult your respective
Institutes regarding specific enrollment schedule.
You can now enroll anytime and anywhere using a PC, tablet or a smart phone. All you need to have
is an internet browser and internet connection.
You can also enroll on-campus at the E-Library.
You can select courses (subjects) before paying the required down payment. You will be given three
(3) days to pay, otherwise the selected courses will be deleted.
We are moving to a new enrollment system. Please bear with us for any inconvenience it might

General Enrollment Guide

1. Log-in to Student Portal at the FEU Website using your student number and password created
2. Click edERP button. You will be redirected to the edERP page.
3. At the edERP page, log-in using you student number followed by
(example: and the password used to log-in to the Student Portal.
If password is incorrect, try using the last four digits of the student number and the four letters of your
last name (example: 2014030030 Eisen Kishimoto password will be: 0030MOTO). Then change
the password after logging-in. Please note that this will not change the password in your FEU
Student Portal.
After trying the combination above and you still receive a password error, please call (02) 735 5621
local 381.

To Enroll for a Free Course


On the left side of the screen, click Manage Enrollment.

Click Enroll.
Click Free-Course Selection.
Choose courses from the right side of the screen.
After completing course selection, click Validate at the bottom of the web page.
You can proceed to the next step if all have green check marks after clicking Validate.
Otherwise, you have to clear the cause(s) of error(s), which could be violation of prerequisites,
number of units chosen against number of units allowed to enroll, or impediments, then repeat
Step 1.
g. If all have green marks, click Proceed with Enrollment.
h. You will be prompted with a message Enrollment successfully submitted
i. You will be given three (3) days to pay for at least the down payment to confirm enrollment.
Otherwise, enrollment will be deleted after three (3) days, and must repeat Step 1.

To Enroll for a Block or Batch Enrollment


On the left side of the screen, click Manage Enrollment.

Click Enroll.
Click Batch Enrollment.
Choose block sections from the right side of the screen.
After completing course selection, click Validate at the bottom of the web page.
You can proceed to the next step if all have green check marks after clicking Validate.
Otherwise, you have to clear the cause(s) of error(s), which could be violation of prerequisites,
number of units chosen against number of units allowed to enroll, or impediments, then repeat
Step 1.
g. If all have green marks, click Proceed with Enrollment.
h. You will be prompted with a message Enrollment successfully submitted
i. You will be given three (3) days to pay for at least the down payment to confirm enrollment.
Otherwise, enrollment will be deleted after three (3) days, and must repeat Step 1.

To Enroll for a Fixed Block or Fixed Batch Enrollment

This is designed for students, whose section has been predefined by their respective Department.

On the left side of the screen, click Manage Enrollment.

Click Enroll.
Click Fixed Batch Enrollment.
Choose your assigned block from the right side of the screen.
After completing course selection, click Validate at the bottom of the web page.
You can proceed to the next step if all have green check marks after clicking Validate.
Otherwise, you have to clear the cause(s) of error(s), which could be violation of prerequisites,
number of units chosen against number of units allowed to enroll, or impediments, then repeat
Step 1.
g. If all have green marks, click Proceed with Enrollment.
h. You will be prompted with a message Enrollment successfully submitted
i. You will be given three (3) days to pay for at least the down payment to confirm enrollment.
Otherwise, enrollment will be deleted after three (3) days, and must repeat Step 1.

To Add a Course

On the left side of the screen, click Manage Enrollment.

Click Adjust Enrollment.
Click Add.
Choose courses from the right side of the screen.
After completing course selection, click Validate at the bottom of the web page.
You can proceed to the next step if all have green check marks after clicking Validate.
Otherwise, you have to clear the cause(s) of error(s), which could be violation of prerequisites,
number of units chosen against number of units allowed to enroll, or impediments, then repeat
Step 1.
g. If all have green marks, click Save.
h. You will be prompted with a message.

To Swap a Section or Change the Section of Enrolled Course


On the left side of the screen, click Manage Enrollment.

Click Adjust Enrollment.
Click Swap.
Choose the course you want to change the section.
Choose the original section of the course.
Choose the new section of the course.
After changing the section of the course, click Save at the bottom of the web page.
You will be prompted with a message.

To Swap a Course or Change the an Enrolled Course with a New Course


On the left side of the screen, click Manage Enrollment.

Click Adjust Enrollment.
Click Swap.
Choose the course you want to change.
Choose the new course.
After changing the course, click Validate at the bottom of the web page.
You can proceed to the next step if all have green check marks after clicking Validate.
Otherwise, you have to clear the cause(s) of error(s), which could be violation of prerequisites,
number of units chosen against number of units allowed to enroll, or impediments, then repeat
Step 1.
h. If all have green marks, click Submit.
i. You will be prompted with a message.

For other requests such as simultaneous enrollment, advance course enrollment, cross-enrollment to
another school, and others, please see your respective Program Head.
If there are any concerns, please send an email to any of the following:
Michael Q. Liggayu
Ronald G. Manzano
Alma C. Manigan
Jeanie B. Margallo

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