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Sri Govinda Damodara Stotra

By Bilvamangala Thakur

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All glories to r r Guru and Gaurga
agre kurm atha pavn
k tadkroad ananya-nth
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Before the assembled Kurus and pandavas, when Dusana caught her
hair and clothing, K (Draupad), having no other Lord, cried out, " Govinda,
Dmodara, Mdhava!"
r ka vio madhu-kaiabhre
bhaktnukampin bhagavan murre
tryasva m keava lokantha
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
O Lord Ka, Viu, enemy of the Madhu and Kaiabha demons; O
Supreme Personality of Godhead, enemy of Mura, merciful upon the devotees; O
Keava, Lord of the worlds, Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava, please deliver me.
vikretukm kila gopa-kany
dadhydika mohavad avocad
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Though desiring to sell milk, dah, butter, etc., the mind of a young gop
was so absorbed in the lotus feet of Ka that instead of calling out "Milk for
sale," she bewilderedly said, "Govinda!", Dmodara!", and "Mdhava!"
ulkhale sambhta-tanul ca
saghaayantyo musalai pramugdh
gyanti gopyo janitnurg
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Their grinding-mortars full of grains, the gops minds are overcome as they
thresh with their pestles, singing "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"

kcit karmbhoj a-pue niaa
kr-uka kiuka-rakta-tuam
adhypaym sa saroruhk
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
A lotus-eyed girl instructed the red-beaked pet parrot that was seated in
the cup of her lotus hand; she said, "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava . . ."
ghe ghe gopa-vadh-samha
prati-kaa pijara-sriknm
skhalad-gira vcayitu pravtto
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
In each and every house, a bevy of gopa-women is engaged in making the
caged parrots constantly utter with broken words, "Govinda," "Dmodara," and
paryyakikbhjam alam kumra
prasvpayantyo 'khila-gopa-kany
jagu prabandha svara-tla-bandha
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
With the little boy lying in the swing, all of the gops used to expertly sing
compositions set to musical notes and rhythm; they went, "Govinda, Dmodara,
Mdhava," while putting Him to rest.
rmnuja vkaa-keli-lola
gopi ghtv nava-nta-golam
blaka blakam juhva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
The younger brother of Balarma, playing mischieviously, was dodging
about her with restless eyes. Taking a ball of fresh butter to lure Him over, a
gop called Him: "O Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava . . ."
vicitra-varbharabhirme-bhidhehi vaktrmbuja-rjaase
sad madye rasane 'gra-rage
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
O my tongue, since my mouth has become like a lotus by dint of the
presence there of these eloquent, ornamental, delightful syllables, you are like

the swan that plays there. As your foremost pleasure, always articulate the
names, "Govinda," "Dmodara," and "Mdhava."
akdhirha iu-gopa-gha
stana dhayanta kamalaika-kntam
sambodhaym sa mud yaod
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
The one and only Lord of Lakmdev, as an inconspicuous little cowherd
baby, was seated in the lap of mother Yaod, drinking her breast-milk. Merged in
bliss, she addressed Him as "Govinda," "Dmodara," and "Mdhava."
krantam antar-vrajam tmana sva
sama vayasyai pau-pla-blai
prem yaod prajuhva ka
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
In Vraja-dhma, Ka was playing with His playmates, the boys of His age
who protected the animals. With great love, mother Yaod called out to her own
son, "O Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
yaoday gham ulkhalena
go-kaha-pena nibadhyamanam
ruroda manda navanta-bhoj
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Being firmly tied up to the grinding mortar with a cow's rope by mother
Yaod, the plunderer of butter softly whimpered. "Govinda, Dmodara,
nijgae kakaa-keli-lola
gop ghtv navanta-golam
mardayat pi-talena netre
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
In His own courtyard, Ksa was carelessly playing with a bracelet. So the
gop took a ball of butter to Him, and shutting His eyes with her palm, she
distracted Him, "O Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava . . .(Guess what I have for
ghe ghe gopa-vadh-kadamb

sarve militv samavya-yoge

puyni nmni pahanti nitya
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
In house after house, groups of cowherd ladies gather on various occasions,
and together they always chant the transcendental names of Ka--"Govinda,
Dmodara, and Mdhava."
mandra-mle vadanbhirma
bimbdhare prita-veu-ndam
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
His face is pleasing, and the flute at His lips is filled with Divine sound.
Amidst the cows, gopas, and gops, He stands at the base of a coral tree.
Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!
utthya gopyo 'para-rtra-bhoge
smtv yaod-suta-bla-kelim
gyanti proccair dadhi-manthayantyo
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Having risen early in the Brahma-muhrta, and remembering the childish
activities of the Son of mother Yaod, the gops loudly sing while churning
butter--"Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
jagdho 'tha datto navanta-pio
ghe yaod vicikitsayant
uvca satya vada he murre
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Having churned and then set aside a fresh lump of butter in the house,
mother Yaod was now suspicious--it had been eaten. She said, "Hey--Murri!
Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava, now tell me the truth . . ."
abhyarcya geha yuvati pravddha-prema-pravh dadhi nirmamantha
gyanti gopyo 'tha sakh-samet
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Having finished worship at home, a young gop, (like) a strong current of
love for Ka, churned the butter, and then joins together with all the gops
and their friends and they sing, "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"

kvacit prabhte dadhi-pra-ptre
nikipya mantha yuvat mukundam
lokya gna vividha karoti
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
One time, early in the morning, just as a girl had put aside her churn in a
pot full of butter--she saw Mukunda. She then began to sing songs in various
ways, about Govinda, Dmodara, and Mdhava.
krpara bhojana-majjanrtha
hitaii str tanuja yaod
jhavat prema-pari-plutk
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
(Without having even bathed or eaten,) Ka was absorbed in play.
Overwhelmed with affection, mother Yaod, who thought only of her son's
welfare, called out, "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava! (Come, take your bath and
eat something.)"
sukha ayna nilaye ca viu
devari-mukhy munaya prapann
tencyute tanmayat vrajanti
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Devai Nrada and other Munis are always surrendered to Lord Viu, who
rests upon His couch. They always chant the names of "Govinda," "Dmodara,"
and "Mdhava," and thus they attain spiritual forms similar to His.
vihya nidrm aruodaye ca
vidhya ktyni ca vipramukhy
vedvasne prapahanti nitya
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
After giving up sleep at dawn, having completed their ritualistic duties, and
at the end of their Vedic chanting, the best of the learned brhmaas always
loudly chant, "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"

vndvane gopa-ga ca gopyo

vilokya govinda-viyoga-khinnam
rdh jagu sru-vilocanbhy
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
In Vndvana, seeing rmat Rdhr overwhelmed with separation
from Govinda, groups of gopas and gops sang, with tears in their lotus eyes,
"Govinda! Dmodara! O Mdhava!"
prabhta-sacra-gat nu gvas
tad-rakartha tanaya yaod
prbodhayat pi-talena manda
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
The cows having already gone out to graze early in the morning, mother
Yaod gently roused her sleeping son with the palm of her hand, softly saying,
"Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava."
pravla-obh iva drgha-ke
mle tar munaya pahanti
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
With long, matted hair the color of coral, and bodies purified by eating only
leaves, water, and air, the sages sit beneath the trees and chant, "Govinda,"
"Dmodara," and "Mdhava."
eva bruv virahtur bh
vraja-striya ka-viikta-mnas
visjya lajj rurudu sma su-svara
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"After speaking these words, the ladies of Vraja, who were so attached to
Ka, felt extremely agitated by their imminent separation from Him. They
forgot all worldly shame and loudly cried out,'O Govinda! O Dmodara! O
n.b.--(This verse is identical with rmad Bhgavatam, 10. 39.31; it
describes the gops' reaction to Akrra's taking Ka and Balarma away from
Vndvana. The above translation is that of H.H. Hdaynanda Gosvm.)
gop kadcin mai-pijara-stha
uka vaco vcayitu pravtt
nanda-kanda vraja-candra ka

govinda dmodara mdhaveti

Sometimes a gop is engaged in teaching a parrot within a jewelled cage to
recite names like: "nanda-kanda" (source of bliss), "Vraja-candra" (moon of
Vraja), "Ka," "Govinda," "Dmodara," and "Mdhava."
go-vatsa-blai iu-kka-paka
badhnantam ambhoja-dalyatkam
uvca mt cibuka ghtv
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
The lotus-eyed Lord was tying the ikh of a cowherd boy to the tail of a
calf when His mother caught Him, lifted up His chin, and said, "Govinda!
Dmodara! Mdhava!"
prabhta-kle vara-vallavaugh
go-rakartha dhta-vetra-da
kraym sur anantam dyam
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
In the early morning a group of His favorite cowherd boys arrived, stickcanes in hand, to take care of the cows. They addressed the unlimited, primeval
Personality of Godhead, "Hey, Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
jalaye kliya-mardanya
yad kadambd apatan murre
gopgan cakruur etya gop
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
When Lord Murri jumped from the Kadamba branch into the water to
chastise the Kliya serpent, all the gops and cowherd boys went there and cried
out, "Oh! Govinda! Dmodara! Mdhava!"
akrram sdya yad mukunda
cpotsavrtha mathur pravia
tad sa paurair jayatty abhi
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
After Lord Mukunda had met with Akrra and entered Mathur to attend the
ceremony of breaking the bow of Kasa, all the citizens then shouted, "Jaya
Govinda! Jaya Dmodara! Jaya Mdhava!"

kasasya dtena yadaiva ntau
vndvanntd vasudeva-snau
ruroda gop bhavanasya madhye
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
When both sons of Vasudeva had actually been taken out of Vndvana by
the messenger of Kasa, Yaod sobbed within the house, wailing, "Govinda,
Dmodara, Mdhava!"
sarovare kliya-nga-baddha
iu yaod-tanaya niamya
cakrur luantya pathi gopa-bl
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Hearing how the son of Yaod, who was but a child, was wrapped within
the coils of the Kliya serpent at the pond, the cowherd boys cried "Govinda!
Dmodara! Mdhava!" and scurried down the path.
akrra-yne yadu-vaa-ntha
sagacchamna mathur nirkya
cur viyogt kila gopa-bl
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Seeing the Lord of the Yadus proceeding towards Mathur upon Akrra's
chariot, the cowherd boys, upon realization of their impending separation, said,
"O Govinda! Dmodara, Mdhava! (Where are you going? Are You actually leaving
us now?)
cakranda gop nalin-vannte
kena hn kusume ayn
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
At the edge of a lotus forest, a gop lay down upon the bed of flowers,
bereft of Ka. Tears flowed from her lotus eyes (as she wept,) "Govinda,
Dmodara, Mdhava."
mt-pitbhy parivryam
geha pravi vilalpa gop
gatya m playa vivantha

govinda dmodara mdhaveti

Being very restricted by her mother and father, the lamenting gop
entered the house, thinking, "(Now that) I have arrived home, save me, O Lord of
the universe! O Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"

vndvana-stha harim u buddhv
gop gat kpi vana niym
tatrpy advti-bhayd avocad
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Thinking that Ka was in the forest, a gop fled into the forest in the
middle of night. But seeing that Ka wasn't actually there, she became very
fearful, and cried, "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
sukha ayn nilaye nije 'pi
nmni vio pravadanti marty
te nicita tanmayat vrajanti
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Even the ordinary mortals comfortably seated at home who chant the
names of Viu, "Govinda, Dmodara," and "Mdhava," certainly attain (at least)
the liberation of having a form similar to that of the Lord.
s nrajkm avalokya rdh
ruroda govinda-viyoga-khinnm
sakh praphullotpala-locanbhy
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Seeing rmat Rdhri crying from the pangs of separation from
Govinda, the blooming lotus eyes of Rdh's girlfriend also filled with tears, and
she too cried, "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava."
jihve rasaje madhura-priy tva
satya hita tv parama vadmi
varayeth madhurkari
govinda dmodara mdhaveti

O my tongue, you are fond of sweet things and are of discriminating taste; I
tell you the highest truth, which is also the most beneficial. Please just recite
these sweet syllables: "Govinda," "Dmodara," and "Mdhava."
tyantika-vydhihara jann
cikitsaka veda-vido vadanti
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
The knowers of the Vedas say that this is the cure-all of the worst diseases
of mankind, and that this is the seed of the destruction of the threefold miseries
of material existence--"Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
ttjay gacchati rmcandre
salakmae 'rayacaye saste
cakranda rmasya nij janitr
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Upon Rmacandra's going into the forest due to his father's order, along
with Lakmaa and St, (and thus becoming) a forest-rover, His mother cried,
"O Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
ekkin daaka-knanntt
s nyamn daakandharea
st tadkroad ananya-nth
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Left there alone, St was carried out of the forest by the ten-headed
Rvaa. At that time, accepting no other Lord, St cried, "O Govinda!
Dmodara! Mdhava!"
rmdviyukt janaktmaj s
vicintayant hrdi rma-rpam
ruroda st raghunatha phi
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Separated from Rma, the daughter of King Janaka was completely
anxious, and with the form of Rma within her heart, she cried, "O Raghuntha!
Protect me! O Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
prasda vio raghu-vaa-ntha
sursur sukha-dukha-heto
ruroda st tu samudra-madhye
govinda dmodara mdhaveti

"O Lord Viu, be gracious! Lord of the Raghu clan, cause of the happiness
and distress of gods and demons alike, O Govinda, Dmoadara, Mdhava!" Thus
St cried, (by the time she had been carried) over the middle of the ocean.
antar-jale grha-ghta-pdo
tad gajendro nitar jagda
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Caught by his foot and pulled into the water, Gajendra, his friends all
harassed and frightened away, then called out incessantly, "Govinda, Dmodara,
hasadhvaja akhayuto dadara
putra kahe prapatantam enam
puyni nmni harer japanta
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Along with his priest akhayuta, King Hasadhvaja saw his son Sudhanv
falling into a vat, but the boy was chanting the transcendental names of Hari,
Govinda, Dmodara, and Mdhava.
durvsaso vkyam upetya k
s cbravt knana-vsinam
antapravia manasjuhva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Accepting Durvsa Muni's request (that she feed his thousands of disciples,
even though she hadn't the means to do this) Draupad mentally called out to
the Lord within, the Lord of a forest dweller (like her), and she said, "Govinda,
Dmodara, Mdhava!"
dhyeya sad yogibhir aprameya
cint-hara cintita-prijta
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
He is always meditated upon by the yogs as being inscrutable. He is the
remover of all anxieties, and is the desire-tree of all that is desireable. His bluish
complexion is as attractive as Kastrik. Govinda! Dmodara! Mdhava!

sasre-kpe patito 'tyagdhe

mohndha-pre viaybhitapte
karvalamba mama dehi vio
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
I am fallen into the deep, dark well of material life, which is full of illusion
and blind ignorance, and I am tormented by sensual existence. O my Lord, Viu,
Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava, please grant me Your supporting hand to uplift

tvm eva yce mama dehi jihve
samgate daadhare ktnte
vaktavyam eva madhura su-bhakty
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
O my tongue, I ask only this of you, that at my meeting the bearer of the
sceptre of chastisement (Yamarja), you will utter this sweet phrase with great
devotion: "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
bhajasva mantra bhava-bandha-muktyai
jihve rasaje su-labha manojam
dvaipyandyair munibhi prajaptam
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
O my tongue, O knower of rasa, for release from the hellish bondage of
material existence, just worship the charming, easily obtainable mantra that is
chanted by Vedavysa and other sages: "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
gopla vadhara rpa-sindho
lokea nryaa dna-bandho
ucca-svarais tva vada sarvadaiva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
You should always and everywhere just loudly chant, "Gopla, Vadhara,
O ocean of beauty, Lord of the worlds, Nrya, O friend of the poor, Govinda,
Dmodara," and "Mdhava."
jihve sadaiva bhaja sundari
nmni kasya manohari

govinda dmodara mdhaveti
O my tongue, just always worship these beautiful, enchanting names of
"Govinda, Dmodara," and "Mdhava," which destroy all the obstacles of the
govinda govinda hare murare
govinda govinda mukunda ka
govinda govinda rathga-pe
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O Govinda, Govinda, Hari, Murri! O Govinda, Govinda, Mukunda, Ka!
O Govinda, Govinda! O holder of the chariot wheel! O Govinda! O Dmodara! O
sukhvasne tv idam eva sra
dukhvasne tv idam eva geyam
dehvasne tv idam eva jpya
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
This indeed is the essence (found) upon ceasing the affairs of mundane
happiness. And this too is to be sung after the cessation of all sufferings. This
alone is to be chanted at the time of death of one's material body--"Govinda,
Dmodara, Mdhava!"
durvra-vkya parighya k
mgva bht tu katha kathacit
sabh pravi manasjuhva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Somehow or other accepting the unavoidable command of Dusana,
Draupad, like a frightened doe, entered the assembly of princes and within her
mind cried out to the Lord, "Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
r ka rdhvara gokulea
gopla govardhana-ntha vio
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti

O tongue, drink only this nectar (of the names), "r Ka, dearmost of
rmat Rdhr, Lord of Gokula, Gopla, Lord of Govardhana, Viu, Govinda,
Dmodara," and "Mdhava."
rntha vivevara viva-mrte
r devak-nandana daitya-atro
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"rntha, Lord of the universe, form of the universe, beautiful son of
Devak, O enemy of the demons, Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!" O my tongue,
just drink this nectar.
goppate kasa-ripo mukunda
lakmpate keava vsudeva
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"Lord of the gops, enemy of Kasa, Mukunda, husband of Lakmdev,
Keava, son of Vasudeva, Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!" O my tongue, just
drink this nectar.
gop-janhlda-kara vrajea
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O You who give bliss to the gops! Lord of Vraja, You who have entered the
forest for herding the cows, O Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!" O my tongue, just
drink this nectar.
prea vivambhara kaiabhre
vaikuha nryaa cakra-pe
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O Lord of my life! Upholder of the universe, foe of Kaiabha, Vaikuha,
Nryaa, holder of the Sudarana-cakra! Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!" O my
tongue, just drink this nectar.
hare murre madhusdandya
r rma stvara rvare

jihve pibasvmtam etad eva

govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O Lord Hari, enemy of Mura, Madhusdana, r Rma, dearmost of St,
enemy of Rvaa, Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!" O tongue, now just drink this
r ydavendrdri-dharmbujka
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O best of the Yadus, O bearer of Govardhana hill, O lotus-eyed expert in
giving happiness to the cows, the gopas, and the gops, Govinda, Dmodara,
Mdhava!" O tongue, please just drink this nectar.
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O uplifter of the earth's burdens in the guis of a cowherd boy, Lord of
sportive pastimes in which Ananta-ea has become Your brother! O Govinda,
Dmodara, Mdhava!" O my tongue, just drink this nectar.
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O enemy of Bak (Ptan), Baksura, Aghsura, and Dhenuka, O Lord who
expertly smashed Ke and Tvarta!" O tongue, just drink this
nectar--"Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
r jnak-jvana rmacandra
nicarre bharatgrajea
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O Rmacandra, O life and soul of the beautiful daughter of Janaka
Mahrja, enemy of the night-roving demons, O elder brother of Bhrata!" O my
tongue, just drink this nectar--"Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"

nryananta hare nsiha

prahlda-bdhhara he kplo
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"O Lord Nryaa, Ananta, Hari, Nsihadeva, remover of the afflictions of
Prahlda, O merciful Lord! Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!" O my tongue, simply
drink this nectar.
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
O Lord who assumed the man-like form of Rma, who by dint of Your
prowess, turned all other kings into Your servants! "O Govinda, Dmodara,
Mdhava!" O tongue, just drink this nectar.
r ka govinda hare murre
he ntha nryaa vsudeva
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
"r Ka! Govinda! Hari! Murri! O Lord, Nryaa, Vsudeva!" O tongue,
please drink only this nectar--"Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
vaktu samartho 'pi na vakti kacid
aho jann vyasanbhimukhyam
jihve pibasvmtam etad eva
govinda dmodara mdhaveti
Even though anyone is able to chant, still no one does. Alas! How
determined people are for their own undoing! O tongue, just drink the nectar of
these names--"Govinda, Dmodara, Mdhava!"
iti r bilvamagalcrya-viracita
r govinda-dmodara-stotra sapram
Thus the r Govinda Dmodara Stotram composed by r
Bilvamagalcrya is completed.
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